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Libraries as Organizations
Following general discussion of organizations and the proper ways of
'setting, seeking, and attaining organization goals, this paper examines
libraries in such a context and makes observations concerning them.
It comments upon current developments and problems in libraries
viewed in this framework and discusses their relationship to the com-
munity and the bibliographic universe. It speculates on appropriate
bases for determining their success or failure.

IT IS THE PURPOSE of this paper to ex-

plore the possible applications of organi-
pursued by scholars with an extraordi-
nary range of interests. In his introduc-
zation theory to the study of libraries. tion to the Handbook of Organizations,
Schools, prisons, hospitals, employment March classifies the contributors accord-
services, government bureaucracies, fac- ing to the fields in which they received
tories, mines, advertising agencies, and their doctorates. Economics, political sci-
libraries-these and other organizations ence, psychology, and business and in-
like them are the focus of the attention dustrial administration, as well as sociol-
of the student of organizations. Particu- ogy, are represented. 1 An analysis of the
lar organizations of this kind are often papers on organization _at the 1964 an-
called "complex," "formal," or "bureau- nual meetings of a number of learned
cratic." They are distinctively created societies in the general area of the social
for a purpose. They may wax and wane sciences, revealed an even greater inter-
according to the changing social impor- disciplinary spread. 2
tance of their objectives and their own A formal organization is an organiza-
efficiency. Yet they emerge from, de- tion with "explicit, limited and an-
pend on, and as a totality help provide nounced" objectives. 3 As Blau and Scott
some kind of structure for the more gen- explain: "If the accomplishment of an
eral social organization which underlies objective requires collective effort, men
them. set up an organization designed to co-
The study of "formal organizations" is ordinate the activities of many persons
at once an offshoot of sociology and and to furnish incentives for others to
something more. Its present c4aracter is join them for this purpose." 4 Generally
partly the result of diverse origins and speaking, an organization's overall pur-
partly of the varied backgrounds in other pose can be achieved only by a factoring
disciplines that contemporary students of it into "operational" sub-goals, and the
bring to bear on it. Its origins date back pursuit of these through a series of dif-
to nineteenth-century political economy, ferentiated tasks allocated systematical-
to Taylorism and management theory, ly among the members of the organiza-
to the study of human relations, and es-
1 Handbook of Organizations, ed. by James G. March
pecially to Weberian sociology. It is now (Chicago: Rand McNally, 1965), p. xiv.
Jbid. , p. XV.
Stanley H. Udy, "The Comparative Analysis of
Mr. Rayward is Assistant Professor and Organizations," in Handbook of Organizations, op.
Periodicals Librarian in the Chicago State cit., p. 678.
Peter M. Blau and W. Richard Scott, Formal
College Library. Organizations (San Francisco: Chandler, 1962), p. 5.

Libraries as Organizations I 313

tion. The tasks employ a changing tech- dysfunctional 5 for the organization as . a
nology, and this influences and demands whole. Over time the organization ex-
change in what can be done and how it pands or contracts, changes necessarily
can be done. Usually a hierarchy of au- ramifying throughout its entire structure
thority, and with it specified lines of com- and affecting the processes going on
munication, is set up to facilitate the co- within it. To persist and grow it must
ordination of the various parts of the or- prove adaptable both to changing social
ganization as they interact to achieve pressures and to technological innova-
the organization's goals. That is to say tion. It must also prove to be reasonably
the creation of any formal organization efficient. Presumably organizational suc-
raises problems of delegation, direction, cess is determined partly by how well it
control, communication, and the assump- meets its goals, and partly by how ef-
tion and use of authority. These prob- fectively it obtains support for them or is
lems increase in complexity as the organ- able to permit them to be redefined or
ization itself increases in size and com- shifted as the social wind changes-as
plexity. But while there is a strong im- they are realized (realization sometimes
plication of rationality in the structure implying dissolution 6 ), or become out-
and process of an organization, such an moded. That is to say, an organization
implication of rationality must be treat- must have at least two generally ad-
ed with considerable reserve. This is nec- justive mechanisms. One mediates be-
essary because of the difficulty of defin- tween society and the organization's for-
ing the objectives of the organization mulation of goals (especially necessary
clearly enough to elicit whatever ap- if the organization has as its major pur-
proval is necessary for them to be main- pose the provision of services ) ; the other
tained and met by organizational par- is a mechanism to determine effective-
ticipants. The members of the organiza- ness of performance. Crudely, "profit''
tion are at once limited in their abilities serves both functions in a business or-
to handle information, make decisions, ganization. The facts of profit (and of
communicate with ·one another and oth- loss) initiate various kinds of organiza-
erwise to interact functionally. They tional change-from expansion to dissolu-
have goals of their own which the organ- tion, a process exemplified in Thomp-
ization must realize in some degree to son's "history" of the Aardvark Firm
secure their satisfaction and to continue (which provides an illustrative setting
their productive participation in it. The for various kinds of decision-making
individual goals of the members may to strategy) .7 The first mechanism might
a greater or lesser degree conflict with be described as ecological and the other
those the organization has set for them. as a performance-feedback mechanism.
They participate in the organization in Some of the general threads of organ-
one of the many roles they assume as ization theory then recognize that an
members of society. The role the organ- organization is a goal-directed "organ-
ization creates for them may be in-
fluenced by or come into conflict with 5 "Dysfunctional" is a term defined by 1\obert K.

