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Draft version December 4, 2023

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Evolution and final fate of solar metallicity stars in the mass range 7-15 M⊙ . I. The
transition from AGB to SAGB stars, Electron Capture and Core Collapse Supernovae
arXiv:2312.00107v1 [astro-ph.SR] 30 Nov 2023

Marco Limongi ,1, 2, 3 Lorenzo Roberti ,4, 5, 1 Alessandro Chieffi ,6, 7, 3 and
Ken’ichi Nomoto 2
Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - Osservatorio Astronomico di Roma, Via Frascati 33, I-00040, Monteporzio
Catone, Italy
Kavli Institute for the Physics and Mathematics of the Universe (WPI), The University of Tokyo Institutes for
Advanced Study, The University of Tokyo, Kashiwa, Chiba 277-8583, Japan
INFN. Sezione di Perugia, via A. Pascoli s/n, I-06125 Perugia, Italy
Konkoly Observatory, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Eötvös Loránd Research Network
(ELKH), Konkoly Thege Miklós út 15-17, H-1121 Budapest, Hungary
CSFK, MTA Centre of Excellence, Budapest, Konkoly Thege Miklós út 15-17, H-1121, Hungary
Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica - Istituto di Astrofisica e Planetologia Spaziali, Via Fosso del Cavaliere 100, I-00133,
Roma, Italy
Monash Centre for Astrophysics (MoCA), School of Mathematical Sciences, Monash University, Victoria 3800,


According to a standard initial mass function, stars in the range 7 − 12 M⊙ constitute
∼ 50% (by number) of the stars more massive than ∼ 7 M⊙ , but, in spite of this, their
evolutionary properties, and in particular their final fate, are still scarcely studied. In
this paper we present a detailed study of the evolutionary properties of solar metallicity,
non rotating stars in the range 7 − 15 M⊙ , from the pre main sequence phase up to
the presupernova stage or up to an advanced stage of the thermally pulsing phase,
depending on the initial mass. We find that (1) the 7.00 M⊙ develops a degenerate
CO core and evolves as a classical AGB star in the sense that it does not ignite the C
burning reactions; (2) stars with the initial mass M ≥ 9.22 M⊙ end their life as core
collapse supernovae; (3) stars in the range 7.50 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.20 develop a degenerate
ONeMg core and evolve through the thermally pulsing SAGB phase; 4) stars in the
mass range 7.50 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 8.00 end their life as hybrid CO/ONeMg- or ONeMg-
WD; (5) stars with the initial mass in the range 8.50 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.20 may potentially
explode as electron capture supernovae.

Corresponding author:
2 Limongi et al.

In the general picture of stellar evolution, stars with M ≲ 7 M⊙ evolve along the thermally pulsing
asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) phase and end their life as CO White Dwarfs (CO-WDs). On
the contrary, stars with ≳ 12 M⊙ , the so-called massive stars (MS), evolve through all the major
stable nuclear burning stages and eventually explode as core collapse supernovae (CCSNe) leaving a
compact remnant, i.e. either a neutron star or a black hole. Stars between ∼ 7 M⊙ and ∼ 12 M⊙
have a much more complex evolution. The lower masses ignite C off-center in an electron degenerate
environment and their ability in removing the degeneracy totally relies on the capability of the
thermally unstable zones (the convective zones) to heat the layers below the main burning front.
The higher masses, on the contrary, ignite C burning centrally. After the C burning phase, the
lower mass stars (M ≲ 10 M⊙ ) develop an inert ONeMg electron degenerate core and enter the
thermally pulsing phase along the AGB. These stars are generally referred to as super-AGB (SAGB)
stars. The final fate of the SAGBs depends on the competition between the core growth and the
mass loss (Nomoto 1984). If mass loss dominates, the envelope is completely lost and the result is a
ONeMg-WD. On the contrary, if the core grows in mass enough to achieve central densities close to
the threshold density for electron capture (EC) 20 Ne(e− , ν)20 Fe, deleptonization and thermonuclear
instability develops to induce the electron capture supernova (ECSN). The final fate of such stars
depends on the competition between the energy released by the nuclear burning front and the loss of
pressure due to the deleptonization occurring in the central zones. If the energy released by nuclear
burning prevails, degeneracy is removed and the star explodes as a thermonuclear ECSN (Miyaji et
al. 1980; Nomoto & Kondo 1991; Isern et al. 1991; Jones et al. 2016a; Nomoto & Leung 2017). If,
on the contrary, the deleptonization dominates, the collapse cannot be halted and the star collapses
into a neutron star (core collapse ECSN) (Miyaji et al. 1980; Miyaji & Nomoto 1987; Nomoto 1987;
Kitaura et al. 2006; Fischer et al. 2010; Jones et al. 2016a; Radice et al. 2017; Zha et al. 2019,
2022). Which outcome is realized from ECSNe depends on both the details of the modeling of the
presupernova evolution and explosion.
Stars in the mass range ∼ 10−12 M⊙ ignite Ne-burning off-center that develops in a similar fashion
as the off-center C burning (Nomoto 1984). The final fate of these stars depends, once again, on the
behavior of the off-center Ne burning (Nomoto & Hashimoto 1988). If the Ne-burning is ignited far
enough off-center, the contracting core may achieve densities sufficiently high for the URCA processes
to be activated until the conditions for an ECSN are reached before the Ne burning front is able to
reach the center. If, on the contrary the Ne burning front reaches the center before the activation of
the URCA processes, O-burning first and Si-burning later are ignited off-center leading ultimately to
a CCSN (Jones et al. 2013, 2014; Nomoto 2014; Woosley & Heger 2015).
Stars in the range 7 − 12 M⊙ constitute roughly 50% of the stars (by number) more massive than
∼ 7 M⊙ according to a standard initial mass function (IMF). This means that a proper knowledge of
how they evolve and die, is crucial for many astrophysical subjects. Determining the mass boundaries
between stars that form CO-WD, ONeMg-WD, ECSNe and CCSNe is mandatory to understand the
relative frequencies among these objects. If a substantial fraction of stars does indeed explode as
ECSNe, then they may contribute significantly to the overall SN rate and also to the population
of neutron stars. ECSNe have also been proposed as potential sites for the r-process (Ning et al.
2007), which is responsible for the synthesis of roughly half of the nuclei above the Fe group. The
ECSN has been proposed for SN 1054 that formed the Crab Nebula in view of the similarity of low
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 3

explosion energies and small amount of heavy elements between the Crab Nebula and the ejecta
of the ECSN (Nomoto et al. 1982). ECSNe may explain the observations of sub-luminous type II
plateau supernovae (SNIIP) with a low amount of 56 Ni ejected (Smartt 2009). Recently, Hiramatsu
et al. (2021) observed SN II 2018zd and found its several observed features can be well-explained by
an ECSN but not by an Fe-core collapse SN. In the context of the chemical evolution of the galaxies,
because of the shape of the IMF, these stars should contribute significantly to the production of
some specific isotopes. Also, the chemical yields produced by stars in this mass interval are either
completely ignored or obtained by means of an arbitrary interpolation between the yields produced
by the AGB stars and those produced by the MS. In both cases a significant error can be made.
Moreover, a large fraction of massive stars is part of binary or multiple systems (Duchêne & Kraus
2013). Binary interactions crucially affect the amount of mass lost by these stars and hence even
more massive progenitors may contribute to produce ECSNe (see, e.g, Brinkman et al. 2023, and
references therein). Unfortunately, the binary scenario remains so far mostly unexplored.
Despite their astrophysical relevance, not many models in the range 7 − 12 M⊙ that cover the
full evolution are available at present. In particular, in none of the papers found in literature on
this subject (e.g. Ritossa et al. 1999; Siess 2010; Ventura et al. 2011; Lau et al. 2012; Karakas et
al. 2012; Takahashi et al. 2013; Gil-Pons et al. 2013; Ventura et al. 2013; Jones et al. 2013, 2014;
Doherty et al. 2015; Woosley & Heger 2015; Takahashi et al. 2019; Zha et al. 2019) a homogenous,
detailed and comprehensive study of the full evolution of stars in the mass range 7 − 12 M⊙ , with
a rather fine mass grid, is presented. In some cases, as it is reported in a number of recent papers,
the TP phase cannot be followed due to numerical problems and the core growth is treated either
parametrically, assuming an arbitrary accretion rate, or it is even neglected (Woosley & Heger 2015;
Takahashi et al. 2019). Moreover, the full evolution of these stars with rotation has never been
computed, as far as we know. The main reason for the paucity of models in this mass range is that
the computation of their evolution is extremely challenging from a numerical point of view and in
general it also requires an enormous amount of computer time and memory. As already mentioned
above, in these stars, depending on the initial mass, C-, Ne-, O- and Si-burning ignite off-center and
the burning front propagates inward in mass accompanied by a number of convective shells. A proper
treatment of the heat transfer from the burning front to the underlying layers requires an extremely
fine spatial resolution of the order of a few km. The full coupling of convective mixing and nuclear
burning, possibly coupled to the structure equations, is also necessary to properly follow these stages
and avoid numerical instabilities. The adoption of a quite extended nuclear network, including at
least 100 or more nuclear species fully coupled to the stellar evolution, is also needed to properly
compute the energy generation and to trace the abundance of the various isotopes and in particular
the electron fraction. A very large number of thermal pulses are expected for SAGB stars, ranging
from several tens to thousands. Typically, the thickness of the inter-shell region, i.e. between the
He- and the H-shell, is of the order of 10−4 − 10−5 M⊙ . Resolving all these phenomena, both in
space and in time, is extremely challenging and requires in general several thousands of zones per
model and hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of models to cover the entire evolution. Coupling
an extended network to these kinds of models implies the need of an enormous amount of computer
time to compute a full single evolution.
This is the first paper of a series in which we aim to study in detail the evolutionary properties of
stars in the transition from AGB stars to CCSN progenitors and how they change with the initial
4 Limongi et al.

metallicity and rotation velocity. In this paper we present detailed evolution of solar metallicity, non
rotating, stars in the range 7 − 15 M⊙ from the pre-main sequence phase up to the presupernova
stage or up to an advanced stage of the thermally pulsing phase, depending on the initial mass. The
main goal is to (1) study how the evolutionary properties of these stars change in the transition
from AGB to Massive Stars, (2) determine the limiting masses between AGB and SAGB stars and
between SAGB stars and Massive Stars, (3) determine their final fate and ultimately (4) identify the
limiting masses that mark the transitions from the various final outcomes, i.e., CO-WD, ONe-WD,
ECSNe and CCSNe.
In the last 20 years we developed and continuously improved our stellar evolution code franec
Chieffi & Limongi (2013); Limongi & Chieffi (2018). One of the strengths of the code is that it
can automatically manage nuclear networks including an arbitrarily extended list of isotopes and
associated reactions. Another feature that makes this code unique in the panorama of the stellar
evolution codes is that all the equations describing a) the physical structure of the star, b) the
chemical evolution due to the nuclear reactions and c) the chemical mixing due to a variety of
instabilities (thermal and mechanical) are coupled together in a single system of equations and
solved simultaneously. Last, but not least, franec includes the treatment of the stellar rotation,
the transport of the angular momentum and the rotation induced mixing of the chemicals. The
multi-threads/parallel solver algorithms used to invert the large sparse matrices, needed to solve
the system of equations, are the most sophisticated and fast presently available. All the features
mentioned above make this code extremely robust and fast from a numerical point of view and
suitable to study essentially all the evolutionary phases of stars, even the most challenging ones like
the advanced burning stages of massive stars, the off-center C-, Ne-, O- and Si-burning, as well as
the thermal pulses in AGB and SAGB stars.
All the models presented in this paper have been computed by means of the latest version of the
franec code. This version is essentially the one adopted in Chieffi & Limongi (2013) and Limongi
& Chieffi (2018), with the following updates/differences.
The induced overshooting occurring during the core He burning phase, because of the transforma-
tion of He into C and O, is properly taken into account following Castellani et al. (1985). During the
late stages of core He burning the occurrence of the breathing pulses has been properly inhibited as
described in Caputo et al. (1989) and Chieffi & Straniero (1989).
The equation of state adopted is the one provided by F.X. Timmes and available in his web page
( It takes into account all stages of Saha ionization, plus a simple density
ionization model, for elements between H and Zn, for all the degree of degeneracy and relativity. In
addition to that, electron positron pairs and Coulomb corrections are also taken into account.
Since in this work we are mainly interested in studying the physical properties of the stars in the
transition between AGB and massive stars and since the calculation of these models requires an
enormous amount of computer time and memory, we have chosen a nuclear network that includes the
minimum number of isotopes but that, at the same time, guarantees the calculation of the nuclear
energy with great accuracy. The 112 isotopes included in the adopted network are reported in Table
1. All these isotopes are coupled among each other by the most efficient reactions due to the weak
and strong interactions for a total of about 466 reactions. Among them, we have also taken into
account the following 20 URCA processes, due to their crucial role played in some of the models
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 5

presented in this work:

Al(e− , ν)27 Mg(e− , ν)27 Na
Na(β − , ν̄)27 Mg(β − , ν̄)27 Al
Mg(e− , ν)25 Na(e− , ν)25 Ne
Ne(β − , ν̄)25 Na(β − , ν̄)25 Mg
Na(e− , ν)23 Ne(e− , ν)23 F
F(β − , ν̄)23 Ne(β − , ν̄)23 Na
Mg(e− , ν)24 Na(e− , ν)24 Ne
Ne(β − , ν̄)24 Na(β − , ν̄)24 Mg
Ne(e− , ν)20 F(e− , ν)20 O
O(β − , ν̄)20 F(β − , ν̄)20 Ne
The energy release/absorption associated with these reactions has been treated as described in Miyaji
et al. (1980).
The nuclear cross sections have been updated by taking into account the most recent experimental
data and theoretical calculations, as described in Roberti et al. 2023 (submitted to ApJS). In
particular, since the URCA rates must be carefully calculated (Toki et al. 2013; Nomoto & Leung
2017), we have adopted for these processes the refined electron capture and beta decay rates provided
by Suzuki et al. (2016).
The zones unstable for convection are determined according to the Ledoux criterion in the H rich
layers and according to the Schwarzschild criterion in all the other cases. As it is well known,
convective core overshooting during core H burning determines the size of the He core at core H
depletion that, in turn, drives all the following evolution of the star (Bressan et al. 1981; Bertelli et
al. 1986; Temaj et al. 2023), unless the He core is further reduced by the mass loss during core He
burning (Limongi & Chieffi 2006; Chieffi & Limongi 2013). In the present version of the code we use
the same prescription used in the previous version adopted in Limongi & Chieffi (2018), i.e., during
core H burning we assume 0.2 HP of convective core overshooting by computing HP = (P/ρg) at the
outer edge of the formal convective core, defined by the stability criterion mentioned above. Some
amount of extra-mixing is assumed at the lower edge of the convective envelope and of the convective
shells that form within the electron degenerate CO core and that are associated to C-, NeO- and
Si-off-center nuclear burning. The mixing efficiency in these zones are determined by assuming an
exponentially decaying convective velocity given by:
r0 − r
vconv (r) = vconv (r0 )exp −
f HP (r0 )
where the subscript 0 refers to values corresponding to the lower border of the convective zone,
vconv (r0 ) is computed in the context of the mixing-length theory and the free parameter f is assumed
equal to 0.014. The diffusion coefficient is then computed as
D(r) = vconv (r)HP (r)
When a fuel is ignited off-center, because of the temperature inversion due to the degeneracy of the
matter (see, e.g., Figures 1-3 in Nomoto 1984), a convective shell develops and a sharp discontinuity in
6 Limongi et al.
Table 1. Nuclear network adopted in the present

Element Amin Amax Element Amin Amax

H........ 1 3 P........ 29 33
He....... 3 4 S........ 31 35
Li....... 7 7 Cl....... 33 37
Be....... 7 7 Ar....... 36 38
C........ 12 13 K........ 39 39
N........ 13 15 Ca....... 40 44
O........ 15 20 Sc....... 43 45
F........ 17 23 Ti....... 44 50
Ne....... 20 25 V........ 47 51
Na....... 23 27 Cr....... 48 54
Mg....... 24 27 Mn....... 51 55
Al....... 26 27 Fe....... 52 58
Si....... 28 30 Co....... 55 59

the temperature forms at the base of the convective zone, where burning is occurring. The capability
of the burning front to propagate inward in mass, i.e. as a continuous flame or by recurrent flashes, as
well as its speed, is in general controlled by the coupling of convective mixing and heat transfer from
the hot zones at the base of the convective shell, where burning is occurring, to the radiative cooler
and inert zones beneath. Generally speaking, if the heat transfer is efficient enough one expects a
burning front continuously propagating toward progressively more internal zones. On the contrary,
if the heat transfer is not efficient enough, the propagation of the burning front toward the center,
e.g., ONe burning, has been found to occur by compressional heating (Figures 26 and 27 in Nomoto
& Hashimoto 1988) through a sequence of convective shells that form where the fuel is abundant
and disappears as the fuel is locally exhausted. The treatment of such a phenomenon is not trivial
and different approaches and assumptions can be followed (see, e.g., Nomoto & Hashimoto 1988;
Jones et al. 2014; Woosley & Heger 2015, and references therein). In this work we assume that every
time a major fuel (C, NeO, Si) is ignited off-center, burning propagates as a convectively bounded
flame (CBF). More specifically, once the speed and the width of the burning flame is assumed, a
given amount of energy in the radiative layers below the convective bound is deposited following the
prescription of Woosley & Heger (2015).
We adopt the commonly used mass loss rate provided by Blöcker (1995) (equation 17 with η = 0.05)
during the AGB and SAGB phases (see, e.g. Jones et al. 2013; Doherty et al. 2015, 2017). This mass
loss rate adds to the other prescriptions already adopted in Limongi & Chieffi (2018).
The initial composition adopted for the solar metallicity is the one provided by Asplund et al.
(2009), which corresponds to a total metallicity of Z = 1.345 · 10−2 . The adopted initial He mass
fraction is 0.265.
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 7

We computed the evolution of solar metallicity, non rotating, stars with the initial mass between
7 and 15 M⊙ from the pre-main sequence phase up to the presupernova stage or up to an advanced
stage during the thermally pulsing phase, depending on the initial mass. The main evolutionary
properties of all the computed models are reported in Table 2, for the stars with the initial mass
between 7 and 9.20 M⊙ , and in Table 3 for stars with the initial mass between 9.22 and 15 M⊙ . The
various entries have the following (in most cases usual) meaning: MCC is the maximum size of the
convective core in units of M⊙ ; t is the evolutionary time in units of yr; 12 C is the central carbon
mass fraction (this entry is reported only for the He burning phase and refers to the value at core He
depletion); MFe , MSiS , MONe , MCO , MHe , MCE and Mtot are the iron core mass, the SiS (O depleted)
core mass , the ONe core mass, the CO core mass, the He core mass, the convective envelope mass
and the total mass, respectively, in units of M⊙ ; ψc , Tc (K), ρc (g cm−3 ) and Ye,c are the central
values of the degeneracy parameter, the temperature, the density and the electron fraction; Tign (K),
ρign (g cm−3 ), ψign and Mign (M⊙ ) are the temperature, density, degeneracy parameter and mass
coordinate corresponding to an off-center nuclear ignition; MC , reported among the quantities at the
end of the second dredge up in Table 2, and at Neon ignition in Table 3, refers to the mass coordinate,
in units of M⊙ , marking the central zone where the carbon mass fraction exceeds 0.01, this quantity
being relevant for those stars that form hybrid CO/ONeMg cores, i.e., cores mainly composed by
ONeMg but with a central region still rich in C.

3.1. Evolution during core H- and core He-burning

The evolution of all the computed models during core H burning is characterized, as usual, by
the formation of a convective core that progressively recedes in mass. As a consequence at core H
depletion a He core is formed surrounded by a zone with a gradient of chemical composition (Figure
1). As H burning shifts progressively in a shell, all the stars move to the red side of the HR diagram
(Figure 2) and become red giants. During this phase of the evolution, the surface temperature
decreases, inducing the formation of a convective envelope that penetrates progressively in mass.
When the convective envelope reaches the region of variable composition left by the receding H
convective core, a dredge up to the surface of the products of the core H burning begins (first dredge
up, see Figure 1).
In all the models, the core He burning starts after the first dredge up, i.e. when the star is a red
giant, and develops in a convective core that, at variance with core H burning, increases progressively
in mass (Figures 1). Such an increase, due to the increase of the opacity as a result of the conversion of
He into C and O, produces a sharp discontinuity in the radiative gradient at the edge of the convective
core that drives the so called induced overshooting, i.e., the zone homogenized by convection extends
beyond the formal border of the convective core, until the neutrality of the radiative and the adiabatic
gradients is realized (Castellani et al. 1985). During the late stages of core He burning, i.e. when the
central He mass fraction decreases below ∼ 0.1, the fresh He engulfed by the increasing convective
core becomes comparable to the central He mass fraction and this produces a burst of nuclear energy
that, in turn, drives a so called breathing pulse, i.e., a progressive increase of both the convective
core and the central He mass fraction. This occurs until the He ingested does not produce any more
a substantial increase of the nuclear energy (Castellani et al. 1985). Since the occurrence of the
8 Limongi et al.

Figure 1. Convective (green shaded areas) and chemical (color codes reported in the color bar) internal
history of selected models from the main sequence phase up to the an advanced stage of TP-SAGB phase
(upper and middle left panels) or up to the the onset of the iron core collapse prior to the core collapse
supernova explosion (middle right and lower panels). The dashed line in the upper and middle left panels
marks the onset of the thermally pulsing phase. In the x-axis is reported the logarithm of the time till the
end of the evolution (tfin − t) in units of yr.

breathing pulses is still highly uncertain, they have been suppressed as already mentioned in section
During core He burning, models with mass lower than 9.20 M⊙ perform an extended blue loop in
the HR diagram (Figure 2) that is accompanied by a temporary recession and disappearance of the
convective envelope when the stars cross the blue side of the HR diagram (Figure 1). The H shell
during core He burning is active and advances in mass increasing progressively the size of the He core.
At core He depletion all the models are red giants and their He core mass is increased by ∼ 50%,
with respect to the one at core H depletion (Figure 3). The CO core at core He depletion increases
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 9

Figure 2. Evolutionary path in the HR diagram of selected models. The blue line refers to AGB star, i.e.,
the one that develops a degenerate CO core, does not ignite C burning and enters the thermally pulsing
phase. The red lines refer to SAGB stars, i.e., those that ignite C burning and then do not ignite Ne burning;
these stars develop a degenerate ONeMg core and enter the thermally pulsing phase. The black lines refer
to those stars that ignite Ne burning and eventually explode as CCSNe. The horizontal green dashed line
marks the final luminosity of the lowest mass that explodes as CCSN, i.e., the expected minimum luminosity
of CCSNe (Smartt 2015).

with the initial mass (see Figure 4, black line, Table 2 and Table 3), ranging between ∼ 0.5 M⊙ and
∼ 2.6 M⊙ , while the 12 C mass fraction left by the core He burning decreases smoothly with the initial
mass and ranges between ∼ 0.5 and ∼ 0.38 (see Figure 5, black line, Tables 2 and 3).

