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Principles of

Effective Writing
Learning Objectives:

➢ Determine the properties of a well written text.

➢ Identify the components and structure of an effective essay.
➢ Identify the cohesive and coherent features of texts
➢ Identify the language and mechanics used in a text
➢ Write an essay that reflects properties of a well written text
Paragraph vs. Essay
A composition can either be a paragraph or an essay.

A paragraph is a group of interrelated sentences that talks

about one main idea.

An essay is a group of paragraphs that talks about one central

Paragraph Essay
Organized around a topic sentences Organized around a thesis
Contains introductory sentences Contains introductory paragraph
Uses sentences to explain major points Uses paragraph to explain major points
May use a concluding sentences Always use a concluding paragraph
Components of a Text or
Is composed of three major parts:
Topic Sentence – the central idea of the paragraph
Body – mostly consist of supporting details
Supporting Details – sentences that clarify and prove the main idea
Cohesive Devices – transitional devices, pronouns, or repetition
of ideas used in order for all the sentence to be linked properly
Closing Sentence – concludes the details that has been presented
Unlike paragraph an essay has a more elaborate structure.
It is divided into three general parts:
a. Major Point 1
Introduction 1. Minor point 1
2. Minor point 2 - Reiteration of thesis statement
- Lead Or Attention getter
b. Major Point 2 - Transitional statement/Reiteration of
- Transitional Statement
1. Minor point 1 purpose, benefit and recommendation
- Thesis statement
2. Minor point 2 - Closing statement
c. Major Point 3
1. Minor point 1
2. Minor point 2
Rules in Writing a Composition


- A lead or attention-getter is the first statement in the essay which

aims to hook the readers
- Followed by transitional statement – the sentence which links the lead
to the thesis statement
- Provides a background on the topic
- The last part is the thesis statement that states the main Idea
or argument of the essay
Rules in Writing a Composition

Transitional Paragraphs
- a paragraph that does not directly provide support
to a thesis statement.
- It function as a bridge of one paragraph to another.
Rules in Writing a Composition


- It acts as a meat of the essay.

- It discusses the thesis statement in details through its paragraphs.
- This is where the topic is developed and where the arguments
are laid out.
Rules in Writing a Composition

- Must begin with restating of the thesis statement using a different
Structure and wording to uphold the language style.
- Followed by transitional Statement that talks about the
Recommendations, benefits of ideas presented, or purpose of writing
an essay.
- Finally a closing statement – used to wrap up the essay.
- One strategy is connect an essay to the attention-getter
in the introduction.
Properties of a Well-Written Text

1. Unity
2. Coherence and Cohesion
3. Organization
4. Language Use
5. Mechanics
Properties of a Well-Written Text


- Is achieved when a composition contains one

focused idea.
- All supporting ideas must be relevant
to the main thought
- Without unity, the text will be confusing.
Properties of a Well-Written Text

Properties of a Well-Written Text

Coherence and Cohesion:

- Are achieved when ideas are logically, clearly, and smoothly linked
to one another
- Without this, the reader may not comprehend your composition.
- Coherence occurs when ideas are connected at the conceptual
or idea level
- Cohesion is the connection of ideas at the sentence level.
Properties of a Well-Written Text

Coherence and Cohesion:

- Cohesion can be applied using three technique

- 1) Use of Pronouns – to refrain from using specific word repeatedly.

- 2) Use of Transitional devices – to connect sentences with linked
- 3) Repetition of keywords – to tie up the paragraphs subtly.
Properties of a Well-Written Text

- Is achieved when ideas are logically and accurately arranged.

- Knowledge of the parts of the composition is a great help in adhering

to the correct organization of ideas.

- Sentences within a paragraph must be organized logically.

Properties of a Well-Written Text

Language use:
- The way a language is used is one of the clearest indicators of a
well -written text

- Enables writer to effectively communicate ideas without confusing

the reader.

- Has following time-tested principles in writing

Properties of a Well-Written Text

1) Use Clear and Concise sentences:

- Average word per sentence is 18.

- But not necessarily every sentences must 18 words exactly

Properties of a Well-Written Text

1) Use clear and concise sentences.

Properties of a Well-Written Text

2) Avoid redundancies, wordiness, clichés, and high falutin language.

Properties of a Well-Written Text

3) Avoid excessive use of there and it structures.

Properties of a Well-Written Text

4) Use precise vocabulary - condense lengthy words into fewer words

Properties of a Well-Written Text

5) Be consistent with your pronoun’s point of view.

Properties of a Well-Written Text

6) Avoid sexist language

- Use articles (a, an and the) - Use plural pronouns
- Use his or her instead of his - Use second person point of view
- Using gender neutral – neutral nouns (chairperson instead of chairwoman)
- Don’t overuse his or her technique
Properties of a Well-Written Text

7) Use appropriate level of formality.

Properties of a Well-Written Text
- This is the set of conventions on how to spell, abbreviate,
punctuate, and capitalize a composition.

Some standards to observe:

✓ Always use Standard English.
✓ Avoid contractions.
✓ Avoid exclamation marks.
✓ Mention full name of institutions followed by abbreviations inside parentheses.
✓ Numbers from zero to ten should be spelled out.
✓ Citations are used in academic and formal texts – however they are sparingly used
in business texts.
Properties of a Well-Written Text

That’s All Thanks

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