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A score-based particle method for homogeneous Landau equation

Yan Huang †and Li Wang ‡

We propose a novel score-based particle method for solving the Landau equation in plasmas, that seam-
lessly integrates learning with structure-preserving particle methods [8]. Building upon the Lagrangian
viewpoint of the Landau equation, a central challenge stems from the nonlinear dependence of the velocity
field on the density. Our primary innovation lies in recognizing that this nonlinearity is in the form of the
score function, which can be approximated dynamically via techniques from score-matching. The result-
arXiv:2405.05187v1 [math.NA] 8 May 2024

ing method inherits the conservation properties of the deterministic particle method while sidestepping the
necessity for kernel density estimation in [8]. This streamlines computation and enhances scalability with
dimensionality. Furthermore, we provide a theoretical estimate by demonstrating that the KL divergence
between our approximation and the true solution can be effectively controlled by the score-matching loss.
Additionally, by adopting the flow map viewpoint, we derive an update formula for exact density computa-
tion. Extensive examples have been provided to show the efficiency of the method, including a physically
relevant case of Coulomb interaction.

1 Introduction
The Landau equation stands as one of the fundamental kinetic equations, modeling the evolution of charged
particles undergoing Coulomb interaction [27]. It is particularly useful for plasmas where collision effects become
non-negligible. Computing the Landau equation presents numerous challenges inherent in kinetic equations,
including high dimensionality, multiple scales, and strong nonlinearity and non-locality. On the other hand, deep
learning has progressively transformed the numerical computation of partial differential equations by leveraging
neural networks’ ability to approximate complex functions and the powerful optimization toolbox. However,
straightforward application of deep learning to compute PDEs often encounters training difficulties and leads
to a loss of physical fidelity. In this paper, we propose a score-based particle method that elegantly combines
learning with structure-preserving particle methods. This method inherits the favorable conservative properties
of deterministic particle methods while relying only on light training to dynamically obtain the score function
over time. The learning component replaces the expensive density estimation in previous particle methods,
drastically accelerating computation.
In general terms, the Landau equation takes the form
∂t ft + v · ∇x ft + E · ∇v ft = Q(ft , ft ) := ∇v · A(v − v ∗ ) (ft (v ∗ )∇v ft (v) − ft (v)∇v∗ ft (v ∗ )) dv ∗ ,

where ft (x, v) for (x, v) ∈ Ω × Rd with d ≥ 2, is the mass distribution function of charged particles, such as
electrons and ions. E represents the electric field, which can be prescribed or obtained self-consistently through
the Poisson or Ampere equation. The collision kernel A is expressed as

A(z) = Cγ |z|γ (|z|2 Id − z ⊗ z) =: Cγ |z|γ+2 Π(z) , (1)

where Cγ > 0 is the collision strength, and Id is the identity matrix. Consequently, Π(z) denotes the projection
into the orthogonal complement of {z}. The parameter γ can take values within the range −d − 1 ≤ γ ≤ 1.
Among them, the most interesting case is when d = 3 and γ = −3, which corresponds to the Coulomb interaction
in plasma [11, 41]. Alternatively, the case γ = 0 is commonly referred to as the Maxwell case. In this scenario,
the equation reduces to a form of degenerate linear Fokker-Planck equation, preserving the same moments as
the Landau equation.
In this paper, our primary focus is on computing the collision operator, and therefore we shall exclusively
consider the spatially homogeneous Landau equation

∂t ft = Q(ft , ft ). (2)
∗ Thiswork is support in part by NSF grant DMS-1846854.
† School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA. (
‡ School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA. (

Key properties of Q includes conservation and entropy dissipation, which can be best understood formally
though the following reformation:
Q(ft , ft ) = ∇ · A(v − v ∗ )ft f∗t (∇ log ft − ∇∗ log f∗t )dv ∗ ,

where we have used the abbreviated notation

ft := ft (v), f∗t := ft (v ∗ ), ∇ := ∇v , ∇∗ := ∇v∗ .

For an appropriate test functions ϕ = ϕ(v), it admits the weak formulation:

Q(ft , ft )ϕdv = − (∇ϕ − ∇∗ ϕ∗ ) · A(v − v ∗ )(∇ log ft − ∇∗ log f∗t )ft f∗t dvdv ∗ .
Rd 2 R2d

Then choosing ϕ(v) = 1, v, |v|2 leads to the conservation of mass, momentum and energy. Inserting ϕ(v) =
log ft (v), one obtains the formal entropy decay with dissipation given by
ft log ft dv = Q(ft , ft ) log ft dv
dt Rd Rd
=− ∇ log ft · A(v − v ∗ )(∇ log ft − ∇∗ log f∗t )ft f∗t dvdv ∗ (3)
=− Bv,v∗ · A(v − v ∗ )Bv,v∗ ft f∗t dvdv ∗ ≤ 0,
2 R2d

where we have used the fact that A is symmetric and semi-positive definite, and Bv,v∗ := ∇ log ft − ∇∗ log f∗t .
The equilibrium distribution is given by the Maxwellian

|v − u|2
Mρ,u,T = exp − ,
(2πT )d/2 2T

for ρ, T and u given by

ρ= ft (v)dv, ρu = vft (v)dv, ρu + ρdT = |v|2 ft (v)dv.
Rd Rd Rd

More rigorous approach can be found in [41, 18].

Theoretical understanding of the well-posedness of the homogeneous equation (2) with hard potential (γ > 0)
is now well-established, primarily due to the seminal works in [13, 14] and related literature. Regularity of the
solution, such as moment propagation, has also been rigorously established. A pivotal aspect involves leveraging
finite entropy dissipation, leading to the robust notion of ‘H-solution’ introduced by Villani [41]. Less is currently
known about soft potentials (γ < 0). One significant advancement in this regard was a global existence and
uniqueness result by Guo [19], in which a sufficient regular solution close to the Maxwellian is considered in
the spatially inhomogenesous case. Recently, a novel interpretation of the homogeneous Landau equation as
a gradient flow has emerged [4], along with its connection to the Boltzmann equation via the gradient flow
perspective [5].
Various numerical methods have been developed to compute the Landau operator, including the Fourier-
Galerkin spectral method [32], the direct simulation Monte Carlo method [15], the finite difference entropy
method [12, 2], and the deterministic particle method [8]. Among these, we are particularly interested in the
deterministic particle method [8], which preserves all desirable physical quantities, including conservation of
mass, momentum, energy, and entropy dissipation.
The main idea in [8] is to reformulate the homogeneous Landau equation (2) into a continuity equation with
a gradient flow structure:

