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Items with a reviewer byline (coded R) are by is incorporated providing a failure model sive debate. The chapter is long 共57 pages兲,
AMR’s corps of dedicated outside volunteer re- that is consistent with fracture mechanics well written and attempts to provide a bal-
viewers. AMR will attempt to get critical reviews
of all relevant textbooks, reference works, and and paving the route to induced anisotropic anced review, but unfortunately does not
monographs. Items without a reviewer byline behavior. Finally, environmentally-induced give an abstract.
(coded N) are prepared by AMR in-house staff damage effects are discussed. The concepts The scope and spirit of Chapter 6, on
and are largely based on material such as a
book’s table of contents and editor’s preface or are simply and clearly introduced, and the ‘‘Higher order constitutive models’’ 共I Vard-
foreword. In the interest of timeliness, most con- scope is limited to the description of dam- oulakis兲, is somewhat different from the re-
ference proceedings and multi-author contrib- age phenomena in concrete. maining contributions as it is the only one
uted volumes will receive descriptive notes in this Chapter 3 provides an introduction into
fashion. Books deemed to be somewhat periph- using higher-order gradient models. By way
‘‘Incrementally nonlinear modeling’’ 共F

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eral to AMR’s basic scope may simply be listed of illustration, second gradient theories ac-
by title. Also listed by title when first received are Darve and X Roguiez兲, a subject pioneered count for local curvature effects; so an in-
books under review. 关DOI: 10.1115/1.1470665兴 by the principal author. The key idea is to ternal length scale is naturally introduced.
express the strain increment as a function of Using beams as an illustration, the author
the stress increment in a rate independent then presents Mindlin’s 2nd gradient linear
I. FOUNDATIONS & fashion or vice versa. For a quadratic de- elasticity theory before he introduces the
BASIC METHODS pendence of the strain increment upon the gradient plasticity model for granular mate-
stress increment, elasto-plastic tangent rials. These formulations necessarily re-
moduli are constitutively prescribed for quire the introduction of surface double
5R1. Constitutive Modelling of Geoma- which two formulations having only five
terials. - Edited by B Cambou (Laboratoire de forces which are carefully introduced. It is
Tribologie et Dynamique des Syst, Ecole Cen-
phenomenological parameters are pre- further demonstrated that shear band local-
trale de Lyon, 36 Ave Guy de Collongue, Ecully sented. These are determined with typical ization and cavity collapse can naturally be
Cedex, 69131, France) and C Di Prisco (Politec- oedometric tests, and the final model is then described with such formulations and that
nico di Milano, Piazza Leonardo da Vinci 32, applied under uniaxial extension and com- the boundary layer thicknesses are directly
Milan, 20133, Italy). Hermes Sci Publ, Paris. pression to study questions of material in- connected to the internal length scale.
2000. 233 pp. Softcover. ISBN 1-903398-06-1. stability. The text is brief and assumes de-
Chapter 7 deals with ‘‘Constitutive mod-
tailed advanced knowledge of the reader. eling of granular materials from a change of
Reviewed by K Hutter (Dept of Mech, Chapter 4 presents a comprehensive intro-
Darmstadt Univ of Tech, Hochschulstr 1, scale’’ 共B Cambou兲. Its subject is homog-
duction into the ‘‘Elements of hypoplastic- enization, ie, the transfer of the properties
Darmstadt, D-64289, Germany). ity’’ 共D Kolymbas兲. The author carefully in-
This monograph consists of seven lec- of the grains and their interaction to the
troduces notions such as elasticity, elasto- macroscale of which a typical length is sev-
tures, written by nine specialists of geotech- plasticity, and hypoelasticity and cul-
nique, emphasizing their fields of interest eral grain diameters. By way of introducing
minates in the presentation of the general local variables such as void ratio, coordina-
and thought as an advanced course to engi- form of a hypoplastic constitutive model as
neering students at the graduate level. The tion number 共ie, average number of con-
an equation relating the Jaumann stress rate
lectures are consecutively arranged and tacts per particle兲 fabric tensors, and apply-
as a nonlinear functional of the stress and
hinge upon one another, but are equally in- ing rules defining the macroscopic stress
stretching. It is shown that this functional
dependently readable each with its own ref- tensor in terms of contact forces and con-
needs to be nonlinear and rate independent
erence list. Cross references are loose, and tact orientations, macroscopic stress rela-
in the stretching to capture typical soil be-
no index is provided. tions can be derived, provided that rules are
havior. A particular formula is shown, and
Apart from an editorial 共F Darve兲, Chap- also given which define the macroscopic ki-
ter 1 共R Chambon兲 provides a ‘‘General questions of parameter identifications are
touched. The author also addresses points nematics in terms of the microscopic defor-
presentation of constitutive modeling of mations. Several models are presented, and
geomaterials’’ on the basis of continuum of weaknesses that have so far been ob-
served with hypo-plastic constitutive rela- their performance is covered briefly. The
mechanics and geared to the application of presentation is brief, but clear and provides
the finite element method. The lecture tions and gives a review of proposed hypo-
plastic equations. The chapter is thought- an acceptable introduction into quasistatic
browses through the principle of virtual 共mostly兲 linear behavior.
power; touches many material peculiarities fully written and adequate for students to
learn the subject. As for the printing, the book could have
such as cyclic, viscous and relaxation ef- been more carefully edited. There is much
fects, localization, and rupture; culminates ‘‘Constitutive equations in plasticity’’ 共C
die Pricso and M Pastor兲, in Chapter 5, pro- better software available in which formulas
in Section 4 in the well-known terminology
vides a comprehensive account of elasto- appear in better form. Figures have varied
of the Nonlinear Field Theories of Mechan-
ics by Truesdell and Noll; and terminates in plastic constitutive modeling with yield sur- style and inset texts are often hardly read-
stating well posedness 共in the sense of face from a theoretical as well as experi- able; equally, captions are often insuffi-
Hadamand兲. The presentation is colloquial, mental point of view. Perfect plasticity with cient. Whereas all authors write in accept-
shallow in depth with occasional slips in Tresca, Mises, and Mohr-Coulomb failure able English, a more careful devotion to the
the English language, perhaps useful as a surfaces and single potential hardening text by the copy editor would have elimi-
source of references. plasticity are discussed as is 共induced兲 an- nated occasional slips and unified the style.
Chapter 2 on ‘‘Continuum damage mod- isotropy. The concepts of cyclic loading, ki- As a whole, Constitutive Modelling of Geo-
eling’’ 共G Pijandier-Cabot兲 is restricted to nematic hardening densification, and lique- materials is useful for upper-level students
elasto-plasticity and its change of properties faction of sand are equally touched upon. and researchers to obtain an impression
under microstructural degradation. First, Further sections are devoted to viscoplastic- about present day constitutive modeling of
elasto-plastic damage and crack closure ef- ity and damage and instability in load- geomaterials with a fairly extensive refer-
fects are described; then an internal length controlled tests—a subject still under inten- ence list.

Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002 B41 © 2002 American Society of Mechanical Engineers
B42 Book Reviews Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002

5R2. Crystals, Defects and Microstruc- molecules. Finally, statistical mechanics of rials, ranging from point defects 共Ch 7兲 and
tures: Modeling Across Scales. - R Phillips the Ising model and that of electrons is line defects 共Ch 8兲 to interfacial defects 共Ch
(Brown Univ, Providence RI). Cambridge UP, briefly described. 9兲. An analysis of point defects is carried
Cambridge, UK. 2001. 780 pp. Softcover. ISBN In Part II, Energetic Description of Cohe- out from both a microscopic and continuum
0-521-79357-2. $47.95. sion in Solids, the total energy of the system perspective with emphasis being placed on
Reviewed by MS Kuczma (Inst of Civil and is the starting point for analysis of material their origins and motion, and also conse-
Env Eng, Univ of Zielona Gora, ul Podgorna 50, behavior. The energy is obtained on the ba- quences they have on the ultimate macro-
Zielona Gora, 65-246, Poland). sis of the kinematic measures that can be scopic properties of materials. The process
This is an invaluable book devoted to the used to characterize the system’s geometry. of diffusion is examined, and some effec-
modeling of crystalline materials at differ- On the grounds of microscopic theories, the tive theories of diffusion are advanced.
ent scales. The ultimate Phillips’s aim has total energy is a function of the atomic co- Chapter 8 considers dislocations from the
been to show the origins of approximate, ordinates, whereas in a continuum descrip- perspective of their role as the primary
effective theories of material behavior and tion the energy is postulated to be a func- agents of plastic deformation. Both discrete
how to build such theories that are capable tion of the relevant strain measures. The and continuous descriptions are developed.
of capturing complex problems involving author gives examples of broad classes of The equilibrium fields associated with typi-

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either multiple length or time scale simulta- total energy functions evaluated from the cal dislocations are studied within the linear
neously. The book has mixed character, al- microscopic perspective, both with a direct theory of elasticity, which forms the foun-
ternating between text and monograph incorporation of the electronic degrees of dation for analysis of interaction energies
mode, with the same idea presented from a freedom and also their effective representa- and configuration forces on dislocations
number of different perspectives. The au- tion through the electron density. Starting 共Peach-Koehler’s formula兲 and of the
thor’s purpose is to present ideas rather than from the Hamiltonian for a system of inter- Peierls-Nabarro model. Finally, three-
to give an exhaustive description of so est, which embodies the motions and inter- dimensional dislocation configurations are
many alternative concepts and approaches actions between all the nuclei and electrons discussed, including the cross slip, kinks,
discussed in the book. Thus, as a prerequi- in the system, Phillips explains the logic be- and dislocation junctions. Chapter 9 focuses
site on the part of the reader, some working hind systematic degree of freedom elimina- on two-dimensional wall defects 共surfaces,
knowledge in the fields of physics of solids, tion. He exploits the so-called Born- stacking faults, grain boundaries兲 and
continuum mechanics, and differential cal- Oppenheimer approximation and constructs serves as the basis for the consideration of
culus will be helpful in order that she or he some simplified description in terms of ef- microstructures within materials. The au-
could better focus on the principle thrust of fective pair potentials. He also discusses thor highlights their role in producing con-
discussions and derivations. some difficulties with the pair potential de- finement in the context of elastic waves,
scription and remedies to cure some of mass transport, and plastic action. The no-
them in the form of potentials with environ- tion of an interfacial energy and that of a
mental and angular dependence. Further,
surface reconstruction are defined and ex-
the tight-binding method is described and
emplified in a number of representative
its particular realization in the context of
cases. Chapter 10 analyzes some types of
periodic solids as so-called k-space meth-
microstructures that exist in materials. First,
ods is illustrated, invoking Bloch’s theo-
the author discusses a considerable diver-
rem. Also, the density functional theory and
sity of microstructures and a possibility of
the corresponding Kohn-Sham equations
their production by appropriate processing
are sketched.
strategies, and what the consequences of
Chapter 5 is concerned with the energetics
such microstructures are to the underlying
of both thermal excitations and elastic de-
physical properties of a material. The solu-
formations of crystals. The author shows
tion the Eshelby inclusion problem is de-
how the energy methods in conjunction
The text is divided into 13 chapters that with statistical mechanics can be used in rived and used in investigating the equilib-
are grouped in four basic parts. Part I, predicting the material properties including rium morphologies of second phase
which is entitled Thinking About the Mate- the specific heat, thermal expansion and particles. Also, the issue of temporal evolu-
rial World, consists of three chapters and elastic moduli. An interesting analysis of tion of two-phase microstructures has been
provides an overview of the fundamental normal modes and phonon dispersion rela- considered. Special attention is given to the
ideas that are useful in describing material tions is carried out, including the passage to realization of the compatibility condition in
response and in revealing the link between the vibrational density of states. Further, the the context of martensitic microstructures.
structure and properties. In particular, em- microscopic derivation of the elastic moduli In the consideration of grain growth in
phasis is placed on the notion of material concept is demonstrated primarily for a ge- polycrystals, the author has made use of the
parameter, the significance of phase dia- neric linear case and with some extension Potts model, phase field models, and sharp
grams to materials science and the role of to nonlinear elasticity 共the Cauchy-Born interface models.
lattice defects. Next, basic concepts of con- rule兲, linking atomistic models to con- Part IV, Facing the Multiscale Challenge
tinuum mechanics are introduced and used tinuum fields. Chapter 6, which closes Part of Real Material Behavior, constitutes the
in continuum descriptions of deformation II, discusses realization of distinct compet- culmination of preceded developments dis-
and failure. The principle of minimum po- ing crystal structures in the context of el- cussed in the book with the aim to build
tential energy is formulated for linear elas- emental and alloy phase diagrams. The is- effective theories based on a reduced set of
ticity, and the finite element approach to the sue of structural stability is illustrated by degrees of freedom. Chapter 11 concerns a
corresponding boundary value problem is predictions of a number of free energy mutual interplay between the different types
sketched. Part I ends with a revision of functions constructed on various levels of of defects defined earlier. Three groups of
quantum and statistical mechanics. Here, sophistication invoked, including an Ein- problems are considered: diffusion, mass
solution of the Schrödinger equation is il- stein model for structural change, cluster transport assisted deformation, and dis-
lustrated for a number of cases, including expansions and the cluster variation location-grain boundary interaction. In par-
that of the hydrogen atom and the so-called method. ticular, these include exchange mechanisms
electron gas model, with the aim of demon- Part III, Geometric Structures in Solids: for surface diffusion, Nabarro-Herring and
strating the analogy between the problem of Defects and Microstructures, deals with the Coble mechanisms for creep and the Rice
coupled oscillators and that of bonding in various types of defects that populate mate- model of dislocation nucleation at a
Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002 Book Reviews B43

crack tip, and the phenomenon of hardening some readers a bit lengthy at times, this re- students in numerical analysis, mathemat-
approached from various perspectives. viewer appreciates much the author’s exten- ics, computer science, and the ‘‘theoreti-
Chapter 12 is a crowning part of the book, sive vocabulary. cally inclined workers’’ in engineering and
being explicitly devoted to the problem of Phillips has undertaken a very difficult the physical sciences. In comparison to
bridging scales and effective theory con- and venturesome enterprise to write a book some recent texts, the book is short at 432
struction. Here, Phillips revisits his previ- that encompasses such a wide spectrum of pages, but the topics the authors decided to
ous considerations and generalizes the phi- different concepts and issues under one treat are treated thoroughly.
losophy behind multi-scale modeling. roof. One of the key features this reviewer The first chapter is devoted to quadratic
Indicating to a tradition of multiscale ap- enjoyed in reading the Phillips’ book is his functionals on finite-dimensional vector
proach, the author records some historic ex- willingness to explain how macroscopic be- spaces. Chapters 2 and 3 discuss the varia-
amples of multiscale modeling. He dis- havior is built up from microscopic mo- tional formulation of boundary value prob-
cusses cohesive surface models and mixed tions, and that there are problems where a lems, and Chapters 4 and 5 discuss the
proliferation of scales both in space or time Ritz-Galerkin and the finite element
approaches in which constitutive models of
共or both兲 should be accounted for simulta- method. Some readers may be disappointed
different sophistication 共hierarchical struc-
neously. This reviewer believes that the to find that the text does not present a cata-
ture兲 are used, eg, a conventional con-

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value of this book is in that, on the one log of all the common interpolation func-
tinuum model in a region far from defects hand, it substantiates the need for a multi- tions that are currently in popular use, or
共cracks, dislocations兲, whereas in the imme- scale approach and, on the other hand, pre- address h-p methods, but these are minor
diate vicinity of defects a more refined sents a framework for a mechanism of the quibbles. The final two chapters cover di-
analysis pertinent to subscales. In the for- information passage from the microscopic rect and iterative methods for solving the
mat of gradient flow dynamics, variational scales to those associated with macroscopic linear equations generated by the finite ele-
derivations of the Allen-Cahn equation observables. It should be noted that the au- ment method. The last chapter also includes
which describes the spatio-temporal evolu- thor reveals not only the strengths of vari- an introduction to the multigrid method.
tion of a non-conserved order parameter ous theoretical models, but also their limi- Exercises and references are provided at the
field, and the Cahn-Hillard equation for tations, and shows that the important end of each chapter. The text is independent
such evolution of conserved fields are ob- nonconcepts like nonlinearity, nonlocality, of any particular programing language,
tained. He shows how to create a family of and nonconvexity single out intriguing fea- which is a nice feature. Some of the algo-
effective Hamiltonians by the renormaliza- tures of material behavior. For example, rithms are written out in a form of pseudo-
tion procedure and indicates the Monte nonconvexity implies the existence of mul- code that anyone familiar with any com-
Carlo method and hyperdynamics methods tiple wells, whereby admitting of the emer- puter language should be able to read.
as a scheme for the hierarchical treatment gence of complex microstructures. The dis- Because the book suits the interests of
of diffusive processes, raising the question cussions in this book support this students in numerical analysis and math-
on how to connect the notion of tempera- reviewer’s conjecture that the hierarchical ematics so well, the majority of mechanical
ture and time. Phase field models are in- modeling via mixed atomistic/continuum engineers will probably not be interested in
voked in the context of both solidification models will become the subject of intensive this text. Most of the partial differential
and phase separation, and the finite element research in the years to come. This kind of equations are model linear ones, and the
interpolation and its consequences in elimi- approach is in accord with the adage that challenges associated with beam, plate, and
nation of atomic degrees of freedom. Fi- one should think globally and act locally. shell elements are largely ignored as are all
One of the critical issues that emerges here nonlinear problems. In addition, it does not
nally, in Chapter 13, the author has col-
is how to effectively control the modeling address the issues of selective reduced inte-
lected his reflections on the universality and
error in quantities of interest, so that we gration and other variational crimes.
specificity in materials and posed a series of could determine the proper interfaces and In terms of its stated aims, the book is a
intriguing open questions. their location which will separate regions success. It is mathematically rigorous, yet
The presentation of this difficult and com- where models of different sophistication does not become bogged down in either
plex subject matter is organized in an acces- could be employed within a preset toler- ponderous notation or the details of arcane
sible and attractive fashion, being peda- ance. points that are of little interest to the reader
gogically well balanced as concerns both Phillips’ Crystal, Defects and Microstruc- new to finite element methods. The expla-
the level of detail discussed and the nota- tures makes for most instructive reading. nations are clear and, for its intended audi-
tions used. It contains a lot of enlightening This reviewer very strongly recommends it ence, it should be a good read. This book,
descriptions of the current theoretical con- for graduate students and researchers in sci- Finite Element Solution of Boundary Value
cepts and many case studies. The included ence and engineering who wish to gain un- Problems: Theory and Computation, will
graphical illustrations of numerical results derstanding of the theoretical constructs in appeal to readers who have enjoyed the
and of experimental findings substantiate the study of materials. books by Ciarlet, Claes Johnson, and Oden.
the theoretical constructs and, in addition to
that, will be provocative to the perspica- 5R3. Finite Element Solution of Bound- 5R4. Handbook of Continuum Mechan-
cious reader. Each chapter closes with a ary Value Problems: Theory and Compu- ics: General Concepts, Thermoelasticity.
useful section, Further Reading, and a set tation. Classics in Applied Math, Vol 35. - - J Salencon (Lab de Mec des Solides, Ecole
O Axelsson (Univ of Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Neth- Polytechnique, Palaiseau Cedex, 91128, France).
of problems to solve, which are related to
erlands) and VA Barker (Tech Univ, Lyngby, Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2001. 803 pp. ISBN
the topics discussed in that chapter. There is Denmark). SIAM, Philadelphia. 2001. 432 pp. 3-540-41443-6. $159.00.
a single list of references and a subject in- Softcover. ISBN 0-89871-499-0. $50.00. Reviewed by S Bechtel (Dept of Mech
dex at the end of the book. Reviewed by DJ Benson (Dept of Appl Eng, Ohio State Univ, 206 W 18th Ave, Co-
A careful reading of the entire book Mech and Eng Sci, UCSD, 9500 Gilman, lumbus OH 43210-1154).
shows that the text is well edited; this re- La Jolla CA 92093-0411). This book, translated by Stephen Lyle
viewer spotted only a few misprints. The Quoting from the preface, ‘‘The purpose from a 2000 French edition, is part of a
various chapters can be read independently, of this book is to provide an introduction to series of English translations of textbooks
but the logic of the book is intertwined, so both the theoretical and computational as- developed by the Ècole Polytechnique for
in order to better appreciate the message pects of the finite element method for solv- its students. It is a handbook in the sense of
conveyed the book should be treated as a ing boundary value problems for partial dif- an encyclopedia, providing a complete and
single entity. Although the book is written ferential equations.’’ Its intended readers detailed reference source for the concepts
in the narrative style that may be found by are advanced undergraduates and graduate behind continuum mechanics and its spe-
B44 Book Reviews Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002

