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Name: Sadin Maskewale
Reg: 389CS23044
Define Projects & mention any four project
Project is a unique process, consist of a set of coordinated and controlled activities
with start and finish dates, undertaken to achieve an objective confirming to specific
requirements, including the constraints of time cost and resource.
Examples for projects:
High way road construction projects
Metro rail project
Oil refinery projects
Power projects
Health projects
Automotive/Manufacturing projects
Information technology projects
Educational projects
Construction of apartments
Conducting national elections
War execution
Launching new weapon defense
Unique in nature. No two projects are exactly similar.
Have definite objectives (goals) to achieve.
Require set of resources.
Have a specific time frame for completion with a definite start and finish.
Project has a life cycle reflected by growth, maturity and decline.
Involves risk and uncertainty.
Require cross-functional teams and interdisciplinary approach.
Change is an inherent feature in any project throughout its life
Different types of projects
The different types of project are
Normal Projects: Adequate time is allowed for implementation. All the
phases in a project are allowed to take their normal time, as measured
previously Minimum requirement of capital. No sacrifice in terms of quality.

Crash Projects: Requires additional costs to gain time. Maximum

overlapping of phases is encouraged. Simultaneous work, by
subcontracting is the way out

Disaster Projects: These are projects, undertaken, due to unexpected

nature’s calamities or fury like floods results in rehabilitation of dwelling
houses for affected people. Anything needed to gain time is allowed in
these projects. Round the clock work is done at the construction site.
Capital cost will go up very high. Project time will get drastically reduced.
Role of project manager.
The role of project manager is as follows:
Project manager plays a vital role in the entire project team and
accelerates its activities.
He holds the overall control of the project and is responsible for its
execution and performance.
He is involved in planning of the work, monitoring, directing and leading
the team members and seeks to reach the project goal in time-cost-
quality challenge.
He should maintain a project diary to record the activities and progress of
the project.
He should ensure timely availability of the resources and take necessary
action to reduce the wastage of the resources
Difference between project and operation

Sl no Project Operation
1 Temporary Repetitive
2 Unique Continuous cycle
Create new product, service or Product serviced or process already
Performance cost and time are created and is in use
4 Performance cost and time are known
5 uncertain
Unexpected inputs and outputs Expected inputs and outputs
6 More risk, usually done for first time Fewer risk as they are repeated many times
When objectives are achieved the Multiple objectives are achieved again and
project ends again
System already exists maintaining and
8 Developing new system
Project Team:
A project team is one which plays the vital role of designing and implementing a project. A project team
consists of a specific group of individuals.
Following are the different types of project team:
Initial Project Team: . Designated Project Leader/Manager:
Core Project Team Full Project Team
Project Advisors: Project Stakeholders
Process Facilitators

Advantages of Effective Team:

Clear objective of the project from the initiation to completion.
Good decision making process, which speed up the activities.
Clear roles, responsibilities and leadership.
Ensures smooth progress of the project without over- lapping.
Leadership roles are shared by the team head.
Trust, co-operation, support and constructive conflict or feedback.
Individual and mutual accountability for performance results.
Pitfalls or Disadvantages of effective Team:
Failing the performance levels with all instruction.
Low level of motivation.
Poor communication from a project manager.
Slow or poor decision making by the team leader.
Confusion about responsibilities.
Role and territory conflicts results in controversy among the team members.
Factors to be Considered While Selecting the Team Members:
Knowledge about biodiversity and threat to biodiversity.
Knowledge about political, social and economic context.
Knowledge or experience of stakeholders and their concerns.
Experience or skill in developing the strategies.
Experience in communication.
Experience in fund raising.
Experience in budgeting and risk assessment.
Should understand the psychology of the team.
Should not be a short tempered.
Pre-requisites for Successful Project Implementation:
Adequate Formulation:
Sound Project Organization:
Proper Implementation Planning :
Advance Action:
Timely Availability of Funds:
Judicious Equipment Tendering and Procurement
Better Contract Management: technology.
Effective Monitoring:
Life cycle has following four phases
Project Initiation
In this phase we study the project purpose and scope, justification for taking up the project
and the solutions are defined.
This phase ends with selection of project team, setting up of a project office and
performance review of this phase
Project Planning
This phase defines a detailed procedure to undertake the project and how to complete the
project with successful deliverables (output).
Recourse planning is done in this phase.
This phase defines strategic planning and implementation planning.
A performance review is done at the end of this phase.
Project Execution
This phase carry out or execute the decisions, actions, procedures, steps, methods etc. that
are defined ín planning phase.
Actual work is done here and this involves monitoring and controlling processes.
This phase look for customer/ stakeholder / sponsor's satisfaction.
A performance review is done at the end of this phase
Project Closure
This is the final phase to do the official closure of the project
In this phase project deliverables (output) is handed over to the customers.
Documents are handed over to the authority, contracts are officially closed with venders and
suppliers, staffs are relived and machines or equipment's are set free for the next project.
A performance review is done at the end of this phase which will identify the positive and negative
points of the project, which will help the project manager and spencer's to undertake the next