∂t ft = −∇ · (ft U [ft ]),

Z   Z
δE δE
U [ft ] = − A(v − v ∗ ) ∇ − ∇∗ f∗ dv ∗ , E= f log f dv ,
Rd δf δf∗ Rd

where U [ft ] is the velocity field. Employing a particle representation

f N (v, t) = wi δ(v − v i (t)) ,

where N is the total number of particles, and v i (t) and wi are the velocity and weight of the particle i respectively.
Here δ is the Dirac-Delta function. Subsequently, the particle velocities update following the characteristics of
X δE δE
v̇ i (t) = U (f N )(v i (t), t) = − A(v i − v j ) ∇ − ∇∗ . (5)
δf δf∗

f N log f N dv with a
To make sense of the entropy E, a crucial aspect of this method involves replacing E = Rd
regularized version:
E := fεN log fεN dv, fεN = ψε ∗ f N =
wi ψε (v − v i (t)) , (6)

where ψε is a mollifer such as a Gaussian. This way of regularization follows the previous work on blob method
for diffusion [3]. The convergence of this method is obtained in [6], and a random batch version is also available
in [9].
While being structure preserving, a significant bottleneck in (5–6) lies in the necessity to compute fεN in
(6), a task often referred to as kernel density estimation. This task is further compounded when computing
the velocity via ∇ δE
δf (see (22)). It is widely recognized that this estimation scales poorly with dimension. To
address this challenge, the main concept in this paper is to recognize that the nonlinear term in the velocity
field, which depends on density, serves as the score function, i.e.,
U [ft ] = − A(v − v ∗ )(∇ log ft −∇∗ log f∗t )f∗t dv ∗ ,
Rd | {z }

and it can be efficiently learned from particle data by score-matching trick [21, 42]. More particularly, start with
a set of N particles {V i }N
i=1 ∼ f0 , we propose the following update process for their later time t velocities
{v i (t)} as 
PN 2
s(v) ∈ arg min N i=1 |s(v i (t))| + 2∇ · s(v i (t)) .

v̇ i (t) = − N1 j=1 A(v i (t) − v j (t))(s(v i (t)) − s(v j (t))) .

This process involves initially learning a score function at each time step using the current particle velocity in-
formation and subsequently utilizing the learned score to update the particle velocities. Closest to our approach
is the score-based method for Fokker-Planck equation [1, 30], where a similar idea of dynamically learning the
score function is employed. Additionally, learning velocities instead of solutions, such as self-consistent velocity
matching for Fokker-Planck-type equations [36, 35, 29], and the DeepJKO method for general gradient flows
[28], are also related. However, a key distinction lies in our treatment of the real Landau operator, which is
significantly more challenging than the Fokker-Planck operator. In this regard, our work represents the initial
attempt at leveraging the score-matching technique to compute the Landau operator.
It’s worth noting that compared to other popular neural network-based PDE solvers, such as the physics-
informed neural network (PINN) [33], the deep Galerkin method (DGM) [37], the deep Ritz Method [16],
and the weak adversarial network (WAN) [43], as well as those specifically designed for kinetic equations
[23, 24, 25, 31], the proposed method requires very light training. The sole task is to sequentially learn the
score, and considering that the score doesn’t change significantly over each time step, only a small number of
training operations (approximately 25 iterations) are needed. This method offers a compelling combination of
classical methods with complementary machine learning techniques.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we introduce the main formulation of our
method based on a flow map reformulation and present the score-based algorithm. In Section 3, we establish
a stability estimate using relative entropy, theoretically justifying the controllability of our numerical error by
score-matching loss. Section 4 provides an exact update formula for computing the density along the trajectories
of the particles. Numerical tests are presented in Section 5.

2 A score-based particle method

This section is devoted to the derivation of a deterministic particle method based on score-matching. As
mentioned in the previous section, our starting point is the reformulation of the homogeneous Landau equation
(2) into a continuity equation:
∂t ft = −∇ · (ft U [ft ]),
U [ft ] = − A(v − v ∗ )(∇ log ft − ∇∗ log f∗t )f∗t dv ∗ ,

where U [ft ] is the velocity field. For later notational convenience, we denote the exact solution of (7) by f˜t for
the rest of the paper.

2.1 Lagrangian formulation via transport map

The formulation (7) gives access to the Lagrangian formulation. In particular, let T (·, t) be the flow map, then
for a particle started with velocity V , its later time velocity can be obtained as v(t) := T (V , t), which satisfies
the following ODE:
T (V , t) = − A(T (V , t) − v ∗ ) ∇ log f˜t (T (V , t)) − ∇∗ log f˜t (v ∗ ) f˜t (v ∗ )dv ∗ . (8)
dt Rd

Using the fact that the solution to (7) can be viewed as the pushforward measure under the flow map, i.e.,

f˜t (·) = T (·, t)# f0 (·) ,

we can rewrite (8) as

d ˜ ˜
dt T (V , t) = − Rd
A(T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)) ∇ log f t (T (V , t)) − ∇ ∗ log ft (T (V ∗ , t)) f0 (V ∗ )dV ∗ ,
T (V , 0) = V .

Therefore, if we start with a set of N particles {V i }N i=1 ∼ f0 , then the later velocity v i (t) := T (V i , t) satisfies
( PN  
v̇ i (t) = − N1 j=1 A(v i (t) − v j (t)) ∇ log f˜t (v i (t)) − ∇ log f˜t (v j (t)) ,
v i (0) = V i ,

for 1 ≤ i ≤ N .
This formulation immediately has the following favorable properties. Hereafter, we denote s̃t := ∇ log f˜t .
Proposition 2.1. The particle formulation (10) conserves mass, momentum, and energy. Specifically, the
following quantities remain constant over time:
X 1 1 X 1 X
, v i (t), |v i (t)|2 .
N N i=1 N i=1

Moreover, the entropy

E N (t) := f˜t (v i (t)) log f˜t (v i (t))
d N
decays in time, i.e., dt E (t) ≤ 0.
Proof. Indeed, for ϕ(v) = 1, v, |v|2 , we have
d 1 X 1 X
ϕ(v i (t)) = ∇ϕ(v i (t)) · v̇ i (t)
dt N i=1 N i=1
1 X
=− ∇ϕ(v i (t)) · A(v i (t) − v j (t))[s̃t (v i (t)) − s̃t (v j (t))]
N 2 i,j=1
1 X
=− [∇ϕ(v i (t)) − ∇ϕ(v j (t))] · A(v i (t) − v j (t))[s̃t (v i (t)) − s̃t (v j (t))] = 0,
2N 2 i,j=1

which leads to the conversation of mass, momentum. For the entropy, we see that
d N X
E (t) = − s̃t (v i (t)) · A(v i (t) − v j (t))[s̃t (v i (t)) − s̃t (v j (t))]
dt i,j=1
1 X
=− [s̃t (v i (t)) − s̃t (v j (t))] · A(v i (t) − v j (t))[s̃t (v i (t)) − s̃t (v j (t))] ≤ 0.
2 i,j=1

