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1. taken up
2. convinced
3. travel
4. achieved
5. fire
6. inspiring
7. motivates
8. growing
9. expecting
10. evaluate

1. I'm sitting
2. I usually go
3. don't want
4. are working
5. will go
6. am going to have
7. are trying
8. don’t find
9. am meeting up

1. plans ➔ is planning
2. is working ➔ works
3. is loving ➔ loves
4. currently takes ➔ is currently taking
5. will visit ➔ is going to visit
6. is knowing ➔ knows

1. in case
2. as though
3. in case of
4. whether
5. even if
6. if
7. if
8. whether
9. if
10. even if

1. unusual
2. traditional
3. competition
4. involves
5. force
6. lasts
7. attract
8. aim
9. challenging
10. considered

1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T
1. exceptional
2. memorable
3. relentless
4. average
5. effective
6. gifted
7. verbal
8. confident
9. willing
10. dedicated

1. was walking
2. saw
3. was sitting
4. was reading
5. walked
6. introduced
7. started
8. spent
9. went
10. felt
11. was living
12. had
13. knew
14. decided
15. had
16. called
17. were talking
18. moved,
19. ran
20. seemed


1. my father was checking his email while he was having some snacks
2. the cat was sitting on the laptop
3. as the teacher was speaking, one of the students fainted in the middle of class
4. we were having a video conference when the Internet connection broke
5. Peter was trying to understand what was wrong with his PC when he realised there was a virus


1. lived
2. showed
3. began
4. helped
5. moved
6. won
7. led
8. continued
9. emphasized
10. struggled

1. His deafness, financial difficulties, and ill health.
2. Christian Gottlob Neefe.
3. He emphasized emotion and individual expression over the formal structures of classical music.
4. 31 years old. (1801-1770)
11. retired
12. guided
13. contributed
14. established
15. dismissed
16. neglected
17. accomplished
18. assessed
19. inspired
20. recognized

21. was walking
22. are having
23. are using
24. are you reading
25. rains
26. I’m thinking of
27. will probably
28. are having
29. speaks
30. are going to
31. is always using
32. Are you playing
33. I’m seeing
34. I’ll help
35. we’ll


6. for not calling me earlier.

7. helping me (to) put these cans away?
8. of watching sci-fi movies.
9. going by car.
10. having any knowledge about the plot. / knowing anything about the plot.


1. It was raining when she decided to take a walk.

2. He cut himself while he was shaving.
3. He broke his leg while he was skiing in the Alps.
4. He had an accident while he was going only 50 km/h.
5. I noticed my wallet wasn't with me when I asked for the bill.

11. painted
12. standing
13. sold
14. felt
15. looked
16. setting
17. turning
18. heard
19. covering
20. expressing
21. become
22. experiences
23. reflected
24. created
25. exhibitions

5. F
6. T
7. F
8. F
9. F

1. scout
2. linesman
3. referee
4. manager
5. physio
6. recruitment
7. candidate
8. stamina
9. attribute
10. obstacle

1. I’ve got
2. haven’t seen
3. has written
4. have became
5. has scored
6. went - haven’t
7. have taken - came
8. took - has taken
9. started - hasn’t received
10. announced - has heard

1. isn't as popular as soccer in Europe
2. is more fun than tennis
3. is less fun than this one
4. is more boring than his first book
5. isn't as tall as my mother

1. Have you ever
2. I haven't finished watching the movie
3. The match just ended
4. I have taken tennis classes since March.
5. He has been a tennis coach for

1. showcases
2. began
3. gained
4. has collected
5. has posted
6. published
7. feature
8. offers
9. shaped
10. has made

1. NS
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F


1. correspondences
2. to captivate
3. dedication
4. audience
5. to preserve

1. hitchhike
2. pursuing
3. conquered
4. set sail
5. broke down
6. took off
7. check in
8. landed
9. commute
10. departs


1. ’s living ➔ has been living / has lived
2. has been finishing ➔ has finished
3. have moved ➔ moved
4. have been becoming ➔ have become
5. ✔
6. have gave ➔ has given
7. have completed ➔ completed
8. has been spending ➔ has spent
9. ✔
10. are making ➔ have been making

1. ago
2. in
3. since
4. during
5. from
6. for
7. since
8. to
9. ago
10. for


1. I have been teaching maths for ten years.

2. I have been to Morocco twice.
3. We have been living in Canada for six months.
4. I have felt / I have been feeling healthier since I quit smoking six months ago.
5. It has been raining since yesterday.