cializations to thermoelasticity and one- 5R5. Variational Methods for Struc- duced in Part I. First a basic problem is
dimensional media. tural Optimization. Applied Mathemati- dealt with thoroughly 共Ch 4兲, and then more
The physical quality, including typeset- cal Sciences, Vol 140. - A Cherkaev (Dept general problems are discussed 共Ch 5兲. Part
ting and figures, is outstanding. The book’s of Math, Univ of Utah, Salt Lake City UT III generalizes the concept of relaxation to
803 pages are divided into 12 chapters, 84112). Springer-Verlag, New York. 2000. the multi-dimensional case, first by intro-
three appendices, a bibliography, and an in- 545 pp. ISBN 0-387-98462-3. $79.95. ducing the notion of the quasiconvex enve-
dex. Each chapter begins with a front page Reviewed by D Givoli (Dept of Aerospace lope 共Ch 6兲, and then by discussing three
with a title and on the order of ten key- Eng, Technion-Israel, Haifa, 32000, Israel). different methods 共Ch 7–9兲 for finding up-
words, a one-page abstract, a table of the This is an excellent book on material and per and lower bounds for this envelope.
important new notation introduced in the microstructure optimization by one of the Part IV concentrates on methods for find-
chapter, and an outline of the sections and world’s main authorities on the subject. It is ing the G-closure. First the theory is dis-
subsections that comprise the chapter, and a comprehensive 共545 pages兲 treatment and cussed 共Ch 10兲, then it is applied to a few
state-of-the-art review of this area, which is examples 共Ch 11兲, and finally it is extended
ends with a summary of the main formulas,
an active field in applied mathematics. The to problems with more than two materials
and set of exercises, with hints toward their
title of the book may be slightly misleading 共Ch 12兲 and to problems involving dissipa-

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solution. This considerable level of struc-
for readers from the engineering commu- tion 共Ch 13兲. Part V, clearly the highlight of
ture and organization of the presentation, nity, since the book does not deal with the
together with the many references to related both Cherkaev’s work and the book, dis-
methods of classical engineering structural cusses optimization of composites in linear
concepts and developments that occur else- optimization, on the macro scale. The latter
where in the book both before and after, is elasticity. The theory of inhomogeneous
has been the subject of many books, like elasticity is outlined 共Ch 14兲, and various
intended by the author to simplify the read- the collection of papers Structural Optimi-
er’s task as much as possible, and also as- optimization problems are solved in a
zation: Status and Promise, edited by MP simple case 共Ch 15兲, and in more general
sists in its use as a reference. The presenta- Kamat 共AIAA, 1993兲. Cherkaev’s unique cases 共Ch 16兲, by finding bounds for the
tion is thoughtful: Generally, there is first a book is concerned with the microstructure
conceptual discussion, with appeal to ex- effective properties. The last chapter 共Ch
and with questions such as how to distrib-
17兲 discusses some global optimization
perimental results, before the mathematical ute the different materials constituting a
problems of elastic composites.
discussion, and there is a sensitivity to the two-phase or a multi-phase solid in an op-
In general, the book is very well written.
multiple scales in physical problems. timal way. The main practical application of
The exposition is mathematical in nature,
The first six chapters present the general the subject is to the design of composite
but by no means dry. The book includes
theory of continuum mechanics, with the materials on the micro scale. 共The last
chapter also touches on composite optimi- many illustrations and examples and is cer-
construction of mechanical models and the
zation on the macro scale.兲 Perhaps the tainly accessible to mathematically-oriented
modeling of forces based on the principle
words ‘‘Composite Optimization’’ instead readers of the applied mechanics and engi-
of virtual work. The only constitutive be-
of ‘‘Structural Optimization’’ in the title neering communities. Not many mathema-
havior addressed in the book is elasticity, in
would have been more revealing. ticians can write in a style which is both
Chapters 7 through 10. Chapter 11 presents
rigorous and readable at the same time, and
the general static theory of one-dimensional
in this, the author has done an important
continuum models, which is specialized to
service to researchers in applied mechanics.
thermoelastic structures in Chapter 12.
Cherkaev wisely avoids the treatment of ab-
The book is accompanied by a 60-page
stract subjects like Young measures. The
pamphlet which summarizes the main book is full of up-to-date information on
points in the 12 chapters, and a fold-out one the problems and methods of composite op-
page glossary which translates words and timization, with reference to a very large
phrases ranging from acceleration to zero number of papers on the subject. Each
line into French, German, Spanish, Italian, chapter ends with a short summary and
and Portuguese. with a few well-designed problems for the
This reviewer found in the book familiar reader.
concepts presented in unfamiliar settings. The book could have seen better proofing.
The mathematical notation and the appen- This reviewer was amazed to find out that
dices devoted to tensor calculus and differ- The book is divided into five parts, each
containing up to four chapters. Part I ex- more than half of the entries in the index
ential operators are different from what one have wrong page numbers. 共There is a shift
has come to expect in introductory texts in plains the key problems and ideas in a
simple one-dimensional context. It is dem- of 2 in all the page numbers starting from
continuum mechanics and may be beyond around page 200.兲 In addition, the page
many upper-level undergraduate students onstrated that in some non-convex varia-
tional problems, the minimizer suffers from numbers appearing in the Contents are
and lower-level graduate students. This re- wrong from the middle of Chapter 15.
fine-scale oscillations. Then the notion of
viewer would be hesitant to employ the There are also many errors in equation
relaxation via the convex envelope is intro-
book as a text in a first course in continuum
duced as a remedy 共Ch 1兲. Conductivity numbers appearing in the text 共the first
mechanics. It is most appropriate as either a problems 共eg, in heat transfer兲 in compos- three errors are on pages 5, 6, and 12兲. This
text in an upper-level continuum mechanics ites are discussed, along with the concept of reviewer is sure these errors will be a
course or independent study after a first homogenization 共Ch 2兲. A way to find source of frustration to many readers. It is
course 共if a second course is not available兲, bounds for the effective properties of the really a pity that such a book, which is so
or as a complete and likely different refer- composite is shown. The notion of thorough on the professional level, is less
ence source for someone who has taken the G-closure is defined: this is the set of all the than perfect from the publishing aspect.
full sequence. The Handbook of Continuum effective properties of all possible compos- Despite this unnecessary deficiency, Cher-
Mechanics certainly has value to this re- ites that can be constructed from the given kaev’s book is indeed a very welcome con-
viewer, a teacher of first and second courses materials 共Ch 3兲. Part II goes deeper and tribution to the field of composite optimiza-
in continuum mechanics and thermome- discusses various approaches to attack tion. Variational Methods for Structural
chanics, who found in it a fresh take on the some composite optimization problems in Optimization is highly recommended to re-
conceptual underpinnings of these subjects. conductivity, using the techniques intro- searchers and students interested in the
Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002 Book Reviews B45

field, and should certainly be added to ev- Random Heterogeneous Materials: Micro- one. One can locate topics easily for, in ad-
ery library collection of books in applied structure and Macroscopic Properties. - S dition to a complete Table of Contents at its
mechanics. Torquato (Dept of Chem, Princeton Mat Inst, beginning, a 31 page Index of topics and
Princeton Univ, Princeton NJ 08544). Springer-
5N6. Asymptotic Approximations of Inte- subtopics and their corresponding page
Verlag, New York. 2002. 701 pp. ISBN 0-387-
grals. Classics in Applied Mathematics, Vol 34. 95167-9. $69.95. 共Under review兲 numbers is included at the end of each vol-
- R Wong (Fac of Sci and Eng, City Univ, ume.
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China). SIAM, Philadel- In the opinion of this reviewer, this three-
phia. 2001. 543 pp. Softcover. ISBN 0-89871-
497-4. $77.00. II. DYNAMICS & volume encyclopedia is a collection of in-
This SIAM edition in an unabridged, corrected formation which is very useful for all per-
republication of the work first published by Aca-
demic Press 共1989兲. Asymptotic methods are fre-
VIBRATION sons who want to know more about
quently used in many branches of both pure and
vibrations—students, engineers, research-
applied mathematics, and this book deals with 5R10. Encyclopedia of Vibration: Vol- ers, and teachers. Those who can afford it
one important aspect of this area, namely, umes 1, 2, and 3. - Edited by SG Braun will benefit significantly in having a per-
asymptotic approximations of integrals. Since its sonal copy. But every engineering library
publication 12 years ago, significant develop- (Fac of Mech Eng, Technion-Israel Inst of
ments have occurred in the general theory of Tech, Haifa, 32000, Israel), DJ Ewins should definitely have it.

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asymptotic expansions, including smoothing of (Dept of Mech Eng, Imperial Col of Sci,
the Stokes phenomenon, uniform exponentially Tech and Med, Exhibition Rd, London, SW7 5R11. Linear and Nonlinear Rotordy-
improved asymptotic expansions, and hyper- namics: A Modern Treatment with Appli-
asymptotics. 2BX, UK), and SS Rao (Dept of Mech Eng,
Univ of Miami, PO Box 248294, Coral cations. - T Yamamoto and Y Ishida
5N7. Computational Fluid and Solid Me-
chanics. Proc of 1st MIT Conf, June 2001, Gables FL 33124-0624, SW7 2BX). Aca- (Nagoya Univ, Nagoya, Japan). Wiley,
Cambridge MA. - Edited by KJ Bathe. Elsevier demic Press, San Diego. 2001. 1595 pp. New York. 2001. 325 pp. ISBN 0-471-
Sci Ltd, Kidlington, UK. 2001. 1768 pp. Hard- 3-vol set. ISBN 0-12-227085-1. $925.00. 18175-7. $94.95.
bound. ISBN 008-043944-6. $221.50. 共CD, $74; Reviewed by AW Leissa (Dept of Mech Reviewed by RG Kirk (Dept of Mech Eng,
Print and CD, $244兲.
The two volumes of this proceedings provide a Eng, Ohio State Univ, 206 W. 18th Ave., Rotor Dyn Lab, Virginia Tech, Randolph
comprehensive guide to the latest research cov- Columbus OH 43210-1154). Hall - Room 119, Blacksburg VA 24061).
ering Computational Fluid and Solid Mechanics. The title chosen for this three-volume set The authors have documented in this text
Additionally, a searchable CD-ROM version of of information about vibrations is very ap- their extensive works and accomplishments
the proceedings has reproduced many of the
original figures in full color. There are 446 pa- propriate, for it is indeed an encyclopedia, in this important field of engineering. The
pers included. The contents of Volume 1 includes consisting of 168 short chapters, each treat- background of the authors original works
Plenary Papers, Solids and Structures, and Opti- ing a particular topic, arranged in alphabeti- are explained in the Foreword written by
mization and Design. Volume 2 covers Fluids, cal order. The individual chapters are writ- Professor Harold Nelson, a well known and
Multi-Physics, CFD for the Natural Convection
Problem, Algorithms 共independent of physical ten by persons who are known to be respected researcher in the same field of
applications兲, an author index, and a keyword authorities on the topics. Altogether, 132 study and well versed in the total history of
index. persons were contributors, writing chapters rotating machinery analysis.
5N8. Constitutive Models for Rubber II. which are typically 7-12 pages long. The first half of the text documents, in
Proc of 2nd European Conf, Hannover, Germany, The topics chosen take on a variety of part, the important early works of Yama-
Sept 2001. - Edited by D Besdo (Inst fur Mech, forms. Some of them deal with long- moto concerning the treatment of gyro-
Univ Hannover, Germany), RH Schuster (Deut- standing vibration concepts 共critical damp- scopic moments, disk skew, free and forced
sches Inst fur Kautschuktechnologie, Hannover,
ing, dynamic stability, forced response, fric- vibration of continuous, and asymmetrical
Germany), and J Ihlemann (Inst fur Mech, Univ
Hannover, Germany). Balkema Publ, Rotterdam, tion damping, hysteretic damping, etc兲, rotor systems. Their treatment of nonlinear
Netherlands. 2001. 307 pp. ISBN 90-2651-847-1. some consider types of structural or ma- vibrations adds the newer areas of research
Around the topics of phenomenological as well chine elements 共beams, bearings, belts, and analysis by Ishida. Included are discus-
as physically motivated constitutive models for blades and bladed disks, columns, disks, sions of chaotic vibration, harmonic reso-
rubber, a wide range of subjects is covered, like membranes, pipes, plates, etc兲, and some nance, and cracked rotor vibration. The col-
softening effects, phenomena related to aging,
damage, fatigue, and the influence of cross- are brief summaries of methods of analysis lected works of both authors cover more
linking. Moreover, experimental investigations, 共boundary elements, finite differences, fi- than a half-century of research into the dy-
numerical methods, identification, and optimiza- nite elements, Krylov-Lanzos methods, lin- namics and stability of rotating machinery.
tion procedures, and also industrial applications ear damping matrix methods, etc兲. Current The last half of the text discusses many
are presented.
topics of considerable interest 共active vibra- additional topics necessary for a modern
5N9. Numerical Methods for Experimental tion suppression, actuators and smart struc- and more complete coverage of rotating
Mechanics. - D Berghaus (Georgia Inst of Tech,
Atlanta GA). Kluwer Acad Publ, Norwell MA. tures, electrostrictive materials, laser based machinery analysis. Internal damping
2001. 295 pp. ISBN 0-7923-7403-7. $135.00. measurements, MEMS applications, etc兲 mechanisms and non-stationary vibrations
This book is a resource to enable engineering are also included. for passage through critical speeds are dis-
mechanics researchers to understand and to ob- A typical chapter begins by describing the cussed in detail. Other related topics in-
tain a working familiarity with important numeri- topic, and then defines and explains con- clude ball bearings, bearing pedestals, uni-
cal methods particularly useful in the field. Orga-
nized to permit readers to study the methods and cepts and the terminology involved. Some versal joints, oil bearings, annular seals, gas
to observe their application in experimental prob- interesting and useful results are then usu- labyrinth seals, tip clearance excitation, and
lems, it also enables them to directly apply the ally presented and discussed. Each chapter liquid filled hollow rotors. Some of these
methods to the same problems or to similar prob- concludes with a list of publications which topics are not covered in great detail, but
lems of their choosing. Computer programs are
available, together with data for easy application. are recommended for further reading, for refer to the work of other researchers in this
Program listings are given in an appendix. those who want to learn more about the field of study.
Some of the topics covered include the follow- topic. The authors present a summary of the fi-
ing: Least-squares for curve fitting and for gen- There is a wealth of useful information nite element method and relate their deriva-
eral problem solving, Linear and nonlinear least-
squares, Weighting; Splines and smoothed contained in this encyclopedia. This is due tions to the similar work of Nelson. The
splines 共for differentiation兲, General boundary to not only the size of the compendium comparison of their proposed classic solu-
conditions, Controlling the smoothing; Discrete 共1595 pages, 20⫻27 cm兲, but also because tion method using second-order equations
and fast Fourier transforms, Using the DFT and each author had to try to condense the most to that of Nelson, who used a solution
FFT together; Digital filters 共single pass and two-
pass兲, Higher-order filters, High-pass filters, important information into a limited space. based on coupled first-order equations, is
Good behavior at ends; and Differentiation and It can only be a starting place for a reader very instructive. Results are presented for
integration of experimental data. interested in any topic, but it is a very good the natural frequency of a uniform shaft on
B46 Book Reviews Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002

simple supports. Also presented are the re- for the numeric analysis and the basic prop- presumably, unlimited. So, the authors
sults for a single disk including gyroscop- erties of hyperbolic systems, such as exis- present only some of them, mainly accord-
ics, mounted off mid-span on a slender tence of smooth and discontinuous 共shock ing to their personal interests. These include
shaft. These results will be of use to re- waves兲 solutions, are briefly discussed. It is small-amplitude waves in anisotropic me-
searchers developing their own computer worth to note here that they use the notion dia, electromagnetic waves in ferromagnets,
analysis capabilities for such calculations. of a so-called generalized solution to intro- shock waves in composite materials, non-
The authors are to be commended for in- duce shocks, which is a little bit different linear waves in elastic rods, and ionization
cluding a chapter on the transfer matrix so- from the notion of weak solution used in fronts in a magnetic field. In this chapter,
lution method. This solution method can the western literature. The content of this only the mathematical peculiarities of such
and has been made very efficient for exten- chapter is strictly limited to what is abso- systems are presented; no numerical
sive analysis of modern turbomachinery. lutely necessary for understanding the prop- schemes are given. The material given in
The formulation presented by the authors erties of solutions of hyperbolic systems this part of the book covers all non-classical
for the computation of forced response to and the used numeric methods. It is very problems, but much could be added, for in-
imbalance can be extended to the computa- insufficient from the point of view of a stance, hyperbolic-elliptic problems. It
tion of dynamic stability. The final chapter mathematician, for example the name of seems the aim of this chapter was to show

