23 24 DanielaMari Economics Whattypeoftaxeswouldyouimpose

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Hello, Spanish citizens, today I am presenting to you my tax plan, which was made to

promote sustainability, equality and prosperity for our country. I will implement a progressive
tax system so that everyone contributes to our country fairly, this is the fundament of this
proposal. By implementing this type of tax those who have more will contribute proportionally
to the welfare of our society. Furthermore,with this taxation system we will be able to provide
essential services and support for those who need it, as well as making good advances in
the country. This will benefit everyone and bring a general well-being to the country.

Additionally, I support a tax system which imposes more taxes on luxury goods and less
taxes on necessities. Gasoline and other needs will be taxed accordingly, so that the
expenses are shared fairly among everyone. On the other hand, luxury goods, which are
voluntary expenses, will have a higher tax imposed. And also, in order to discourage an
uncontrolled amount of wealth, investments will as well be taxed. I know this might seem
unfair, but this measure is to guarantee a more equal economy. Thanks to these measures,
economic stability will be brought to Spain, helping to the development of the country and
the sustainability of it. With this I conclude my speech, thank you for your attention.

Cosmos, Economics: Module 2, 2.06 The Money You Earn And Taxes

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