1. has had
2. struggled
3. made
4. left
5. started
6. stirred
7. set
8. founded
9. began
10. expanded
11. has demonstrated
12. has been working
13. stepped
14. have captivated
15. has pushed
16. have made
17. has become
18. has been
19. has supported
20. have shaped


1. He struggled with a learning disability called dyslexia.

2. He left school at the age of sixteen.
3. He supports alternative learning methods and has been a lifelong advocate for them due to his own
experiences with dyslexia.
4. It was "Student," a magazine.
5. His relentless pursuit of adventure, dedication to philanthropy, ability to identify opportunities, and transform

1. inspection
2. maintenance
3. aviation
4. separation
5. agility
6. aggression
7. pace
8. marking
9. tackle
10. development


1. have gone > have been to
2. wrote > has written
3. have bought > bought
4. built > has built
5. has written > wrote

1. The burglar alarm has been ringing since eight o'clock.
2. Fiona and Sam haven't been talking since they argued furiously last week.
3. He has been on the phone with his girlfriend for half an hour.
4. He has taken lots of pictures since he started his journey about a year ago.
5. I have had this car for about a year.


1. lost
2. made
3. continued
4. graduated
5. began
6. wanted
7. left
8. was performing
9. attracted
10. won
11. became
12. has starred
13. has captivated
14. has picked up
15. has fought
16. has been
17. has pushed
18. has been taking
19. expressed
20. threatened

1. T
2. F
3. T
4. T
5. F


1. statue
2. shrine
3. tomb
4. relic
5. excavation
6. ancestors
7. attraction
8. structure
9. Religion
10. invasion


1. had never had any previous experience

2. hadn't met each other
3. the first time I had seen that movie
4. I were you, I would
5. you study hard
6. you consume fewer calories
7. were less cluttered / had less clutter
8. I wouldn't buy a brand-new car
9. after she had done the dishes
10. I had finished eating dinner



1. decided
2. entered
3. was carrying
4. was walking
5. fell
6. broke
7. checked
8. had brought
9. remembered
10. drank
11. had turned
12. realized
13. was
14. used
15. adapted
16. made
17. felt
18. found
19. spread
20. shared
21. connected

1. Alex's love for exploring unknown places.

2. He used his resourcefulness to find shelter and search for food in the rainforest.
3. Alex's family organized search parties to find him. They never gave up hope and continued their search.
4. Determination and creativity can lead to unexpected victories. He inspired others to persevere and find
solutions in challenging circumstances.



1. has been taking up

2. went on
3. is composing
4. leads
5. tend
6. defeated
7. compete
8. requires
9. took off
10. departs


1. C
2. D
3. B

Audio Scripts

1. You will hear a tennis coach talking to his student. Listen and answer the question.

Instructor: I must say, Sheila, your performance in hitting the ball is truly remarkable. You've always had a natural
talent for it, and I'm genuinely impressed. So, that's something to be really proud of.
Sheila: Thank you, but I'm aware that there are other aspects of my game that need improvement.
Instructor: Absolutely, Sheila. While your ball-hitting skills are great, it's essential to focus on enhancing your agility
and court movement. That will play a vital role in your overall game.
Sheila: I understand. Is there anything else you'd recommend?
Instructor: Well, Sheila, your physical fitness is quite good, but I believe it's really important for you to work on
increasing your stamina as well. In our next lesson, let's discuss strategies and exercises that can help you achieve that.
Additionally, I'd like to analyse a video of your game together so that we can have a more thorough understanding of
areas that need improvement.
Sheila: That sounds great. Let's proceed with that video analysis.