Types of Risks
Technical Risks:
Social Risks:
Economic Risks:
Political Risks:
Production Risks:
Marketing Risks:
Financial Risks:
Human Risks:
Functions of project planning
It should provide a basis for organizing the work on the project.
It allocates the responsibilities to individuals.
It is a means of communication and co-ordination between all those
involved in the project.
It induces the people to look ahead.
It instills a sense of urgency and time consciousness.
It establishes the basis for monitoring and controlling.
Tools are available for making project planning.
Gantt chart f) Network Techniques
Project design g) Time estimates
Critical Path Methods (CPM) h) Work Breakdown Structure
PERT chart i) Velocity Diagrams
Bar Charts j) Flow Charts
The purposes of project control
To control the progress of the activities.
To control the performance of the project activities.
To control the project schedule.
To have the control over the project cost.
To have control over the delays in project activities.
To motivate project personnel through performance
To achieve the project goals effectively and efficiently.
The objectives of project review are
To examine whether the project is implemented in a specified
ways or not.
To assess the impact of the project.
To examine the project efficiency.
To measure the quality of the project.
To review the safety aspects followed during the project.
To examine the methods, process, procedures followed during
the project.
To assess the outcome of the project.
Following are the objectives of project audit:
Providing the clear picture of actual status of the project from time
to time.
Creating awareness among the project staff about the type
encountering the problems during the completion of the project and
producing the quality products at competitive costs.
Identification of factors which may create the quality problems
leading to time and cost overruns.
Timely spotting of a variety of generic problems while executing the
project and suggestions to overcome these problems.
Assisting to establish an appropriate standards and systems and
recommending the suitable work techniques.
To create the good information system for a proper estimation and
costing of the project.
Developing the experience and expertise in project management in
order to provide the consultancy services to the other enterprises.
Identification of specific training needs with reference to the project
Functions of Project auditor
Providing the actual status of the project from time to time.
He has to examine the project methodology and techniques to
achieve the project objectives.
Identification of factors which may create the quality problems
during the project work and giving the recommendations to
overcome those problems.
Auditor is required to give advice to make recommendations.
He should be competent to prepare the action plans.
Auditor has to evaluate the contract base lines and give his
judgment on their adequacy for achieving the project objectives.
Auditor has to measure the present and future state of the project.
Timely spotting of different problems relating to the execution of the
project and suggesting to overcome the above problems.
Establishing a good information base for a proper estimation and
costing of the project.
The time estimation for completing the project involves the calculation
of three time values for each activity of a project and these are:
Optimistic time (to): It is the time required to complete the activity
if no hurdles or complications arise.
Most likely time (tm): It is the time in which the activity is most
likely to be completed by considering the normal circumstances and
making allowance for some unforeseen delays.
Pessimistic time (tp): It is the time required to complete the
activities if unusual complications or unforeseen difficulties arise.
Expected Time (te): Expected time is the mean time that the
activity is expected to consume while executed.
The uses of network technique to the management:
It indicates the start and finish time of each activity of the project.
It helps in better scheduling, monitoring and control of project activities.
It helps in better execution of the project.
These techniques can serve as indicators of bottle necks and potential
trouble spots which help in preventing the pitfalls and progress of the
project as per plan.
It helps in identifying the critical path.
This will illustrate the type and extent of co-ordination required among the
designers, contractors and other members of the project team.
It helps in identifying the critical tasks and diversion of resources to these
tasks so that they can be completed as per the schedule..
It helps in resource allocation such as labour, machines etc.
It helps to find whether or not advisable to crash project time and the
impact of crashing on the cost of the project.
Helps to find which activities are to be speeded up so as to minimise the
cost of escalation due to the crashing.
It is appropriate where the time
It is appropriate when the time estimates are
1 estimates are uncertain in the duration
found with certainty in the duration of activities.
of activities
It uses three time estimates for the It uses only one-time estimate for the
performance of an event. Activity and which is constant
3 It is concealed with the events It is concealed with the activity
4 It is suitable for non-repetitive projects It is suitable for repetitive projects
5 It can be analyzed statistically. It cannot be analyzed statistically
6 Time is the direct controlling factor. Cost is the direct controlling factor
The circle stands for an event & the line
The circle stands for an activity and the
7 connecting the circles represents an
line joining the circles represents an events
It is applied to research development
8 It is applied to the construction.
Sl No Augmented reality Virtual reality
1 Combination of digital and real world Totally artificial digital world
2 User experience is partially immersed Complete sense of immersion
smart phone, tablet or smart glasses Special hardware equipment is
are required. Desktop and lap-top are required (Microsoft Hologens.
not suitable because of its fixed HTC vive, oculus right, Google
camera position, unless an external daydream, etc)
Latest versions of common operating
4 systems are good enough (Android, Special software is required.
IOS, Windows)
5 Initial cost is lower than the VR Initial cost is higher than the AR
Applications of AR and VR in Project management
Architecture, civil engineering, construction and real estate:
Marketing and sales:
Visual industries:
Service support:
Applications of Internet of Things (IoT):
Connected vehicles such as Autonomous driving cars
Connected Health – monitoring BP and Heart rate, Wearable’s in fitness
Smart Grids with Energy management capability
Smart cities - to assist the infrastructure planning of an entire smart city,
air quality monitoring, Earthquake detection, Radiation
detection/hazardous gas detection
Smart Building – Reducing Energy consumption
Smart homes / Home automation such as, auto lighting and electricity
monitoring, Home security systems, Smart Air conditioning systems,
Smart Washing machine.
Industrial IoT used in manufacturing, healthcare, retail, automotive
Agriculture for weather monitoring, soil content monitoring Transport –
Smart Traffic control, Smart parking control, smart roadside assistance
Military applications for data collection of battle field
Voice assisted devices such as Alexa, Google, Siri etc.
Benefits of cloud computing:
Lower IT costs (Cost savings)
Deploy globally in minutes
Applications of cloud computing:
Healthcare companies are using the cloud to develop more
personalized treatments for patients.
Financial services companies are using the cloud to power real-time
fraud detection and prevention.
Video game makers are using the cloud to deliver online games to
millions of players around the world.
IT companies use data backup,
Disaster recovery- Rather than building more data centers to ensure
continuity during disasters,
Businesses use cloud computing to safely back up their digital assets.
Thank you

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