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Student: Mai Dai Thang

ID: 20214469
Class: 144773
Creating the Ideal Computer: Future Technology

- The development of computers overtime
- The role of PC in modern society
(affect the way people communicate, learn, work, access information,
and interact with other person all over the world)
- Preview of key arguments supporting the idea:
 Description
 Features
 Benefits
 Accessibilty

1. General description of the ideal computer
A. Design
- Similar to a laptop nowadays
- Elegant and Handy Design
- User-friendly interfaces make interaction easier
B. Specifications
- Processing Power
 Superfast processors help user multitasking seemlessly
 Incomparable speed with quantum computing
- Memory and Storage
 Massive RAM for faster read and write speed in data handling
 Cloud storage for vast data capacity
- Energy efficiency
 Eco-friendly source of power => minimize impact on the environment
 Efficient energy consumption by smart power management
2. Outstanding features
- Virtual and Augmented Reality
 Artificial Intelligence integration including VR and AR experiences
for better innovation and entertainment
 Holographic will be integrated for a modernize feel
- Security features
 Better security with Biometric authentication (face, voice,
fingerprints, recognition, etc.)
 Advanced encryption techniques for more protection of private
- Connectivity and Networking
 5G or even 6G connection for lightning-fast speed when accessing to
the internet
 IoT devices will be integrated for a seemless ecosystem
3. Benefits of the Ideal computer
- Transformative entertainment
 Engaging gaming experiences with realistic visuals
 Immersive travel experiences by using advanced AR and VR
- Improvements in Education
 AI assistant help learning experience be personalized
 Cloud computing: access to wider range instructional resouces
- Healthcare advancements
 Fast and precise medical assessments by using AI (which is integrated
in the computer)
 Remote patient care
4. Accessibility
- First release for industry and early customers: Find out problems and
challenges to overcome
=> widespread on a large scale of consumers when everything is ready
- Price and Accessibility
 Early high cost to see the market trends
 Reduce the cost when technology and demand rises

- Recap the Features and Benefits of the Ideal computer
- A hope for the impact on society when the computer becomes a reality

Education: How AR-VR and Computer Vision Technologies are Revolutionizing it.



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