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Magnetic Force Objectives

Given the force on a charge in a
magnetic field, determine the
Charged Particles in a Magnetic Field strength of the magnetic field.
Although experiments show that a constant magnetic field does not exert
Use the right-hand rule to find
a net force on a stationary charged particle, charges moving through a
the direction of the force on a
magnetic field do experience a magnetic force. This force has its maxi-
charge moving through a
mum value when the charge moves perpendicular to the magnetic field,
magnetic field.
decreases in value at other angles, and becomes zero when the particle
moves along the field lines. To keep the math simple in this book, we will Determine the magnitude
limit our discussion to situations in which charges move parallel or and direction of the force on a
perpendicular to the magnetic field lines. wire carrying current in a
magnetic field.
A charge moving through a magnetic field experiences a force.
Recall that the electric field at a point in space is defined as the electric
force per unit charge acting on some test charge placed at that point. In a
similar manner, we can describe the properties of the magnetic field, B, in
terms of the magnetic force exerted on a test charge at a given point. Our
test object is assumed to be a positive charge, q, moving with velocity v
perpendicular to B. It has been found experimentally that the strength of
the magnetic force on the particle moving perpendicular to the field is
equal to the product of the magnitude of the charge, q, the magnitude of
the velocity, v, and the strength of the external magnetic field, B, as shown
by the following relationship.
Fmagnetic = qvB
This expression can be rearranged as follows:

Magnitude of a Magnetic Field

B=_ qv
magnetic field = ____
magnetic force on a charged particle
(magnitude of charge)(speed of charge)

If the force is in newtons, the charge is in coulombs, and the speed is

in meters per second, the unit of magnetic field strength is the tesla (T).
Thus, if a 1 C charge moving at 1 m/s perpendicular to a magnetic field
experiences a magnetic force of 1 N, the magnitude of the magnetic field
is equal to 1 T. Most magnetic fields are much smaller than 1 T. We can
express the units of the magnetic field as follows:

T=_ N =_ N =_ V•s
C•m/s A•m m2
Conventional laboratory magnets can produce magnetic fields up to
about 1.5 T. Superconducting magnets that can generate magnetic fields
as great as 30 T have been constructed. For comparison, Earth’s magnetic
field near its surface is about 50 µT (5 × 10-5 T).

Magnetism 675
FIGURE 3.1 An alternative right-hand rule can be used to find the
direction of the magnetic force.
Alternative Right-
Hand Rule Experiments show that the direction of the magnetic force
Use this alternative on a moving charge is always perpendicular to both the
right-hand rule to find the velocity, v, and the magnetic field, B. To determine the
direction of the magnetic direction of the force, use the right-hand rule. Similar to
force on a positive charge. before, place your fingers in the direction of B with your
thumb pointing in the direction of v, as illustrated in
Figure 3.1. The magnetic force, Fmagnetic, on a positive
charge is directed out of the palm of your hand.
If the charge is negative rather than positive, the force is
directed opposite that shown in Figure 3.1. That is, if q is
Fmagnetic v negative, simply use the right-hand rule to find the direc-
tion of Fmagnetic for positive q and then reverse this direc-
tion for the negative charge.

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very so often, the sky in far north and far south which eventually make their way to Earth. Once they
latitudes lights up with a spectacular natural light reach Earth, they move through its magnetic field. This in
show. These phenomena, called aurora borealis in turn produces a force that causes the charges to
the Northern Hemisphere and aurora australis in the accelerate and move toward the poles.
Southern Hemisphere, are due to the interaction between
The charges, guided along the Earth’s magnetic field,
charged particles and the Earth’s magnetic field. The sun
spiral toward the lower atmosphere. They eventually
constantly emits charged particles, protons and electrons,
collide with atoms of nitrogen and oxygen. These atoms,
in turn, get excited by the collision
and emit light, ranging from
brilliant reds to sparkling greens.
The color of these lights depends
on the atom being excited and its
altitude. Auroras are most often
seen near the poles because
Earth’s magnetic field lines are
(bl) ©Dave Brosha Photography/Getty Images

most concentrated there and

because the field lines are at the
correct height to produce these
seemingly magical interactions.

676 Chapter 19

Particle in a Magnetic Field Interactive Demo
Sample Problem A A proton moving east experiences a force
of 8.8 × 10-19 N upward due to the Earth’s magnetic field. At this
location, the field has a magnitude of 5.5 × 10-5 T to the north.
Find the speed of the particle.

ANALYZE Given: q = 1.60 × 10-19 C B = 5.5 × 10-5 T

Fmagnetic = 8.8 × 10-19 N

Unknown: v=?

SOLVE Use the definition of magnetic field strength. Rearrange to solve for v.