Merton to mean "those observed consequences which

their other roles, or be distorted by their lessen the adaptation or adjustment of the system,"
participation in the organization as Social Theory and Social Structure (Glencoe, Illinois:
Free Press, 1949), p. 50.
''whole" persons. They form informal 6 David L. Sills, "The Succession of Goals," in
Complex Organizations, a Sociological Reader, ed. by
groups not corresponding to the formal Amitai Etzioni (N.Y.: Holt, Rinehart and Winston,
structural arrangements. Informal group 1962)' p. 146-59.
7 James D. Thompson, "Decision-making, the Firm

norms and goals gradually emerge and and the Market," in New Perspectives in Organization-
al Research, ed. by William W. Cooper et al. (N.Y.:
these rna y be functional or they may be Wiley, 1964 ), p. 334-48.
314 I College & Research Libraries • July 1969

ism," "organism" being explained dif- making system 10 ; or from the point of
ferently by different theories. It has an view of the management expert con-
environment inter-penetrating it in vari- cerned with efficiency and limited by
ous ways: in setting limits upon its for- notions of rationality; or of the psycholo-
mulation of goals, in determining the de- gist for whom an organization is a com-
gree of goal achievement, and in bring- plex but relatively stable set of personal
ing various kinds of influence to bear up- or role relations, affecting and affected
on its participants. It has input and out- by other aspects of personality, motiva-
put, and intermediate · between these tion, and perception of the individuals
some kind of process involving formal in an organization; 11 or of the sociologist
and informal structures or patterns of who uses the organization as a social
consistent relations between participants. system contributing to and taking from
It has some sort of technology. A formal other more pervasive systems; 12 or of the
structural and procedural rationality is businessman concerned with profit and
recognized as intrinsic to it, and at- loss for whom, ultimately, explanation
tempts are made to account for the dis- and understanding must stand the test
ruption or modification of this in process. of operational expedience.
One may account for organizational From the general field of formal organ-
stability, coherence, and consistency of izations theory and research, the librar-
action in terms of ''bureaucratic" rules or ian then may hope for a "scientific" ac-
in terms of programs for decision-mak- count of the dynamics of formal organi-
ing, and one must account for incoher-
zations, and become aware of the many
ence, instability, and inconsistency in
general phenomena of organizations in-
terms of complex limits set upon these
rules or programs. terrelating to affect organizational struc-
Much of present-day theory is a mat- ture and process. Theory, after all, is a
ter of points of view, emphases and ap- kind of tool which can be brought to
proaches, which, as they strive for com- bear on particular cases from a number
pleteness, converge. One may view the of which it represents systematic ab-
organization as a "bureaucracy"8 ( es- straction. This tool can be of material
pecially if it is a "service" or "common- assistance in the understanding and di-
wealth" organization9 ), or as a decision- rection of libraries as organizations with
10 The major thesis of James G. March and Herbert

8 The classical account of bureaucracy is provided by Simon's Organizations (New York: Wiley, 1958) is
Max Weber in From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, that "the basic features of organizational structure and
tr. by H. H. Gerth and C. Wright Mills (New York: function derive from the characteristics of human prob-
Oxford University Press, 1946). The literature on lem solving processes and rational human choice." ( p.
bureaucracy since then has been extraordinarily volu- 169). Chapter 6 of this work "The Cognitive Limits
minous. Among basic works are: Robert K. Merton et of Rationality" is the basis for a sophistication of this
al., Reader in Bureaucracy (Glencoe, Illinois: Free approach. R. M. Cyert and J, G. March view the
Press, 1952), Peter M. Blau, The Dynamics of organization itself as making decisions, as behaving in
Bureaucracy (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, an "adaptively rational way" to achieve its goals
1955), Blau Bureaucracy in Modern Society (New ("The Behavioural Theory of the Firm . . . " in New
York: Random House, 1956) , and Alvin W. Gould- Perspectives in Organizational Research, op. cit., p.
ner's Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy (Glencoe, 289- 304).
11 Harold J, Leavitt describes this view as a
Illinois: Free Press, 1954 ) .
9 For Blau and Scott a service organization is " people approach" in his "Applied Organization Charge
"one whose prime beneficiary is the part of the public in Industry . . . " (in New Perspectives in Organi-
in direct contact with the organization, with whom zational Research, op. cit., p . 63-70). The work of
and on whom its members work. . . . " e.g., schools, Chris Argyris ["Understanding Human Behaviour in
hospitals, legal-aid societies, etc. (Fvrmal Organiza- Organization" in Modern Organization Theory ed. by
tions, op. cit., p. 51). Commonwealth organizations Mason Haire (New York: Wiley, 1959) , and Per-
have the " distinctive characteristic . . . that the sonality and Organization (New York: Harper, 1957 ),
public-at-large is their prime beneficiary, often, al- for example] is noteworthy in this respect.
12 This view is particularly important to the Struc-
though not necessarily, to the exclusion of the very
people who are the object of the organization's en- turalist-functionalist school of sociology and is ex-
deavor," e.g., Bureau of Internal Revenue, military pressed in Talcott Parsons' "Suggestions for a Socio-
and police services, and the research as opposed to logical Approach to the Theory of Formal Organiza-
the teaching function of universities, etc. (Formal tions" (in Complex Organizations, a Sociological
Organizations, op. cit., p. 54). Reader, ed. by Amitai Etzioni, op. cit., p. 35-6).
Libraries as Organizations I 315

..specific, limited and announced" objec- salable goods of some kind, and then dis-
tives. Not only is it expedient for the li- poses of them in the environment. A
brarian to become aware of and apply complex regulatory cost-price mecha-
relevant findings from organizational re- nism controls expansion in the firm and
search, he is himself involved in a theory- changes in its products and management.
making endeavor similar to that of the Always there is turnover, a kind of equi-
organizational theorist. What the librar- librium maintained-what goes in must
ian wants is a model by which his un- come out. With certain minor exceptions,
derstanding of the library is adequately however, libraries rarely dispose of ma-
represented. Such a model would per.. terials, certainly never at a rate equal to
mit him accurately to anticipate corre- their intake. They are as a result subject
spondent behavior in various organiza- to unremitting increment, and inevitably
tional parameters as others are varied are committed to a methodological con-
either purposefully or under the uncon- servatism which is much more than the
trollable force of circumstance. With the manifestation of dysfunctional bureauc-
knowledge obtained from tested predic- ratization. Moreover, the materials used
tion he can both refine his model and by libraries, of increasing diversity, have
more intelligently guide the growth and continued to be produced for the last
development of his library. This desire 150 years and more, at an ever-accelerat-
of the librarian for a theory which will ing rate-Price's curves of exponential
permit him to work with understanding growth in the periodical literature of sci-
beyond purely descriptive or prescrip- ence,13 though perhaps somewhat exag-
tive accounts of library administration gerated, 14 are dramatic demonstrations
and organization sets him shoulder to of this. That the rapid "doubling" process
shoulder with the organization theorist is even more general was demonstrated
who works at a more general level. In a much earlier by Hulme's study of pat-
sense they are indispensable to each ents, 15 and by Fremont Rider's analysis
other. The librarian's theory must, as it of the statistics of growth of certain
were, be a skeletal part of a more gen- American university libraries since co-
eral theory, but fleshed out in a particu- lonial times. 16 Research and large pub-
lar way. lic libraries especially not only of neces-
sity grow in size as a function of time,
they must grow exponentially in order
ANALYSIS OF THE LIBRARY to keep up with the expanding biblio-
A general organizational analysis of graphic universe they sample. Whether
the present-day library .appropriately or not they should attempt to do this is
may begin with the observation that an a problem of great complexity and in-
important characteristic of the library is terest.17 ·
that it takes in large quantities of dis-
crete physical items-books, periodicals, 1 3 D erek J. de Solla Price, Liule Science, Big Science