3.2. Evolution after core He depletion

10 Limongi et al.

Figure 3. He core mass at various evolutionary stages (see legend)

Figure 4. CO core mass at various evolutionary stages (see legend)

The evolution after core He depletion is characterized by the following processes: (1) the shift of the
He burning shell, outward in mass, that progressively increases the size of the CO core and switches
off the H burning shell; (2) the substantial energy loss from the central zones due to the neutrino
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 11

Figure 5. Central 12 C mass fraction at core He depletion (black line and dots) and at first thermal pulse
(red line and dots). The blue line refers to the mass of the central zone where the 12 C mass fraction is larger
than 0.01. The Figure shows that the models with the initial mass between 7.5 and 8.8 M⊙ form a hybrid
degenerate CO core.

emission; (3) the energy deposition in the more external zones of the CO core due to compressional
heating induced by the advancing of the He burning shell; (4) the progressive penetration of the
convective envelope that eventually may produce the second dredge-up (2nd-dup). The interplay
and timing of these processes and the final fate of the star depend on the CO core mass at core He
depletion that, in turn, depends on the He core mass at core H depletion and ultimately on the initial

3.3. Evolution toward the TP-AGB phase. Stars with initial mass M ≤ 7.0 M⊙ (MCO ≤ 0.69 M⊙ )
In stars with the initial mass M ≤ 7.0 M⊙ (that form CO cores at core He exhaustion with
MCO ≤ 0.69 M⊙ ), the maximum temperature within the CO core does not reach the threshold value
for the C ignition, the CO core becomes progressively more and more degenerate and eventually
these stars enter the thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch (TP-AGB) phase. We followed the
evolution of the 7 M⊙ model along 27 TPs. The evolution of solar metallicity AGB stars with mass
around 7 M⊙ has been already discussed in detail in literature (see section 1), therefore we will not
address them here but we report in Table 2 the main properties of the model at various key times
during the evolution. Figures 2 and 6 show the evolutionary path of the model in the HR diagram
and in the central temperature-central density plane. It is worth mentioning the occurrence of the
second dredge up starting after core He depletion and going to completion before the onset of the
TPs. The effect of the 2nd dredge up is that of reducing the He core from 1.76 M⊙ (value at core He
depletion) to 1.01 M⊙ (Figure 3).
12 Limongi et al.

Figure 6. Evolution of the central temperature and density of all the computed models.

The main properties of the thermal pulse phase are reported in Table 4 and in the upper left panels
of Figures 7, 8, 9 and 10. The values reported in the Table as well as the behavior of the various
quantities shown in the Figures are consistent with what has been found in literature (see section 1).
Let us note, only, that the maximum temperature at the base of the convective envelope increases
progressively from ∼ 40 MK, at the beginning of the TP phase, to a pleteau value corresponding to
∼ 80 MK after the first ∼ 16 TPs (upper left panel of Figure 9). By the way, Nomoto & Sugimoto
(1972) investigated in their Figures 2 and 3 how the temperature at the base of the convective envelope
and the depth of mixing depends on the luminosity and the mass of the CO core. The third dredge-
up, due to the penetration of the convective envelope into the He core during the quiescent shell
He burning phase, i.e., when the H-burning shell is switched off, occurs after few TPs and induces
from one side a progressive reduction of the rate at which the CO core increases (upper left panel
of Figure 8) and at the same time a progressive enrichment of the surface carbon abundance (upper
left panel of Figure 10). Note, however, that such an enhancement is very mild, in fact the surface
carbon abundance has increased, at the end of this phase, by a factor of ∼ 1.1 compared to the value
at core He depletion. For this reason, we decided to not take into account carbon enhanced opacity
tables. By the way, let us remind that, as already mentioned in section 2, we assume some amount
of extra-mixing at the base of the convective envelope and therefore this is applied also during the
third dredge up. Figure 11 shows the behavior of the convective zones during the last thermal pulses
before the stop of the calculation, where it can be appreciated the size of the He convective shell that
forms after the He shell ignition and the efficiency of the 3rd dredge-up, in particular the quantity
λ = ∆Mdredge /∆MH ∼ 0.78, where ∆MH is the increase of the core mass during the interpulse phase
and ∆Mdredge is the maximum penetration of the convective envelope following the pulse (see, e.g.,
Figure 5 in Doherty et al. 2017)
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 13

Figure 7. Evolution of the H (blue line) and He (red line) luminosities as a function of time during the
AGB phase (for the 7.0 M⊙ , upper left panel) and during the SAGB phase (for the 8.0, 8.5, 9.2 M⊙ models,
upper right panel and lower left and lower right panels, respectively. The time has been reset at the core
He exhaustion.

3.4. Evolution during C burning. Stars with initial mass M ≥ 7.5 M⊙ (MCO ≥ 0.76 M⊙ )
In stars with the initial mass M ≥ 7.5 M⊙ (CO core masses at core He depletion MCO ≥ 0.76 M⊙ ),
the maximum temperature within the CO core reaches the threshold value for the C-burning igni-
tion. Depending on the initial mass, C-ignition may occur in the center or off-center in a (partial)
degenerate environment.
In stars with the initial mass 7.5 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.5 (0.76 ≤ MCO /M⊙ ≤ 1.16) the interplay between
processes (2) and (3) (see above) induces the formation of an off-center peak temperature that
progressively increases locally and moves outward in mass while the CO core becomes progressively
more degenerate. Therefore, for these stars the C-ignition occurs off-center and, in general, as the
initial mass increases the mass coordinate corresponding to the ignition point becomes closer to the
center, ranging from 0.59 M⊙ to 0.02 M⊙ for the 7.5 M⊙ and 9.5 M⊙ models, respectively (black line
in Figure 12). The off-center ignition is generally accompanied by the formation of a convective zone
driven by the high flux produced by the C-burning reactions in a (partial) degenerate environment
(ψign. ∼ 2.5, see Table 2). When the energy flux produced by the nuclear burning reduces, the
convective zone vanishes. The disappearance of this convective shell is then followed by a number
of other convective zones associated to the C burning front that progressively moves toward the
center and locally removes the degeneracy. In general, the number of convective zones that follow
the first one, decreases as the initial mass of the star increases (Figure 1). Typical internal structures
corresponding to two different stages during this phase are shown in Figures 13 and 14 for the 8.5 M⊙
model. Note that 12 C is not completely exhausted in the zones where the C burning front has passed.
The C burning front, marked by the maximum temperature, reaches the center in stars with the
14 Limongi et al.

Figure 8. Evolution of the He (blue line) and C (red line) core masses as a function of time during the
AGB phase (for the 7.0 M⊙ , upper left panel) and during the SAGB phase (for the 8.0, 8.5, 9.2 M⊙ models,
upper right panel and lower left and lower right panels, respectively. The time has been reset at the core
He exhaustion.

initial mass M ≥ 9.2 M⊙ and then it begins moving outward in mass where 12 C is still abundant,
inducing again the formation of a number of successive convective shells (Figure 1). In the lower
mass models, on the contrary, the maximum temperature never reaches the center. However, the
following shell C burning phase develops in these stars similarly to the more massive ones. In all
these models, after the last C convective episode, C burning proceeds in a radiative shell, reducing
progressively the CO rich zone confined between the ONeMg core, resulting from the shell C burning,
and the He rich zone (the red zone in Figure 15). It is worth noting that in all these models some 12 C
remains unburnt in the central zone. The mass fraction of the unburnt 12 C, as well as the mass of the
core where this quantity is larger than 0.01 decreases with increasing the initial mass. In particular,
Figure 5 (the blue line) shows that the mass of the central zone where the 12 C mass fraction is larger
than 0.01 decreases from ∼ 0.33 M⊙ in the 7.5 M⊙ model to ∼ 0.01 M⊙ in the 8.8 M⊙ and disappears
for larger initial masses. Figure 1 shows how the configuration of the ONeMg (green zone)/CO (red
zone) cores change as a function of the initial mass.
In stars with the initial mass M ≥ 9.8 M⊙ (CO core masses at core He depletion MCO ≥ 1.2 M⊙ ),
C burning is ignited in the center and develops in a convective core. Once the 12 C is depleted in the
center, C burning shifts in shell and, as in the case of the lower mass models, induces the formation of
a number of convective shells (Figure 1). These stars behave like the classical massive stars (Chieffi
& Limongi 2020; Limongi & Chieffi 2018).

3.5. Evolution of the convective envelope. Stars with initial mass M ≤ 10.0 M⊙ (MCO ≤ 1.20 M⊙ )
As already mentioned in section 3.2, after core He depletion the H burning shell is switched off
by the advancing He burning shell and this may induce the convective envelope to penetrate into
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 15

Figure 9. Evolution of the temperature at the base of the convective envelope as a function of time during
the AGB phase (for the 7.0 M⊙ , upper left panel) and during the SAGB phase (for the 8.0, 8.5, 9.2 M⊙
models, upper right panel and lower left and lower right panels, respectively. The time has been reset at the
core He exhaustion.

the He rich layer (second dredge up). This phenomenon occurs only in stars with the initial mass
M ≤ 10 M⊙ although in different evolutionary stages (see also section 4.2 and Fig. 4.3 of Sugimoto
& Nomoto 1980, for a discussion on the mechanism of the convective penetration). More specifically,
the second dredge up (1) begins before carbon ignition and goes to completion after carbon burning
in stars with the initial mass 7.5 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 8.0 (compare the black line with the cyan and the
blue line in Figure 3); (2) begins after carbon ignition and goes to completion after carbon burning
in stars with the initial mass 8.5 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 10.0 (compare the black line with the cyan, blue and
magenta lines in Figure 3). The second dredge-up for stars with the initial mass M ≤ 7.0 M⊙ has
been already discussed in section 3.3 and will not be repeated here.
In general, during the second dredge up the convective envelope penetrates into the He core and
therefore brings to the surface material that has been processed by H burning through the CNO
cycle. This means that during this phase the surface 12 C mass fraction decreases, while the surface
N mass fraction increases (Figure 10).
In stars with the initial mass 8.50 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.20 the C-burning shell is efficient enough to
progressively swith off the He burning shell. As a consequence, in these stars, the convective envelope
penetrates deep enough to dredge up the products of the He burning. Once this deep penetration
occurs the surface abundance of 12 C suddenly increases while the one of 14 N progressively decreases
(see Figure 10). In general, the larger the mass the larger the increase of the surface 12 C abundance.
It is worth noting that in stars with 8.8 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.20 (0.98 ≤ MCO /M⊙ ≤ 1.08) a He convective
shell forms during the second dredge-up. Such an occurrence slows down slightly the penetration of
the convective envelope into the He core. Once the He convective shell disappears, the penetration
16 Limongi et al.

Figure 10. Evolution of the surface 12 C (red line) and 14 N (red line) mass fraction and of the mass
coordinate of the bottom of the convective envelope (green line) as a function of time during the AGB phase
(for the 7.0 M⊙ , upper left panel) and during the SAGB phase (for the 8.0, 8.5, 9.2 M⊙ models, upper right
panel and lower left and lower right panels, respectively. The time has been reset at the core He exhaustion.

resumes (Figure 15) and the products of the He burning, mainly (primary) 12 C (Figure 10), are mixed
up to the surface. Note that, in this case, the increase of the surface 12 C abundance at the end of the
second dredge-up is mainly due to the penetration of the convective envelope into the extinguished
He convective shell and to a lesser extent to the penetration into the CO core. The dredge-up of
the He burning products has been named ”corrosive second dredge-up” by Gil-Pons et al. (2013)
and Doherty et al. (2014) but, rather, we refer to it as an early third dredge-up (E3DU) because
this phenomenon is identical to the one occurring during the inter-pulse phase of TP-AGB stars (see
above), although in this case it occurs well before the beginning of the onset of the thermal pulses
(see below). It is worth noting that in none of these models the He convective shell and the convective
envelope interact with each other, i.e., we do not find the so called ”dredge-out” episode, phenomenon
found for the first time by Ritossa et al. (1999) and later also in other more recent studies (see, e.g.,
Siess 2007; Gil-Pons et al. 2013; Doherty et al. 2015; Jones et al. 2016b). This is probably due to
the fact that while in the previous mentioned studies a convective overshooting is considered for any
convective zone (cores and shells), in these calculations we assume some amount of extramixing only
at the edge of the H convective core, at the base of the convective envelope and at the base of the
convective shells during the off-center C- and Ne-ignition (see section 2). As a final comment we
point out that in all the models mentioned above the increase of the surface carbon abundance due
to the E3DU is in any case very mild. In the 9.2 M⊙ model, where the E3DU produces the largest
effects, the enhancement of the surface carbon abundance is a factor of ∼ 2 compared to the value
at core He depletion. Since during the first dredge up the surface carbon abundance decreases by a
factor of ∼ 2 compared to the initial one, the result is that the surface carbon mass fraction after
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 17

Figure 11. Evolution of the convective envelope (green shaded area) and of the He convective shell (red line)
as a function of time during the last 4 thermal pulses for the AGB 7.0 M⊙ model (upper left panel) and for
the 8.0, 8.5, 9.2 M⊙ SAGB models, (upper right panel and lower left and lower right panels, respectively).
The time has been reset at the core He exhaustion.

the E3DU is roughly equal to the initial one. For this reason, also in this case we decided to not take
into account carbon enhanced opacity tables.
In all the stars with the initial mass 7.5 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.2, during the second dredge-up, the envelope
expands and cools down in order to reabsorb the energy produced by the more internal nuclear
burning shells. However, the rate at which the convective envelope penetrates in mass is higher than
the rate at which it cools down, therefore the temperature at the base of the convective envelope
increases progressively until the H burning shell is re-ignited. After the convective envelope reaches
its maximum depth, the H burning shell begins to advance in mass. In this phase the He burning
shell is progressively reignited in those stars where it was switched off. From this stage onward, for all
the stars the evolution is characterized by a double shell burning, where the two H- and He-burning
shells advance in mass with a similar rate. In fact, in this phase the H-burning luminosity is a factor
of ∼ 7 higher than that of the He-burning (see the leftmost values in Figures 7), that corresponds
roughly to the ratio between the energy provided by the CNO cycle and the energy provided by the
3α reactions. This means that the two shells burn the same amount matter per second. This stage
ends with the onset of the thermal pulses (see next section and also Sugimoto & Nomoto 1975, for
discussion on the evolution of this phase).
In stars with the initial mass 9.22 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 10.00 neon burning is ignited off-center during the
second dredge-up and before the bottom of the convective envelope enters into the region enriched
by the He burning products (see also Nomoto 1984). Once neon is ignited the evolution of the star
becomes fast enough that the zones above the He cores remain essentially freezed. For this reason in
18 Limongi et al.

Figure 12. Ignition mass coordinate of C- (black line and filled dots) and Ne-burning (red line and filled
dots) as a function of the initial mass (see legend)

Figure 13. Selected interior properties of a 8.5 M⊙ model during the off-center C-burning (see the legend).
The chiemical composition and the degeneracy parameter are reported on the right y-axis, while the tem-
perature is reported on the right y-axis. The degeneracy parameter is divided by 10 in order to improve the
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 19

Figure 14. Selected interior properties of a 8.5 M⊙ model during the off-center C-burning (see the legend).
The chiemical composition and the degeneracy parameter are reported on the right y-axis, while the tem-
perature is reported on the right y-axis. The degeneracy parameter is divided by 10 in order to improve the

Figure 15. Convective (green shaded areas) and chemical (color codes reported in the color bar) internal
history of the 9 M⊙ model during the late phase of the second dredge-up. In the x-axis is reported the
logarithm of the time till the end of the evolution (tfin − t) in units of yr.

these stars the products of He burning are never brought to the surface and therefore no increase of
the surface 12 C is found.
20 Limongi et al.

3.6. Evolution during the TP-SAGB phase: stars with mass 7.5 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.20
After the H-burning shell has been re-ignited, stars in the mass range 7.5 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.20 enter
a classical thermally pulsing phase where the two H- and He-shells alternatively activate above a
degenerate ONeMg core which is surrounded by a thin zone enriched in CO, the latter left by the
He burning shell. The general properties of these stars during this phase, named TP-SAGB, has
been reviewed and described in detail in literature (see section 1), therefore we will focus here mainly
on how these properties change as a function of the initial mass. The main evolutionary properties
during the TP-SAGB phase of stars in this mass interval (7.5 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.20) are reported in
Tables 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.
In general each thermal pulse is characterized by the following phenomena: (1) a strong activation
of the He burning reactions followed by the formation of a He convective zone and by a peak in the
He luminosity (LHe ); (2) the disappearance of the He convective zone and the steady He-shell burning
phase that accretes the CO core; (3) the switch off of the H-burning shell; (4) the penetration of
the convective envelope that may erode in some cases the He core (third dredge up, 3DU); (5) the
reactivation of the H shell and the switch off of the He burning shell; (6) the steady H-shell burning
phase where the He core increases and the convective envelope recedes in mass (interpulse phase),
until the next pulse is ignited. A schematic view of this phase can be found, e.g., in Doherty et al.
2017 (Figure 5).
Figure 7 shows the luminosity of the H- and He-burning shells as a function of time for the AGB and
selected SAGB models. Moving from AGB stars (M = 7.0 M⊙ ) to SAGB stars (7.5 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.20)
the maximum luminosity of the He burning shell reached during each thermal pulse decreases while
the frequency of the TPs increases. This is due to the fact that the core mass becomes more massive
and hotter as the initial mass of the star increases (see Doherty et al. 2017 and references therein).
The increase of both the 4 He and 12 C abundance after the second dredge-up contribute to increase
the frequency of the thermal pulses in stars with the initial mass M ≥ 8.5 M⊙ because it makes the
H-shell more efficient.
Figure 11 shows a zoom of selected models during the last few computed thermal pulses. Moving
from the 7 M⊙ to the 9.2 M⊙ the following things are worth to be noted: (1) the reduction of the size
of the He convective shell from ∼ 10−4 M⊙ to ∼ 10−5 M⊙ ; (2) the strong reduction of the interpulse
time from ∼ 103 yr to ∼ 10 yr; (3) the progressive reduction of the 3DU that disappears in stars with
mass M ≥ 9.0 M⊙ . It is also worth to be mentioned that, in general, the higher the mass the higher
the number of thermal pulses occurring before the beginning of the formation of a He convective shell
associated to each thermal pulse (see Tables 4-13).
Figure 9 shows that the maximum temperature reached at the base of the convective envelope
(TBCE ) is in the range 80 − 110 MK and scales roughly with the initial mass, i.e., the larger the mass
the larger TBCE . In general this quantity increases slightly during the TP phase but it may also show
a non monotonic behavior as a function of time if some other energy sources are activated inside
the CO core, as in the case of the more massive models (M ≥ 9.05 M⊙ ) where the URCA processes
become efficient (see below).
The mass loss, during this phase plays a key role because it competes with the increase of the CO
core in reducing the H-rich envelope and therefore in determining the duration of the TP phase. The
typical mass loss rate averaged over the last few thermal pulses is in the range 1 − 3 ∼ 10−5 M⊙ /yr,
the higher values reached by the more massive models.
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 21

The computations are stopped after a sufficient number of thermal pulses have been computed to
safely extrapolate the evolution of these stars during the TP phase (see section 3.8).

Figure 16. Central temperature as a function of the central density during the late stages of models in
which the URCA processes are activated.

3.7. Stars with mass 9.05 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.20: URCA processes

In stars with the more massive ONeMg degenerate cores (9.05 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.20) the density
increases enough (Figure 16) that the Fermi energy becomes close to the threshold value for the
electron captures on a number of nuclear species that are quickly followed by the beta decays.
In this situation, given two generic nuclear species N (A, Z) and M (A, Z − 1), the two reactions
N (A, Z) + e− → M (A, Z − 1) + ν and M (A, Z − 1) → N (A, Z) + e− + ν̄, written in a compact form
as A (N, M ), are in equilibrium. The reaction pair A (N, M ) is called URCA process.
The effect of the activation of an URCA process can be explained with the aid of Figure 17, that
shows the properties of a model in which a generic URCA pair A (N, M ) is efficient. If we define λ
the number of captures/decays per unit time, the lower left panel shows that as the density decreases
(i.e. the interior mass increases) the electron capture rate (λec , black solid line) decreases while the
beta decay rate increases (λβ , black dashed line). The density at which λec = λβ is called URCA
shell (ρcrit ) and is marked in all the panels of Figure 17 by a vertical dashed line. Inside the mass
coordinate corresponding to the URCA shell, ρ > ρcrit and λec ≫ λβ . Outside the URCA shell, on
the contrary, ρ < ρcrit and λec ≪ λβ . As mentioned above, in this situation the two reactions are
in equilibrium, that means that the number of reactions occurring per unit mass and unit time r of
the two processes coincide (rec = rβ ) and show a maximum corresponding to the URCA shell. Since
r = λY (where Y = X/A is the abundance by number, X the abundance in mass fraction and A
the atomic weight), this also implies that the equilibrium abundances of the two nuclei satisfy the
22 Limongi et al.

