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A Dangerous Game

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: 외모지상주의 | Lookism
Relationship: Park Hyung Suk | Daniel/Park Jong Gun
Character: Park Hyung Suk | Daniel, Park Jong Gun
Additional Tags: Light Masochism, Light Sadism, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Loss of
Virginity, Sexual Tension, Bathroom Sex, Dinner, they go on a date,
then fuck
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-06-05 Words: 2,837 Chapters: 2/2

A Dangerous Game
by Havefunreading (orphan_account)


Two of many times Gun and Daniel did things but fight
Chapter 1
Chapter Summary

They fuck for the first time(but not the last )

He sighed with relief. The tension in his body leaving ince the cool water touched his skin. He
looked to his side. The new forming bruise was thankfully not as bad as he thought it'd be.

Though his body was covered in bruised it wasnt as bad as it was the first week they started
training. He was thankful that his body quickly adjusted or else he mightve landed in the hospital

He wasn't surprised when he heard the slide of a door behind him and the almost silent steps
walking towards him.

Turning around he saw Gun now standing right behind him, he was covered in nothing but a towel
around his waist.

Without speaking Daniel moved further into the shower so that Gun could fit comfortably behind

It wasnt the first time they washed together, usually though itd be at the hotsprings when they do
but every now and then theyd share a bath, so Daniel went back to enjoying the water hitting his

He heard the sound of something hitting the floor before feeling Gun standing right behind.

Finishing washing his body, he poured a good amount shampoo in his hand and started to wash his

Not even a few seconds into it though Gun took over, grumbling about how he was doing it all
wrong, which Daniel just responded with an eyeroll.

He sighed as the hands in his hair massaged his scalp, it had been awhile since someones washed
his hair, so without realizing had leaned back into the touch.

It wadnt until his back had hit something solid did he realize what he was doing. He contemplated
moving away from him but Gun hadnt said anything so he just stayed put.

One of Gun's hands then moved down to the bruise on his side, hand slightly hovering over it.

Gun than leaned down, lips next his ear and said, "Does it hurt?"

Daniel tried to surpass a shiver but ultimately failed, and whispered a quiet yes.

Gun hummed and yanked Daniel's head back with the hand still in his hair. It wasn't harsh enough
to hurt badly but Daniel still let out a small noise of pain.

"Good" Gun whispered smugly before letting him go.

Daniel was about to turn back to him wanting to ask what that was about, but suddenly noticed
something poking at his ass.

He pressed back at it trying to figure out what it was. The hand that was hovering over his side
then gribbed his waist tightly.

He gave a pained moan at the grip.

"Unless you want me to take your pretty ass rught here I suggest you dont repeat that action and
stay still" Gun practicly growled into his ear.

Daniel now realizing what he had just done turned a bright shade of pink. Gun chuckled seeing the
change in his complexion.

Wanting to tease him a little Gun moved his hands towards Daniel's ass and gave it a light squeeze.

"So soft" he whispered teasingly.

Daniel's face turned a shade darker. He wanting to tease the other back, pressed back into the
older. Smirking smugly when he heard the older groan.

But before he could internally celebrate his 'win' he was suddenly pinned against the shower eall,
back against it.

He was now face to face with his mentor, "Daniel Park, your playing a dangerous game"

Daniel then with all the courage he could muster smiled up at to the men infront of him and said,
"Your the one who's to scared to play" as soon as those words left his mouth he nearly regretted

Gun looked down at him with a look that said that he was about to eat Daniel alive. Lips then
covered his and kissed him deeply.

Daniel gasped when Gun had suddenly bit him. Gun took that opportunity to shove his tounge
inside his mouth. He moaned as he felt that tounge rub against his own.

Gun slid his hands from pinning Daniel's arm to his hips pulling closer. Daniel wrapped his own
arms around Gun's neck, hands playing at his hair.

Gun then pulled away when the need for air become more evident. His cock twitched when he saw
the mess he had made of Daniel.

"Fuck, unless you want me to fuck against this wall tell me to stop" Gun asked. Head now between
the puncture of his neck shoulder sucking at the sensitive skin.

Daniel maoned softly, tugging Gun imposible closer by his hair, "Dont stop, god please dont stop-"
he gasped out.

"Fuck" Gun groaned before flipping Daniel around. He grabbed at the smallers hips and lifted then
up, "Have you ever done this before?" He asked grabbing the conditioner that would serve for

Daniel shook his head, looking away from Gun shyly.

Gun madd a thoughtfull noise before entering a finger inside of him. Daniel gasped at the intrusion
feeling a bit uncomfortable.
Soon one finge turned to two, and two became three by then Daniel was a moaning and gasping
mess, "G-gun please.." he begged. His cock was spilling precum and he was so close, just as he felt
his release about to come though Gun pulled his fingers out.