B=_ qv
Tips and Tricks
The directions given can be used to
v = ___ 8.8 × 10-19 N = 1.0 × 105 m/s
verify the right-hand rule. Imagine
standing at this location and facing (1.60 × 10-19 C) (5.5 × 10-5 T)
north. Turn the palm of your right hand
upward (the direction of the force) with
your thumb pointing east (the direction
v = 1.0 × 105 m/s
of the velocity). If your palm and thumb
point in these directions, your fingers
point directly north in the direction of the
magnetic field, as they should.

1. A proton moves perpendicularly to a magnetic field that has a magnitude of

4.20 × 10-2 T. What is the speed of the particle if the magnitude of the magnetic
force on it is 2.40 × 10-14 N?

2. If an electron in an electron beam experiences a downward force of 2.0 × 10-14 N

while traveling in a magnetic field of 8.3 × 10-2 T west, what is the direction and
magnitude of the velocity?

3. A uniform 1.5 T magnetic field points north. If an electron moves vertically

downward (toward the ground) with a speed of 2.5 × 107 m/s through this field,
what force (magnitude and direction) will act on it?

Magnetism 677
FIGURE 3.2 A charge moving through a magnetic field follows a circular path.
Consider a positively charged particle moving in a uniform magnetic
Charge Moving Through
field. Suppose the direction of the particle’s initial velocity is exactly
a Uniform Magnetic
Field When the velocity, v, of a perpendicular to the field, as in Figure 3.2. Application of the right-hand
charged particle is perpendicular to rule for the charge q shows that the direction of the magnetic force,
a uniform magnetic field, the particle Fmagnetic, at the charge’s location is to the left. Furthermore, application
moves in a circle whose plane is of the right-hand rule at any point shows that the magnetic force is always
perpendicular to B. directed toward the center of the circular path. Therefore, the magnetic
force is, in effect, a force that maintains circular motion and changes only
B the direction of v, not its magnitude.
v Now consider a charged particle traveling with its initial velocity at
some angle to a uniform magnetic field. A component of the particle’s
initial velocity is parallel to the magnetic field. This parallel part is not
F magnetic
affected by the magnetic field, and that part of the motion will remain the
same. The perpendicular part results in a circular motion, as described
above. The particle will follow a helical path, like the red stripes on a
candy cane, whose axis is parallel to the magnetic field.

Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor

HRW • Holt Physics
Recall that current consists of many charged particles in motion. If a force
is exerted on a single charged particle when the particle moves through a
magnetic field, it should be no surprise that a current-carrying wire also
experiences a force when it is placed in a magnetic field. The resultant
force on the wire is the sum of the individual magnetic forces on the
charged particles. The force on the particles is transmitted to the bulk of
FIGURE 3.3 the wire through collisions with the atoms making up the wire.

Force on a Current-Carrying Consider a straight segment of wire of length ℓ carrying current, I, in a

Wire in a Magnetic Field uniform external magnetic field, B, as in Figure 3.3. When the current and
A current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field are perpendicular, the magnitude of the total magnetic
magnetic field experiences a force force on the wire is given by the following relationship.
that is perpendicular to the direction
of the current.
Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor
Perpendicular to a Magnetic Field
Fmagnetic = BIℓ

magnitude of magnetic force = (magnitude of magnetic field)

(current)(length of conductor within B)

The direction of the magnetic force on a wire can be obtained by using

the right-hand rule. However, in this case, you must place your thumb in
the direction of the current rather than in the direction of the velocity, v.
In Figure 3.3, the direction of the magnetic force on the wire is to the left.
When the current is either in the direction of the field or opposite the
HRW • Holt Physics direction of the field, the magnetic force on the wire is zero.

678 Chapter 19
Two parallel conducting wires exert a force on one another. FIGURE 3.4
Because a current in a conductor creates its own magnetic field, it is
Force Between Parallel
easy to understand that two current-carrying wires placed close together Conducting Wires
exert magnetic forces on each other. When the two conductors are Two parallel wires, each carrying
parallel to each other, the direction of the magnetic field created by one is a steady current, exert magnetic
perpendicular to the direction of the current of the other, and vice versa. forces on each other. The force is
In this way, a force of Fmagnetic = BIℓ acts on each wire, where B is the (a) attractive if the currents have
magnitude of the magnetic field created by the other wire. the same direction and (b) repulsive
Consider the two long, straight, parallel wires shown in Figure 3.4. if the two currents have opposite
When the current in each is in the same direction, the two wires attract directions.
one another. Confirm this by using the right-hand rule. Point your thumb
in the direction of current in one wire, and point your fingers in the
direction of the field produced by the other wire. By doing this, you find F1 F2
that the direction of the force (pointing out from the palm of your hand) is
toward the other wire. When the currents in each wire are in opposite
directions, the wires repel one another.
B1 B2

Loudspeakers use magnetic force to produce sound.