Figure 17. Selected properties of a model in which a generic URCA pair A (N, M ) is efficient. Upper letf
panel: abundance in mass fraction as a function of the interior mass of the two interacting nuclei N and M .
Upper right panel: density as a function of the interior mass. Lower left panel: number of captures/decays
per unit time in s (λ, black lines, right y-axis), number of reactions occurring per unit mass and unit time in
g s−1 (r, green lines, right y-axis) and nuclear energy of the URCA pair in MeV (E, red lines, right y-axis);
the solid line refers to the electron capture while the dashed lines to the beta decay. Lower right panel:
nuclear energy of the URCA pair in erg per unit mass and unit time (ε = −rEν ); the black line refers to the
electron capture, the red line to the beta decay and the orange thick line to the total of the URCA pair. In
all the panels the grey vertical dashed line marks the URCA shell.

relation Y (N )/Y (M ) = λβ /λec . As a consequence X(M ) ≫ X(N ) inside the URCA shell while
X(N ) ≫ X(M ) outside the URCA shell (upper left panel in Figure 17).
The energy released by the electron capture Eec and by the beta decay Eβ are given by (see Miyaji
et al. 1980 and Suzuki et al. 2016):

Eec = Qnuc − Eν + µe

Eβ = Qnuc − Eν − µe
where Qnuc is the mass defect between reactants and products, Eν is the neutrino energy loss (in
absolute value) and µe is the chemical potential of the electrons. When an URCA pair is in equilibrium
rec = rβ , therefore, the total net energy released per unit mass and unit time in this case will be simply
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 23

ε = −r [Eν,ec + Eν,β ], i.e., it will be always negative and will show a deep minimum corresponding
roughly to the URCA shell (lower right panel of Figure 17). Thus, in general, we can identify inside
a model various cooling zones associated to the URCA shells of the various URCA pairs. It goes
without saying, however, that only URCA pairs involving nuclear species with sizable abundances
will have some effect on the evolution of the model. In addition to that, as the core of the star
contracts, the density increases, the URCA shell of any given URCA pair shifts outward in mass and
constitutes an outward moving ”cooling wave”.

Figure 18. Selected central quantities as a function of the central density of the 9.2 M⊙ model during
the activation of the 25 (Mg, Na) pair: the temperature (red line, left y-axis); the adminesional entropy per
baryon (green line right y-axis); the nuclear (purple), gravitational (blue) and neutrino (magenta) energies
(right y-axis).

Having said this, in the following we will describe first the evolution of the 9.2 M⊙ . As the central
density increases above Log [ρc (g cm−3 )] ∼ 9.0 two URCA pairs activate and produce some effect on
the interior of the star. The first one is the 25 (Mg, Na), at the density Log [ρc (g cm−3 )] ∼ 9.11, while
the second one is the 23 (Na, Ne), at density Log [ρc (g cm−3 )] ∼ 9.25. The effect of each URCA pair
episode at the center is that of a cooling phase, followed by a roughly isothermal evolution (black
line in Figure 16). The cooling phase corresponds to the stage when the central density is close to
the URCA shell (ρc ∼ ρcrit ) while the isothermal evolution corresponds to the stage when the URCA
shell leaves the center and shifts outward in mass. In order to describe in more detail these phases we
show in Figure 18 some properties of the center of the model during the activation of the 25 (Mg, Na)
pair, i.e. the first important URCA pair.
As the central density approaches the URCA shell, the nuclear energy (εn ) that, as already men-
tioned above, is dominated by the neutrino emission due to the URCA pair (−Eν ), decreases dramat-
ically. During this phase, the gravitational energy (εg ) increases while the (thermo)neutrino losses
24 Limongi et al.

(εν ) progressively decrease due to the lowering of the central temperature and the net result is that
the total energy is negative. This implies a substantial reduction of the central temperature (Tc ). As
the central density continues to increase (ρc > ρcrit ), the URCA shell leaves the center and moves
outward in mass (driving a outward moving of a cooling wave), therefore in the center the nuclear
energy begins to increase toward values it had before the activation of the URCA pair (i.e. it tends
toward ∼ 0). During this phase the gravitational energy decreases progressively reabsorbing partially
the increase of the nuclear energy, while the neutrino energy losses become negligible compared to
the nuclear and the gravitational energies, because of the low temperature. The net effect is that in
this phase the total energy progressively increases toward less negative values. The energy imbalance
between the center and the location of the URCA shell produces also an increase in the radiative
gradient in the core (see dashed, dotted and long-dashed lines in Figure 19). When the central density
becomes higher than Log [ρc (g cm−3 )] ∼ 9.141 the total net energy becomes positive, the radiative
gradient overcomes the adiabatic one and the center of the star becomes convective. Note that the
gradient of chemical composition around the center is not high enough to stabilize the zone against
the onset of convection (Figure 19). This is also confirmed by a test evolution in which we adopted
the Ledoux criterion during this phase. Jones et al. (2013); Takahashi et al. (2013); Zha et al. (2019)
did not find the formation of the convective core in their models. Such a difference might be due to
the difference in the treatment of convection and the zoning, which could affect the gradient of the
chemical composition, in the evolutionary codes.

Figure 19. Temperature gradients (see the legend) as a function of the interior mass of the 9.2 M⊙ star
at selected times, during the formation of the convective core associated with the 25 (Mg, Na) URCA pair,
marked by the values of the central densities in units of g cm−3 . According to the adopted stability criterion
(see text), convection sets in when the radiative gradient becomes larger than the adiabatic one. Let us
remind that the actual temperature gradient used is the adiabatic one in the convective zones and the
radiative one in the radiative layers.
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 25

Figure 20. As Figure 17 in the case of a 9.20 M⊙ model during the phase in which a convective core induced
by the 25 (Mg, Na) URCA pair is formed. The vertical grey dashed line marks the 25 (Mg, Na) URCA shell.

When the convective core sets in, it has a strong effect on the equilibrium of the URCA pair
reaction. The reason is the following. In a radiative environment the 25 Mg abundance in the central
zones is the result of the equilibrium between electron capture and beta decay and has an increasing
profile from the center toward the URCA shell (like the one shown in the upper left panel of Figure
17). Once convection sets in, it forces the 25 Mg abundance to increase in the inner zones and to
decrease in the outer ones compared to the radiative case (compare the upper left panels of Figures
17 and 20). As a consequence the two reactions of the 25 (Mg, Na) pair are not anymore in equilibrium
but, on the contrary, rec > rβ roughly in the inner half of the convective core while rec < rβ in the
outer half (solid and dashed green lines in the). In this case the total net energy released per unit
mass and unit time is given by rec Eec + rβ Eβ . Since Eec is positive in roughly the inner half of the
convective core and negative outward in mass while Eβ is always negative (see the solid and dashed
red lines in the lower left panel of Figure 20), the total energy released by the 25 (Mg, Na) pair is
positive in roughly the inner half of the convective core and negative in the remaining half. (see
the orange line in the lower right panel in the figure), the zero value corresponding roughly to the
mass coordinate where rec = rβ . The continuous ingestion of a higher 25 Mg abundance from the
outer radiative layers, produces an increase of the nuclear energy close to the center that induces
the convective zone to extend even more driving in this way a progressive increase of the convective
26 Limongi et al.

core (Figure 19). During the phase characterized by the increase of the convective core the central
density increases progressively at almost constant temperature (Figure 20).

Figure 21. Same as Figure 20 but during a phase in which a convective core, driven by the 23 (Na, Ne)
URCA pair, and a convective shell, induced by the 25 (Mg, Na) URCA pair, are formed. The grey and green
vertical dashed line mark the 25 (Mg, Na) and the 23 (Na, Ne) URCA shells, respectively.

When the central density approaches log [ρc (g cm−3 )] ∼ 9.248 the URCA pair 23 (Na, Ne) starts
activating and producing some effects on the structure of the star. The evolution of the center
during this phase is similar to that already discussed for the 25 (Mg, Na) pair. The initial phase is
characterized by a cooling, due to the electron capture on 23 Na, that makes the center of the star
radiative and forces the the convective core driven by the 25 (Mg, Na) pair to become a convective shell
that shifts progressively outward in mass. Then, after the URCA shell of the pair 23 (Na, Ne) leaves the
center and moves outward in mass a convective core forms that increases progressively in mass while
the center contracts at almost constant temperature (Figure 16). A typical model during this phase
is shown in Figures 21 and 22. The inner 0.02 M⊙ zones are convective and show the typical behavior
already discussed in the case of the 25 (Mg, Na) pair. In particular the rate of the electron capture on
Na dominates over the decay of the 23 Ne in approximately the inner half of the convective core while
the 23 Ne decay prevails on the electron capture on 23 Na in the remaining half. As a consequence, the
nuclear energy is positive in the zones where the electron capture dominates and negative where the
beta decay prevails. Inside the convective core, 23 Ne is much more abundant than 23 Na, that, on the
contrary, dominates in the outer radiative layers. During this phase the convective shell driven by the
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 27

Figure 22. Same as Figure 21 but zoomed in the inner 0.03 M⊙ .

(Mg, Na) URCA pair is roughly confined between the 23 (Na, Ne) URCA shell, from the bottom, and
the 25 (Mg, Na) URCA shells from the top. Note also the radiative zone that separates the convective
core and the convective shell; in this zone the rec = rβ . It is worth mentioning at this point that a
similar evolution has been already found by Ritossa et al. (1999). In particular, in Figure 25 they
show the properties of their last computed model characterized by a convective core driven by the
(Na, Ne) pair and by a convective shell driven by the 25 (Mg, Na) pair. The chemical composition
as well as the various contributions to the total energy generation are extremely similar to what we
find. In particular, they also find that in each convective region the URCA pair releases a positive
energy in the inner zone and a negative one in the outer layers (see Panel c in their Figure 25). At
variance with what we and Ritossa et al. (1999) find, the formation of a convective core and of a
convective shell during this phase is not addressed by Jones et al. (2013); Takahashi et al. (2013);
Zha et al. (2019). We do not have a clear explanation for that, hence what we can say is that the
origin of such a difference could be due to the difference in the numerical treatment of convection in
the stellar evolution code.
The evolution of the center, following the formation of the convective core driven by the 23 (Na, Ne)
pair, is characterized by an increase of the central temperature at almost constant density interspersed
with phases where the density increases at almost constant temperature (black line in Figure 16).
The reason for such a behavior is due to the fact that the convective core, after it is formed, begins
to progressively increase in mass because of the increase of the nuclear energy produced close to
28 Limongi et al.

Figure 23. Selected quantities of the 9.20 M⊙ model during the breathing pulses induced by the 23 (Na, Ne)
URCA pair: the central 23 Na mass fraction (green line, left y-axis); the mass of the convective core (blue
line, right y-axis); the central temperature (red line, right y-axis).

the center due to the ingestion of fresh 23 Na present in the outer radiative zones. When the 23 Na
abundance mixed into the convective core is comparable or even larger than the one initially present,
the increase of the nuclear energy is not reabsorbed but, on the contrary, it drives a farther increase of
the convective core on a very short timescales, compared to the previous evolution. This is a runaway
that looks like the breathing pulse phenomenon occurring during the core He burning (see above).
During this phase the central 23 Na mass fraction increases to values as high as ∼ 3 · 10−3 , i.e., more
than two order of magnitudes compared to the abundance present before the beginning of this process
(see the first increase of the central 23 Na abundance, green line, in Figure 23). Since the matter is
highly degenerate, the increase of the nuclear energy due to this process induces an increase of the
central temperature at constant density (Figure 23). We call this phenomenon TIR, i.e., Temperature
Increase due to a Runaway. The increase of the convective core eventually ceases when the 23 Na
ingested from the radiative zones is such that it does not alter significantly the nuclear energy. This
happens when the mass of the convective core is ∼ 0.06 M⊙ . During the following evolution the excess
of the nuclear energy is progressively reabsorbed, the mass of the convective core and the central
temperature remains essentially constant while the central 23 Na abundance progressively decreases
towards values similar to those corresponding to the beginning of this process. This stage coincides
also with the onset of the thermal pulses. The following evolution of the star is characterized by two
other similar processes (see the last two sharp increase of the central temperature in Figure 23) that
rise the central temperature to values as high as Log [Tc (K)] ∼ 8.8. During the phase characterized
by the thermal pulses the convective shell driven by the 25 (Mg, Na) increases in mass up to ∼ 0.9 M⊙
but this has little effect on the interior of the star (lower right panel in Figure 24). The calculation
of the evolution of this star is then stopped after 102 thermal pulses. The final fate of this star
is discussed in the following, however we anticipate here that, on the basis of the results obtained,
it is difficult to envisage wether the center of the star will reach the threshold temperature for the
activation of the 20 Ne photodisintegration or the increase of the central temperature will stop and the
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 29

Figure 24. Convective (green shaded areas) and chemical (color codes reported in the color bar) internal
history during the phase when the URCA processes are active. In the x-axis is reported the logarithm of
the time till the end of the evolution (tfin − t) in units of yr.

core will restart contracting until the density thresholds for the activation of the electron captures
on 24 Mg first and on 20 Ne later are reached. Moreover, an interaction between the convective core
and the convective shell cannot be excluded with consequences on the evolution of the star that are
difficult to predict.
It is interesting to note that the evolution of the center prior the onset of the TIR discussed
above, i.e. until the central density approaches the value Log [ρc (g cm−3 )] ∼ 9.35, is not affected
by the efficiency of mixing in the convective zones. Figures 25 and 26, in fact, show that, as long
as Log [ρc (g cm−3 )] ≤ 9.35, the evolution of both the central density and the central temperature of
the standard model (red lines) is almost identical to the one obtained in a test model in which the
mixing is artificially suppressed (blue lines). The differences between the two models appear only
when the TIR begins in the standard model, i.e., when the red and blue lines begin to differ each
other. The occurrence of this phenomenon has two main effects, i.e., it slows down the contraction of
the core (Figure 25) and induces an increase of the central temperature (Figure 26) compared to the
case in which the chemical mixing is suppressed. For sake of completeness we report also the results
obtained for a test model in which the URCA processes are not included (green lines in Figures
25 and 26). In this case the contraction of the core is slower than in the case of the model where
the URCA processes are taken into account and mixing is suppressed and similar to the reference
case. Moreover, as it is expected the activation of the two URCA pairs 25 (Mg, Na) and 23 (Na, Ne)
reduces the central temperature by a factor of ∼ 3 (at Log [ρc (g cm−3 )] = 9.35) compared to the
model in which the URCA processes are not included. Let us eventually note at this point that, as
30 Limongi et al.

Figure 25. Evolution of the central density as a function of time for three models of the initial mass
9.20 M⊙ prior the onset of the TIR (see text), computed with the following assumptions: URCA processes
and convective mixing taking account (the reference model, red line); URCA processes taken into account
and convective mixing artificially suppressed (blue) line); URCA processes neglected (green line).

is it mentioned above and shown in Figure 26, the TIR is associated to the presence of a convective
core and occurs in an advanced phase after its formation. For this reason this phenomenon is not
found neither by Ritossa et al. (1999), because they stop the calculation too early, nor by Jones et
al. (2013); Takahashi et al. (2013); Zha et al. (2019), because they do not find the formation of the
convective core in their models.
The evolution of the center of the 9.15 M⊙ is shown in Figure 16 (red line). As in the case of
the 9.20 M⊙ , the first cooling phase is due to the activation of the 25 (Mg, Na) URCA pair. The
cooling phase ends when the URCA shell shifts from the center outward in mass. Such an occurrence
drives the formation of a convective core that progressively increases in mass. At variance with the
9.20 M⊙ , in this case the 25 Mg ingested from the radiative zones above the convective core is high
enough to induce a TIR before the threshold density for the activation of the 23 (Na, Ne) URCA pair
is reached. During the TIR the central 25 Mg mass fraction increases by ∼ 3 orders of magnitude, i.e.,
from log Xc ≃ −5.5 to log Xc ≃ −2.5 while the central temperature increases from log [Tc (K)] ≃ 8.3
to log [Tc (K)] ≃ 8.75 (Figure 27). As for the 9.20 M⊙ also in this case the TIR is followed by a phase
in which the central abundance of the leading isotope (in particular the 23 Na for the 9.20 M⊙ and the
Mg for the 9.15 M⊙ cases, respectively) decreases progressively and the extra energy provided by
the TIR is progressively reabsorbed. This stage coincides also with the onset of the thermal pulses.
We stopped the calculation during this phase after the completion of 193 thermal pulses (see Table
The evolution of the 9.10 M⊙ star is similar to the one of the 9.15 M⊙ (Figure 28) and it is followed
for 159 thermal pulses.
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 31

Figure 26. Evolution of the central temperature as a function of the central density for three models of the
initial mass 9.20 M⊙ prior the onset of the TIR (see text), computed with the following assumptions: URCA
processes and convective mixing taking account (the reference model, red line); URCA processes taken into
account and convective mixing artificially suppressed (blue) line); URCA processes neglected (green line).

Figure 27. Same as Figure 23 but for the 9.15 M⊙ model and during the TIR (see text) induced by the
25 (Mg, Na) URCA pair.

3.8. Final fate of stars with initial mass 7.50 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.20
During the thermal pulses phase the CO core is continuously increased by the alternate advancing
of the He- and H-burning shells. Such an occurrence induces an increase of the central density.
32 Limongi et al.

Figure 28. Same as Figure 27 but for the 9.10 M⊙ model.

During the same stage, however, the star looses mass due to stellar wind and this induces a progres-
sive reduction of the H-rich envelope. If the CO core mass reaches the value (MCO−ec ) corresponding
to a central density close to the threshold value for the activation of the 24 Mg(e− , ν)24 Na before
the H-rich envelope is completely lost, the core contracts rapidly until the density approaches the
threshold value for the activation of the 20 Ne(e− , ν)20 Fe and then the star can potentially explode as
an electron capture supernova (Miyaji et al. 1980; Nomoto 1987; Zha et al. 2019). If, on the contrary,
the H-rich envelope is completely lost before the activation of the electron captures on 24 Mg, then the
final fate of the star will be a ONeMg white dwarf (Nomoto 1984). A self-consistent determination of
the competition between the increase of the CO core mass and the reduction of the H-rich envelope
due to the mass loss would require the calculation of several thousands of thermal pulses that, at
present, is not feasible. Therefore an estimate of the final fate of these stars must necessary relies on
an ”extrapolated” evolution.
Figure 29 shows the time evolution of the CO core mass (left panels) and of the total mass (central
panels) for some selected models, i.e., the 8.00 M⊙ , 8.50 M⊙ , 8.80 M⊙ and 9.00 M⊙ , starting from
the beginning of the thermal pulses phase. These two quantities show an almost linear behavior in
the last part of the evolution that can be very well approximated by a linear regression (red lines in
the left and middle panels of the figure). In the above mentioned panels we also show the average
values of the CO core mass growth rate and of the mass loss rate obtained by such a linear regression.
Under the assumption that the evolution following the last computed model will remain self-similar,
we can easily extrapolate these quantities at late times (dashed lines in the right panels in the same
figure). We are aware that when the envelope becomes sufficiently small the strength of the pulses
may change and therefore also the behavior of the CO core mass and of the total mass may change
accordingly. However, the importance of these effects, if they really exist, is difficult to predict a
priori, therefore, as a working hypothesis, we assume a self similar behavior of the relevant quantities
up to the end of the evolution. The intersection of the two (extrapolated) lines, corresponding to
the total mass and the CO core mass, is the maximum CO core mass (MCO−max , marked in the right
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 33

Figure 29. CO core mass (left panels) as a function of time, total mass (middle panels) as a function of
time and total mass as a function of the CO core mass (right panels) for the 8 , 8.50, 8.80, and 9.00 M⊙
models (from the upper to the lower line). The time has been reset at the beginning of the thermal pulses.
The solid red line in the left and middle panels refers to the linear regression of the black line over the last
few thermal pulses, superimposed to the black line itself. The values reported in the plots (MCOdot and
Mdot ) refer to the rate of growth of the CO core and the rate of mass loss obtained with the linear regression.
The dashed lines in the right panels refers to the extrapolation at late times of the various quantities shown
in the figure, obtained with the linear regression mentioned before. The vertical blue dashed line marks the
CO core mass corresponding to the central density threshold for the activation of the electron capture on
24 Mg derived as discussed in the text (Zha et al. 2019).
34 Limongi et al.

panels of the figure with a black dot) that can be potentially formed before the envelope of the star
is completely removed by the stellar mass loss. This quantity should be compared with MCO−ec , as
defined above. An estimate of this last quantity can be obtained by solving the stellar structure
equations for a completely degenerate star with a given mass M and a chemical composition typical
of the zones interior to the CO core. In particular, we have taken the internal composition of the
9.00 M⊙ star model as a representative one, being that slight variations of the chemical composition
does not affect significantly the total mass-central density relation obtained in this way. By adopting
the public code provided by F. Timmes 1 , we find that the mass corresponding to the threshold
density (log [ρc (g cm−3 )] = 9.6) for the activation of the 24 Mg(e− , ν)24 Na is MCO−ec = 1.415 M⊙
while the Chandrasekhar mass is MCh ≃ 1.45 M⊙ . MCO−ec is shown in the right panels of Figure
29 by a vertical blue dashed line. The right panels of the figure show that the minimum mass
that can potentially explodes as an ECSN is ∼ 8.5 − 8.8 M⊙ . the core. Zha et al. (2019) obtained
MCO−ec = 1.36 M⊙ in their evolutionary model, which pushes the minimum mass that can potentially
explode as an ECSN to ∼ 8.3 M⊙ in Figure 30. It is worth noting that for any given mass, the density
obtained assuming that the structure is fully degenerate is the minimum one, the reason being that
a progressive departure from degeneration allows for a progressively higher contraction and therefore
larger central densities (for the same mass). This implies that the value of MCO−ec marked by the
blue dashed lines in the above mentioned figures constitutes an upper limit to this quantity.