2.2 Learning the score
Implementing (10) faces a challenge in representing the score function s̃t = ∇ log f˜t using particles. A natural
approach is to employ kernel density estimation:
1 X
ft (v i ) ≈ ψε (v i − v j ) ,
N j=1

where ψε could be, for instance, a Gaussian kernel. However, this estimation becomes impractical with increasing
dimensions due to scalability issues. Instead, we propose utilizing the score-matching technique to directly learn
the score st from the data. This technique dates back to [21, 42] and flourish in the context of score-based
generative modeling [38, 39, 40] recently, and has been used to compute the Fokker-Planck type equations
[1, 30].
Now let st (v) : Rd → Rd be an approximation to the exact score s̃t (v), we define the score-based Landau
equation as Z
δ δ
∂t ft = −∇ · (U ft ), U := − A(v − v ∗ )(st − s∗t )f∗t dv ∗ , (11)

where st := st (v), s∗t := st (v ∗ ). Let T (·, t) be the corresponding flow map of (11), then we have
T (V , t) = − A(T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)) [st (T (V , t)) − s∗t (T (V ∗ , t))] f0 (V ∗ )dV ∗ , T (V , 0) = V .
dt Rd

For any t ≥ 0, to get st , we seek to minimize

|st (T (V , t))|2 + 2∇ · st (T (V , t)) f0 (V )dV .
min (12)
st Rd

The following proposition assures that the loss function (12) is a viable choice in the sense that its minimizer
adopts the form of a score function, such that (11) leads to the exact Landau equation. Put differently, (12)
ensures that the score is dynamically learned in a self-consistent manner.
Proposition 2.2. For any t ≥ 0, the minimizer st to the problem (12) satisfies st (v) = ∇ log ft (v), where
ft = T # f0 . Therefore, the equation for ft (11) is exactly the same as (7).
Proof. Consider the following minimization problem
min |st (T (V , t)) − ∇ log ft (T (V , t))|2 f0 (V )dV .
st Rd

Obviously the minimizer st is st (v) = ∇ log ft (v). Using the property of push-forward map T , one has that
|st (T (V , t)) − ∇ log ft (T (V , t))|2 f0 (V )dV
|st (T (V , t))|2 − 2st (T (V , t)) · ∇ log ft (T (V , t)) + |∇ log ft (T (V , t))|2 f0 (V )dV
|st (v)|2 − 2st (v) · ∇ log ft (v) + |∇ log ft (v)|2 ft (v)dv
|st (v)|2 + 2∇ · st (v) + |∇ log ft (v)|2 ft (v)dv
|st (T (V , t))|2 + 2∇ · st (T (V , t)) + |∇ log ft (T (V , t))|2 f0 (V )dV .

In the end, notice that the term |∇ log ft (T (V , t))|2 can be neglected.
In practice, given N initial particles with velocities {V i }N
i=1 ∼ f0 , at each time t, we train the neural
network st to minimize the implicit score-matching loss, i.e.,
1 X 1 X
min |st (T (V i , t))|2 + 2∇ · st (T (V i , t)) = |st (v i (t))|2 + 2∇ · st (v i (t)) ,
st N i=1 N i=1

and then evolves the particles via (10) with learned st , i.e., replacing ∇ log f˜t (v) by st (v).

2.3 Algorithm
We hereby summarize a few implementation details. The time discretization of (10) is done by the forward
Euler method. The initial neural network s0 is trained to minimize the analytical relative loss,
|s (v) − ∇ log f0 (v)|2 f0 (v)dv
R 2
Rd R 0 i=1 |s0 (V i ) − ∇ log f0 (V i )|
ℓ1 := ≈ N
. (13)
|∇ log f0 (v)|2 f0 (v)dv
P 2
Rd i=1 |∇ log f0 (V i )|

For the subsequent steps, we initialize sn using the previously trained sn−1 , and train it to minimize the implicit
score-matching loss at time tn ,
1 X
ℓ2 := |sn (v ni )|2 + 2∇ · sn (v ni ), v ni ≈ v i (tn ). (14)
N i=1

Note that to avoid the expensive computation of the divergence, especially in high dimensions, the denoising
score-matching loss function introduced in [42] is often utilized. However, here we still compute the divergence
exactly through automatic differentiation since the computation of the Jacobian ∇sn (v ni ) is needed in the
density computation outlined later in Algorithm 2. Thus, there is no additional cost when computing the
divergence exactly. Once the score is learned from (14), the velocity of particles can be updated via
1 X
v n+1
i = v ni − ∆t A(v ni − v nj )(sn (v ni ) − sn (v nj )) . (15)
N j=1

The procedure of score-based particle method is summarized in Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1 Score-based particle method for the homogeneous Landau equation

Input: N initial particles {V i }N i=1 ∼ f0 ; time step ∆t and the total number of time steps NT ; error tolerance
δ for the initial score-matching; max iteration numbers Imax for the implicit score-matching.
Output: Score neural networks sn and particles {v ni }N i=1 for all n = 1, · · · , NT .
1: Initialize neural network s0 .
2: while ℓ1 > δ do
3: Update parameters of s0 by applying optimizer to ℓ1 (13).
4: end while
5: for i = 1, · · · , N do
6: v 1i = V i − ∆t N1 j=1 A(V i − V j )(s0 (V i ) − s0 (V j ))
7: end for
8: for n = 1, · · · , NT do
9: Initialize neural network sn using the previously trained sn−1 .
10: Set I = 0.
11: while I ≤ Imax do
12: Update parameters of sn by applying optimizer to ℓ2 (14).
13: I = I + 1.
14: end while
15: for i = 1, · · · , N do
16: obtain v n+1
i from v ni via (15)
17: end for
18: end for

Several macroscopic quantities can be computed using particles at time tn , including mass, momentum and
X 1 1 X n 1 X n2
, v , |v | ,
N N i=1 i N i=1 i
and the entropy decay rate:
1 X
− sn (v ni ) · A(v ni − v nj )(sn (v ni ) − sn (v nj )).
N 2 i,j=1

Proposition 2.3. The score-based particle method conserves mass and momentum exactly, while the energy is
conserved up to O(∆t).