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briefly covers measurement and signal pro- Glimm is not mentioned even in the refer- the reader that the applications of hyper-
cessing of vibration signals. The coverage ences. bolic systems discussed in the previous
is very limited on this topic, but does Chapter 2 is devoted to a presentation of chapters do not exhaust all possibilities.
prompt the reader to be aware of the prob- numerical methods. They are divided into The book hardly can be treated as a text-
lems with FFT analysis, such as leakage er- two types: shock-capturing and shock- book; it does not answer many naive ques-
ror. fitting methods; various specific schemes tions a beginner usually has, but it can be
The text has been carefully written and belonging to each of these groups are dis- used for graduate-level courses. As a matter
includes analytical documentation of sev- cussed. They are presented in an encyclope- of fact, this book, Mathematical Aspects of
eral interesting nonlinear effects. The au- dic fashion—no formal theorems or their Numerical Solution of Hyperbolic Systems,
thors present the material mainly from the proofs are given; the reader is sent to the is as a sort of encyclopedia on numerical
theoretical viewpoint; the text would be of suitable references 共mainly Russian or So- techniques applied to hyperbolic systems.
great value for graduate students or other viet兲. Being free of, although important, math-
researchers needing to more fully under- In the following four chapters the use, the ematical and physical details, it allows the
stand dynamic analysis of rotating machin- advantages and disadvantages of these authors to focus the reader’s attention on
ery. The purpose in writing this text, as methods are discussed via their applica- the core of numerics. The book is worthy of
stated in the Preface, was to add to the tions. being in the library of everyone interested
documentation of analytical methods for In Chapter 3, applications of these meth- not only in numerical methods, but also in
the study of rotordynamics. The authors ods to the gas dynamics equations are applied mathematics, mechanics, physics,
have satisfied their purpose. Linear and given. One-dimensional, multidimensional, and engineering since the hyperbolic con-
Nonlinear Rotordynamics: A Modern Treat- unsteady, and stationary problems are dis- servation laws are the basis of these areas
ment with Applications is a welcome addi- cussed. Also fixed and moving grids are of research.
tion to current reference texts now available presented. The chapter ends with some nu-
in the area of rotordynamics. 5N13. Computational Aspects of Nonlinear
merical results. Structural Systems with Large Rigid Body
In Chapter 4, the Godunov-type methods Motion. NATO Science Series, Computer and
5R12. Mathematical Aspects of Nu- designed for computations of many specific Systems Sciences, Vol 179. - Edited by JAC Am-
merical Solution of Hyperbolic Systems. problems arising in the shallow water equa- brosio and M Kleiber. IOS Press, Amsterdam,
Monographs and Surveys in Pure and Ap- tions are discussed. Exact solutions and the Netherlands. 2001. 275 pp. Hardcover. ISBN
types of discontinuities are given. Finally, 1-58603-160-0. $90.00.
plied Mathematics, Vol 118. - AG Kulik-
Major developments achieved in the fields
ovskii (Dept of Mech, Steklov Math Inst, numerical results for some one- and two- dealing with computational methods for the
Russian Acad of Sci, Moscow, Russia), NV dimensional problems illustrate the use of analysis of nonlinear structures experiencing
Pogorelov (Inst for Problems in Mech, Rus- the exact and approximate Riemann solv- large rigid body motion and with flexible multi-
sian Acad of Sci, Moscow, Russia), and AY ers. body systems with nonlinear deformations are
finding their way into the commercial general-
Semenov (General Phys Inst, Russian Acad Chapter 5 is devoted to the MHD equa- purpose software in both finite elements and nu-
of Sci, Moscow, Russia). Chapman and tions. Since this system of equations con- merical tools for complex industrial applications.
Hall/CRC, Boca Raton FL. 2001. 540 pp. sists, roughly speaking, of the gas dynamics Unfortunately, the efforts of scientific communi-
ISBN 0-8493-0608-6. $94.95. equations and the Maxwell equations, the ties, such as those dealing with finite elements,
multibody dynamics, and numerical analysis, do
Reviewed by K Piechor (Inst of Fund Tech general structure of this overall system is not have the desired interaction. Consequently,
Res, Polish Acad of Sci, ul Swietokrzyska explained first. Next, the types of disconti- major findings in each of the scientific areas are
21, Warsaw, 00-049, Poland). nuities are discussed. How to cope numeri- slow to reach other communities preventing that
The conservation laws are usually quasi- cally with the enormous variety of prob- the scientific progress that can be achieved in
linear partial differential equations of hy- lems inherent in magnetohydrodynamics is areas of common interest to reach its full poten-
perbolic type, therefore equations of this shown with examples. This book, which is an outgrowth of a NATO
type play an exceptional role in physics, Chapter 6 concerns some problems aris- Advanced Research Workshop that brought to-
mechanics etc. But equations of this type ing in the numeric analysis of solid materi- gether leading scientists, aims to fill such a gap
have their own special ‘‘stubborn charac- als. These include not only the classical by assessing the current state-of-the-art and pro-
viding specific results from the different schools
ter,’’ therefore various methods were in- elasticity 共the Hook law兲, but also plastic of thought with a focus on the trends for future
vented for numerical treatment of them. and viscoplastic flows, as well as the dy- research.
The authors of the book undertake the effort namics of elastoplastic materials. Much at- 5N14. Impact: The Theory and Physical Be-
to systemize these methods and to point out tention, accompanied by examples, is at- havior of Colliding Solids. - W Goldsmith. Do-
similarities and differences between them. tached to various aspects of the shell theory. ver Publ, Mineola NY. 2001. 379 pp. Softcover.
Also they show, with examples from me- The final part of the book, Chapter 7, is ISBN 0-486-42004-3. $19.95.
chanics, physics, and engineering, the effi- concerned with non-classical hyperbolic This Dover edition is an unabridged republica-
tion of the work originally published in 1960 by
ciency of the presented methods. systems as opposed to the problems dis- Edward Arnold 共Publishers兲 Ltd, London. The
The book consists of seven chapters. In cussed in the preceding part of the book. Dover edition has been corrected by the insertion
Chapter 1, the basic notions indispensable The variety of non-classical problems is, of an errata list.
Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002 Book Reviews B47

5N15. IUTAM Symposium on Nonlinearity Reviewed by L Dewell (Adv Tech Center, to present many of the results while staying
and Stochastic Structural Dynamics. Held in Lockheed Martin Space Syst, 1111 Lock- within the second-order form which is so
Madras, Chennai, India, January 1999. - Edited
by S Narayanan (Dept of Appl Mech, Indian Inst heed Martin Way, Sunnyvale CA 94089). familiar to structural dynamicists, in addi-
of Tech, Madras, India) and RN Iyengar (Central This textbook presents the concepts and tion to showing the results in the first-order,
Build Res Inst, Roorkee, India). Kluwer Acad results of modern, multivariable control state-space form. Although this choice car-
Publ, Dordrecht, Netherlands. 2001. ISBN theory, with a particular focus on its appli- ries a certain burden of additional analysis
0-7923-6733-2. cation to mechanical systems. The book is and discussion, it serves the structural dy-
Nonlinearity and stochastic structural dynamics tailored to an audience which is not familiar namics community well.
is of common interest to engineers and applied
scientists belonging to many disciplines. Recent with multivariable systems analysis, includ- The authors’ choice of arrangement of the
research in this area has been concentrated on the ing linear algebra, linear system theory, etc. chapters was sometimes difficult to under-
response and stability of nonlinear mechanical It is suitable as a textbook for an advanced stand. It seemed to this reviewer that Chap-
and structural systems subjected to random exci- undergraduate course in linear systems ters 4 and 5 were written independently,
tation. Simultaneously, the focus of research has
also been directed towards understanding intrin- theory and modern control. In the opinion without mutual comparison for overlapping
sic nonlinear phenomena like bifurcation and of this reviewer, it is ideally suited as a material. In fact, it occurred to this reviewer
chaos in deterministic systems. These problems textbook for practicing engineers from that the finite element method of Chapter 4

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demand a high degree of sophistication in the fields other than dynamics and control, should have appeared as a final section to
analytical and numerical approaches. At the same
time, they arise from considerations of nonlinear who, through self-study or in a group, wish Chapter 5. Chapter 7 seemed out of place in
system response to turbulence, earthquake, wind, to gain an understanding of the underpin- the second half of the book, being a basic
wave, and guidancy excitations. The topic thus nings of modern control systems. The au- treatment of state-space systems. It would
attracts votaries of both analytical rigor and prac- thors suggest that the book is also appropri- have been more appropriate if this material
tical applications.
This book gives new developments in the field ate for graduate study, but it seems to lack appeared near the beginning of the text.
presenting in a coherent fashion the research the technical depth for study at the graduate Despite some reservations about organiza-
findings of leading international groups working level. tion or presentation, which are inevitably
in the area of nonlinear random vibration and
chaos. The book begins with three chapters deal- subjective to some extent, this reviewer
ing with the theory of ordinary differential found the book enjoyable and easy to read.
5N16. Monte Carlo Simulation. Proc of Int
Conf MCS-2000, Monte Carlo, Monaco, June equations, linear algebra, and the derivation The treatment of pole-placement using the
2000. - Edited by GI Schueller and PD Spanos. of equations of motion. The next two chap- singular-value decomposition was interest-
Balkema Publ, Brookfield VT. 2001. 670 pp. ters extend the treatment of dynamic sys- ing and well worth the study. It was particu-
ISBN 90-5809-188-0. $158.00. tems to the field of structural dynamics larly pleasant to examine the examples, as
This volume contains 83 papers on: Random through a treatment of the finite element the authors carefully chose examples which
number of generators; weight controlled algo-
rithms and variance reduction techniques; genetic method and the vibration of beams. Subse- were just complex enough to illustrate the
algorithms; algorithms: methods; materials mod- quent chapters variously present the con- point at hand, while not being so involved
eling; systems reliability; structural reliability; cepts of modern control. Chapter 6 dis- as to muddy the water with other concepts
time variant problems; dynamical systems; earth- cusses stability augmentation of structural or considerations. In summary, Identifica-
quake hazards and seismic risk; wind problems;
and applications to engineering problems. dynamic systems through position, rate, or tion and Control of Mechanical Systems
acceleration feedback; Chapters 8 and 9 seems to be an excellent vehicle for the
Advanced Dynamics. - RB Bhat (Concordia discusses the general problem of regulation study of modern control by advanced un-
Univ, Montreal, Canada) and RV Dukkipati (Sch and tracking using full-state and output dergraduate students, and particularly for
of Eng, Fairfield Univ, Fairfield CT 06430-5195). feedback. Finally, the book concludes with practicing engineers in structural dynamics
Narosa Publ, New Delhi, India. Distributed in
two chapters dealing with advanced topics who wish to bridge the technical gap be-
USA by CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton FL. 2001.
395 pp. ISBN 0-8493-1018-0. $99.95. 共Under re- of system identification and predictive con- tween dynamics and control.
view兲 trol.
Flow-Induced Vibration of Power and Pro- Several chapters of this book are excel- 5R18. Optimal Control of Singularly
cess Plant Components: A Practical Work- lent, self-contained treatments of subjects Perturbed Linear Systems and Applica-
book. - MK Au-Yang (Retired, Lynchburg VA). which have previously been dispersed in tions: High-Accuracy Techniques. - Z Ga-
ASME, New York. 2001. 479 pp. ISBN 0-7918- various textbooks on control and linear sys- jic (Elec and Comput Eng Dept, Rutgers
1066-7. $65.00. 共Under review兲 tems theory. For example, Chapter 2 is one Univ, Piscataway NJ) and Myo-Taeg Lim
Transient Aerohydroelasticity of Spherical of the best summaries of linear algebra for (Korea Univ, Seoul, Korea). Marcel Dekker,
Bodies. „Foundations of Engineering Mechan- control systems engineers that this reviewer New York. 2001. 309 pp. ISBN 0-8247-
ics.… - AG Gorshkov and DV Tarlakovsky has seen in a textbook. Chapters 5 and 6 are 8976-8. $150.00.
(Dept of Appl Mech, Moscow Aviation Inst, Vo- an outstanding introduction to the problems Reviewed by J Bentsman (Dept of Mech
lokolamskoe Shosse 4, Moscow, 125871, Russia). of flexible structures and their control. Fi- and Indust Eng, MC-244, Univ of Illinois,
Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2001. 289 pp. ISBN
nally, the treatment of system identification 1206 W Green St, 332e meb, mc 244, Ur-
3-540-42151-3. $99.00. 共Under review兲
in Chapter 10 brings out the essential fea- bana IL 61801).
tures of recent results in the field in a man- This book is intended for researchers in
ner which is manageable to the uninitiated. control theory, graduate students, and con-
This book is particularly strong in its pre- trol engineers. The book presents computa-
sentation of flexible structure control. The tional methods that permit high accuracy
III. AUTOMATIC authors do an excellent job of illustrating controller design of singularly perturbed
CONTROL stability augmentation of a flexible-body systems. A number of applications are con-
system using so-called virtual passive con- sidered where the use of the methods is
trollers. In particular, the authors show that demonstrated.
5R17. Identification and Control of Me- the damping of a structural dynamic system The main theme of the book is the exact
chanical Systems. - Jer-Nan Juang (Struct cannot be augmented by position sensors or highly accurate approximate decomposi-
Dyn Branch, NASA Langley Res Center, alone, if the controller structure is limited to tion of the numerically ill-conditioned opti-
Hampton VA 23665) and Minh Q Phan static controllers. However, with dynamic mal control and filtering problems for the
(Thayer Sch of Eng, Dartmouth Col, Ha- controllers obeying a second-order form, original singularly perturbed system into
nover NH). Cambridge UP, Cambridge, damping can be augmented to any desired two well-conditioned sub-problems sepa-
UK. 2001. 334 pp. ISBN 0-521-78355-0. degree using only position feedback. In ad- rately governing fast and regular motion,
$80.00. dition, the authors make a conscious effort with the latter being referred to as slow mo-
B48 Book Reviews Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002

tion. The decomposition is accomplished Linear Systems and Applications: High- trolled system, the evaluation criterion
via coordinate transformation that can be Accuracy Techniques is well focused, con- called performance index, and constraints
computed recursively. The decomposition is siders application examples, and provides 共not yet accounted for by the model兲. The
applied either to the original singularly per- high quality computational procedures. It constraints can be of different sort and may
turbed system yielding two subsystems that has detailed subject index. This reviewer be given in diverse forms. When dynamical
govern pure-slow and pure-fast system mo- would highly recommend this book to re- problems are in question, a typical optimi-
tion or solution of the control problem for searchers in singular perturbation. The book zation model consists of an integral func-
the original system, decomposing this solu- is also a necessary addition to any good tional, a set of constraining differential
tion into two easily computable pure-slow technical library. equations, and some local constraints im-
and pure-fast sub-solutions. posed on control and/or state variables.
5R19. Optimal Control: An Introduc- That functional should be maximized or
tion. - A Locatelli (Dept di Elettronica e minimized. The task of optimization is then
Informazione, Politecnico di Milano, Pi- to find the best dynamics in terms of the
azza L da Vinci 32, Milano, 20133, Italy). best control functions and corresponding
Birkhauser Verlag AG, Basel, Switzerland. optimal trajectory.

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2001. 294 pp. ISBN 3-7643-6408-4. The book is composed of two parts: the
Reviewed by S Sieniutycz (Dept of Chem first is devoted to global methods 共sufficient
Eng, Fac of Chem Eng, Warsaw Univ of optimality conditions兲, whereas the second
Tech, 1 Warynskiego St, Warszawa, 00-645, deals with variational methods of the first
Poland). order 共necessary conditions兲 or second or-
Optimization is the collective process of der 共locally-sufficient conditions兲. The first
finding the set of conditions required to part develops the basis of the Hamilton-
achieve the best result from a given situa- Jacobi theory that provides sufficient condi-
tion. Frequently its teaching is connected to tions for global optimality along with its
The book is organized into nine chapters. most essential accomplishments, namely
an extent with control science as the field
It starts with the detailed introduction, the solution of the Linear Quadratic and
which has attained a high level of compe-
Chapter 1, that reviews the literature on the Linear Quadratic Gaussian problems. Some
tence in advanced design of practical de-
subject and presents the main technical attention is given to the Ricatti equations
vices, complex industrial systems, robotics,
milestones and approaches: Chang transfor- which play an essential role in these prob-
and flying objects. Extensive research in
mation that exactly decouples a linear sin- lems. The second part of the book begins
dynamic optimization, especially with ref-
gularly perturbed system into independent with the presentation of the Pontryagin’s
erence to robust control problems, has
slow and fast subsystems, Hamiltonian ap- Maximum Principle, which represents the
caused it to be regarded as valuable source
proach that permits block-diagonalization first-order variational approach and pro-
of numerous useful, powerful, and flexible
of the Hamiltonian matrices for optimal vides both powerful and elegant necessary
tools for both engineers and scientists. The
control and filtering problems into pure- link of optimal control with variational cal- conditions encompassing a wide class of
slow and pure-fast Hamiltonian matrices, culus, an older although still vital disci- complex problems. The second-order varia-
and recursive numerical procedures for ob- pline, influences the opinion that many re- tional approach is displayed next and is
taining the necessary decompositions. sults of variational techniques are parti- shown to be capable of ensuring, under
Chapters 2 and 3 consider continuous- cularly suited when approaching nonlinear suitable conditions, the local optimality of
time and discrete-time linear quadratic op- solutions of complex control problems. solutions derived from the Maximum Prin-
timal control and filtering problems for sin- Therefore, even though first breaking dis- ciple.
gularly perturbed systems. They present the coveries in the optimal control were pub- The Introduction to the book concisely
method for the exact decomposition of the lished more than 40 years ago, novel treat- describes the standard optimal control prob-
algebraic Riccati equation corresponding to ments of the fundamentals of classical lem along with its basic features. Numerous
the original system into two reduced order optimal control theory are still important examples displaying typical and basic for-
algebraic Riccati equations corresponding and of immediate interest. This book is a mulations are given in Chapter1 共Introduc-
to slow and fast time scales. Chapter 4 pre- good example of accomplishing that task. tion兲. Typical problems considered are ren-
sents the methods for the exact decomposi- The book is at a high scientific level and dezvous problem, positioning 共or transfer兲
tion of the Riccati equation for the singu- represents an integrated view of the disci- problem and attitude control problem with a
larly perturbed system with two fast pline. Still its choice of topics, the relative minimum consumption of fuel. The presen-
motions with different motion rates into weight given to them, and the nature of il- tation in terms of definitions and analyses
equation for slow subsystem and two equa- lustrative examples reflect the author’s involved is both rigorous and lucid. Chapter
tions for fast subsystems. Chapter 5 pre- commitment to effective teaching. The 2, with a variety of examples, does a par-
sents similar decompositions for the book is designed for both undergraduate ticularly elegant job of laying out results of
H-infinity control and filtering problems. and graduate students who have already a global nature in the form of Hamilton-
Chapter 6 presents decompositions for high been exposed to basic linear system and Jacobi theory for functionals of Bolza type.
gain and related cheap control problems as control theory and have the calculus back- Chapter 3 discusses the linear-quadratic
well as the dual small measurement noise ground usually found in undergraduate cur- problem for Bolza functionals in case of fi-
filtering problem. Chapter 7 presents Ric- ricula in engineering. Yet, graduates and nite and infinite control horizons. Its special
cati equation decompositions using the nu- teachers will also benefit from using the case, discussed in detail, is the optimal
merically attractive eigenvector approach. book. regulator problem in which coefficients are
Chapter 8 considers decomposition of non- Almost any problem in the analysis, op- constant. Again, many suitable and illumi-
standard singularly perturbed systems, ad- eration, and design of practical processes nating examples are given. A minor flaw
dresses finite horizon closed-loop optimiza- and industrial operations, and many associ- here is that most of them come from the
tion, reviews slow-fast manifold theory, and ated problems, such as production planing, realm of electric circuits theory and lumped
compares it with the Hamiltonian approach. can be broken down in its final stage to the system mechanics, but they are sufficiently
Chapter 9 briefly gives concluding remarks problem of determining the largest or simple and nice to attract readers represent-
and indicates open research problems in smallest value of a function or a functional. ing different fields. Stability properties of
this area. Optimization of an arbitrary system re- the optimal regulator problem along with
Optimal Control of Singularly Perturbed quires knowledge of a model of a con- robustness properties are also analyzed in
Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002 Book Reviews B49