Figure 30. Final CO and ONeMg core masses obtained with the ”extrapolated evolution” based on a linear
regression (see text). Also shown is the CO core mass corresponding to the threshold central density for the
activation of the electron capture on 24 Mg.

available at the web site https : // pages/coldwd.shtml
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 35

Figure 30 shows the MCO−max as a function of the initial mass compared to the MCO−ec . Also shown
in the figure is the final ONeMg core mass as a function of the initial mass under the assumption
that the ONeMg core does not increase during the thermal pulses phase because the accretion rate
of the CO core is not high enough to induce further C burning (Nomoto & Iben 1985).
Taking into account all the possible uncertainties, we conclude that stars in the range 7.50 ≤
M/M⊙ ≤ 8.00 will loose their H-rich envelope before the threshold density for the electron capture
on 24 Mg is achieved and therefore they will produce a ONeMg-WD. Stars in the range 8.50 ≤
M/M⊙ ≤ 9.20 on the contrary will reach such a critical density before the H envelope reduces enough
to quench definitely the H burning shell. Once the 24 Mg(e− , ν)24 Na is activated the final fate of
these stars (explosion or collapse to a neutron star) depends on both the details of the explosion
modeling and of the initial conditions (see section 1) and cannot be predicted with certainty in this
work. As a final comment, we point out that in stars with the initial mass 9.10 ≤ M/M⊙ ≤ 9.20
the central temperature increases substantially due to the TIR and therefore the ignition of the 20 Ne
photodisintegration before the activation of the electron capture on 24 Mg cannot be excluded. In
that case it is difficult to predict, a priori, the final fate of these stars.
3.9. Evolution toward core collapse: stars with M ≥ 9.22 M⊙ (MCO ≥ 1.08 M⊙ )
Stars with the initial mass M ≥ 9.22 M⊙ form an ONeMg core in which the maximum temperature
reaches the threshold value for the Ne ignition. The thermal behavior of the ONeMg core depends
on both the behavior of the C burning shell and the convective history of the CO core that, in
turn, depend in general on the CO core mass at core He depletion. In the present set of models
we find that the minimum CO core mass at core He depletion for the activation of Ne burning
is MCO = 1.08 M⊙ , that corresponds to a CO core and an ONeMg core masses at Ne ignition of
MCO = 1.363 M⊙ and MONeMg = 1.349 M⊙ , respectively (Figure 31 and Table 3). It is interesting to
note that Ne ignition is activated before the ONeMg core (which coincides with the C burning shell
by definition) approaches the CO core (i.e. the He burning shell), as it happens in all the models
that do not ignite Ne and evolve through the SAGB phase. This is the reason why the ONeMg core
mass versus the initial mass relation shows a small bending in the transition between SAGB stars
and stars that do ignite Ne burning (Figure 31). As in the case of C ignition, the mass coordinate
corresponding to the Ne ignition decreases progressively as the initial mass increases, ranging from
0.966 M⊙ for the 9.22 M⊙ to 0 for the 13 M⊙ , which is the lowest mass that ignites Ne at the center
(Figure 12 and Table 3). Off-center Ne burning is ignited under conditions of sizable degeneracy
(ψ ∼ 7 − 5, in the mass range 9.22 − 12.00 M⊙ ), therefore the local nuclear energy release drives a
progressive increase of both the temperature and the luminosity and as a consequence the formation
of a convective zone. Such a convective zone reaches a maximum extension and then tends to recede
in mass as the Ne is progressively depleted. In the lower mass models (9.22 − 9.30 M⊙ ), during this
phase, the temperature approaches values as high as LogT (K) ∼ 9.3 and therefore O burning is
also ignited before convection quenches. This drives the convective zone to increase again up to a
maximum extension. After the O ignition, the Ne/O burning proceeds simultaneously in a convective
shell that progressively moves toward the center as the fuel is locally exhausted, the temperature
increased and the degeneracy significantly removed (left panel of Figure 32). In the more massive
models (9.50 − 12.0 M⊙ ), on the contrary, the local temperature does not reach the threshold values
for O ignition and therefore the first convective zone quenches and disappears as the Ne is depleted
locally. After this first convective episode, contraction resumes and another convective zone forms.
36 Limongi et al.

Figure 31. CO core mass (dahsed line) and ONeMg core mass (solid line) as a function of the initial mass
at various evolutionary stages: core He depletion (red line and filled dots); first thermal pulse (blue line and
filled dots); Ne ignition (magenta line and filled dots).

From this time onward the evolution of the Ne/O burning front in these more massive models is
similar to the one described above for the lower mass stars (see right panel of Figure 32).

Figure 32. Convective (green shaded areas) and chemical (color codes reported in the color bar) internal
history during off-center Ne burning for the 9.25 M⊙ (left panel) and the 9.50 M⊙ (right panel) model.In
the x-axis is reported the logarithm of the time till the end of the evolution (tfin − t) in units of yr.

Figures 33 shows the main properties of a typical model during the propagation of the Ne/O burning
front toward the center. The burning is occurring at the base of the convective shell, marked by the
grey area, which is at high temperature compared to the inner, much cooler, radiative zones. Because
of the efficient electron captures, the main products of the Ne/O burning within the convective shell
are 34 S, 28 Si, 30 Si and 32 S. The efficiency of the electron captures, however, decreases as the initial
mass of the star increases, therefore the chemical composition left by the Ne/O burning tends to be
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 37

Figure 33. Selected chemical and physical properties (see the legend) of the 9.50 M⊙ model during the
off-center Neon burning.

dominated by less neutron rich isotopes as the initial mass of the star increases. Figure 34 shows the
chemical composition of selected models once the Ne/O burning front has reached the center.

Figure 34. Selected chemical and physical properties (see the legend) of the 9.22 M⊙ (left panel) and the
12.0 M⊙ models when the ONe burning front has reached the center.

In the 13.0 M⊙ model, Ne burning is ignited at the center and develops in a convective core. Once
Ne is depleted in the center the burning shifts outward in mass, in the region a variable composition
left by the receding convective core, and drives the formation a convective shell at a mass coordinate
of ∼ 0.18 M⊙ . During this phase the temperature in the shell increases enough that O burning is
ignited. Ne and O burning then proceed simultaneously in such a shell that increases progressively
in mass up to a maximum extension of 0.17 − 1.00 M⊙ . Once O is exhausted in the shell, the burning
shifts inward and drives the formation of a convective core that reaches a maximum extension of
∼ 0.07 M⊙ before disappearing at O depletion. Ne and O burning develop in the 15.0 M⊙ model as
in a typical massive star.
It is interesting to note at this point that, at variance with off-center C burning, no hybrid
CO/ONeMg core is formed as a result of the off-center Ne ignition. All the stars that ignite off-
center Ne burning form an O depleted core, i.e., in all these models the ONe burning front reaches
the center. This result is consistent with what has been found by Woosley & Heger (2015) and can
be understood because we are using a similar approach to treat the CBF. On the contrary, Jones et
38 Limongi et al.

al. (2013) found a case in which the ONe burning front does not propagate toward the center, leading
the star to reach central densities high enough for the activation of the electron capture on 20 Ne and
then to explode as ECSN. This different behavior can be due to the fact that Jones et al. (2013) do
not include in the code any specific treatment for the CBF, therefore their models cannot be directly
compared to ours.
In the 9.22 M⊙ , after the Ne/O burning front has reached the center the most abundant nuclear
species in the O exhausted core are 34 S (∼ 0.48), 38 Ar (∼ 0.22), 28 Si (∼ 0.16) and 30 Si (∼ 0.13) (left
panel of Figure 34). O burning, that shifts in a shell, settles at a mass coordinate of ∼ 0.6 M⊙ ,
where O is still quite abundant. Shell O burning moves outward in mass inducing the formation of
three consecutive convective shells. During this phase, in the inner core, 38 Ar and 28 Si are converted
into 34 S and 30 Si that increase to ∼ 0.70 and ∼ 0.28 in mass fraction, respectively. When the O
burning shell has reached ∼ 1.30 M⊙ , a nuclear burning is ignited at ∼ 0.95 M⊙ , at a temperature of
∼ 3·109 K (Figure 35 shows the physical and chemical structure of the star at this stage). During the

Figure 35. Selected chemical and physical properties (see the legend) of the 9.22 M⊙ at off-center SiS

initial phase of this burning the rearrangement of the matter is such that 34 S and 30 Si are depleted
while 28 Si, 52 Cr, 54 Fe and 56 Fe are produced in a convective shell that increases progressively in
size. Once 34 S and 30 Si are exhausted in the shell, convection quenches and the nuclear burning
front shifts inward in mass, where 34 S and 30 Si are still abundant, and induces the formation of a
convective shell that, once again, reaches a maximum extension and then quenches. The burning
front, then, propagates in this way progressively toward the center. A typical model during this
phase in shown in Figure 36. As the 34 S-30 Si burning front moves inward in mass the interplay
between local burning and convective mixing is such that 52 Cr tends to be the dominant nuclear
species, followed by 30 Si and 34 S, not completely depleted, and finally by 56 Fe. The physical and
chemical structure of the star once the burning front has reached the center is shown in Figure
37. The residual 28 Si (∼ 0.02 in mass fraction) is then eventually burnt in a convective core that
increases in size up to ∼ 0.9 M⊙ and leaves a chemical composition dominated by 52 Cr (∼ 0.60)
and 56 Fe (∼ 0.28). During the following evolution the core contracts and heats up and the matter
is converted to iron peak (”Fe”) isotopes. The composition of the ”Fe” core is dominated by the
most abundant isotopes of matter at the nuclear statistical equilibrium corresponding to values of the
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 39

Figure 36. Selected chemical and physical properties (see the legend) of the 9.22 M⊙ during the off-center
SiS burning.

Figure 37. Selected chemical and physical properties (see the legend) of the 9.22 M⊙ when the SiS burning
front has reached the center.

temperature and the density progressively higher and of the electron fraction progressively lower due
to the efficient electron captures. The ”Fe” core mass at the presupernova stage is MFe = 1.257 M⊙
and its composition is dominated by 50 Ti, 54 Cr and 58 Fe (Figure 38). All the other relevant physical
quantities of the model at the presupernova stage are reported in Table 3.
The evolution of the stars in the range 9.25 − 12.0 M⊙ after the Ne/O burning front has reached
the center and up to the presupernova stage is similar to that of the 9.22 M⊙ . The only difference
is the mass coordinate corresponding to the Si-S ignition. In particular, in the models with mass in
the range 9.25 − 9.50 M⊙ , the Si-S is ignited at a mass coordinate that progressively decreases as the
mass increases, i.e., it is ∼ 0.52 M⊙ , ∼ 0.07 M⊙ and ∼ 0.005 M⊙ for the 9.25 M⊙ , the 9.30 M⊙ and
the 9.50 M⊙ , respectively (see Table 3). In the models with mass in the range 9.80 − 12.0 M⊙ , the
Si is not completely exhausted in the inner core during the shell O burning, as it happens in the
lower mass models, and it shows a gradient (see Figure 39). The sizeble abundance of 28 Si and its
profile induces an off-center nuclear ignition at a mass coordinate that decreases as the initial mass
increases, ranging from ∼ 0.387 M⊙ for the 9.80 M⊙ to 0 for the 13.0 M⊙ that is the lowest mass
40 Limongi et al.

Figure 38. Selected chemical and physical properties (see the legend) of the 9.22 M⊙ at the presupernova

Figure 39. Selected chemical and physical properties (see the legend) of the 11.0 M⊙ during the shell O
burning phase.

model that ignites Si burning centrally and behaves, during this phase, as a typical massive star.
The 10.0 M⊙ model is an outlier in this scheme because for some reasons, difficult to understand, a
sizeable abundance of 28 Si ∼ 0.19 (in mass fraction) is left in the center (in the inner ∼ 0.020 M⊙ ) at
the end of the shell O burning phase, therefore in this models the Si ignition point is more internal
than either the 9.80 M⊙ and the 11.0 M⊙ models (Table 3).
Table 3 reports all the main physical properties of all these models at the presupernova stage.


In this paper we computed the evolution of stars with the initial mass in the range 7.00 − 15.00 M⊙
from the pre-main sequence phase up to the presupernova stage or up to an advanced stage of the
thermally pulsing phase, depending on the initial mass. The main goal of these calculations is to
study in detail the evolutionary behavior of stars across the transition from AGB and SABG stars,
ECSNe and CCSNe progenitors.
A summary of our results are shown in Figure 40 and will be discussed below.
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 41

Figure 40. Schematic view of some of the evolutionary properties and expected final fate.

All the stars in the mass range studied here evolve through the core H and core He burning stages.
Stars with the initial mass M < 7.50 M⊙ develop a degenerate CO core in which the temperature
remains below the threshold value for the ignition of the C burning reactions. These stars, then,
evolve through the TP-AGB phase and eventually end their evolution forming a CO-WD surrounded
by material ejected during the previous evolutionary phases, i.e., a planetary nebula.
In stars with the initial mass M ≥ 7.50 M⊙ , on the contrary, the temperature in the CO core
becomes high enough to allow the ignition of the C burning reactions. In particular, stars with the
initial mass in the range 7.50 − 9.50 M⊙ ignite C off-center, the C ignition point decreasing from
0.588 M⊙ for the 7.50 M⊙ to 0.022 M⊙ for the 9.50 M⊙ . Stars with the initial mass M > 9.50 M⊙
ignite C centrally. This feature is mainly due to the fact the degree of degeneracy in the CO core
decreases progressively as the initial mass increases. In all the stars, the result of the C burning is
the production of an ONeMg core with the exception of the 7.50 M⊙ in which the C burning front
quenches before reaching the center and therefore a sizable amount of 12 C is left unburnt in the inner
∼ 0.3 M⊙ . In this case a hybrid CO core is formed, i.e., a CO core in which the central part is
enriched by a mixture of O and Ne, resulting from the quenching of the off-center C burning.
After core He depletion, in stars with the initial mass M < 11.00 M⊙ the convective envelope
penetrates into the He layer and the second dredge up (2nd-dup) takes place. The evolutionary stage
at which this phenomenon begins and goes to completion (i.e., when the convective envelope reaches
the maximum depth) depends on the initial mass. In particular it begins (1) after core He depletion
for the 7.00 M⊙ star; (2) before C ignition for the 7.50 − 8.00 M⊙ stars and (3) after C ignition for
the 8.50 − 10.00 M⊙ stars. The convective envelope reaches its maximum depth during the 2nd-dup
42 Limongi et al.

(1) before the beginning of the TP phase for the 7.00 M⊙ and (2) after the C burning phase for the
7.50 − 10.00 M⊙ stars.
In stars with the initial mass in the range 7.50 − 9.20 M⊙ the maximum temperature in the ONeMg
core (the hybrid CO core for the 7.50 M⊙ ) does not reach the threshold value for the ignition of Ne
burning. Therefore, these stars evolve through the TP-SAGB phase. As the initial mass increases,
the maximum luminosity of the He burning shell reached during each pulse decreases while the
frequency of the thermal pulses increases. This is due to the increasing size of the ONeMg core
with the initial mass. This also implies that the third dredge-up (3rd-dup), i.e. the penetration
of the convective envelope into the He core, decreases progressively as the initial mass increases,
disappearing for stars with M ≥ 9.00 M⊙ . In stars with the initial mass in the range 9.05 − 9.20 M⊙
the central density becomes high enough that the URCA pair 25 (Mg − Na) is activated. This induces
a cooling of the center of the star while the core is still contracting followed by a phase of contraction
at constant temperature. In the 9.20 M⊙ the density increases enough to reach the threshold for the
activation of the URCA pair 23 (Na − Ne). Also in this case the center initially cools down and then
evolves at constant temperature. During these phases a convective core forms and increases in mass
progressively causing, in stars with the mass 9.10 − 9.20 M⊙ , a phenomenon similar to the breathing
pulses in core He burning. This phenomenon happens after the activation of the 25 (Mg − Na) URCA
pair, in stars with the initial mass 9.10 − 9.15 M⊙ , and after the activation of the 23 (Na − Ne) URCA
pair in the 9.20 M⊙ model and induces a substantial increase of the central temperature (TIR). The
final fate of all these stars that do not ignite Ne burning depends on the competition between the
increase of the CO core, that may lead to the potential explosion of the star once the central density
reaches the threshold value for the ignition of the electron capture on 24 Mg, and the reduction of
the envelope due to the mass loss. The detailed calculation of such a competition would require the
calculation of several thousands of thermal pulses (together to the URCA pairs in the more massive
ones) that is not feasible with the network adopted in this work and with the computers presently
available. For this reason, the final fate of these stars has been estimated by means of ”extrapolated”
evolutions. According to these extrapolations, and taking into account all the possible uncertainties,
we predict that in stars with the initial mass in the range 7.50 − 8.00 M⊙ the mass loss is efficient
enough to reduce the total mass before the CO mass reaches the critical value for the activation of
the electron capture on 24 Mg. These stars, therefore, will end their life producing an ONeMg-WD
(hybrid CO-WD in the 7.50 M⊙ star). Stars with the initial mass in the range 8.50−9.20 M⊙ develop
CO cores massive enough to reach the activation of the electron capture on 24 Mg before the envelope
is completely removed by the mass loss and therefore can explode as electron capture supernovae or
collapse to a neutron star, the actual outcome depending on the details of the explosion modeling
and the initial conditions and cannot be predicted with certainty in this work. Let us eventually
remark that in stars with the initial mass 9.10 − 9.20 M⊙ the increase of the central temperature
due to the TIR up to the threshold value for the ignition of the 20 Ne photodisintegration, before the
activation of the electron capture on 24 Mg, cannot be excluded. In such a case the prediction of the
final fate of these stars is difficult to predict a priori.
In stars in the mass range 9.22 − 15.00 M⊙ the maximum temperature in the ONeMg core reaches
the threshold value for the ignition of Ne burning. In stars with the initial mass in the range
9.22−12.00 M⊙ , Ne burning is ignited off-center, the mass coordinate of the ignition point decreasing
progressively with increasing the mass. The off-center Ne ignition induces the temperature to increase
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 43

above the threshold value for the ignition of O burning and therefore in these stars Ne and O burning
occurs simultaneously. The Ne/O burning front then shifts progressively toward the center until an
O exhausted core is formed. Note that, at variance with the off-center C ignition, no hybrid ONeMg
core is formed as a result of the off-center Ne/O burning. In stars with the mass M ≥ 13.00 M⊙ the
Ne burning is ignited centrally. While in the 13.00 M⊙ star, Ne and O burning occur simultaneously,
in the 15.00 M⊙ star they develop in two different separate stages, as it happens in the classical
massive stars. Also in these stars the final result of Ne and O burning is the formation of an O
exhausted core.
The evolution after either center and off-center Ne/O burning is characterized by the O shell burning
that shifts progressively outward in mass and leads to the Si-S ignition. This burning starts off-center
in stars with the initial mass in the range 9.22 − 12.00 M⊙ and the main fuel is 34 S and 30 Si, in the
lower mass models (9.22 − 9.50 M⊙ ), and 28 Si, in the more massive ones. This is due to the fact the
lower mass models evolve at lower entropy and therefore in these stars the electron captures are more
efficient in reducing the electron fraction. As in other previous off-center burning, also in this case
the Si-S burning front propagates toward the center, followed by a shell Si-S burning phase until an
Fe core is formed. Also in this case the Si-S burning front does not quench before reaching the center
and therefore no hybrid Si-S core is formed. Si burning is ignited centrally in stars with the initial
mass M ≥ 13.00 M⊙ and is followed by a shell Si burning phase like in the classical massive stars until
an Fe core is formed. The final fate of all the stars in the mass range 9.22 − 15.00 M⊙ is therefore
an explosion as core collapse supernovae. As a final comment, let us note that the luminosity of
the lower mass star that explodes as CCSN (see Figure 2) is compatible with the estimate of the
minimum luminosity for the progenitors of SNIIP derived from the analysis of the high resolution
images obtained by space and ground-based telescopes (Smartt 2015).

This work has been mainly supported by the Theory Grant ”Evolution, nucleosynthesis and final fate
of stars in the transition between AGB and Massive Stars” (PI M. Limongi) of the INAF Fundamental
Astrophysics Funding Program 2022-2023. This work has also been partially supported by the World
Premier International Research Center Initiative (WPI), MEXT, Japan. KN has been supported by
the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI grants JP20K04024, JP21H04499,
and JP23K03452. ML warmly thanks Toshio Suzuki for providing clarifications on the correct use of
the weak rates for the electron capture and beta decays of the URCA processes.