manuscripts, phonograph records, music, (New York: Columbia University Press, 1965), p. 18,
tapes, and so on (all of which constitute 1 4 Kenneth 0. May, " Quantitive Growth of the
.a sampling, often according to specified Mathematical Literature," Science, CLIV ( December
1966), p. 1672-3.
criteria, of a "bibliographic" universe) , 1s E. W. Hulme, Statistical Bibliography . . . (Lon-
subjects them to various processes, stores d on: The Author, 1923).
16 Fremont Rider, The Scholar and the Future of

. them, and then provides various kinds of

service based on them. It is interesting
the Research L ibrary . . . (New York: Hadham
Press, 1944 ) .
17 An interesting recent discussion of this whole
to draw a parallel with an industrial issue is to be found in Margit Kraft's "An Argument
for Selectivity in the Acquisition of Materials for Re-
firm. The firm takes in materials from search Libraries," Library Quarterly XXXVII (July
the environment, processes them to form 1967), 284-95.
316 I College & Research Libraries· July 1969

Growth has far-reaching consequences being overweening in their pretensions

which must be faced if the library is not to importance in the academic commu-
to assume the proportion of a contem- nity, and for wanting more than their
porary dinosaur. Haire has pointed out share of the university budget. 19 There
the biological parallel in a business firm is, indeed, a general lack of knowledge
-that as its size increases, the skeletal about the functions, limitations, needs,
structure "needed to support it against and potentialities of the library 20-after
the forces tending to destroy it', must all the client does not die, or lose a for-
grow even faster. 18 The problem is more tune, or sue. Nevertheless, much of the
complex in the library, given the ab- recent polemical and hortatory literature
sence of any significant turnover. The of librarianship has come from the pens
greater the number of materials ac- of various kinds of academics, some fa-
quired by the library, the greater the miliar with libraries, some not, who have
need for a processing which distinguish- been struck by a kind of "big-bang" theo-
es between them. The problems of ry of the bibliographical universe. With
growth are not simply those of greater the computer in one hand and in the
bulk to be handled and stored; nor is other an optimism almost ha!ve consid-
efficiency, given growth, simply a mat- ering the history of "panaceatic" bibliog-
ter of devising better handling and stor- raphy,21 they present themselves as able
age techniques-such as the assembly to provide deliverance into efficiency
line, or automation, though these may and maximum usefulness of an organi-
help. As well as quantitative problems, zation that all recognize as important-
increased size and diversity of collections so important in its functions indeed, that
introduce all kinds of qualitative prob- it must be superseded, or, at least, dra-
lems-classification systems break down; matically transformed if the needs of
descriptive cataloging methods prove scholarship generally, of science in par-
inadequate (either in achieving a req- ticular, of "the community," of "democ-
uisite specificity or because of their slow- racy," of the American nation vis-a-vis
ness) ; subject indication, increasingly a the threat of a monolithic world commu-
critical matter in libraries, becomes in- nism, are to be met adequately.
creasingly difficult, and as its tools be- Meanwhile the modern library swells
come more complex, librarians are more perilously but cannot, like a business
likely to be inadequate to the kinds of firm, seek to support its growth by in-
specialist demands made upon them. creasing its "market" or its "prices." It is
Nor can the library hope for a concomi- constrained to bargain with the organi-
tant increase in the size of its public, zation of which it is part, but its bar-
and therefore in the basis of its support, gaining power is limited by ignorance
for the library is always a part of an- and by its own inefficacy-ignorance of
other organization which provides it what it should be doing, of what it can
with its raison d, etre and with financial do best, of how its aims should be met;
support. The implications of growth,
however, are not always recognized by 19 John D. Millet, Financing Higher Education in
the institution of which the library is a the United States (New York: Commission on Fi-
nancing Higher Education and Columbia University
part. In some quarters, academic librar- Press, 1952), p. 122-25.
ies, for example, have a reputation for 20 University of Michigan, Survey Research Center,

Faculty Appraisal of a University Library (Ann Arbor,

Michigan: The University of Michigan . Library, 1961 ) .
W. Boyd Rayward, "A History of Systematic Bib-
18 Maison Haire, "Growth of Organizations," in liography in England, 1850-1895," Occasional Paper,
Modem Organization Theory ed. b y Maison Haire, University of Illinois Graduate School of Library
op. cit., p. 275. Science, no. 84, June 1967.
Libraries as oイァ。ョゥコセエッウ@ I 317

inefficacy at providing indubitably indis- II. A DESCRIPTIVE MoDEL

pensable services. Given the millenia of OF THE LmRARY
the history of libraries, and the emer-
gence of a profession of librarianship A simple descriptive model of the li-
about a hundred years ago, such dubie- brary is presented as Figure 1 as the
ties are curious and worthy of the most basis for further exploratory analysis.
careful scrutiny. Such a scrutiny must be- The elements of this model have ap-
gin by finding out what actually libraries peared in the foregoing discussion.
do, and how they do it; and how what A library takes from a bibliographical
is done differs from library to library universe and transmits what it takes
and from one kind of library to another. through its services to a particular com-
In other words, so much speculation and munity.
prescription about libraries to such little It is in fact caught between two high-
effect (after all it goes on unabated)- ly demanding environments-its com-
show how little is really understood munity of users and the bibliographic
about them. Adequate descriptive ac- universe, both of which have proved in
counts will appear only when the library the past to be to some degree imponder-
is regarded as a formal organization- able. How then does it deal with pres-
with objectives of varying degrees of sures exerted on it by these environ-
specificity and clarity, with a peculiar ments, come into a viable relationship
structure to some degree suited to tasks with a community, and satisfactorily par-
undertaken to meet its objectives, and ticipate in the bibliographic universe?
subject to influence from its environ- What are the potentialities and limita-
ment. tions inherent in the present structure