Proof. Note that mass is trivially conserved. To see the momentum conservation, observe that
1 X
v n+1
i = v ni − ∆t A(v ni − v nj )(sn (v ni ) − sn (v nj )) .
N j=1
| {z }
G(v n
i )

Multiplying both sides by N and sum over i, we obtain
1 X n+1 1 X n 1 X
v − v = −∆t 2 A(v ni − v nj )(sn (v ni ) − sn (v nj ))
N i=1 i N i=1 i N i,j=1
1 X
= ∆t 2 A(v ni − v nj )(sn (v ni ) − sn (v nj )) = 0 .
N i,j=1

Here the second equality is obtained by switching i and j and use the symmetry of matrix A.
For the energy, note that
X 1 X n
v ni · G(v ni ) = v · A(v ni − v nj )(sn (v ni ) − sn (v nj ))
N i,j=1 i
1 X n
=− (v − v nj ) · A(v ni − v nj )(sn (v ni ) − sn (v nj )) = 0,
2N i,j=1 i

where we use the projection property of A. Thus

1 X n 2 1 X n
|v i+1 | = |v − ∆tG(v ni )|2
N i=1 N i=1 i
1 X n2 1 X n 1 X
= |v i | − 2∆t v i · G(v ni ) + ∆t2 |G(v ni )|2
N i=1 N i=1 N i=1
1 X n2 1 X
= |v i | + ∆t2 |G(v ni )|2 ,
N i=1 N i=1

which implies energy is conserved up to O(∆t).

3 Theoretical analysis
In this section, we provide a theoretical justification of our score based formulation. In particular, we show
that the KL divergence between the computed density obtained from the learned score and the true solution
can be controlled by the score-matching loss. This result is in the same vein as the Proposition 1 in [1] and
Theorem 1 in [30], but with significantly more details due to the intricate nature of the Landau operator. A
similar relative entropy approach for obtaining quantitative propagation of chaos-type results for Landau-type
equation has also been recently established in [7].
To simplify the analysis, we assume that v is on the torus Td . This is a common setting, as the universal
function approximation of neural networks is typically applicable only over a compact set. Additionally, in this
setting, the boundary terms resulting from integration by parts vanish. We then make the following additional
(A.1) The collision kernel A satisfies λ1 Id ⪯ A ⪯ λ2 Id , 0 < λ1 ≤ λ2 . This allows us to avoid the potential
degeneracy and singularity at the origin.
(A.2) Assume that the initial condition f0 satisfies f0 ≥ 0, f0 ∈ W 2,∞ (Td ), and Td f0 dv = 1. This

guarantees that the solution of (7) satisfies f˜t ∈ L∞ ([0, T ], W 2,∞ (Td )), f˜t ≥ 0, and Td f˜t dv = 1 for all
∞ 2,∞
Rt ∈ [0, T ]. In addition, we assume the solution of (11) satisfies ft ∈ L ([0, T ], W (Td )), ft ≥ 0, and
f dv = 1 for all t ∈ [0, T ].
Td t

(A.3) The solution f˜t to the original Landau equation (7) satisfies
sup |∇ log f˜t | ≤ M
(v,t)∈Td ×[0,T ]

for some constant M .

Note that assumption (A.2) can be satisfied under assumption (A.1), following the classical theory of
advection-diffusion equations. Assumption (A.3) is a direct consequence of (A.2). We list it here solely for
ease of later reference. Regarding assumption (A.1), it is primarily needed to estimate term I1 (see (16)) in the
main theorem. However, its necessity can be relaxed to:
A(v − v ∗ )f (v)dv ⪰ λ1 Id

for any probability measure f (v)dv, and λ1 > 0. To this end, we present the following proposition to partially
justify this assumption.
Proposition 3.1. In 2D, for any probability measure ρ(v)dv on the torus T2 , we have
A(v − v ∗ )ρ(v ∗ )dv ∗ ≻ 0.
Proof. Since the integration domain is a torus, it suffices to show that T2 A(v)ρ(v)dv ≻ 0. Denote
ξ1 = ρv12 |v|γ dv, ξ2 = ρv1 v2 |v|γ dv, ξ3 = ρv22 |v|γ dv
T2 T2 T2

then we have
Z Z    
γ −v1 v2 ξ3 −ξ2
A(v)ρ(v)dv = |v| ρdv = =: B.
T2 T2 −v1 v2 v12 −ξ2 ξ1
The eigenvalues λ of B are given by

(λ − ξ3 )(λ − ξ1 ) − ξ22 = 0 =⇒ λ2 − (ξ1 + ξ3 )λ + ξ1 ξ3 − ξ22 = 0.

(ξ1 + ξ3 ) ± (ξ1 + ξ3 )2 − 4(ξ1 ξ3 − ξ22 )
=⇒ λ = .
Denote ξ = T2 ρ|v|γ+2 dv. Note that ξ1 + ξ3 = ξ and ξ1 ξ3 > ξ22 by Cauchy-Schwarz inequality. Moreover, the

eigenvalues of B are real since B is symmetric. Thus we have

ξ ± ξ 2 − 4(ξ1 ξ3 − ξ22 )
λ= > 0,
which proves the positive-definiteness.
We now state the main theorem in this section.
Theorem 3.2 (Time evolution of the KL divergence on Td ). Let f˜t and ft denote the solutions to the homoge-
neous Landau equation (7) and the score-based Landau equation (11) respectively. Under the above assumptions,
we have
DKL (ft ||f˜t ) ≤ CDKL (ft ||f˜t ) + ∥A∥2L∞ ft |δt |2 dv ,
dt λ1 Td

where δt (v) := ∇ log ft (v) − st (v) is the score-matching error, and

2d 2 2d2 2
C := ∥∇ · A∥L∞ + M ∥A∥L∞
λ1 λ1

is a constant independent of ft and f˜t . Here the divergence of a matrix function is applied row-wise.
Before proving this theorem, we require the following lemma to quantify the KL divergence between two
probability densities, both satisfying the continuity equation but with different velocity fields.
Lemma 3.3. Let ft and f˜t be solutions to the following continuity equations respectively:

∂t ft + ∇ · [U δ (ft )ft ] = 0 and ∂t f˜t + ∇ · [U (f˜t )f˜t ] = 0.

Then Z  
d ft
DKL (ft ||f˜t ) = ft ∇ log [U δ (ft ) − U (f˜t )]dv.
dt Td f˜t

Proof. The formula follows from direct calculation:
d ˜ d f
DKL (f ||f ) = f log dv
dt dt Td f˜
Z   Z  
f f
= ft log dv − f˜t dv
Td f˜ Td f˜
Z   Z  
f f
=− ∇ · [U δ (f )f ] log dv + ∇ · [U (f˜)f˜] dv
Td ˜
f Td ˜
Z   Z  
f f
= U δ (f )f ∇ log dv − U (f˜)f˜∇ dv
T d f˜ T d f˜
Z   Z  
δ f ˜ f
= U (f )f ∇ log dv − U (f )f ∇ log dv
T d f˜ T d f˜
= f ∇ log [U δ (f ) − U (f˜)]dv.
T d f˜

We are now prepared to prove the main theorem.

