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~nuiliaialeeiane d. een 2 Mives : ispomg/t , Notermine i) Film, ii) BODs loting_ ia a waR 0.69" | = Eariset i Fim = 0.029 ‘i wee. ill ae iC) Ads loading ole (OLR) 47 mali lo mg a ee 4 Reed f.9hT hs Z J mptiaD— 7 __|_Rale oF oneness in eS 2 os : aa —.— 600 0g eee a = B)e39.aa%% Sooxlo3¢g/m) 5 Gay) 549.99 > 650 kg | do 2: @0r eq = 1:49 (2000) (0 24- 0.03) 1-42 xSP = 1658-6 Icq Lume = assume flm pet” 0:2 to 0-6 ond x bet” 3000 tp 5000 mol es Oe 2B a XM i check for @ — [4 to fhe] —_—}—theck qua: oe 0.8 be afafae fod al ‘1 lengths 8 brodth 4 Retain _ootivakd sludge (afi) secycla tabi = 4 * Ge z PANGS: (0) K0)\50)170 i es Com git [9 Powor ; I assne. sure cera + [1% tn 26 nyGa Jib) 2 R L = Qik i E i i T e 4 (e [02 to o<] assume Fim: 0+3 [5000 }o se00mll) | x= 400mg) Fle = QSe = ; I xv 0.9 = savomd/d x I30mgld g000 mg/L x Vv ee eed I Chock = Ve 5297 T sy hes 6.5 b @ 7000 > eae ——____decrease Fim _rabi Ot Bb * 9000.0 18.0, apes - Jooor $6667 4% = 6. by. 4000 000K 01 Fy fm —"g- CYNE, [dey —f 0 ace BY sien. a length a Ha: Ste = 3p { = 3m Ween 6ee7 H 3 = OfE-59 258-69 96-29 9m 29-49 assume Xaz 10000-s[ 400 fo Taecorgl = G00e = 060 Joove- 9000 = 10days N Qe Xin lod = goo mglt (666.07 )m> Qa x foceo rg/t Qu = 26 m3/da ae ci 5 -15days) = 1 kg Qafhg@00,) wemovol x (Se - 5)» @ 1 x G000 x (6:19-0:03) - 440k 16:33 Jeg @60— 0, | he. Whot horrors | le: days an poe thon 16da a | if @& Sdays 4 5000 to Taecoryl aa = 10-8 te! rn a ; NWS e1Ke)\ Kel 70) Gettled Sludge Bulking Sludge Lous micto.orgonisms art —tespons:ble fob Is 01 [Denitrification — formoatnn of oitregen gas bubbles - a ufts up nd ogee quality, of the clarified effluent. a lion Mappene=t__ le walt a ng. _high_nihole cancentrotivn i ol Pde ee io Fluent of ae a Lhen nifroles cancentotian. clarifier afon —activoled plont °; = s-tmoll + demp ore mm. 1 ond Clarifier during tis usuol 1 he delenton tre = Sdlutigh 4 ai - allowing_tis enhy jote the 99 clarifier. = LL eb en Ling ©) oxicoton Pond (stabilisation Pawnds\— od te suspension _gromth evn Gy £429 On paltamlayan centr - Shobilis ation oe Require more land i a gy al fe Cheaper than Asp ied alanis Cokie — POL C1O h elp———_| Advantages = ______— vail ” a atest ahaitic ts ih maint enonte tant 10 Very. mio. Very minor illo chilled supervision is Hg.uired ot ony.shage of oo Mnshuchion or operation. ce a upset dus a Fluctuotion.s 1o te load INST OR NKo) one weeding 4 bboo_edauks tbe banks GF the pang. snd bushes ote “the oxidation Pag | ae » fron the bes — 3 aes = tt a a ade loyer 4 ameerobic fend products. Cont H+ CH,) ~ 2 Tore .significonk ton hibublon ts by aerobic mode |- 70% tu gor of ePFtcfenoy < _ AX SHOTON OPPO SE Design Cpileric oa nd ——_ OLR xe a 3. $= p]_ Depth —> 5m _ to Om re Shallom — cernbt oe ding. | agree 3 Anacerobic Delention time @ — 6 to dodo : @= HAs g romani ; RieBan lof oa) Foud por unit area Chaclak) per unth day OLR = QSe ] As. es g. SE Determinahn of OLR