detail. An inverse optimal problem is also discovered in recent research. Its didactic Reviewed by K Popp (Inst of Mech, Univ
formulated and discussed. It consists of line complies with recent developments in of Hannover, Appelstr 11, Hannover,
finding, for a given system and control law, optimal control, aimed at extending the D-30167, Germany).
a performance index with respect to which range of application of available necessary The preface says this book is intended to
such a control policy is optimal. The re- optimality conditions and stressing similari- be a professional reference book, but it
striction to linear dynamics with the qua- ties rather than differences with the varia- should also prove suitable as a textbook for
dratic performance index is mandatory, in tional calculus. In fact, the book shows that courses ranging from the junior level to the
this case, because the nonlinear problem is it is possible to derive, in the optimal con- senior level. The author is head of the Insti-
extremely difficult to solve and requires sat- trol context, optimality conditions of re- tute of Machine Design at the Technical
isfaction of complex 共Helmholtz兲 condi- markable generality by using the math- University of Berlin. He describes the aim
tions known from variational calculus. ematical apparatus for solutions to the of the book as to give practicing designers,
Chapter 4 considers Linear Quadratic Hamilton-Jacobi equation. One highlight of engineers, and students of mechanical engi-
Gaussian problems. The dynamical equa- these approaches is the clarification of the neering a thorough understanding of the
tions of this chapter represent a non-zero relationship between the optimal perfor- fundamentals of system dynamics. The au-
mean, Gausian, stationary, multidimen- mance and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. thor believes that the three subjects—rigid-

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sional process which is assumed to be a Another important achievement of the book body dynamics, vibrations, and control—
white-noise. The initial state is an is to make the contemporary results of the belong together, and thus he tries to give an
n-dimensional Gaussian random variable. optimal control theory accessible to a wide integrated basis of system dynamics and vi-
The uncertainty of the system is specified, audience without requiring extensive prior brations.
and problems are considered with the opti- knowledge of optimization theory.
mal estimate of the system state and the op- The number of examples and their didac-
timal stochastic control of it. In particular, tic value are impressive. A flaw is the limi-
Kalman filter is treated and associated ex- tation in scope resulting from the omission
amples are displayed. Chapter 5 deals with or reduction of certain topics. Notably
Ricatti equations in differential and alge- among these are 1兲 the role of Kuhn-Tucker
braic forms which play a particular role in theorem, convex sets, and penalty ap-
these problems. proaches for global optimality; 2兲 the dy-
The Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle in namic programming, Bellman’s functional
Chapter 6 begins the presentation in the equations, and enunciation of relations be-
second part of the book. Hamiltonian and tween the optimal trajectories and cost sur-
auxiliary system of adjoint equations are faces in this context; 3兲 the numerical inte-
defined along with simple constraints. First gration schemes for ordinary differential
control problems require that no complex equations 共ODEs兲 constructed in such a
constraints are present on the state and con- way that a qualitative property of the solu- The book comprises five chapters and
trol variables. Examples are given that dis- tion of the ODE is exactly preserved, eg, three appendices. It has good quality fig-
play necessary optimality conditions for Hamilton’s-structure-preserving integration ures, a well structured index, and 125 refer-
wide class of complex problems. Complex schemes 共symplectic integrators and invari- ences for further reading. Chapter 1 intro-
constraints are treated next, imposed on ants兲. The latter topic conforms with the duces the subject of system modeling and
state and control. Also, integral constraints present tendencies in numerical physics. presents a general classification of physical
and global instantaneous 共equality and in- The book may be used by a relatively quantities 共per- and transvariables or
equality兲 constraints are considered. The broad audience comprising postgraduates, through and across variables兲, following the
latter are adjoint to the Hamiltonian, and all researchers, and professionals in engineer- famous book by MacFarlane on Engineer-
previous results are exploited with refer- ing, process control, system science, and ing Systems Analysis 共1964兲. The next two
ence to the modified Hamiltonian function. applied mathematics. It is written clearly chapters are due to the system representa-
Role of isolated equality constraints is in- and represents a readable, self-contained tion by diagrams and equations, respec-
vestigated. Singular optimal control prob- text with suitable basic references and a tively. In Chapter 2, significant types of
good subject index. It also has simple and systematic diagrams which apply to both
lems are also considered and exemplified
clear, good quality figures. That text repre- electrical circuits and dynamics of control
along with time optimal control problems.
sents a step forward in teaching optimal are presented to demonstrate their use for
Quite a comprehensive review of the sec-
control by putting the collection of non- creating mechanical model systems 共me-
ond variation method is given in Chapter 7.
trivial problems into a cohesive framework chanical circuits兲. Chapter 3 provides math-
The issues such as: local sufficient condi-
displayed at the level of detail that a student ematical relations between the system vari-
tions and neighboring optimal control are
or teacher willing to put some effort could ables of interacting mechanical subsystems.
considered. To warrant the self-contained
follow. Emphasis is laid on phasor response analy-
structure of the book, suitable mathematical
In summary: Optimal Control: An Intro- sis, Fourier series analysis as well as
Appendices are included.
duction represents a valuable and rigorous Fourier- and Laplace-transform techniques.
One of the key concepts of the contempo-
approach, of remarkable didactic value. The The chapter is concluded by a comparison
rary optimal control and its distinguishing
book is well written and well edited in of both integral transforms. In Chapter 4,
feature is that it can take account of dy-
terms of organization, technical writing, frequency-response analysis comes into fo-
namic and pathwise constraints. The book
and the use of illustrations. It deserves cus. Here, the concepts of mobility and dy-
contributes well to the understanding of the
space on the bookshelf of any teacher and namic compliance are introduced and
theory of Pontryagin’s maximum principle
student interested in optimal control and re- worked out in detail. Chapter 5 treats the
and the relationship between the optimal
lated fields. flow of power and energy in systems. The
performance function and the Hamilton-
Jacobi equation. The analysis is largely 5R20. Systems Dynamics and Mechani- power transmission through linear two
self-contained and provides a unified per- cal Vibrations: An Introduction. - D Fin- ports as well as mechanical networks is in-
spective on dynamic optimization problems deisen (Dept 11 Mech Eng and Prod Tech, vestigated in detail. The three appendices
which are beyond the realm of trivial ana- Inst of Machine Des, Tech Univ, Strasse des that conclude the book show graphs of
lytical and computational techniques. 17 Juni 135, Berlin, 10623, Germany). time-history curves, usual frequency re-
Moreover, this analysis includes many of Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2000. 383 pp. sponse plots and frequency response plots
the unifying properties and simplifications ISBN 3-540-67144-7. $99.00. of power.
B50 Book Reviews Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002

System Dynamics and Mechanical Vibra- and L Preziosi (Dept di Matematica, Po- presented and some of the most interesting
tions is restricted to linear systems. In this litecnico di Torino, Torino, I-10129, Italy). include rigorous bounds on the effective
reviewer’s opinion, the most beneficial as- Birkhauser Boston, Cambridge MA. 2000. properties in terms of correlation functions
pect is the interdisciplinary approach, com- 477 pp. ISBN 0-8176-4083-5. $79.95. and cross-property relations that link diffu-
mon in control engineering. It starts with Reviewed by GC Gaunaurd (Code
sion to flow properties. It cites about 60
the classification of variables that can help AMSRL-SE-RU, Army Res Lab, 2800 Pow-
der Mill Rd, Adelphi MD 20783-1197). representative references.
to solve interdisciplinary mechatronic prob- Kanaun’s third chapter considers the
lems. However, there are also many draw- The editors have put together five articles
by different authors and organized them evaluation of mean wave fields and the ef-
backs. The reader will miss modern analy-
into the present book, all dealing with some fective dynamic properties of random com-
sis and control techniques using the state
aspect of the title subject. The editors have posites with microstructure. It is the only
space approach as well as progressive ma-
trix methods, the use of today’s computer also authored or co-authored some of the chapter dealing with dynamic 共ie,
tools for solving problems, consideration of chapter/articles, which average close to 100 frequency-dependent兲 properties. The main
large multi-degree-of-freedom systems or pages each. The titles of the five chapters emphasis goes to two of the main self-
systems with distributed parameters, appli- are as follows: 1兲 Elementary Microme- consistent schemes: the effective field and

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cations of modal-transform techniques, etc. chanics of Heterogeneous Media, by K the effective medium approaches. An ex-
Maybe the most severe drawback is that the Markov, 2兲 Diffusion-Absorption and Flow ample includes monochromatic electromag-
book does not contain any examples, exer- Processes in Disordered Porous Media, by netic 共EM兲 waves propagating through par-
cises, or problem with solutions. Thus, in S Torquato, 3兲 Self-Consistent Methods in ticulate composites, and there is some
summary, this reviewer cannot recommend the Problem of Wave Propagation through discussion on the sources of possible inac-
this book as a textbook for students. But Heterogeneous Media, by S Kanaun, 4兲 De- curacies of these methods and of ways to
Systems Dynamics and Mechanical Vibra- formable Porous Media and Composite overcome them. About 40 references are
tions: An Introduction can serve as a refer- Manufacturing, by A Farina and L Preziosi, cited for the case selected. This is the area
ence for interested readers, so it may find a and finally, 5兲 Micromechanics of Poroelas- of greatest interest to this reviewer. There is
place in libraries. tic Rocks, by R Zimmerman. a very large body of knowledge on this
5N21. Nanometer Scale Science and Tech- These chapters all attempt to present mod- topic in the Acoustics literature that is un-
nology. Volume 144 International School of els and mathematical tools to predict the
Physics ‘‘Enrico Fermi.’’ - Edited by M Alle- fortunately not mentioned.
overall macro-reaction of a medium struc- The fourth chapter by Farina and Preziosi
grini, N Garcia, and O Marti. IOS Press, Amster- ture taking into account the medium’s
dam, Netherlands. 2001. 470 pp. Hardcover. reviews appropriate models to mathemati-
ISBN 1-58603-165-1. $145.00.
micro-structure. These models are tested or
cally describe porous media. This leads to
Nanoscience and nanotechnology are at the in- realistic examples, explicit results are ex-
applications in composite materials manu-
terface between physics, chemistry, engineering, tracted in analytic or numerical form, and
and most importantly, biology. Micro-electrical then a comparison with the experimental facturing, a key issue in the real production
mechanical systems are approaching the dimen- findings is performed. The degree of coin- technologies of composites. Many indus-
sions of biological cells, opening up the possibil- tries demand special advanced materials
ity of connecting machines to individual cells. cidence between prediction and experimen-
This book is based on local probes 共STM, AFM, tal observation is a test of the model accu- satisfying strict requirements and lower
SNOM兲 and related supreme technological racy. The authors and editors have cost, and these requirements involve a mix-
achievements. These topics are extensively cov- attempted to unify all the languages and ture of various properties that should act
ered in the book, mainly devoted to instrumenta-
tion aspects. From a more fundamental point of ways of thinking about these problems synergistically to satisfy the needs of the
view, it also covers advanced subjects such as present in many disciplines such as solid application. About 150 references are cited
clusters, nanocontacts, photonic band gap mate- and fluid mechanics, solid state physics, and discussed to some extent. The presen-
rials, atom manipulation by light, atom optics tation is quite theoretical, and some of the
with Bose-Einstein condensates, and quantum biomechanics, etc. It is hard to summarize
computing. these chapters in the brief paragraphs of sources cited range from early works of
Liapunov Functions and Stability in Control this review, but our attempt follows. Darcy, Eringen, and Truesdel, to more re-
Theory. Lecture Notes in Control and Informa- Markov’s first chapter reviews the intro- cent ones by the authors, still in press.
tion Sciences 267. - A Bacciotti (Dipt di ductory ideas related to homogenization. It The final fifth chapter by Zimmerman re-
Matematica, Politecnico di Torino, Italy) and L replaces heterogeneous media by homoge- views the poroelactisity of rock-like media.
Rosier (Lab d’ Analyze Numerique et EDP, Univ neous ones which macroscopically behave The emphasis here goes to the micro-scale
Paris 11, France). Springer-Verlag, New York. in the same way by having some gross ef-
2001. 208 pp. Softcover. ISBN 1-85233-419-3. deformation of the pore space. A non-linear
fective properties. These are related in a 共and later a linearized兲 theory of the defor-
$69.80. 共Under review兲
complex way to the medium’s internal mation of porous media under hydro-static
Non-linear Control for Underactuated Me- structure. There is a large historical back-
chanical Systems. - I Fantoni and R Lozano loading is presented. The seminal work of
ground here over the last 200 years and M Biot is discussed at length and also some
(UMR CNRS 6599, Univ de Technologie de Com-
piegne, BP 20529, Compiegne, 60205, France). many references 共180兲 are cited, although of its later extensions, including works of T
Springer-Verlag London Ltd, Surrey, UK. 2002. ten times that amount could have also been
Plona and of the author of the present chap-
295 pp. ISBN 1-85233-423-1. $109.00. 共Under easily mentioned. The examples and refer-
ter himself. There are about 100 references
review兲 ences cover all the above-mentioned fields
and concern conductivity, elasticity, poly-
crystals, etc. The next four chapters are This is not a textbook. It is a reference
book for the practitioner. However, the edi-
IV. MECHANICS OF more specialized.
tors express the wish that perhaps some of
Torquato’s second chapter deals with rig-
SOLIDS orous methods to estimate the effective these chapters could be used in graduate
properties associated with two types of pro- courses for PhD students in applied and in-
5R22. Heterogeneous Media: Microme- cesses present in random porous media: dustrial mathematics. There are few figures,
chanics Modeling Methods and Simula- diffusion-absorption and flow-phenomena. but many references. Heterogeneous Me-
tions. „Modeling and Simulation in Sci- The first one examines the trapping con- dia: Micromechanics Modeling Methods
ence, Engineering and Technology stant or mean survival time, and also and Simulations is recommended for gradu-
Series.… - Edited by K Markov (Fac of diffusion-relaxation times. The second pro- ate students and institutional libraries, as
Math and Informatics, Univ of Sofia, St Kli- cess deals with fluid permeability and vis- well as for the design practitioner in the
mentohridski, Sofia, BG-1164, Bulgaria) cous relaxation times. Several topics are field.
Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002 Book Reviews B51

5R23. Introduction to Contact Mechan- flects the author’s interest in indentation appearing in the book itself. This feature
ics. Mechanical Engineering Series. - AC testing in general and of brittle materials in will certainly be very attractive to students
Fischer-Cripps (CSIRO, Bradfield Rd, W particular. The current wide interest in in- and instructors alike.
Linfield, Lindfield NSW, 2070, Australia). dentation testing, especially on the micro The book is organized in 12 chapters and
Springer-Verlag, New York. 2000. 243 pp. and nano scales, makes the book particu- 7 appendices. Chapter 1 consists mainly of
ISBN 0-387-98914-5. $79.95. larly timely. a review of Statics. The vector equilibrium
Reviewed by KL Johnson (Dept of Eng, The book opens with a very brief review equations are stated, but there seems to be
Univ of Cambridge, Trumpington St, Cam- of the equations of continuum mechanics, no review of the concept of the moment of
bridge, CB2 1PZ, UK). followed by a chapter on elastic fracture a force as a vector product. All of the ex-
Contact Mechanics—the quantitative mechanics. The elastic stress fields under amples discussed are planar, but at the end
study of the stresses and deformation at the purely normal loads, including the Hertz of the chapter a couple of examples are spa-
contact of solid bodies—is a wide and contact theory are then presented, followed tial. It is not clear, therefore, what the stu-
growing area of the Applied Mechanics of by a chapter on Hertzian fracture of brittle dent is expected to do. Chapter 2, entitled
Solids, so that it is perhaps surprising that materials. The final third of the book is con- ‘‘Measures of stress and strain,’’ is a good
there are so few textbooks in the field. The cerned with hardness and the indentation of elementary introduction to particular cases

