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How I Made $17,497 within

60 days Finding Lost Bitcoin,

Ethereun and Litecoin From
Abandoned/Forgotten Wallets
No Technical Skills Required
The best way to make money with crypto (Bitcoin) in my own opinion is by getting it
from abandoned/forgotten wallets.

You spend less and make so much more on the long run

Also anyone can do it as it does not require any technical knowledge.

You can recover Crypto (bitcoin) using this software to find lost/forgotten wallets with
funds in it and then transferring the funds to your own wallet.

The software test thousands of potential seed phrase combinations against generated
wallets every few seconds so you are able to unlock access to the lost wallet

To Get Access To The Crypto/Phrase Recovery Software

Click The Link Below

You Can Also Check Their Telegram Channel

Check The Pinned Post In The Channel For Instuctions On How To Get It

In The Channel, You Will Also See Videos of The Software In Action
(You can as well download the demo from their site)

What the Software does and how does it work

Whenever you create a Crypto Wallet, a 12-word "password" (Seed Phrase) is

Seed Phrases are based on a BIP39 dictionary, made up of 2048 words, from which
combinations are randomly generated.

With the Seed Phrase, a person can access the Wallet from any device and manage

Thanks to the algorithms developed connected to automatic Proxy Servers, the

Software finds the Seed Phrases of the old generation Wallets (reducing the total
number of wallets to find and which have now been lost).

Once the Seed Phrase of a Wallet has been found with a balance, it displays it in the
results window, and also saves the found wallets in a file in the folder with the software,
so you can always look at wallets which the software found.
Revenue statistics
The average profit may be higher or lower than the numbers shown.

These are statistical averages of our profits for several months up to now using
different packages.

The possibility of being lucky and finding a large Wallet is not excluded.

I have personally found $3k - $5k a few times in some wallets

Package Name Average Monthly Income Average Time To Find

One Blockchain $200 - $400 1 – 2 in 7 to 14 days

Two Blockchain $300 - $700 1 – 2 in 6 to 10 Days

Three Blockchain $450 - $1,000 1 – 3 in 4 to 6 Days

Four Blockchain $600 - $1,500 1 – 3 in in 72 Hours

Five Blockchain $1,000 - $2,500 1 – 4 in 48 hours

Six Blockchain $2,000 - $4,000 2 – 6 in 24 hours

Is it legal? Yes!
• Wikipedia says: “A private key is the main thing that gives you the ability to own and
control your wallet and funds. Whoever owns the private key owns the wallet.”

• The software accesses old generation Wallets that haven't transacted for years and
obviously access to them has been lost.

So you're not stealing someone's cryptocurrency, you're taking back something that
was lost.

If you find a wallet with a balance that shows that someone is using it (the alleged
owner), it is ethical not to withdraw the money!
How to withdraw after the Software has found a
1. After the software will find a wallet the Seed Phrase will be saved in results.txt file
(located in software files).

2. Using this key (Seed Phrase) you need to recover the found wallet in Trust wallet
app (Also you can use Exodus, Trustee or any other multi coin app).

3. After this you will get full access to the wallet and funds on it.

4. Withdraw the crypto on it anywhere you want. To Binance or your personal wallet,
it's all up to you.

5. Done! The found crypto is fully at your control. You can save it or sell it.

It's all quite simple

Software requirements
It Works Only On Windows System and requires a minimum or 1gb ram, 1 core and
25gb storage. You can just buy RDP from any of these sites. Does not require Admin


I personally use GreenCloudVPS

Some Facts For You
≈ $126,000,000,000 of BTC is locked by people who lost their seed keys
Source: New York Times

≈ 3,750,000 BTC has remained dormant for over 5 years

Source: Chainalaysis

≈ 20% of BTC that has ever been mined is lost or unclaimed

Source: Investopedia

Top 5 Dormant Addresses

79,957BTC Abandoned Wallet


Billions of Crypto Lost From Forgotten Key

Forgotten Wallet with $320M

Successful $5.3M Recovery of Dormant Wallet

Successful $2.5M Recovery of Dormant Wallets

Successful $8.2M Recovery of Dormant Wallet

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