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Global English 4

Name: …………………………………………………..
Class: …………… Date: ………………………………

A. Listening B. Use of English C. Reading D. Writing

………./5 ………../10 ………./12 …………/10

A. LISTENING – Task 1: Listen and circle the best answer (5 points):

1. You will hear a boy and a girl talking about an evening at
the cinema. Why did the boy leave?
A. He didn’t like the film. B. He didn’t feel well. C. His mother needed him.
2. You will hear two friends talking about a basketball match. Why was the
girl unhappy about it?
A. The team lost the match.
B. One of the players got hurt.
C. The match was boring.
3. You will hear two friends talking about a book they’ve read. They agree
A. It was too long. B. Its end wasn’t clear. C. It was a strange story.
4. You will hear two friends talking about a computer game. The girl is talking
to the boy about it because
A. She would like to borrow something.
B. She wants to ask him something.
C. She has remembered something.
5. You will hear two friends talking about afternoon lessons. What is the boy
learning to do?
A. Play tennis B. Play the guitar C. Play chess
B. USE OF ENGLISH: – Task 2: Read and choose the correct answers (10 points)
1. Plastic is a strong material ……………….. is made by humans.
A. who B. where C. which
2. Mike ……………… when he heard a strange sound last night.
A. was studying B. were studying C. studies
3. Let’s ………………………… waterproof jacket and insect repellent.
A. bring B. bringing C. to bring
4. What about ………………………………… in a tent?
A. sleep B. sleeping C. to sleep
5. What do you enjoy …………… at the weekend?
A. do B. doing C. to do
6. …………………………… quietly when you are at the school library.
A. Talk B. Talking C. To talk
7. Are you keen ……………………… playing rugby in your free time?
A. in B. at C. on
8. Would you like ……………………………with us after school?
A. skateboard B. skateboarding C. to skateboard
9. I ……………… this book last night but I …………………… enjoy it much.
A. read/ didn’t B. read/ don’t C. am reading/ don’t
10. I ……………………… this book three times and I really like it.
A. has read B. have read C. reads
C. READING – Task 3: Read and choose the correct answers (3 points)
1. What must children do?
Your teacher is late
A. Wait for the teacher to choose books
today. Please sit
for them.
quietly and read your
B. Read until the teacher arrives.
book. He will be here
C. Tell the teacher if they want to read.
2. What does this sign say?
A. You should pay for cinema parking in the
shopping centre.
B. People can’t see the film today.
C. Cinema visitors should use a different
car park.

It’s great that you are 3. Why is Sam writing this message?
coming to my birthday A. to check something
party. Mum is making a B. to invite Jo to a party
big cake and there will be C. to ask Mum for help
other food, too. Are you
allergic to something?

C. READING – Task 4: Complete the sentences with given connectives. (4 points)

after when because and

1. My parents both enjoy cycling and hiking.

2. Melting ice is bad for everyone because it makes sea levels rise.
3. Leo unplugs his charger when he doesn’t need it.

4. After visiting the museum, we went to the cinema.

C. READING – Task 5: Read and choose the correct answers. (5 points)

Meet these teenagers, who all like books
My favourite book is about a village in the middle of a forest. Nobody who isn’t
from that village ever goes there. The people who live there want their life and
their village to be a secret. They’re friends with all the animals, too, even frogs!
I’d love to go to that village, but nobody knows where it is! I’m going to read the
book again, I think.
My favourite book tells the story of a girl’s life, from the time she is very small
until she is a teenager. When she is small, her family lives in a big house in the
countryside, then they move to a flat in the city. She loves the city, but she
sometimes misses her old life, too. When I finished the book, I went back to the
first page and started it again!
My favourite book is about a boy who goes camping with his older brother in the
mountains. One day, they see an enormous snake which is as big as a car! They
run away really fast! I don’t like thinking about that snake! But I love the book
because it’s so exciting. I was glad I wasn’t in the mountains with them when I
was reading it, but safe at home!

1. Who reads a scary story?

A. Leila B. Fran C. Jack
2. Who reads a book about changes?
A. Leila B. Fran C. Jack
3. Who describes a mysterious place?
A. Leila B. Fran C. Jack
4. Who talks about a huge animal?
A. Leila B. Fran C. Jack
5. Who has read their favourite book twice?
A. Leila B. Fran C. Jack
D. WRITING – Task 6: Look at Rob’s message. There are five punctuation mistakes. Put
this punctuation into Rob’s message to correct his mistakes.

One full stop (.) One capital letter (ABC) One question mark (?)

One exclamation (!) One apostrophe (‘)

Hi Sam,

I got a new bike for my birthday. This weekend, I’m going cycling with my family

and I can’t wait! We’re taking a train to the beach, then riding our bikes by the sea.

I know you’ve got a good bike. Will your parents let you come with us? You’ll be back

before dinner on Sunday evening.


D.WRITING – Task 8: Read. Write MORE THAN 4 WORDS. (5 points)

1. What are you going to pack for your school trip?

I’m going …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. What did you do on your last summer vacation?

Last summer vacation I…………………………………………………………………………………………………

3. What were you doing at 7 o’clock yesterday?

At 7o’clock yesterday I ………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. How do you feel when you travel by airplane?

When I travel by airplane, …………………………………………………………………………………………

5. What do you think is the most beautiful planet in the solar system?


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