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ABC Interactive English Magazine

2022 年 1 月號
名譽發行人 沙正治 沈春華 動畫製作 陳炳輝 袁齋方 楊政龍 印刷製作 秋雨印刷股份有限公司
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英文主編 Li Chen 海外行銷 陳慕峰 李雨璇 客服時間 週一至週五 9:00~18:00
中文編輯 王昱婷 江莉芬 門市業務 吳美惠 徐霈馨 武燕詒 公司電話 (02) 2578-2626
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★ 雜誌使用說明
聽、說、讀、寫, 掃描 QR code 即可進入 廣播課程講解 課文朗讀快慢速 國中小必備單字
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參考單字 ABC 超音波 隨堂測驗 學習焦點

課外補充參考, 用最輕鬆的方式學習 實際演練每日所學, 每日課程的片語、文法、
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No. 235
January 2022
表示符合 108 課綱核心素養相關
ABC Interactive English Magazine 自主行動 社會參與 溝通互動

06 UNIT 3 世界好望角
課文朗讀》正常 &'ţ03 13,15
慢速 03 68-69
單字例句》&'ţ03 14,16 課文講解》03 94-95
Happy New Year!
Many Good Things Happened in 2020

UNIT 1 本月焦點 符號運用與溝通表達 10

& 圖解字典
課文朗讀》正常 &'ţ03 17,19,21 慢速

03 70-72
單字例句》&'ţ03 18,20,22 課文講解》03 96-98
聽力測驗》03 62
餐具大集合 Let’s Bargain!

& 實用對話
課文朗讀》正常 &'ţ03 03,05,07
單字例句》&'ţ03 04,06,08
聽力測驗》03 61
慢速 03 63-65
課文講解》03 89-91
課文朗讀》&'ţ03 23
單字例句》&'ţ03 24
Good Table Manners Getting Vaccinated

UNIT 2 品格英語
課文朗讀》正常 &'ţ03 09,11
慢速 03 66-67
單字例句》&'ţ03 10,12 課文講解》03 92-93

Good Family Relationships

Help People Feel Safe
UNIT 5 文法補給站
課文朗讀》正常 &'ţ03 25,27

慢速 03 73-74
單字例句》&'ţ03 26,28 課文講解》03 99-100

MP3 下載方式: 課程講解觀看平臺:
1 透過電腦互動學習軟體下載。 課程講解節目也可透過以下平台觀看。
行 動 單 字 卡
2 透過網路下載:
手機掃描 QR code 或輸入以下
請至 LiveABC 官方網站
→「雜誌館」,即可下載。 即時聆聽重點單字、例句朗讀。

UNIT 6 流行最前線
課文朗讀》正常 &'ţ03 29,31,33
慢速 03 75-77
32 進階閱讀 環境議題
課文朗讀》正常 &'ţ03 47,49

慢速 03 84-85
單字例句》&'ţ03 30,32,34 課文講解》03 101-103 單字例句》&'ţ03 48,50

Help the World with Slow Fashion Are You Ready for UFOs and Aliens
奉行慢時尚,一起愛地球 to Come?

進階閱讀 一本好書
課文朗讀》正常 &'ţ03 51,53

慢速 03 86-87
單字例句》&'ţ03 52,54

UNIT 7 短篇故事集 藝術涵養與美感素養 36 Harbor Me 贈書活動

課文朗讀》正常 &'ţ03 35,37,39 慢速 03 78-80
《星期五的沒事教室》 速見內頁
單字例句》&'ţ03 36,38,40 課文講解》03 104-106

The Creation

進階閱讀 ABC 長知識

課文朗讀》正常 &'ţ03 55
慢速 03 88
單字例句》&'ţ03 56

The World’s Fastest Train


UNIT 8 玩味生活
課文朗讀》正常 &'ţ03 41,43
慢速 03 81-82
40 燒話題 08
單字例句》&'ţ03 42,44 課文講解》03 107-108 學習計畫表 09
The Art of Magic 電影速報 39
歡迎光臨魔術世界 聽說圖寫 50
全民英檢初級聽力模擬試題 52
中文翻譯 55
本月之星(怪奇比莉) 61
問卷調查 63
UNIT 9 安妮信箱
課文朗讀》正常 &'ţ03 45
慢速 03 83
42 下期預告

單字例句》&'ţ03 46 課文講解》03 109

活用 ABC: 小地方大玩意:
出國旅遊實用英語 清境農場
New Year’s Resolutions
流行最前線: ABC 長知識:
新年願望 NBA 全明星賽 魚會睡覺嗎?


課文朗讀》CD/MP3 01


Week 1 Week 2
Greetings* 祝福 Resolutions* 新年願望

03 Happy 2022! 10 My resolution is to exercise

二○二二年快樂! more.
Welcome to the New Year!
04 歡迎來到新的一年!
11 I’m going to spend more time
with my family.
Have a great New Year!
05 祝你新年快樂! 我要花多一點時間陪伴家人。

12 I plan to do one good act

06 Hope all your dreams come
every day.
true in 2022.

13 One of my resolutions is to
07 May your New Year be full of
learn a new language.
peace, love, and happiness. 我的一個新年願望是學會一種新的語言。

14 I promised myself that I would

read a book a month.
* greeting [ `grit6; ] n. 祝賀;問候

* resolution [ %r5z4`lu]4n ] n. 決心;決意要做的事情

(New Year’s resolution 表示「新年願望」)

Week 3 Week 4
Activities 活動 Customs 習俗

17 I’ll be in Times Square 24 When the clock strikes

watching the ball drop. midnight, you should kiss
我會在時代廣場觀賞降球儀式。 someone you love.
18 We’re going to my friend’s
New Year’s Eve party. 25 Americans eat a dish with
我們會去朋友舉辦的跨年派對。 black-eyed peas* for good
19 We never miss the New Year’s
Eve fireworks show.
26 In Denmark, people jump off
chairs to leap* into the New
20 I prefer to watch the New
Year’s festivities* on TV. 在丹麥,人們會跳下椅子以迎接新年。

21 There’s nothing like being in 27 People in Spain eat 12 grapes

at midnight for 12 months of
a crowd of people on New good luck.
Year’s Eve. 西班牙人會在午夜十二點吃十二顆葡萄,
沒有什麼比跟一群人一起跨年更棒的了。 來獲得一整年的好運。

28 In Brazil, wearing yellow

underwear* on New Year’s
* festivity [ f5s`t6v4t6 ] n. 慶祝活動(作此意時慣用複數)
will bring you success.

31 Pay off all your bills and

debts* before the New Year

* black-eyed pea [ `bl1k`a6d ] [ pi ] 黑眼豆;米豆

* leap [ lip ] v. 跳躍
* underwear [ `9nd0%w5r ] n. 內衣
* debt [ d5t ] n. 債務

Taipei Game Show

發商交流的平台,並有獨立遊戲開發團隊的展示活動等。後者則提供最新型的遊戲機、數位 3C 娛樂以及熱門的桌遊等

k gamer [ `gem0 ] n. 遊戲玩家 k network [ `n5t%w-k ] v. (電腦)連線;與……建立人脈、關係
k platform [ `pl1t%f7rm ] n. 平台 k game developer [ gem ] [ d6`v5l4p0 ] 遊戲開發商
例 The Taipei Game Show attracts lots of gamers from around the world.

Buy Now, Pay Later metaverse

(BNPL) [ `m5t4%v-s ]

先買後付 元宇宙
網路購物因新冠肺炎疫情而更加熱 此 字 是 由 meta「 超 越 」 和 universe「 宇 宙 」 合 併
絡,因此電商祭出「先買後付」的新 而成的複合字。元宇宙是一個大型虛擬世界(virtual
消費模式,加上申請手續簡易且過程完 world)的概念,人們可以透過 VR 或 AR 技術和不同地
全不需信用卡,因此吸引許多 Z 世代族群 區的伙伴在虛擬世界中工作、交友、購物,或完成一個
的青睞。小編提醒消費者在購物前,仍須審視自己的經 目標等。Facebook 和 Google 近來正致力於發展這項
濟能力,切勿落入過度消費的陷阱。 技術,以下是 Facebook 執行長馬克•祖克伯(Mark
k online shopping
[ `3n%la6n ] [ `]3p6; ] 網路購物
k interest [ `6nt4r6st ] n. 利息 Ƈ,αӉRQƄWαәKϦӓNαәKϞ՗ϱӍLϰҫLϰҫSϯӎPϞӗLϩӞՍӇRϲә
k installment [ 6n`st7lm4nt ] n. 分期付款 EϢӎQϤҫHϫӌDϤӊGαӜLϱӍ՗ՐHαҴQϱӊUϫՏWαӒRϯӊζόҫWϥӎQϨҫ
k overspend [ %ov0`sp5nd ] v. 過度消費
例 Thanks to increased online shopping Յ࢑‫؂‬ՍดՅดᡲᆪၰᒋΤҢࣁȄȷ
during COVID-19, BNPL is super popular

圖片:Frederic Legrand -
COMEO / Shutterstock
UNIT 1 本月焦點5

w5r ]
[ `teby%



ᓡ ‫ڎ‬ σ



1. glass 3. knife 5. bowl 7. napkin

[ gl1s ] [ na6f ] [ bol ] [ `n1pk6n ]
玻璃杯 刀子(複數為 knives [ na6vz ]) 碗 餐巾

2. spoon 4. fork 6. plate 8. cup

[ spun ] [ f7rk ] [ plet ] [ k9p ]
湯匙 叉子 盤子 杯子



9. saucer 11. chopstick 13. bread basket

[ `s7s0 ] [ `t]3p%st6k ] [ br5d ] [ `b1sk6t ]
茶碟 筷子(慣用複數) 麵包籃

10. teapot 12. pepper shaker 14. serving tray

[ `ti%p3t ] [ `p5p0 ] [ `]ek0 ] [ `s-v6; ] [ tre ]
茶壺 胡椒罐 食物托盤

UNIT 1 11
UNIT 1 本月焦點5
d Table Manne

' 重點單字

1. manner [ `m1n0 ] n. 禮儀;禮貌

○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字
Goo 用餐禮儀養成術 rs 1

It’s bad manners to stare at people.

◎ 2. formal [ `f7rmy ] adj. 正式的
Max doesn’t have any formal clothes.
◎ 3. rude [ rud ] adj. 不禮貌的;粗魯的
Sometimes, waiters have to deal with
rude customers.
◎ 4. lay [ le ] v. 放置;平放 (lay-laid[ led ]-laid)
Sheila laid her yoga mat on the floor.

參考單字 +
lap [ l1p ] n. 大腿
utensil [ ju`t5nsy ] n. 用具;器皿
Part A
課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 03 慢速 MP3 63
03 單字例句》CD/MP3 04 課文講解》MP3 89

' 學習焦點
Foster and Emily are at a formal2 dinner.
1. (Sb) is used to + V-ing. (某人)習慣(做某事)。 佛斯特和愛蜜莉在一場正式的晚宴上。
指現在能習慣、適應的事,對話中為否定用法。be used
to 之後也可接名詞。 (Foster = F ; Emily = E)
t Darren is used to getting up early.
戴倫習慣早起。 F : I’m not used to having so many knives,
t I’m not used to the weather here. forks, and spoons for one meal.
E : This is quite common for a formal
2. A helps B with (sth). A 協助 B(某事物)。
(Sb) needs help with (sth). 表示「(某人)在(某事物) dinner.
F : C a n y o u h e l p m e w i t h my t a b l e
t Simon helped me with English grammar.
賽門協助我釐清英文文法。 manners? I don’t want to do anything
3. That’s not too hard to remember.
那並不會太難記。 E : Sure. First, take your napkin and lay4 it
too + adj. + to + V. 表示「太……而不能(做某事)」,
on your lap.*
若前面加 not 為雙重否定的用法,表示「不會太過於……
而能(做某事)」。 F : I know that part. I need help with the
t The sign isn’t too far to read.
different plates, glasses, and utensils.*
E : OK, for the utensils, you start from the
outside and move in to the plate.
____ What does Foster already know?
To move plates from the outside in. F : That’s not too hard to remember.
To use the same utensil for each dish.
To drink from the inside glass first. E : No, it’s not.
To put the napkin on his lap.
Part B ' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 05 慢速 MP3 64 ○ 1. polite [ p4`la6t ] adj. 有禮貌的

04 單字例句》CD/MP3 06 課文講解》MP3 90 The polite girl always says please and
thank you.
Emily and Foster are at a Chinese wedding 那位有禮貌的女孩都會說「請」和「謝謝你」。
banquet.* ◎ 2. cause [ k7z ] v. 造成
愛蜜莉和佛斯特參加一場中式婚宴。 The accident caused a lot of problems.
(Emily = E ; Foster = F) ○ 3. trouble [ `tr9by ] n. 麻煩
My son didn’t make any trouble for me
E : What’s this round thing on the table?
F : It’s a lazy Susan. The food for the table
goes there. ○ 4. point [ p76nt ] v. 把……指向
go 在此指「被放置在(某個常用的位置)」。 You shouldn’t point your finger at
E : Wait! We don’t get our own plates of the moon.
參考單字 +
F : No. Everyone shares the food, so you wedding banquet [ `w5d6; ] [ `b1;kw6t ] 婚宴
can’t use your chopsticks to pick it up. stick [ st6k ] v. 插進;戳 (stick-stuck[ st9k ]-stuck)
pour [ por ] v. 倒;注入
It’s not polite.1
E : I see. What else isn’t polite? I don’t want ' 學習焦點
2 3
to cause any trouble. 1. pick up 撿起;拿起
4 t Pick up the plate with both hands.
F : Don’t point your chopsticks at anyone,
and don’t stick* them in your rice bowl.
2. I see. 我懂了。我知道了。
E : OK. see [ si ] 在此意為「明白;理解」。
t A: I don’t have time to talk right now.
F : Also, when you have the teapot, pour* 我現在沒時間談話。
tea into other people’s cups before your B: I see. When should I come back?
own. 我知道了。那我應該什麼時候再來?
中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 55 頁
3. What else...? 還有什麼其他……?
'ϬӓƄWαӕRϦӓWαӞRϲӗϠӍՔϭӘWϦӈNϰҫ else [ 5ls ] 表示「其他;另外」,需置於疑問詞(如
DϱҫDϫӞRՓӊεϞӓGαӉRQƄWαӘWϦӈN what、who 等)或不定代名詞(如 nothing、
WϥӊPαӎQαӞRϲӗϯӎFϢҫEϬӜOζ somebody 等)之後。
2.ζ t What else are we taking to the beach?
t Do you want to go somewhere else?