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subject can be thought to have begun with elastic-plastic solids, including a chapter on where these can be calculated by simple
Hertz’s classic paper: ‘‘On the contact of ‘‘Indentation test methods.’’ means. In the next chapter, on axially
elastic solids’’ in 1882. Hertz’s theory was The author succeeds in his aim to produce loaded bars, the standard method of intro-
extended in the first half of the 20th century a readable reference text for experimental- ducing Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ra-
by applied mathematicians mainly in Ger- ists who might be daunted by much of the tio is followed. There is a danger here that
many and Russia, driven by technological literature in the field. Perhaps the most se- the student might elevate these concepts to
developments in the railway, ball bearing, rious omission is the use of indentation test- universal truths for all materials, but this is
and toothed gear industries. It was recog- ing to extract the material properties of thin preempted by a good discussion at the end
nized as an important constituent when, in surface coatings. An Appendix considers of the chapter on general features of mate-
1966, studies of friction, lubrication, and ‘‘Sub-micron indentation analysis,’’ but rial behavior, particularly under a uniaxial
wear were gathered together under the title: does not mention adhesive effects which test. Elementary statically indeterminate
Tribology. become important with small contacts. situations are presented, and a discussion is
attempted of the basic two methods 共flex-
5R24. Mechanics of Materials. - A Bed- ibility and stiffness兲. Unfortunately, this
ford and K Liechti (Dept of Aerospace Eng discussion is not very illuminating, and the
and Eng Mech, Univ of Texas, Austin TX). conceptual difference between the formula-
Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River NJ. tions is dismissed in the context of the
2000. 627 pp. CD-ROM included. ISBN problems to be treated. One wonders what a
0-201-89552-8. $103.00. student is supposed to do or think with such
Reviewed by M Epstein (Dept of Mech a piece of information.
Eng, Univ of Calgary, 2500 University Dr
NW, Calgary AB, T2N 1N4, Canada).
In a market already flooded with text-
books on Mechanics of Materials, the ap-
pearance of yet another one is greeted with
The first book in the field was: Contact a mixture of skepticism and hope. The pref-
Problems in the Theory of Elasticity, by LA ace to this book starts by feeding the latter
Galin, 1953 共translated from the Russian by when it declares that the ‘‘long-held dream
H Moss and published by North Carolina of the merger of continuum solid mechanics
State College, 1961兲. This was followed by and material science into a unified field’’ is
Surface Mechanics by FF Ling 共Wiley, near at hand. Whether or not this is true, or
1971兲, which is how it stood until this re- even desirable, this book does little to con-
viewer’s own broad survey of the field, tribute in pointing the prospective student
Contact Mechanics 共Cambridge University in that direction. After a statement contain- Chapter 4 is devoted to torsion of shafts,
Press兲 in 1985. Since then there have been ing an almost unforgivable spelling error including some plasticity and simply con-
several excellent books concentrating on 共‘‘the principle emphasis’’兲, the preface nected thin-walled tubes. As already men-
separate aspects of the subject: Three- gives us a description of the contents of the tioned, the next two chapters are devoted to
Dimensional Elastic Bodies in Rolling Con- book. It is practically identical to that of a discussion of the concepts of general
tact by JJ Kalker 共Kluwer, 1990兲; Mechan- any of the textbooks already available at the states of stress and strain, including Mohr’s
ics of Elastic Contacts by Hills, Nowell, same level. Perhaps the only difference is circle for both. A welcome treatment of the
and Sackfield 共Butterworth-Heinemann, the introduction of the discussion of general tetrahedron argument and its consequences
1993兲; Contact Mechanics using Boundary states of stress and strain after the treatment is one of the nice features of this part of the
Elements by KW Man 共Comp Mech Pub, of torsion and before the treatment of bend- book. Spherical and cylindrical pressure
1994兲, and one by Galin’s students, IG ing. As usual, however, stress-strain rela- vessels are used to produce non-trivial ex-
Goryacheva: Contact Mechanics in Tribol- tions are included as a part of the chapter amples. Chapter 7 presents the concepts of
ogy 共Kluwer, 1998兲. on strain, rather than as a separate chapter internal forces in planar beams, including
The present book, An Introduction to on constitutive behavior, thus doing little to the differential relations between bending
Contact Mechanics by AC Fischer-Cripps, advance the long-held dream just men- moment and shear force.
does not pretend to be comprehensive. It is tioned. Chapter 8, at 70 pages the longest of the
intended to provide a working tool for the Having said all that, the book is profes- book, deals with in beams, including the
experimental materials scientist, of whom sionally produced, with excellent figures shear formula, composite beams, and elas-
the author is one. The mathematical sophis- and interesting examples. An accompany- toplastic response. Chapter 9, on small de-
tication of elastic contact theory is reduced ing CD offers interesting interactive oppor- flections of planar elastic beams, is ad-
to a minimum. The scope of the book re- tunities for practice beyond the problems equate, but omits the method of singularity
B52 Book Reviews Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002

functions. The book ends with three chap- space are presented. The well-known tech- 4 and 5 extend the discussion to typical fi-
ters on special topics. Chapter 10 is an in- nique of replacement of a half-space with a nite element types and classification of fi-
troduction to Euler buckling, Chapter 11 set of homogeneous layers is referred to as nite element formulations. Chapter 6 is de-
deals with energy methods 共including Cas- a numerical method. This technique is voted to problems of boundary conditions
tigliano’s second theorem兲, and Chapter 12 coupled with exact solutions of the corre- in finite element analysis, including friction
discusses some criteria of failure. sponding differential equations for the lay- and contact between the deforming material
Overall, although not attempting a new ers. Two approaches are employed to con- and the tools or dies used. The introductory
methodology, this is a good book that can struct solutions for the layers: a piecewise part of the book concludes with discussion
be used as a textbook for a first course in constant approximation of the coefficients of basic thermomechanical principles nec-
Mechanics of Materials. of the equations and, second, the Runge- essary for the analysis of temperature ef-
Kutta method. fects in metal deformation.
5R25. Mechanics of Non-Homogeneous The book presents, graphically, a large
and Anisotropic Foundations. Founda- number of results of computations which
tions of Engineering Mechanics Series. - give a clear picture of the behavior of the
GB Muravskii (Geotech Dept, Technion, mechanical systems considered. These re-

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Haifa, 32000, Israel兲. Springer-Verlag, Ber- sults can serve in estimating the accuracy of
lin. 2001. 364 pp. ISBN 3-540-41631-5. other simplified methods, such as combin-
$139.00. ing the division of the half-space into thin
Reviewed by JA Cheney (Dept of Civil layers with setting a form of displacement
and Env Eng, UC, Davis CA 95616). distribution within the layers.
This book contains the results of investi- In addition to the extensive reference list,
gations in the area of statics and dynamics an ample subject index is included. This re-
of heterogeneous and anisotropic founda- viewer believes this book, Mechanics of
tions carried out by the author in the last Non-Homogeneous and Anisotropic Foun-
The remaining five chapters cover the ap-
five years while working in the Faculty of dations, to be a valuable addition to the sci-
plication of finite element analysis to vari-
Civil Engineering at the Technion–Israel entific literature on the subject, and at least
ous types of metal forming. The results of
Institute of Technology. It is a reference should be placed in libraries.
case studies are used throughout to effec-
book directed toward engineers and scien- tively illustrate the approach and the exten-
tists in the areas of soil mechanics, soil- 5R26. Metal Forming Analysis. - RH
sive data that can be generated from finite
structure interaction, seismology, and geo- Wagoner (Dept of Mat Sci and Eng, Ohio
element simulations of the various forming
physics. As an introduction to the subject, a State Univ, Columbus OH) and J-L Chenot
processes. Chapter 8 covers sheet metal
list of 134 references is given which is used (Mat Forming Center, Ecole des Mines,
formability tests and their simulation. The
to discuss previous work in the literature. Paris, France). Cambridge UP, New York.
2001. 376 pp. ISBN 0-521-64267-1. next two chapters deal with bulk forming
The purpose of the book is to present a se- processes, with Chapter 9 devoted to steady
ries of solutions 共most previously unpub- $95.00.
state processes such as rolling, extrusion,
lished兲 for the case of transverse isotropy, Reviewed by WA Knight (Dept Indust and
Manuf Eng, Univ of Rhode Island, Gilbreth and drawing, while Chapter 10 covers sheet
and where the characteristics of the half-
Hall, Kingston RI 02881). metal forming applications. The final chap-
space vary only with respect to depth.
This work is a comprehensive presenta- ter of the book discusses some recent re-
Special emphasis is made on the studies
tion of the underlying principles and appli- search topics including problems of mesh-
of steady-state harmonic vibrations of half-
cations of the finite element method to the ing and remeshing, error estimation, and
spaces under loads at the surface of the
half-space or at depth. In addition, a study numerical simulation of both sheet and bulk applications in the numerical modeling of
of harmonic vibrations of a circular stiff metal forming processes. In this sense, the orthogonal machining.
disk in contact with the surface of the half- title is somewhat misleading as it implies a In general, the authors achieve their basic
space is presented. Given solutions of prob- discussion of metal forming analysis in aim of providing a state-of-the-art presenta-
lems of harmonic vibration, it is possible to general, whereas very little is included on tion of the numerical methods for simulat-
construct solutions for arbitrary time depen- the more traditional approaches to metal ing forming operations for advanced gradu-
dent loads. forming analysis. However, the text is ate students and others utilizing these
The book is divided into five chapters. aimed at advanced graduate students and methods in industry and elsewhere. Metal
Chapter 1 deals with the problem of vibra- experienced practitioners in industry and Forming Analysis is an excellent textbook
tions in the transversely isotropic half-space elsewhere, who should be already familiar for advanced metal forming analysis
subjected to specific loads. Attention is with the physical principles and equations courses. Most chapters include a problems
given to the case of concentrated vertical for a basic understanding of metal deforma- section at the end. These problems are con-
and horizontal forces, and thus the solutions tion. veniently divided into proficiency, depth,
are available for any arbitrary distribution The material in the book is clearly pre- and numerical problems. Computer pack-
of loads. sented, with numerous figures and illustra- ages based on the principles described in
In the following three chapters, problems tions that are of high quality. A comprehen- the book have become quite widely used in
dealing with the homogeneous transversely sive index is included at the end of the text. industry and research laboratories for the
isotropic half-space 共Ch 2兲, isotropic lin- The first seven chapters are essentially in- simulation and design of forming opera-
early heterogeneous half-space 共Ch 3兲, and troductory and cover the underlying prin- tions. This book is an excellent reference
a transversely isotropic half-space with ciples and formulations of the finite element text for personnel using such packages,
shear modulus varying exponentially with method applied to plasticity analysis. The who need in depth information on the prin-
depth 共Ch 4兲 are considered. In the latter authors follow a logical step-by-step ap- ciples behind these programs. The results of
case, two options are considered: first with proach to introducing these principles. numerical simulations have become ac-
an infinite increase in shear modulus with Chapter 1 covers basic mathematical prin- cepted as accurate predictions of deforma-
depth and, second, one with a finite limit ciples and a brief review of the mechanical tion, temperature, and so on. Perhaps the
for the shear modulus. principles of plasticity. In Chapter 2, the fi- main thing missing in the text is appropriate
In Chapter 5, numerical-analytical meth- nite element method is introduced, and in experimental results to confirm the accu-
ods of constructing solutions for static and Chapter 3, the specific extension to large racy of the numerical predictions or to illus-
dynamic problems in a heterogeneous half- deformation analysis is presented. Chapters trate any inadequacies of simulations. This
Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002 Book Reviews B53

is particularly the case for the applications Recent developments in the measurement and magnetics and Mechanics, Vol 21. - Edited byJ
to bulk forming processes described. interpretation of advanced laboratory stress- Pavo, G Vertesy, T Takagi, and SS Udpa. IOS
strain testing of geomaterials are described in this Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands. 2001. 342 pp.
5R27. Rolling Contacts. Tribology in book, together with a collection of case histories ISBN 1-58603-155-4. $105.00.
Practice Series. - TA Stolarski (Mech Eng in applying the test results. Most of the articles The book is a collection of papers on Electro-
were produced through seven-year activities magnetic Non-Destructive Evaluation. Recent
Dept, Brunel Univ, UK) and S Tobe (Ash- from 1994 to 2000 of the Technical Committee developments are discussed, up-to-date informa-
ikaga Inst of Tech, Japan). Professional No. 29 on Stress strain testing of geomaterials in tion is provided, and the implications of innova-
Eng Publ, Suffolk, UK. 2000. 445 pp. ISBN the laboratory of the International Society for tions for future inspection practice are also con-
1-86058-296-6. $188.00. Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. sidered in this field. Both the basic science and
Reviewed by J Kalousek (Center for Sur- The book includes detailed testing procedures of early engineering developments in the field are
the advanced laboratory stress-strain testing of emphasized. Topics covered are: New develop-
face Transportation Tech, Natl Res Council geomaterials including the triaxial and torsional ments in electromagnetic nondestructive testing;
Canada, 3250 E Mall, Vancouver, BC, shear tests, which are relevant to the geotechnical Analytical and numerical modeling of electro-
V6T 1W5, Canada). design in general and the prediction of ground magnetic NDE phenomena; Solutions to NDE in-
This is a reference book aimed at engi- deformation and structural displacement; the re- verse problems; Evaluation of material degrada-
neers who work in the fields of rolling con- sults obtained from a series of international tion in ferromagnetic structures; Advanced
round robin tests 共static and dynamic tests兲 on sensors; Industrial applications of NDE; and

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tacts, roller bearings, gears, cams, wheel/ clay, sand, and soft rock and their interpretation; Benchmark problems and solutions.
rail contacts in railways, etc. the link between the results from static tests 5N32. FLAC and Numerical Modeling Geo-
Following the introduction, the book sum- 共monotonic and cyclic loading兲 and dynamic mechanics - 2001. Proc of 2nd Int FLAC
marizes the classical theories of the me- tests 共the sonant-column tests and the bender el- Symp, Lyon, Oct 2001. - Edited by D Billaux, X
ements tests兲; country reports on the stress-strain
chanics of elasticity, the thermal effects of testing in the laboratory in several countries; etc.
Rachez, C Detournay, and R Hart. Balkema Publ,
surface roughness, rolling contacts sepa- Brookfield VT. 2001. 432 pp. ISBN 90-265-
5N29. ASM Handbook Volume 21: Compos- 1859-5. $129.00.
rated by a film, and rolling fatigue. These ites. - Edited by DB Miracle and SL Donaldson.
theories provide analysis tools for different FLAC and FLAC3D are explicit finite differ-
ASM Int, Materials Park OH. 2001. 1100 pp. ence computer codes for geomechanics applica-
contact problems. The book discusses a ISBN 0-87170-703-9. $198.00. tions. FLAC has been distributed by ITASCA
number of cases which are commonly seen This handbook reflects the technical progress in Consulting Group since its first commercial re-
in engineering, such as: friction in rolling the field of composites over the past 15 years. lease in 1986, and joined by FLAC3D in 1994.
contact, roller bearings 共fully lubricated Information on OMCs has been updated to reflect This volume contains a collection of 54 papers
rolling contact兲, wheel/rail contact 共non- improvements in low-cost manufacturing tech- selected for presentation at the symposium. The
nologies and significantly expanded applications contributions cover a wide range of topics from
lubricated rolling contact兲, gears and cams in areas such as infrastructure and marine struc- engineering applications to theoretical develop-
共fully or partially lubricated rolling con- tures. Progress in MMCs has been dramatic since ments in the areas of embankment and slope sta-
tact兲, non-metallic rolling contact, surface the previous edition, and new information on bility, mining, tunneling, soil and structure inter-
treatment for rolling contact, and rolling these materials provides an up-to-date compre- action, dynamic analysis and constitutive models.
hensive guide to MMC processing, properties, This proceedings illustrates the variety of
contact during metal forming. FLAC and FLAC3D applications in geomechan-
An interesting feature of this book is that applications, and technology. CMCs have also
entered service in a number of applications since ics. It provides descriptions of both engineering
it combines all subjects related with rolling the previous edition, and these advances are de- applications and theoretical developments and
contact together into one book. On some scribed in the new handbook. may be used as a guide to help FLAC and
topics, such as lubricated rolling contact Titles are as follows: Introduction to compos- FLAC3D users in their geotechnical analysis.
共bearings, gears and cams兲, the book pro- ites; Constituent materials; Engineering mechan- 5N33. Formal Engineering Design Synthesis.
ics, analysis, and design; Manufacturing pro- - Edited by EK Antonsson (California Inst of
vides explanations that range from detailed
cesses; Post-processing and assembly; Quality Tech) and J Cagan (Carnegie Mellon Univ, Phila-
to exhaustive. However, the information assurance; Testing and certification; Properties delphia PA). Cambridge UP, Cambridge, UK.
provided on topics such as slip stick in and performance; Product reliability, maintain- 2001. 470 pp. ISBN 0-521-79247-9. $100.00.
rolling-sliding contact and contact between ability, and repair; Failure analysis; Recycling This book reviews the state of the art in formal
wheel/rail comes short of covering the cur- and disposal; Applications and experience; a design synthesis methods. It also provides an in-
rent state of the art. glossary; and an index. depth exploration of several representative
The book contains a wealth of good refer- 5N30. Deployable Structures: Analysis and projects in formal design synthesis and examines
Design. - CJ Gantes (Civil Eng Dept, Natl Tech future directions in computational design synthe-
ences, the figures are of very good quality, sis research. The chapters are written by interna-
and the subject indexes are detailed and to Univ, Athens, Greece). WIT Press, Southampton,
tional experts in engineering and architectural
UK. 2001. 365 pp. ISBN 1-85312-660-8. design. Among topics covered are shape gram-
the point. But some statements can be
$198.00. mars, architectural design, evolutionary tech-
found that are either unclear or wrong. For Research into and design of deployable struc- niques, kinematic design, chemical and elec-
example, Fig. 3.9 on page 70 properly dis- tures requires the combination of many skills in- tronic design, MEMS design, design
plays the concept of slip-stick. Equation cluding knowledge of traditional mathematics, compilation, function synthesis, and the use of
3.31 on page 71 tells us that F⫽F 1 when understanding of nonlinear structural behavior, artificial intelligence in synthesis.
␬ ⌬ ␯ / ␯ ⫽1. However, the value of F/F 1 on use of modern numerical methods of simulation, 5N34. Frontiers of Rock Mechanics and Sus-
the thick curve in Fig. 3.9共b兲 is not equal to and a great deal of engineering ingenuity. tainable Development in the 21st Century.
Accessible to practicing structural engineers
1 at ␬ ⌬ ␯ / ␯ ⫽1. Also the ␮ R in Fig. 3.9共b兲 and graduate students with no previous knowl-
Proc of 2nd Asian Rock Mechanics Symp,
Beijing, Sept 2001. - Edited by Sijing Wang,
is not defined in the book. The last para- edge of the field, this book formulates and solves Bingjun Fu, Zhongkui Li. Balkema Publ, Brook-
graph on page 71 mentions a dashed line in the complex engineering design problems with field VT. 2001. 706 pp. ISBN 90-2651-851-X.
Fig. 3.9共b兲, but there is no dashed line in which deployable structures are associated. It $159.00.
the figure. also presents the issue of design of snap-through
type deployable structures in an organized way The scientific contributions presented at the
In general, Rolling Contacts is of good which will be of interest to more experienced
symposium are covered in this proceedings. With
value to large readership ranging from prac- the main theme of Frontiers of Rock Mechanics
readers. Up-to-date practice and recent research
tical engineers to researchers interested in results are highlighted throughout. and Sustainable Development in the 21st Century,
novel ideas. The book is strongly recom- Contents include Overview—Introduction, the volume consists of the following sections:
Earth-based deployable structures, Deployable Rock mechanics testing and characterization;
mended to each professional in the field. It physical, numerical modeling and, monitoring
structures for space applications; Snap-Through
will also become a well sought after refer- Type Deployable Structures—Introductory re- systems in rock engineering; rock mechanics and
ence on the shelf of scientific libraries. marks, Geometric design, Structural analysis, rock engineering related to resources, environ-
ment, and sustainable development; artificial in-
5N28. Advanced Laboratory Stress-Strain Design methodology, Design examples, Bibliog- telligence, information systems, and nonlinear
Testing of Geomaterials. - Edited by F Tat- raphy, and World wide web sites of related dynamics in rock mechanics and rock engineer-
suoka, S Shibuya, and R Kuwano. Balkema Publ, interest. ing; new design, construction methods, and case
Brookfield VT. 2001. 340 pp. ISBN 90-2651- 5N31. Electromagnetic Nondestructive histories of major projects. The symposium pa-
843-9. $129.00. Evaluation „V…. Studies in Applied Electro- pers cover topics related to the developments and
B54 Book Reviews Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002

