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1 Worksheet 1
1 BRONZE - A company needs to calculate the new salary of its
employees after a 10% increase. The algorithm needs to allow the
user to enter a value as a whole number, multiply it by 1.10 and
output the new salary including the 10% increase.

a What are the variables in the pseudocode? ___

b What is the calculation that needs to take place? ___
c What are the individual steps of the program? (explain using first:
___, second:___, etc.)

2 SILVER Create a flowchart of the previous algorithm and copy-paste a

screenshot of it into the space below. You can use to design your
flowchart. You can use this example as a model.

3 SILVER What are the benefits of using pseudocode as part of planning



4 GOLD Create a program in Python following the pseudocode and your

flowchart. You can open the website, click , select
Python and add the name 8.2.1 (WS1) You can use this example as a
model. Paste your screenshot below.
5 GOLD Create a program in Python to calculate the area of a rectangle and
paste the screenshot below.

6 GOLD Create a program in Python to calculate the perimeter of a

rectangle and paste the screenshot below.

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