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Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 45

Table 2. Main properties of the computed models

7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 8.80 9.00 9.05 9.10 9.15 9.20

H burning

MCC 2.38 2.55 2.78 3.01 3.12 3.25 3.27 3.29 3.30 3.32
t 5.04(7) 4.35(7) 3.83(7) 3.4(7) 3.18(7) 3.05(7) 3.02(7) 2.98(7) 2.95(7) 2.93(7)
MHe 1.13 1.21 1.31 1.45 1.54 1.63 1.63 1.64 1.65 1.66
Mtot 6.97 7.47 7.96 8.46 8.76 8.96 9.01 9.06 9.11 9.16

He ignition

MHe 1.15 1.28 1.41 1.55 1.61 1.67 1.68 1.69 1.71 1.73
MCE 1.74 1.91 2.10 2.26 2.37 2.47 2.49 2.52 2.55 2.57

He burning

MCC 0.70 0.76 0.84 0.92 0.98 1.03 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.09
t 4.85(6) 4.12(6) 3.45(6) 2.98(6) 2.76(6) 2.62(6) 2.61(6) 2.58(6) 2.54(6) 2.51(6)
C 0.487 0.481 0.471 0.463 0.458 0.456 0.454 0.453 0.453 0.454
MCO 0.69 0.76 0.84 0.92 0.98 1.02 1.04 1.06 1.07 1.08
MHe 1.76 1.91 2.09 2.26 2.36 2.44 2.47 2.48 2.49 2.46
MCE 3.43 3.67 3.94 4.13 4.21 4.35 4.39 4.24 4.12 3.44
Mtot 6.82 7.30 7.77 8.25 8.54 8.71 8.75 8.79 8.83 8.86

Quantities at Carbon Ignition

Log(Tign ) 8.827 8.823 8.836 8.843 8.839 8.832 8.839 8.823 8.842
Log(ρign ) 6.142 6.133 6.136 6.131 6.132 6.132 6.131 6.136 6.129
ψign 2.527 2.520 2.451 2.348 2.465 2.443 2.376 2.533 2.348
Mign 0.588 0.431 0.289 0.204 0.157 0.134 0.115 0.107 0.088
MCO 1.056 1.114 1.182 1.226 1.258 1.269 1.276 1.287 1.294
MHe 1.083 1.216 2.200 2.326 2.372 2.391 2.432 2.455 2.438
MCE 1.083 1.216 2.259 2.380 2.461 2.481 2.500 2.521 2.520
Mtot 7.241 7.718 8.197 8.480 8.650 8.732 8.731 8.769 8.794

Quantities at the end of second dredge-up

C 0.481 0.470 0.462 0.455 0.016 0.014 0.014 0.005 0.004
MC 0.232 0.065 0.033 0.013 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Table 2 continued on next page

46 Limongi et al.
Table 2 (continued)
7.00 7.50 8.00 8.50 8.80 9.00 9.05 9.10 9.15 9.20
MONe 1.03316 1.11495 1.21184 1.27128 1.31519 1.32877 1.33812 1.34922 1.35563
MCO 1.01410 1.07167 1.15622 1.22877 1.28056 1.31805 1.33208 1.34116 1.35171 1.35798
MHe 1.02303 1.07514 1.15917 1.22877 1.28056 1.31805 1.33208 1.34116 1.35171 1.35798
MCE 1.02304 1.07515 1.15918 1.22877 1.28056 1.31805 1.33208 1.34116 1.35171 1.35798
Mtot 6.725 7.206 7.678 8.159 8.441 8.592 8.616 8.677 8.712 8.736
Log(ρc ) 7.107 7.423 7.722 8.076 8.359 8.738 8.794 8.843 8.940 8.976
Log(ρ Ye )c 6.806 7.121 7.421 7.775 8.058 8.435 8.491 8.541 8.637 8.673
Log(Tc ) 8.354 8.305 8.378 8.462 8.539 8.554 8.601 8.632 8.663 8.692

Quantities at first thermal pulse

MONe 1.03316 1.13398 1.21795 1.27580 1.31578 1.33056 1.33995 1.35082 1.35727
MCO 1.02490 1.07682 1.16041 1.22968 1.28106 1.31835 1.33234 1.34138 1.35192 1.35813
MHe 1.02592 1.07735 1.16062 1.22977 1.28111 1.31837 1.33235 1.34140 1.35193 1.35813
MCE 1.02609 1.07740 1.16063 1.22977 1.28111 1.31837 1.33235 1.34140 1.35193 1.35813
Mtot 6.654 7.154 7.635 8.109 8.380 8.541 8.588 8.627 8.665 8.692
Log(ρc ) 7.405 7.631 7.969 8.290 8.590 8.879 9.016 9.118 9.236 9.331
Log(ρ Ye )c 7.103 7.330 7.667 7.989 8.288 8.576 8.713 8.815 8.932 9.026
Log(Tc ) 8.222 8.240 8.284 8.347 8.413 8.466 8.509 8.172 8.767 8.406
Hesup 0.378 0.384 0.374 0.391 0.394 0.395 0.395 0.395 0.395 0.394
Csup 1.18(-3) 1.18(-3) 1.19(-3) 2.02(-3) 2.02(-3) 2.34(-3) 3.95(-3) 2.66(-3) 2.78(-3) 2.86(-3)
Nsup 3.18(-3) 3.23(-3) 3.23(-3) 3.32(-3) 3.35(-3) 3.32(-3) 2.51(-3) 3.25(-3) 3.25(-3) 3.21(-3)
Osup 4.43(-3) 4.38(-3) 4.37(-3) 4.67(-3) 4.56(-3) 4.56(-3) 4.54(-3) 4.59(-3) 4.59(-3) 4.61(-3)
Note—In the H and He burning sections, all the quantities refer to the values at the end of each nuclear burning, the
only exception being MCC , that is the maximum extension in mass of the convective core during the nuclear burning,
and t, that is the evolutionary time of each burning stage.
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 47

Table 3. Main properties of the computed models

9.22 9.25 9.30 9.50 9.80 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 15.00

H burning

MCC 3.33 3.34 3.36 3.57 3.68 3.76 4.18 4.75 5.28 6.45
t 2.91(7) 2.90(7) 2.87(7) 2.76(7) 2.60(7) 2.51(7) 2.11(7) 1.83(7) 1.62(7) 1.31(7)
MHe 1.66 1.66 1.72 1.76 1.84 1.88 2.19 2.56 2.91 3.71
Mtot 9.18 9.21 9.26 9.46 9.76 9.96 10.90 11.90 12.90 14.88

He ignition

MHe 1.73 1.74 1.77 1.81 1.89 1.94 2.24 2.57 2.91 3.66
MCE 2.75 2.59 2.61 2.69 2.78 2.84 3.24 3.67 4.13 5.12

He burning

MCC 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.16 1.21 1.25 1.49 1.82 2.11 2.71
t 2.50(6) 2.48(6) 2.46(6) 2.36(6) 2.21(6) 2.12(6) 1.74(6) 1.51(6) 1.30(6) 1.01(6)
C 0.454 0.452 0.451 0.446 0.446 0.444 0.434 0.413 0.404 0.388
MCO 1.08 1.10 1.11 1.16 1.20 1.24 1.48 1.82 2.10 2.71
MHe 2.47 2.48 2.50 2.57 2.66 2.73 3.10 3.51 3.91 4.80
MCE 3.43 3.41 3.40 3.39 3.54 3.63 3.84 4.21 4.55 5.45
Mtot 8.88 8.90 8.95 9.13 9.42 9.61 10.39 11.26 12.13 13.91

Quantities at Carbon Ignition

Log(Tign ) 8.841 8.838 8.847 8.832 8.833 8.827 8.833 8.835 8.826 8.855
Log(ρign ) 6.129 6.133 6.122 6.135 6.133 6.093 5.887 5.687 5.552 5.383
ψign 2.354 2.395 2.270 2.453 2.438 2.313 1.440 0.741 0.369 -0.250
Mign 0.085 0.075 0.060 0.022 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
MCO 1.297 1.302 1.313 1.355 1.379 1.398 1.598 1.877 2.127 2.708
MHe 2.443 2.455 2.475 2.550 2.635 2.695 3.083 3.486 3.895 4.779
MCE 2.527 2.543 2.563 2.644 2.732 2.805 3.223 3.640 4.071 5.020
Mtot 8.814 8.838 8.882 9.060 9.345 9.531 10.356 11.160 11.981 13.647

Quantities at Neon Ignition

C 0.004 0.004 0.003 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
MC 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000

Table 3 continued on next page

48 Limongi et al.
Table 3 (continued)
9.22 9.25 9.30 9.50 9.80 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 15.00
Log(Tign ) 9.144 9.152 9.147 9.154 9.150 9.158 9.152 9.156 9.152 9.147
Log(ρign ) 7.462 7.440 7.428 7.410 7.351 7.333 7.263 7.219 7.173 6.971
ψign 6.714 6.417 6.419 6.171 5.810 5.579 5.192 4.874 4.640 3.586
Mign 0.966 0.921 0.872 0.642 0.545 0.538 0.176 0.026 0.000 0.000
MONe 1.34946 1.35567 1.36681 1.39495 1.41473 1.45264 1.61811 1.78829 2.00073 2.38106
MCO 1.36292 1.36870 1.38197 1.42102 1.45570 1.48738 1.71252 1.93653 2.29977 2.38106
MHe 1.51131 1.52312 1.54993 1.72901 1.86507 2.42851 3.05750 3.45724 3.88738 4.77346
MCE 1.51200 1.52370 1.55042 1.72952 1.86562 2.42956 3.18014 3.60951 4.01319 4.99950
Mtot 8.741 8.780 8.821 8.960 9.257 9.433 10.238 11.041 11.877 13.575

Quantities at Si-S Ignition

Log(Tign ) 9.525 9.489 9.474 9.498 9.506 9.529 9.540 9.490 9.530 9.527
Log(ρign ) 8.191 8.789 9.032 9.171 8.711 9.004 8.474 8.462 8.455 8.390
ψign 5.50 10.78 13.90 16.17 9.622 11.88 7.069 7.935 7.152 6.724
Mign 0.950 0.518 0.074 0.005 0.387 0.034 0.329 0.156 0.000 0.000
MSiS 1.28952 1.32611 1.15688 1.30951 1.26548 1.29341 1.30356 1.35927 1.34362 1.41895
MONe 1.34885 1.36052 1.36940 1.40788 1.44591 1.47493 1.65900 1.91495 2.13818 2.58421
MCO 1.36285 1.36866 1.37739 1.42064 1.45538 1.48721 1.69211 1.97370 2.22577 2.78635
MHe 1.50705 1.52163 1.54957 1.72741 1.86312 2.42734 3.10849 3.50850 3.91748 4.80126
MCE 1.50779 1.52218 1.54989 1.72799 1.86375 2.46322 3.18014 3.60951 3.99913 4.99799
Mtot 8.741 8.780 8.821 8.960 9.256 9.433 10.237 11.041 11.877 13.575
LogTc 9.165 8.971 9.046 9.482 9.386 9.314 9.418 9.459 9.530 9.527
Logρc 9.358 9.367 9.158 9.291 9.146 9.072 8.855 8.666 8.455 8.390
Log(ρYe )c 9.035 9.035 8.830 8.959 8.815 8.750 8.525 8.338 8.134 8.067

Quantities at Presupernova Stage

MFe 1.258 1.262 1.263 1.268 1.275 1.276 1.295 1.313 1.372 1.388
Log(Tc ) 9.837 9.833 9.825 9.838 9.833 9.839 9.834 9.834 9.817 9.821
Log(ρc ) 9.742 9.742 9.819 9.719 9.685 9.654 9.602 9.550 9.551 9.441
ψc 10.63 10.72 11.68 10.40 10.22 9.79 9.48 9.04 9.44 8.47
Ye,c 0.422 0.441 0.440 0.441 0.440 0.440 0.440 0.441 0.440 0.441
Note—Same as in Table 2
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 49

Table 4. Main properties of the TP phase of the 7.00 M⊙ model

max max max

TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (10 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
1 89.82555 4.59285 0.0000e+00 2.24571 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
2 111.22892 4.96992 6.3260e-04 2.28490 0.00000 810.01669 3.3420e-04 3.4780e-04
3 115.42192 5.16239 7.6520e-04 2.39542 0.00000 830.90516 3.5400e-04 3.7560e-04
4 117.34890 5.32072 8.2270e-04 2.46989 0.00000 864.45584 3.7510e-04 3.9770e-04
5 121.55523 5.45162 8.3630e-04 2.51289 0.00000 893.41053 3.9600e-04 4.1390e-04
6 111.21537 5.56693 8.6150e-04 2.55107 0.07813 913.12543 4.1340e-04 4.2040e-04
7 101.03505 5.67624 8.7040e-04 2.60405 0.16083 940.51568 4.3400e-04 4.0980e-04
8 88.24332 5.77267 2.5130e-04 2.62902 0.23434 970.62890 4.5490e-04 4.4900e-04
9 81.30580 5.87702 5.8090e-04 2.67875 0.30707 1006.22846 4.7840e-04 3.5950e-04
10 74.49517 5.97425 2.3260e-04 2.75055 0.36661 1030.11027 4.9780e-04 3.4330e-04
11 64.23646 6.07593 4.4130e-04 2.78056 0.43756 1055.91787 5.1650e-04 3.2550e-04
12 57.77569 6.17135 4.9130e-04 2.80497 0.48888 1078.39620 5.3510e-04 3.0690e-04
13 51.39315 6.26646 2.6260e-04 2.85028 0.54340 1104.62488 5.5300e-04 2.8640e-04
14 50.50076 6.35809 5.7070e-04 2.89319 0.56731 1128.54045 5.7200e-04 2.6670e-04
15 27.97671 6.44017 0.0000e+00 2.92910 0.61947 1153.48452 5.8760e-04 2.6170e-04
16 26.69483 6.53373 3.4460e-04 2.92627 0.65240 1204.24569 6.0760e-04 2.3630e-04
17 24.99774 6.63534 0.0000e+00 2.96001 0.67273 1256.05894 6.2150e-04 2.1540e-04
18 24.10871 6.73287 1.7150e-04 3.04020 0.70374 1307.67283 6.2850e-04 2.0410e-04
19 22.83511 6.80368 2.4150e-04 3.04617 0.71882 1318.63689 6.4300e-04 1.9780e-04
20 22.59946 6.93882 3.1260e-04 3.05739 0.75870 1528.42922 6.6350e-04 1.9310e-04
21 21.40192 6.93939 3.2010e-04 3.11509 0.72959 1339.37664 6.7230e-04 1.7350e-04
22 21.20829 7.05233 2.9090e-04 3.15358 0.77054 1482.17119 6.8640e-04 1.8030e-04
23 20.61109 7.07359 2.8640e-04 3.17158 0.75515 1404.52193 6.9880e-04 1.7120e-04
24 20.33897 7.17656 2.6540e-04 3.18900 0.78070 1558.92042 7.1590e-04 1.7980e-04
25 20.14531 7.19896 2.5370e-04 3.21168 0.77932 1465.13032 7.2050e-04 1.5830e-04
26 19.13683 7.27968 2.4650e-04 3.22242 0.78318 1587.41454 7.4210e-04 1.7660e-04
27 19.27082 7.32997 2.2530e-04 3.23992 0.80253 1584.22310 7.4340e-04 1.5770e-04
Note—The meaning of the columns are the following: TP is the pulse number; ∆tpulse is the duration of the pulse in
years; Log (LHe /L⊙ ) is the maximum luminosity provided by the He burning reactions during the pulse in solar
max max
luminosity; ∆Mpulse is the maximum extension of the He convective shell during the pulse in solar masses; THe is the
maximum temperature of the He burning shell during the pulse in Kelvin degree; λ is the measure of the efficiency
of the third dredge up and is defined in section 3.3; ∆tinter is the time elapsed between two consecutive thermal
pulses in year; ∆MHe and ∆MCO are the increase of the He and CO core, respectively, in solar masses, between two
consecutive thermal pulses.
50 Limongi et al.

Table 5. Main properties of the TP phase of the 7.50 M⊙ model

max max max

TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (10 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
1 44.37918 4.70594 0.0000e+00 2.38536 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
2 52.11441 5.04933 3.2920e-04 2.39576 0.00000 419.64009 2.0260e-04 2.0100e-04
3 53.95405 5.18454 3.9090e-04 2.47251 0.00000 432.30629 2.1320e-04 2.1680e-04
4 56.06827 5.29280 3.9980e-04 2.52862 0.00000 447.35448 2.2440e-04 2.2900e-04
5 56.34100 5.39051 4.2360e-04 2.56485 0.00000 463.38110 2.3510e-04 2.3760e-04
6 52.76081 5.48184 4.4310e-04 2.59733 0.05947 476.65252 2.4550e-04 2.4740e-04
7 50.08207 5.56786 3.9450e-04 2.64991 0.12070 491.06480 2.5600e-04 2.9240e-04
8 47.81777 5.64817 3.8670e-04 2.68787 0.16448 504.01888 2.6630e-04 2.2620e-04
9 38.36755 5.72664 3.2030e-04 2.71955 0.28597 520.00205 2.7730e-04 2.2410e-04
10 15.38332 5.81854 2.6020e-04 2.76781 0.34389 535.61124 2.9050e-04 2.0590e-04
11 14.26428 5.93802 3.1880e-04 2.80881 0.41379 575.56624 2.7550e-04 1.6300e-04
12 35.78172 6.01272 2.7620e-04 2.84455 0.42127 587.19299 2.8580e-04 1.6690e-04
13 34.04551 6.06072 2.3140e-04 2.87404 0.40262 577.81512 3.2040e-04 2.0230e-04
14 31.42803 6.13144 3.5770e-04 2.91217 0.44211 586.69613 3.2820e-04 1.9370e-04
15 16.11851 6.20321 2.8920e-04 2.93868 0.45853 598.31423 3.3760e-04 1.8930e-04
16 28.21979 6.26974 2.4840e-04 2.98159 0.50942 623.34253 3.3980e-04 1.8100e-04
17 26.78597 6.33403 2.6050e-04 3.00316 0.52257 620.78629 3.5440e-04 1.7700e-04
18 15.18101 6.40054 2.6140e-04 3.03139 0.53554 634.54803 3.6300e-04 1.7370e-04
19 23.93053 6.47102 2.3390e-04 3.06154 0.59740 656.86566 3.6140e-04 1.6070e-04
20 23.22250 6.52571 2.2720e-04 3.08542 0.58970 657.01429 3.8070e-04 1.6120e-04
21 15.81710 6.58134 2.1220e-04 3.10676 0.61011 667.58658 3.8780e-04 1.5970e-04
22 14.64649 6.64573 2.0910e-04 3.13619 0.61665 689.18944 3.9390e-04 1.5080e-04
23 13.31623 6.70589 2.2650e-04 3.15731 0.59570 703.95848 3.9500e-04 1.4950e-04
Note—Same as Table 4
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 51

Table 6. Main properties of the TP phase of the 8.00 M⊙ model

max max max

TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (10 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
1 18.29010 4.86701 0.0000e+00 2.54921 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
2 19.71649 4.99491 9.6200e-05 2.46998 0.00000 167.70801 9.2800e-05 9.2900e-05
3 21.16711 5.10723 1.1190e-04 2.54650 0.00000 172.35960 9.6500e-05 9.9400e-05
4 21.81918 5.18338 1.3880e-04 2.60576 0.00000 177.92965 1.0070e-04 1.0160e-04
5 22.31795 5.27167 1.4490e-04 2.64632 0.00000 182.94191 1.0450e-04 1.0530e-04
6 22.23202 5.34037 1.7580e-04 2.67582 0.01196 188.46944 1.0870e-04 1.0660e-04
7 21.95982 5.42845 1.9100e-04 2.73056 0.04178 193.68099 1.1250e-04 1.1000e-04
8 21.69375 5.51369 1.8770e-04 2.78321 0.07198 199.54792 1.1670e-04 1.0990e-04
9 21.66237 5.57160 1.9590e-04 2.83856 0.08971 206.55658 1.2150e-04 1.0900e-04
10 21.47525 5.63905 1.8560e-04 2.85066 0.11076 211.63311 1.2550e-04 1.2590e-04
11 18.93212 5.71962 2.1200e-04 2.85631 0.16448 217.04788 1.2950e-04 1.0060e-04
12 17.60990 5.63005 1.9620e-04 2.84210 0.15129 216.74951 1.3550e-04 1.1200e-04
13 16.95021 5.69856 1.4520e-04 2.87958 0.19016 218.08507 1.3620e-04 1.1740e-04
14 9.19094 5.75369 1.8530e-04 2.89984 0.23032 219.91150 1.3850e-04 1.1180e-04
15 9.49209 5.80968 1.7880e-04 2.93700 0.26331 230.12987 1.4090e-04 1.0850e-04
16 8.93714 5.86259 1.5970e-04 2.96896 0.28601 233.45648 1.4510e-04 1.3600e-04
17 8.03257 5.91847 1.5250e-04 2.99028 0.30082 237.71473 1.4660e-04 1.0160e-04
18 8.29892 5.96800 1.4040e-04 3.01113 0.33514 241.36694 1.4800e-04 1.0280e-04
19 7.71833 6.01638 1.4720e-04 3.03756 0.33224 244.93305 1.5200e-04 9.9400e-05
20 7.50460 6.06709 1.4350e-04 3.06156 0.35023 248.95313 1.5190e-04 9.8900e-05
21 8.02608 6.11249 1.3520e-04 3.07958 0.39416 252.12148 1.5400e-04 9.8700e-05
22 7.00580 6.15567 1.4420e-04 3.09787 0.34577 255.43588 1.6080e-04 9.8300e-05
23 7.39835 6.19831 1.5830e-04 3.11585 0.41393 259.50766 1.5510e-04 9.7000e-05
24 7.20055 6.23864 1.3010e-04 3.13822 0.41288 260.93804 1.6300e-04 9.8000e-05
25 7.58794 6.27331 1.2810e-04 3.14828 0.42248 263.22153 1.6640e-04 9.7000e-05
Note—Same as Table 4
52 Limongi et al.