318 I College & Research Libraries • July 1969

and process of the library as a formal their justification for a "genuinely inde-
organization? Can the limitations be pendent, academically respectable, and
transcended by purposeful change, or socially beneficial profession." 24 Certain-
must new kinds of organizations comple- ly society must validate the library's
ment, or even replace, the old? Are its claims to service. It is clear, however,
potentialities for the achievement of cer- that whatever the general function of
tain objectives fully and efficiently real- libraries in society, a specific library ful-
ized? These are questions to which rath- fills that function within a particular
er frefletic speculation has as yet pro- community. Its community, with some
vided no answer. What are the implica- oversimplification, is the organization
tions of the new technology for the li- that pays for it. For the library this or-
brary's structure and for the processes ganization is usually its body of potential
going on within it? What are the con- users. Ideally, the demand its commu-
temporary effects on its organization of nity makes establishes the operational
recent forecasts that the future of librar- goals of a particular library and defines
ies will be one of complete mechaniza- the nature of its services. But not com-
tion? In these allegedly not too far-off pletely. The library has a general social
days, the library will become part of a warrant by which libraries are libraries
complex linkage of computers having and not some other kind of formal organ-
enormous memories. These computers ization. Those responsible for a library
will be controlled by programs capable then may assess the bibliographic needs
of shelling a book of its bits of informa- of a community in a way not equivalent
tion like a bag of peas. The vast data to the demand the community makes on
store which will be created from these it. In the past librarians frequently have
harvests will be interrogated from vari- seen the potential of the library as un-
ous distant points-at any national or fulfilled and have continually attempted
even international limit-by the use of to make its services more fully appreciat-
television-like consoles and pencils ed and more widely used.
which emit light. 22 What will the "organ- There is here an interesting problem-
ism," the library, be like then? It is how nearly congruous are perceptions of
· questions of this kind which one ad- a community's bibliographic demands
dresses to a model in the hope of some with assessments of its needs, and what
systematic presentation of the problems, are the organizational implications of
in the hope of explanation and ultimate- incongruity? Presumably incongruity
ly of testable prediction. would arise because the library and the
community .are both goal-directed organ-
The Community izations, and would express itself as
The nature and importance of the so- conflict between the government of the
cial function of libraries has been the library (representing the community-
subject for some speculation23 because the board of governors, trustees, and so
it is here that apologists hope to locate on) and the management of the library
22 J, C. R. Licklider, Libraries of the Future (Cam- (chief librarian and his upper-level
bridge, Massachusetts: M.I.T. Press, 1965).
23 Margaret E. Egan and Jesse H. Shera, "Founda-
staff). Incongruity and conflict may be
tions of a Theory of Bibliography," Library Quarterly, intensified given a strongly professional
XXII (April 1952), p. 125-37; Pierce Butler, "The
Cultural Function of the Library," Library Quarterly, orientation in the librarian and his staff,
XXII (April 1952), p. 79-91; Pierce Butler, Intro- where "professional orientation" means
duction to Library Science (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 1961 ) ; Jesse Shera, " Emergence of a administration or management which
New Institutional Structure for the Dissemination of
Specialized Information," in The Communication of
emphasizes not so much the institutional
Specialized Information ed. by Margaret Egan ( Chica- dependence of the library, but rather its
go: Graduate Library School, University of Chicago,
1954) , p. 113-28. 24 Jesse Shera, op. cit., p. 128.
Libraries as Organizations I 319

participation in what has . been here and autonomy. One might expect that a
called the bibliographical universe. library, increasing in size, develops a
If the library's community were clear- kind of momentum-the longer it grows
ly bounded, its bibliographic demands the more it needs if it is to be prevented
and needs specific, known, and predict- from "declining," i.e., that size and auton-
able over time, then sampling criteria omy are in some way directly related.
could be unequivocal and the treatment One wonders-given different sizes-
of material obtained from the biblio- what degrees of "autonomy" would max-
graphical universe could be rationally imize the effectiveness of the library in
directed towards specific services agreed its community. The critical issues here,
upon as fulfilling the library's goals. But of course, are: What constitutes "auton-
the nature of the community, usually omy" and "effectiveness," and how are
changing with some degree of rapidity, these to be measured? The plethora of
is never fully known. Furthermore the standards of various kinds, for example,
library must, in these doubtful circum- are in practice of not much use in de-
stances, anticipate demand. The neces- termining "effectiveness," though they
sity for anticipation raises the spectre of are a beginning.
organizational uncertainty and of po- There can be no doubt that an im-
tential failure in service. A community portant trend in library organization
could demand "perfect" service. Uncer- nowadays has been towards autonomy.
tainty would therefore be intolerable, Partly this is the result of federal funds
and the library would have to assume -nowadays the library is not necessarily
that functionally its community was ev- entirely dependent financially upon its
eryone, and that it should obtain every- community. The existence of this exter-
thing in the bibliographical universe and nal support suggests that there has been
process it in every way conceivable in a movement of library goals towards a
order to meet every possible kind of re- more central position in the value and
quest. The community would in a sense power system of society generally. 25 As
give the library its head in the belief a source of external funds libraries be-
that it would be best served by an organ- come directly and indirectly more pow-
ization into which the whole biblio- erful in their communities, more able to
graphical universe was flowing and from demand their own terms and command
which the whole of it could be selective- the community's funds than before. More
ly transmitted. Every request could be and more frequently the limits upon ac-
met, every service provided. In practice, cessibility to the bibliographic universe
of course, limits are set-on the one imposed by a single collection are seen
hand by the size and complexity of the as intolerable and to be transcended.
bibliographical universe, and on the oth- Given the increasing size of the record
er by inadequate provision in the com- of scholarship, and the increasing spe-
munity. The library samples the biblio- cialism which desires access to ever more
graphical universe. What then are the specific and narrow areas of it, the effec-
sampling criteria employed by a library? tiveness of any one library in a commu-
What is their relation to the kinds of ser- nity of any diversity is apparently re-
vice provided and to an assessment of duced. The result has been a growing
demand and need in the community? emphasis on "larger units" of service,
The relation of what might be called li- which have become effective-to what-
brary autonomy and community toler- ever extent that they are effective-part-
ance of "bibliographical" uncertainty is
25 S. N. Eisenstadt, " Bureaucracy, Bureaucratization
an interesting problem, and so is the ex- and Debureaucratization," Complex Organizations, ed.
istence of a relationship between size by Amitai Etzioni, op. cit., p . 272-3.
320 I College & Research Libraries • July 1969