2. You will hear Alan talking about how he’s been lately to his friend Jennifer. Listen and answer the

Alan: Lately, I've been feeling quite down, Jennifer. I'm just not doing well.
Jennifer: Oh no, what's been going on, Alan?
Alan: It's hard to explain. I've been feeling a sense of boredom and a lack of purpose in my life.
Jennifer: I understand how that can be overwhelming. Have you considered exploring new hobbies or activities?
Remember how you used to be passionate about photography? Maybe you can revisit that interest. It could bring you
a sense of fulfilment.
Alan: That's an interesting idea. Can I see a recent photo you took? Wow, that's a stunning shot! The colours of the
flower are so vibrant.
Jennifer: Thank you, but I think there's room for improvement. I need to get closer to the subjects, but it's challenging
without a better lens.
Alan: Why not invest in a new lens then?
Jennifer: Well, I've been saving up for it, but it turns out the lens I want is more expensive than I expected.
Alan: You know what? I might be able to help you with that.
Jennifer: Really? That would be incredible! But are you sure?
Alan: Absolutely. I believe in the power of pursuing your passions, and if photography brings you joy, then I want to
support you in any way I can. Let's figure out how we can make it happen together.
3. You hear a boy and girl talking about entering a competition at school. Listen and answer the

The girl: Mike, it's very important that we practice for the poetry competition on Thursday. The competition is tough,
and there are some exceptionally talented participants in the other teams.
The boy: I'm not sure how we can really practice. We still haven't figured out how to conclude the poem we started a
month ago. We're missing the final part.
The girl: Remember when we discussed how much easier it would be if we prepared ourselves in advance? We could
test each other's knowledge and see if we remember the remaining parts of the poem.
The boy: I understand, but I have tennis training tonight and tomorrow night. How about you try to complete that last
part, and we can practice together tomorrow after school?
The girl: Alright, I'll seek help from my uncle. He's a local writer, and I'm sure he can guide me in finishing the poem.

1. have experimented
2. have been honing
3. has featured
4. caught
5. have been engaged
6. has been
7. come
8. wake up
9. encounter
10. was working

1. When I noticed Peter, he was trying to take a picture of a flower in the garden.
2. While I was doing my homework, the lights went off.
3. I last ate sushi three years ago. / The last time I ate sushi three years ago.
4. It started raining while we were having picnic. / It started raining while we were in the middle of picnic.
5. Take your trench coat with you in case the weather changes suddenly.
6. He has been able to play the guitar since he was seven years old.


1. B
2. C
3. A
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. A
14. B
15. A

Students’ Own Paragraphs.


1. overpopulation
2. biodiversity
3. pollutants
4. disposal
5. Deforestation
6. exploration
7. emissions
8. eruption
9. precautions
10. campaign

1. didn't she
2. will we
3. haven't you
4. aren't I
5. can't he
6. isn't it
7. doesn't she
8. shouldn't we
9. will you
10. does he

1. (that / which)
2. that / which
3. where
4. (that / which)
5. where
6. (who / that)
7. (that / which)
8. who
9. which
10. (that / which)

1. who tutors my son in maths
2. whose car is the most expensive car
3. where we stayed during our summer holiday
4. when we meet at lunch.
5. whom you criticized in your review yesterday / (who/that) you criticized in your review yesterday


1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. A
6. C
7. B
8. A
9. C
10. A


1. extinct
2. altitude
3. debris
4. landslide
5. harbour
6. cliff
7. stream
8. monument
9. ruins
10. relics

1. had answered my calls, I would have been able to get the tickets for the concert.
2. left the house late, we wouldn't have missed the train.
3. become a teacher today if my father hadn't encouraged me to be one.
4. feeling well, I would have been able to attend the party.
5. hadn't had a knee injury, they wouldn't have lost the match.

1. I had never met him before.
2. By the time we got to the site, the archaeologists had already started digging.
3. They had been married for ten years when they finally had a kid.
4. After I had read the book, I saw the movie.
5. By the time we arrived at the station, the train had already left.

1. diminishing
2. ancestors
3. generation
4. species
5. population

1. Salmon, berries, trout, and seal.
2. Climate change makes the ice vanish which makes hunting and travel more challenging for the Inuit in Rigolet.
3. Because it is a safer and more convenient alternative to hunting and gathering meals.
4. Because they have been searching for suitable habitats and food sources.
5. Pottle is concerned that the skills and knowledge passed down through generations may soon become
irrelevant because of climate change.


