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Geology > Quick Guide > Advanced

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Calibration of borehole image logs

The Image calibration method allows borehole image logs to be calibrated using an appropriate
calibrated measurement, for example calibrating an electrical imaging tool such as the FMI
using a resistivity or conductivity variable from a resistivity measuring tool. The method is
launched by choosing Image calibration from the ‘Wbi’ menu.

- Step 1: Image preparation
Go to the 'Geology' tab, and under 'Wbi' select 'Image calibration' to launch the data
selection window.

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The data type selection window is used to select the family, alias or variable name of the
calibration variable and the image arrays to be calibrated.

elect the correct tool, FMI in this case and the data channels family as shown.

elect the correct calibration curve, having ‘ hallow resistivity’ as the preferred family
assigned. In the WI, drag and the drop the re uired dataset.

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ad based tools are normally calibrated using the individual pads from the family selection
window li e FMI pads and flaps are chosen in this example above.

Note: There are two things that you need to pay attention at this step as QC:

Calibration curve:

This should be the best shallow resistive curve, having a depth of investigation similar to that
of , depth matched before running the method.

It must be in the same dataset as the image arrays to be calibrated. When bringing the
calibration curve from a different dataset, the user needs to resample it to fit with the image
array resolution.

Input array image:

isplaying a histogram of all pads flaps lot istogram helps you to assess and decide if a
particular pad or flap should be excluded due to poor response. urves are color coded and
can be clic ed to view corresponding statistics. The figure below shows that all pads and
flaps are wor ing well, as they are displayed on top of each other, hence the data is
acceptable to proceed further.

- Step 2: Run image calibration

Go to the onation doc window to restrict the interval including data affected by casing or
mud. The top and bottom truncation should be started at the first good reading and stop at
the last good reading of both shallow resistive and image array measurement.

et the ' pply mode in the ' arameters' tab to 'edit calibration and run the method in
'display' mode. best fit calibration will be calculated. t this stage of the computation, the
calibration has not been applied to the input image arrays. ou can edit the calibration
without applying it to the input arrays.

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Two plots are opened at this stage of the computation, a cross plot of the calibration curve
versus the smoothed image mean curve and a og iew layout of the input and results

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When the user clic s on ‘ pply’, several computations will be performed. mean value of all
of the input arrays will be calculated, over the interval specified by the ‘Truncation top’ and
‘Truncation bottom’ parameters.

Then all image arrays will be smoothed by using the window specified in the ‘ alibration
resolution’ parameter. In this example, the mean value of FMI input arrays will be smoothed
from . inches to a lower resolution at inches. This will allow a meaningful comparison
with the calibration curve. The ‘ alibration esolution’ should be ad usted until you see the
acceptable matching in the vertical resolution of the calibration curve and the ‘ alibrated
smoothed mean’.

The resulting curve will be cross plotted against the calibration curve, using every nth data
point as specified by the ‘ ownsampling rate parameter’. This limits the number of data
points that are displayed and used in the calibration cross plot. This has a twofold purpose
using fewer points ma es the calculation faster and so gives easier interactivity when
wor ing in automatic launch mode and using a decimated set of data points also filters out
noise from the calibration. value of , as in the example shown, means that only every
th value will be used.

In this example, FMI data, water base mud image, is used so the proper calibration type is
onductivity with esistivity. The inverse of the calibration curve is used alibration
curve and are computed.

ou can also modify the calibration. If the you want to see the results of the calibration
updating as the calibration points are modified, use the ‘ utomatic launch’ button on the WI
window. The plotted calibrated curves will then be updated every time one of the calibration

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