the state of the art in rock mechanics and rock damental field of applied mechanics in the com- tals: Handbook. - AI Prokhvatilov (B Verkin
engineering not only in Asia, but all over the ing century. The papers deal with: 1兲 physical Inst for Low-Temperature Phys and Eng, Natl
world. and microstructural process of creep, viscoplas- Acad of Sci, Khar’kov, Ukraine). Begell House,
5N35. Handbook of Materials Behavior ticity, and creep damage related to their model- New York. 2001. 237 pp. ISBN 1-56700-161-0.
Models, 3-Volume Set. - Edited by J Lemaitre ing; 2兲 elaborated constitutive equations of time- $85.50.
(l’Univ de Paris, France). Academic Press, San dependent deformation and damage; 3兲 creep In this handbook, the data on mechanical be-
Diego. 2001. 1200 pp. ISBN 0124433413. damage and fracture of engineering materials and havior and elasticity are collected, peculiar to the
$950.00. structures; 4兲 computational modeling, simula- simplest forms of the following molecular crys-
tion, analysis, and design of structures in creep; tals: inert elements 共argon, krypton, xenon,
This is the first-of-a-kind reference-handbook and 5兲 creep of polymers, composites, and het-
that deals with nonlinear models and properties neon兲; molecular substances formed by nitrogen,
erogeneous materials. oxygen, carbon monoxide, ammonia, deuteroam-
of materials. This comprehensive reference of re-
search in the materials modeling field is divided 5N39. Mathematics of Thermal Modelling: monia, methane, deuteromethane, carbon diox-
into three volumes: 1兲 Deformation of Materials, An Introduction to the Theory of Laser Mate- ide; and quantum crystals of the isotopes of hy-
2兲 Failures in Materials, and 3兲 Multiphysics Be- rial Processing. - JM Dowden (Univ of Essex, drogen or helium.
havior. UK). Chapman and Hall/CRC, Boca Raton FL. The book demonstrates the experimental data
on uniaxial tension or compression strength and
5N36. Inelastic Analysis of Structures under 2001. 304 pp. ISBN 1-58488-230-1. $79.95. ductility, hardness, extrusion, impact toughness,
Variable Loads: Theory and Engineering Ap- This book introduces the mathematics needed creep, and stress relaxation. It also delivers the

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plications. Solid Mechanics and its Applica- to formulate and exploit the physical principles elasticity characteristics like Young’s modulus,
tions, 83. - Edited by D Weichert (Inst fur Allge- important to modeling various aspects of laser shear modules, Poisson’s ratio, and elastic con-
meine Mechanik, Rheinisch-Westfalische material processing. The author shows how to stants. The quantitative data are also given on the
Technische Hochschule, Aachen, Germany) and gain insight by constructing and analyzing thermodynamic characteristics of plastic-
G Maier (Dept of Struct Eng, Tech Univ (Politec- simple models. He demonstrates how to extract deformation processes, lattice imperfections 共dis-
nico), Milan, Italy). Kluwer Acad Publ, Dor- qualitative information from the models, how the locations, vacancies, and stacking faults兲, as well
drecht, Netherlands. 2001. 388 pp. ISBN 0-7923- underlying principles can be extended to more as on the effect of isotopic or chemical impurities
6645-X. complex modeling, and how these principles can on the elasticity or plasticity characteristics of the
be applied to processes such as laser welding, simplest molecular crystals.
The question of whether a structure or a ma-
surface treatment, drilling, and cutting. 5N43. Processing and Fabrication of Ad-
chine component can carry the applied loads, and
with what margin of safety, or whether it will 5N40. Mesoscopic Theory of Polymer Dy- vanced Materials IX. - Edited by TS Srivatsan,
become unserviceable due to collapse or exces- namics. - VN Pokrovskii (Dept of Phys, Univ of RA Varin, and KA Khor. ASM Int, Materials
sive inelastic deformations, has always been a Malta, Msida). Kluwer Acad Publ, Dordrecht, Park OH. 2001. 322 pp. ISBN 0-87170-738-1.
major concern for civil and mechanical engi- Netherlands. 2001. 232 pp. ISBN 0-7923-6682-4. $123.00.
neers. The purpose of this book is to present This monograph contains the fundamentals of This book includes 24 papers covering the fol-
state-of-the-art methods which provide concep- the theory and gives a compact and consistent lowing topics: Ceramics 共3 papers兲, Coatings 共4兲,
tual and computational means to answer this picture of the different relaxation phenomena in Ferrous and nonferrous alloys 共6兲, Intermetallics
technologically crucial question without analyz- very concentrated solutions and melts of linear 共3兲, Metal-matrix composites 共3兲, and Nanophase
ing the evolution of the system under monotonic and fine-grained materials 共5兲.
or variable repeated loads. polymers 共diffusion, neutron scattering, vis-
The focus is on recent developments which are coelasticity, and optical birefringence兲 from a 5N44. Rock Mechanics in the National Inter-
classified as follows: macromolecular point of view and without any est. Proc of 38th US Rock Mechanics Symp,
• Adaptation of the general theoretical achieve- specific hypotheses. It can be considered as Washington DC, July 2001. - Edited by D
ments to specific types of structures and, at the complementary reading to the classic textbook Elsworth, JP Tunucci, and KA Heasley. Balkema
micro-scale, to heterogeneous materials; by Doi and Edwards. The original approach Publ, Brookfield VT. 2001. 1570 pp. 2-Vol set.
• Generalization of the basic theory to dynamics, taken to the problem allows us to understand
ISBN 90-2651-827-7. $197.50.
ie, to the time-dependence due to inertia and why numerous attempts to find the 3.4-index law
for the viscosity coefficient of linear polymers in This proceedings volume showcases all aspects
damping forces; of the science and engineering of rock mechanics
• Reformulation of the fundamental theorems in the frame of the reptation-tube model were
doomed to fail, and have failed during the last 20 in 210 contributions drawn from all inhabited
the broader frame of geometrically nonlinear continents of the world. These contributions span
theory of solids and structures; years. It also helps us to derive the proper con-
a broad symposium theme including the many
• Allowing for more sophisticated models of in- stitutive relation for polymers of different archi- aspects of rock mechanics that relate to environ-
elastic material behavior, including nonlinear tecture. mental protection, national security, the safe and
hardening and softening, non-associated flow The monograph can be used as a textbook for effective extraction and utilization of natural re-
rules, viscous effects, multi-phase poro- graduate students with some background in phys-
plasticity, and material damage; sources, the development of civil infrastructure,
ics and mathematics. It could provide material and protection from the effects of natural haz-
• Development of computational procedures and for a one- or two-semester graduate-level course
specific ad-hoc algorithms by which direct ards. Divided into seven sections, this proceed-
in polymer dynamics. The monograph presents ings deals with rock mechanics applied to petro-
methods can be efficiently used to solve large- topics in a self-contained way that makes it a
scale industrial problems. leum recovery, mining, waste repositories, joints
suitable reference book for professional research- and fractures, rock mass characterization, infra-
5N37. Initiatives of Precision Engineering at ers in the fields of rheology, polymer science, structure, and modeling.
the Beginning of a Millennium. Proc of 10th polymer engineering, and material science.
Int Conf, July 2001, Yokohama, Japan. - Edited 5N45. Soft Clay Behavior Analysis and As-
5N41. Nontraditional Methods of Sensing sessment. - TS Nagaraj and N Miura. Balkema
by I Inasaki (Dept of Syst Des, Keio Univ, Yoko- Stress, Strain, and Damage in Materials and
hama, Japan). Kluwer Acad Publ, Norwell MA. Publ, Brookfield VT. 2001. 332 pp. ISBN 90-
Structures: Second Volume. STP 1323. - 5809-329-8. $90.00.
2001. 977 pp. ISBN 0-7923-7414-2. $175.00. Edited by GF Lucas (Jet Edge), PC McKeighan
This proceedings includes 190 contributed pa- This book presents simple working methods for
(SWRI) and JS Ransom (Fatigue Tech Inc). systematic analysis and parametric assessment of
pers from 10 countries. Major subjects covered ASTM. 2001. 213 pp. Softcover. ISBN 0-8031-
by this book include: Advanced manufacturing soft clays at engineering level. It is believed that
systems; ultra-precision machining and micro 2882-7. $83.00. employing these approaches would be commen-
machining; nanotechnology for fabrication and This volume examines new and nontraditional surate with the computational tools available and
measurement; chemo-mechanical processes; methods of measuring mechanical properties in expertise already attained to solve practical prob-
rapid prototyping technology; new materials and materials and structures including imaging sys- lems involved with soft clays both in their natu-
advanced processes; computer-aided production tems to infer deformation fields, acoustic emis- ral and induced cemented states.
engineering; manufacturing process control; sion techniques, and different applications and To circumvent the limited benefits of natural
planning and scheduling for production, and sensors. Many of these methods allow measure- cementation, it can also be induced at the same
CAD/CAM/CAE. ment of features and parameters that in the past in-situ state by cementing agents by In-situ deep
have been difficult, if not impossible, to sense mixing and Jet grouting as ground engineering
5N38. IUTAM Symposium on Creep in methods, extensively employed presently in Ja-
Structures. Held in Nagoya, Japan, April 2000. and distinguish.
Twelve peer-reviewed papers are divided into pan and in many coastal regions of the world.
- Edited by S Murakami and N Ohno (Nagoya The development at different rest periods dis-
Univ, Japan). Kluwer Acad Publ, Dordrecht, three sections and a panel discussion summary
covering: Fracture mechanics and structural in- cussed in this treatise is in tune with the rapid
Netherlands. 2001. 544 pp. ISBN 0-7923-6737-5. advancements already achieved in plant and ma-
tegrity, Damage evolution and measurement,
This proceedings contains 48 innovative papers chinery along with associated field techniques.
presented at the symposium, in which 91 partici- Strain and displacement measurement tech- Topics include soils as engineering materials;
pants from 15 countries participated to consoli- niques, and Current status and future sensor de- soft clay engineering; development of the basic
date the development of creep research since velopment. framework for analysis; uncemented saturated
1990 and to discuss the new horizons in this fun- 5N42. Plasticity and Elasticity of Cryocrys- soft clays — stresses and time effects; naturally
Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002 Book Reviews B55

cemented soft clays, and induced cemented soft dynamics. The idea is quite reasonable tions in geometric and flow parameters.
clays. References and an index are also provided.
given that so much of current engineering
5N46. Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical En-
gineering, Eleventh Asian Regional Confer- flow analysis is based on computer simula-
ence, Volume 2. Held in Seoul, Korea, Aug tion. However, it is not clear that a combi-
1999. - Edited by Sung-Wan Hong, ES Lee, MW nation of two very extensive subjects can
Lee (Piletech, Kyunggi-do, Korea), YY Kim, and
be adequately addressed in a single text.
YS Jang (Dept of Civil and Env Eng, Dongguk
Univ, Seoul, Korea), and CS Yoo. Balkema Publ, This book has a very thorough treatment of
Rotterdam, Netherlands. 2001. 913 pp. ISBN 90- isothermal, low speed fluid dynamics at the
5809-055-8. undergraduate level. The topics on numeri-
This volume contains 135 papers contributed to cal methods are considered in a much more
the conference. Contributions came from the
Asian region such as Bangladesh, China, Hong superficial manner though, in many cases,
Kong, India, Iran, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea, they are integrated nicely with the fluid dy-
Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka,
Taiwan, Thailand, and Vietnam as well as from namics applications. The text is coupled to The finite difference method for incom-
other parts of the world. a software library that can be downloaded pressible, viscous flows is the main subject

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The contributions are classified into six themes: and run on modest hardware. This is a very of Chapter 8. Initially, difference methods
Engineering properties of soils and rocks; deep are introduced for the solution of simplified
and shallow foundations; underground excava- appealing feature in that it permits the stu-
tion and tunneling; earth structures and slopes; dent to conveniently evaluate and study a flow equations. The second part of the
environmental geotechnics; and soil dynamics chapter considers primitive variable and
and earthquake engineering. variety of flow problems and hopefully gain
vorticity transport formulations for the two-
5N47. XVth International Congress on Soil a better physical feeling for fluid dynamics. dimensional driven cavity problem. Though
Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. The first two chapters are extensive and the illustrations and graphics throughout the
Proc Istanbul, Turkey, August 2001. - Edited by cover all of the standard topics associated
Publications Committee. Balkema Publ, Brook- text are generally good, the velocity vector
field VT. 2001. 3200 pp. 4-Vol set. ISBN 90- with fluid kinematics including coordinate plots in this chapter are not very helpful.
2651-838-2. $890.00. systems, deformations, streamlines, streak- The next two chapters consider flows at the
This proceedings is of interest for researchers lines and particle paths, vector analysis, extremes in Reynolds number. The low
and practicing engineers and reflects the state of Reynolds number chapter discusses all of
the art and state of practice of soil mechanics and material derivatives, mass conservation,
and the continuity equation. Numerical the standard lubrication flows, film flows,
geotechnical engineering.
Topics covered include testing and property corner flows, and point source methods and
techniques for simple ordinary differential
characterization of geomaterials; foundations and also introduces the finite volume method.
retaining structures; tunneling and underground equations, interpolation, and numerical dif- The high Reynolds number chapter covers
space development; ground improvement and re- ferentiation are introduced as part of the so- the classic boundary layer methods and
inforcement; environmental issues of geotechni- lution methods for problems in kinematics.
cal engineering; and design, construction, and flow stability, and introduces turbulence
maintenance of transportation infrastructure. Vol- Chapter 3 continues with irrotational flows and mathematical descriptions of turbu-
ume 4 contains six state-of-the-art reports, the and the formulation and solution of poten- lence. Vortex motions in the absence of vis-
Terzaghi Oration, Heritage Lecture, and four in- cosity form the subject of Chapter 11 with
vited lectures and summaries of the discussion tial problems. Point singularities and distri-
session and workshops held during the confer- butions for the potential field are discussed, sections on point vortices, contour dynam-
ence. and the finite difference method for ics, and the Biot-Savart integral. The last
Asymptotic Methods in the Buckling Theory Laplace’s equation is introduced. Sections chapter deals with panel methods for exter-
of Elastic Shells. - PE Tovstik and AL nal inviscid flows. The numerical work for
on derivative approximations, linear alge-
Smirnov (St Petersburg State Univ, Russia). these last few chapters mostly involves the
World Sci Publ, Singapore. 2001. 347 pp. ISBN braic equations, boundary condition impo- application of methods described in previ-
981-02-4726-5. $78.00. 共Under review兲 sition, and matrix solvers are included ous chapters. The book concludes with an
Linearized Theory of Elasticity. - WS among the numerical topics. appendix describing the contents of the
Slaughter (Dept of Mech Eng, Univ of Pittsburgh, Chapter 4 introduces forces and stresses available software library and a marginally
Pittsburgh PA 15261). Birkhauser Boston, Cam-
bridge MA. 2002. 543 pp. ISBN 0-8176-4117-3. and the ideas of viscosity and constitutive adequate index.
$79.95. 共Under review兲 relations for Newtonian and non-Newtonian As an undergraduate text on fluid dynam-
fluids. The next chapter considers problems ics, this is a very complete and well-written
in hydrostatics including forces on sub- book. The numerical methods featured in
V. MECHANICS OF merged objects and a variety of free surface the book are elementary, but are worthwhile
in the context of undergraduate study. The
FLUIDS and contact angle problems. The numerical
software available with the book is also a
methods described in conjunction with useful adjunct for study. Fluid Dynamics:
these problems include Newton’s method Theory, Computation, and Numerical Simu-
5R48. Fluid Dynamics: Theory, Com-
putation, and Numerical Simulation. - C for a single equation and shooting methods lation is certainly recommended for consid-
Pozrikidis (Dept of Appl Mech and Eng Sci, for ordinary differential equations. Chapter eration as a classroom text. Those with an
Univ of California, La Jolla CA 92093- 6 returns to purely fluid mechanics topics interest in fluid mechanics at the graduate
0411). Kluwer Acad Publ, Norwell MA. and is concerned with the equations of mo- or post-graduate level might find the book a
2001. 675 pp. ISBN 0-7923-7351-0. tion in both differential and integral form. useful reference; those seeking a treatise on
$140.00. Boundary conditions are described, and numerical methods or computational fluid
Reviewed by DK Gartling (Comp Fluid there are sections on the Euler and Navier- dynamics will find the text of limited value.
Dyn, Sandia Natl Labs, MS 0826, Albu- Stokes equations as well as the vorticity
querque NM 87185-5800). transport equation. The seventh chapter is 5R49. Inviscid Incompressible Flow. -
There are a wide variety of undergraduate JS Marshall (Dept of Mech Eng, Iowa Inst
quite lengthy and provides a very complete
fluid dynamics texts available, and all claim of Hydraul Res, Univ of Iowa, Iowa City
to have some unique attribute that makes catalog of analytic and semi-analytic solu- IA). Wiley, New York. 2001. 378 pp. ISBN
them the better choice for the classroom. tions for tube and channel flows and simple 0-471-37566-7. $90.00.
The aim of the present book is to merge the flows next to walls. The computer work as- Reviewed by TF Balsa (Dept of Aerospace
study and use of numerical methods with sociated with this chapter is primarily the and Mech Eng, Univ of Arizona, Tucson AZ
the theory and solutions of classical fluid evaluation of complex solutions with varia- 85721).
B56 Book Reviews Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002

