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IV, DV, CV, Aims and Hypotheses


Independent Variable (IV) What the experimenter changes

Dependent Variable (DV) What the experimenter measures
Control Variable (CV) What the experimenter keeps the same
Aim What you are investigating. Must mention IV and DV.
For example, “To investigate how the __________(IV) effects the

Note: fill in the blanks with your IV and DV

Hypothesis A prediction about what will happen. Must mention IV and DV.
For example, “I predict that by increasing the _________ (IV), the
___________ (DV) will increase/decrease (pick one option only)

Note: fill in the blanks with your IV and DV

Please underline the IV, circle the DV and list at least 3 CVs:
1. Eric is studying athletics. He wants to know if athletes who take extra protein after lifting weights
build more muscle than those who do not. He asks the football team to help. Each player lifts weights
for 1 hour. Then, he has half of the players take protein shakes, while half of the players do not. He
measures their muscle mass before and after a one-month period to see whose muscles developed
CV ____________________________________________________
CV ____________________________________________________
CV ____________________________________________________

2. Alex is studying bacteria. He wants to know what antibiotic kills the most bacteria. He has three
different antibiotics. He puts the same amount of each antibiotic on samples of bacteria. He then
counts how many bacteria were killed in each sample.
CV ____________________________________________________
CV ____________________________________________________
CV ____________________________________________________
Complete the following table that in relation to the scenarios
1. The number of flowers on different bushes in a greenhouse were recorded every week for two
months. The first bush is given 20ml of water each day, the second bush is given 40ml and the third
bush is given 60ml of water. All bushes were given the same fertilizer.

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

Control Variables:
(try to write 3)
To investigate…..
(must mention IV and DV)

I predict that…..

(must mention IV and DV)

2. A scientist who works for a sugar company wants to see what will dissolve faster - a sugar cube or
gains of sugar. She places 1 sugar cube (10g) into a cup of hot water and in another cup of hot water,
she places 10g of sugar granules. She times how long it takes for the sugar to dissolve in both cups.

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

Control Variables:
(try to write 3)
To investigate…..
(must mention IV and DV)

I predict that…..

(must mention IV and DV)
3. Four sunflowers are watered using different amounts of salt solution. The first group has 0% salt
solution, the second group has 10% salt solution and the last group is given 20% salt solution. After
two weeks, the height of each sunflower is measured.

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

Control Variables:
(try to write 3)
To investigate…..
(must mention IV and DV)

I predict that…..

(must mention IV and DV)

4. One tank of goldfish is fed the normal amount, which is once per day, a second tank is fed twice a
day, and a third tank, fed four times a day during a six-week study. The fish’s weight is recorded daily.

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

Control Variables:
(try to write 3)
To investigate…..
(must mention IV and DV)

I predict that…..

(must mention IV and DV)
5. Sandra is doing an experiment about fish. She wants to know if fish that live in polluted water have more
harmful chemicals in their bodies. She sets up different aquariums – half of the tanks have polluted water and
the other half have clean water. She puts one fish in each aquarium. After 1 year, she tests the fish to see how
many harmful chemicals they have in their bodies

Independent Variable:

Dependent Variable:

Control Variables:
(try to write 3)
To investigate…..
(must mention IV and DV)

I predict that…..

(must mention IV and DV)

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