什麼是 lazy Susan [ `lez6 ] [ `suzx ] ?

lazy Susan 是指「餐桌中央用於放置食物的圓形轉盤」,

UNIT 1 13
UNIT 1 本月焦點5

Part C ' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 07 慢速 MP3 65 ○ 1. roll [ rol ] n. 小圓麵包

05 單字例句》CD/MP3 08 課文講解》MP3 91 There’s already butter inside the roll.
Foster and Emily are having a meal with
her family.
○ 2. across [ 4`kr7s ] prep. 越過;從一邊到另一邊
Ben put his arm across Jack’s shoulders.

(Foster = F ; Emily = E) ○ 3. pass [ p1s ] v. 傳遞;遞送

Can you pass me that book, please?
F : I just took the last roll. What should I do 可以請你把那本書遞給我嗎?

with the bread basket? ◎ 4. apologize [ 4`p3l4%d.a6z ] v. 道歉

My friend apologized for being late.
E : You can leave it on the serving tray over 我的朋友為遲到而道歉。
there. 表示「恕我失陪」。excuse [ 6k`skjuz ]
F : OK. Please excuse me.
' 學習焦點
E : Thanks for doing that. Oh, hey, why are 1. What should I do with (sth)?
you reaching across my food? 我該如何處理(某事物)?
t A: What should I do with the eggs?
F : I’m trying to get that pepper shaker. 我該怎麼處理這些蛋?
B: Put them in the refrigerator.
E : If you want something and it’s far from
you, ask someone to pass3 it to you.
2. (Sb) is familiar with + N.
F : I apologize.4 I’m still not familiar with all (某人)對……很熟悉。
the table manners here. familiar [ f4`m6lj0 ] 是形容詞「熟悉的」。需注意介系
E : It’s all right. I also forget my manners at t Janine is very familiar with the rules of the
times. game.
中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 55 頁

3. at times 有時候
:ϥӆWαӘKϬӚOϡҫ,αӉRαӜLϱӍ 意同於 sometimes。
WϥӊϟӗHϞӉϟӆVϨӊWσ t At times, I don’t leave my house all day.


____ How does Foster feel?

He’s sorry about his mistake.
He needs pepper for his roll.
He loves Emily’s table manners.
He’s ready to leave the meal.

Listening Test 聽力測驗

本測驗依照「國中教育會考」英語科聽力測驗題型編寫,提供 _____ 5. We need to go there tonight.

準備應試的讀者模擬練習的機會,請聽 MP3 Track 61 或使 We ran out of vegetable soup.
用電腦互動學習軟體,進入本課之後點選「會考聽力測驗」即 We sold all of our sandwiches.
可作答;或至 LiveABC 官網下載 MP3 音檔,亦可掃描本單元
QR code 或使用 LiveABC 智慧點讀筆點選該題區塊來作答。 _____ 6. Do you usually have problems with it?
When did the travel bubble start?
(一)辨識句意 Why did you give him so much?

請聽語音播出的試題,根據圖意選出一個相符合的答案,每題 _____ 7. Don’t worry. I always do that.

播出一次。 That’s true. It is a nice light.
_____ 1. Of course. You can ask me anything.
_____ 8. That man was selling them.
  My mom taught me.
I got it when I was sick.

_____ 2.
_____ 9. She already has a family.
She wants the same thing.
She knows the app.
_____ 10. Wear it herself.
 Pay the man for it.
 Put it on her sleeping child.
_____ 11. He cuts it with a knife and fork.
 He raises it to his mouth with his hand.
_____ 3.
 He moves his head to the plate and bites it.
_____ 12. She said sorry to her friend.
 She thanked Justine for her help.
 She made a gift for someone.
_____ 13. It’s not his habit to study with music.
 He can’t study without music.
 It’s his turn to choose the music.

(二)基本問答 _____ 14. He doesn’t have time to do that with the

He sometimes forgets things, too.
He never has problems doing things.
_____ 4. There’s lots of room for her.
That’s so true for men.
She treated me that way first.

聽力測驗題目和解答請見第 60 頁 UNIT 1 15
UNIT 2 品格英語5

課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 09 慢速 MP3 66
06 單字例句》CD/MP3 10 課文講解》MP3 92

Bree is 14 years old and comes from a big

family. She has a good relationship with her
parents.2 They are always there for her, and
they support3 her and her dreams.

Bree also has a good relationship with her

siblings.* She can talk to them about anything.
They won’t judge4 or laugh at her. When Bree
has problems, they try their best to help her.

Bree’s family makes her feel safe, and they

give her strength.* They mean a lot to her.

' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字 ' 學習焦點

◎ 1. relationship [ r6`le]4n%]6p ] n. 關係 1. A is always there for B. A 總是在 B 身邊。

Ed doesn’t want a relationship with anyone. always 有強調作用,亦可省略。
t Peggy is (always) there for her friends when
○ 2. parent [ `p5r4nt ] n. 雙親之一 they need her.
Both of Joe’s parents work for a living. 佩琪的朋友需要她的時候,她都會在。
2. laugh at 嘲笑
◎ 3. support [ s4`port ] v., n. 支持 laugh [ l1f ] 是不及物動詞「笑;嘲笑」的意思,其後
What can I do to support you? 以 at 接受詞。
t It’s not nice to laugh at others.
Frank didn’t need my support. 嘲笑別人是不好的。
3. try (one’s) best (某人)全力以赴
◎ 4. judge [ d.9d. ] v. 評斷;評論
If you don’t want people to judge you, (one’s) best [ b5st ] 指「(某人的)最大努力」。
then don’t judge others. t The team will try its best to win the game.
如果你不希望別人評論你,那就別評斷他人。 該隊伍會盡全力贏得比賽。

參考單字 + 隨堂測驗•選擇題
sibling [ `s6bl6; ] n. 手足
strength [ str5;q ] n. 力量 ____ What does Bree’s family NOT do for her?
They do many things to help her.
They make her feel strong and safe.
They don’t listen to her or her problems.
They don’t stop her from going after
her dreams.
課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 11 慢速 MP3 67 重點單字
07 單字例句》CD/MP3 12 課文講解》MP3 93
' ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

◎ 1. handle [ `h1ndy ] v. 處理;應付

Because of Bree’s secure * family Pete doesn’t handle trouble very well.
relationships, she can handle1
difficulties. 2 She can work through
◎ 2. difficulty [ `d6f4%k9lt6 ] n. 困難;困境
Norman faced many difficulties at school.
them on her own. She’s able to keep 諾曼在學校面臨許多困難。
her emotions3 under control as well. ◎ 3. emotion [ 6`mo]4n ] n. 情緒;情感
You don’t need to hide your emotions.
A l s o , w h e n B r e e ’s f r i e n d s 你不需要隱藏你的情緒。
experience dif ficulties, she shows ○ 4. hope [ hop ] v. 希望
them empathy. * In other words, she I hope to see them again.
understands and shares* their feelings.
So, she gives her friends help and 參考單字 +

support. secure [ s6`kj8r ] adj. 安心的;無憂慮的

empathy [ `5mp4q6 ] n. 同理心
share [ ]5r ] v. 有相同的感受或經歷
Bree wants them to feel safe and
secure. Bree’s family gives her that
feeling every day. She hopes4 to do the
same for other people in her life. ' 學習焦點

中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 55 頁
1. work through (sth) 解決或克服(某事物)
t It’s hard, but you have to work through
the pain.

2. as well 也
t Doug liked the first song. He liked the second
song as well.

3. A shows B (sth). A 向 B 表現出(某種情感)。

也可以說 A shows (sth) to B.。
t A stranger showed me a lot of kindness
when I was lost.


____ Which is true about Bree?

She never shares her feelings.
She has empathy for others.
She isn’t able to fix her problems
by herself.
She can’t handle her difficult friends
or family.
UNIT 2 17
UNIT 3 世界好望角5

' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

◎ 1. crayon [ `kre4n ] n. 蠟筆
My mom bought me a box of 64 crayons.
○ 2. color [ `k9l0 ] n. 顏色
Elena’s favorite color is purple.
◎ 3. film [ f6lm ] n. 電影;影片
Are there any new films this month?
◎ 4. personal [ `p-sxy ] adj. 個人的;私人的
Shawn doesn’t talk about his personal life
in public.

參考單字 +
polio [ `pol6o ] n. 小兒麻痺症

' 學習焦點

1. put an end to (sth) 淚水與歡笑交織的

end 在此是名詞「結束;完結」。 二○二○年
t The police put an end to the fight.
課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 13 慢速 MP3 68
警方終止了這場鬥毆事件。 10 單字例句》CD/MP3 14 課文講解》MP3 94
2. time off 休假
動詞可用 get、take 或 have,文中的 paid [ ped ] COVID-19 made life difficult for
time off 指「有薪假」。順帶一提,常見的休假種類有 people everywhere in 2020, and it
sick leave「病假」、personal leave「事假」、annual continues to do so now. However,
[ `1njU4l ] leave「年假」等。
many good things also happened
t Tanya took some time off to look after
her mother. during these hard times.
For example, Africa put an end
to polio * in its lands. A big crayon 1
.ABC 超音波
ar 發 [ 3r ] 的音,如文中的 hard 和常見的 far、 company made crayons for 40 different
park、market 等字。 skin colors.2 Also, a foreign-language
film3 won the Best Picture Oscar for the
隨堂測驗•選擇題 first time. foreign-language [ `f7r6n`l1;gw6d. ] 表示「外語的」,
文中指韓國電影《寄生上流》(Parasite [ `p1r4%sa6t ])
____ Which did NOT take place in 2020?
The Best Picture Oscar didn’t go to an
In Finland, the good things were
English movie. more personal 4 for men. New dads
A company made skin colors into crayons. got more paid time off to be with their
Finland started giving new fathers new babies. That’s great for parents
time off.
There was no more polio in Africa.
and kids.
' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

◎ 1. affect [ 4`f5kt ] v. 影響
Your words really affected me.
○ 2. lonely [ `lonl6 ] adj. 孤單的
Although I’m at home by myself, I don’t
feel lonely.
◎ 3. social [ `so]4l ] adj. 社交的;善於交際的
4wiki / Wikip
ed ia
My sister is not a very social person.
圖片:Kinocin 我姊姊不是個很善於交際的人。
U 《寄生上流》主要演員
◎ 4. empty [ `5mpt6 ] adj. 空的
Please put the empty bottle in the
recycling bin.

參考單字 +
animal shelter [ `1n4my ] [ `]5lt0 ] 動物收容所

課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 15 慢速 MP3 69 學習焦點

11 單字例句》CD/MP3 16 課文講解》MP3 95

1. no longer 不再;再也不
Because of COVID-19, governments 為副詞片語。
made people stay at home. That really t You are no longer my friend.
af fected 1 people. They felt lonely 2
because they could no longer be 2. 動名詞當主詞的用法
social. 3 To fix that, people in the US 動名詞當主詞時,其後須搭配單數動詞。

went to animal shelters.* t Playing video games for a long time is bad
for your eyes.
They brought cats and dogs home.
t Listening to music makes Lizzy happy.
Soon, many animal shelters across the 聽音樂讓麗姬心情愉悅。
country were empty.4 That wasn’t the
3. ...the world experienced a 7% drop in
only good thing, though. Staying at CO2 levels.
home helped the environment. 全世界的二氧化碳量減少了百分之七。
experience [ 6k`sp6r64ns ] 指「經歷」;drop 表示「減
In 2020, the world experienced a 少的量;降低的程度」;level [ `l5vy ] 是「數量;總量」。
7% drop in CO2 levels. That and all the t There was a small drop in oil prices recently.
other good things really gave people 近期的油價微幅下跌。

hope during COVID-19. 隨堂測驗•選擇題

中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 55–56 頁
____ Why did people in the US bring cats and
dogs home from animal shelters?
They wanted to give them good homes.
They hoped to help the environment.
They tried to fix the problem with
animal shelters.
They didn’t want to be lonely anymore.
UNIT 3 19
UNIT 3 世界好望角5

延 伸 活 動

1. What is the purpose of talking about polio in Africa? _____

A To ask for more help for its people.
B To show a bright side of 2020.
C To explain people’s lives everywhere.
D To draw people’s attention to the country.

2. What is true about 2020? _____

A COVID-19 ended that year.
B It was difficult but not without hope.
C It was good for all the children in Finland.
D It was hard on people and the environment.

3. What good things did COVID-19 do for the world? __________

A It helped the environment for a while.
B It saved African people with polio.
C It helped animals in animal shelters.
D It saved a crayon company from closing.
 It helped parents have kids in Finland.

