Class 8 English Question Paper

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Sub English class 8 time 2 hrs. Full marks 70

A. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with the words given
[ Clean, dreamt, longer, courtiers, jester,dung ]
1. Gopal was a ____________ in the Raja ‘s court.
2. Raja ____________ that Gopal fell in to the pool of horribly smelly
3. On hearing Raja,'s dream, the ____________ burst out laughing.
4. Gopal had a _____________ dream.
5. Gopal and the king were licking each other in order to
___________ themselves.
B. Write the true or false:
1. The king was indeed rich and powerful. ( )
2. The minister's daughter helped her father. ( )
3. The minister was confident that the shepherd would guess orrectly
what was there in the king ‘s heart. ( )
4. The fool could really read the king’s mind. ( )
C. Match the following questions.
1. Jester. a) enjoyed
2. Dung. b) unluckily
3. Kheer. c) comic character in a mediveal court
4. Unfortunately. d) quality of being humble
5. Humility. e) entertain
6. Relished. f) animals waste
7. Amuse. g) a pudding made of rice, sugar and milk
D. Answer the following questions:
1. Do you see any change in the king ‘s view about himself in Paras 1
and 6?
2. How did tess know that her brother was sick?
3. Who was sick?
4. Why is Sikkim considered tiny state?
5. Name the qualities of the speaker’s native land ?
E. Write a poem from your book.
F. Write an essay on any one of these.
1,my school, 2 my village
G. What is tense?how many kinds of tense?explain

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