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1. lead a.

the me between the ini a on and

comple on of a produc on process
2. ra (of sth) b. rela vely expensive and designed to
appeal to affluent consumers
3. hype c. a set (of sth)
4. inflate d. poten al client
5. trac on e. when products are used in films or TV
6. lead me f. using an exis ng name on another type
of product
7. to go about somebody’s business g. the set of products made by a company
8. upmarket h. the extent to which an idea, product,
etc. gains popularity or acceptance
9. product placement i. extravagant or intensive publicity or
promo on
10. market share j. increase (something) by a large or
excessive amount
11. product endorsement k. the use of a well‐known person to
adver se products
12. brand stretching l. the second best selling brand or
product on the market
13. product range m. the percentage of shares a company has
14. market challenger n. to con nue doing what you usually do

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