Q 本文的開頭說明了二○二○年,世界各地人民的生活因新冠肺炎而陷入困境,但美好的事也同時在這段時間發生,如非洲
為 (B)。

W 在 Part 1 的開頭提到人們因為新冠肺炎而陷入困境,而且至今仍深受威脅,疫情尚未結束。人們的生活雖然辛苦,但世界

答為 (B)。 。

E 在 Part 2 的開頭提到因為新冠肺炎,所以人們會去動物收容所收養動物,且第二段末提到人們待在家裡的同時也對自然環
境有所幫助,因此答案為 (A) 與 (C)。

20 UNIT 3
1. B 2. B 3. A, C


t A: Your price is a bit high. Will you take NT$500 for it?

B: No, that’s too low. I can do NT$750 apiece if you

buy three.

t A: What is your best price?


B: It’s NT$700 each for three T-shirts. Take it or leave it.

買三件 T 恤,一件七百元,要就要,不要就算了。


t A: Can you work my shift* for me?


B: I can as long as you return the favor.


t A: Could you help me with my project?*


B: OK, but you need to buy me dinner.



t A: You do the cooking, and I’ll do the cleaning.


B: No problem, and we can wash the car together.


t A: If you wash the dishes, I’ll take out the trash.


B: That works for me.


參考單字 +
bargain [ `b3rg6n ] v. 討價還價;協商 shift [ ]6ft ] n. 輪班 project [ `pr3d.5kt ] n. 專案;企劃
UNIT 4 21
' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字 HϞӈKζϑӔϬәKϢӗϳӊQϡӔUαӍDϰҫ
◎ 1. vendor [ `v5nd0 ] n. 攤販
Not many vendors were out because of
the rain.
○ 2. T-shirt [ `ti%]-t ] n. T 恤
You are not allowed to wear T-shirts at work.
你上班不能穿 T 恤。
○ 3. price [ pra6s ] n. 價格
I asked the clerk about the price of the
washing machine.
○ 4. low [ lo ] adj.(金額、價值等)低的
The pay for that job isn’t low.

參考單字 +
night market [ na6t ] [ `m3rk6t ] 夜市
Part A: About Money
' 學習焦點 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 17 慢速 MP3 70
12 單字例句》CD/MP3 18 課文講解》MP3 96
1. How much is (sth)? (某事物)多少錢?
t A: How much is this toy? Lana is shopping at a night market.*
這個玩具多少錢? 拉娜正在逛夜市。
B: It’s five dollars.
(Lana = L ; Vendor1 = V)
2. NT$800 each 每件八百元
「每個物品(多少錢)」可以 (money) each 或是 L: Excuse me. How much is this T-shirt?2
(money) apiece 來表示。each [ itS ] 和 apiece
[ 4`pis ] 都是副詞「每個;每樣」之意。
V: All my T-shirts are NT$800 each. No
t Tickets to the show are $25 each. other vendor has these shirts.
L: Your price3 is a bit high. Will you take
t The apples were $1 apiece.
那些蘋果一顆一美元。 NT$500 for it?
3. Take it or leave it. 要就要,不要就算了。 V: No, that’s too low. 4 I can do NT$750
此句話字面意思為「拿走或是留下」,意即「要就要,不 apiece if you buy three.
t I’ll give you $3,700 for the car. Take it or L: That’s not a bad deal, but NT$1,800 for
leave it. three would be better.
V: I wouldn’t make any money if I did that.
L: OK, so what is your best price then?
____ What did Lana want to pay?
NT$600 apiece for three T-shirts. V: My best price is NT$700 each for three
NT$500 each for three T-shirts.
NT$700 for one T-shirt.
T-shirts. Take it or leave it.
NT$800 for all the T-shirts.
Part B: About Work ' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 19 慢速 MP3 71

○ 1. play [ ple ] n. 戲劇
13 單字例句》CD/MP3 20 課文講解》MP3 97
There are many famous people in that play.
Garrett and Alison are working at a ◎ 2. manager [ `m1n6d./ ] n. 經理;主管
restaurant. I would like to speak with your manager,
葛瑞特和愛莉森正在一間餐廳工作。 please.
(Garrett = G ; Alison = A) ○ 3. glad [ gl1d ] adj. 高興的;開心的
We are glad to finally meet you.
G: Hey Alison, could you do me a big 我們很高興終於見到你。
favor? ◎ 4. actually [ `1kt]84l6 ] adv. 事實上;實際上
A: What do you need? Carol and I are good friends. Actually, she’s
my best friend.
G: My daughter is in the school play, 1 卡蘿跟我是好朋友,事實上,她是我的摯友。

and it’s this Friday. But the manager 2

wouldn’t give me the day off.
A: So, you want me to work your shift for ' 學習焦點

you? 1. A does B a favor. A 幫 B 的忙。

favor [ `fev0 ] 是「幫助;善意的行為」,為可數名詞。
G: Yes, and I’ll be glad3 to return the favor t Sally sometimes does her neighbor favors.
when you need it. 莎莉有時會幫鄰居的忙。

A: Actually, 4 something impor tant is 2. (Sth) is coming up. (某事)即將來臨。

coming up, so I could use your help come up 表示「到來;發生」,作此意時慣用進行式。
t The school’s birthday is coming up.
then. 校慶即將到來。
G: You got it. You’re the best, Alison! 3. You got it. 沒問題。
A: Great and thanks, Garrett!
t A: Please give this report to the boss right
中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 56 頁 away.
+ϢӞτӑLϰӔQεϠӔXϩӉ϶Ք՘ B: You got it. Do you need anything else?


____ What did Garrett do?

He tried to take Alison’s shift.
He asked for time off.
He did the manager a favor.
He returned the woman’s things.

UNIT 4 23
' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

Part C: About Housework 1 ◎ 1. housework [ `ha8s%w-k ] n. 家事

Rachel likes to do housework, but I don’t.
課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 21 慢速 MP3 72
14 單字例句》CD/MP3 22 課文講解》MP3 98
◎ 2. lift [ l6ft ] v. 抬起;舉起
Roberta and Freddy are at home. It took four people to lift the big sofa.
蘿貝塔和弗萊迪在家裡。 抬起這張大沙發需要四個人。
○ 3. less [ l5s ] adj. 較少的
(Freddy = F ; Roberta = R) I’d like my drink with less ice.
F : Hey, you shouldn’t lift2 heavy things in ○ 4. feed [ fid ] v. 餵食 (feed-fed[ f5d ]-fed)
your condition.* I feed my rabbit two times a day.
R : Look, although there’s a baby on the
參考單字 +
way, I can still do things. 表示「(事情)即將發生」,在
condition [ k4n`d6]4n ] n. 狀況;狀態

F : I know, but now you should do less 3 litter [ `l6t0 ] n. 貓砂

work around the house.

' 學習焦點
R: H o w d o y o u w a n t t o s h a r e t h e
housework? 1. For one,... For another,...
F : For one, you continue to feed the cats, 用來列舉事項或原因。
and I’ll clean their litter* boxes. t I can’t help you. For one, I know nothing
about business. For another, I don’t
R : That works because I should stay away have the time.
from their litter.
F : For another, you do the cooking, and I’ll 2. do the cooking 做飯
do the cleaning. cooking 在此是現在分詞當名詞的用法,表示「烹飪;
做飯」。do the + V-ing 表達「做(某事)」,常見用
R : OK. I can live with that. 法還有後文的 do the cleaning「打掃」以及 do the
中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 56 頁 shopping「買東西」、do the washing「洗東西」等。
t It’s your turn to do the shopping.
+ϢӞε϶ӔXαӘKϬӚOϡӓƄWαӑL֪ϥӊDϳӞ 這次輪到你去採買。
RϫҫWϥӊϴӆ\εόҫFϞӓϰәLϩӑϡӔϱӍLϫӌVζ 3. (Sb) can live with (sth).
live with (sth) 表示「接受、容忍(某件不愉快的事)」。
t Curt wants to take a gap year. His parents
can’t live with that.


____ Why does Roberta need to do less housework?

She must stay away from cat litter.
She has to feed the babies.
She’s going to have a new child.
24 She’s in really poor health.
Listening Test 聽力測驗

本測驗依照「國中教育會考」英語科聽力測驗題型編寫,提供 _____ 5. I saw them in that machine.

準備應試的讀者模擬練習的機會,請聽 MP3 Track 62 或使 I go to the one on the end.
用電腦互動學習軟體,進入本課之後點選「會考聽力測驗」即 I can cut some for you now.
可作答;或至 LiveABC 官網下載 MP3 音檔,亦可掃描本單元
QR code 或使用 LiveABC 智慧點讀筆點選該題區塊來作答。 _____ 6. But why did she make that?
And you bought that from her?
(一)辨識句意 So she’s now our boss?

請聽語音播出的試題,根據圖意選出一個相符合的答案,每題 _____ 7. I always take out the trash.

播出一次。 I enjoy doing my math homework.
_____ 1. I usually take a shower at night.
  _____ 8. Thanks, but that doesn’t work for me.
Sure, I’ll take them there for you.
Of course, I can leave you a little bit.

_____ 2.
_____ 9. When she needs to take Scooter out.
  What time Scooter gets food.
Which snacks she should give Scooter.
_____ 10. She doesn’t need the man to live.
 She can’t have many things in her life.
 She isn’t OK with the man’s idea.
_____ 11. He wants her to go with him.
 He has to take care of Josh.
_____ 3.
 He needs her help.
_____ 12. He was happy to be off the roads.
 He got angry when he drove.
 He was sad at his parent’s house.
_____ 13. The woman’s birthday is already over.
 A special day is around the corner.
 He’s getting ready for a holiday.

(二)基本問答 _____ 14. How the woman made the picture.

 Where he can get money.
 What he has to pay.

_____ 4. Really? I’m not a fan of rice.

Again? It’s already six dollars now.
OK? You can’t get up without me.

聽力測驗題目和解答請見第 60 頁 UNIT 4 25
Tess and her husband,1 Beck, are going to
get vaccinated against2 COVID-19.

STEP They register online to get a vaccine.

1 他們在網路上登記接種疫苗。

課文朗讀》CD/MP3 23 單字例句》CD/MP3 24 ,αӓHϢӉ϶ӔXϯҫ

' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字 FϞӗGαӓXϪӇHUζ
○ 1. husband [ `h9zb4nd ] n. 先生;丈夫
Clarice met her husband in college.
◎ 2. against [ 4`g5nst ] prep. 防備;預防
The people prepared themselves against 0϶ҫFϞӗGαӎVαӎQαӒ\
attack. ZϞӑOϢәζ3,ƄOϩҫJϬҫDϫӉ
那些人做好準備以防受到攻擊。 JϢәϦ՗ζ
○ 3. wallet [ `w3l6t ] n. 皮夾;錢包 我的健保卡在錢包裡,我去拿。

Bruce gave his dad a new wallet for

his birthday. After a few days, they get text
2 messages about the vaccine.
布魯斯送給他爸爸一個新皮夾當生日禮物。 *
○ 4. rest [ r5st ] v. 休息 幾天之後,他們收到關於疫苗的簡訊。
Joni felt better after she rested. *ϯӊDWβϋӔZαӘRϬӓ
瓊妮休息過後覺得好多了。 +ϢӞεϱӍH϶ҫQϬӜ
' 學習焦點

1. the day of + N. ……的那一天

t James got up early on the day of the big test.

2. get a shot 打針;施打疫苗

shot [ ]3t ] 是名詞「注射;針劑」。(Sb) gets (one’s)
shot. 表示「(某人)打針。」A gives B a shot. 指「A 嘿,我們有疫苗可以打了。
幫 B 打針。」 太好了!我們多快可以打到?
t Linda gets a flu shot every year. * text message [ t5kst ] [ `m5s6d. ] 文字簡訊
Tess and Beck make an appointment
3 online.
t The doctor will give you a shot for the pain.
醫生會幫你打針,緩解疼痛。 泰絲和貝克在網路上預約。 $ϫӞϱӎPϢҫLϰҫJϬӔGε
:ϥӊQαӆQϡҫZϥӊUϢҫLϰҫ QϢӆUαӚVζ
t get vaccinated [ `v1ksx%et6d ]
打疫苗(vaccine [ `v1ksin ]
是名詞「疫苗」;vaccination [ %v1ksx`e]4n ] 意為「疫苗接種」)
t register [ `r5d.6st0 ] v. 登記
t health insurance card [ h5lq ] [ 6n`]8r4ns ] [ k3rd ] 健保卡
t make an appointment [ 4`p76ntm4nt ] 預約
t mask [ m1sk ] n. 口罩
t side effect [ sa6d ] [ 6`f5kt ] 副作用
哪個時間和地點適合你 ?
26 什麼時間都可以,還有我想要在我們家附近的醫院施打。
On the day of their appointment, they They have to stay in their seats and rest4
4 wear masks to the hospital. 7 for 15 minutes.
到了預約當天,他們戴口罩去醫院。 他們必須待在位子上休息十五分鐘。

:ϢҫQϢӊGαәRαӈKϢӈN H֩ՏϠәVζχӔ϶ՔXσ

2.εόҫKϞӛHαӒ\αӍHϞӑWϥҫ <ϢӆKεϪӞϥӊDϡҫ
LϫӘXϯӆQϠӊϠՍUϡҫUϢӆG\ζ KϲӗWϰҫDαӑL֯OHζ
我們得先去報到。 我沒什麼副作用,你呢?
好,我準備好我的健保卡了。 有,我的頭有點痛。

