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behind bars = entre rejas de la carcel
breed = reproduir / criar
bypass = rodejar / ignorar
cell = celda
charge with = culpable de …
comply = cumplir / obeir
concerned = preocupat
convict = condemnar
court = tribunal
defy = desafiar / retar
enforce = fer cumplir / executar
fine = multar
forbidden = prohibit
gambling = apostar
get into trouble = posar-se en lios
go straight = anar pel bon camí
grab = agafar / atrapar
guilty = culpable
let someone off the hook = “salir de rositas”
offender = criminal / delinquent
outlaw = bandido, criminal / prohibir per la llei
pool = grup / equip
repeal = anular
reward = recompensa
robbery = robatori
shoplifting = robar a una botiga
term = pena / condena / sentencia
theft = lladre
think through = pensar be
thoroughly = cuidadosament
trial = juicio


burglary = breaking and entering / forced entering (robar amb fractura)
hardened criminal = one who will not stop his criminal activity
inmate = persona confinada a un hospital o presó
life of crime = vida de delitos
pay one’s debt to society = pagar el teu deute a la societat (treballs per la societat)
punishment = càstig / sanció / penalització
shoplifter = lladre de botigues
vandalise = fer malbé una propietat (grafits a una paret)

At the meeting tomorrow, don’t forget to bring up …
The countryside is a good place to bring up …

When my friends put me down, I feel …

As soon as he got home, he put down his …

Last night, someone broke in and …

While the boff was walking, Sue broke in to …

I have no choice but to turn you in to …

I’m going to turn in now because I feel …

going on (go on) = happening

take off = treure
look it up (look me up) = delatar
giving away (gave away) = donar

caught red handed = pillat “amb les mans a la massa”
mend my ways = cambiar els meus camins
cracking down on = tomar medidas fuertes
under the table = il·legalment / en secret
gets away with murder = se’n surt amb la seva
a steal = algo molt barato (tirat de preu)

back them up = respandar a
bring them up =
qualified = qualificat
pick them up =
defied = desafiar / retar
swapped = intercambiar
worthwhile = val la pena
manage = dirigir / gestionar
use them up =
wage = salari / paga
repealed = suprimir / abolir


who, whoever, whom, whomever, that, which, when, where, and whose. (Sometimes, what,
which, and where can serve as relative pronouns.)

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