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ENGLISH paper 1- Non-Fiction
2nd Term Examination - January 2023
Grade 6
1 hour 10 minutes
 Candidates answer on the Question Paper.
 No Additional Materials are required.
 No calculators allowed.
 Answer all questions.
 Use a black or dark blue pen. You may use an HB pencil for any
diagrams or graphs.
 Write your name, index number and class in the boxes at the top
of this page.
 Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
 Do not use an erasable pen or correction fluid.
 The total mark for this paper is 50.
 The number of marks for each question or part question is shown
in brackets [ ].

This document consists of 07 printed page

Section A: Reading
Spend 30 minutes on this section
Read Text A, in the insert, and answer questions 1 - 9.
1. Write two beliefs that are associated with the disappearance of
boats, airplanes and people.
 ..........................................................................................................
 ..........................................................................................................
2. The USS Cyclops was last seen in
Tick ( ) the most appropriate answer
 Florida
 Barbados
 Brazil
 Puerto Rico [1]
3. Explain in your own words 'The US Navy records this as the largest
loss of life outside of combat in its history'. (Refer to line 15)
4. Describe what happened to the USS Navy plane.
5. Name three ideas, on what the Navy thought for the disappearance
of Flight 19.
 ..........................................................................................................
 ..........................................................................................................
 ..........................................................................................................
6. As claimed by others what organization was involved with the
disappearance of boats and people?
7. Expand the noun phrase 'The Bermuda Triangle' using any of the
given senses. (sight, touch and emotion)
8. Find two prefixes in the text and construct a sentence for each word
on your own.
 ..........................................................................................................
 ..........................................................................................................
9. Locate two examples of reported speech and write the relevant
sentences. (Refer lines from 1 to 10)
Read Text B, in the insert, and answer questions 10-15.
10. What is the main purpose of money?
11. Name the method of exchange that was used in the past.
12. Write in your own words on what happened between you and
Joshua, assuming that he was you friend.
13. List two 'quotations' that suggest the writers own saying. (Refer the
last paragraph)
 ..........................................................................................................
 ..........................................................................................................
14. Explain 3 ways how the monetary system defers today compared to
the ancient times. (Refer the last paragraph)
 ..........................................................................................................
 ..........................................................................................................
 ..........................................................................................................
15. Write a 'poem letter' on money. (Illustrate 'luminous detail for the
Section B: Writing
Spend 30 minutes on this section.
16. Write a persuasive speech about one of the following topics.

Key points to remember: present a line of argument, structure your

speech, use language imaginatively.

It could be about:
 Lyrics in a song can impact our life.
 Violent video games are dangerous
 School uniforms are beneficial.
 Credit cards are harmful to students, if given.
 Hunting animals should be banned.
Space for your plan

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