They check in and wait in a vaccination When they tell the nurse, she makes
5 area. 8 Beck rest longer.
他們完成報到,在疫苗接種區等候。 他們把狀況告訴護理師,護理師要貝克再休息久一點。

,αӈDQƄWαӜDϦәϱӔ /ϲӈNϦӑ\εόҫUϢӒHϪӇՏϯӊGαәR :ϢҫQϢӊGαәRαӜDϱӈK 'ϬӓƄWαӜRϯӗ\ζ

JϢәϪӞϰӍRWζ ZϢӆUαӆϰӍRϯәVϩӊHϳՏG*ϰӍLϯәζ IϬӗϞӓ\αӈKϞӓJϢӘζ ,ƄOϩҫEϢҫ2.ζ

我等不及要打疫苗了。 我們得注意有沒有任何變化。
幸好我記得穿短袖。 別擔心,我會沒事的。

* short-sleeved [ `]7rt`slivd ] adj. 短袖的

STEP A nurse gives Tess and Beck their shots. Tess and Beck leave the hospital after
6 一位護理師幫泰絲和貝克打針。 9 his head stops hurting.
7ϥӆWαӜDϰҫYϢӗ\αӖXϦӈNζ 0ϢҫWϬӔεϟӚW

真是迅速。 我現在覺得很安全。
對啊,而且完全不痛。 我也是,不過打完第二劑之後才會更安全。

插畫:霸子 27

UNIT 5 文法補給站5



情緒動詞(如 bore/excite/interest/surprise/confuse 等)可形成以 -ing 和 -ed 結尾的


現在分詞(V-ing)形成的形容詞 過去分詞(V-ed)形成的形容詞
多用來形容「事物」。 多用來形容「人」,其後常搭配特定的介系詞。

boring [ `bor6; ] 無聊的;無趣的 bored [ bord ] 感到無聊的

Change the channel. This show is boring. Sandra was bored with the novel, so she
轉台吧,這個節目好無聊。 stopped reading it.

exciting [ 6k`sa6t6; ] 令人興奮的;使人激動的 excited [ 6k`sa6t6d ] 感到興奮的

That last ride was super exciting! Everyone is excited about the school trip.
上一個遊樂設施超刺激的! 大家都對校外教學感到很興奮。

interesting [ `6ntr6st6; ] 有趣的 interested [ `6ntr6st6d ] 感興趣的

I watched an interesting movie last night. Clare is interested in baking.
我昨晚看了一部很有趣的電影。 克萊兒對烘焙感興趣。

surprising [ s4`pra6z6; ] 令人驚訝的;驚人的 surprised [ s4`pra6zd ] 感到驚訝的

Some surprising events happened The workers were surprised at/by the
yesterday. company’s news.
昨天發生了一些驚人的事情。 員工對公司的這則消息感到驚訝。

confusing [ k4n`fjuz6; ] 令人困惑的 confused [ k4n`fjuzd ] 感到困惑的

These directions are confusing. Can you I’m confused about the last part of
help me? your report.
這些說明真讓人困惑,你可以幫我嗎? 我不是很明白你報告裡的最後一部分。

touching [ `t9t]6; ] 令人感動的;感人的 touched [ t9t]t ] 覺得感動的
It was touching to see the mother and her My mom was very touched by my gift.
child back together. 我的禮物讓我媽媽很感動。

embarrassing [ 6m`b1r4s6; ] embarrassed [ 6m`b1r4st ]

令人困窘的、尷尬的 感到難為情的
That was the most embarrassing Adam is embarrassed about/at his
experience of my life. poor English.
那是我人生中最尷尬的經驗。 亞當對於自己的破英文感到很難為情。

tiring [ `ta6r6; ] 令人疲倦的;累人的 tired [ ta6rd ] 感到厭倦的

After a long and tiring day, Amy just wants Judy was tired of eating the same food
to do nothing. every day.
經過漫長又疲憊的一天後,愛咪什麼都不想做。 茱蒂厭倦每天都吃同樣的食物。

現在分詞有時也會用來形容「人」,以 boring 為例: I am bored.

t Jack is boring.

t Jack is bored.

Try it! 請圈出正確的字詞。

1. Joe is interested (in / at) different cultures. 5. We’re (surprised / surprising) to see you here.

2. I’m (boring / bored) with this game. Let’s 6. Many people were (touching / touched)
play something else. by the speaker’s words.

3. It was (tired / tiring) standing in the 7. The road signs were very (confused /
hot sun. confusing), so we got lost.

4. I can’t believe I did that. I feel so 8. Hilary is excited (with / about) the holidays.
(embarrassed / embarrassing).

1. in 2. bored 3. tiring 4. embarrassed 5. surprised 6. touched 7. confusing 8. about

解答: UNIT 5 29
UNIT 5 文法補給站5 <ϬӚϰӍDϯӊGαӘRϪӊϬӋ϶ӔXϯҫ
' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

○ 1. climb [ kla6m ] v. 攀爬
(rock climbing [ r3k ] [ `kla6m6; ] 指「攀岩」)
Please don’t climb the fence. It’s not safe.
◎ 2. fear [ f6r ] n. 恐懼;害怕
Angela showed no fear on stage.
○ 3. gym [ d.6m ] n. 健身房
This gym also has a swimming pool.
○ 4. photo [ `foto ] n. 照片
This is a photo of my sister and me.
Part A: A New Experience
參考單字 + 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 25 慢速 MP3 73
inspire [ 6n`spa6r ] v. 激發;鼓舞 17 單字例句》CD/MP3 26 課文講解》MP3 99

Melissa and Nick are at a rock climbing

' 學習焦點
1. (Sb) is the same way. (某人)也是如此。
t Vanessa is shy around boys, and her friend (Nick = N ; Melissa = M)
Doris is the same way.
凡妮莎面對男生會害羞,她的朋友朵莉絲也是如此。 N : I’m so excited but also a little frightened.
2. Are you kidding? 你在開玩笑嗎? It’s my first time at a rock climbing wall.
kid [ k6d ] 是動詞「開玩笑」。
t A: It’s time for us to go.
M: I was the same way. However, it was so
我們該走了。 exciting to climb1 the wall. I forgot the
B: Are you kidding? We just got here. fear.2
N : How did you become interested in rock
.ABC 超音波
mb 發 [ m ] 的音(其中 b 不發音),如文中的 climb M: I was bored with going to the gym3 and
和常見的 comb、tomb、lamb、bomb 等字。
wanted to try something new. What
about you?
N : You shared some of your climbing
____ What do we learn about the people? photos,4 and it looked really interesting.
Melissa doesn’t think her photos
are good. M: You saw those? I’m surprised!
Nick started mountain climbing because
of Melissa. N : Are you kidding? Your photos are great,
Melissa never felt afraid about and they inspire* me.
rock climbing.
Nick has no fear when he’s on the wall. M: Really? Thanks.
Part B: An Embarrassing ' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

1. moment [ `mom4nt ] n. 時刻

It was the happiest moment of my life.
課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 27 慢速 MP3 74
18 單字例句》CD/MP3 28 課文講解》MP3 100 ◎ 2. direction [ d4`r5k]4n ] n. 方向;方位
Are we going in the right direction?
Lance and Dora are visiting a new city. 我們走的方向是對的嗎?
○ 3. maybe [ `meb6 ] adv. 也許;或許
You don’t look well. Maybe you should
(Lance = L ; Dora = D) take a break.
L : I can’t understand this map. It’s very
confusing. ◎ 4. super [ `sup0 ] adv. 非常;超級
The dessert is super yummy.
D : That’s surprising. You’re usually very 這道甜點非常好吃。

good with directions.2 參考單字 +

talented [ `t1l4nt6d ] adj. 才華洋溢的;能幹的
L : I know. I’m confused about that, too.
Here, maybe3 you can give it a try.
' 學習焦點
D : OK, but I don’t have a head for maps or 1. give (sth) a try 試試看(某事)
directions. 此為固定用法。try 在此是名詞「嘗試」。
t Diane gave camping a try, but she didn’t
L : What are you talking about? You can do
like it.
anything because you’re super4 smart 黛安嘗試露營,但她並不喜歡。
and talented!* 2. (Sb) has a head for (sth).
D : You really think so? I’m touched. Oh, (某人)有(某方面的)才能、能力。
I found the problem. This map is for a
t Lorna has a head for business.
different city. 羅娜有生意頭腦。

L : No way! I’m so embarrassed. 3. What are you talking about?

D : It’s OK. You’re just a bit tired. 在此並非詢問別人說話的內容,而是對於對方所言表達
中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 56 頁 驚訝或不認同。
t A: Collin isn’t good with his hands.
2KεόҫIϬӚQϡҫWϥӊϭӗRϟӑHPζϗӍLϰҫ 1ϬҫZϞӞβ,ƄPαӘRαӊPϟӆUϯՍVϰӊGζ
B: What are you talking about? He made
this table.


____ Which is most likely true about Lance?

He doesn’t have a head for maps.
He doesn’t believe in Dora.
He didn’t feel bad about his mistake.
He didn’t get enough sleep.
UNIT 5 31
UNIT 6 流行最前線5

課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 29 慢速 MP3 75

19 單字例句》CD/MP3 30 課文講解》MP3 101

Fast fashion provides people with

cheap and fashionable1 clothes. This
may sound like a good thing, but it’s
not. That’s because the clothes don’t
last,2 and that results in a lot of waste.3

In the US, the average * person

throws away 70 pounds 4 of clothes
every year. What’s more, most of those
clothes are still good. People can’t
continue to treat clothes like that.

Luckily, there’s an answer to this

problem. It’s slow fashion, and more and
‫ۉ‬՘ Ȃ more people are starting to follow it.

' 學習焦點

1. A results in B. A 導致 B。
result [ r6`z9lt ] in 表示「結果;導致」,為固定用法。
' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字
t Eating too much fast food will result in
◎ 1. fashionable [ `f1]4n4by ] adj. 流行的;新潮的 weight gain.
Stacy’s bags are always very fashionable. 吃太多速食會導致體重增加。
2. what’s more 而且;此外
○ 2. last [ l1st ] v. 維持;保持良好狀態 為副詞片語,用來補充前一句所提及的事,多置於句首,
Good leather shoes usually last for a
long time.
好的皮鞋通常可以穿很久。 t The job is close to home. What’s more, it
pays well.
◎ 3. waste [ west ] n. 垃圾;廢品 這份工作離家很近,而且薪水優渥。
There was a lot of waste all over the beach.
海灘上到處都有一大堆垃圾。 3. more and more + N. 愈來愈多的……
○ 4. pound [ pa8nd ] n. 磅
Monica’s new baby was only five pounds. t More and more children showed up at
莫妮卡的新生兒只有五磅重。 the park.
參考單字 +
t There’s more and more plastic in the oceans.
average [ `1v4r6d. ] adj. 一般的;普通的

課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 31 慢速 MP3 76
20 單字例句》CD/MP3 32 課文講解》MP3 102

Part of slow fashion is about the clothes companies. They

want their clothes to last, so they design1 them to be timeless.*
Also, they only use good natural2 materials.*

The companies take their time to make their clothes. They

do it locally* and in small amounts.3 They pay attention to
their workers4 and the environment as well.

People make up the other part of slow fashion. They use

their old clothes until they can’t. When they buy clothes, they
don’t buy a lot, and they don’t buy cheap fast fashion.
中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 57 頁

' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字 ' 學習焦點

◎ 1. design [ d6`za6n ] v. 設計 1. A is about B. A 關乎 B。

Brenda designed and built her own house. 用來說明 B 是 A 的重點所在。
t Friendships are about trust and respect.
◎ 2. natural [ `n1t]4r4l ] adj. 天然的 友誼關乎信任與尊重。
That’s not a natural lake. People made it.
2. pay attention to 關心;重視
attention [ 4`t5n]4n ] 是名詞「注意;留心」。
◎ 3. amount [ 4`ma8nt ] n. 數量;總數 t Bobby’s parents were too busy to pay
You didn’t give everyone equal amounts.
attention to him.
○ 4. worker [ `w-k0 ] n. 員工
The large company has workers around 3. A makes up B. A 組成、構成 B。
the world. 指 A 是 B 的一部分。
那間大公司在世界各地都有員工。 t Good teachers make up our school.
參考單字 +
timeless [ `ta6ml6s ] adj. 沒有時效性的
material [ m4`t6r64l ] n. 材料;原料
locally [ `loky6 ] adv. 在當地


____ What do slow fashion clothes companies

NOT do?
They hurry when they make clothes.
They make clothes in small amounts.
They only use good natural materials.
They pay attention to their workers.

UNIT 6 33
UNIT 6 流行最前線5

課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 33 慢速 MP3 77 重點單字

21 單字例句》CD/MP3 34 課文講解》MP3 103
' ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

◎ 1. discuss [ d6`sk9s ] v. 討論
Coco and Karl are discussing slow I have to discuss something important
fashion. with you.
可可和卡爾正在討論慢時尚。 我必須和你討論某件重要的事。
◎ 2. liter [ `l6t0 ] n. 公升
(Karl = K ; Coco = C) How many liters of gas did you put in
the car?
K : Wow! It takes 2,700 liters2 of water to 你的車加了幾公升的油?
make one T-shirt. I didn’t know that. ◎ 3. practice [ `pr1kt6s ] v. 勵行;實踐
You should practice good table manners.
C : I did, so I made a decision to practice3 你應該勵行良好的餐桌禮儀。
slow fashion. ◎ 4. hole [ hol ] n. 洞;破洞
The water came from a hole in the roof.
K : Will you make your own clothes now?
C : No. I’m going to appreciate* my clothes. 參考單字 +
appreciate [ 4`pri]6%et ] v. 珍惜;重視
K : How are you going to do that?