fire: oxidatran -pund Semmerempornty te boGtChes a a OLR = 90% = 120° aoe med yvolues Fare opp. wale fir i st level Cre | kh _ ephore 15-4 Sky clon ban: ae p altitude — eT ect at ON OLR cop sacted = — 14 0,008 ( elevol Te-mde Br Ie? OLR = 275 eens OlReoniect = 1+ 0.005 (272) 97: 64 _kg BODs / ho. day | OT eos th onda fy Std) fo. ky loa wednco bs 99 Solar insolation | Solar padi a : Sp = sDlor radiation ayailahle Galtomy |en*d ) Ovg Sg =_ min + (mox-min) skf SkF = Sky cleence factor 4_»_P_dgm of al Ak calor + 6000 statin oe [4 gm oF cee Predure gn Oy a a TO, produton= 190 —9 ql \ Ge=) Tan Pry (OnKe sSNA 5, | age. fae ee | liege Populated saith 4000 pep. ie E = | poeiieetn ies Sot coe aoe 2 BoD F Sctrooned a | S§0mell Given Jacobean 19° ra, 20g HC, eres Sky. clopimeneaie eS ie 4000 x GOL = 960900 Uday = 20 . = 200m/ da: ‘ae OLR 7 - From [Ss code °N OLR ! 20 250 I 16 $6995 095 i 7 26675 OLR ot 17° = 267-15 Ko BODs/ hoday 96 __Comection Far elevation > Z CORE Unie 26r- 12: 28 I } +0005 (5-5) | OiR' = 261-56 |. Surfare ora Ac As: QS + OLR 4 = 900 mld x01 15 Kkglm> - 19 61 56 = 0-I ho As = loop ‘ Ad: 100 + 020 (7:5)7- 11008 it © 1095 x 1100 ee. vial oe PT eo 3 wi ail ‘ Y 1900 pp pei h ke. le 2 bhm assumed, ee —ae p00 KI = 1800 md " 5 v 1 foo 9 fbi es | z . days ee 8 - Modified ASP. = for Smollecale upho 14akh %a| sa | Populotion + Sst ges : | > @xlendad oerotur ——— = No need of PST “a = aerahian by cope cerniur + Mix the alr § Waker — at ; ally Submerged in woke 4. partially My ~¥—$——— Gir mee - 4. Shoe te roinied oF ep oo ae — - Vol of waler displaced hy cage Gerakar = = ho- ison{ - + Copacity, tnt any — + Design; porhenalise ieee Pa j find >_ 0-05 te ° a Lyd Ce . or Pooh ii. Qe + 15-20day S00 engl — - 2040s /aPday = ES | Bees. 0-75 i et gt Os fg 0g —_—_ ze) Yitongth ofaerator js" geake of Jand Jn Vol™ displaced per en Ww: 14@x 0.25) —— Sez asomglt $ CFFluent GOP. =2ocmgt( A. i Pe a umpHion _ Fl = 0-1? ky BOD /icg tucs.d X_= 3000 mg] Oval" Fim 2 QSe xy nd l = Qomeidx Iso mgit ie 73600 Cogil x 9.10 ky BOs Jxgmuss. day Viz 169 m3 y 9 Check_fa- a @ = dvdaiiegie? 4. 20 = 20h» 2 [n- 26h) : | ~G 200 8 /d i] I DIR = QSo = 900x025 = 0-30 kg poD< frit doy — [0-103] — ae] 7 1 Z a — ee is Correct. pl Rs ee ——— a = xe X ee — haa i ella oe | Bia yoooe-3600 hla | fea ys ais oe Are | Se = 0-43%20 A\ SHOT ON OPPO ACY 64 8, fos) kyu] bo. 3 > transfer 9.5 kegO. | rm fhe Sage bile ~ meirrcrs J) EES ed} es = Vol fa Val displaced perm —3 180 br*%/rn [ire -150] (67. L2m Iso J = 0:56 YO-6 Provide 1:0 66 Wz 06+ 20.25 =]: b = 2K C)K0.25) = 245m As = —l1on® = (LxW)x2 4 TY, Hy zl yaw Ty xW betet- = 1 x axhl + 0. 95 2 +05, + | Lf Lg, ee Se Fe Olin. 2 Colculota the dia mensian of AL_of complele mia LW flaw = 0 90rald , 8005 of= 180 Jog BODs. For i i) Complete mix cerctian Cae ae = 0:5 kg B00. | bd ond min Het: Shr Tees Qu teeta tones WO. 360m8 -@: 360 x2) 2 ge Vv os {oo m3 [0 = Vi 2 8 v5hre $00" /day : __ = V+ Shr 900m?