Detailed Lesson Plan Marlyn

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Detailed Lesson Plan

ED 304

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students will be able to;

a. Identify and describe the key elements of a school as a social system, including
culture, politics, technical core: teaching and learning, and environment.
b. Understand the role and importance of each key element in shaping the school
c. Apply their knowledge by creating a short slogan or motto that represents the
assigned key element and its significance in the school system.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Key Elements of School as a Social System ( Culture, Politics, Technical
Core: Teaching and Learning, Environment).
Materials: Flip Chart, speaker and pictures.
Values: Collaboration

III. Procedure
Teachers Activity Students Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Classroom Routine
a. Prayer
Everyone please stand up for the prayer. ( The students are praying).
Escanier, kindly lead the prayer.
b. Greetings
Good afternoon everyone!
How are you today? We are good ma'am.
Very good.
c. Energizer
Please remain standing for our energizer
are you familiar with the song I have two
hands? Yes ma'am.
Wow that’s good but before that I will
teach you the steps.
Are you all ready? Yes ma'am.

d. Cleaning the room

Before you take your seats class kindly
pick some pieces of papers and plastics (The students are cleaning and arranging
under your chairs and please arrange your their chairs).
chairs properly.

e. Checking of Attendance
To check your attendance please count. (The students are counting).
f. Review
And now class to have refreshment in our
previous lesson.
What was our lesson last meeting?
Yes Jhon Lloyd? Our lesson last meeting is all about the
Key Elements of School as a Social
Very good. System structure and individual.
And now are you ready of our new topic
today? Yes ma'am.

2. Motivation
But before that I will show you a picture
and all you have to do is to guess whats
this picture all about.
Is it clear? Yes ma'am.

Class, what can you say in the first

How about in the second picture?
Wow very good.
How about in the third picture?
Very good.
How about the last picture?
Very good

B. Lesson Proper
1. Activity
And now class we have an activity.
Please count 1-4.
Group 1: Culture Culture ma'am.
Group 2: Politics
Group 3: Technical core: Teaching and
Learning. Politics ma'am.
Group 4: Environment
All you need to do as a group is to make
an essay about what do you think could Teaching and Learning.
be role of each element in school.
I give you 5 minutes to do your activity.
Is it clear? I think its all about environment ma'am.

2. Analysis
Now class I have question.
Based on the picture that you see a while
ago and based on our activity.
What do you think could be the (The students are counting)
association of those pictures in todays
Yes Jhon Lloyd?
Very good.

3. Abstraction
Our topic for today is all about Key
Elements of School as a Social System
( Culture, Politics, Technical Core: Yes ma'am.
Teaching and Learning and

Culture is an essential element of any
social system, including schools. It refers
to the shared beliefs, values, norms,
traditions, and behaviors that shape the I think our topic for today is all about
school's identity. School culture Culture, Politics, Technical core:
influences how students, teachers, and Teaching and Learning and Environment.
staff interact with each other and the
overall learning environment. It can
include aspects such as the school's
mission, vision, and core values, as well
as the traditions and rituals that are
celebrated within the school community.

Politics within a school refers to the
distribution and exercise of power and
authority. It involves decision-making
processes, policies, and governance
structures that shape the school's
operations. School politics can be seen in
the roles and responsibilities of
administrators, teachers, and staff, as well
as the relationships between different
stakeholders, such as parents, students, (The students are listening).
and community members. Understanding
the political dynamics of a school is
crucial for effective leadership and

[Technical core: Teaching and Learning]

Teaching and learning are at the core of a
school's purpose. The technical core
encompasses the core activities and
functions directly related to teaching and
learning. Effective teaching involves the
use of various instructional strategies,
differentiation to meet students' diverse
needs, and creating a positive and
inclusive learning environment. Learning,
on the other hand, involves the
acquisition of knowledge, skills, and
attitudes through active engagement and
meaningful experiences. The quality of
teaching and learning directly impacts
students' academic achievement and
personal development.

The school environment includes both the
physical and social aspects of the school.
The physical environment comprises the
school buildings, classrooms, libraries,
laboratories, and other facilities. It should
be safe, well-maintained, and conducive
to learning. The social environment refers
to the relationships, interactions, and
social dynamics among students,
teachers, and staff. A positive and
supportive social environment fosters a
sense of belonging, collaboration, and
mutual respect.

Do you have any questions?

4. Application
In a same group.
Group 1: Culture
Group 2: Politics
Group 3: Technical core: Teaching and
Group 4: Environment
All you need to do as a group is to create
a short and catchy slogan or motto that
represents your assigned element and its
importance in the school system.
Choose one representative of each group
to present your work.
I will give you 10 minutes to do your
activity. (The answer of students may vary).
Is it clear?

Creativity 20%
Presentation and Delivery 20%
Collaboration 10%
Total 50%

5. Generalization
Okay class since I already done
discussing about our lesson for today.
Do you have questions any clarifications?

For you class what could be the role of

culture in school? Yes ma'am.
How about politics?
How about the role of teaching and
Lastly, how about the role of

(The answer of students may vary).

(The answer of students may vary).

IV. Evaluation

Instruction: Read the following question carefully and write the letter of the
corresponding answer.
1. Which of the following is NOT a key element of a school as a social system?
a) Culture
b) Politics
c) Sports
d) Technical core teaching and learning

2. What does culture in a school environment promote?

a) Inclusivity and diversity
b) Uniformity and conformity
c) Competition and rivalry
d) Exclusivity and segregation

3. What role does politics play in schools?

a) Shaping policies and decision-making
b) Teaching math and science
c) Organizing sports events
d) Maintaining the physical environment

4. What does the technical core of teaching and learning focus on?
a) Cultural activities
b) School governance
c) Essential knowledge and skills
d) Environmental sustainability

5. How does the school environment impact learning?

a) It has no effect on learning outcomes
b) It promotes student engagement and well-being
c) It only affects physical health
d) It decreases academic performance

V. Assignment
Study the next lesson about Outcomes, feedback loops-Internal and external, and the
school as a community.

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