C : Some of my clothes have little holes. 4

So, I’ll fix them and wear them again. ' 學習焦點

1. It takes (sth) to + V.
K : Really? Most people would just throw
them away and buy new ones. it 是虛主詞,代替後面的不定詞(to + V.)。take 在此
C : That’s the fast fashion way, and I don’t
t It takes lots of tomatoes to make this soup.
want to do that anymore. 做這道湯需要很多顆番茄。
中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 57 頁
2. make a decision 做決定
decision [ d6`s6.4n ] 是名詞「決定」的意思。
t I need some time to make a decision.

3. (Sb) doesn’t + V. + anymore.

not...anymore [ `5n6m7r ] 表示「不再……;再也
t Sheila doesn’t talk to Jonathan anymore.


____ What won’t Coco do anymore?

Buy any T-shirts for herself.
Throw away clothes with little holes.
Fix clothes for other people.
Wear her old clothes again.
延 伸 活 動

1. Coco wants to spread the idea of slow fashion. Which sentence is best for that? ____

Slow fashion produces clothes in no time.

 Slow fashion cares more about the environment.
 Slow fashion provides people with fewer clothes.
 Slow fashion is not cheaper than fast fashion.

2. Please check three words that best describe fast fashion. ______________
Ancient.  Expensive.  Cheap.
 Stylish.  Forever.  Wasteful.

3. Jody is into slow fashion. Which clothes company will she choose? ____

We have the cheapest clothes in town. We get our clothes from other countries.


We care about our clothes and our workers. We make the world’s most fashionable clothes.

Q 慢時尚是對比快時尚而產生的,從設計的標示可以看出除了以衣架代表與服飾相關外,最明顯的設計就是地球與循環利用的
符號,而這代表著慢時尚與環境保護有關聯。四個選項中,僅有 (B) 選項提到慢時尚比較在意自然環境,故為答案。

W 從 Part 1 內容中可知,快時尚可以提供人們廉價又流行的服飾,但這些衣服卻無法穿很久而造成浪費。六個選項中,
(C)「便宜的」、(D)「流行的」以及 (F)「浪費的」是文章中提及關於快時尚的特點。
E 根據 Part 2 的內容可知,慢時尚的服飾公司在衣物的設計上以不退流行為主,且使用良好的天然材料,強調在地生產並且
重視員工以及自然環境。上述的四間服飾公司,只有 (C) 符合慢時尚的原則,不僅重視衣服還關心自己的員工。

1. B 2. C, D, F 3. C

UNIT 6 35
UNIT 7 短篇故事集5

〈 創 世紀〉
' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

◎ 1. create [ kr6`et ] v. 創造;創立

(creation [ kr6`e]4n ] 是名詞)
I have to create a new website.
◎ 2. universe [ `jun4%v-s ] n. 宇宙;天地萬物
We still don’t know everything about
our universe.
○ 3. Earth [ -q ] n. 地球
Earth is between Venus and Mars.
This earth is too dry to grow anything.
○ 4. bottom [ `b3t4m ] n. 底部;底層
Please look at the bottom of the page.

參考單字 +
darkness [ `d3rkn6s ] n. 黑暗
dome [ dom ] n. 穹頂

' 學習焦點 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 35 慢速 MP3 78

24 單字例句》CD/MP3 36 課文講解》MP3 104
1. nothing but...
只有;除了……之外什麼都沒有 God created 1 the universe 2 in six
but 在此是「除了」之意。
days. At first, Earth3 was nothing but
t Eve had nothing but an apple in her fridge.
伊芙的冰箱裡只有一顆蘋果。 water and darkness.* So, on the first
day, God said, “Let there be light,” and
2. divide A into B 把 A 分成 B
divide [ d4`va6d ] 是動詞「使分開」的意思。
light appeared.
t The cook divided the pizza into eight pieces.
God called the light “day” and the
darkness “night.” The next day, he
3. come together 聚集;會合
created a dome* and called it “sky.” It
t The three rivers come together at this spot.
divided the water into two parts—top
那三條河在這個地點匯集在一起。 and bottom.4

On the third day, God let the water

in the bottom come together. He called
____ What did God make on the second day? it “sea.” Then, land appeared, and he
Day. named it “earth.”3
' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

◎ 1. pleased [ plizd ] adj. 高興的;滿意的

Everyone was pleased with their food.
◎ 2. produce [ pr4`djus ] v. 生產;孕育
This tree produces a strange kind of fruit.
○ 3. plant [ pl1nt ] n. 植物
My plant died because I forgot to give
it water.
○ 4. sun [ s9n ] n. 太陽
The sun is also a star.

參考單字 +
living [ `l6v6; ] adj. 活著的
following [ `f3l4w6; ] adj. 接著的;接續的

' 學習焦點

1. rule over 掌控;統治

rule [ rul ] 在此是動詞「統治;治理」之意。
t The king ruled over the area for years.
課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 37 慢速 MP3 79
25 單字例句》CD/MP3 38 課文講解》MP3 105

2. fill A with B 以 B 填滿 A
God was pleased. 1 He said, “Let fill [ f6l ] 是動詞「填滿;裝滿」,注意介系詞要搭配
the earth produce2 all kinds of plants,”3 with。
and they appeared. The fourth day t The kids filled their buckets with sand.
pleased him, too. He created the sun4 孩子們把水桶裝滿沙。

to rule over the day. 3. N. + of all shapes and sizes 各式各樣的……

all shapes and sizes 字面意思為「各種形狀和大小」,
He also created the moon to rule 意即「各式各樣的」。
over the night. On the fifth day, God t Jane has dolls of all shapes and sizes.
filled the sea with many kinds of living*
things. Then, he filled the sky with
The following* day, God said, “Let
the earth produce all kinds of animals.” ____ What is the purpose of the sun?
To watch over the moon.
After that, there were animals of all
To rule over the day.
shapes and sizes. To produce all kinds of plants.
中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 57 頁 To rule over the night.
UNIT 7 37
UNIT 7 短篇故事集5 ' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 39 慢速 MP3 80 ◎ 1. male [ mel ] adj. 男性的

26 單字例句》CD/MP3 40 課文講解》MP3 106 The students in this school are all male.
God wasn’t finished, * though.
◎ 2. female [ `fimel ] adj. 女性的
Next, he created humans. He made Most of my friends are female.
one male 1 and one female. 2 He also 我的朋友大多是女生。
made them look like and be like him. ◎ 3. bless [ bl5s ] v. 祝福;賜福
Then, he blessed3 them and told them The mother asked God to bless her child.
something important.
◎ 4. complete [ k4m`plit ] adj. 完成的
God said, “I’m putt ing you in The new road is finally complete.
charge of everything on the earth.
Also, have many children. That way, 參考單字 +
finished [ `f6n6]t ] adj. 結束的;完成的
they, their children, and their children’s
children can continue your work.”
' 學習焦點
God was now very pleased because
his creation was complete.4 So, on the 1. A puts B in charge of (sth).
A 要 B 負責(某事物)。
seventh day, he rested. He also blessed
in charge [ t]3rd. ] 表示「負責主導、管理」,其後以
it and made it a special day. 介系詞 of 接受詞。
中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 57 頁 t Mom put me in charge of the store while
she was out.

2. That way,... 那樣一來,……。

t You should leave now. That way, you can
avoid rush hour traffic.

.ABC 超音波
cial 發 [ ]4l ] 的音,如文中的 special 和常見的
social 和 official 等字。


____ Which of the following is true?

God gave the humans many children.
The humans looked nothing like God.
God made the seventh day a special day.
The complete creation wasn’t pleasing
to God.

38 插畫:郭璧如 UNIT 7
UNIT 8 玩味生活5
課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 41 慢速 MP3 81
27 單字例句》CD/MP3 42 課文講解》MP3 107

People love magic. The tricks2 are

1 fun and surprising to watch. Many of
them don’t seem possible, and people
can’t believe their eyes when they see

歡迎光臨 Some tricks are easy to figure out,

such as turning a red handkerchief 3
into a green one. However, others
aren’t so easy to figure out, such as
making a building disappear.4

The key to any magic 1 trick is to

change people’s attention. That way,
their attention isn’t on the important
stuff* in front of them, and they miss
seeing it.

' 學習焦點

1. figure out 破解;想出

發音為 [ `f6gj0 ] [ a8t ]。
t Rob couldn’t figure out the math problem.
' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字
○ 1. magic [ `m1d.6k ] n., adj. 魔術(的)
Harry has many books about magic. 2. turn A into B 把 A 變成 B
哈利有很多關於魔術的書籍。 t The witch turned the man into a frog.
We all loved the magic show.
我們全部的人都很喜歡這個魔術表演。 3. miss + V-ing 錯過(做某事)
○ 2. trick [ tr6k ] n. 技法;把戲 miss [ m6s ] 之後若遇動詞,要將之改成動名詞型態。
Penn learned the new trick in a day. t Owen never misses having Sunday dinner
潘在一天之內學會了那個新把戲。 with his family.
◎ 3. handkerchief [ `h1;k0t]6f ] n. 手帕
Here, you can use my handkerchief.
◎ 4. disappear [ %d6s4`p6r ] v. 消失;不見 ____ What do we learn about magic?
The bird was just there, but then it People never pay attention when they
disappeared. do magic tricks.
那隻鳥剛剛在那裡,但後來就不見了。 It isn’t a popular thing to watch.
It’s very easy for anyone to do.
參考單字 +
People don’t always see the important
stuff [ st9f ] n. 物品;東西
parts of a magic trick.
課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 43 慢速 MP3 82
28 單字例句》CD/MP3 44 課文講解》MP3 108

G re a t m a g i c i a n s 1 c a n c h a n g e
people’s attention very easily. They
do it with grand* hand gestures2 and
cool props.* They also do it by asking
questions and changing the subject.3

Anyone can become a magician,

but to become a great one, you have
to work at it. Learning tricks isn’t
enough. You need to develop your
performance* and people skills,4 too.

Also, don’t forget to have your own

look and style. All of those will help
you put on a great show and surprise
people with your magic.
中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 58 頁

' 學習焦點

1. do it with (sth)/by + V-ing

' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字
藉由(某事物) (做某事)來達成……
◎ 1. magician [ m4`d.6]4n ] n. 魔術師 注意介系詞的用法。
The magician pulled a rabbit out of a hat. t The child painted a picture. She did it with
just her fingers.
◎ 2. gesture [ `d.5st]0 ] n. 手勢;姿勢 這張圖是一個孩子畫的,而且她只用手指就繪製完成。
Don’t make that gesture. It’s rude. t Bob made everyone angry. He did it by
不要做出那個手勢,很沒禮貌。 saying the wrong things.
○ 3. subject [ `s9bd.6kt ] n. 話題;題材 鮑伯惹惱了每個人,他說了不該說的話。
I don’t want to talk about that subject.
2. work at (sth) 在(某事物)下工夫
t Playing the piano isn’t easy. You have to
◎ 4. skill [ sk6l ] n. 技巧;技能 work at it.
Amanda has very good social skills. 彈鋼琴不簡單,需要下很多工夫。
3. put on a show 表演;演出
參考單字 +
put on 是「演出(戲劇);舉辦(展覽)」的意思。
grand [ gr1nd ] adj. 誇大的
t The city didn’t put on a fireworks show
prop [ pr3p ] n. 道具(常用複數)
last year.
performance [ p0`f7rm4ns ] n. 表演
UNIT 8 41
UNIT 9 安妮信箱5

課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 45 慢速 MP3 83

31 單字例句》CD/MP3 46 課文講解》MP3 109

New Year’s Resolutions

80 字短文寫作

Dear Annie,

The New Year is coming. I will make my New Year’s resolutions.

First of all, I am going to exercise more. Because I think I’m not very tall

now. Second, I am going to study harder in school. I am going to listen

carefully Last
to teachers careful in class. At last, I’m going to help my mom do the

dishes at home.

These are
There are my New Year’s resolutions. I need to work hard. I want to be
success, so I will not give up.