Proof of Theorem 3.2. Denote
K(v) := ∇ · A(v) = −2|v|γ v ,
where the divergence of a matrix function is applied row-wise, the velocity field of (7) can be rewritten as
U [ft ] = − A(v − v ∗ )f˜∗t (∇ log f˜t − ∇∗ log f˜∗t )dv ∗
=− A(v − v ∗ )f˜∗t ∇ log f˜t dv ∗ + A(v − v ∗ )∇∗ f˜∗t dv ∗
Td Td
=− A(v − v ∗ )f˜∗t ∇ log f˜t dv ∗ − ∇∗ · A(v − v ∗ )f˜∗t dv ∗
Td Td
=− A(v − v ∗ )f˜∗t ∇ log f˜t dv ∗ + K ∗ f˜t .

Here the convolution operation is applied entry-wise. Likewise, the velocity field of (11) rewrites into
Uδ = − A(v − v ∗ )f∗t (st − s∗t )dv ∗
=− A(v − v ∗ )f∗t (∇ log ft − ∇∗ log f∗t − δt + δ∗t )dv ∗
=− A(v − v ∗ )f∗t ∇ log ft dv ∗ + K ∗ ft + A(v − v ∗ )f∗t (δt − δ∗t )dv ∗ ,
Td Td

where δt (v) := ∇ log ft (v) − st (v). By Lemma 3.3, we have

d ˜ ft 
DKL (ft ||ft ) = ft ∇ log · U δ − U dv
dt Td f˜t
Z   Z Z   Z
ft ft
=− ft ∇ log · A(v − v ∗ )f∗t ∇ log ft dv ∗ dv + ft ∇ log · A(v − v ∗ )f˜∗t ∇ log f˜t dv ∗ dv
ft Td Td f˜t Td
Z   Z   Z
ft ˜ ft
+ ft ∇ log · K ∗ (ft − ft )dv + ft ∇ log · A(v − v ∗ )f∗t (δt − δt∗ )dv ∗ dv
ft Td f˜t Td
Z   Z Z   Z
ft ft
= ft ∇ log · A(v − v ∗ )f∗t ∇ log dv ∗ dv + ft ∇ log · A(v − v ∗ )(f˜∗t − f∗t )∇ log f˜t dv ∗ dv
ft Td f t Td f˜t Td
| {z } | {z }
I1 I2
Z   Z   Z
ft ft
+ ft ∇ log · K ∗ (ft − f˜t )dv + ft ∇ log · A(v − v ∗ )f∗t (δt − δt∗ )dv ∗ dv .
Td f˜t Td f˜t Td
| {z } | {z }
I3 I4

For I1 , using assumption (A.1), we have
Z   Z
I1 = ft ∇ log ·
A(v − v ∗ )f∗t ∇ log dv ∗ dv
Td Td f˜t ft
Z Z    
ft ft
=− ft f∗t ∇ log A(v − v ∗ )∇ log dv ∗ dv
Td Td
ft f˜t
Z  2
≤ −λ1 ft ∇ log dv . (16)
Td f˜t
I3 can be estimated as follows:
I3 = ft ∇ log K ∗ (ft − f˜t )dv
Td f˜t
Z   2 Z 2
λ1 ft 1
≤ ft ∇ log dv + ft K ∗ (ft − f˜t ) dv
4 Td f˜t λ1 Td
Z   2
λ1 ft 1
≤ ft ∇ log dv + |K ∗ (ft − f˜t )|2 . (17)
4 Td f˜t λ1 L∞

By Young’s convolution inequality on torus, one has that

|K ∗ (ft − f˜t )|2 ≤ d ∥K∥L∞ ft − f˜t .
L∞ L1

Further by Csiszar-Kullback-Pinsker inequality on torus, one has that

ft − f˜t ≤ 2DKL (ft ||f˜t ) .

Putting these into (17), we have

Z   2
λ1 ft 2d 2
I3 ≤ ft ∇ log dv + ∥K∥L∞ DKL (ft ||f˜t ) .
4 Td f˜t λ1
For I2 , we have that
Z  Z
I2 = ft ∇ log A(v − v ∗ )(f˜∗t − f∗t )∇ log f˜t dv ∗ dv
Td f˜t Td
= ft ∇ log A ∗ (f˜t − ft )∇ log f˜t dv
Td f˜t
Z   2 Z 2
λ1 ft 1
≤ ft ∇ log dv + ft A ∗ (ft − f˜t )∇ log f˜t dv
4 Td f˜t λ1 Td
λ1 ft 2
≤ ft ∇ log dv + M 2 ∥A∥L∞ ft − f˜t
4 Td f˜t λ1 L1
λ1 ft 2
≤ ft ∇ log dv + M 2 ∥A∥L∞ DKL (ft ||f˜t ) ,
4 Td f˜t λ1
where the second inequality utilizes assumption (A.3), the third inequality applies Young’s convolution inequal-
ity, and the final inequality employs the Csiszar-Kullback-Pinsker inequality.
To estimate I4 , first we have
Z  Z
I4 = ft ∇ log A(v − v ∗ )f∗t (δt − δt∗ )dv ∗ dv
Td f˜t Td
= ft ∇ log [(A ∗ ft )δt − A ∗ (ft δt )]dv
Td f˜t
Z  2 Z Z
λ1 ft 2 2 2 2
≤ ft ∇ log dv + ft |(A ∗ ft )δt | dv + ft |A ∗ (ft δt )| dv .
4 Td f˜t λ1 Td λ1 Td
Note that
Z d
X Z d
ft |(A ∗ ft )δt | dv ≤ ∥Aij ∗ ft ∥2L∞ ft |δt |2 dv ≤ ∥Aij ∥2L∞ ∥ft ∥2L1 ft |δt |2 dv = d2 ∥A∥2L∞ ft |δt |2 dv
Td i,j=1 Td i,j=1 Td Td

Z Z d
X d
2 2
ft |A ∗ (ft δt )| dv ≤ ∥|A ∗ (ft δt )| ∥L∞ ft dv ≤ Aij ∗ (ft δt,j )
Td Td i=1 j=1
X d
X d
X d
2 2
≤d |Aij ∗ (ft δt,j )| ≤d ∥Aij ∗ (ft δt,j )∥L∞ ≤ d ∥Aij ∥2L∞ ∥ft δt,j ∥2L1
i=1 j=1 i,j=1 i,j=1
X d Z
≤d ∥A∥2L∞ ∥ft δt,j ∥2L1 ≤d 2
∥A∥2L∞ 2
ft δt,j dv ft dv = d 2
∥A∥2L∞ ft |δt |2 dv .
j=1 j=1 Td Td Td

Hence 2
Z  Z
λ1 ft
I4 ≤ ft ∇ log
dv + ∥A∥2L∞ ft |δt |2 dv .
T d 4 ˜
ft λ 1 Td

Combining the inequalities for I1 , I2 , I3 , I4 , one obtains that

2d2 4d2
Z   Z
d λ1 ft 2d 2 2
DKL (ft ||f˜t ) ≤ − ft ∇ log dv + ∥K∥L∞ + M 2 ∥A∥L∞ DKL (ft ||f˜t ) + ∥A∥2L∞ ft |δt |2 dv
dt 4 Td f˜t λ1 λ1 λ1 Td
2d2 4d2
2d 2 2
≤ ∥K∥L∞ + M ∥A∥L∞ DKL (ft ||f˜t ) + ∥A∥2L∞ ft |δt |2 dv .
λ1 λ1 λ1 T d
| {z }

Here C is a constant independent of ft and f˜t .