Daniel whined at the loss but than felt something hot and large poke at his entrance. He heod is
breath as it entered him slowly.

The stretch burned but in a strange pleasent way. It only was a frw inches in but Daniel felt as if it
were touching his throat.

The long thick cock continued to stretch him until he finaly, finally, felt Gun's hip against him.

"Shit, its been too long since a took a virgin" Gun groaned behind him.

Daniel grabbed onto one of Gun's arm with a tight grip for some stability. After a few minutes of
adjusting Gun started to move.

He started with slow and soft thrust. Taking his time to enjoy and explore Daniel's insides.

"Gun" Daniel moaned. Each thrust givinh him more and more pleasure. He'd felt something as
good as this.

Gun snaked his hand around Daniel and grabbed at his cock, stroking it with each thrust.

"N-no im gonna-" before he could finish what he was about to say he came loud and hard.

Taking advantage of his blissed out state Gun thrusted into the younger faster and harder, chasing
after his own release.

"Fuck, so tight so perfect" he groaned. After a few more thrust he came. He wrapped his arms
around Daniel pulled him close. Biting and sucking hickies on his shoudler.

Daniel clutched into his arms he felt as if he were gonna fall if he didn't.

After another quick bath both ended up laying in their perspective futons near the junkyard. Sleep
for the first time in weeks not harboring any nightmares for Daniel.
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Daniel didn't think he'd ever go to a fancy restaurant, yet here he was inside the most fanciest
restaurant he's ever been in, sitting across from one of the most, if not the most, dangerous man
he's ever met who just so happened to take his virginity a few days prior.

Yup not really something he'd ever expect to happen to someone like him.

Daniel reread the menu for the fifth time since arriving, trying but failing to understand the French
words in front of him,...maybe he should have taken French when he still went to school.

Sighing he looked up at the person across from him. They had not spoken much about what
happened between, which he was both grateful for and hurt by, but they spent most of their time
now just fighting, eating, and sleeping.

Taking a good look now, Daniel realizes just how handsome Gun was, with his nice slicked black
hair, strong cheekbones, a hard yet delicate face, and the scar between his making him even more
handsome somehow.

"Is there something on my face?" Gun asked. Daniel jolted slightly at his seat not expecting the
man to talk to him.

"I- well I um dont know french" he blurted out face turning red slightly. And if Gun noticed he
didn't mention it.

"I'll just order something you like then"

"But you don't know what I like?"

"I can guess"

Daniel looked puzzled but shrugged, it didn't matter anyways, he'd eat anything just so the food
wouldn't go to waste whether he liked it or not.

The waiter came shortly after and asked if they wanted anything to drink. Gun had asked for a
bottle of wine while Daniel had water.

Gun raised an eyebrow at him for choice in beverage but he didnt to ignore the look and went to
look at his surroundings.

The restaurant matched Gun's color scheme of white and black, the lights were a good distance
above the table, and a chandelier hanged in the middle of the bottom floor room(they sat at the
second floor where it was more private)

The place all in all was beautiful and simple. But what was even better was the view, the view out
the window was perfect.

Daniel was so entranced that he hadn't noticed Gun hand move until it was right on top of his,
touching him ever so softly.

His head snapped towards Gun, the man stared back at him with a smug grin.
"You know it's rude to ignore the person you're on a date with" He said as he intertwined their
fingers together.

Daniel's face turned beat red at those words, "Date? When did this happen?" He asked, confused.

Gun shrugged and said simply "I dont just take anyone out to such things"

Before Daniel could respond the food arrived. Daniel's face full of confusion soon turned to one of
pure hunger and surprise.

In front of him lay a medium well done steak with shrimps onton with baked potatoes and green
beans to the side.

He looked at Gun as if to ask if he could really eat this and when the man gestured him to eat he
pulled his hand out from Gun's golf dug right in.

Daniel never tasted something so delicious in his life(sorry mom), it was like heaven on a plate. He
practically moaned with every bite.

It wasn't until he heard the other man chuckle did he realize the noise he was making and quieted
down, blushing madly at what he had done.

About twenty minutes later both were done and ready to eat a dessert. Again not knowing what the
menu was saying he looked up at Gun expectantly.

"Hm, I think I might know what you'd like," he said with thought.

Calling a waitress over he told her what the dessert's name was, and maybe something else with the
way the waitress blushed and wrote something down on her pad quickly and handed it to Gun.

The man just placed it down on the table and gave the girl a smile before she walked away.

Daniel watching all this sat there a mix of confusion and something else he was all too familiar

Gun noticing his change of mood looked back at him, "What's wrong with you now?"

"Nothing" he said with a little more bite than what he meant, but he was too upset to apologize
about it.