Vincent 中文翻譯請見第 58 頁

Corrections 修正

1 連接詞 because 的用法 4 These are my New Year’s resolutions.

because [ b6`k7z ]「因為」是連接詞,用來連接兩個完整的 There is/are + N. 表示「(某地)有……」,然而根據上下
句子,不可單獨使用於一個句子中,因此原文要改成 I am 文推斷,作者欲表達「(上述)這些是我的新年願望」,代
going to exercise more because I think I’m not very 指前面所提及的複數名詞,需用複數代名詞(如 these、
tall now. 才正確。because 置於句中時不需加逗點,若置 those、they)來表示。
t Amy isn’t good with money and can’t keep a
t Rob gave Michelle lilies because they are her job. These are just some of her problems.
favorite flowers. 愛咪不善於處理金錢,而且工作也做不久。這些問題只
羅伯送給蜜雪兒百合花,因為那是她最喜愛的花。 是冰山一角。
t Because Doris didn’t study, she failed the test. t Please give me the red ball and white robot.
朵莉絲因為沒唸書,所以考試不及格。 They/Those are my toys.
請給我那顆紅色的球和白色的機器人。它們 那些是我

2 listen to teachers carefully 的玩具。

careful [ `k5rf4l ] 是形容詞「小心的;謹慎的」,用來形容 5 I want to be successful,…

中的 listen to)。要修飾一般動詞,需用副詞的 carefully success [ s4k`s5s ] 為可數名詞「成功的(人事物)」,其詞
[ `k5rf4l6 ]「小心地;仔細地」來表達才符合文法。 類變化有動詞 succeed [ s4k`sid ] 和形容詞 successful
[ s4k`s5sf4l ],所以原文可寫成 I want to be successful.、
t Justin crossed the street carefully. I want to succeed. 或 I want to be a success.。
v. adv.
賈斯汀小心翼翼地過馬路。 t Louis wants to be successful when he
grows up.
t Alice is a careful driver and always follows 路易斯長大後想要有所成就。
the rules. adj. n.
t If you want to succeed, you need to
work harder.
3 Last, I’m going to…
t Jane was a success in the music world.
at last 為「終於;總算」,相當於 finally [ `fa6ny6 ],多用於 珍曾是音樂界的成功人士。
中的)最後一點」,應用 First,... Second,... Last,... 來表達
t First, fill out your personal information.
Second, answer the questions. Last, sign your 《安妮信箱》歡迎所有讀者投稿,我們每個月會挑選一封來信刊登
name at the bottom. 在雜誌上,與更多的讀者一同學習,然因雜誌版面空間的限制,我
首先,填寫你的個人資料,然後回答這些問題。最後,在 們保留修改稿件的權利。未來幾個月,我們將討論以下題目,請從
中挑選一題,並寫一篇約 80 字的短文。請務必註明姓名、地址和
電話以方便聯絡,來信請 e-mail 至。
t At last, we reached the top of the mountain.
我們終於抵達了山頂。 t A World Without Trees

t Beautiful Taiwan

t A Movie Review
UNIT 9 43
進階閱讀 環境議題5 Are You Ready for
' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

◎ 1. object [ `3bd.6kt ] n. 物體
What is that object called?
那個物體的名稱是什麼? to Come?
◎ 2. explain [ 6k`splen ] v. 解釋;說明
Scientists couldn’t explain the loud noise. 如果外星人造訪地球,
◎ 3. intelligent [ 6n`t5l4d.4nt ] adj. 聰明的;有智慧的
Mark may be intelligent, but he’s not good
with people.
馬克也許很聰明,但他不擅長與人相處。 根 據 美 國 五 角 大 廈「 不 明 空 中 現 象 工 作 小 組 」 的 報 告 顯
○ 4. friendly [ `fr5ndl6 ] adj. 友善的;親切的
unidentified flying object [ %9na6`d5nt4%fa6d ] [ `fla66; ]
Our waiter was very friendly, so we gave him
[ `3bd.6kt ] 的縮寫)的目擊事件,讓人不禁納悶這世上是否
a big tip.
真的有飛碟和外星人(alien [ `elj4n ])的存在。如果有一天
◎ 5. planet [ `pl1n6t ] n. 行星
The largest planet is Jupiter.
○ 6. attack [ 4`t1k ] v. 攻打;攻擊 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 47 慢速 MP3 84
Nobody wants the soldiers to attack that area. 單字例句》CD/MP3 48

UFOs are strange flying objects. 1
參考單字 +
We don’t have many facts about them
identify [ a6`d5nt4%fa6 ] v. 認出;辨認
life [ la6f ] n. 生物;活的東西 because we can’t really identify * or
explain 2 them. For many of us, they
' 學習焦點 aren’t real. People just made them up
1. make up 捏造;編造 to get attention.
t I made up that story. It never happened. However, for many more of us,
那件事是我編的,它從來沒發生過。 UFOs are real. Also, intelligent 3 life *
2. a matter of time 遲早的事 from other planets made them and
matter [ `m1t0 ] 是「問題;事情」。此用語字面意思是 flew them to Earth. In these people’s
「時間問題」,意即「遲早的事」。前面常搭配 just、only minds, the aliens look like humans
in some way. They are most likely
t It’s only a matter of time before the truth
friendly,4 too.
comes out.
真相遲早會水落石出。 Even so, some people in this group
don’t believe that last part. In fact,
they’re afraid of aliens. For them, it’s
____ What do many people believe about aliens? only a matter of time before aliens fly
They are smart and fly UFOs.
their UFOs to our planet5 and attack6
They made themselves look like humans.
They often come to Earth for a vacation. us. It would be like the events in the
They are real in the movie ID4. movie ID4.
' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

○ 1. land [ l1nd ] v. 著陸;降落

The helicopter landed on top of the hospital.
◎ 2. army [ `3rm6 ] n. 軍隊
Sam joined the army right after high school.
○ 3. rest [ r5st ] n. 剩餘部分
I just want two pieces of pizza. You can have
the rest.
◎ 4. survive [ s0`va6v ] v. 存活;生存
A person can survive three days without
◎ 5. lock [ l3k ] v. 鎖上
Irene put the money in the box and locked it.
課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 49 慢速 MP3 85
單字例句》CD/MP3 50
◎ 6. board [ bord ] n. 木板
If there is a real alien attack, most Drew cut the board into smaller pieces.
people will still hope for the best. 德魯把木板削成小一點的碎片。

They’ll even welcome the aliens if they 參考單字 +

land1 nearby.* Also, some people will nearby [ `n6r`ba6 ] adv. 在附近
supply [ s4`pla6 ] n. 生活必需品(作此意時慣用複數)
hide and wait for the army2 to save the weapon [ `w5p4n ] n. 武器
' 學習焦點
The rest 3 will prepare for the
worst, though. First, they’ll run to the 1. save the day 化險為夷
supermarket for supplies* to survive.4
t Thanks for lending me the money. You
Next, they’ll lock5 all their doors and really saved the day.
windows and put boards 6 on them. 謝謝你借我錢,你真的幫助我度過了難關。
After that, they’ll make weapons* from 2. make A from B 以 B 製作 A
things around the house. 也可以 make A out of B 表達相似語意。
t Gavin makes art from/out of trash.
They don’t really want to hurt the 蓋文以垃圾製成藝術品。
aliens. However, they will do so if they
have to save themselves. These days,
more people are seeing UFOs in the
skies. So, an alien attack does seem
possible. Are you ready for one?
諺語 Hope for the best, but prepare
中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 58 頁 for the worst. 意指「抱最好的希望,
Most + N.... Some + N.... The rest... 表示「大多數的……; 觀的態度;盡量往好處想」。
進階閱讀 45
進階閱讀 一本好書5

' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

○ 1. uncle [ `9;ky ] n. 叔叔;舅舅

I’m the same age as my uncle.
◎ 2. difference [ `d6f4r4ns ] n. 差異;不同 本書由國際安徒生大獎得主、美國
What’s the difference between the two 小說家賈桂琳•伍德生(Jacqueline
vases? Woodson)所著,藉由六個面臨不
這兩個花瓶有什麼差異? 同困境的孩子所分享,道出當今美國
○ 3. afternoon [ %1ft0`nun ] n. 下午 社會存在的各種議題,如種族歧視
It finally stopped raining in the afternoon. (racism [ `res6z4m ])、非法移民和霸
下午終於沒下雨了。 凌問題等。英文書名 Harbor Me 意
為「守護我」(harbor [ `h3rb0 ] 作名
○ 4. around [ 4`ra8nd ] adv. 周圍;附近 詞是「港口;避風港」 ;當動詞為「庇
I’m never alone because my little sister is
always around.
○ 5. talk [ t7k ] n. 談話;交談 課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 51 慢速 MP3 86
My teacher wants to have a talk with you. 單字例句》CD/MP3 52
◎ 6. information [ %6nf0`me]4n ] n. 資訊;消息 Eleven-year-old Haley McGrath lives
You need to fill in this part with your with her uncle1 in Brooklyn. At school,
personal information.
she’s in a special class for kids with
learning differences. 2 The other kids
參考單字 +
in the class are Holly, Ashton, Amari,
citizen [ `s6t4zx ] n. 公民
immigration [ %6m4`gre]4n ] n. 移民(署) Tiago, and Esteban.

Their teacher is Ms. Laverne, and

' 學習焦點 she knows that each of them has
1. (Sb) knows that + S. + V. (某人)知道……。 troubles to deal with. So, she gives
that 可省略。 them a safe harbor. Ever y Friday
t The manager knows (that) I have to leave a f ter no o n , 3 s h e s e n d s t h e m to a
early today.
經理知道我今天必須要提早下班。 different room for an hour. There, the
kids can talk with no adults around.4
2. A is afraid for B. A 為 B 感到擔心、煩惱。
若說 A is afraid of B. 意為「A 害怕 B。」
During their talks,5 the kids find out
t You don’t have to be afraid for me.
I’ll be fine.
information6 about each other. Esteban
你不需要為我擔心,我會沒事的。 tells everyone about his family. They
t Ken is afraid of his boss. aren’t US citizens.* Then, he tells them
肯很怕他的老闆。 about his father. Immigration* officers
came and took him away one day.
Esteban is really afraid for his father
and his family.
課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 53 慢速 MP3 87
單字例句》CD/MP3 54 ' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字

Tiago and his family are US citizens.

○ 1. since [ s6ns ] conj. 因為;由於
I can give you a ride since you live close to
However, since 1 they often speak my house.
Spanish, people tell them to go back 因為你住得離我家很近,我可以載你一程。
to their own country. Racism is also a ◎ 2. gun [ g9n ] n. 槍
problem for Amari. He can’t play with You can’t own a gun in Taiwan.
toy guns2 outside because he’s Black
and police3 might attack him. Black 指「黑人(種族)
○ 3. police [ p4`lis ] n. 警察
的;非裔美國人的」。 Police caught lots of thieves in this area.
The kids are ver y honest 4 and
talk from their hearts. However, not
○ 4. honest [ `3n6st ] adj. 誠實的
It is important to be honest.
everyone shares their story right away. 誠實是很重要的。
Haley holds back because she’s worried ◎ 5. opinion [ 4`p6nj4n ] n. 意見;看法
about the others’ opinions5 of her. With I’d like to hear your opinion of the job.
Holly’s help, she finds the courage6 to 我想聽聽你對那個工作的看法。

share her story. ◎ 6. courage [ `k-6d. ] n. 勇氣

It takes courage to stand up to a bully.
When she does, she’s surprised by 對抗惡霸需要勇氣。

their actions. They actually listen to her

' 學習焦點
and give her a lot of support. Thanks
to their talks, the six kids become close 1. V. + from (one’s) heart
friends. What’s more, they will harbor
from (one’s) heart 字面意思是「從(某人的)內心」,
each other from now on. 即為「發自內心地;誠摯地」。
中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第 58–59 頁 t It’s hard for Rick to speak from his heart.
請填寫並寄回本期 p. 63 的問卷,
填問卷 就有機會獲得一本《星期五的沒事教室》! 2. hold back 退縮
送好書! 中獎名單將於 2022/3/2 公布在
《LiveABC 互動英語》臉書粉絲頁喔!
用於某人不敢或不願去做某事的情況。hold 的三態為
hold-held[ h5ld ]-held。
t Adele wanted to say something, but she
held back out of fear.


____ Why does Haley hold back?

She isn’t dealing with racism like Amari
and Tiago.
She doesn’t want the others to judge her.
She wants to be the last to tell her story.
She doesn’t feel the need to share with
the others.

圖片提供:麥田出版社 進階閱讀 47
進階閱讀 ABC長知識5

(maglev bullet train [ `m1gl5v ] [ `b8l6t ] [ tren ]),時速可

課文朗讀》正常 CD/MP3 55 慢速 MP3 88

單字例句》CD/MP3 56

Bullet trains can go really fast. Most of them travel at speeds 1 of

200 to 300 kilometers2 per hour. Most of them also run on regular3
railway4 tracks.* However, some bullet trains don’t run on tracks at all.
They fly over them.

They’re called maglev bullet trains, and they use two groups of
magnets* to move. One group pushes the trains up and off the tracks.
The other group pushes the trains forward.5 That makes the trains go
much faster and make less noise, too.

The world’s fastest train now is a maglev train in China. It has a

maximum6 speed of 600 kilometers per hour. It can go from Shanghai
to Beijing in 2.5 hours. The same trip would take regular bullet trains
5.5 hours. Now, that’s fast! 中文翻譯和測驗解答請見第59頁

這 裡 的 Now,... 用 來 帶 出

that 在此指前句提到「從
T U 中國的磁浮列車 圖片截取自網路
' 重點單字 ○ 為 1200 字 ◎ 為 2000 字 ' 學習焦點

◎ 1. speed [ spid ] n. 速度 1. 200 to 300 kilometers per hour

The boat can move at high speeds. 時速兩百至三百公里
那艘船可高速行駛。 per [ p0 ] 是介系詞「每一(個)」之意,其後接單位
◎ 2. kilometer [ k6`l3m4t0;`k6l4%mit0 ] n. 公里 詞。...kilometers per hour 表示「時速……公里」,
It’s over 10 kilometers from my house to per hour 也可寫成 an hour。
my grandma’s house. t Greta can type 60 words per/a minute.
從我家到我奶奶家超過十公里遠。 葛蕾妲每分鐘可以打六十個字。
◎ 3. regular [ `r5gj4l0 ] adj. 一般的;平常的 2. That makes the train go much faster...
Our regular teacher is sick today. 那使得列車的行駛速度加快許多……
平常教我們的老師今天生病了。 make 在此為使役動詞,後面的動詞要用原形。副詞
○ 4. railway [ `rel%we ] n. 鐵路 much 可用來修飾形容詞比較級或副詞比較級(文中
Where is the nearest railway station? 用法),表示「更加……得多」。
最近的火車站在哪裡? t The funny story made me laugh.
◎ 5. forward [ `f7rw0d ] adv. 往前;向前 那則有趣的故事讓我大笑。
Some people fell when the bus moved t After the operation, Melody was able to
forward really quickly. see much better.
有些人在公車快速前進時跌倒了。 手術後,美樂蒂可以看得更加清楚。
◎ 6. maximum [ `m1ks4m4m ] adj. 最大的;最高的
The elevator can hold a maximum weight .ABC 超音波
ck 發 [ k ] 的音,如文中的 track 和常見的 thick、
of 2,000 pounds. kick、pick、clock 等字。

參考單字 + 隨堂測驗•選擇題
track [ tr1k ] n. 鐵軌;軌道
magnet [ `m1gn6t ] n. 磁鐵 ____ Which is NOT true about bullet trains?
They all travel fast because of magnets.
A few of them fly over the tracks.
A new one can travel 600 kilometers
per hour.
Most of them make more noise than
maglev ones.


