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Course Rules

The course addresses important topics from the area of Mobile Computing, through the study and
analysis of systems composed of mobile devices. The study is based on a selection of articles that have
had a significant impact on the evolution of mobile-based systems, or that present current ideas with a
predictable future impact.

The students are requested to actively participate in the course, through short presentations that
highlight punctual aspects from selected articles: methods, solutions, algorithms, implementations,
results. For their contribution, students will be able to use other sources (articles, projects, their own
results) in order to extend the solutions from the selected articles with alternative versions,
improvements, critical analysis, etc.

Students will group into teams of at most 3, choose one of the articles proposed on the course site, and
present it during lecture hours. A single presentation will be made for each proposed article, the order
of selection being first-come first-served. Articles can only be presented in the scheduled dates,
according to the official calendar found on the course’s Moodle page. The student presentations will be
held in weeks 8-14 and each team will have 25 minutes available (20 minutes for presenting and 5
minutes for questions and discussions). For recommendations on presenting a scientific article, please
see the presentation rules document.

The applications are projects implemented in Android that at most 3 students work on. The projects
will highlight the students’ capacity to understand the functioning of mobile applications and how they
can be implemented using Android. Each project must be presented at the laboratory before the end of
the semester.


The course is graded as follows:

● Scientific presentation – 2 points for the presentation of a scientific article from the area of
Mobile Computing
● Project – 4 points from the project activity (can be as much as 4.5 with an additional bonus)
● Exam – 4 points obtained from the exam.

Minimal requirements for promotion:

● At least 2.5 points from the activities during the semester (presentation, project).
● At least 2 points from the exam
● Presenting the article in weeks 8-14
● Presenting the project at the laboratory.

Good luck!

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