Remark 1. One may improve the above time-dependent estimate to a uniform-in-time estimate by deriving a
Logarithmic Sobolev inequality under additional assumptions, a task we defer to future investigations.

4 Exact density computation

Although our algorithm (14–15) does not require density to advance in time, it is still advantageous to compute
density since certain quantities, like entropy, rely on density values. In this section, we present an exact density
computation formula by deriving the evolution equation for the logarithm of the determinant of the gradient of
the transport map, i.e., det ∇V T (V , t). This equation, together with the change of variable formula,
f0 (V )
f˜t (T (V , t)) = ,
| det ∇V T (V , t)|
gives rise to the density along the particle trajectories.
More precisely, recall the flow map T (·, t) corresponding to the Landau equation in (9):
T (V , t) = − A(T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)) ∇ log f˜t (T (V , t)) − ∇∗ log f˜t (T (V ∗ , t)) f0 (V ∗ )dV ∗ . (18)
dt d
|R {z }
G(T (V ,t))

In practice, computing det ∇V T (V , t) poses a significant bottleneck due to its cubic cost with respect to the
dimension of V . To address this issue, inspired from the concept of continuous normalizing flow [10, 17, 28], we
derive the following proposition concerning the computation of the evolution of the logarithm of the determinant.
This extends the instantaneous change of variable formula beyond the classical continuity equation.
Proposition 4.1. Assume the transport map T (·, t) from (18) is invertible, then log determinant of the its
gradient satisfies the following evolution equation:
log | det ∇V T (V , t)| = − ∇ · [A(T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)) (s̃t (T (V , t)) − s̃∗t (T (V ∗ , t)))] f0 (V ∗ )dV ∗ . (19)
dt Rd

For the particular form of A in (1), it becomes

log | det ∇V T (V , t)|
dt Z  
= − Cγ |T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)|γ+2 ∇ · [Π(T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)) (s̃t (T (V , t)) − s̃∗t (T (V ∗ , t)))] f0 (V ∗ )dV ∗ .

Proof. Since we assume T (·, t) is invertible, i.e. det ∇V T (V , t) ̸= 0, then
d d
log | det ∇V T (V , t)| =Tr (∇V T (V , t))−1 ∇V T (V , t)
dt dt
=Tr (∇V T (V , t))−1 ∇V T (V , t)

= − Tr (∇V T (V , t)) ∇V G(T (V , t))
= − Tr (∇V T (V , t))−1 ∇G(T (V , t))∇V T (V , t)

= − Tr (∇G(T (V , t)))
= − ∇ · G(T (V , t))
=− ∇ · [A(T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)) (s̃t (T (V , t)) − s̃∗t (T (V ∗ , t)))] f0 (V ∗ )dV ∗ .

Here the first equality uses the Jacobi’s identity. To go from (19) to (20), we use the projection property of the
matrix Π in the form of A.
Remark 2. If the collision kernel A(z) = Id , then
log | det ∇V T (V , t)| = − ∇ · (s̃t (T (V , t)) − s̃∗t (T (V ∗ , t))) f0 (V ∗ )dV ∗ = −∇ · s̃t (T (V , t)) ,
dt Rd

which reduces to the classical case, see for instance [28, Equation (4c)].
For a more straightforward implementation, we compute the divergence term in Proposition 4.1 analytically,
and summarize it in the following corollary.
Corollary 4.2. Expanding the divergence term in equation (20), we get:
log | det ∇V T (V , t)| = − A(T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)) : ∇s̃t (T (V , t))⊤
dt Rd

− Cγ |T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)| (T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)) · (s̃t (T (V , t)) − s̃∗t (T (V ∗ , t))) f0 (V ∗ )dV ∗ ,
where A : B := ij Aij Bij .
Proof. The proof is given in Appendix A.
As with the particle dynamics (10), the log determinant obtained from the above formula admits a particle
representation. Recall that we have N particles started with velocities {V i }N i=1 ∼ f0 , and their later velocites
are dentoed as v i (t) := T (V i , t), then we have, along the trajectory of the i−th particle:
d 1 X
log | det ∇V T (V i , t)| = − A(v i (t) − v j (t)) : ∇st (v i (t))⊤
dt N j=1
− Cγ |v i (t) − v j (t)| (v i (t) − v j (t)) · (st (v i (t)) − st (v j (t))) .

In practice, the time discretization of equation (21) is also performed using the forward Euler method.
Now we summarize the procedure of score-based particle method with density computation in Algorithm 2.

Algorithm 2 Score-based particle method with density computation

Input: N initial particles {V i }N i=1 ∼ f0 and densities evaluated at the location of particles f0 (V i ); time step
∆t and the total number of time steps NT ; error tolerance δ for the initial score-matching; max iteration
numbers Imax for the implicit score-matching.
Output: Score neural networks sn and particles {v ni }N i=1 for all n = 1, · · · , NT and density values values
{fn (v ni )}N
i=1 for all n = 1, · · · , NT .
1: for n = 0, · · · , NT − 1 do
2: Use Algorithm 1 (line 1–4, 9–14) to learn the score sn .
3: for i = 1, · · · , N do
4: obtain v n+1
i from v ni via (15).
n+1 PN 
= −∆t N j=1 A(v ni − v nj ) : ∇sn (v ni )⊤ − Cγ |v ni − v nj |γ (v ni − v nj ) · (sn (v ni ) − sn (v nj )) .

5: li
fn (v n
i )
6: Compute density along particle trajectory: fn+1 (v n+1
i )= exp(lin+1 )
7: end for
8: end for

5 Numerical results
In this section, we showcase several numerical examples using the proposed score-based particle method, in
both Maxwell and Coulomb cases. To visualize particle density and compare it with the analytical or reference
solution, we employ two approaches. One involves kernel density estimation (KDE), akin to the blob method
for the deterministic particle method, as outlined in [8]. This is achieved by convolving the particle solution
with the Gaussian kernel ψε :
1 X
fnkde (v) := ψε (v − v ni ).
N i=1
The other approach is to apply our Algorithm 2, enabling us to directly obtain the density from those evolved
We would like to highlight the efficiency gain in our approach in contrast to [8], which primarily lies in the
computation of the score. In [8], the score is adjusted as the gradient of the variational derivative of regularized
entropy, involving a double sum post discretization:
δE ε X
d c
∇ (v i (t)) = h ∇ψε (v i (t) − v l ) log wk ψε (v l − v k (t)) , (22)
l=1 k=1

where h is the mesh size, v ci is the center of each square of the mesh. On the contrary, in our present approach,
we obtain the score using a neural network trained via the score-matching technique, markedly amplifying
efficiency. Details will be provided in Section 5.4.

