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Machine Learning PT-1 QB

Sem VI A.Y: 2023-24

Prepare softcopy for the answer(10 marks) w.r.t the question assigned
Submission Date : 9/2/2023
No UNIT 1 - Compilation Responsibility Roll No 12
1 1- What is Machine Learning? How is it different from data mining ?

2- What are the different types of machine learning algorithm, explain each in detail.
3- What are supervised and unsupervised methods in ML, how they are different
3 from each other?

4- What the different steps involved in developing a machine learning application?

5 5- State the issues faced by machine learning models.
6 6- WHat are the different appictaions of ML? Explain any one in detail.
7 7- Explain training , testing and validation datasets in detail.
8- Explain the concept of cross validation. What are different types of cross-
8 validation methods?

9- What are the different types of errors in ML models. Explain Bias and Variance.
10 10- Explain the underfitting and overfitting issues with machine learning model.
11 11- Explain the following evaluations parameters for ML models
a) Accuracy, b)Recall, c)Precision, d)Specificity, e)F1 Score, f)RMSE , g)Confusion
No UNIT 4 - Compilation Responsibility Roll No 20
13 1- Explain the Hebbian rule and it’s significance in unsupervised learning.
14 2- What are the limitations of Hebbian Rule ?
15 3- Implement bipolar AND gate function using Hebb’s rule.
16 4- Implement bipolar OR gate function using Hebb’s rule.
17 5 - Explain EM algorithm along with its application.
6- What are the steps involved in EM algorithm? What are the Advantages and
Disadvantages of Expectation Maximization Algorithm?
8- Suppose Coin A and B is used for tossing. Each coin is tossed 10 times. Following
table shows the observation sequence of getting H and T for each round. But which
coin is used for which round is not known. Then how to calculate the probability of
getting H for coin A and B?
getting H for coin A and B?

No UNIT 6 - Compilation Responsibility Roll No 28
21 1- Explain the concept of “Curse of Dimensionality”.
22 2- What are the different approaches to handle Curse of Dimensionality?
23 3- Why Dimensionality Reduction is very Important step in ML?
24 4- Explain Feature Selection in detail.
25 5- Explain Feature Extraction in detail.

26 6- Explain PCA for dimensionality reduction. What are the steps involved in PCA?
27 7- What are the different types of Feature Selection methods?

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