Table 7. Main properties of the TP phase of the 8.50 M⊙ model

max max max

TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
1 8.15592 4.90472 0.0000e+00 2.66934 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
2 8.45305 4.98826 1.6500e-05 2.53505 0.00000 74.46446 4.6800e-05 4.7100e-05
3 8.75214 5.05037 2.0800e-05 2.57771 0.00000 75.69203 4.7900e-05 4.8700e-05
4 9.00542 5.10690 4.0300e-05 2.64540 0.00000 76.95628 4.9000e-05 4.9900e-05
5 9.20708 5.16083 5.9400e-05 2.68255 0.00000 78.46501 5.0200e-05 5.1100e-05
6 9.62853 5.21936 4.7700e-05 2.69753 0.00000 79.89779 5.1300e-05 5.1700e-05
7 9.65059 5.26992 6.8300e-05 2.72114 0.00000 81.18954 5.2600e-05 5.2600e-05
8 9.65526 5.32230 6.2300e-05 2.74320 0.00370 83.15922 5.4000e-05 5.4200e-05
9 9.48889 5.36461 7.9000e-05 2.77126 0.01630 84.85059 5.5200e-05 5.4200e-05
10 9.41591 5.41867 7.4200e-05 2.80338 0.03357 86.74549 5.6600e-05 5.5200e-05
11 9.53681 5.45535 8.0100e-05 2.79418 0.04655 88.12399 5.8000e-05 5.5000e-05
12 9.43228 5.49908 8.6900e-05 2.83328 0.05892 89.98365 5.9400e-05 5.4100e-05
13 9.23666 5.57211 9.4400e-05 2.93938 0.08099 91.69154 6.0500e-05 5.7300e-05
14 9.44134 5.62296 8.6700e-05 2.91795 0.09280 94.35868 6.2500e-05 5.6800e-05
15 9.18013 5.63849 9.0500e-05 2.96386 0.09546 95.94140 6.3900e-05 5.7000e-05
16 9.20083 5.72844 8.2600e-05 3.03846 0.10906 97.51500 6.5100e-05 6.3300e-05
17 9.14546 5.74742 9.7500e-05 3.09544 0.11976 99.89463 6.6800e-05 5.1600e-05
18 9.03628 5.78473 9.6600e-05 3.06606 0.13088 101.73042 6.8000e-05 6.4900e-05
19 4.29587 5.85104 9.6700e-05 3.13726 0.13525 103.57640 6.9500e-05 4.9000e-05
20 4.01495 5.90631 1.0190e-04 3.13861 0.13467 109.43795 6.9800e-05 6.2200e-05
21 3.99314 5.93581 9.4400e-05 3.09230 0.13636 111.72813 7.0400e-05 6.7700e-05
22 4.40715 5.82278 7.7000e-05 3.20355 0.14000 113.02297 7.0000e-05 7.4600e-05
23 7.58420 5.53932 4.3600e-05 2.82136 0.07486 117.38256 7.0800e-05 7.9500e-05
24 7.47061 5.80183 7.8800e-05 3.06006 0.16990 95.54977 6.7100e-05 3.2500e-05
25 7.63034 5.85227 5.1300e-05 3.09910 0.18117 99.47883 7.0100e-05 5.5900e-05
26 7.61372 5.88345 8.4100e-05 3.13186 0.17476 102.03830 7.2100e-05 5.7700e-05
27 3.17343 5.91464 6.6800e-05 3.13125 0.16803 103.83708 7.3200e-05 6.0300e-05
28 7.30446 5.94318 7.2700e-05 3.17233 0.21082 108.75533 7.2100e-05 7.3800e-05
29 2.69548 5.97688 7.6100e-05 3.14821 0.14077 106.23947 7.5300e-05 4.4100e-05
30 2.73907 5.99604 9.1600e-05 3.15111 0.16335 110.97359 7.0400e-05 5.9900e-05
31 2.94757 6.02268 7.9200e-05 3.16452 0.20055 112.47355 7.2300e-05 7.7300e-05
32 2.81506 6.05255 7.9200e-05 3.18172 0.19112 112.93503 7.4300e-05 5.8900e-05
33 2.59650 6.06719 6.4600e-05 3.22578 0.16845 113.77031 7.4800e-05 6.0800e-05
34 2.48854 6.08982 6.9200e-05 3.23511 0.16416 114.88709 7.3100e-05 5.9700e-05
35 7.00625 6.11058 6.3900e-05 3.22899 0.27374 115.39522 7.1600e-05 5.9600e-05

Table 7 continued on next page

Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 53
Table 7 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
36 7.01885 6.12980 6.6600e-05 3.23675 0.24060 111.38759 7.9800e-05 5.9500e-05
37 7.06485 6.14508 5.9000e-05 3.23300 0.24035 112.08252 8.0300e-05 6.1900e-05
38 8.19068 6.16417 6.3100e-05 3.24085 0.18047 112.96476 8.0900e-05 6.0600e-05
39 11.16277 6.16204 6.8600e-05 3.27073 0.02854 113.21145 8.0600e-05 6.7300e-05
40 10.73101 6.13572 6.6700e-05 3.23398 0.02685 110.11690 7.8200e-05 7.8600e-05
41 10.82738 6.14288 5.8600e-05 3.24549 0.02710 108.91918 7.7500e-05 7.4700e-05
42 10.82214 6.15314 7.4100e-05 3.26035 0.02831 109.37924 7.7700e-05 7.5000e-05
43 10.78391 6.15937 6.7500e-05 3.25607 0.02964 108.94946 7.7600e-05 7.5800e-05
44 10.74092 6.16813 6.1700e-05 3.25714 0.02824 109.55810 7.7900e-05 7.6000e-05
45 10.72965 6.17530 6.3400e-05 3.23499 0.03073 109.88512 7.8100e-05 7.7200e-05
46 10.81649 6.18265 5.8300e-05 3.23863 0.02821 109.59645 7.8000e-05 7.5200e-05
47 10.83080 6.19028 5.9700e-05 3.28393 0.02813 109.92034 7.8200e-05 7.6900e-05
48 10.77361 6.20246 7.0200e-05 3.28990 0.02934 110.29815 7.8400e-05 7.5400e-05
49 10.84951 6.21129 6.3000e-05 3.26074 0.02795 110.82565 7.8700e-05 7.5000e-05
50 10.78880 6.21939 7.2000e-05 3.26990 0.02922 110.78028 7.8700e-05 7.8200e-05
51 10.81739 6.22372 7.0300e-05 3.27260 0.02915 110.88943 7.8900e-05 7.4400e-05
52 10.85824 6.23302 6.9700e-05 3.26821 0.02788 110.93011 7.8900e-05 7.7200e-05
53 10.84919 6.23876 7.9400e-05 3.28960 0.03034 111.14641 7.9100e-05 7.5200e-05
54 10.84918 6.24840 7.6700e-05 3.28676 0.03153 111.47834 7.9300e-05 7.7100e-05
55 10.84471 6.25617 7.3500e-05 3.26775 0.03270 111.79576 7.9500e-05 7.7700e-05
56 10.78979 6.26345 6.3700e-05 3.29753 0.03266 111.98611 7.9600e-05 7.9600e-05
57 10.76850 6.26742 7.7500e-05 3.30213 0.03137 111.92689 7.9700e-05 7.5800e-05
58 10.85819 6.27150 6.6300e-05 3.30491 0.03137 111.73369 7.9700e-05 7.7000e-05
59 10.84070 6.28070 7.3100e-05 3.32707 0.03504 112.12913 7.9900e-05 7.6400e-05
60 10.77114 6.28461 7.9200e-05 3.32815 0.03133 111.90191 7.9800e-05 7.7400e-05
61 10.78495 6.29407 6.8500e-05 3.30837 0.03496 112.33666 8.0100e-05 7.8500e-05
62 10.79329 6.29947 7.6100e-05 3.33951 0.04234 112.67524 8.0300e-05 7.7700e-05
63 10.88230 6.30515 7.1800e-05 3.30594 0.03483 112.67970 8.0400e-05 7.6800e-05
64 10.82783 6.30830 6.7400e-05 3.33106 0.03731 112.57564 8.0400e-05 7.6500e-05
65 10.82213 6.31175 8.0500e-05 3.34896 0.03362 112.39069 8.0300e-05 7.6200e-05
66 10.88616 6.31728 6.5700e-05 3.31750 0.03358 112.69284 8.0400e-05 7.9800e-05
67 10.89229 6.32119 7.2900e-05 3.33367 0.03238 112.38787 8.0300e-05 7.6800e-05
Note—Same as Table 4
54 Limongi et al.

Table 8. Main properties of the TP phase of the 8.80 M⊙ model

max max max

TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
1 3.43398 4.81971 0.0000e+00 2.75444 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
2 3.66142 4.86343 0.0000e+00 2.78394 0.00000 35.35383 2.3700e-05 2.4300e-05
3 3.80866 4.91269 8.3000e-06 2.78179 0.00000 35.37903 2.3900e-05 2.4500e-05
4 3.92747 4.95956 9.2000e-06 2.78450 0.00000 35.78979 2.4200e-05 2.4800e-05
5 3.98919 4.99723 0.0000e+00 2.78093 0.00000 36.10830 2.4600e-05 2.7400e-05
6 4.04114 5.03525 1.7600e-05 2.67570 0.00000 36.40138 2.4900e-05 2.3200e-05
7 4.10827 5.07228 1.1600e-05 2.70671 0.00000 36.87323 2.5200e-05 2.5400e-05
8 4.21462 5.10703 1.6600e-05 2.73201 0.00000 37.44727 2.5700e-05 2.6200e-05
9 4.25381 5.13716 0.0000e+00 2.74842 0.00000 37.65113 2.5900e-05 2.6400e-05
10 4.30800 5.16827 2.5700e-05 2.74619 0.00000 38.07386 2.6300e-05 2.6600e-05
11 4.36447 5.19638 1.7100e-05 2.81651 0.00000 38.59901 2.6600e-05 2.7100e-05
12 4.43710 5.22954 2.3000e-05 2.84596 0.00000 39.19461 2.7000e-05 2.6900e-05
13 4.42798 5.26150 2.4000e-05 2.82856 0.00000 39.56068 2.7400e-05 2.8000e-05
14 4.45847 5.28724 3.0900e-05 2.85634 0.00000 39.95597 2.7700e-05 2.6900e-05
15 4.52384 5.31256 3.0300e-05 2.88299 0.00000 40.40973 2.8200e-05 2.9300e-05
16 4.56024 5.34993 3.2300e-05 2.91683 0.00350 41.07576 2.8600e-05 2.7800e-05
17 4.54797 5.38580 3.0100e-05 2.95103 0.01034 41.68190 2.9000e-05 2.9000e-05
18 4.61297 5.41560 3.2200e-05 2.97851 0.00678 42.06229 2.9500e-05 2.8000e-05
19 4.53668 5.43755 3.7800e-05 3.04338 0.02333 42.70532 3.0000e-05 3.0300e-05
20 4.57596 5.47809 3.6300e-05 3.05943 0.02310 43.26245 3.0300e-05 2.8500e-05
21 4.58798 5.51393 3.6200e-05 3.07541 0.03247 43.90096 3.0800e-05 2.9700e-05
22 4.66613 5.52872 3.9400e-05 3.10172 0.02556 44.52528 3.1300e-05 3.0800e-05
23 4.69200 5.57276 3.8200e-05 3.12242 0.03810 44.73881 3.1500e-05 2.9900e-05
24 4.74014 5.59703 3.8800e-05 3.12973 0.02500 45.49744 3.2000e-05 3.0500e-05
25 4.65464 5.62504 4.0900e-05 3.12688 0.04644 45.84294 3.2300e-05 3.1000e-05
26 4.67388 5.66233 4.2500e-05 3.16630 0.05183 46.66397 3.2800e-05 3.1000e-05
27 4.63900 5.69029 4.2700e-05 3.19137 0.05405 47.16420 3.3300e-05 2.9400e-05
28 4.68486 5.71842 4.3600e-05 3.20182 0.06213 47.63124 3.3800e-05 3.4400e-05
29 4.68069 5.74925 4.4600e-05 3.23367 0.07289 48.56336 3.4300e-05 3.3200e-05
30 4.79107 5.75770 4.5300e-05 3.20123 0.05764 48.89153 3.4700e-05 2.7000e-05
31 4.75523 5.79674 4.5800e-05 3.19279 0.07163 49.02561 3.4900e-05 3.5600e-05
32 4.76231 5.80258 4.5300e-05 3.23384 0.07932 49.80343 3.5300e-05 3.2300e-05
33 4.79700 5.82291 4.6300e-05 3.21981 0.06761 49.92863 3.5500e-05 3.2600e-05
34 4.78088 5.85391 4.9400e-05 3.26220 0.08078 50.44785 3.5900e-05 3.1300e-05
35 4.72624 5.87625 4.8000e-05 3.29631 0.09091 50.92757 3.6300e-05 3.5200e-05

Table 8 continued on next page

Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 55
Table 8 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
36 4.79908 5.89916 5.0100e-05 3.29742 0.07923 51.22336 3.6600e-05 3.3000e-05
37 4.79379 5.91401 4.8600e-05 3.33606 0.08378 51.92745 3.7000e-05 3.3900e-05
38 4.75212 5.93877 4.9200e-05 3.35708 0.09140 52.18005 3.7200e-05 3.2800e-05
39 4.82962 5.97526 2.9300e-05 3.35348 0.09067 52.68771 3.7500e-05 5.2200e-05
40 4.77188 5.98556 4.9900e-05 3.35665 0.10526 53.16015 3.8000e-05 1.6800e-05
41 4.74954 5.99783 2.7600e-05 3.38121 0.09948 53.28370 3.8200e-05 5.1400e-05
42 4.75897 6.01831 5.0500e-05 3.32285 0.10649 54.03482 3.8500e-05 1.7900e-05
43 4.86881 5.99770 3.8400e-05 3.35525 0.09585 53.85564 3.8600e-05 4.2900e-05
44 4.71339 6.02475 3.0600e-05 3.35075 0.12145 54.02183 3.8700e-05 4.2800e-05
45 4.82509 6.05768 5.1800e-05 3.38480 0.11282 54.66593 3.9000e-05 1.4900e-05
46 4.76931 6.06065 3.2100e-05 3.39223 0.11735 54.58706 3.9200e-05 5.3700e-05
47 4.72231 6.10129 1.8000e-05 3.34752 0.12658 54.99688 3.9500e-05 3.4700e-05
48 4.76340 6.12002 4.9200e-05 3.40504 0.12782 55.58164 3.9900e-05 1.7500e-05
49 4.74142 6.11149 4.4500e-05 3.43433 0.14428 56.10568 4.0200e-05 3.5000e-05
50 4.73485 6.15036 3.3700e-05 3.47422 0.14179 55.92355 4.0200e-05 5.1200e-05
51 4.75999 6.14973 3.4000e-05 3.49283 0.14742 56.74804 4.0700e-05 3.4400e-05
52 4.86865 6.11210 3.1400e-05 3.46611 0.12500 56.80054 4.0800e-05 3.4800e-05
53 4.70363 6.12686 2.4300e-05 3.47809 0.14604 56.12777 4.0400e-05 3.5700e-05
54 4.69314 6.15662 2.9400e-05 3.45230 0.15233 56.52933 4.0700e-05 3.4500e-05
55 4.84336 6.14066 1.5300e-05 3.48406 0.14425 56.87739 4.0900e-05 3.7400e-05
56 4.71976 6.12830 1.9200e-05 3.45173 0.15159 56.82158 4.0900e-05 3.2100e-05
57 4.72441 6.21145 5.2800e-05 3.50292 0.14461 56.89228 4.0800e-05 1.6000e-05
58 1.79597 6.21204 3.5300e-05 3.50209 0.12019 57.71341 4.1600e-05 5.3600e-05
59 4.81800 6.14964 2.8200e-05 3.49428 0.16625 60.73343 3.9700e-05 3.4700e-05
60 4.76627 6.17747 3.2500e-05 3.51839 0.15777 57.21990 4.1200e-05 3.5000e-05
61 4.62514 6.24883 3.1500e-05 3.53409 0.16667 57.63424 4.1400e-05 3.4600e-05
62 4.77029 6.18790 2.1700e-05 3.52466 0.16390 58.49414 4.2100e-05 3.4600e-05
63 4.67157 6.26959 3.2600e-05 3.53945 0.16627 57.79309 4.1500e-05 3.5200e-05
64 4.78276 6.23196 1.3800e-05 3.51268 0.17494 58.73256 4.2300e-05 3.4500e-05
65 4.70036 6.21376 2.9000e-05 3.49119 0.17143 58.47192 4.2000e-05 3.5000e-05
66 4.78026 6.21327 2.5000e-05 3.51410 0.17143 58.32973 4.2000e-05 3.4800e-05
67 1.75241 6.21276 3.4500e-05 3.52820 0.11217 58.26069 4.1900e-05 3.4800e-05
68 4.67489 6.25214 2.4300e-05 3.53638 0.18622 61.16046 3.9200e-05 3.4500e-05
69 1.72757 6.24990 3.4300e-05 3.52716 0.11792 58.84714 4.2400e-05 3.4600e-05
70 4.76797 6.22436 2.1700e-05 3.53175 0.18388 61.73349 3.9700e-05 3.4800e-05
71 1.89482 6.32323 3.3800e-05 3.55091 0.15000 58.28314 4.2000e-05 3.4900e-05
72 1.64808 6.36334 3.6100e-05 3.56241 0.12260 62.42928 4.1600e-05 3.4200e-05

Table 8 continued on next page

56 Limongi et al.
Table 8 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
73 1.58093 6.36872 3.5100e-05 3.54365 0.11443 63.04967 4.0200e-05 3.4900e-05
74 1.98605 6.25843 3.3600e-05 3.53304 0.17884 63.04200 3.9700e-05 3.5200e-05
75 1.60765 6.24804 3.5200e-05 3.52366 0.10169 61.59823 4.1300e-05 3.5100e-05
76 1.66639 6.28026 3.6600e-05 3.52798 0.12371 61.76072 3.8800e-05 3.4600e-05
77 1.73187 6.27944 2.1400e-05 3.53296 0.13418 62.09434 3.9500e-05 3.4400e-05
78 1.66790 6.27156 3.6100e-05 3.52088 0.12030 62.02855 3.9900e-05 3.4600e-05
79 1.72644 6.25784 3.1600e-05 3.53120 0.12977 62.23790 3.9300e-05 3.4400e-05
80 1.93307 6.30353 4.8300e-05 3.55340 0.16332 61.87024 3.9800e-05 1.9900e-05
81 1.61141 6.38154 3.6800e-05 3.56992 0.12683 62.05621 4.1000e-05 4.9200e-05
Note—Same as Table 4
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 57

Table 9. Main properties of the TP phase of the 9.00 M⊙ model

max max max

TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
1 1.65055 4.79497 0.0000e+00 2.83896 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
2 1.70540 4.82654 0.0000e+00 2.85654 0.00000 18.10599 1.2500e-05 1.2800e-05
3 1.81595 4.85967 0.0000e+00 2.86775 0.00000 18.32212 1.2600e-05 1.3000e-05
4 1.85047 4.89298 0.0000e+00 2.89756 0.00000 18.37811 1.2800e-05 1.3400e-05
5 1.92638 4.92275 0.0000e+00 2.92789 0.00000 18.49531 1.2900e-05 1.3000e-05
6 1.95988 4.95348 1.8000e-06 2.93369 0.00000 18.55105 1.2900e-05 1.3600e-05
7 1.97685 4.98545 0.0000e+00 2.95065 0.00000 18.71940 1.3100e-05 1.3400e-05
8 2.02927 5.01602 0.0000e+00 2.92993 0.00000 18.92700 1.3200e-05 1.3600e-05
9 2.05217 5.04133 3.7000e-06 2.95251 0.00000 19.04636 1.3300e-05 1.4000e-05
10 2.09943 5.06422 9.1000e-06 2.92618 0.00000 19.21856 1.3500e-05 1.4300e-05
11 2.08738 5.08680 1.0100e-05 3.00295 0.00000 19.31442 1.3600e-05 1.4400e-05
12 2.09804 5.10656 5.3000e-06 3.00252 0.00000 19.36676 1.3700e-05 1.4300e-05
13 2.08585 5.12686 1.1000e-05 3.00419 0.00000 19.44594 1.3800e-05 1.4300e-05
14 2.12245 5.15433 1.0700e-05 2.89469 0.00000 19.75186 1.4000e-05 1.2300e-05
15 2.19131 5.17383 1.2500e-05 2.92554 0.00000 19.92464 1.4100e-05 1.4200e-05
16 2.16813 5.19460 7.1000e-06 2.93932 0.00000 20.00371 1.4200e-05 1.4600e-05
17 2.20174 5.21607 1.0400e-05 2.95947 0.00000 20.17240 1.4400e-05 1.4500e-05
18 2.22550 5.24272 1.3900e-05 2.96832 0.00000 20.42278 1.4500e-05 1.4600e-05
19 2.19619 5.24768 9.0000e-06 2.95840 0.00000 20.44854 1.4600e-05 1.4800e-05
20 2.26546 5.27345 1.3500e-05 2.98588 0.00000 20.61694 1.4700e-05 1.5000e-05
21 2.23335 5.29506 1.4900e-05 3.02120 0.00000 20.80442 1.4800e-05 1.5000e-05
22 2.26353 5.31161 1.5400e-05 3.04995 0.00000 20.95042 1.4900e-05 1.5100e-05
23 2.27345 5.32814 1.3900e-05 3.07260 0.00000 21.02195 1.5000e-05 1.5000e-05
24 2.30929 5.34867 1.2800e-05 3.06538 0.00000 21.18696 1.5200e-05 1.5500e-05
25 2.32279 5.36728 1.6000e-05 3.07634 0.00000 21.34259 1.5300e-05 1.5300e-05
26 2.33455 5.39835 1.7700e-05 3.13738 0.00000 21.61166 1.5400e-05 1.5500e-05
27 2.32045 5.39447 1.2900e-05 3.13320 0.00000 21.78315 1.5600e-05 1.5800e-05
28 2.36843 5.41740 1.4400e-05 3.12673 0.00000 21.86722 1.5600e-05 1.5900e-05
29 2.36035 5.44145 1.4700e-05 3.12782 0.00000 22.05157 1.5800e-05 1.5700e-05
30 2.35700 5.45462 1.5000e-05 3.14833 0.00000 22.22198 1.5900e-05 1.6000e-05
31 2.36313 5.46347 1.7800e-05 3.12511 0.00000 22.21472 1.6000e-05 1.6000e-05
32 2.39853 5.47721 1.6800e-05 3.17420 0.00000 22.38565 1.6100e-05 1.6400e-05
33 2.39020 5.49013 1.8400e-05 3.11659 0.00000 22.43168 1.6100e-05 1.6300e-05
34 2.39433 5.51257 1.7500e-05 3.16906 0.00000 22.71077 1.6300e-05 1.6200e-05
35 2.40292 5.52155 1.8900e-05 3.20870 0.00000 22.81213 1.6500e-05 1.6400e-05