1. indigenous
2. tribe
3. healer
4. descendant
5. treaty
6. community
7. assimilation
8. poverty
9. discrimination
10. Deforestation

1. must be expecting
2. couldn't have been
3. might have damaged
4. should check out of the hotel
5. are expected to take three weeks
6. could have taken part
7. should have done
8. must be tired
9. must have studied hard
10. couldn't have studied

1. that he had never seen that movie
2. that I would be flying to Istanbul the following
3. that she thought she could help me with my
4. asked me if I had ten dollars
5. me to close my

1. B
2. A
3. C
4. C
5. A
6. B
7. B
8. B
9. C
10. A


1. underestimate
2. indulge
3. conduct
4. knit
5. pursue
6. explore
7. correspond
8. transform
9. hold
10. craft

1. somewhere
2. anything
3. Everyone
4. nothing
5. everything
6. anybody
7. anywhere
8. nobody
9. somebody
10. something
11. nowhere
12. Everywhere
13. somewhere
14. everything
15. nothing

1. will have gone
2. will have finished
3. will not have handed
4. will have arrived
5. will have gotten

1. I would prefer not to drink coffee. / I don’t prefer drinking tea
2. He would rather play soccer than basketball.
3. He would rather not fly.
4. He would prefer coffee to tea. / He prefers coffee to tea.
5. He would rather watch sci-fi movies than romantic movies.

1. A. pursue
2. C. setting out
3. B. purpose
4. C. issued
5. C. remote
6. A. emerged
7. C. revolutionized
8. B. issued
9. A. purchased
10. A. temporary



1. puppet
2. dice
3. sculpture
4. exhibition
5. imagination
6. poetry
7. pottery
8. poverty
9. discrimination
10. malnutrition


1. that he was the best footballer
2. to wash my hands
3. that his daughter had never been to
4. she would be flying to New York that night
5. the plane hadn't taken off on time

1. is ➼ isn't
2. Anyone ➼ No one / Nobody
3. anywhere ➼ everywhere
4. anything ➼ something
5. anywhere ➼ everywhere

1. supposed
2. acceptable
3. should
4. expected
5. shouldn't

1. may
2. could
3. could
4. must
5. must


1. heritage
2. labour
3. conflicts
4. adapt
5. identity
6. hold
7. equal
8. debates
9. diseases
10. maintain

1. Y
2. T
3. T
4. T
5. Y


11. clasped
12. gathered
13. avoided
14. notified
15. expressed
16. illustrated
17. received
18. captivated
19. announced
20. developed

16. When was Instagram bought by Facebook?
17. Which languages are spoken in India?
18. Will smartphones be replaced by AR glasses in the near future?
19. How many books have been written about this topic so far?
20. Who was the book Gulliver's Travels written by?

6. The data is analysed by the team to improve communication strategies.
7. Video conferencing should be implemented for remote collaboration.
8. The results of the survey will be discussed in the meeting tomorrow.
9. The research findings were presented by the team during the conference.
10. A new communication app has been launched by the company.

1. C. founded
2. A. came about
3. B. connecting
4. A. expanding
5. B. valid
6. A. features
7. B. provided
8. C. experiences
9. B. express
10. A. impact


21. wealth
22. payments
23. savings
24. bankrupt
25. investment
26. budget
27. fintech
28. loan
29. bills
30. account

21. careful
22. carefully
23. thick
24. easy
25. easily
26. hard
27. good
28. well
29. bad
30. badly

11. I had checked the time.
12. I hadn't left school at such a young age.
13. I had enough money to buy a new smartphone.
14. I had taken a gap year before starting college.
15. I had his number.

1. A. financial
2. C. loan
3. B. property
4. A. interest
5. B. decision
6. A. wealth
7. C. carry out
8. C. consider
9. B. budgeting
10. A. gathering



1. advertisement
2. pay cheque
3. bargain
4. discount
5. profit
6. approval
7. messenger
8. hieroglyphics
9. distress
10. budget

31. close
32. closely
33. freely
34. free
35. shortly
36. short
37. hardly
38. hard
39. near
40. nearly

16. I could afford a new laptop right now.
17. interest rates were lower. / interest rates weren't so high.
18. I hadn't taken out a student loan.
19. I had a steady income to pay off my debts.
20. I wish I had studied harder at school.


1. My parcel is going to be delivered today.

2. The new school is still being built.
3. A solution has not yet been found.
4. A new fintech company was founded by them.
5. The loan will be repaid early without a penalty.