/ doy ) 2uhr ‘ a ; [v= 7-5 mi} a _ Deltemin voJ™ of Ar for Q= ji 226 »£E Bing G21, ky 2 0674"! | Or2 18d, x2 2500ms] Uy. patil (buitenia decoy so = Imp = jovemtlday NE gO (5 5 si G (1+ ka) Bee Q500xV- 06 x 1000 mday (200° - 0 Bf x) Wadey (1+ 06215) Ys 66.94 md Gs NVA Ye Y sp Y 2 NET 433 Sb, ae = y ee eee, 0: 566gBODs fod = 36090 m>] da x 0-1¥0 ky BOOs |m> oe Mal of ar G@adeoen Lgomgld. 8005 eee 2500 = a ny Memeo: Vlmasesnis oo ed noite Hlatd Sena upp BEASVAG © 34 36e8%4 }2000 = 7-Thr BERS ss tobe ampinloined ue ee Ae: 0-35 aVv 0:36 = [2000 x Ié0 ax 3857 X= Ieoomal 12)\0/3\ aoa P jagical. Filleration- ——_—_—_—— = Gnsisis. of _cpen bods of coats _9.99-— 4=Setdoge Is_sptinkled inlermitlently — i -necessory conlact surfom for grein of Oerahits a f _ bed Attached growth __ 4 _-Design Ch’ kei. fir teeole TR _ ae NRC ws (Noting) Research conbe) a cp ee Volume. ee ewarsee DE ficiency uf tickling fille Es Recirculation Fackue Fa tte R= Qe M 1+ 0dR™ g = ree : fur LRE 2 ae , 1 Pre Bile ee Depth oe coedin 2 Atom EE ea Hip = Q+ OR mI nerd | As ~ fir HREs, Hie: 10 to Go m{mday + for IRE Lares 1 to 4 @ )mrda Vv ‘fir HRE, O1@ = 0-32 tp 1.0 + for LOAF, Oj R > 0-D§ tp 0-92 foe_4p swith Bon, of primary Ef Fluent — effluent Bong 220mg) i 4663 ee es ais nine [= 1s* VRaOr 130emq])_and 28. Rati S| “al ee ae = I 120 1 4 Li-4] » pesumeee e Ete cane St PAOte. Gooon go: 0-497 — ae Vx208 Goooxl3a _. 01K fiabiidpsniete aos \ e Vx2.08 : E Ve ae nn - +— ms — hae |e bil \ % lame a #,_Objective of recirculation- he 9 Dilution of in Fluent 5 2 Higher strength of Hit con be treated Z J 4) To Indure the hydeclic ehedb and mointcin sickness of ae a a i a Be on a ee ood coe Se oe lasS in Solid ae Primary Slude Secondary Sludge aa, OE Bo Fy 05 to 27 Le 92 to 96 995 to aty | . Ib vss 20 161. Chineolid) | Cmoe_me bacterial eludgl a —_HeDewalering Pasy DiPErcult i. E =PS is mow fibkous in |. ss is more Flocculent | notuwe —|-Hhen floc (6e% Farmed in , this. hence difficult | | |_fo seperale waler from SS —___t Odour | mae le OddO NO LOHS \W TSS in _¢MLD-= 900 mg/1 x 4000 x10 1200 kg ldoy 1s) _pisposal. Bl oor conten a Thickening oF sludge rl Thickeni og Mysto kg —__—_ +007 cpetuied > Mass of f i i Mrs. 260k Raw Sludge Thicken sludge 1007- present in thicken sludge only walt is sernoved. “a 1/9 0/8) d)0 a oS a | i Lows take _digestor Pe a i High peaked ip este aes ai [clear arabe Ve rid | 2one pgs ]rm3 i active digeston| zone oot i a Laverya J]. shotified i — < = No mjxin: p Nininieten sie Bib con fy.30mt —_—|:—hattam hoppered Floor slopes lil to fg | considering. “eluds digeliun preeess 15 linear | Ve: Row sludge odded jer day, mld Yo: equivalent digested sludge produced per doy on ave | complet ian of digestion _.P] d ~ t Bg Digestion period. a ay & oa ~ Wd) (igves om) _. (kgves [m3 dey ) ry . Q___ Design anaerobic digadar fpr #low_oF. ay hong eet Follows info Tes hem Pst 22004 TS$ in py" 2900. mgl1_..%:.Soli'ds fn. 05: S/eeS = 707. Gov. Ys ot dashoyed in cigesik-» ¥ Solid in egy g 4 sludge» 4/.9p_gr-of PS: 104 SSR gr. oF digesing ~e z= | a | Sudlge. 