Table 9 continued on next page

58 Limongi et al.
Table 9 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
36 2.41901 5.53865 1.8300e-05 3.22501 0.00000 22.99987 1.6500e-05 1.6400e-05
37 2.40346 5.54642 1.7800e-05 3.17969 0.00000 23.00041 1.6600e-05 1.6700e-05
38 2.41415 5.56885 1.9300e-05 3.20918 0.00599 23.27732 1.6700e-05 1.6500e-05
39 2.46356 5.58334 1.9600e-05 3.24102 0.00000 23.27049 1.6700e-05 1.6500e-05
40 2.39932 5.59149 1.9600e-05 3.25638 0.01183 23.56175 1.6900e-05 1.6900e-05
41 2.40471 5.61482 1.8400e-05 3.25194 0.01754 23.70464 1.7100e-05 1.6600e-05
42 2.46473 5.61987 1.9000e-05 3.24916 0.00000 23.66993 1.7100e-05 1.7000e-05
43 2.41192 5.62754 1.9900e-05 3.26062 0.01156 23.90283 1.7300e-05 1.7200e-05
44 2.52493 5.69647 2.0900e-05 3.31399 0.00581 24.04740 1.7200e-05 1.7000e-05
45 2.49139 5.69331 1.8700e-05 3.27900 0.01136 24.24846 1.7600e-05 1.7700e-05
46 2.49474 5.63295 1.7400e-05 3.26170 0.00000 24.45395 1.7700e-05 1.7200e-05
47 2.50660 5.65324 1.9200e-05 3.30653 0.00575 24.10394 1.7400e-05 1.7400e-05
48 2.50709 5.70804 2.0500e-05 3.27127 0.00571 24.24199 1.7500e-05 1.7100e-05
49 2.51573 5.68941 2.0700e-05 3.33164 0.00562 24.72894 1.7800e-05 1.7700e-05
50 2.45518 5.67590 1.7200e-05 3.26955 0.01130 24.34178 1.7700e-05 1.7600e-05
51 2.52287 5.73035 1.9400e-05 3.29516 0.00565 24.34938 1.7700e-05 1.7700e-05
52 2.53217 5.70722 1.8000e-05 3.32983 0.00556 24.98058 1.8000e-05 1.7700e-05
53 2.54051 5.72580 2.0600e-05 3.29241 0.00562 24.72133 1.7800e-05 1.7900e-05
54 2.52893 5.74656 1.5000e-05 3.35283 0.01667 24.94582 1.8000e-05 2.2400e-05
55 2.56214 5.74389 2.0500e-05 3.35620 0.00552 25.06975 1.8100e-05 1.2600e-05
56 2.56028 5.80887 2.1500e-05 3.31849 0.01657 25.14577 1.8100e-05 1.8600e-05
57 2.58088 5.81586 2.0900e-05 3.39055 0.01081 25.56796 1.8500e-05 1.7400e-05
58 2.59298 5.79499 2.0400e-05 3.37623 0.00538 25.88036 1.8600e-05 1.8500e-05
59 2.62156 5.81250 2.1800e-05 3.39469 0.00541 25.63795 1.8500e-05 1.8300e-05
60 2.58291 5.78752 2.1200e-05 3.35359 0.00541 25.71321 1.8500e-05 1.8400e-05
61 2.56084 5.79909 2.1300e-05 3.38595 0.01639 25.26471 1.8300e-05 1.8500e-05
62 2.61810 5.80261 2.0500e-05 3.35944 0.00541 25.63800 1.8500e-05 1.8300e-05
63 2.51513 5.82257 2.1000e-05 3.36048 0.02174 25.37430 1.8400e-05 1.8200e-05
64 2.44474 5.83421 2.1700e-05 3.38386 0.05348 25.85566 1.8700e-05 1.7700e-05
65 2.65615 5.87257 2.2800e-05 3.42972 0.01053 26.22115 1.9000e-05 1.7900e-05
66 2.64612 5.83403 2.1000e-05 3.37800 0.00529 26.03283 1.8900e-05 1.9100e-05
67 2.61792 5.86803 2.2100e-05 3.38212 0.01070 25.90185 1.8700e-05 1.8900e-05
68 2.67367 5.92164 2.1800e-05 3.41743 0.01058 26.18093 1.8900e-05 1.8700e-05
69 2.60675 5.83394 2.0800e-05 3.35145 0.00524 26.21708 1.9100e-05 1.8700e-05
70 2.66479 5.91189 2.1000e-05 3.48344 0.00535 25.99380 1.8700e-05 1.9100e-05
71 2.63351 5.93034 2.2800e-05 3.51580 0.02618 26.53870 1.9100e-05 1.8600e-05
72 2.66909 5.90599 2.1100e-05 3.45183 0.01031 26.73772 1.9400e-05 1.8500e-05

Table 9 continued on next page

Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 59
Table 9 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
73 2.58893 5.87574 2.2400e-05 3.43082 0.01571 26.33352 1.9100e-05 1.9600e-05
74 2.58112 5.88231 2.1300e-05 3.41633 0.02116 26.18871 1.8900e-05 1.8600e-05
75 2.45767 5.92842 2.2500e-05 3.45923 0.06316 26.20134 1.9000e-05 1.8100e-05
76 2.70238 5.95010 2.3000e-05 3.42036 0.00513 27.01062 1.9500e-05 1.7700e-05
77 2.52489 5.95875 1.0900e-05 3.48869 0.05155 26.87250 1.9400e-05 2.5400e-05
78 2.62023 5.93627 2.1600e-05 3.46504 0.03553 27.15712 1.9700e-05 1.2700e-05
79 2.63520 5.94372 2.1800e-05 3.49094 0.02051 26.84674 1.9500e-05 1.9100e-05
80 2.69538 5.94181 2.2800e-05 3.42331 0.01026 26.78807 1.9500e-05 1.8900e-05
81 2.68222 5.94387 2.2800e-05 3.47528 0.01546 26.78140 1.9400e-05 1.9500e-05
82 2.69244 5.93325 2.1400e-05 3.44119 0.01036 26.62200 1.9300e-05 1.9300e-05
83 2.69836 5.96346 2.2800e-05 3.47810 0.01036 26.63810 1.9300e-05 1.9200e-05
84 2.58298 5.96614 2.2900e-05 3.48147 0.04124 26.80852 1.9400e-05 1.9200e-05
85 2.69442 6.01025 2.2700e-05 3.44459 0.01531 27.08470 1.9600e-05 1.8300e-05
86 2.70443 6.01142 7.1000e-06 3.55242 0.01515 27.31179 1.9800e-05 2.5100e-05
87 2.69747 5.96208 1.2200e-05 3.47837 0.01515 27.36773 1.9800e-05 1.9500e-05
88 2.68510 6.00228 2.1800e-05 3.47446 0.01538 26.84828 1.9500e-05 1.3500e-05
89 2.70855 6.03168 2.3900e-05 3.51283 0.01531 27.16511 1.9600e-05 1.9700e-05
90 2.68330 6.00860 2.2500e-05 3.51442 0.01515 27.36469 1.9800e-05 1.8700e-05
91 2.69883 5.96270 1.4900e-05 3.45039 0.01015 27.28263 1.9700e-05 2.5700e-05
92 2.69618 6.04281 2.3700e-05 3.47542 0.02062 26.82132 1.9400e-05 1.3800e-05
93 2.68423 5.97145 2.2400e-05 3.44943 0.01508 27.42468 1.9900e-05 1.9100e-05
94 2.70318 5.99381 2.1900e-05 3.43954 0.01538 26.91482 1.9500e-05 1.9200e-05
95 2.70832 6.05386 2.3900e-05 3.51420 0.02551 27.06384 1.9600e-05 1.9700e-05
96 2.71225 6.04324 1.4400e-05 3.45902 0.02000 27.57677 2.0000e-05 2.4900e-05
97 2.68833 6.00955 2.2900e-05 3.50868 0.02000 27.63405 2.0000e-05 1.3400e-05
98 2.70031 6.02910 2.1900e-05 3.48858 0.02030 27.24815 1.9700e-05 1.9800e-05
99 2.70712 6.05885 2.3800e-05 3.51469 0.02513 27.43017 1.9900e-05 1.9100e-05
100 2.71228 6.02870 1.3800e-05 3.54317 0.02000 27.69329 2.0000e-05 2.5600e-05
101 2.71300 6.08106 2.2200e-05 3.55408 0.02513 27.48559 1.9900e-05 1.3600e-05
102 2.69885 6.02522 2.2500e-05 3.51543 0.01980 27.90973 2.0200e-05 1.9500e-05
103 2.70892 6.04693 2.3100e-05 3.54984 0.02030 27.29253 1.9700e-05 1.9900e-05
104 2.71295 6.08463 2.3900e-05 3.54653 0.02010 27.47719 1.9900e-05 1.9200e-05
105 2.71996 6.07956 1.0100e-05 3.51638 0.02488 27.69882 2.0100e-05 2.5400e-05
106 2.72184 6.09369 1.3100e-05 3.61711 0.02970 27.82368 2.0200e-05 1.9700e-05
107 2.72659 6.08631 1.2800e-05 3.58979 0.02463 28.09506 2.0300e-05 1.9700e-05
108 2.70943 6.06864 1.5800e-05 3.55187 0.02970 27.83065 2.0200e-05 1.9700e-05
109 2.71181 6.06407 2.1400e-05 3.56605 0.02488 27.55736 2.0100e-05 1.3600e-05

Table 9 continued on next page

60 Limongi et al.
Table 9 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
110 2.71074 6.09796 2.2500e-05 3.52766 0.02985 27.56543 2.0100e-05 1.9700e-05
111 2.70299 6.04174 1.3700e-05 3.55101 0.02941 28.06914 2.0400e-05 2.5500e-05
112 2.68578 6.06091 2.3400e-05 3.53145 0.02010 27.46454 1.9900e-05 1.3600e-05
113 2.70096 6.09341 2.4400e-05 3.57935 0.03500 27.67316 2.0000e-05 1.9500e-05
114 2.55309 6.09017 2.2000e-05 3.54058 0.07426 27.98047 2.0200e-05 1.9400e-05
115 2.72106 6.11934 2.4200e-05 3.60837 0.03902 28.39431 2.0500e-05 1.9000e-05
116 2.71672 6.10142 1.7200e-05 3.59093 0.03382 28.44088 2.0700e-05 2.5700e-05
Note—Same as Table 4
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 61

Table 10. Main properties of the TP phase of the 9.05 M⊙ model

max max max

TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
1 1.15226 4.79895 0.0000e+00 2.83820 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
2 1.18284 4.82525 0.0000e+00 2.87107 0.00000 13.33709 9.6000e-06 9.9000e-06
3 1.23655 4.85639 0.0000e+00 2.87721 0.00000 13.41713 9.7000e-06 9.9000e-06
4 1.26437 4.88084 0.0000e+00 2.90764 0.00000 13.51299 9.7000e-06 1.0100e-05
5 1.28886 4.90511 0.0000e+00 2.93080 0.00000 13.47634 9.8000e-06 1.0300e-05
6 1.30935 4.93650 0.0000e+00 2.94823 0.00000 13.65281 9.9000e-06 1.0200e-05
7 1.29946 4.95740 0.0000e+00 2.95029 0.00000 13.63861 9.9000e-06 1.0200e-05
8 1.35198 4.97593 0.0000e+00 2.99020 0.00000 13.70251 1.0000e-05 1.0300e-05
9 1.34852 4.99880 0.0000e+00 2.98591 0.00000 13.71415 1.0100e-05 1.0200e-05
10 1.37935 5.02425 1.2000e-06 2.99832 0.00000 13.87023 1.0100e-05 1.0500e-05
11 1.37836 5.04020 3.2000e-06 3.00851 0.00000 13.84634 1.0100e-05 1.0500e-05
12 1.38671 5.06723 3.5000e-06 3.02978 0.00000 14.00231 1.0200e-05 1.0400e-05
13 1.42104 5.08898 0.0000e+00 3.03290 0.00000 14.13120 1.0400e-05 1.0900e-05
14 1.41690 5.10756 6.0000e-06 3.06057 0.00000 14.21476 1.0400e-05 1.0600e-05
15 1.42975 5.12550 5.8000e-06 3.08481 0.00000 14.30091 1.0500e-05 1.1000e-05
16 1.43605 5.14572 7.1000e-06 3.06014 0.00000 14.37223 1.0600e-05 1.0900e-05
17 1.43753 5.16297 7.6000e-06 3.10561 0.00000 14.49709 1.0600e-05 1.1200e-05
18 1.45209 5.17863 7.9000e-06 3.08494 0.00000 14.53879 1.0800e-05 1.1100e-05
19 1.46791 5.19586 8.4000e-06 2.91893 0.00000 14.65404 1.0800e-05 1.1200e-05
20 1.48155 5.21373 6.4000e-06 2.94236 0.00000 14.79116 1.0900e-05 1.1200e-05
21 1.47571 5.23113 6.0000e-06 2.95421 0.00000 14.89194 1.0900e-05 1.1400e-05
22 1.49130 5.25045 8.9000e-06 3.02292 0.00000 15.00288 1.1000e-05 1.1300e-05
23 1.50031 5.26321 9.3000e-06 2.98688 0.00000 15.09688 1.1100e-05 1.1500e-05
24 1.50126 5.27864 8.0000e-06 3.04888 0.00000 15.16655 1.1200e-05 1.1500e-05
25 1.52009 5.28946 9.8000e-06 3.01481 0.00000 15.16239 1.1200e-05 1.1500e-05
26 1.51451 5.30608 8.2000e-06 3.08252 0.00000 15.28059 1.1400e-05 1.1600e-05
27 1.51066 5.32357 1.0600e-05 3.07314 0.00000 15.43541 1.1400e-05 1.1700e-05
28 1.51975 5.33936 8.4000e-06 3.08345 0.00000 15.56518 1.1500e-05 1.1700e-05
29 1.51035 5.35174 1.0600e-05 3.08641 0.00000 15.63159 1.1600e-05 1.1800e-05
30 1.51460 5.36154 1.0900e-05 3.08484 0.00000 15.64376 1.1600e-05 9.5000e-06
31 1.53289 5.38117 8.1000e-06 3.09041 0.00000 15.84875 1.1700e-05 1.4100e-05
32 1.51373 5.38688 7.7000e-06 3.14099 0.00000 15.84109 1.1800e-05 9.5000e-06
33 1.50087 5.39039 8.7000e-06 3.15177 0.00000 15.78676 1.1700e-05 1.2100e-05
34 1.52995 5.39895 1.1500e-05 3.07601 0.00000 15.78574 1.1900e-05 1.4200e-05
35 1.54003 5.42259 9.2000e-06 3.14355 0.00000 15.95742 1.1900e-05 9.5000e-06

Table 10 continued on next page

62 Limongi et al.
Table 10 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
36 1.55065 5.43545 1.0600e-05 3.16841 0.00000 16.11341 1.2000e-05 1.2100e-05
37 1.54669 5.44321 1.0500e-05 3.17129 0.00000 16.14567 1.2100e-05 1.2000e-05
38 1.54859 5.45636 1.1800e-05 3.15221 0.00000 16.22229 1.2100e-05 1.2200e-05
39 1.54063 5.46139 1.1200e-05 3.18732 0.00000 16.21955 1.2100e-05 1.2200e-05
40 1.56720 5.47563 1.0900e-05 3.16604 0.00000 16.28916 1.2200e-05 1.2000e-05
41 1.54260 5.47916 1.0900e-05 3.21305 0.00000 16.27253 1.2200e-05 1.2300e-05
42 1.55063 5.49886 1.0900e-05 3.18081 0.00000 16.47185 1.2300e-05 1.2400e-05
43 1.57426 5.51028 1.2600e-05 3.19204 0.00000 16.58576 1.2400e-05 1.2300e-05
44 1.58518 5.51698 1.2800e-05 3.16508 0.00000 16.62911 1.2400e-05 1.2400e-05
45 1.57615 5.52969 1.1600e-05 3.20628 0.00000 16.67995 1.2500e-05 1.2300e-05
46 1.57255 5.53581 1.2700e-05 3.19985 0.00000 16.68638 1.2600e-05 1.2800e-05
47 1.60081 5.55315 1.1400e-05 3.22945 0.00000 16.84896 1.2500e-05 1.2500e-05
48 1.58025 5.55635 1.0700e-05 3.24133 0.00000 16.82964 1.2600e-05 1.2700e-05
49 1.59952 5.56792 1.3300e-05 3.26164 0.00000 16.96795 1.2700e-05 1.2600e-05
50 1.59654 5.57357 1.2900e-05 3.27583 0.00000 16.95390 1.2700e-05 1.2700e-05
51 1.58744 5.57972 1.1200e-05 3.28715 0.00781 16.97678 1.2800e-05 1.2700e-05
52 1.60620 5.59825 1.3500e-05 3.25304 0.00775 17.14962 1.2900e-05 1.2800e-05
53 1.61904 5.60546 1.2700e-05 3.30944 0.00000 17.23803 1.2900e-05 1.2800e-05
54 1.61061 5.60916 1.1800e-05 3.25087 0.00000 17.14639 1.2900e-05 1.3000e-05
55 1.62742 5.62345 1.3600e-05 3.26106 0.00000 17.30583 1.3000e-05 1.2800e-05
56 1.61777 5.62984 1.2100e-05 3.26480 0.00769 17.35483 1.3000e-05 1.2900e-05
57 1.50887 5.63775 1.3300e-05 3.32428 0.03817 17.41353 1.3100e-05 1.3100e-05
58 1.63316 5.65487 1.2100e-05 3.33923 0.00000 17.64328 1.3200e-05 1.2500e-05
59 1.61271 5.65100 1.2700e-05 3.29392 0.00758 17.57595 1.3200e-05 1.3200e-05
60 1.62342 5.65872 1.4100e-05 3.26376 0.00758 17.53328 1.3200e-05 1.3300e-05
61 1.63794 5.66873 1.3700e-05 3.29441 0.00000 17.58081 1.3200e-05 1.2900e-05
62 1.64190 5.67097 1.2300e-05 3.27339 0.00000 17.59138 1.3200e-05 1.3300e-05
63 1.62625 5.67833 1.3800e-05 3.31215 0.00000 17.58108 1.3200e-05 1.3100e-05
64 1.61979 5.68297 1.4200e-05 3.36218 0.00752 17.62529 1.3300e-05 1.3400e-05
65 1.62189 5.68596 1.3700e-05 3.29076 0.00000 17.64308 1.3300e-05 1.3000e-05
66 1.64184 5.69893 1.3100e-05 3.35113 0.00000 17.73539 1.3300e-05 1.3400e-05
67 1.63389 5.70330 1.4300e-05 3.30095 0.00000 17.75825 1.3300e-05 1.3000e-05
68 1.63657 5.71338 1.4300e-05 3.32857 0.00746 17.84012 1.3400e-05 1.3700e-05
69 1.63876 5.72079 1.3300e-05 3.36566 0.00000 17.88538 1.3400e-05 1.2900e-05
70 1.62510 5.71438 1.3100e-05 3.30105 0.00000 17.80159 1.3400e-05 1.3900e-05
71 1.64098 5.72384 1.3200e-05 3.32866 0.00746 17.76837 1.3400e-05 1.3200e-05
72 1.64111 5.72807 1.2800e-05 3.37953 0.00000 17.84235 1.3500e-05 1.3400e-05

Table 10 continued on next page

Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 63
Table 10 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
73 1.64364 5.74358 1.2900e-05 3.35148 0.00741 17.96371 1.3500e-05 1.3500e-05
74 1.66523 5.75273 1.4700e-05 3.35633 0.00735 18.12945 1.3600e-05 1.3300e-05
75 1.65150 5.75734 1.4800e-05 3.37867 0.00730 18.11401 1.3700e-05 1.3900e-05
76 1.64848 5.75918 1.3400e-05 3.34111 0.01460 18.15968 1.3700e-05 1.3400e-05
77 1.66109 5.76720 1.3300e-05 3.41507 0.00730 18.23768 1.3700e-05 1.3500e-05
78 1.67707 5.77248 1.3400e-05 3.41651 0.00000 18.27539 1.3700e-05 1.3600e-05
79 1.68147 5.78051 1.4700e-05 3.40068 0.00000 18.26010 1.3700e-05 1.3500e-05
80 1.65839 5.77697 9.8000e-06 3.38222 0.00730 18.17305 1.3700e-05 1.7300e-05
81 1.65631 5.77800 1.4300e-05 3.37400 0.00000 18.06610 1.3600e-05 1.0100e-05
82 1.67043 5.79034 1.4700e-05 3.38968 0.00730 18.22678 1.3700e-05 1.3500e-05
83 1.65204 5.79282 5.3000e-06 3.39023 0.00725 18.26250 1.3800e-05 1.7400e-05
84 1.67802 5.80464 1.4900e-05 3.40711 0.00725 18.36234 1.3800e-05 1.0000e-05
85 1.67114 5.81221 1.5100e-05 3.39567 0.00719 18.47034 1.3900e-05 1.3700e-05
86 1.63646 5.81220 1.4400e-05 3.40046 0.02878 18.45836 1.3900e-05 1.3700e-05
87 1.67205 5.82960 1.5400e-05 3.40489 0.01418 18.68143 1.4100e-05 1.3600e-05
88 1.69700 5.83092 1.3900e-05 3.44388 0.00714 18.73374 1.4000e-05 1.3800e-05
89 1.69170 5.82711 1.4600e-05 3.43949 0.00714 18.59829 1.4000e-05 1.4200e-05
90 1.69024 5.82949 1.4300e-05 3.41806 0.00714 18.48110 1.4000e-05 1.3800e-05
91 1.67569 5.83274 1.0300e-05 3.39580 0.00719 18.48922 1.3900e-05 1.7500e-05
92 1.53309 5.84126 1.1300e-05 3.40162 0.07143 18.63575 1.4000e-05 1.3900e-05
93 1.48499 5.87024 1.5700e-05 3.46519 0.09722 19.15320 1.4400e-05 9.3000e-06
94 1.51176 5.87600 1.4500e-05 3.46452 0.08219 19.41233 1.4600e-05 1.2900e-05
95 1.66401 5.88051 1.5900e-05 3.44225 0.02721 19.43761 1.4700e-05 1.3700e-05
96 1.70250 5.85848 1.5100e-05 3.42818 0.00000 18.94291 1.4300e-05 1.4100e-05
97 1.69507 5.85892 1.1100e-05 3.45450 0.00000 18.64671 1.4000e-05 1.7900e-05
98 1.69508 5.86618 1.1100e-05 3.46350 0.00709 18.70300 1.4100e-05 1.4100e-05
99 1.69495 5.86835 9.4000e-06 3.47385 0.00709 18.75296 1.4100e-05 1.4100e-05
100 1.70331 5.87732 1.1300e-05 3.42223 0.00704 18.84991 1.4200e-05 1.4000e-05
101 1.49744 5.86417 1.1500e-05 3.40420 0.08511 18.65559 1.4100e-05 1.4100e-05
102 1.70963 5.90141 1.5800e-05 3.45762 0.00690 19.18341 1.4500e-05 9.3000e-06
103 1.71487 5.88415 1.1400e-05 3.45670 0.00000 19.03090 1.4300e-05 1.8000e-05
104 1.63630 5.88961 7.2000e-06 3.46967 0.03521 18.83503 1.4200e-05 1.4200e-05
105 1.68861 5.89247 1.5400e-05 3.44237 0.01399 18.90262 1.4300e-05 1.0200e-05
106 1.62876 5.88935 7.9000e-06 3.46755 0.03497 18.82558 1.4300e-05 1.7800e-05
107 1.56720 5.90691 1.4700e-05 3.43460 0.07639 19.11648 1.4400e-05 1.0200e-05
108 1.73322 5.92513 1.6000e-05 3.51664 0.00676 19.52042 1.4800e-05 1.2900e-05
109 1.71477 5.90632 8.0000e-06 3.45731 0.00694 19.13941 1.4400e-05 1.8600e-05

