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Artist Statement

"My pallet often ends up looking like that."

Tessa B. Dick, widow of Philip K. Dick, about my art.

Broad overview of my ideas

As a baby I remember laying in the stroller under the tree in our garden and watching the sky and the many leaves. I was
fascinated by the many colors and movements of light and wind. I love bright colors, symbols and languages of nature. I love to
travel, being at the seaside or walking in a forest. I love silent wordlessness and being in oneness with my surrounding. A lot of
inspiration I draw from nature and places I have not seen before. I am interested in philosophic, historic, scientific, mystic and
esoteric topics, always questioning and testing reality. As an actor I am very curious how does the stage look from behind, how
the dream is built. Street art is also something that catches my eye. I take a lot of photos in search for a good motive and paint
as a way to express my inner world to others. Also I like to provoke established views. Painting is a fight and also fun.

Mainly I use acrylic paint. Sometimes I mix it with water resistant gloss markers, felt pens, pencils, crayons and pastel chalk.

Love doing it on Canvas, but also using other materials as wood, hard carton, clothing. Always finishing with varnish gloss.

“Think beautifully” – a girl once whispered into my ear on the dancefloor.

By painting I love to express my inner world, mainly feelings of joy.

I believe by creating Art we can change the world for the better - by changing the vibration of the beholder´s heart.

This I see as my task and responsibility for which I am thankful and blessed.

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