5.1 Example 1: 2D BKW solution for Maxwell molecules

For the initial two tests in this and next subsections, we consider the BKW solution in both 2D and 3D to
verify the accuracy of our method. This solution stands as one of the few analytical solutions available for the
Landau equation. Further details regarding this solution can be found in [8, Appendix A].
Consider the collision kernel
A(z) = (|z|2 Id − z ⊗ z),
then an exact solution of (2) can be given by

1 2K − 1 1 − K 2
f˜t (v) = exp − + |v| , K = 1 − exp(−t/8)/2.
2πK 2K K 2K 2

Setting. In the experiment, we set t0 = 0 and compute the solution until tend = 5. The time step is ∆t = 0.01.
The total number of particles are set to be N = 1502 , initially i.i.d. sampled from f˜0 (v) = π1 |v|2 e−|v| using
rejection sampling. The score st is parameterized as a fully-connected neural network with 3 hidden layers, 32
neurons per hidden layer, and swish activation function [34]. The biases of the hidden layer are set to zero
initially, whereas the weights of the hidden layer are initialized using a truncated normal distribution with a
variance of 1/fan in, in accordance with the recommendations outlined in [22]. We train the neural networks
using Adamax optimizer [26] with a learning rate of η = 10−4 , loss tolerance δ = 5 × 10−4 for the initial score-
matching, and the max iteration numbers Imax = 25 for the following implicit score-matching.

Comparsion. We first compare the learned score with the analytical score
1 1 − K
∇ log f˜t (v) = − + v.
K (2K − 1)K + 1−K 2 |v|

In Fig. 1, we present scatter plots the learned score and analytical score from different viewing angles at time
t = 1 and t = 5. Here scorex and scorey refer to the x and y component of the score function, respectively.

Figure 1: Score visualization. The first two rows are at t = 1, the last two rows are at t = 5.

To measure the accuracy of the learned score over time, we measure the goodness of fit using the relative
Fisher divergence defined by

|st (v) − ∇ log f˜t (v)|2 ft (v)dv

|sn (v n ) − ∇ log f˜tn (v ni )|2
≈ i=1PN i . (23)
˜ |∇ log f˜t (v n )|2
R d |∇ log ft (v)| ft (v)dv i=1 n i

This metric is plotted in Fig. 2, which demonstrates that the learned score closely matches the analytical score
throughout the simulation duration.

Figure 2: The evolution of the relative Fisher divergence (23).

The locations of particles at different time are displayed in Fig. 3.

Figure 3: The location of particles at different time.

To further check the conservation and entropy decay properties of the method, we plot the time evolution
of the total energy and the entropy decay rate in Fig. 4. The energy is conserved up to a small error while the
entropy decay rate matches the analytical one (computed using (3) with quadrature rule).

Figure 4: The evolution of the total energy (left) and the entropy decay rate (right).

Further, as is done in [8], we construct a KDE solution on the computational domain [−L, L]2 with L = 4,
and uniformly divide the domain into n = 1002 meshes {Qi }ni=1 . The bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel is
chosen to be ε = 0.15. In Fig. 5, we track the discrete relative L2 -error between the analytical solution and the
KDE solution defined by qP
n ˜ c ˜ c 2
i=1 |ft (v i ) − ft (v i )|
qP , (24)
n ˜t (v c )|2
i=1 | f i

where v ci is the center of Qi .

Figure 5: Time evolution of the relative L2 -error.

Finally in Fig. 6, we depict the slices of the solutions at different times. The plots demonstrate a close
alignment between the KDE solutions and the analytical solutions.

Figure 6: Slices of the numerical and analytical solutions at t = 1, 2.5, 5.

5.2 Example 2: 3D BKW solution for Maxwell molecules

Consider the collision kernel
A(z) = (|z|2 Id − z ⊗ z),
and an exact solution given by

1 5K − 3 1 − K 2
f˜t (v) = exp − + |v| , K = 1 − exp(−t/6).
(2πK)3/2 2K 2K 2K 2

Setting. In this test, we set t0 = 5.5 and compute the solution until tend = 6. The time step is ∆t = 0.01. The
total number of particles is N = 303 , initially i.i.d. sampled from f˜5.5 by rejection sampling. The architecture
of score st is a fully-connected neural network with 2 hidden layers, 32 neurons per hidden layer, and swish
activation function. The initialization is identical to the first example. We train the neural networks using
Adamax optimizer with a learning rate of η = 10−4 , loss tolerance δ = 5 × 10−4 for the initial score-matching,
and the max iteration numbers Imax = 15 for the following implicit score-matching.

Comparison. The time evolution of the relative Fisher divergence, the conserved total energy, and the entropy
decay rate are shown in Fig. 7.

Figure 7: Time evolution of the relative Fisher divergence (left), the total energy (middle), and the entropy
decay rate (right).

We construct a KDE solution on the computational domain [−L, L]3 with L = 4, and uniformly divide the
domain into n = 303 meshes. The bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel is chosen to be ε = 0.18. In Fig. 8, we plot
a slice of the solution at t = 6 and track the discrete relative L2 -error (defined in (24)) between the analytical
solution and the KDE solution.

(a) Slice of the numerical and analytical solution at (b) Time evolution of the relative L2 -error.
t = 6.

Figure 8: Comparison of the numerical solution with the analytical solution.

5.3 Example 3: 2D anisotropic solution with Coulomb potential

Consider the Columb collision kernel
1 1
A(z) = (|z|2 Id − z ⊗ z),
16 |z|3

and the initial condition given by a bi-Maxwellian

|v − u1 |2 |v − u2 |2
f0 (v) = exp − + exp − , u1 = (−2, 1), u2 = (0, −1).
4π 2 2

Setting. In this experiment, we start from t0 = 0 and compute the solution until tend = 40, with time step
∆t = 0.1. We choose the number of particles as N = 1002 , sampled from f0 . We use a fully-connected neural
network with 2 hidden layers, 32 neurons per hidden layer, and swish activation function to approximate the

score st . The initialization is identical to the first example. We train the neural networks using Adamax op-
timizer with a learning rate of η = 10−4 , loss tolerance δ = 10−5 for the initial score-matching, and the max
iteration numbers Imax = 25 for the following implicit score-matching.

