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Advent DT 457mg Tablet 6'S (N)

6 Tablet(s) in a Strip
Mkt: Cipla Ltd
Country of Origin: India

Bacterial Infec… Rx required

MRP ₹178.61

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Generic Name
Amoxycillin 400 mg+Clavulanic Acid 57

ADVENT is a combina#on of Amoxicillin and Clavulanic acid
which belongs to the group of medicine called An#bio#cs. It
is indicated for the treatment of various infec#ons like
respiratory tract infec#ons (Ex. adequately diagnosed
community acquired pneumonia, chronic bronchi#s), middle
ear and sinus infec#ons (Ex. acute o##s media, acute
bacterial sinusi#s), urinary tract infec#ons (Ex.
pyelonephri#s or cys##s), skin and so$ #ssue infec#ons (Ex.
celluli#s, animal bites, dental infec#on) or bone and joint
infec#ons (Ex. osteomyeli#s) caused by suspected drug-
resistant bacterial strains in both adults and in children
(weighing not less than 45 kg). Bacterial infec#ons can be
defined as a prolifera#on of various harmful strains of
bacteria in the body. They can affect any part(s) of the body
including the respiratory tract, urinary tract, eyes, ears, skin,
so$ #ssue, or bones.
Amoxicillin is a penicillin-like an#bio#c that acts by
inhibi#ng the biosynthesis of a protec#ve layer called
pep#doglycan in the bacterial cell wall and clavulanic acid is
a beta-lactamase inhibitor that acts by the reducing
resistance for amoxicillin by inhibi#ng the ac#vity of an
enzyme called beta-lactamase in the bacterial cell.
Collec#vely they interrupt the construc#on of the bacterial
cell wall and ul#mately lead to the destruc#on, or lysis, of
the bacteria.
Try to take this medicine with or just a$er a meal or a snack
to avoid feeling sick (nausea). Your doctor will decide the
correct dose for you depending upon your age, body
weight, health condi#on and type of infec#on. During the
therapy your doctor might recommend you have several
tests to monitor your kidney and liver func#on to rule the
risk of unwanted side effects. Before taking this medicine,
inform your doctor if you have any liver or kidney problems.
ADVENT should be used with cau#on in pregnant or
breas%eeding women. Consult your doctor before taking.
The most common side effects of taking this medicine are
diarrhea, nausea, vomi#ng, and stomach upset. Consult
your doctor if any of the symptoms worsen.

It is used to treat the following bacterial infec#ons in both
adults and in children (weighing not less than 40kg):

Middle ear and sinus infec#ons (Ex. acute o##s media,

acute bacterial sinusi#s)
Respiratory tract infec#ons (Ex. adequately diagnosed
community acquired pneumonia, chronic bronchi#s)
Urinary tract infec#ons (Ex. pyelonephri#s or cys##s)
Skin and so$ #ssue infec#ons (Ex. celluli#s, animal bites,
dental infec#on)
Bone and joint infec#ons (Ex. osteomyeli#s)


ADVENT kills the growth of harmful bacteria, where
amoxicillin acts by inhibi#ng the biosynthesis of the
pep#doglycan layer (a layer which is responsible for the
survival of the bacteria) of the bacterial cell wall and
clavulanic acid acts by restoring the an#microbial effects of
amoxicillin by deac#va#ng an enzyme called beta-lactamase
(which is responsible for causing resistance to various
standard beta-lactam an#microbials) in the bacterial cell.
Collec#vely they interrupt the construc#on of the cell wall
and ul#mately lead to the destruc#on, or lysis, of the


Take this medicine with meals or as advised by your
physician. Swallow the medicine as a whole and do not
crush or chew the medicine. Your doctor will decide the
correct dose for you depending upon your age, body weight
and type of infec#on. Con#nue to take this medicine, if your
doctor tells you to do so, to obtain be&er results.