圖片:Khairil Azhar Junos / Shutterstock 圖片:SunflowerMomma / Shutterstock 圖片:Fusekle / Shutterstock

世界上最快的量產車 世界上最快的摩托車 世界上最快的傳統軌道火車 世界上最快的載人飛機

(car) (motorcycle) (train) (airplane)
由美國超跑車廠設計和生產的 由美國克萊斯勒汽車公司 法國高速列車(TGV)的商業 美國 SR-71 Blackbird 黑鳥式
跑 車 SSC Tuatara, 時 速 可 高 生 產 的 道 奇 戰 斧(Dodge 運行速度可達每小時 320 公 偵察機的飛行時速高達 3,500
達 455.3 公里。 Tomahawk),官方聲稱時速 里,經特殊改造的列車速度更 公 里, 為 史 上 飛 行 速 度 最 快
最高可達 680 公里。 曾高達每小時 574.8 公里,創 的 載 人 進 氣 式 噴 射 飛 機(jet
下全球鋼軌鐵路列車的最快 plane)。

進階閱讀 49


Now Hiring!
If you like to travel and introduce
new places and things to people, then
join T&T World today. We are looking
for active, friendly, and responsible
people who can work 28
English News Radio is looking hours a week, including
for someone who is good at collecting weekends and holidays.
If you’re a good talker,
and reporting the global economic news. contact Ms. Green at
Working hours are from 4 a.m. to 6 a.m., (123) 665-3461.
Tuesday to Sunday. Please send résumés

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Must have excellent · Full-time from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
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knowledge of the game. Must · No experience necessary, but must
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328 -

Word Bank
global 全球的 résumé 履歷 party 參與者
economic 經濟的 odd 不固定的 commit 保證
1. What service does T&T World most likely provide? ____

圖片:Shanti Hesse / Shutterstock

2. Look at Jessie’s résumé and answer the questions.

Jessie Lee

ABC University—BA in English Literature, 2016

Work Experience

· Journalist at ABC Daily News, 2019—Present

- Research and write articles about entertainment and sports

· Fashion Reporter at CDU Magazine, 2017—2019

- Posted photos and wrote fashion articles online

· Proofreader at World News Magazine, 2016—2017

- Corrected errors in grammar and spelling
literature 文學
proofreader 校對人員

2-a. Which job will Jessie most likely apply for? ___________________
2-b. What kind of related work experience does Jessie have?
2-c. What does Jessie have to do to apply?

3. Write T for true and F for false for the statements below.
_____ Clean4U cleaners don’t have to work on weekends.
_____ For the English News Radio job, you need to wake up very early in the morning.
_____ Linda would do well at T&T World because she is shy and responsible.
_____ Gina can work for Clean4U for just the summer.

3. T, T, F, F
2-c. She has to send her résumé and writing samples to
2-b. She wrote sports articles for ABC Daily News .
2-a. football writer
1. C

Audio CD 與 MP3 中的 Tracks 57–60 為聽力測驗題目(亦可掃描本單元 QR code 或使用 LiveABC 智慧點讀筆點選該

題區塊);互動學習版用戶可直接於電腦上作答(「查看內容」裡附有每題詳解),或是下載 MP3 音檔作答。

一 聽力測驗:看圖辨義 CD/MP3 57 二 聽力測驗:問答 CD/MP3 58

請聽題目及三個選項,選出與圖案最相符的答案。 請聽題目,再從三個選項中選出一個最適合的答案。
每題播出一遍。 每題播出一遍。
1. 2. 為題組 1. (A) I know. There’s too much noise.
(B) I’m not. There’s enough light.
(C) I can’t. It smells really bad.
2. (A) No, I’m all for it.
(B) Yes, it was Drew’s.
(C) Sure, I’ll go again.
3. (A) Why didn’t it start?
(B) When did it win?
(C) How high will it go?

3. 4. 為題組 4. (A) That’s nothing new.

(B) That’s wrong of them.
(C) He never thinks of himself.
5. (A) They got paid for their work.
(B) I didn’t have a problem with it.
(C) You shouldn’t refuse them.
6. (A) I didn’t make her do that.
(B) I don’t know her answer.
(C) I was on the phone.
7. (A) OK, give me a minute.
(B) No, I don’t think that way.
(C) Sure, I’ll take the plain one.
8. (A) I have too much pressure at work.
(B) I get it from reading.
(C) I always give them money.
9. (A) They give me a lot.
(B) I help them all the time.
(C) We don’t believe in that group.
10. (A) Anyone over 18 can join.
(B) You can’t go to the culture center.
(C) They don’t want to go outside.

三 聽力測驗:簡短對話 CD/MP3 59 四 聽力測驗:短文聽解 CD/MP3 60
請聽一段對話和一個相關的問題後,再從三個選項中選 請聽一段短文和相關問題後,再從三張圖片中選出最適
出一個最適合的答案。每題播出一遍。 合的答案。每題播出一遍。

1. (A) Not to give up. 1.  

(B) Don’t hope for much.
(C) There’s no help for him.
2. (A) He didn’t go home on Saturday.
(B) He wasn’t at the party.
(C) He had fun with Missy.
3. (A) She doesn’t have anything on her mind.
(B) She’s OK with giving the man money.
(C) She’s not happy about borrowing things.
4. (A) His boss will fire him.
(B) He isn’t prepared at all.
(C) He’s sure of his idea.
5. (A) He wants to marry the woman.
(B) His parents have an old way of thinking. 3.  
(C) He plans to have a lot of children.
6. (A) She’s trying on some shoes.
(B) She’s testing out the sofa.
(C) She’s searching for something.
7. (A) Offering the man a drink.
(B) Taking the man’s food order.
(C) Giving the man something to eat.
8. (A) At the start of Mr. Andrew’s class.
(B) Earlier in the day today.
(C) Before school began yesterday.
9. (A) Hang out with the man.
(B) Clean the man’s bed for him.
(C) Put the man’s shirt down. 5.  
10. (A) They have been together for a
long time.
(B) They last talked to each other
months ago.
(C) They haven’t worked anywhere else.

測驗解答請見第 54 頁 GEPT 53

一、 看圖辨義(聽力題目及解答) 2. F: Did you go to the party on Saturday? 四、短文聽解(聽力題目及解答)

1. What did Keith do? M: Actually, I missed it. 1. Please look at the following three pictures.
(A) He finished the game last. F: Oh, that’s too bad. Clive left a message for his brother. Where
(B) He beat all the other men. M: I know. It sounded like fun. does he want him to go?
(C) He came in second in a race. Q: What is true about the man?
Hey, I know that you’re probably still in
Ans: C Ans: B
bed, but I need you to do me a favor. I
2. What is happening in the picture? 3. M: Can I borrow five dollars? I forgot think I left my phone by the sink when I left
(A) A woman is giving out umbrellas. my wallet. this morning. Could you check to see if it’s
(B) It is raining outside. F: Sure. Here you go. there? Call me at the office after you do.
(C) People are standing in the sun. M: Thanks. You’re a good friend.
Ans: B F: I don’t mind doing it.
Ans: C
Q: What does the woman mean?
3. What is Lena doing? Ans: B 2. Please look at the following three pictures.
(A) She is paying for her purchase. Listen to the following short talk. What will
(B) She is taking the man’s money. 4. F: Are you ready for the big meeting?
Marion do later?
(C) She is buying some cereal. M: Yes, I went over my idea again
I’m very excited because my family is flying
Ans: A last night.
to see me. To get ready, I need to pick up
F: Do you think the boss will like it?
4. Where are the people? all the things they like to have. Mom must
M: I’m pretty confident he will.
(A) At a shoe shop. have her coffee, and Daniel needs lots of
Q: How does the man feel?
(B) At a supermarket. fruit. It’s a good thing I got money from the
Ans: C
(C) At a mall. bank yesterday.
Ans: C 5. M: My mom and dad are so traditional. Ans: A
F: How so?
5. When will Patty leave for home? 3. Please look at the following three pictures.
M: They say I must get married and
(A) At quarter to ten. Phoebe is talking about her trip. What did
have kids.
(B) At five to three. she enjoy the most?
F: Really? I’m glad my parents aren’t
(C) At quarter after two. I had a great time on my trip. It was fun
like that.
Ans: B swimming with the sea life as always. Also,
Q: What is true about the man?
I tried skiing on the water, but I don’t think
Ans: B
二、 問答(聽力題目及解答) it’s for me. Still, nothing beat lying on the
6. F: Have you seen my other shoe? sand and getting some sun. It felt so good.
1. You shouldn’t read in the dark. M: No. Did you check under the sofa? Ans: B
Ans: B F: Yes. I can’t find it anywhere.
4. Please look at the following three pictures.
2. Are you against my new idea? M: OK. Let me help you look for it.
Listen to the following announcement.
Ans: A Q: What is the woman doing?
What will the show focus on?
3. The hot-air balloon is beginning to rise. Ans: C
We have a great show for you. It stars a sea
Ans: C 7. F: Would you like some tea? animal that we here at Aqualand all love.
4. Jeff never considers the feelings of others. M: Yes, please. Do you have any milk? These gentle animals spend most of their
Ans: A F: Yes. I’ll bring that out with the tea. lives at sea like whales and sharks. However,
M: I’d like some sugar as well. Thank you. unlike those two, sea turtles will come on
5. The homework confused many students. Q: What is the woman doing? land to lay their eggs.
Ans: B Ans: A Ans: B
6. Why didn’t you answer Mom? 8. F: Did you finish the math homework? 5. Please look at the following three pictures.
Ans: C M: When did Mr. Andrews give us Trevor is calling Veronica. What made him
7. Can you explain your opinion to me? homework? late for their study date?
Ans: A F: He told us at the beginning of class Veronica, I’m so sorry. My team was playing
8. What gives you a lot of pleasure? yesterday. on TV, and I couldn’t miss it. The game was
Ans: B M: Really? I guess I was doing something almost over when two of the players got
else then. into a big fight. That fired me up, so I had
9. How much support do you get from your
Q: When did they get the homework? to watch to see how it ended. Anyway, I’ll
Ans: A be there soon.
Ans: A
9. F: Here is your shirt. It’s clean now. Ans: C
10. Who can enter the talent show?
M: Thanks for washing it for me.
Ans: A
F: No problem. Do you want me to hang
it up?
三、簡短對話(聽力題目及解答) M: No. Just lay it on my bed.
(F = Female ; M = Male ; Q = Question) Q: What will the woman do next?
Ans: C
1. M: I’m going to fail the test!
F: Why do you say that? 10. M: I haven’t talked to you in months!
M: I’ve studied this a lot, but I still don’t F: I know. It’s been a long time.
understand it. M: Where have you been?
F: Don’t lose hope. I’ll help you. F: I didn’t go anywhere. I’ve just been
Q: What does the woman tell the man? busy with work.
Ans: A Q: What do we learn about the people?
Ans: B

中文翻譯5 中文翻譯僅供參考,請盡量依上下文理解句意,切勿過度依賴中文翻譯學習。
Chinese Translation

本月焦點 品格英語
Good Table Manners Good Family Relationships
用餐禮儀養成術 Help People Feel Safe
03 Part A
佛斯特: 我不習慣一頓飯用到那麼多刀叉和湯匙。 06
愛蜜莉: 這種情況在正式的晚宴中很常見。 布麗今年十四歲,來自一個大家庭,她和父母親的關
佛斯特: 妳可以教我用餐禮儀嗎?我不想做出失禮的行 係很好,父母總是陪伴著她,並支持她和她的夢想。
為。 布麗和手足的感情也很好,她和他們無所不談,他們
愛蜜莉: 當然可以。首先,把你的餐巾拿起來鋪在大腿上。 不會評論或嘲笑布麗。當布麗遇到問題時,他們會盡全力
佛斯特: 這我知道,我需要幫忙的是怎麼使用這些不同的 幫助她。
餐盤、玻璃杯和用具。 布麗的家人讓她擁有安全感,也帶給她力量,家人對
愛蜜莉: 好,就這些用具來說,要從最外面的開始用起, 她來說意義非凡。
測驗解答: C
佛斯特: 那並不難記。
愛蜜莉: 對啊,並不難。
測驗解答: D
04 Part B
愛蜜莉: 桌上這個圓形的東西是什麼?
佛斯特: 這是餐桌轉盤,是用來放桌菜的。 換句話說,她理解並能體會他們的感受。因此,她能夠給
愛蜜莉: 等等!我們不會有自己的一盤食物嗎? 予朋友協助和支持。
佛斯特: 不會,大家共享桌菜,所以妳不能用自己的筷子 布麗希望朋友們感到安心無慮,這是她家人每天帶給
夾菜,這樣不禮貌。 她的感受,因此她希望為身邊的人帶來相同的慰藉。
愛蜜莉: 了解。還有什麼其他的事情是不禮貌的?我不想
測驗解答: B
佛斯特: 不要把筷子指向別人,也不要把筷子插進飯碗裡。
愛蜜莉: 好。 世界好望角
佛斯特: 還有,拿茶壺時,要先替別人倒茶,然後再倒自 Many Good Things Happened
己的。 in 2020
05 Part C 10
佛斯特: 我剛拿了最後一個小圓麵包,這個麵包籃該怎麼 二○二○年,世界各地人民的生活因新冠肺炎而陷入
處理? 困境,這樣的景況一直持續到現在。然而,許多美好的事
愛蜜莉: 你可以把它放在那裡的食物托盤上。 情也同時在這段艱難時期中發生。
佛斯特: 好,恕我失陪一下。 舉例來說,非洲境內徹底根除了小兒麻痺症、一間知
愛蜜莉: 謝謝你這麼做。噢,嘿,為什麼你越過我的食物 名的蠟筆公司針對四十種不同膚色製作蠟筆;還有,史上
拿東西? 首次有外語片奪下奧斯卡最佳影片獎。
佛斯特: 我想拿那個胡椒罐。 在芬蘭,好消息是男性獲得更多的個人福利,新手爸
愛蜜莉: 如果你想要拿某個離你很遠的東西,要請別人幫 爸有更多給薪育嬰假,這對父母與孩子而言都是很美好的
你遞過來。 事。
佛斯特: 很抱歉,我對這裡的用餐禮儀還不是很熟悉。
測驗解答: C
愛蜜莉: 沒關係,我有時候也會忘記。
測驗解答: A 55
中文翻譯5 中文翻譯僅供參考,請盡量依上下文理解句意,切勿過度依賴中文翻譯學習。
Chinese Translation