When the invitation came to review this ated by the baroclinic effect兲 appears in an 5R50. Motion of Bubbles and Drops in
book, this reviewer was very surprised by inviscid fluid motion started from rest is not Reduced Gravity. - RS Subramanian
its title. Curiosity, more than anything else, discussed deeply. This is unfortunate. (Clarkson Univ, Potsdam NY) and R Bala-
drove me to review the book. Such classical Clearly, some connection must be made to subramaniam (Natl Center for Microgravity
subject! Since several excellent, scholarly, large Reynolds number flows, viscous Res on Fluids and Combust, NASA John H
and comprehensive treatments already ex- boundary layers, and the like. Establishing Glenn Res Center, Cleveland OH). Cam-
ist, both in the fluid mechanics as well as in bridge UP, Cambridge, UK. 2001. 471 pp.
a stronger link between vorticity and vis-
the aerodynamics contexts, this reviewer ISBN 0-521-49605-5. $100.00.
cous effects, even qualitatively, is impera-
saw little need for another book. Consider, Reviewed by N Clark (Dept of Civil Eng,
for example, An Informal Introduction to tive 共see the attempt on pages 3-4兲 so this
Eng, and Mineral Resources, West Virginia
Theoretical Fluid Mechanics by Lighthill. connection becomes engrained in the fresh Univ, 125 Eng Sci, PO Box 6106, Morgan-
The book under review is primarily a text- and open minds of students. Otherwise, in- town WV 26506-6106).
book, most suitable for an introductory viscid incompressible fluid mechanics is a The existence of bubbles and drops is
graduate-level course in fluid mechanics. beautiful and sterile subject of the pre- predicated on the presence of interfacial
The book is attractively prepared, relatively Prandtl era. The book could be improved in tension, but their motion is more often than

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free from obvious major errors, contains il- this general direction. For example, the In- not caused by gravity. The authors have
lustrative examples 共more so in the first half dex contains no entry under separation. teamed up to produce this book that exam-
than in the second half兲, provides a good set All in all, this is a good introductory ines the behavior of bubbles and drops
of homework problems, including some fo- book, and this reviewer would not hesitate without influence of the earth’s pull. The
cusing on computational projects, and sup- to use chapters of it in some courses. Obvi- authors observe that bubbles and drops are
plies a partial list of modern references at frequently encountered in spacecraft labora-
ously, the sections to be covered are at the
chapters’ end. Even the best of students will tory experiments with which they have di-
be challenged by the content. The book’s discretion of the instructor. There are some
places where the presentation should be im- rect experience. Although this topic is
secondary focus, complementing the classi- highly specialized, their book will double
cal concepts and results, may be labeled as proved. Here are three examples, ranging
as a broader reference because it also
vorticity methods. from the trivial to the bothersome: dwells on related multiphase issues.
The book 共378 pages long; including one 1兲 The cross product of unit vectors is de-
short appendix on the geometry of orthogo- fined as ei ⫻e j ⫽␧ i jk ek . Therefore the ex-
nal coordinate systems兲 is on theoretical pression written in Eq 共2.3.2兲 for u⫻v is
fluid mechanics with some computational inconsistent with this.
flavor. Many of the main results are stated 2兲 The derivation of the rate of change of
in the form of theorems. Reference to ex- a material volume can be done simply by
perimental data or comparison with such is the use of a sketch and a physical argument.
virtually absent. This is very unwise in the The formal derivation 共Section 3.4兲 is un-
subject. For example, Figure 11.8 displays
necessarily dry. There are other instances
computational contours of vorticity in the
roll-up process in a shear layer. This re- where more intuitive derivations should be
viewer thinks experimental data and flow given.
visualization pictures would strengthen the 3兲 Finally, the relationship between the
presentation. doublet and vortex sheet strengths 共Eq
The 16, well-organized and relatively 11.6.13兲 is incorrect. For one thing, ⵜ is a The book is divided into four parts. Part 1
brief chapters span the usual topics such as: spatial operator, so the application of this to commences with a careful review of the
kinematics, the equations of motion, vortic- a quantity which is defined only on a sur- governing equations, discussion of surfac-
ity and pressure theorems, examples of face is unclear. tants and surface tension, and an introduc-
two- and three-dimensional potential flows There is also a major omission, namely, tion to reduced gravity in spacecraft. The
共ie, sources, dipoles, etc兲 and forces on bod- the control volume analysis of forces and
authors continue in Part 2 on the topic of
ies in these flows. The chapters on two- motion of single bubbles and drops. They
moments acting on bodies that shed a trail- consider the cases of motion when inertia is
dimensional flow are treated by the use of ing vortex system. This analysis would
complex variables. There is more emphasis negligible, and when inertial effects are
place the D’Alembert paradox in the proper
on flows with concentrated vorticity 共ie, moderate. Drops and bubbles at high Rey-
vortex tubes, sheets, etc兲 than in most simi- perspective and would identify the concept nolds’ numbers are also treated. The authors
lar textbooks. This is the secondary focus of induced drag. This consideration would provide fundamental analyses to describe
mentioned above. There is also some dis- also bring some life to kinetic energy and the motion of an isolated drop caused by
cussion of discontinuities, flow instability, impulse. surface tension gradients, which are often
and interfacial wave motion. The latter two, Again, on balance, Inviscid Incompress- induced by variations of temperature across
treated at the end of the book, are sketchy. ible Flow is a fine book on the classical the field 共thermocapillary motion兲. Careful
It seems to me that Chapter 6 on velocity material. It also contains some more recent attention is paid to limiting cases, such as
representations 共ie, velocity potential, 共10-20 year old兲 vorticity-related results when convective energy transport is small,
Laplace equation, the Biot-Savart equation, that are normally not found in textbooks at or else dominant, and surfactants are dis-
and far fields兲 breaks up the continuity in this introductory level for graduate stu- cussed in appropriate detail. Illustrations in
the presentation of fluid mechanics. This re- this section are well considered and provide
dents. Any student who has mastered this
viewer thinks a better place for this material a valuable interpretation of the theory.
material will have an excellent understand-
would be in an appendix; this comment In Part 3, the authors address interactions
ing of inviscid incompressible fluid me- of bubbles and drops. This topic is of inter-
should also apply to a review of vectors and
tensors in Chapter 1. chanics. The person will also gain some un- est firstly because it is necessary in design-
The vorticity transport theorems 共Ch 7兲 derstanding of discrete methods to track ing single drop experiments to estimate the
are undeniably the most important results in regions of concentrated vorticity and the influence of neighboring drops and avoid
fluid mechanics. The formal analysis is limitations of the methods. On the last their influence by choosing sufficiently
competently done—no surprises. Yet the is- point, even an expert may gain a quick large drop spacing. Secondly, the interac-
sue of why vorticity 共other than that gener- overview of the available techniques. tion of drops is important in understanding
Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002 Book Reviews B57

the circumstances leading to coalescence. viction that further understanding of turbu- of large time. In later chapters, considerable
The authors carefully explain the difficul- lence is determinable from the NSE without attention is paid to short-time disturbance
ties that arise in tackling a theoretical de- invoking additional ad hoc assumptions so behavior. In the caption of Figure 1.2,
scription of drops under the influence of a that more insights into the nature of turbu- ‘‘above ReL : Possible instability’’ appears,
neighboring boundary. Part 3 amplifies the lence can be gained from studying the in- contradicting a statement on page 6. This
analysis well by providing useful illustra- trinsic properties of the NSE which histori- chapter is followed by the four chapters of
tions, such as those of streamlines in the cally could not be arrived at by intuitive Part I, Temporal Stability of Parallel Shear
vicinity of interacting bubbles. The authors considerations. Navier-Stokes Equations Flows, which presents the authors’ view of
present relevant experimental data periodi- and Turbulence serves as an excellent start- the ‘‘fundamental topics underlying stabil-
cally to demonstrate agreement with theory. ing point to inspire scholars to take the next ity theory,’’ and the four chapters of the
Part 4 discusses interphase mass transfer. step of tying together the theoretical aspects longer Part II, Stability of Complex Flows
Analytic solutions are developed and com- with the known experimental phenomenol- and Transition, which ‘‘covers more ad-
pared with numerical computations. This ogy, such as the repeatable patterns of wall vanced topics.’’
section provides a strong basis for neces- turbulence and free shear flows. Once ac-
sary future research. The last chapter devi- complished, it would give tremendously

Downloaded from by guest on 08 March 2021

ates a little from the overall theme, but pro- more insights to the physical relevance and
vides a useful account of flows driven by will no doubt provide even more impetus of
variations in surface tension. progress in solving one of the greatest chal-
This book is thorough and rigorous. With lenges in science.
400 references, the work of prior research- 5R52. Stability and Transition in Shear
ers is well acknowledged. The Table of Flows. Applied Mathematical Sciences,
Contents, Index, and Introductions to the Vol 142. - PJ Schmid (Appl Math Dept,
chapters make the material easy to navi- Univ of Washington, Seattle WA 98195-
gate, and the authors have taken the trouble 0001) and DS Henningson (Dept of Mech,
in the text to refer the readers to related Royal Inst of Tech, Stockholm, S-100 44,
sections elsewhere in the book. Motion of Sweden). Springer-Verlag, New York. 2001.
Bubbles and Drops in Reduced Gravity will 556 pp. ISBN 0-387-98985-4. $79.95.
be of value to applied mathematicians, An involved theoretical picture continues
Reviewed byReviewed by DF Jankowski to develop in the second chapter, Linear In-
physicists, and fluids engineers working in (Dept of Mech and Aerospace Eng, Arizona
the fields of reduced gravity or multiphase viscid Analysis, which considers the linear
State Univ, PO Box 875506, Tempe AZ
systems, and may impact a number of ma- stability of planar parallel flows with the
terials researchers. Motion of Bubbles and effects of viscosity ignored. This modeling
Hydrodynamic stability is concerned with
Drops in Reduced Gravity is an essential might have been motivated by noting that
the fate of disturbances imposed on a basic
purchase as a reference text for libraries at the effect of viscosity is, at first glance, ex-
flow. Since, in some flow situations, the ini-
universities and research laboratories, but is tial growth of disturbances can lead to a pected to be stabilizing; a counter example
too specialized as a graduate text at all but a transition to turbulence, the subject is par- is later mentioned in Section 3.2. The chap-
few universities. However, those engaged ticularly attractive to certain members of ter begins with an examination of the perti-
in this challenging field are well advised to the fluid-dynamics community. The audi- nent governing equations for infinitesimal
place copies on their bookshelves. ence for this particular treatment of stability wave-like disturbances, the development of
and transition is loosely defined in the pref- some related general results, and several
5R51. Navier-Stokes Equations and ace where it is stated that the ‘‘book is fore- idealized example solutions. It closes with a
Turbulence. Encyclopedia of Math and its most intended for researchers and graduate treatment of the inviscid initial-value prob-
Applications, Vol 83. - C Foias (Dept of students with a basic knowledge of fluid lem for the time evolution of infinitesimal
Math, Indiana Univ, Bloomington IA), O dynamics.’’ The necessary level of this disturbances. The differences between ap-
Manley (Consultant), R Rosa (Univ Fed do knowledge can only be inferred, and there proaches based on eigenvalue 共modal兲
Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), and is no mention of the considerable special- problems and initial-value 共non-modal兲
R Temam (Univ Paris-Sud, Orsay, France). ized mathematical knowledge that is also problems are emphasized throughout the
Cambridge UP, New York. 2001. 347 pp. needed to fully understand the wide range book. The third chapter, Eigensolutions to
ISBN 0-521-36032-3. $90.00. of sophisticated mathematical tools that are the Viscous Problem, roughly follows the
Reviewed by J Meng (NAVESEA, Keyport used routinely in its nine chapters of nearly pattern of the first portion of Chapter 2 al-
WA 98345). 500 pages, well over 1000 numbered equa- though the inclusion of viscosity leads to a
This is an excellent book for interdiscipli- tions and over 200 figures. In comparison to broader, more complicated, and often more
nary graduate level education and as a ref- the emphasis on mathematical analysis and subtle presentation. The primary governing
erence book for the turbulence research its associated modeling, the attention de- equation for infinitesimal wavelike distur-
community. This book is the first to build a voted to physical insights or experimental bances 共the Orr-Sommerfeld 共OS兲 equation兲
comprehensive common ground between verification is limited, with the exception of imposed on plane parallel flows is derived,
themathematics and turbulence communi- the final chapter. and some related general results are pre-
ties in terms of demonstrating that NSE The tone of the book’s material on stabil- sented. The corresponding eigenvalue prob-
constitutes a comprehensive model of in- ity is immediately apparent in the brief first lem is also derived for fully-developed flow
compressible flows. The major contribu- chapter, Introduction and General Results, in a pipe. Specific numerical results are pre-
tions are in showing how: The Kolmogorov wherein the general nonlinear disturbance sented and discussed for this flow, and for
spectrum for three dimensional turbulence; equations and the kinetic-energy evolution plane Couette flow, plane Poiseuille flow,
and Kraichnan spectrum for two-dimen- equation are derived, and four definitions of and Blasius boundary-layer flow, a nearly-
sional turbulence follow naturally from the temporal stability and four critical Rey- parallel flow. For the later two examples, a
NSE; the intermittency of turbulent flows is nolds numbers are introduced. A useful cau- certain finite critical Reynolds number 共ReL
related to the fractal nature of energy dissi- tion about the difference between the tem- from chapter 1兲 can be obtained. Experi-
pation in three dimensions; and on provid- poral and spatial evolution of disturbances ments designed to verify these results are
ing a bound on the sufficient number of de- is also provided. Three of the temporal defi- not mentioned. Some suitable numerical
grees of freedom for this fluid flow. nitions are related to the behavior of distur- techniques for the OS equation and tables
This book provides a well-founded con- bance kinetic-energy in the asymptotic limit of eigenvalues for the four classical ex-
B58 Book Reviews Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002

amples are provided in Appendix A. The study of how ever-present disturbances are smoothed the way. Unanswered research is-
chapter closes with topics related to various drawn into a boundary layer and how it re- sues might have been given more direct at-
mathematical aspects of the OS equation, sponds. tention, but astute and careful readers
its adjoint equation, solutions, and ways of The subject of the short Chapter 8 is Sec- should still be able to uncover some inter-
determining information about them. The ondary Instability, which considers the fact esting possibilities. In spite of these com-
next chapter, Viscous Initial Value Problem, that the growth of a disturbance can, in cer- ments, there is no need for the authors to
introduces its subject by studying a simple tain circumstances, lead to an altered basic apologize for the fact that learning about a
model problem. Algebraic growth is found flow that has its own set of stability condi- complicated subject is, in turn, compli-
to be possible for small time and is attrib- tions. Some of the ideas presented are of cated.
uted to the mathematical structure of the direct relevance to several of the special ex-
5N53. Computational Flow Modeling for
model system. The rest of the chapter pur- amples of Chapter 6. The tone of the final Chemical Reactor Engineering. - VK Ranade
sues this possibility and related complica- chapter, Transition to Turbulence, is more (Natl Chem Lab, India). Academic Book Collec-
tions and extensions at considerable length descriptive and tutorial in nature than the tion, Irvine CA. 2001. 480 pp. ISBN 0–12–
for the four prototype flows mentioned ear- previous eight chapters; there are only 5769601. $99.95.
lier. It seems that ReG of Section 4.6.2 seven equations in a chapter that is about 75 This book relates the individual aspects of

Downloaded from by guest on 08 March 2021

pages long. These remarks should not be chemical reactor engineering and computational
should be ReE of Section 5.6. Chapter 5 ex- flow modeling in a coherent way to explain their
interpreted as implying that the chapter is
tends the discussion into the complicated uses and potential research and practice.
somehow less challenging than its prede-
realm of Nonlinear Stability. An analysis of 5N54. Computational Fluid Dynamics 2000.
cessors. The goal of this chapter is to con-
a nonlinear model problem is followed by Proc of 1st Int Conf, ICCFD, Kyoto, Japan, July
nect concepts and results associated with 2000. - Edited by N Satofuka (Dept of Mech and
the derivation of the governing equations instability to the transition to turbulence.
for finite-amplitude disturbances imposed Syst Eng, Kyoto Inst of Tech, Matsugasaki,
Three possible transition scenarios in a tem- Sakyo-ku, Kyoto, 606-8585, Japan). Springer-
on a parallel shear flow and selective poral setting are presented in its introduc- Verlag, Berlin. 2001. 810 pp. ISBN 3-540-
共‘‘mathematically advantageous’’兲 treat- tory first section. It is followed by a se- 41459-2. $159.00.
ments of the corresponding nonlinear quence of sections, which considers the This volume constitutes the proceedings of a
initial-value problem. This is not easy go- ‘‘complete transition process in spatially conference where the purpose was to bring to-
ing. The last topic of the chapter is energy evolving flows.’’ Results from a number of gether scientists, mathematicians, and engineers
stability theory about which a small com- to review and share recent advances in math-
physical and numerical experiments are ematical and computational techniques for mod-
ment can be made: ReE is determined by routine parts of these sections. The chapter eling fluid dynamics.
solving the eigenvalue problem of Section ends with a largely empirical section on In this volume, there are four invited lectures.
5.6.2, while a lower bound to ReE follows transition modeling and a warning about the The contributed papers follow grouped under 21
from the relaxed eigenvalue problem asso- lack of a general transition model. topic headings: Adaptive mesh; unstructured
grid; mesh generation; compressible flow; hyper-
ciated with Eq. 共5.153兲. Four appendices and a bibliography of sonic and reactive flows; unsteady flows; incom-
Chapter 6, Temporal Stability of Complex over 300 items, including some from 1999 pressible flows; stability of boundary layer; flows
Flows, the first chapter of Part II, moves and 2000, close the book. Appendix A, Nu- with free surface; numerical techniques; domain
away from the simple incompressible shear merical Issues and Computer Programs, decomposition and parallel algorithms; transition
and turbulence; lattice Boltzmann method; aeroa-
flows of Part I to a series of examples that discusses the numerical solution of the clas- coustics; adjoint method; vortex method; two-
involve new physical features and varying sical OS eigenvalue problem for parallel phase flows; fluid structure interaction; optimiza-
levels of mathematical complexity: similar- and nearly parallel flows, and provides sev- tion and design; moving boundaries; and level
ity boundary layers with adverse and favor- eral MATLAB codes for this purpose. It is set/VOF. Papers presented in poster sessions ap-
followed by two brief appendices that treat pear as Technical Notes.
able pressure gradients; three-dimensional
boundary layers with cross-flow; channel some mathematical details. The final appen- 5N55. IUTAM Symposium on Developments
dix contains 14 student problems related to in Geophysical Turbulence. Held Boulder CO,
flows with span-wise rotation and slight June 1998. - Edited by RM Kerr (Natl Center of
streamline curvature; free-surface flow the material of Part I.
Atmos Res, Boulder CO) and Y Kimura (Nagoya
down an inclined plane; channel flow with Stability and Transition in Shear Flows is Univ, Japan). Kluwer Acad Publ, Dordrecht,
an oscillatory pressure gradient; general an ambitious and personal book, really a Netherlands. 2001. 308 pp. ISBN 0-7923-6673-5.
time-dependent parallel basic flow; and the monograph because of its in-depth treat- Topics that are emphasized in this proceedings
inclusion of compressibility in boundary ment of the two major topics announced in include the physics and mathematics of turbu-
its title. It contains much to learn and think lence, atmospheric and oceanic turbulence, and
layers. It is not possible to discuss all of the historical developments.
related issues to these examples in the about. With its primary focus on their math-
ematical side, it has found an appropriate 5N56. Mathematical Fluid Mechanics: Re-
space alloted. The next chapter, Growth of cent Results and Open Questions. Advances
home as a volume in the long established
Disturbances in Space, is the longest in the in Mathematical Fluid Mechanics. - Edited by J
Springer-Verlag series on applied math-
book and contains 400 equations. Its issues Neustupa (Dept of Tech Math, Czech Tech Univ,
ematical sciences. Every serious technical Karlovo nam 13, Praha 2, 121 35, Czech Repub-
are the particular complications associated library should have a copy as should a lim-
with disturbances that grow spatially. Dif- lic) and P Penel (Dept de Math, Univ de Toulon
ited number of individuals, mostly special- et du Var, BP 132, LaGarde Cedex, 83957,
ferences and connections between the tem- ists and those who want to become one. It is
poral and spatial cases are effectively dis- France). Birkhauser Verlag AG, Basel, Switzer-
not obvious how to use the book in a gradu- land. 2001. 268 pp. ISBN 3-7643-6593-5.
played with model problems and with some ate course since considerable specific back- $89.95.
specific results for channel and boundary- ground material must be available in order Mathematical modeling and numerical simula-
layer flows. This is followed by a treatment to appreciate the single chapter on transi- tion in fluid mechanics are topics of great impor-
of absolute and convective instability, and tion. Working through the book is not for tance both in theory and technical applications.
approximate applications to the plane wake The present book attempts to describe the current
the light-hearted. An author index and a list status in various areas of research. The 10 chap-
behind a circular cylinder and the classical of symbols would have helped. In general, ters, mostly survey articles, are written by inter-
rotating-disk flow. The spatial initial-value the number of ideas, concepts, and special national specialists and offer a range of ap-
problem, a multi-faceted look at non- conditions that must be kept track of are proaches to and views of the essential questions
parallel effects, and a brief look at receptiv- close to overwhelming. More motivation and problems. In particular, the theories of in-
compressible and compressible Navier-Stokes
ity theory close the chapter. The later topic and guidance as to the sense in which topics equations are considered, as well as stability
brings the discussion somewhat closer to and results are important and how they ul- theory and numerical methods in fluid mechan-
the transition process since it involves the timately relate to transition would have ics.
Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002 Book Reviews B59