Diarrhea, nausea, vomi#ng
Thrush (a fungal infec#on of the skin, mouth, or

Skin rash, itching with raised itchy bumps
Headache, dizziness

Stop taking this medicine and contact your doctor
immediately if you experience any of the following
side effects:

Severe allergic reac#ons (such as skin rash, swelling

of the eyelids, mouth, tongue and/or throat causing
difficulty in breathing or swallowing, inflamma#on
of blood vessels leading to the appearance of red or
purple raised spots on the skin along with fever,
joint pain, swollen glands in the neck, armpit, or
groin, and/or collapse)
Signs of inflamma#on of large intes#ne (such as
watery diarrhea usually with blood and mucus
along with stomach pain and/or fever)
Signs of erythema mul#forme (such as skin rash
with blisters, flat, round, red targets that appears as
dark circles with purple, grey centers, fa#gue, cold
sores along with joint pain and fever)
Asep#c meningi#s (inflamma#on of the protec#ve
membrane surrounding the brain)
Serious skin reac#ons such as Stevens-Johnson
syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis (severe
widespread skin rash with blistering and peeling of
skin, blisters and sores around the mouth, nose,
eyes and genitals, weakness, body pain and fever),
bullous exfolia#ve derma##s (extreme skin redness,
widespread skin rash with pus-filled blisters,
scaling, crus#ng lesion, itching, swollen lymph
nodes, #redness, and fever), exanthemous
pustulosis (red, scaly rash with bumps under the
skin and blisters with fever) or Drug Reac#on with
Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS; skin
rash with itching, swollen glands, fever or flu-like
symptoms, and increased white blood cells and liver


Nausea and vomi#ng:
Try to take this medicine with or just a$er a meal or a snack.
S#ck to simple meals. Avoid ea#ng rich or spicy food.
Drink lots of fluids, such as water or fruit juices to keep
yourself hydrated. Avoid taking any medicine on your own
for trea#ng diarrhea. Consult your doctor if the symptom
did not improve.
Rest and relax. Drink lot of fluids such as water or
electrolytes. Apply a pain-relieving balm on the head if
required. Do not consume too much of alcohol. Consult
your doctor if the symptom did not improve.
Try to rest and relax. Get enough sleep. Avoid driving or
opera#ng any tools or machines while you are feeling dizzy.
Do not consume too much of alcohol, as it can aggravate
your dizziness. Consult your doctor if the symptom did not
Stomach pain:
Rest and relax. Eat and drink slowly or try to have smaller
and frequent meals. Keep a heat pad on your stomach. Do
not self-treat on your own and consult your doctor if the
symptom did not improve on its own.
Skin rash:
Avoid hot showers because hot water can irritate your skin
further. Do not scratch the affected area. Use protec#ve
clothing when going outdoors. Regularly moisturize your
skin. Consult your doctor if the symptom did not improve.


ADVENT should be used in pregnant women only if it
is clearly necessary. Consult your doctor before taking.

ADVENT should be used in breas%eeding women only
if it is clearly necessary. Consult your doctor before


Do not drive or operate any heavy tools or machines if
you experience dizziness or convulsions a$er taking
this medicine.

ADVENT is not recommended for use in pa#ents with
severe kidney disease (such as kidney failure or
hemodialysis). Consult your doctor before taking.

ADVENT is not recommended for use in pa#ents with
liver disease (such as jaundice (yellowing of the skin
and whites of the eye)). Kindly consult your doctor
before taking.

Talk to your doctor if you are allergic to Clavulanic
acid, Amoxicillin, other penicillins (such as ampicillin)
or to any other an#bio#cs.

Before taking this medicine, inform your physician if

Have glandular fever (a type of viral infec#on that is

spread by spi(ng, kissing or by sharing cups)
Are not passing water regularly
Are going to have blood test for RBC count or liver
Are going to have urine test for glucose

Use in pediatrics:

ADVENT is considered safe for use in children

weighing not less than 40 kg (preferably above 12
years). However, consult your doctor before taking.

Use in geriatrics:

ADVENT is considered safe for use in elderly

pa#ents (aged 65 years or above). However, consult
your doctor before taking.

