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Detailed Lesson Plan


I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:

b. Construct and perform an example of Symbolic and Non-Symbolic interaction
c. Value the importance of social interactions

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Social Dimensions of Education ( Interactionist Theories)
b. References:
c. Materials: Visual Aid
d. Value's Integration/Focus: Cooperation

III. Procedures

Teacher's Activity Pupil's Activity

a. Preparation

1. Greetings

Hi learners! Good afternoon. Good morning ma'am

I am teacher Anirose, your teacher for
today and welcome to our class.

2. Prayer

But, let us first start our class with a prayer. Yes ma'am.
Hilmel, kindly lead the prayer. Let us put ourselves in the Holy presence
of the Lord and let us pray. In the name of
father, the son, the holy spirit. Amen. Angel
of God my guardian dear to whom God’s
love commits me here, ever this day be at
my side to light and guide to rule and
guard. Amen.
3. Energizer

To boost our energy, let us first have our

energizer. Does everyone know the action Yes ma’am
song entitled Dinhi malipayon? Okay let’s
sing and dance together.
Dinhi malipayon, didto malipayon
Bisan asa malipayon

Sayaw, sayaw dyotay
Kamot ikapay-kapay
Hawak ikiay-kiay
Tuyok gamay

Ako malipayon, ikaw malipayon

Kitang tanan malipayon. Okay are you all Yes ma'am.
happy class?
Okay very good.

4. Checking of Attendance

Okay, I want you to count off according to

the corresponding class number that were 1,2,3…
assigned to you.

Very good! Everyone is around for this

class session.

5. Review

Are you ready for today's discussion?

Great! Let's begin. Yes ma'am.
Before we proceed to our topic for today,
let us first look back or recall our topic
yesterday. Can anyone of you recall the
topic that we have discussed yesterday?

Juneza, do you have any idea? Yes, ma'am. The topic that we have
discussed yesterday is all about Social
Dimensions of Education (Consensus and
Conflict theories).

Very Good Juneza!

The topic that we have discussed yesterday,
is all about Social Dimensions of Education
(Consensus and Conflict theories).

Any question/clarifications regarding the

topic that we have discussed yesterday? None ma'am.

If that so, let us proceed. Before anything

else I have here a rules and regulations of
our class to be followed.

Yes ma'am.

6. Motivation

I have here a scramble words all you have

to do is to arrange it. If you want to answer
raise your hand.

Okay very good. So what do you think our

topic for today class? I think it is all about Interactionist Theory
ma’am .

Very good!

7. Lesson Proper

Today, you will learn something new and it

is all about Social Dimensions of Education
Interactionist Theory.

Interactionist Theories
•Is the relation of school and society are
critiques and extensions of the functionalist .
and conflict perspectives. This theory is a
response to the abstract nature of these two
theories which emphasize structure and
process at a societal level, often referred to
as macro-sociological level of analysis.

The Interactionist Theory, on the other

hand, focuses more on the micro-
sociological aspects, the individual
interactions in specific contexts like
classrooms, school playgrounds, and other
school-related venues. Interactionist
theories attempt to make the “common
place strange” by turning on their heads
everyday taken for granted behaviors and
interactions between students and students
and between students and teachers.For Yes ma’am .
example, in an educational context, the
Interactionist Theory might focus on the
interactions between teachers and students,
and how these interactions contribute to
gender-role socialization, and how
teachers’ expectations may affect their
students’ performance. Interactionist
Theory dives into the smaller, yet
significant, interactions that shape
individuals and their perceptions.

Symbolic interactionism individual is

related to society through ongoing social
There are two ways of understanding
human behavior and social interaction.
Symbolic interaction and Non-Symbolic
Hilmel kindly read what is symbolic
interaction. Symbolic interaction is it is require mental
Okay thank you Hilmel.
Symbolic interaction require mental
process, it involves interpretation and
understanding of symbols. For example the
act of shaking hands when meeting
someone new is symbolic interaction. The
handshake is a symbol of greeting and
respect, and both parties understand this.

What about Non-Symbolic interaction

Non-Symbolic interaction which does not
Thank you Mabil. involve thinking.
Non-Symbolic interaction does not involve
thinking, are not mediated by words,
concepts, or ideas and responses to stimuli.
For example if you touch a hot stove and
immediately pull your hand away, this is a
Non-Symbolic interaction. You don’t need
to think about what the heat means or how
to respond it, your reaction is immediate
and instinctual.

Do you understand the difference between

symbolic and Non-Symbolic interaction?
Okay very good. Yes ma'am.

There are important concepts from the

perspective of symbolic interactionism:
1. Reflected Views on Objects: This
concept refers to how individuals perceive
and interpret objects (which can be
physical items, other people, or abstract
concepts) based on their interactions and
experiences. This is a subjective process,
meaning that the same object can have
different meanings for different people. For
example, a wedding ring might symbolize
love and commitment for one person, but
for another, it might symbolize constraint
or loss of freedom.
2. Blumer's differentiate three types of
Objects: Herbert Blumer,

Physical Objects: These are tangible

items that can be physically touched, like a
book, a car, or a building.
Social Objects: These are other
individuals or groups that a person interacts
with. For example, family members,
friends and etc.
Abstract Objects: These are intangible and
non-physical concepts or ideas, such as
beliefs, values, rules, or societal norms.
3. Looking Glass Self: This is a concept
developed by Charles Horton Cooley, This
refers to the idea that a person's self-image
is shaped by how they believe they are
perceived by others. It involves three
- We imagine how we appear to others.
- We imagine what judgments others might
be making regarding that appearance.
- We develop our self through the
judgments of others.

Do you understand class?

Do you have any questions and Yes ma’am
If none, let’s have an activity. None ma’am

b. Practice/Application

I will group you into two groups, this will

be the group 1, and this will be the group 2.
Group 1 you will make an example of
Symbolic interaction and present it through
role playing.
Group 2 you will make an example of Non-
Symbolic interaction and present it through
role playing. Understand class? I will give
you 10 minutes to do that activity, your Yes ma’am
time starts now.

Okay time is up! Are you done?

Okay present your work in front. Yes ma’am

c. Generalization

You already know the difference between

symbolic interaction and Non-Symbolic
interaction. Now I will ask you is social
interactions important to us as a future
education ?And why?

Yes John Lloyd?

Okay very good John Lloyd The pupils answers may vary.

Do you have any questions and

clarifications? If none let’s have a practice. None ma’am
IV. Evaluation
Instructions: Write T if the statement is
true and F if the statement is false.
1. Charles Horton Cooley developed
the Looking glass concept.
2. Blumers differentiate three types of
objects: Physical objects, social
objects and abstract objects .
3. Symbolic interaction does not
require mental process
4. Non-Symbolic interaction does not
involve thinking.
5. Interactionist theory is the relation
of school and society are critiques
and extensions of the functionalist
and conflict perspectives.

V. Assignment

1. Instructions: Study in advance the major social institutions specifically Religion,

Economic Institutions and Government.

Prepared by:

Anirose O. Balansag

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