Gun looked at him a little longer before picking up the piece of paper and pointing it at him, "Don't
tell me this is what's bothering you" he said with a chuckle

Daniel nodded hesitatingly, not wanting to lie to the man, it's not like he could even if he tried

To his surprise Gun laughed, a full blown laugh. Daniel watched with astonishment as the man did
so. When the man wasn't laughing from the excitement of a fight, his laugh was actually deep and

Daniel momentarily forgot why he was upset in the first place and let himself enjoy the other
man's laugh.

After calming down, Gun gave Daniel a bright smile while putting the paper over the fire of the
candle in the middle of their table, letting it burn. Daniel watched surprised as he did so.
"You don't have to worry about a pest like that, after all I have a perfectly good tight piece of as-"
before he could finish what he was about to say Daniel reached up over the table and covered his
mouth, face a bright red

"Y-you dont just say things like that! I'm surprised you even remember" he whispered the last part.

Hearing this Gun glared at him, "Why in the world would you think that?"

"Well it's not like we talked about it so I thought that ya know didn't think much of it" he said with
a shrug sitting back down.

Gun annoyed by his answer got up and sat at the seat besides him, and pulled him close, "Listen,
just because I didn't say doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it, because believe it or not I enjoyed every
second of it"


"Really, fuck im getting just thinking about it"

Gun grabbed his hand and put it ontop of his clothed hardening cock to show just how serious he
was about it.

Daniel blushed, god hes been that all day now, feeling the hardening organ underneath his palm.
Hesitatinly he squeezed the organ to see Gun's reaction.

Gun groaned lowly snatching Daniel's wrist in a bruising grip, "Not here princess, dont want
fucking you over the table now do you" he growled.

"Then take us back" he said rather daringly. Without thinking twice Gun got up and dragged him
out of there.

The man practicly threw him into his car and drive off back to hotel they where temporarily
staying at.

They barely made it threw the door before Gun crashed his lips to his own, kissing him hungrily.
They undressed themselves as they walked towards the bedroon.

Once inside Gun pushed him onto the bed and walked over to the cabinet to pull out a bottle of

Daniel without a second thought spread his legs expectingly. Seeing this Gun chuckled as he sat
between his legs. He poured a more then generous amount of lube on his hand and slowly and
gently entered a finger inside.

It was less uncomfortable then the last time they did it, which Daniel was more than grateful for.
Daniel wrapped his arms around Gun's neck and pulled him into another kiss.

This one more heated than the last. Daniel moaned into it when another finger joined the first and
hit his prostate.

"Fu-fuck Gun.." he gasped.

Gun smirked smugly at him enjoying every little reaction. Reaching down he lacthed onto one of
Daniel's nipples and flicked hos tounge over it.

Daniel maoned, tugging at Gun's hair rather roughly. Gun groaned at the pain, his cock even
harder then before.

Seeing the positive reaction to small pain, Daniel experimently dug his nails into the mans back,
scratch hard enough to hurt but not bleed.

Gun unlatched himself from Daniel nipple and moaned.

"Do it again but this time dont hold back" Gun said. Daniel swore the man had just practicly
begged him to hurt hum. Daniel reapited his actions wanting to make the feel as good as he felt at
the moment.

Without rrealizing Gun had already stretched him open enough and took out his three, when he put
the third one in?, fingers.

He grabbed his angry red cock and aligned it with Daniel's hole. Daniel took a deep breath and
relaxed himself as much he could.

Gun then planted a soft kiss on throat before entering him slowly.

Once seated inside he looked up at Daniel asking him for a silent permission, which he answered
with a nod and smile.

Thats all he needed.

Gun immediately started to fuck into him. He wasnt gentle or soft like the first time, no, he was
going hard and fast, slamming into Daniel's prostate over and over again.

Daniel saw stars he latched onto the older tightly afraid that he'd fly off if he didn't.

Gun leaned back down and bit Daniel's shoulder harshly groaning at Daniel's pained but pleasured

He continued to bite all over his collarbone, finding pleasure at the sight of the boy hold his marks.

He reached between the two feeling himself about to cum and stroked him, one, two, three times
before white covered bother their abdomens, Daniel cumming with a scream.

Feeling walls tighten around him he groaned as he released into him shortly after.

They stayed in their position for a few minutes before they separated. Gun maneuvering both of
them to their sides.

Daniel felt smaller then usual as he layed in his arms, his back against Gun's chest. Gun wrapped a
protective arm around the him.

Daniel snuggled back into him. Gun chuckled softly before telling him to sleep. Daniel hummed
no protest against the older words.

He fell asleep shortly after. Gun decided they could wait till morning to clean eachother up.
Chapter End Notes

Sorry if there are grammer/spelling mistakes I wrote this in a rush

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