The loudspeakers in most sound systems use a magnetic force acting on a
current-carrying wire in a magnetic field to produce sound waves. One
speaker design, shown in Figure 3.5, consists of a coil of wire, a flexible paper I1 I2
cone attached to the coil that acts as the speaker, and a permanent magnet. (a) F1 = - F2
In a speaker system, a sound signal is converted to a varying electric signal
by the microphone. This electrical signal is amplified and sent to the I2
HRW • Holt Physics
loudspeaker. At the loudspeaker, this varying electrical current causes a PH99PE-C21-003-009-A
varying magnetic force on the coil. This alternating force on the coil results
in vibrations of the attached cone, which produce variations in the density F1 F2
of the air in front of it. In this way, an electric signal is converted to a sound
wave that closely resembles the sound wave produced by the source.
B1 B2

Loudspeaker In a loudspeaker, when the direction and magnitude
C21-003-006-A (b) F1 = - F2
of the current in the coil of wire change, the paper cone attached to the
coil moves, producing sound waves.
HRW • Holt Physics
S cone


Magnetism 679

Force on a Current-Carrying Conductor Interactive Demo
Sample Problem B A wire 25 m long carries a current of 12 A
from west to east. If the magnetic force on the wire due to Earth’s
magnetic field is upward (away from Earth) and has a magnitude
of 4.0 × 10-2 N, find the magnitude and direction of the magnetic
field at this location.

ANALYZE Given: ℓ = 25 m I = 12 A Fmagnetic = 4.0 × 10-2 N

Unknown: B=?

SOLVE Use the equation for the force on a current-carrying conductor perpen-
dicular to a magnetic field.

Fmagnetic = BIℓ

Rearrange to solve for B.

Fmagnetic 4.0 × 10-2 N = 1.3 × 10-4 T

B = _ = __
Iℓ (12 A)(25 m)

Using the right-hand rule to find the direction of B, hold your hand so
that your thumb is pointing to the east (in the direction of the current)
and the palm of your hand up (in the direction of the force). Your fingers
point north. Thus, Earth’s magnetic field is from south to north.

1. A 6.0 m wire carries a current of 7.0 A toward the +x-direction. A magnetic force
of 7.0 × 10-6 N acts on the wire in the -y-direction. Find the magnitude and
direction of the magnetic field producing the force.

2. A printer is connected to a 1.0 m cable. If the magnetic force is 9.1 × 10-5 N, and
the magnetic field is 1.3 × 10-4 T, what is the current in the cable?

3. Suppose a straight wire with a length of 2.0 m runs perpendicular to a magnetic

field with a magnitude of 38 T. What current would have to pass through the wire
in order for the magnetic force to equal the weight of a student with a mass of
75 kg?

4. The magnetic force acting on a wire that is perpendicular to a 1.5 T uniform

magnetic field is 4.4 N. If the current in the wire is 5.0 A, what is the length of the
wire that is inside the magnetic field?

680 Chapter 19
Galvanometers FIGURE 3.6

A galvanometer is a device used in the construction of both A Galvanometer In a galvanometer, when current
ammeters and voltmeters. Its operation is based on the fact enters the coil, which is in a magnetic field, the magnetic
that a torque acts on a current loop in the presence of a force causes the coil to twist.
magnetic field. Figure 3.6 shows a simplified arrangement
of the main components of a galvanometer. It consists of a Coil
coil of wire wrapped around a soft iron core mounted so
that it is free to pivot in the magnetic field provided by the
permanent magnet. The torque experienced by the coil is
proportional to the current in the coil. This means that the
larger the current, the greater the torque and the more the
coil will rotate before the spring tightens enough to stop
the movement. Hence, the amount of deflection of the
needle is proportional to the current in the coil. When
there is no current in the coil, the spring returns the needle
to zero. Once the instrument is properly calibrated, it can
be used in conjunction with other circuit elements as an
ammeter (to measure currents) or as a voltmeter
(to measure potential differences).


Reviewing Main Ideas
1. A particle with a charge of 0.030 C experiences a magnetic force of
1.5 N while moving at right angles to a uniform magnetic field. If the
speed of the charge is 620 m/s, what is the magnitude of the magnetic
field the particle passes through?
2. An electron moving north encounters a uniform magnetic field. If the
magnetic field points east, what is the direction of the magnetic force on
the electron?
3. A straight segment of wire has a length of 25 cm and carries a current of
5.0 A. If the wire is perpendicular to a magnetic field of 0.60 T, then what
is the magnitude of the magnetic force on this segment of the wire?
4. Two parallel wires have charges moving in the same direction. Is the force
between them attractive or repulsive?
5. Identify an object in your home or classroom
that uses magnetic force, and explain
how it works.
Interpreting Graphics
6. Find the direction of the magnetic force on the
current-carrying wire in Figure 3.7.

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PH99PE-C21-003-008-A Magnetism 681

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