A. Drug-Drug interac#ons:
Inform your physician, if you are taking,

Allopurinol or probenecid (used to treat gout)

Medicines used to stop blood clots (such as warfarin)
Methotrexate (a medicine used to treat rheuma#c
diseases or cancer)
Mycophenolate mofe#l (a medicine used to prevent gra$

If you or anyone else accidentally take too much of this
medicine, contact your doctor immediately or go to a
hospital straight away. Symptoms of overdosage might
include upset stomach, nausea, vomi#ng, diarrhea, or


Drug : Amoxicillin, Clavulanic acid

Pharmacolo : An#bio#cs
Therapeu#c : Bacterial infec#ons

Dosage : Tablet, Dispersible tablet, Syrup,

Forms Suspension, Oral drops,Dry syrup,
Powder, Injec#on

Keep out of reach of children
Store at room temperature


Can ADVENT treat cold?
No. This medicine is used to treat bacterial infec#ons of
respiratory tract such as sore throat. It has no impact on the
harmful virus causing cold and cough.
Can ADVENT be taken together with azithromycin?
Yes. There were no interac#ons found between this
medicine with other an#bio#cs such as azithromycin.
However, consult your doctor before taking this medicine.
Can ADVENT treat typhoid?
Although ciprofloxacin and intravenous ampicillin were the
first-line medicines prescribed to treat typhoid fever, this
medicine was also found to be effec#ve against typhoid
causing bacteria. However, consult your doctor before
Can ADVENT treat hemorrhoids?
This medicine can treat hemorrhoids caused by suscep#ble
bacteria. However, consult your doctor before taking this
medicine if you have hemorrhoids. Your doctor will decide
the suitable medicine, dose, and dura#on of therapy for you
depending upon your age, body weight and type of
Can ADVENT be mixed with milk?
This medicine can be mixed with milk, baby formula, fruit
juice or other cold beverages to encourage consump#on by
the children. Although, milk has some influence on the
bioavailability of this medicine there were no notable
interac#ons between this medicine and milk and therefore
it can be considered safe when mixed with milk before
consump#on. Consult your doctor before taking as a

1. KD. Tripathi. Beta-Lactam An#bio#cs. Essen#als of
medical pharmacology. Seventh edi#on. 2013. Page – 723
& 724.
2. Gerald G. Briggs and Roger K. Freeman. A & C. A
reference guide to fetal and neonatal risk: Drugs in
Pregnancy and Lacta#on. Tenth Edi#on. 2015. Page – 206
& 848.
3. S J Pedler and A J Bint. Compara#ve study of amoxicillin-
clavulanic acid and cephalexin in the treatment of
bacteriuria during pregnancy. NCBI; PMC US Na#onal
Library of Medicine, Na#onal Ins#tute of Health. April
1985. [Accessed 2nd November
2021] h&ps://
4. A Iravani and G A Richard. Treatment of urinary tract
infec#ons with a combina#on of amoxicillin and clavulanic
acid. NCBI; PMC US Na#onal Library of Medicine, Na#onal
Ins#tute of Health. October 1982. [Accessed 2nd
2021] h&ps://
5. Hanie Ahmadi, Alireza Ebrahimi and Fatemeh Ahmadi.
An#bio#c Therapy in Den#stry. NCBI; PMC US Na#onal
Library of Medicine, Na#onal Ins#tute of Health. January
2021. [Accessed 3rd November
2021] h&ps://
6. KLEIN, JEROME. Amoxicillin/clavulanate for infec#ons in
infants and children: past, present, and future. The pediatric
infec#ous disease journal. [Accessed 2nd November
2021] h&ps://
7. Brown & Burk UK Ltd. Electronic Medicines Compendium
(EMC). [Revised in December 2018] [Accessed 2nd
2021] h&ps://
8. PenCef Pharma GmbH. Electronic Medicines
Compendium (EMC). [Revised in April 2018] [Accessed 2nd
2021] h&ps://


Complete Blood Count
Peripheral Smear Examina#on

Net Qty

Shelf Life

Item Weight
17.5 g

Amoxycillin 400 mg+Clavulanic Acid 57 mg

Hsn Code

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The contents of this website are for informa#onal purposes only
and not intended to be a subs#tute for professional medical
advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Please seek the advice of a
physician or other qualified health provider with any ques#ons
you may have regarding a medical condi#on. Do not disregard
professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of
something you have read on this website.

Note: Product image is for illustra#on purpose only.

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