106 as =: timary sludge Ee Iss > 0704 qvoor@/da™ 300x103 kg/m > 840 kg. TSS /doy = vss O7ng4O2 Sad kg Vss/doy tsa ee F5S_:_952 kg F5s.fofoy a 3 i Ve: Ms ao fs i? $40 606 x 1000% 1 0G Ve = 1615 mid ee —_____-Digasied ..shidge i __FSS_in_Ds = 252kg'fos/day }_| vss G07. deshoyed _femains : 407, ___ 7a VS 2 0GOx SFR —— ! = 235.5 kg V5S/doy “Ts5__: 235.6¢ 952 =: 467.5 kg 15s Jday Vos Tie s % $0 Seu : gga 0.05 X 1000} .05 58 m3]a- Vo = Qs_: lo day. V: fies tse] ado £ 59Xlo Vie ares me ys 888 Ika Ves Jay oe Sey 1 = vo? eee a | Loe a hen Fi e@ 4 conhiFicication : é a ’ i. Cenbifuse i a Vaccum filberatian ld Prescure fillerotion (belt Altebotion)— 4] Sludge drying. beds. H + 0 in-car a | Dispasal_of sseonge (Traced untreated) ] Dulubian —io._dispase!- a =a 100 = _DO_ of yiver: a = DOE aN Oftaarle wjunenoki, —_ 9 Rex Fiver s =P — _S" = _cony ion -1— __ et bat 1s tthen_pubeccible argonit_motier (sewage) discharged - Sr Gat (lois: ‘Sm (oat Quad Stain = Sade + SoQp i, hi OR t OD ai by + This ¢4" is gpplicable separately to cancenhotion of t difReta+ jenpurities, Such 06 _Orygan cenkat .60n, Tt nthe sa of. i ui —T ] 9) Sedimentation . ss (Settleable salidc) ui/ aI cls. settle : ee oer inte tHe bed ie d, solar Rodiation = yO |. Bleaching and_stabilsing effect oF bacterig Ye: Photo yhe action’ Solar mdiction helps certain rnicio- m L-onisms to derive energy from _it ood Conve tromselve ‘into food Rir other farms of 1iFe, thus absorbing (0, _ ond HlaGsing O, by process koan_os_phito sates a oxidation : rr page ej = Cniclofion of_axganis moter inseoge will stort as __ i | iver wolee Canlain DO. (consumption cf Do Decritfstion) _ ge = DiFfiiciency ¢f DO will_be. Filled up by otmosheric oxygeo Fiver SS heonnco_ noturcliy oercled.-Recxigenation) -(eareo4ion) ___ ie Prncass continue till Om has been camplelely axidised. — = renoted | Reduction =~ —__— ct = Due in_bydrolysis of arganic potter sett lod ct the bottom lias fe ie bathe, chemically ar biolygicnl by. ——— 7 : help in_splitting ths Caroplex ogni — ‘ sani by De oxygenation zone Cort = +! Variation ka distance. \We ———bl+ Bkp abki > Dos: _— +B kor = kp Checny=28 z —— caren ts ee oF argonic_ matte Qa! So Ae = Sena Casa ae Se {= 00 concentokien falls to 2ero 3 anacrabse conds |. _Pvotubien ef gases likeSreauacnemecge ere os $-turbid_, [--coctain_longt> juct be loc the ppuind of Senge deeee +shudge a, or j- —D0_tecltuced fo _40y. of Nogyn a pf emygenclii occa bub ic 4 sole thn. -ongen zone - OT - es Fecovery= toaker becomes clearer z ages opp reaj-pears oh fungi_decrenses BON falls daon $DO comknt rise oboe Gor one EV - 20r of cleaner woaleh= Do_rising typ to _DOsabura hoo _______ = agpatic life puveil dD - ~ke @) dt combining both G) $0) 1 dD. kp Le = ke De Bit f e dt ss ieee [orkot_ oket] + 1, ont] [Steepen_phops c | eg a elo | twohere Dy: DeFicth of ¥ days > - 3 i= aia 15+ Stoge BGO of mix ois & ned_in labora, Alla kor ___|__knas)-s_Kojao)_Lb047f-?