11 14 Part C:關於家事
因為新冠肺炎的緣故,政府要求人民待在家裡,那對 弗萊迪: 嘿,妳的狀況不該提重物。
人們的影響很大。人們因為不能再交際應酬而感到孤單, 蘿貝塔: 雖然小孩就快要出生,但我還是可以勞動。
於是美國人前往動物收容所來解決這個問題。 弗萊迪: 我知道,但妳現在應該少做些家事。
他們把小貓小狗帶回家相伴,美國各地的許多動物收 蘿貝塔: 你想要怎麼分配家務呢?
容所因此一下子就淨空了。好事還不只這一樁,待在家裡 弗萊迪: 一是妳繼續餵貓,然後我來清理貓砂盆。
同時也對自然環境有所助益。 蘿貝塔: 那行得通,因為我應該要遠離貓砂。
在二○二○年,全世界的二氧化碳量減少了百分之七。 弗萊迪: 另一是妳來煮飯,我來打掃。
上述所有美好的事情著實在新冠肺炎疫情期間為人們帶來 蘿貝塔: 好,我可以接受。
測驗解答: C
測驗解答: D

活用 ABC 17 Part A:全新的體驗
Let’s Bargain!
尼克: 我很興奮也有點害怕,這是我第一次來攀岩牆。
用英語討價還價 梅莉莎: 我以前也是這樣。不過攀爬這面牆很刺激,我都
12 Part A:關於金錢 忘記害怕的感覺了。
尼克: 妳是怎麼對攀岩產生興趣的?
拉娜:請問這件 T 恤多少錢?
梅莉莎: 我覺得去健身房好無聊,而且想要嘗試一些新事
攤商:我所有的 T 恤都是每件八百元,這些 T 恤妳在其他
尼克: 妳分享了一些攀岩的照片,那看起來很有趣。
梅莉莎: 你看到那些照片了?我好驚訝!
尼克: 妳在開玩笑嗎?妳的照片很棒,它們激勵了我。
梅莉莎: 真的嗎?謝謝。
測驗解答: A
攤商:我的底價是買三件,一件七百元,要就要,不要就 18 Part B:尷尬時刻
算了。 藍斯:我看不懂這份地圖,真令人困惑。
測驗解答: A 朵拉:真是意外,你通常很有方向感。
13 Part B:關於工作 朵拉:好啊,但我對地圖或是方向很不在行。
葛瑞特: 嗨,愛莉森,妳可以幫我一個大忙嗎?
愛莉森: 幫什麼忙?
葛瑞特: 我女兒要演出學校的戲劇,就在這個星期五,但
愛莉森: 所以你想要我替你輪班嗎?
葛瑞特: 對。之後妳需要幫忙時,我會很樂意還妳人情。
愛莉森: 事實上,我過不久也有重要的事,所以到時候會 測驗解答: D
葛瑞特: 沒問題。愛莉森,妳最好了!
愛莉森: 葛瑞特,太好了,謝謝!
測驗解答: B
流行最前線 短篇故事集
Help the World with Slow Fashion The Creation
奉行慢時尚,一起愛地球 〈創世紀〉
19 24
快時尚提供人們低價又流行的服飾,這聽起來似乎是 神花了六天時間創造天地萬物,起初,地球只有水與黑
一件好事,實則不然。那是因為這些衣物不耐久,而且會 暗,因此在第一天,神說:「讓世界有光吧。」於是光出現
導致大量的垃圾。 了。
在美國,一般人每年會丟棄七十磅重的衣物,而且那 神稱光為「白晝」,稱黑暗為「夜晚」。隔天,神創造
些衣物大多數都還可以穿。人們不能再繼續這樣處置衣物 出蒼穹,並稱之為「天空」。天空將水分為天空上的水和天
了。 空下的水兩部分。
幸好有個對策能解決這個問題,那就是慢時尚,有愈 第三天,神讓天空下的水聚集起來,稱之為「海洋」。
來愈多人開始追隨這個風潮。 接著,大地出現了,祂將之命名為「陸地」。

測驗解答: D
慢時尚的推行有一部分在於服飾公司,它們希望所製 25
測驗解答: B
測驗解答: A

21 26
卡爾:哇!做一件 T 恤需要兩千七百公升的水耶,我之前
都不知道。 一男一女,祂也讓他們的長相和本質都與祂相似。而後,
測驗解答: C

測驗解答: B

中文翻譯5 中文翻譯僅供參考,請盡量依上下文理解句意,切勿過度依賴中文翻譯學習。
Chinese Translation

玩味生活 環境議題
The Art of Magic Are You Ready for UFOs and Aliens
歡迎光臨魔術世界 to Come?
Part 1
測驗解答: D 即便如此,關於上述的最後一點,仍有些人抱持保留
28 早會駕著飛碟來到地球並發動攻擊,就像在電影《ID4 星
利用誇大的手勢和酷炫的道具,也會藉由問問題和改變話 測驗解答: A
人人都可以成為魔術師,但要成為一名優秀的魔術師, Part 2
你必須下很多工夫。學會魔術技法並不夠,你還得培養自 如果真有外星人攻擊,大多數人還是會抱持樂觀的態
己的表演能力和與人互動的技巧。 度,倘若外星人在附近登陸,他們甚至會歡迎外星人的到
再者,別忘了打造屬於自己的造型和風格。這所有的 來。而另外有些人會躲起來,等待軍隊來化險為夷。
準備能讓你有一場精彩絕倫的演出,以你的魔術驚艷全場。 其餘的人則是做最壞的打算。首先,他們會衝去超市
New Year’s Resolutions
31 人的到來了嗎?
新的一年即將來臨,我想要許下我的新年願望。 一本好書
第一,我要多運動,因為我覺得我現在的個子不是很 Harbor Me
高。第二,我在學校要更用功唸書,上課的時候要仔細聽 《星期五的沒事教室》
老師講解。最後,我在家的時候要幫忙媽媽洗碗。 Part 1
這些是我的新年願望,我得好好努力,而且我想要成 十一歲的海莉 Ū 麥可葛瑞斯與她的叔叔住在布魯克林,
功做到,所以我不會放棄。 她就讀為有學習差異的孩子開設的資源班,班上的其他孩
文森敬上 子分別是荷莉、艾胥頓、阿莫瑞、提亞哥和埃斯特班。

和大家談論他的家人,他們不是美國公民;再來,他談起 Note

Part 2

測驗解答: B

ABC 長知識
The World’s Fastest Train
測驗解答: A


《本月焦點》聽力測驗題目和解答 (p.15) 13. M: Are you listening to music? 10. M: I don’t like my school now. I want to
F: Yes. This is my favorite band. stop going.
1. Paul is buying some rolls.
M: Can I ask you to turn it off? F: I can’t live with that. Your education is
Ans: B
F: Why? It helps me study. too important.
2. Ben is pointing at a place on the map. M: Well, I’m not used to studying M: I know, but I’m not learning anything
Ans: C with music. there.
Q: What do we learn about the man? F: You’re just too smart. I’ll find you
3. The people are wearing formal clothes.
Ans: A another school.
Ans: A
M: Good luck with that.
14. F: Here’s your book back. Sorry, I forgot
4. Why were you so rude to Amanda? Q: What does the woman mean?
about it.
Ans: C Ans: C
M: No problem. I do that at times, too.
5. What else do we need to buy? F: No way! You have a memory like 11. F: I’m free now. What did you want to
Ans: B an elephant. talk to me about?
6. My car didn’t give me any trouble today. M: That’s not really true, but thanks for M: Cool. I need you to do me a favor.
Ans: A saying that. I need you to watch little Josh tonight.
Q: What does the man mean? F: What? Why can’t you or Maggie do it?
7. Remember to be polite when you ask Ans: B M: I need to be at a company event, and
for things. she will be there with me.
Ans: A Q: What does the man tell the woman?
8. Where did you get your good manners? 《活用 ABC》聽力測驗題目和解答 (p.25) Ans: C
Ans: B 1. Max is lifting the box. 12. M: I was going to take a train, but then I
9. M: Do you need any help with the app? Ans: C decided to drive home for the holiday.
F: No, thanks. I’m already familiar with it. That was a big mistake because the
2. Tracy is trying on a T-shirt.
M: OK, so you can use it to find me when roads were full of cars. It took me six
Ans: B
you need me. hours to reach my parents’ house, but
3. The people are watching a play. I was glad to be there finally.
F: Great. That’s very convenient, thanks.
Ans: A Q: Which is true about the man?
Q: What does the woman tell the man?
Ans: C 4. The price of gas is going up. Ans: A
Ans: B 13. F: What are you doing?
10. F: Are you using your jacket?
M: No. You can put it on if you want. 5. Which vendor do you get your fruit from? M: I’m getting Mandy’s gift ready. Her
F: I don’t need it, but my daughter does. Ans: B birthday is coming up.
M: Oh, I see. You want to lay it on her. F: Oh, no! I totally forgot about that.
6. They just made Peggy our manager. M: Don’t worry. You still have time to get
F: Right. I don’t want her to get cold
Ans: C her something.
when she’s sleeping.
Q: What will the woman do with the 7. What kind of housework do you do F: I know, but I’m not good at buying
man’s jacket? at home? gifts for people.
Ans: C Ans: A Q: What does the man say?
Ans: B
11. M: Why do you have a knife and fork? 8. You can have everything for $135. Take it
F: I need them to eat my pizza. or leave it. 14. M: Excuse me, how much is this picture?
M: Really? I just pick up a piece with my Ans: A F: Let me check the back. OK, it’s fifteen
fingers and put it in my mouth. dollars.
9. F: When should I feed Scooter? M: Great. Here’s a twenty. And can I have
F: I know, but I don’t want to get my
M: I usually give him something before a bag for that?
fingers dirty.
I go to work and after I come home. F: Sure. I’ll be right back.
Q: How does the man eat a piece of pizza?
F: OK, and I should give him half a bowl Q: What does the man want to know?
Ans: B
each time, right? Ans: C
12. F: I made a big mistake the other day. M: That’s right, and there are some snacks
I called my friend, Justine, a bad name. for him if that’s not enough.
I couldn’t help it. She made me really Q: What does the woman ask the man?
angry. Later, I felt really bad, so I went Ans: B
and apologized to her. Justine told me
not to worry about it because she was
wrong, too.
Q: What did the woman do?
Ans: A


Billie Eilish is more than a singer and songwriter. She is a pop superstar and
fashion icon.* She first caught the world’s attention with her song “Ocean Eyes.” She
made it with her brother, Finneas O’Connell, when she was just 13.

Billie’s career soon took off. She teamed up with her brother again and released
her first album in 2019. It was a huge success. Its song “Bad Guy” reached number
one on the Billboard Hot 100. It helped her become the youngest person to win a
top Grammy award, too. Thanks to the album, Billie also became the first woman
and second artist in history to take home the top four
Grammy awards.

Billie won fans over with her voice. It’s very

different from other pop singers’ voices because
it sounds like a soft whisper.* It also has a sad but
confident quality, and that really connects with
young listeners. Billie is doing that again with her
new album Happier
Than Ever. Fans love
and are surprised
by its songs. That
was her goal, and
Billie Eilish is happier
than ever that she
achieved* it.

參考單字 +
fashion icon [ `f1]4n ] [ `a6k3n ] 時尚指標
whisper [ `hw6sp0 ] n. 低語;小聲說話
achieve [ 4`t]iv ] v. 達到;達成


時尚指標。她一開始以〈Ocean Eyes〉一曲吸引全

〈Bad Guy〉一曲登上告示牌百大單曲榜第一名,此


Billie Eilish
生日:2001 年 12 月 18 日
身高:163 公分
語錄: “I’m trying to show everybody that I’m
a girl, and I’m five foot four, and you
can do anything you want, no matter
your gender. It’s your world, too!”

“I’ve always done whatever I want and

always been exactly who I am.”

62 圖片提供:環球音樂
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