5N57. Mathematical Modeling: Case Studies tempt to provide a source of reference, for a prac- NY). Marcel Dekker, New York. 2001. 728
from Industry. - Edited by E Cumberbatch ticing engineer or a graduate student, or as a pp. ISBN 0-8247-8781-1. $150.0.
(Math Clinic, Claremont Grad Univ) and A Fitt textbook for a graduate course in Advanced Top-
(Fac of Math Stud, Univ of Southampton, UK). ics in Combustion, as it covers some of the major Reviewed by B Sanderson (Sch of Sci and
Cambridge UP, Cambridge, UK. 2001. 299 pp. issues in propulsion science and technology to- Tech, Univ of Newcastle, PO Box 127, Cen-
Softcover. ISBN 0-521-01173-6. day in a single volume. tral Coast Campus, Quimbah, NSW, 2258,
For current and future propulsion systems, the
This book deals with real industrial problems following three major criteria are important: 1兲 Australia).
from real industries. Presented as a series of case increase the speed and range of vehicles: Com- This book has a broad scope and is writ-
studies by some of the world’s most active and mercial and military transport and weapons; 2兲
successful industrial mathematicians, this volume ten from an engineering perspective. The
obtain the maximum combustion efficiency and book is written in two parts. Part 1 covers
shows how the process of mathematical collabo- stable operation as possible; 3兲 comply with en-
ration with industry can not only work success- vironmental constraints. These three items form the development of the fundamental equa-
fully for the industrial partner, but also lead to the primary subject matter for this book. The top- tions and dynamical systems that focus on
interesting and important mathematics. ics covered range from the concept of convective
A brief introduction summarizes the equations common simplifications to the fundamental
Mach number to counterflow fluidic thrust vec-
that most of the studies are based upon. Thirteen toring; electrorheological fuels to electromag- equations. Part 2 deals with application to
different problems are considered, ranging from netic propulsion; and marine propulsion to air- numerous environmental systems that are
cooking of cereal to the analysis of epidemic craft and missile propulsion. This publication is often of concern to engineers, such as:

Downloaded from by guest on 08 March 2021

waves in animal populations. Throughout the essentially an assembly of results from selected
book, the emphasis is on providing useful infor- Groundwater, air-water exchanges, efflu-
research projects that depict the advances in pro-
mation to people in industry. pulsion science made in the past several years in ents and buoyant plumes, sediment trans-
5N58. Numerical Flow Simulation II: the context and mission of this book, particularly port, and remedial treatment of contami-
CNRS-DFG Collaborative Research Program in air-breathing propulsion. nated water bodies.
Results 1998-2000. Notes on Numerical Fluid In addition to the Introduction and Conclusion
Mechanics, Vol 75. - Edited by EH Hirschel chapters 共written by the editor兲, the book con- Scanning my bookshelves, this reviewer
(Herzog-Heinrich-Weg 6, Zorneding, 85604, tains 28 chapters under the following four sec- sees many specialized books in fluid me-
Germany). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2001. 329 tions: Advanced fuel synthesis and characteriza- chanics and computational methods with
pp. ISBN 3-540-41608-0. $179.00. tion; Fundamental combustion issues; Control of titles that read like headings for chapters or
This volume contains 19 reports on work that combustion; and Emissions and plumes.
subsections of Environmental Fluid Me-
has been conducted since 1998. French and Ger- 5N60. Annual Review of Heat Transfer: Vol-
ume XII. - Edited by Chang-Lin Tien (Univ of chanics. On the other hand, environmental
man engineers and mathematicians present their
joint research on the topics: Development of so- California, Berkeley CA), V Prasad (SUNY, Stony readers with a more biological bent will
lution techniques, Crystal growth and melts, Brook NY), and F Incropera (Col of Eng, Univ of have to search elsewhere 关1,2兴 for material
Flows of reacting gases, and Turbulent flows. Notre Dame, Notre Dame IN). Begell House, relating to the fluid mechanics of organ-
Foundations of Fluid Dynamics. - G Gal- New York. 2002. 381 pp. ISBN 1-56700-166-1. isms.
lavotti (Dept di Fisica, INFN, Univ degli Studi di $108.00. Rubin and Atkinson have written a book
Roma ‘‘La Sapienza,’’ Piazzale Aldo Moro, 2, The present volume starts with a review of the that would serve well as a text for several
Roma, 00185, Italy). Springer-Verlag, Berlin. advances and challenges in micro and miniatur-
2002. 513 pp. ISBN 3-540-41415-0. $59.95. ized heat pipes, which are being used for heat introductory courses in environmental fluid
共Under review兲 dissipation in many modern communication and mechanics from an engineering perspective.
computing systems. The second article deals with Many worked problems are included with
Micro Flows: Fundamentals and Simulation. heat transfer in low energy plasmas used for mi-
- GEM Karniadakis 共Div of Appl Math, Brown croelectronic manufacturing, while the third ar- each chapter. Diagrams illustrate much of
Univ, 182 George St, Providence RI 02912) and ticle reviews heat transfer and phase-change dur- the text and many of the problems. Worked
A Beskok (Dept of Mech Eng, Texas A&M Univ, ing high-power, pulsed laser ablation of metals, problems serve to beautifully illustrate and
TAMU 3123, College Station TX 77843-3123). as in thin film deposition, micro-machining, and further develop material in the text. Prob-
Springer-Verlag, New York. 2002. 340 pp. ISBN the synthesis of nano-materials. Processing of
thermoplastic, matrix composite materials, which lems are thematic and provide a contiguous
0-387-95324-8. $69.95. 共Under review兲
involves complex, multi-scale heat and mass learning experience for students. Unsolved
Physical Hydrodynamics. - E Guyon (Ecole transfer, is considered in the fourth article. The problems and targeted suggestions for fur-
Normale Superieure, Paris, France), J-P Hulin next two articles deal with heat transfer in crystal ther reading serve as a launching point for
(CNRS Laboratoire Fluides, Automatique et Sys- growth, a precursor for electronic and opto-
temes Thermiques, Univ Paris Sud, Orsay, electronic device fabrication. The first of these more specialized studies.
France), L Petit (Univ de Nice, Sophia Antipolis, articles treats convective instabilities under vari- Treatment of topics such as suspended
France), and CD Mitescu (Pomona Col, Clar- ous growth conditions, while the second article sediment transport and groundwater flow
considers the effects of an applied magnetic field
emont CA) Oxford UP, Oxford, UK. 2001. 505 on growth phenomena, associated hydrodynam- are substantially enhanced by their integra-
pp. Softcover 共Hardcover ISBN: 0-19-851746-7, ics, and the control of flow instability. The last tion into a broad ranging text and develop-
$100.00兲. ISBN 0-19-851745-9. $50.00. 共Under article of this volume reviews the fundamentals ment within the context of fundamental
review兲 of interferometric tomography and application of mathematics and fluid mechanics. This re-
Theory and Applications of Nonviscous the technique to three-dimensional temperature
measurement. viewer found the treatment of groundwater
Fluid Flows. - RK Zeytounian (Retired).
Efficient Surfaces for Heat Exchangers: more insightful than one would expect from
Springer-Verlag, Berlin. 2002. 294 pp. ISBN
3-540-41412-6. $84.95. 共Under review兲 Fundamentals and Design. - EK Kalinin, GA such a brief exposition—it almost renders
Vorticity and Incompressible Flow. Cam- Dreitser (Moscow Aviation Inst, Tech Univ, Mos- redundant one specialist book on my shelf.
bridge Texts in Applied Mathematics. - AJ cow, Russia), IZ Kopp (St-Petersburg State Tech Occasionally, however, brevity leads to un-
Majda (Courant Inst of Math Sci, New York Univ, Univ, St Petersburg, Russia), and AS Myakochin balanced treatment. For example, a rea-
New York NY) and AL Bertozzi (Duke Univ, (Moscow Aviation Inst, Tech Univ, Moscow, Rus- soned exposition of vertical circulation as-
Durham NC). Cambridge UP, Cambridge, UK. sia). Begell House, New York. 2002. 392 pp. sociated with wind forced set-up in a lake is
2002. 545 pp. Softcover. ISBN 0-521-63948-4. ISBN 1-56700-167-X. $85.50. 共Under review兲
$40.00. 共Hardcover ISBN 0-521-63057-6 associated with an unexplained and poten-
$100.00兲. 共Under review兲 tially misleading diagram of horizontal cir-
culation. Discussion of topics indicates the
VI. HEAT TRANSFER VIII. ENERGY & extent to which knowledge is derivable
from basic laws, or empirical. The authors
ENVIRONMENT are to be congratulated for illustrating many
5N59. Advances in Chemical Propulsion: of the topics with numerical models. Nu-
Science to Technology. - Edited by GD Roy 5R61. Environmental Fluid Mechanics. merical methods are often rudimentary, but
(Mech and Energy Conversion Div, Office of Na-
- H Rubin (Dept of Civil Eng, Technion- they are sufficient for the problems ad-
val Res, Arlington VA). CRC Press LLC, Boca
Raton FL. 2002. 528 pp. ISBN 0-8493-1171-3. Israel Inst of Tech, Technion City, Haifa, dressed and are thoughtfully used to calcu-
Chemical propulsion is a complex science in- 320 00, Israel) and J Atkinson (Dept of late specific solutions to fluid mechanical
volving several disciplines. This book is an at- Civil, Struct, and Env Eng, SUNY, Buffalo problems.
B60 Book Reviews Appl Mech Rev vol 55, no 3, May 2002

Technically, the book is well prepared Vol 23. - Edited by AA Amini (Washington Univ, of the mechanics of inhaled pharmaceutical aero-
with a logical sequence for development of St Louis MO) and JL Prince (Johns Hopkins sols. The book covers a wide range of topics, and
Univ, Baltimore MD). Kluwer Acad/Plenum, many new perspectives are given by drawing on
topics, a useful subject index, and clear fig- research from a variety of fields. Novel, in-depth
ures. Minor typographical errors might Bristol, UK. 2001. 344 pp. ISBN 1-4020- expositions of the most common delivery devices
cause some confusion. Viscosity, for ex- 0222-X. $106.00. are given, including nebulizers, dry powder in-
ample, is sometimes given the same symbol This book describes the latest imaging and im- halers, and propellant metered dose inhalers. The
age analysis techniques that have been developed behavior of aerosols in the respiratory tract is ex-
as the y-component of velocity and some plained in detail, with complete coverage of the
at leading centers for the visualization, analysis,
references to equation numbers are incor- and understanding of normal and abnormal car- fundamentals of current deposition models.
rect. But these are minor issues when diac motion with magnetic resonance imaging
placed in the context of what is otherwise a 共MRI兲. The use of MRI in measuring cardiac mo-
lucid presentation. This reviewer recom- tion is particularly important because MRI is
mends Environmental Fluid Mechanics as non-invasive, and it is the only modality capable
of imaging detailed intramural motion within the
an appropriate text for several courses in-
troducing topical subjects in environmental myocardium. MISCELLANEOUS
Biomedical engineers, medical physicists, com-
fluid mechanics. This book will prove a puter scientists, and physicians interested in

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valuable acquisition for teachers, students, learning about the latest advances in cardiovas- 5N64. Advanced Engineering Mathematics. -
and libraries. cular MRI should find this book to be an educa- A Jeffrey (Univ of Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK).
tional resource. In particular, it is more tutorial in Academic Press, Orlando. 2002. Casebound.
References nature than most of the technical papers where ISBN 0-12-382592-X.
the research was originally published. Practitio- This book provides comprehensive and con-
关1兴 Okubo A 共1980兲, Diffusion and Ecological ners and researchers working in the field of car- temporary coverage of key mathematical ideas,
Problems: Mathematical Models. Springer diovascular MRI will find the book to be filled methods, and their widespread applications, for
Verlag. with practical technical details and references to students majoring in engineering, computer sci-
关2兴 Vogel S 共1981兲, Life in Moving Fluids. Prin- ence, mathematics, and physics. Using a wide
other work, enabling the implementation of ex- range of examples throughout the book, the au-
ceton Univ Press. isting methods and serving as a basis for further thor illustrates how to construct mathematical
research in the area. models, how to apply mathematical reasoning to
5N63. Mechanics of Inhaled Pharmaceutical select a particular solution from a range of pos-
IX. BIOENGINEERING Aerosols: An Introduction. - WH Finlay (Univ sible alternatives, and how to determine which
solution has physical significance. Many chapters
of Alberta, AB, Canada). Academic Book Collec-
end with computer projects that require the use
5N62. Measurement of Cardiac Deforma- tion, Irvine CA. 2001. 306 pp. ISBN of a CAS 共such as Maple®or Mathematica®兲 to
tions from MRI: Physical and Mathematical 0122569717. $79.95. reinforce ideas and provide insight into more ad-
Models. Computational Imaging and Vision, This work provides a comprehensive treatment vanced problems.

Author Index for May 2002

The codes after each name give the sequence numbers of the items in the Book Reviews section (R ⫽ Review, N ⫽ Note).
Books listed by title only or as ‘‘under review’’ are not included in this index.

A Dowden, JM - N39
I M Prince, JL - N62
Prokhvatilov, AI - N42
Tobe, S - R27
Tunucci, JP - N44
Allegrini, M - N21 Ihlemann, J - N8 Maier, G - N36 Publications Committee,
Ambrosio, JAC - N13 Inasaki, I - N37 Manley, O - R51 - N47
Amini, AA - N62
E Incropera, F - N60 Markov, K - R22
Antonsson, EK - N33 Ishida, Y - R11 Marshall, JS - R49
Atkinson, J - R61
Elsworth, D - N44
Iyengar, RN - N15 Marti, O - N21 R
Axelsson, O - R3
Ewins, DJ - R10
McKeighan, PC - N41
Rachez, X - N32
Miracle, DB - N29
J Miura, N - N45
Ranade, VK - N53
Ransom, JS - N41
Udpa, SS - N31

B F Jang, YS - N46 Murakami, S - N38 Rao, SS - R10

Jeffrey, A - N64 Muravskii, GB - R25 Rosa, R - R51
Balasubramaniam, R - Findeisen, D - R20
Finlay, WH - N63 Juang, Jer-Nan - R17 Roy, GD - N59
Rubin, H - R61
Barker, VA - R3 Fischer-Cripps, AC -
Bathe, KJ - N7
Bedford, A - R24 Fitt, A - N57 K Nagaraj, TS - N45 S Varin, RA - N43
Berghaus, D - N9 Foias, C - R51 Narayanan, S - N15 Vertesy, G - N31
Fu, Bingjun - N34 Kerr, RM - N55
Besdo, D - N8 Neustupa, J - N56 Salencon, J - R4
Khor, KA - N43
Billaux, D - N32 Satofuka, N - N54
Kim, YY - N46
Braun, SG - R10 Schmid, PJ - R52
Kimura, Y - N55
G Kleiber, M - N13
O Schueller, GI - N16

C Gajic, Z - R18
Kulikovskii, AG - R12 Ohno, N - N38
Schuster, RH - N8
Semenov, AY - R12
Kuwano, R - N28
Gantes, CJ - N30 Shibuya, S - N28 Wagoner, RH - R26
Cagan, J - N33 Spanos, PD - N16
Garcia, N - N21 Wang, Sijing - N34
Cambou, B - R1
Goldsmith, W - N14 P Srivatsan, TS - N43 Weichert, D - N36
Chenot, J-L - R26 L Pavo, J - N31
Stolarski, TA - R27 Wong, R - N6
Cherkaev, A - R5 Subramanian, RS - R50
Cumberbatch, E - N57 Lee, ES - N46 Penel, P - N56
H Lee, MW - N46 Phan, Minh Q - R17
Lemaitre, J - N35 Phillips, R - R2 T
D Hart, R - N32 Li, Zhongkui - N34 Pogorelov, NV - R12

Detournay, C - N32
Heasley, KA - N44
Henningson, DS - R52
Liechti, K - R24
Lim, Myo-Taeg - R18
Pokrovskii, VN - N40
Pozrikidis, C - R48
Takagi, T - N31
Tatsuoka, F - N28
Di Prisco, C - R1 Hirschel, EH - N58 Locatelli, A - R19 Prasad, V - N60 Temam, R - R51 Yamamoto, T - R11
Donaldson, SL - N29 Hong, Sung-Wan - N46 Lucas, GF - N41 Preziosi, L - R22 Tien, Chang-Lin - N60 Yoo, CS - N46

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