° - = |-_ka = 0! food eeinetalhy, Joken as 0). ‘kg.2_Ro-oxygenation cbt. =This_ gin, Os “a kato > 290 " ys —— ee _seho_¥5_ANg Sheom elec ino i0_m}s 2 — Avge SGhear cept in mi Li yories with temp. og ee [keene Kame [i o16]h2e ay ack kp Le 2 YR Aly slischarges tous rier, the choraelrlc of oa . _. ‘ane Ste_paratnolens cin given below Bt Tf Poramole —___vnit tak Hit Rivet|sheom 3 Flow r8¢s 0-06 195 7 ae Temp sc g0.00 a0 00 a Do mglt 0-50 Te me 3 BODs 20°C mgll Goo 3 50 Phelps ry The do-cxygenation $- Pe-oxygonatian tate, Cost ot 29% Chase lo) gre D:I2 ond 0:23 je dos insets aa |sming Do offer D days after mix and criffeal DO _- ferret Meet NDC = Sumy he =|) Mixed Flom = Flow: 0-06 1-255 }31m3/: Trix 290°C | pOmixs 0-064 0-5 + 1:25%75 = TIT¢ engle. | 613! pina 0:06%90+ 125735. 6.17 malt Es rin ! ae 13 : a Tel fos DOsat - DOmix = + 2 92-1179 f PS. ae 2-09 1mgle gree ee ot + 0 ja LS ji us emg - oink E 27.527 [0.0947 ) + 0-701 2-42 malt —Do, = D0sat = Da “Kd OO, 2 6-78 mg fe sin is aot {kay {= $6 Dp /ke-ko) ‘ kp-ko 1 ko eet J eet Jog 0.23 /}~ 0.021 (023- on) 673-01, eG maxes | Th: 1acdayal De = &86A kalo IKa-kp Dyan 2 0x69 [ OTH ,go7sxT ae 0.93 -0.12 Lick ao T +p. xiskek =p | + 9.09n150™ EeraG gre NO. = DOsot =D 927-249 6-7) emg] t ag = 134% 01 x60xa¢xbo 21S 7 km S85 Bist— DOB st —— — D-srmol!_pand —— | 9 Sluggish hear, large shea ro : ee ae S| aR Beto on sSwwiPk sshreom __________} ——L1_papid seam | Fol) Pe RN Oe © | Datemine, classify 4h shear bowing Fallaswing do, p-c00" Ve 0.15 m/min |. cot | river flaws + Gomild velocity _— - te ~ 700 eS eS Sarg Body mye distance bet? asection = 600M _ “Si cj sl tame = weence 8°. soni "8 Pday A Yelocty 0-955 60x24 a 4 = -kot Oe e ss mi | -_- kX hoe “ko = - 04976 : x : TP ee ee ee : 8 we = y- eet) Bs a t = __BOOs Geese) Diz 9e-6 perth = Famg]e =F amgle : lye 90 i. + ‘ Ta seiee ie eres ibe es = a 099mg 90mg | — pO ko Ty = ked . 2 2 I ‘at i we eee cee ——#., - 2 0-208 x ( 30.93+83.20) - kp x co " Tae (22 3 Ke ) I | 4 : —— | ca Pe | 0195 BGS Seen? 2 ke 182 = f Boe es a kp 0208 1Gheom oF ropid fall in) Pumping — |__ ii) Enerty requirement at i! 9 management bechnologies |i copita! jolensive _ | i) _high energy inputs es jit) Shorter Fe |. Problem oF Sludge processing $ disposal SEE Dieoctrsedieadencke: actmnt = ening Pel ned tn conal ellachon-ayahen = Derenholne the wows wolet collection i] Ppagraphy af local _coote-shed. “~ {—i)_Peputatian density te a mg )smal-scole Facilities equally dispensed thigh enyirnomnt 8 Ssepa fireschoring the responsibly for damenshic 1059 bch |. Allows jadppendoat, sol maintained and self sushoind ———__facililies copoble of becayering wasewokti- es. curces. ee zed _treament unit 5 aaa a fe ey —itade minimiation— bia “wasirwoter conservotion —___ nla me Tapia Pigs acta de Sustoinoble treatment nok. ‘eT « penofit from Wormer Hp. -anoerabic. < sysiero use of Little mechan otian.

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