Result. We construct a KDE solution on the computational domain [−L, L]2 with L = 10, and uniformly
divide the domain into n = 1282 meshes. The bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel is chosen to be ε = 0.3. The
result in Fig. 9 closely resembles the findings in deterministic particle method and even the spectral method
presented in [8].

Figure 9: Slices of the numerical and analytical solutions at t = 0, 20, 40.

5.4 Example 4: 3D Rosenbluth problem with Coulomb potential

Consider the collision kernel
1 1
A(z) = (|z|2 Id − z ⊗ z),
4π |z|3
and the initial condition
(|v| − σ)2
f0 (v) = 2 exp −S , σ = 0.3, S = 10.
S σ2

Setting. In the example, we start from t0 = 0 and compute the solution until tend = 20, with time step
∆t = 0.2. N = 303 are initially sampled from f0 by rejection sampling. The neural network approximating the
score st is set to be a residue neural network [20] with 2 hidden layers, 32 neurons per hidden layer, and swish
activation function. The initialization is identical to the first example. We train the neural networks using
Adamax optimizer with a learning rate of η = 10−4 , loss tolerance δ = 5 × 10−4 for the initial score-matching,
and the max iteration numbers Imax = 25 for the following implicit score-matching.

Result. We construct a KDE solution on the computational domain [−L, L]3 with L = 1, and uniformly
divide the domain into n = 643 meshes. The bandwidth of the Gaussian kernel is chosen to be ε = 0.03 for
t = 10 and ε = 0.05 for t = 20. In Fig. 10, we again observe a favorable agreement with the results presented
in [8].

Efficiency. To demonstrate the efficiency improvement in our approach, we compare the computation times
for obtaining the score. In the score-based particle method, the total training time for the score is 42.835559
seconds, utilizing PyTorch code on the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute Nvidia A40 GPU. In contrast, for
the deterministic particle method [8], the computation time is approximately 5 seconds per time step (with a
total of 100 time steps, resulting in approximately 500 seconds for computing the score). These computations
were performed using Matlab code on the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute Mesabi machine across 12 nodes.
Nevertheless, we would like to point out that even though the score-based particle method speeds up score
evaluation, the summation in N on the right-hand side of (15) can be computationally expensive due to direct
summations. To mitigate this, one could implement a treecode solver as demonstrated in [8], reducing the cost
to O(N log N ), or adopt the random batch particle method proposed in [9], which reduces the cost to O(N ).
Since this paper primarily focuses on promoting the score-based concept, we leave further speed enhancements
for future investigation.

Figure 10: Slices of the solutions at t = 0, 10, 20.

5.5 Density computation via Algorithm 2

This subsection is dedicated to investigating the density computation outlined in Section 4. We first examine
the effectiveness of formula (line 5–6 in Algorithm 2) when the score function is provided exactly. To do so, we
revisit the example in Section 5.1. If the exact score is available, then the only expected errors are the Monte
Carlo error which scales as O(N − 2 ) and time discretization error O(∆t). The same time step ∆t = 0.01 as in
Section 5.1 is used for the subsequent tests.
We first track the relative L1 and L2 error of the solution with respect to particle numbers, and compute
the convergence rate with respect to particle numbers at t = 1, see Fig. 11. We observe the rate is slightly
faster than the Monte Carlo convergence rate 21 .

Figure 11: Time evolution of the relative L1 and L2 error with respect to particle numbers (left, middle); the
rate of convergence with respect to particle numbers at t = 1 (right).

To examine the long-term behavior of Algorithm 2, we compute the relative L1 and L2 errors (defined in
(24) for L2 and by removing the square in the formula for L1 ) until t = 5 using the same number of particles as
in Section 5.1, as depicted in Fig. 12. It demonstrates that the error remains stable over time. We anticipate
that better accuracy could be achieved by replacing the forward Euler time discretization with a higher-order

Figure 12: Long-term behavior of Algorithm 2.

Finally, we compare the numerical solution obtained by Algorithm 2 using the analytical score or score-
matching with the analytical solution in Fig. 13. The experimental setup is identical to that in Section 5.1.
Fig. 13a demonstrates that the numerical solution at t = 1 obtained through Algorithm 2 using the analytical
score closely overlaps with the analytical solution. In Fig. 13b, despite oscillations appearing near the top,
the numerical solution still matches the analytical solution well. We attribute this to the fact that density
computation uses the gradient of the score, while evolving particles only require the score itself, leading to
higher accuracy demands on the score function for density computation. We defer the intriguing questions of
how to learn the score function and its gradient with higher accuracy to future work.

(a) Using analytical score. (b) Using neural network with score-matching.

Figure 13: Comparison of the analytical and numerical solutions obtained by Algorithm 2 at t = 1.

A Proof of Corollary 4.2

Lemma A.1. If A(u) ∈ Rd×d , x(u) ∈ Rd , and u ∈ Rd , then

∇u · (A(u)x(u)) = (∇u · A(u)⊤ ) · x(u) + A(u) : ∇u x(u)⊤ ,

where A : B := ij Aij Bij and the divergence of matrix is applied row-wise.


d(a11 x1 + · · · + a1d xd ) d(ad1 x1 + · · · + add xd )

∇u · (A(u)x(u)) = + ··· +
du1 dud
da11 da1d dad1 dadd
= x1 + · · · + xd + · · · + x1 + · · · + xd +
du1 du1 dud dud
dx1 dxd dx1 dxd
+ a11 + · · · + a1d + · · · + ad1 + · · · + add
du1 du1 dud dud
= (∇u · A(u)⊤ ) · x(u) + A(u) : ∇u x(u)⊤ .

Now we present the proof for Corollary 4.2.

Proof. By Lemma A.1,

∇ · [Π(T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)) (s̃t (T (V , t)) − s̃∗t (T (V ∗ , t)))]

=[∇ · Π(T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t))⊤ ] · (s̃t (T (V , t)) − s̃∗t (T (V ∗ , t))) + Π(T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)) : ∇s̃t (T (V , t))⊤
=[∇ · Π(T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t))] · (s̃t (T (V , t)) − s̃∗t (T (V ∗ , t))) + Π(T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)) : ∇s̃t (T (V , t))⊤ .

Let z := T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t). Then

 2
z2 + z32

−z1 z2 −z1 z3
1 z
Π(z) = 2  −z1 z2 z12 + z32 −z2 z3  =⇒ ∇ · Π(z) = − 2 .
z1 + z22 + z32 |z|
−z1 z3 −z2 z3 z12 + z22

Therefore, the evolution for log | det ∇V T (V , t)| is

log | det ∇V T (V , t)| = − A(T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)) : ∇s̃t (T (V , t))⊤
dt Rd

− Cγ |T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)| (T (V , t) − T (V ∗ , t)) · (s̃t (T (V , t)) − s̃∗t (T (V ∗ , t))) f0 (V ∗ )dV ∗ .

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