ly because of recent developments in tech- planning groups. There are considerable

nology-especially those related to the problems in task-differentiation between
computer and its ancillary machinery, line-librarians and clerks, between what
and teletype and telefacsimile transmis- is "professional" and what is not. Much
sion facilities. Investments in technology of the work in libraries is repetitive and
and organization to use it effectively dull; much of it is supervisory in nature
have increased the tendencies of librar- -it is characteristic that the contact of
ies to look more steadily outwar¢1 to the the client with the library staff tends
bibliographical universe, to become more usually to be at the lowest level-with
widely committed outside their immedi- aids, clerks, pages. The introduction of
ate community, to have a wider sphere the computer may help solve some of
of influence, to become more autono- these problems. Presumably much of the
mous. Nevertheless, the implication of clerical work can be taken over by the
this autonomy is always that the library computer and done more quickly and
can only thus become satisfactorily ef- efficiently by it. Librarians will be able
fective in its community. to concentrate on refinements of service,
on exceptional cases. 27 One would ex-
The Library pect that the organizational structure in
The implications of these new devel- such halcyon days will resemble more
opments towards local, regional, and nearly the collegial structure described
broader systems for the individual li- by Parsons and others as likely to super-
brary as a formal organization have not sede the bureaucratic structures typical
been pursued. Presumably in library sys- of present-day, large-scale formal organi-
tems there will be some centralization zation.28
of processing and of control by which One rather interesting problem which
the activities of particular libraries will the introduction of the computer will af-
be in some ways curtailed and in others fect is that of decentralization. In the
extended. The introduction of the new- past as a library or its community grew
er technology is bound to have far-reach- in size it was decentralized, and branch
ing consequences for the library because and departmental libraries were set up.
it is an organization in which methodo- Sometimes these became almost inde-
logical conservatism is inherent. Presum- pendent, but more usually they were
ably libraries must install the new equip- carefully tied to the main library by de-
ment and employ those who can use it. vices such as budgetary allotments and
As a bureaucracy, the library must face centralized processing. One of the best
the increasingly difficult problem of in- known famous systems of decentralized,
corporation of "technological" specialists coordinated libraries is that developed
into its often fairly rigid hierarchical or- at Harvard. 29 The advantage of decen-
der.26 It already faces the familiar con- tralization has been the distribution of
flict arising from professionality of its the enormous bulk of the library's col-
members and their organizational loyal- lections to different places where they
ty. Usually a library consists of a board could be more easily controlled and de-
of governors or trustees, a managerial 27 Don R. Swanson, " Library Goals and the Role of
professional staff, line professionals (ref- Automation," Special Libraries, CIII (October 1962) ,
p. 466-71.
erence librarians, bibliographers, and so 28 William Delaney quotes from Parsons and dis-
on), a large clerical staff, student aids if cusses his views on "post-bureaucratic" organization
in "The Development and Decline of Patrimonial and
available, and a janitorial staff. To these Bureaucratic Administration," Administrative Science
Quarterly, VII (March 1963) , p. 476.
are being added consultants and special 29 Keyes D. Metcalf, Report on the Harvard Univer-

sity Library, A Study of Present and Prospective Prob-

• This general problem is seen by Victor Thompson lems (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University
as "the most symptomatic characteristic of modem Library, 1955). Paul Buck, Libraries and Universities
bureaucracy," Modern Organization (New York: Knopf, (Cam bridge, Massachusetts: Belknap Press, 1964 ) ,
1965) , .P· 6. . p. 87-92.
Libraries as Organizations I 321

