Unit 1 Vocabulary

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1. Write the Word that matches in the gaps, the first letter is
1. I like books with i……………… because I think pictures bring a
story to life.
2. A film is often different from the book It is based on. I usually
prefer the film V………….
3. I enjoy Reading books with deatailed desciption of s……………,
especially when they describe mountains and forests.
4. I enjoy a variety of g……… of books and films. I dont have a
favourite category.
5. Superhero films dont a………. t… me. I prefer thrillers and
6. Ill always remember that amazing experience . it was
7. I enjoy films that are s……. i.. the past or take place in other
8. I get h……… o…. reality shows and cant stop watching them.
9.I think comic strips like Garfield are h……….. they are so funny!
10. I like novels were the plot u…….. slowly, so that things are only
revealed gradually.

2.the same
1. In e……………… of very old paintings, special lighting is used to
protect them.
2. Even if we dont like a particular piece of art, we can a……….. the
skill it took to créate it.
3. S………… l………… paintings traditionally show realistic-looking
fruit in bowls and flowers in bases.
4. In the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci, a beautiful B………. can
be seen behind the lady.
5. Most of the c……….. of impressionist art in 1863 wrote insulting
comments about the Works of painters such as Pissarro and Monet.
6.To save money, Van Gogh often made his own f…………. to put
around his paintings.
7. Nowadays, anyone can go online to b……….. thorugh the art in
famous museums around the world.
8.Comic book writers often try to make stories g…………… so kids
Will want to read them.

3, Complete the expressions.

1. Dave liked his Xbox, but recently he has lost………in it.
2. It was an extremely………….experience for Jenny when she
forgot headlines in the play.
3. The editor only had to make …… changes to the text.
4. My dog goes everywhere with me, hes my ………..friend.
5. The story is about a tourist who visits a……land.
6. The report does not present an…..picture of what happened.
7. The thief made a desperate……….to escape.
8. Funny cat videos always make me laugh out…….
9. Famous singers often go………to perform.

4. Complete
Verb noun adjective
……… defeat defeated
…………. Drama …………
…………. Interest …………
Fascinate ………. …………
Resemble ……….. ………….
…………. ……….. critical

Why is she so…………..of everyone? She rarely says anything

nice about people.
I dont understand Tom´s…………….…with insects.
We saw an exciting……………....on tv last night.
Can I …………you in our new range of beauty products,
madam? Asked the saleswoman.
Geg played as well as he could, but his opponent………...him
in the end.
Everyone says I look like my mum, but I dont see the………..

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