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-09 S550-I/O expansion modules

1. Description
In addition to the input-output boards fitted in its case, the S550 Remote terminal unit can be fitted
with "S550-I/O" expansion modules in order to extend its input-output capacity and to distribute
them to distributed facilities.
The S550 Remote terminal unit can simultaneously manage:
- an RS485 bus for communication with "S50 I/O" modules,
- and an RS485 bus for communication with "S550 I/O" modules,

1.1. Module characteristics

Each "S550-I/O" module containing a input-output board is fitted with a double side-mounted
connector for clicking several cases together. It possesses removable terminal strips fitted on the
front panel, along with an operating indicator light. 4 types of "S550-I/O" modules are available:

16DI 6AI-T° 6DO 8AI-20

Height Width Depth

• Dimensions (excluding terminal strips): 125 x 37 x 88 mm
• 7 to 15 V DC power supply (delivered either by S550, or via an external power unit)
• Operating indicator light:
- on: normal operation
- flashing: communication fault between S550 and the I/O module, or
when the module has no configured data

The characteristics of each module are described in their specific documents.

1.2. Capacities
S550 can communicate with up to 20 S550 I/O modules.

1.3. Communication
S550 communicates with its expansion modules via the 485 I/O port, or via an RS485 board.
In most cases, the S550 remote terminal unit can remotely power the expansion modules
located nearby or further away (see "13.8 V remote power feeding" § below).
The address of each module (1 to 20) must be configured by rotating the thumbwheels on
each I/O board:
Set the units thumbwheel Set the tens thumbwheel
from 0 to 9 to 0, 1 or 2

To optimize communication time with the Remote terminal unit, the various
expansion modules must be configured with consecutive addresses.

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2. Installation

2.1. Attachment
Each "S550-I/O" module can be attached to an Omega DIN rail, either individually, or in groups of
several modules clipped together using the double side connector on the back panel.
These modules must be fitted inside an electrical cabinet serving as a fire shell.

2.2. Connection - Remote power feeding

The S550 case must be powered down (mains and battery) before connecting the expansion

RS485 link properties

Use the twisted pair of screened or shielded cable.

Respect polarities
Connect the cable shielding to Earth on one side: the S550 case and expansion
modules must be connected to Equipotential earths (frequent case inside a given
Maximum length = 1200 meters (beyond this, use repeaters).

Remote Distance less than

terminal unit 10m

RS485 bus with remote module power feeding

On the I/O board at the end of a link, the switch must be set to position B
(resistance = 120Ω)

13.8 V remote module power feeding

S550 can remotely feed its "I/O" expansion modules; this possibility is dependent upon:
- the number of modules to remotely feed,
- the distance between the S550 remote terminal unit and the expansion modules,
- and the cross-section of the cable used.

The supply voltage of each module can be checked via the "S550 Diagnostics" function
from the graphical display, or the Remote terminal unit's Browser.

When in doubt, a consumption assessment should be performed according to the

instructions in the "Installation - Environmental standards and conditions" §.

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Module connection diagrams

• Via the 485 I/O terminal strip S550 I/O modules

Remote 485 I/O terminal strip

terminal unit on right-hand side of "Back panel"
S550 case side terminal strip

RS485 bus

max. 430 mA
In the event of consumption overrun, the V+ outlet of the
S550 Power supply board can be used, or the specific Check earth equipotentiality
power unit can be fitted (attach to DIN rail).

• Via an RS-485 board

terminal S550 I/O modules

Board terminal
strip S550 power Power supply "Back panel"
supply side terminal strip

RS485 bus
RS-485 board
terminal strip

We recommend assessing the S550 Remote terminal unit's consumption

(see "Installation - Environmental standards and conditions" §).

• Via an isolated RS-485 board.

When the earth connections between the S550 Remote terminal unit and the expansion
modules are not equipotential, an RS-485 board (insulated) must be used along with
the external power unit.
S550 I/O modules
terminal unit

12V / 35W
power unit
(attachment to DIN rail)

"Back panel"
side terminal strip

RS-485i RS485 bus

terminal strip

When the Remote terminal unit and expansion modules are fitted in different buildings,
RS485 protections must be fitted on either end of the connection. Furthermore, if
the remote terminal unit supplies the power to these expansion modules, then 13.8 V
protections must be fitted.

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3. SOFTOOLS configuration
3.1. Module definition

LDC on the "485 I/O" port to define the types of input-

output modules communicating with S550.

LC on each of the buttons to configure

the input-output boards with which the S550-I/O
modules are fitted.

Groups of 1 or more expansion modules can be

created according to their geographic location.

3.2. Hardware identification of data

LDC on each DI, AI or DO icon to define the hardware identification of each S550 datum (the
following example represents the case of a logical input connected to terminal strip no.
16 of a 16DI module):

Enter here the same S550-I/O module address as that defined during
installation (thumbwheels).

S550 remote
terminal unit

Type of board fitted onto Input data available on terminal strip

the "S550-I/O" module (digital input, duration counter
and pulse counter)

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3.3. Query period
The data query period is governed by the number of S550-I/O modules communicating with the
Remote terminal unit. A change in setpoint (DO) status is taken into account immediately.
The following rule is used to calculate this period relatively accurately:

Query period = number of S550-I/O modules x 100 milliseconds

To optimize the counter refresh time, these should be grouped on the smallest possible
number of modules.

3.4. Case of a communication fault

S550 periodically checks communication with the S550-I/O modules. When and S550-I/O module
fails to respond to 2 consecutive query attempts, the remote terminal unit sets the "System fault"
internal datum to indicate that one or more expansion modules are in communication fault. A full
text message is entered into the diagnostic log: it clearly identifies the module at the origin of the

This S550 datum switches to 0 status once all S550-I/O modules are once more
responding correctly.

4. Diagnostics
"S550-I/O" module diagnostics can be performed via the graphical display or the Browser.
This Diagnostic function displays the input-output statuses and values and allows the voltage of each
module to be checked; an excessively low supply voltage (7 Volts) can thus be easily detected before
the module stops working.

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