veloped in parts than as a whole. More- ous governmental agencies who locate
over, branches in various areas could be libraries in the system and then make
created to satisfy the library needs of prescriptions of one kind or another for
various sub-communities within the wid- them. A whole new dimension of con-
er community which the library served. flict would seem to have been opened
The introduction of the computer with up.
the possibilities it has for completely cen- Little is known about the informal or-
tralizing processing and circulation con- ganization of the library-of how the
trol, may make branch and department- various groups of participants interact
al libraries dead storehouses of books with each other to affect the processes
with a 」ャ・セォ@ to register and discharge of the library. It would be interesting in
loans. With the introduction of an auto- this context to セウ・@ the impact of goal
mated catalog of the kind envisaged by visibility (related to turnover) and dif-
Swanson, 30 a catalog which can be in- ferent degrees of organizational autono-
terrogated from remote consoles and my, on staff at various levels in the or-
which automatically registers loans, ganization. Traditionally the library has
users, locations, as well as detailed sub- been regarded as a rule-dominated bu-
ject information, decentralized libraries reaucracy. But it is also probably the
may well become things of the past. case that libraries may "feel" their com-
What would be required would be munity mainly through complaint. Suc-
a highly sophisticated bibliographical cessful service is normally taken for
headquarters, sufficiently central or at granted. There is little in the way of
least accessible storehouses, and swift re- praise, but if discontent with service
trieval service. should reach a certain threshold, users
The trends towards larger systems de- complain. Perhaps bureaucratization has
scribed above may also be expected to been developed partly to absorb com-
have interesting effects on how the ad- plaint in order to protect the staff of the
ministrative organization of the library library. The "rule-dominated" concep-
deals with conflict. In the past one of the tion of bureaucracy, however, may · well
main functions of the director of a li- be justified in certain departments of the
brary has been to act as a buffer be- library such as the cataloging depart-
tween a lay board of governors and the ment. Here セッイォ@ proceeds by taking
library, the library being conceived of unique physical items (books and so on),
as an organization with its own goals describing them physically and analyz-
(represented if you will by the profes- ing them for subject-content according
sional expectations-in some degree of to an extremely complicated system of
conflict themselves-of the library staff.) rules. The stereotype librarian is usually
Conflict of this kind may be thought to a cataloger. This stereotype is one of
have been mainly intra-organizational. "bureaupathic"31 behavior. Just what the
Nowadays one assumes that whenever incidence of this kind of behavior is and
the decision is finally made in a particu- how it is different in different parts of
lar library to commit it to a library sys- 31
This term is used by Thompson to discuss the
tem-one wonders how the decision is kind of dysfunctional behavior first noted by Robert
made and how such decisions relate to K. Merton in "Bureaucratic Structure and Personality,"
in Social Forces, XVIII (May 1940), p. 560-68.
the vital statistics of libraries and their Thompson describes it as follows: "Personal behavior
patterns are frequently encountered which exaggerate
communities-the role of the board of the characteristic qualities of bureaucratic organization.
governors or trustees lessens. Conflict Within bureaucracy we often find excessive aloofness,
ritualistic .attachment to routines and procedures and
will tend rather to be between various resistance to change; and associated with these be-
libraries, and between libraries and vari- havior patterns is a petty insistance upon rights of
authority and status. From the standpoint of organi-
zational goal accomplishment, these personal behavior
so Don R. Swanson, "Dialogues with a Catalog," patterns are pathological because they do not ad-
Library Quarterly, XXXIV (January 1964), p. 113-25. vance organizational goals," op. cit., p. 152-53.
322 I College & Research Libraries • July 1969

the library, and if and how and why it formation has increased so has the vari-
has begun to change is not known. In ety of .c hannels to deal with it, and if
this context, it is interesting to note that Haire's analogy holds, at an even greater
one much publicized mechanized sys- rate-that is to say, with increased size,
tem32 has failed-without publicity-un- goes an even more rapidly increased sup-
der rumored conditions suggesting not portive complexity. The ·notion of chan-
merely faulty planning and insufficient nel, however, may be interpreted to
support, but also subtle intra-organiza- mean organization, and the bibliographic
tional resistance 33 which may very well universe may be seen to consist of a vast
express the power of the informal organ- quantity of information, encoded in a
ization of the library. variety of ways, being handled by a
variety of organizations.
The Bibliographic Universe The real problem facing the modern
If the problem of the library vis-a-vis library may well be not the size and
its community is: Who are its users, and complexity of the bibliographic universe
what do they want? Its problem vis-a-vis (which undeniably has increased dra-
the bibliographic universe is: What does matically), but the nature and capacity
the universe contain, and what can the of the other organizations in it (which
individual library supply from it? These have also increased dramatically in num-
questions cannot be answered simply; bers and functions), organizations with
for one thing, it seems that the biblio- which the library has to draw itself into
graphic universe and the library's com- some functional relationship. Failure to
munity are in some frenzy of change, identify these organizations-both by
whether real or partly imaginary it is the library and the library's community,
hard to say. The problem becomes one has led to noise and distortion as various
of determining what is going on in the channels are forced to attempt to deal
bibliographical universe and how the li- with information not appropriate to
brary is related to it. them. Certainly if there is change in the
One might begin an analysis of this bibliographical universe and in the com-
problem by distinguishing information munities which draw on it, and revolu-
and its communication. Let us suppose tionary changes in bibliographical tech-
that the bibliographical universe consists nology, then all organizations involved
of information being transmitted in a in the universe and employing· the tech-
variety of channels. The analogy of a nology must themselves be in a state of
communications system is useful-infor- some flux. The best that can be hoped
mation, messages, channels, noise, and for is an accurate analysis of present con-
redundance. Various channels receive ditions and a satisfactory rationalization
and transmit information according to of them and of organizational prescrip-
the way it is encoded. Certain channels tions based on them.
can handle greater volumes of informa- It is possible to identify some of the
tion· certain channels handle informa- organizations by which information is
tion' at greater speed than others. It is transmitted in the bibliographical uni-
fair to say also that as the volume of in- verse, and so with which libraries must
32 Edward Heiliger, "Florida Atlantic University; seek some non-competitive complemen-
New Libraries on New Campuses," CRL, XXV (May
1964), p. 181-85; and セ、。イ@ Heiliger, "Staffing tary relationship. Some of these organi-
a Computer Based Library, Ltbrary Journal, LXXXIX zations have emerged to handle new
(July 15, 1964), p . 2738-9. : .
33 Harrison Bryan, "American Automation m Ac- «forms" of literature, but all serve to in-
tion," Library Journal, XCII (January 15, 1967) , troduce into the bibliographic universe
p. 189-96.
Libraries as Organizations I 323

