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The subject of leadership is very wide and it needs a critical examining. Thousands of
people have discussed on the subject of leadership, but only few have gotten hold of what
leadership entails.
In this write up we shall look on something very different from leadership styles and some
other most found thing online about leadership.

One very core indices of leadership is learning. A leader is a learner, so also a learner is a
leader. So we must understand that the concept of leadership is not restricted to certain set
of people or certain sector on this planet earth. Everyone who is composed of flesh and
blood is a leader at one level or the other as long as learning keeps taking place daily.
Everything a man(human) learn is for a purpose and whatever a man(human) learns is to
be passed across to another person directly or indirectly.

Every leadership style used in achieving something is a result of what you have learnt and
understand about the composition of life and the species of human that dominate your
ecosystem. Because leadership is about achieving something and so therefore before that
could be and use of the accurate use of any leadership style, we must take an inventory of
the ecosystem, the report gathered is going to be the basis of the leadership style to apply.


Often times, people have embrace the ideology that says leadership is manipulation, i.e
forcefully making people to act against their will.
This ideology have caused many yet unresolved issues in families, organizations and the
There are three things about leadership we must look into and understand. These are;
 Impact(Knowledge)
 Influence
 Emulation
1. Impart (Knowledge)
The human generation is wired to act based on information. The human species do not
move unless a measure of knowledge impartation have taken place and have changed the
mind set and thought pattern and also have gotten a sustainable amazing result that
changes their living sense positively. Understand this, every man(human) seeks everyday
to have peace daily. When a measure of knowledge is passed to man(human) the first thing
that surfaced their mind of man is can this information give me peace and improve my
Every knowledge given are weighed and examined. No one is ready to submit to any man
or a leadership system if they haven’t gotten any testimony for the knowledge you shared.

Leadership is a platform designed for those that are capable of selling a profitable ideas to
people. Leadership is service to humanity i.e the office of leadership calls for building.
Leadership is for building men with substantial knowledge that births positive
A nation is called a nation when only the people have the same knowledge and
understanding. For a nation to grow the leaders must ensure the right impartation of
knowledge into the very heart of the people. Leadership structure and aim cannot be
ascertained outside a rightly dispensed body knowledge.
Get this, you are regarded as a powerful leader if the people you leader can cast their care
on you based on the magnitude of knowledge you released to them. The people you leader
have peace when you can dish out a meal of knowledge to them and they are strengthened
by that meal of knowledge.
A leaders must know this, you must be atlest five years of the people you leader when it
comes to your own learning. The knowledge the people will need in five years time must
have been rightly installed into you as a leader.

2. Influence
When the knowledge you dispensed to people have a positive transformation in their
livelihood, what happen is that, the heart of the people is drawn to you.
Leadership is influence, and influence cannot take place if the people have not gain
positively from what comes out of you.
Influence is the result of exceptional wisdom and acceptance, so understand that you will
be accepted by the people only if an exceptional wisdom is displayed through your
leadership. Understand this, you don’t call for influence, you don’t force influence because
you have some money with you, influence is earn and it’s the result of your selflessness and
wisdom. Get this influence and honor are two best friends, wherever you find influence you
also see genuine honor. I have seen people trying to buy influence and honor with money, I
have seen people trying to manipulate the minds of the people. Never you think men are
stupid, men will collect your money and still dishonor you. The heart of man is where there
is peace and transformation of the thought pattern.

Get this, leadership is firstly working on yourself and letting your mind and thought pattern
take a transformation.
Leadership is the State of Mind, you can only display what is programmed in your mind.
Your leadership reign cant go beyond what your mind is composed of.

Leadership is problem solving. When your leadership is able to solve problems on every
stages, so then can people cast their cares on you. Often times people thinks leadership is
about position and title. Leadership is problem solving, leadership is influence, the larger
your ecosystem of influence, the large the problem to solve is.

3. Emulation
Leadership is display of character. And every leader occupying a leadership position is
worth emulating. If as a leader you don’t do what you preach to people then you’re going
against the law of leadership which is every leader must be of good example to the people.
One very thing about leadership is that, the people you lead will give back the energy you
give them.
A good leadership structure is strengthened and last longer when there is a good character
that stand as a support system. Without a good support system (character) no matter how
good your structure may be, it will put aside in the space of time.
Many have a good leadership style and are so good at establishing a solid structure, but bad
character brings down all their labour.
Your leadership structure and standard shall travel from your generation to another when
and only your character makes things easy for the people around you.

Get this, leadership is trans generational, it is expected that your administration makes
things easy for the next generation that will carry on. You are a good leader if generations
after you can still use/continue with the structure you have established. If the immediate
generation after you cant continue with such structure, then you have failed, because you
did not set a good structure and you did not build men inline with that structure.

A good leadership have a platform made of a number of sound and intelligent men that can
forecast the future and predict possible solutions to the problems that might surfaced in
the future.
This is one major problem Nigeria is having. The political leadership do not or have never
find it necessary to have a platform that are assigned to forecast the future.
Every organization or nation that will move and grow faster must have a platform to
forecast and plan.

Leadership is continuity and continuity can only take place if there is a leadership sturctue
that have the next generation is plan.

Freshly starting another leadership structure at every given period of time, put an
organization or nation in the slow motion state.


The farmer that plants seed, doesn’t just plant seed and goes away. A good and experienced
farmer plants seed and begin to nurture the seed, by watering and adding some fertilizer
when needed. When the seed starts to grow, the farmer begins to clear and ensure that
unwanted weeds do not cover the young growing seed. So also the farmer does the pruning
at every stage of growth. Understand this the farmer is doing all these so that growing seed
can gain and established its root rightly in the soil and begin to produce fruits. Get this no
farmer is happy if after some years of pruning and the seed is yet to produce fruits.

This is leadership in the illustration above. This is the very aspect of leadership that many
leaders don’t want to hold on to.
Leadership is followership, it is a must for us to understand, that our followers are seed
planted in our leadership ecosystem and you must nurture and build them to grow strong
and stronger and also to begin to produce fruits.
Every leaders are like farmers, you must do everything it takes to grow and develop your

You are successful when your followers are successful.

You are a strong and powerful leader when your followers are strong and powerful.

Build men.

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