1. A. security
2. B. budget
3. C. saving
4. B. income
5. B. expenses
6. C. paying off
7. A. reducing
8. A. investments
9. B. habits
10. C. steps

1. came up with

2. take up

3. took off

4. set off

5. go on
6. coped with

7. broke down

8. go for

9. turned into

10. account for


1. extraordinary

2. prodigy

3. flair

4. gifted

5. imagination

6. epic

7. makeshift

8. solution

9. shortage

10. homemade

11. indigenous

12. heritage



You are going to hear a conversation between two friends. You are going to hear the conversation twice. Pay
attention and then answer the questions.

Sarah: So, John, what are your plans for the upcoming week?

John: Not much, really. I was thinking of checking out the new art gallery in town this weekend. I wanted to ask if
you'd like to come along.

Sarah: Are you talking about The Brushstroke Gallery?

John: Yes, that's the one! I've heard some positive reviews about it.

Sarah: Well, the initial reviews were good, but lately, they seem to have become less favourable.

John: Oh, really? That's surprising.

Sarah: Yes, my cousin's friend visited there recently, and she mentioned having a pretty disappointing experience.

John: What happened? My coworker mentioned that he had a great time there.

Sarah: Well, first of all, you can't make reservations. It's a walk-in only gallery. So, when they arrived, there was a long
line outside. It wasn't pleasant for both the visitors already inside and those waiting to get in. Then, when they finally
entered, they found out that the gallery had run out of the artworks from the featured exhibition, and they had to
settle for the less impressive permanent collection. The staff tried their best, but it seemed they were overwhelmed.

John: When did your cousin's friend visit?

Sarah: It was a weekday afternoon, so it wasn't even the busiest time. I feel sorry for the staff—they have to handle all
the complaints. They definitely need to come up with a better system.

John: I understand your concern, but if we go on Sunday, we should be able to explore the gallery easily. We won't go
too late, just after it opens. One of my colleagues mentioned that some of the contemporary art pieces were
fascinating. Plus, I don't mind spending a little more and purchasing something from the gallery shop.

Sarah: Well, I guess we can give it a try...

John: Great! We should definitely check it out. I've been wanting to find a new gallery to appreciate art, and you have
a great eye for it too. All my friends are more into sports!

Sarah: My partner is too. He wouldn't be interested in visiting a gallery unless it had a sports-themed exhibition!

John: Well then, let's give it a shot!

Sarah: Okay, but if it turns out to be disappointing, I get to choose our next cultural outing, deal?

John: Fair enough. I'll also search online for any special events or promotions or discounts they might have. It's always
nice to get a little extra value.

Sarah: Alright, and I'm sure it'll be an interesting experience since it's a new gallery. Even if things don't go perfectly,
there's a charming sculpture garden nearby, so we have an alternative option if needed.

John: That sounds like a good plan. Well, let's see what this gallery has in store for us! It's exciting to have a new
artistic venue in town.

1. C. Mixed.

2. C. One of Sarah’s cousin’s friends.

3. A. The art gallery was too busy.

4. A. Lack of organization.

5. B. They should still try visiting there.

6. C. John’s friends and Sarah’s partner.

7. C. He’s going to try to find some discounts.

8. C. They will visit another place where they can see art.



1. comes

2. is studying

3. is planning
4. will need

5. wants

6. had been

7. decided

8. is organizing / is going to organize

9. is going to join

10. has started

11. is going to be

12. lives

13. has been pursuing

14. was working

15. met

16. fell

17. built

18. will have been


1. The thief must have had a key because the door was locked and nothing was broken.

2. She could have gone on holiday with us last month, but she didn't want to.

3. I told Michael that I would be joining him the next day.

4. I hadn't been to the UK for three years.

5. When I walked into his room, he was still reading the book.

6. That is the man whose great grandfather opened up this shop.

7. If you had let me know, I would have bought concert tickets for you.

8. "If I were you, I would get more exercise," Alan said to me.

9. I would rather talk about something different.

10. By the time Alice arrived, I had already started doing the dishes.


1. A. experienced

2. C. while
3. D. could

4. B. which

5. A. diversity

6. B. droughts

7. C. which

8. B. depleted

9. C. obstacles

10. D. maintain


Students’ own stories.

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