a complexity different from the original an important problem as early as 1952

problem of sheer bulk which they were when the Graduate Library School's an-
created to mitigate. That is to say, they nual conference at the University of
complicate the problem to which they Chicago was devoted to it. 38 The docu-
provide partial solution. Perhaps the mentation centers dealing with it are
most remarkable of these organizations, usually-naturally enough-connected
whose importance has been previously with government. The Defense Docu-
much underestimated, are informal mentation Center and the Scientific and
groups of scientists. These have been Technical Information Facility of NASA
called "invisible colleges," 34 and have are two important examples. Simpson
been identified as extremely important and Flanagan give others. 39 Such cen-
to scientific communication in a number ters often prepare bibliographies and
of different fields. 35 Swanson has sug- provide abstracting and indexing ser-
gested that they be brought to a stage of vices for their materials.
"translucence" for study and for formali- Perhaps one of the most important
zation to whatever degree is necessary though still imperfectly understood kinds
to maximize their effectiveness. 36 As well of organization to emerge recently is the
as the not fully understood system of rel- Information Center. Impetus to the es-
atively informal communication, which tablishment of these centers was given
certainly would seem no essential busi- by the Weinberg report. 40 Information
ness of libraries, there are a number of centers deal with highly specialized sub-
document handling organizations. Doc- ject fields and provide active services
umentation centers and a supporting in- of indexing, abstracting, preparation of
tellectual endeavor called "Documenta- demand and recurrent bibliographies, se-
tion" developed in the early years of lective dissemination of bibliographic in-
this century in Europe to deal with a formation, and substantive answers to
very general class of bibliographical inquiries-information, not documents.
items called "documents" as opposed to Simpson and Flanagan call them Infor-
more traditional library materials. 37 As mation Analysis Centers. 41 They are
organized research, especially that which characterized by the use of technically
is government supported, has become qualified personnel, of sophisticated in-
widespread and has produced a vast formation machinery, of documents of
· mass of progress and research reports to- one kind or another from a wide variety
gether with technical notes and papers, of sources (in contradistinction to the
so a great many document centers have government documentation centers) ,
appeared to deal with them. This ma- and often in analysis provide useful data
terial is not always published in a formal
way, or not without much delay. Its exist-
compilations, state of the art reviews
and so on. 42 Weinberg, four years after
ence and use was seen as having become his report exploded into the bibliograph-
ical universe, observes that "the informa-
34 J, Derek de Solla Price, L ittle Science, Big Sci-
ence. op. cit., p. 62-91. 38
35 William D. Garvey and Belver C. Griffith, "Sci- Margaret E. Egan, ed. The Communication of
entific Infonnation Exchange in Psychology," Science, Specialized Information (Chicago: University of Chi-
CXXXXVI ( December 25, 1964 ), 1658. cago Graduate Library School, 1954).
36 Don R. Swanson, " On Improving Communica- G. S. Simpson and C. Flanagan, "Information
tion Among Scientists," Bulletin of the Atomic Scien- Centers and Services," in Annual R eview of Informa-
tists, XXII ( February 1966) , 8-12. tion Science and Technology, vol. 1. (New York: In-
37 These ideas were first d eveloped b y Paul Otlet terscience, 1966) , p. 309.
and H enri LaFontaine and were embodied in the President's Science Advisory Committee. Science,
work of the Institut International de Bibliographie Government and Information (Washington, D.C.: The
which was set up in 1895. See W. Boyd Rayward, White House, 1963).
"UDC and FID-an Historical Perspective," Library G. S. Simpson and C. Flanagan , op. cit., p. 321.
42 Ibid. , p. 323 .
Quarterly, XXXVII (Julv 1967) , 2.59-78.
324 I College & Research Libraries • July 1969

tion center, which was viewed as crucial cipline of sorts, "information science and
in the PSA C report . . . is proving to be retrieval," has developed around them,
a dominant element in the new informa- displacing or incorporating the earlier
tion system." 43 "documentation." It deals with the po-
Other organizations, however, are tentialities of the new computer tech-
emerging to play a critical part in the nology, and with an "intellectual crisis"
"new" information system. They are sci- feelingly described by Overhage. 47 This
entific professional associations, govern- discipline has developed its own profes-
ment agencies, even new kinds of librar- sional association which has been urged
ies and a relatively new phenomenon: to accept fuller and fuller responsibility
"information" corporations of one kind for its "body of scientific knowledge and
or another-The Institute for Scientific maturing technology." 48 Libraries are lit-
Information (which has the "all-consum- tle considered in this context, especially
ing goal" of organizing "the World's total general research libraries or public li-
output of significant scientific and techni- braries whose concerns are not intensely
cal literature into an integrated file!") ,44 specialized or limited. It may well be,
Documentation, Inc., Arthur D. Little, however, that the "new information sys-
Inc., and so on. The National Library of tem" has crystallized sufficiently for the
Medicine has an automated storage and role of various kinds of libraries to be
retrieval system called MEDLARS 45 distinguished in it. It would seem nec-
which provides recurrent and demand essary as a first step to arrive at some
bibliographies from the literature of taxonomy of information services and
medicine; Chemical Abstracts is intro- the kinds of organization best suited to
ducing a similar system for the literature supply them.
of chemistry. 46 Most of the important in-
dexing and abstracting services are pro- III. TowARDS MEASUREMENT
viding regular, often computer-based, So far a crucial problem in providing
indexes in a wide variety of fields. The some sort of reliable answer to the vari-
Science Citation Index is a novel and ous questions raised above has been
useful development in bibliographical
avoided. The problem is methodological.
control. Many services are available on How is the foregoing discussion with its
microfilm especially coded for rapid and descriptive orientation and a priori theo-
convenient use in automatic machines. rizing to be put into the rigorous form
The problem then is how these various demanded by the scientific method? Op-
services are related. Most of them deal erational definitions for the variables dis-
with a specialized literature, in a spe-
cussed above and for others which may
cialized way with a particular emphasis
be suggested by a consideration of the
on science and technology, and on speed
library in terms of various models to be
in the provision of information. A dis-
found in the literature of organizations,
must be attempted. Hypotheses about
43 Eugene Garfield, "Information Retrieval" (Report
of meeting of AAAS in Washington, D.C., December the relations of the variables and test-
27, 1966), Science, CLVI (June 6, 1967), 1400.
44 lSI Eases Scientists Information Problems
able deductions from the hypotheses
. . .
(Advertisement) Science, CLIV (November 11, 1966) , must be made. These must be confirmed
セuN sN@ Department of Health, Education and Wel-
fare. The Medlars Story at the National Library of 4 7 Carl F. Overhage, " Science Libraries: Prospects
Medicine (Washington, D.C.: The Department, 1963) ; and Problems," Science, CLV (February 17, 1967) ,
Charles J, Austin, The Medlars System: An Applica- 803.
tion Report (Washington: Public Health Service, 48 Louise Schultz, "The Information System: Too
(1964), p. 28-31. Big and Growing," American Documentation, XIII
セ@ Simpson and Flanagan, op. cit., p. 314. (July 1962), 293.
Libraries as Organizations I 325

(or not ) by the performance of test, and organization's goals?" One may obtain
these tests, to be successful, must in their through sampling and interview tech-
turn lead to the refinement of the defi- niques some idea of what people at vari-
nitions, reformulation of the hypotheses, ous levels in a library, or in many li-
new deductions, and revision and repe- braries, consider to be the most general
tition of the tests. It is not the purpose goals of libraries; the future goals of
of these concluding paragraphs to at- their library; its immediate goals; the
tempt the solution of the general meth- goals of their section in it and of their
odological problem or to set out a system- own professional activity. If these goals
atic research plan, but rather to suggest are described as ostensible or public
possible approaches to some of the gen- goals, a third kind of goals may be de-
eral concepts employed in the paper, scribed as real, private, or even as sys-
particularly goals and performance ef- tem goals. These are the goals the li-
fectiveness. brary or groups of its personnel may be
There are two major questions im- said actually to operate by at any given
mediately suggested by the realization moment. They are arrived at by infer-
that an organization has goals. The first ence-inviting the accusation of the post
is: what are the organization's goals? hoc, ergo propter hoc fallacy. One way
The second is: how nearly does the or- of obtaining some objective account of
ganization meet or fulfill its goals? Ob- them is through a content analysis of di-
viously one cannot begin to examine the rectives issued by the principal librarian
second question without some definite and other executives to the library staff,
answer to the first. This second question or of the minutes of trustees meetings
raises the problem of performance ef- and so on.
fectiveness. Efficiency, one may note in The attempt to distinguish the vari-
passing, is rather different, being ex- ous kinds of goals, to identify them ob-
pressed in terms of judgments about the jectively and to differentiate their effects
disposition of means in the organization may well be regarded as an attempt on
in relation to its end-products; and not a conceptual Pandora's box. 49 The recog-
primarily about goals towards the most nition that an organization's goals are
efficient fulfillment of which the organi- not single or simple, but composite and
zation as an on-going system is directed. complex is necessary to an understand-
One must also recognize that there are ing of organizational dynamics. It also
at least three general kinds of goals to suggests the need for composite and
be considered. The first kind is personal セッューャ・ク@ measures or indicators of per-
goals-expressible in · terms of a desire formance effectiveness. In a sense de-
to be interested by one's wish for in- gree of goal correlation may itself be one
fluence, power, status, and so on which such an indicator, especially if the dis-
participants may partly fulfill by using tinction between ostensible and "real"
the organization as a means. Another is goals can be maintained. If the correla-
the goals held for the organization by tion were perfect the organization would
the various kinds of participants in it, be doing what everyone participating in
and these may be expected to vary ac- it wanted. Effectiveness, that is to say,
cording to the location of the partici- can at least be approached subjectively.
pants in its structure. The question,
49 One such attempt has b een made b y M. D. Mesa-
"what are the organization's goals?" can rovic, J. L. Sanders, C. F. Sprague in their "An Axio-
be reformulated to become "how much matic Approach to Organizations from a General Sys-
tems Viewpoint," in New Perspectives in Organiza-
of whose goals are we to consider as the tion Research, op. cit., p. 493-512.
326 I College & Research Libraries • July 1969

Those who have certain goals with re- formance of different information retriev-
spect to an organization should know al systems. 50 Perhaps modifications of
how well it has achieved them. these ratios might be made for use in
Measures of effectiveness derived the evaluation of libraries. Practical
from user or (more generally) partici- measures derived from such theoretical
pant satisfaction have been described notions might stress the irrelevant ma-
as aggregative subjective measures. At- terial recalled from the system in re-
tempts to obtain more objective meas- sponse to a request, and (perhaps on
ures for libraries have not generally been the basis of a small sample) relevant ma-
successful. Librarians have placed much terial missed. Cooper suggests that the
faith in the statistics of expenditure, col- effectiveness of an information system be
lections, and use for determining how measured by the amount of material
successful a library is, but such statistics that has to be discarded before a client
need to be interpreted with reference judges his request to have been satis-
either to an ideal set of statistics ( estab- fied.51 While ever the highly subjective
lished in some a priori fashion) or to notion of relevance has to be maintained
similar statistics derived from the same for these measures, their usefulness in
organization at an earlier point in time practice will be severely limited. One
or from a sampling at a given point in may hope, however, that an objective
time over a number of similar organiza- correlative for relevance may one day
tions. The general problem in the use of be found.
statistics is to determine the relationship This discussion has suggested three
of things that can be "counted" to the un- tentative and partial approaches to an
derlying goal structure of the organiza- assessment of performance effectiveness: ·
tion. Conclusions about goal fulfillment aggregative subjective measures, statis-
made on the basis of the kinds of statis- tics of use, and "behavioral" measures of
tics now collected may, in fact, be quite characteristic actions. Together these
misleading. give us a fuller picture than any partic-
It is possible, perhaps, that other kinds ular one would separately of how well
of objective measures of performance ef- the organization is meeting its various
fectiveness may be adapted from those and many goals. In attempting to take
developed in recent years in the field of into account the variety of goals and or-
information retrieval. Such measures dering them according to a system of
may be described as behavioral or "sys- priority (obviously some goals are not as
temic." Organizational behavior culmi- important as others), one might suggest
nates in the performance of certain im- the possibility of obtaining some kind of
portant, recurring, idiosyncratic actions. effectiveness profile for an organization.
Libraries supply books, periodical arti- An effectiveness profile of a library (or
cles, and so on in response to requests indeed of any organization) would be a
for them specifically or for information valuable descriptive and diagnostic tool.
on subjects. Behavioral measures of per- ••
formance would attempt to assess the ef- 5 ° CyrilW. Cleverdon, R eport on the Testing and
fectiveness of these actions. In the Aslib- Analysis of an Investigation into the Comparative Ef-
ficiency of Indexing Systems (Cranfield, England :
Cranfield experiments in England, recall Aslib Cranfield Research Project, 1962).
and relevance ratios were developed to 5 1 William S. Cooper, "Reduction of Expected Search
Length as a Criterion of Retrieval Effectiveness,
measure the relative effectiveness of per- American Docume ntation, XIX (January 1968), 30-41.

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