Table 10 continued on next page

64 Limongi et al.
Table 10 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
110 1.44975 5.91469 1.1800e-05 3.47510 0.11888 19.04334 1.4300e-05 1.4300e-05
111 1.74292 5.95952 1.5500e-05 3.48196 0.01333 19.85343 1.5000e-05 9.0000e-06
112 1.73851 5.92266 1.3100e-05 3.43248 0.00685 19.49637 1.4600e-05 1.8600e-05
113 1.48762 5.92400 1.2400e-05 3.44906 0.10490 19.08359 1.4300e-05 1.4400e-05
114 1.58504 5.95026 1.5500e-05 3.49122 0.06711 19.59840 1.4900e-05 9.1000e-06
115 1.52687 5.93663 1.5500e-05 3.46270 0.08725 19.55152 1.4900e-05 1.4000e-05
116 1.54440 5.95210 1.5900e-05 3.46527 0.08054 19.67554 1.4900e-05 1.3800e-05
117 1.51778 5.95563 1.5000e-05 3.52656 0.09333 19.77007 1.5000e-05 1.3500e-05
118 1.49387 5.96671 1.3200e-05 3.48337 0.11921 19.97484 1.5100e-05 1.3600e-05
119 1.52573 5.97378 7.7000e-06 3.50087 0.09868 20.02351 1.5200e-05 1.8100e-05
120 1.73080 5.96920 1.5400e-05 3.53184 0.01316 19.90850 1.5200e-05 8.8000e-06
121 1.73183 5.94166 9.8000e-06 3.44509 0.01361 19.32666 1.4700e-05 1.8800e-05
122 1.71570 5.94206 7.3000e-06 3.50504 0.00694 18.97869 1.4400e-05 1.4500e-05
123 1.71315 5.93887 9.7000e-06 3.44889 0.00694 18.98520 1.4400e-05 1.4200e-05
124 1.46241 5.94427 7.5000e-06 3.50221 0.11189 18.99504 1.4300e-05 1.4300e-05
125 1.45419 5.97922 8.9000e-06 3.48469 0.12667 19.68994 1.5000e-05 1.3900e-05
126 1.43088 5.99129 9.4000e-06 3.48563 0.14379 20.14435 1.5300e-05 8.5000e-06
127 1.77144 6.00365 1.2100e-05 3.52708 0.00649 20.26760 1.5400e-05 1.7700e-05
128 1.74195 5.96050 9.4000e-06 3.50724 0.00680 19.45105 1.4700e-05 1.4200e-05
129 1.71716 5.95602 1.2000e-05 3.47882 0.00694 19.02755 1.4400e-05 1.4500e-05
130 1.72745 5.96060 9.1000e-06 3.47211 0.00000 19.06086 1.4400e-05 1.4400e-05
131 1.72562 5.96730 9.6000e-06 3.53362 0.00694 19.21995 1.4400e-05 1.4300e-05
132 1.73476 5.97411 8.9000e-06 3.52389 0.01370 19.31473 1.4600e-05 1.4400e-05
133 1.73294 5.97150 1.2200e-05 3.51534 0.00690 19.27341 1.4500e-05 1.4400e-05
134 1.71352 5.95882 1.2600e-05 3.47783 0.00694 19.02948 1.4400e-05 1.4400e-05
135 1.72112 5.95888 9.0000e-06 3.45224 0.00694 19.01907 1.4400e-05 1.4300e-05
136 1.72929 5.97465 1.2300e-05 3.48997 0.00690 19.17345 1.4500e-05 1.4300e-05
137 1.51739 5.97316 1.0200e-05 3.54025 0.10345 19.19273 1.4500e-05 1.4400e-05
138 1.50809 6.01297 9.7000e-06 3.53815 0.11333 19.87590 1.5000e-05 1.4100e-05
139 1.45354 6.01119 9.4000e-06 3.52682 0.13072 20.12998 1.5300e-05 1.3300e-05
140 1.44414 6.02152 1.1300e-05 3.51405 0.13725 20.19439 1.5300e-05 1.3300e-05
141 1.43144 6.03226 9.5000e-06 3.48473 0.14839 20.35763 1.5500e-05 1.3200e-05
142 1.55758 6.04870 1.0000e-05 3.56783 0.10256 20.56555 1.5600e-05 1.3200e-05
143 1.54581 6.03692 9.1000e-06 3.57129 0.10323 20.47777 1.5500e-05 1.4000e-05
144 1.49599 6.02500 9.1000e-06 3.48083 0.11688 20.21119 1.5400e-05 1.3900e-05
145 1.43346 6.03456 1.2400e-05 3.52691 0.14286 20.23729 1.5400e-05 1.3600e-05
146 1.42886 6.05653 1.2200e-05 3.57267 0.16026 20.54125 1.5600e-05 1.3200e-05

Table 10 continued on next page

Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 65
Table 10 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
147 1.68337 6.06533 9.6000e-06 3.51431 0.05063 20.72005 1.5800e-05 1.3100e-05
148 1.69372 6.03835 1.0000e-05 3.54732 0.03922 20.32305 1.5300e-05 1.4700e-05
149 1.74659 6.01835 9.4000e-06 3.52403 0.00671 19.73394 1.4900e-05 1.4500e-05
150 1.73419 6.00280 1.2400e-05 3.50417 0.00000 19.32648 1.4600e-05 1.4300e-05
151 1.73322 6.00222 1.2500e-05 3.53432 0.00690 19.21745 1.4500e-05 1.4500e-05
152 1.63069 6.00864 1.1200e-05 3.55247 0.05479 19.28618 1.4600e-05 1.4400e-05
153 1.50219 6.03499 1.0600e-05 3.55884 0.11409 19.78995 1.4900e-05 1.0300e-05
154 1.45522 6.04975 1.1500e-05 3.52165 0.14286 20.31263 1.5400e-05 1.7800e-05
155 1.46562 6.34875 1.0900e-05 3.69491 0.14103 20.72352 1.5600e-05 1.3200e-05
156 1.41387 6.11891 1.2700e-05 3.67974 0.17197 20.78153 1.5700e-05 1.3400e-05
157 1.65901 6.26865 1.0200e-05 3.69708 0.06329 20.64000 1.5800e-05 1.3000e-05
158 1.67012 6.04412 1.1100e-05 3.49704 0.03922 20.15716 1.5300e-05 1.4700e-05
159 1.65353 6.02964 1.1600e-05 3.52028 0.04027 19.70302 1.4900e-05 1.4300e-05
160 1.61802 6.03849 9.7000e-06 3.57220 0.05369 19.73725 1.4900e-05 1.4300e-05
161 1.74396 6.06545 1.0500e-05 3.62265 0.00667 19.90282 1.5000e-05 1.4300e-05
162 1.74365 6.03264 9.7000e-06 3.54031 0.01351 19.67206 1.4800e-05 1.4200e-05
163 1.72119 6.03794 1.0200e-05 3.54739 0.02041 19.56598 1.4700e-05 1.4700e-05
164 1.53729 6.03862 1.0600e-05 3.52274 0.09459 19.61434 1.4800e-05 1.4600e-05
165 1.56871 6.17430 9.1000e-06 3.66246 0.08553 20.11330 1.5200e-05 1.4100e-05
166 1.51759 6.06164 1.1300e-05 3.57410 0.11688 20.31691 1.5400e-05 1.3900e-05
167 1.54084 6.21217 1.0800e-05 3.69247 0.10323 20.39655 1.5500e-05 1.3600e-05
168 1.58901 6.07244 1.1900e-05 3.59102 0.08387 20.41584 1.5500e-05 1.3900e-05
169 1.40930 6.06442 1.0300e-05 3.51620 0.15686 20.27867 1.5300e-05 1.4100e-05
170 1.41697 6.27064 1.1400e-05 3.72156 0.16026 20.51747 1.5600e-05 1.3000e-05
Note—Same as Table 4
66 Limongi et al.

Table 11. Main properties of the TP phase of the 9.10 M⊙ model

max max max

TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
1 0.86314 4.78280 0.0000e+00 2.87263 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
2 0.88962 4.80465 0.0000e+00 2.88928 0.00000 10.52799 7.6000e-06 7.7000e-06
3 0.94144 4.83235 0.0000e+00 2.91490 0.00000 10.68180 7.7000e-06 7.9000e-06
4 0.97891 4.85613 0.0000e+00 2.93082 0.00000 10.64835 7.7000e-06 7.8000e-06
5 1.01126 4.88220 0.0000e+00 2.95641 0.00000 10.76478 7.8000e-06 8.2000e-06
6 1.01921 4.90454 0.0000e+00 2.95521 0.00000 10.76601 7.8000e-06 8.0000e-06
7 1.02637 4.92638 0.0000e+00 2.96556 0.00000 10.84637 7.9000e-06 8.3000e-06
8 1.04040 4.94952 0.0000e+00 2.99702 0.00000 10.90800 8.0000e-06 8.1000e-06
9 1.01543 4.97168 0.0000e+00 3.00708 0.00000 10.94912 8.0000e-06 8.5000e-06
10 1.06481 4.99026 0.0000e+00 3.02117 0.00000 11.03985 8.1000e-06 8.1000e-06
11 1.08146 5.01854 0.0000e+00 3.06590 0.00000 11.13192 8.1000e-06 8.3000e-06
12 1.08559 5.02822 0.0000e+00 3.03051 0.00000 11.05013 8.1000e-06 8.4000e-06
13 1.08885 5.04931 8.0000e-07 3.06844 0.00000 11.11940 8.2000e-06 8.6000e-06
14 1.09937 5.07400 3.3000e-06 3.08611 0.00000 11.27744 8.2000e-06 8.3000e-06
15 1.11227 5.08624 0.0000e+00 3.06616 0.00000 11.27733 8.2000e-06 8.7000e-06
16 1.12274 5.10330 3.0000e-06 3.10596 0.00000 11.29510 8.3000e-06 8.5000e-06
17 1.13432 5.11959 2.5000e-06 3.12569 0.00000 11.35877 8.4000e-06 8.4000e-06
18 1.13550 5.13944 5.1000e-06 3.08916 0.00000 11.48531 8.4000e-06 8.8000e-06
19 1.14537 5.15949 4.7000e-06 3.14169 0.00000 11.58160 8.6000e-06 8.8000e-06
20 1.14940 5.17102 4.2000e-06 3.14378 0.00000 11.65545 8.6000e-06 9.0000e-06
21 1.15932 5.19078 5.6000e-06 3.14825 0.00000 11.76854 8.7000e-06 8.9000e-06
22 1.15247 5.19807 6.3000e-06 3.16174 0.00000 11.76414 8.6000e-06 9.0000e-06
23 1.16166 5.21037 3.4000e-06 3.02220 0.00000 11.80979 8.8000e-06 9.0000e-06
24 1.16921 5.22604 5.5000e-06 3.03006 0.00000 11.85511 8.7000e-06 9.0000e-06
25 1.17332 5.24810 5.9000e-06 3.04252 0.00000 12.01119 8.9000e-06 9.1000e-06
26 1.18834 5.26052 5.8000e-06 3.01988 0.00000 12.10394 8.9000e-06 9.2000e-06
27 1.18058 5.26626 7.2000e-06 3.03333 0.00000 12.02462 8.9000e-06 9.2000e-06
28 1.18385 5.27543 6.1000e-06 3.01848 0.00000 12.07680 9.0000e-06 9.1000e-06
29 1.19260 5.29728 7.5000e-06 3.08711 0.00000 12.23593 9.1000e-06 9.3000e-06
30 1.18225 5.30881 6.1000e-06 3.06053 0.00000 12.30431 9.1000e-06 9.3000e-06
31 1.18848 5.32301 7.4000e-06 3.11589 0.00000 12.38413 9.1000e-06 9.3000e-06
32 1.17823 5.32247 6.5000e-06 3.07450 0.00000 12.28169 9.1000e-06 9.4000e-06
33 1.20439 5.33845 7.6000e-06 3.08171 0.00000 12.39427 9.2000e-06 9.3000e-06
34 1.19013 5.34522 8.3000e-06 3.08021 0.00000 12.41423 9.3000e-06 9.5000e-06
35 1.19673 5.36680 8.3000e-06 3.14047 0.00000 12.57852 9.3000e-06 9.4000e-06

Table 11 continued on next page

Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 67
Table 11 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
36 1.20993 5.37313 8.7000e-06 3.12040 0.00000 12.61507 9.4000e-06 9.5000e-06
37 1.19424 5.37838 8.8000e-06 3.13825 0.00000 12.59654 9.3000e-06 9.5000e-06
38 1.20762 5.38953 8.1000e-06 3.12772 0.00000 12.63255 9.4000e-06 9.5000e-06
39 1.19938 5.39849 7.4000e-06 3.19316 0.00000 12.69299 9.5000e-06 9.6000e-06
40 1.20524 5.40843 6.9000e-06 3.19580 0.00000 12.73519 9.4000e-06 9.5000e-06
41 1.21366 5.42456 8.8000e-06 3.18818 0.00000 12.81912 9.6000e-06 9.7000e-06
42 1.19500 5.43241 8.0000e-06 3.14799 0.00000 12.94481 9.6000e-06 9.7000e-06
43 1.22498 5.44568 9.4000e-06 3.18923 0.00000 13.00137 9.7000e-06 9.7000e-06
44 1.21535 5.44664 7.2000e-06 3.23701 0.00000 12.94625 9.7000e-06 9.7000e-06
45 1.21385 5.45858 7.7000e-06 3.21159 0.00000 12.96225 9.7000e-06 9.7000e-06
46 1.23644 5.46800 8.0000e-06 3.25402 0.00000 13.05141 9.7000e-06 9.8000e-06
47 1.23524 5.48042 9.0000e-06 3.21129 0.00000 13.10576 9.8000e-06 9.9000e-06
48 1.22659 5.48156 9.6000e-06 3.25036 0.00000 13.07085 9.7000e-06 9.8000e-06
49 1.22160 5.48776 9.7000e-06 3.19961 0.00000 13.08642 9.8000e-06 9.8000e-06
50 1.22798 5.49837 9.0000e-06 3.25005 0.00000 13.12468 9.8000e-06 9.9000e-06
51 1.23727 5.51271 2.7000e-06 3.26810 0.00000 13.25261 9.9000e-06 9.9000e-06
52 1.23028 5.51627 9.6000e-06 3.25283 0.00000 13.28638 9.9000e-06 7.9000e-06
53 1.23532 5.52471 9.1000e-06 3.22188 0.00000 13.31510 9.9000e-06 1.2100e-05
54 1.22720 5.52438 7.7000e-06 3.23584 0.00000 13.24893 9.9000e-06 1.0000e-05
55 1.24574 5.53553 8.3000e-06 3.22942 0.00000 13.29860 1.0000e-05 1.0000e-05
56 1.25189 5.54615 1.0100e-05 3.31614 0.00000 13.38696 1.0000e-05 7.8000e-06
57 1.24683 5.55406 9.4000e-06 3.25204 0.00000 13.44735 1.0000e-05 1.2300e-05
58 1.24988 5.56771 8.6000e-06 3.31583 0.00000 13.56363 1.0100e-05 1.0100e-05
59 1.25518 5.56820 1.0300e-05 3.30251 0.00000 13.48009 1.0100e-05 7.9000e-06
60 1.26061 5.57587 2.4000e-06 3.27119 0.00000 13.54897 1.0200e-05 1.2400e-05
61 1.25008 5.58300 1.0100e-05 3.27630 0.00000 13.55746 1.0200e-05 1.0200e-05
62 1.26220 5.59022 9.6000e-06 3.27317 0.00000 13.61952 1.0100e-05 1.0300e-05
63 1.25976 5.59635 9.4000e-06 3.35079 0.00000 13.65953 1.0200e-05 1.0100e-05
64 1.28050 5.61575 9.9000e-06 3.31046 0.00000 13.79749 1.0300e-05 7.8000e-06
65 1.26218 5.61287 5.8000e-06 3.32420 0.00000 13.75884 1.0300e-05 1.2900e-05
66 1.27804 5.62912 9.3000e-06 3.35068 0.00962 13.87784 1.0400e-05 8.0000e-06
67 1.25480 5.62270 9.1000e-06 3.34865 0.00000 13.78617 1.0400e-05 1.2700e-05
68 1.25830 5.62424 4.1000e-06 3.29686 0.00000 13.73156 1.0300e-05 1.0300e-05
69 1.25343 5.63503 9.4000e-06 3.30048 0.00962 13.82577 1.0400e-05 1.0300e-05
70 1.26843 5.64408 9.1000e-06 3.31547 0.00000 13.88494 1.0400e-05 1.0400e-05
71 1.22633 5.64581 1.0300e-05 3.30984 0.01923 13.85867 1.0400e-05 7.9000e-06
72 1.28839 5.66713 9.3000e-06 3.35728 0.00943 14.09954 1.0600e-05 1.2900e-05

Table 11 continued on next page

68 Limongi et al.
Table 11 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
73 1.29759 5.67426 6.1000e-06 3.39546 0.00000 14.19493 1.0600e-05 1.0400e-05
74 1.28551 5.66799 4.0000e-06 3.35837 0.00000 14.02146 1.0500e-05 1.0500e-05
75 1.27433 5.67502 6.1000e-06 3.35169 0.00000 14.00988 1.0500e-05 1.0500e-05
76 1.28846 5.68496 8.1000e-06 3.35802 0.00000 14.08196 1.0500e-05 1.0600e-05
77 1.29078 5.68229 5.4000e-06 3.36482 0.00000 14.04469 1.0600e-05 1.0500e-05
78 1.29085 5.68548 9.7000e-06 3.40200 0.00000 14.07729 1.0500e-05 8.2000e-06
79 1.28968 5.69948 6.8000e-06 3.36554 0.00000 14.12125 1.0600e-05 1.2900e-05
80 1.25718 5.70384 1.0100e-05 3.36794 0.01887 14.16946 1.0600e-05 1.0600e-05
81 1.27697 5.70298 1.0100e-05 3.34240 0.00935 14.19430 1.0700e-05 8.0000e-06
82 1.20406 5.71071 6.7000e-06 3.42695 0.04673 14.23432 1.0700e-05 1.3100e-05
83 1.32908 5.74168 1.1000e-05 3.39832 0.00909 14.59725 1.1000e-05 7.8000e-06
84 1.31141 5.72886 8.5000e-06 3.40173 0.00000 14.44218 1.0800e-05 1.3400e-05
85 1.30256 5.72771 6.7000e-06 3.38817 0.00000 14.25322 1.0700e-05 1.0700e-05
86 1.28900 5.71955 4.7000e-06 3.42106 0.00000 14.10310 1.0700e-05 1.0700e-05
87 1.29535 5.73426 7.5000e-06 3.42818 0.00000 14.23722 1.0700e-05 1.0600e-05
88 1.29848 5.74028 7.1000e-06 3.36539 0.00000 14.35224 1.0700e-05 1.0800e-05
89 1.30410 5.74918 9.0000e-06 3.39493 0.00000 14.37292 1.0800e-05 1.0700e-05
90 1.29370 5.74693 7.7000e-06 3.38240 0.00000 14.35457 1.0700e-05 1.0800e-05
91 1.26949 5.75043 6.6000e-06 3.44572 0.02778 14.33219 1.0800e-05 1.0800e-05
92 1.31223 5.76040 1.0200e-05 3.42987 0.00000 14.46745 1.0900e-05 7.9000e-06
93 1.31183 5.76337 1.0100e-05 3.38821 0.00917 14.47780 1.0900e-05 1.3500e-05
94 1.31634 5.77291 7.5000e-06 3.44820 0.00000 14.51296 1.0900e-05 1.0800e-05
95 1.32520 5.78382 8.5000e-06 3.40194 0.00000 14.62817 1.0900e-05 1.0900e-05
96 1.30712 5.76961 6.8000e-06 3.43228 0.00000 14.45567 1.0800e-05 1.0900e-05
97 1.31668 5.77364 7.4000e-06 3.39856 0.00000 14.39910 1.0800e-05 1.0800e-05
98 1.31178 5.78670 7.9000e-06 3.44731 0.00000 14.50639 1.0900e-05 1.0800e-05
99 1.31690 5.78685 9.6000e-06 3.40219 0.00917 14.54821 1.0900e-05 1.0900e-05
100 1.31972 5.79372 8.9000e-06 3.46954 0.00000 14.58912 1.1000e-05 1.0900e-05
101 1.22384 5.80520 1.0000e-05 3.46261 0.05505 14.68023 1.0900e-05 1.0900e-05
102 1.33430 5.81515 1.1500e-05 3.43118 0.00000 14.87436 1.1200e-05 7.7000e-06
103 1.32268 5.79558 7.9000e-06 3.47485 0.00000 14.67192 1.1000e-05 1.3800e-05
104 1.20644 5.80594 1.0500e-05 3.42370 0.06422 14.57910 1.0900e-05 1.1000e-05
105 1.33723 5.83830 1.1600e-05 3.47112 0.00885 15.01572 1.1300e-05 7.7000e-06
106 1.33284 5.81758 8.4000e-06 3.49796 0.00893 14.87031 1.1200e-05 1.3900e-05
107 1.33051 5.82639 9.3000e-06 3.44117 0.00901 14.75147 1.1100e-05 1.1000e-05
108 1.30307 5.82154 8.2000e-06 3.43276 0.00909 14.68394 1.1000e-05 1.1000e-05
109 1.31953 5.82617 8.3000e-06 3.42620 0.00901 14.75774 1.1100e-05 1.1000e-05

Table 11 continued on next page

Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 69
Table 11 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
110 1.31045 5.81317 9.5000e-06 3.47630 0.00000 14.52803 1.0900e-05 1.1000e-05
111 1.31116 5.81454 9.2000e-06 3.49352 0.00909 14.50379 1.1000e-05 1.0800e-05
112 1.32560 5.82691 1.0000e-05 3.49124 0.00000 14.57930 1.1000e-05 1.1000e-05
113 1.33112 5.83661 9.8000e-06 3.47954 0.00901 14.70069 1.1100e-05 1.0900e-05
114 1.21488 5.83442 9.3000e-06 3.43401 0.06306 14.70762 1.1100e-05 1.1100e-05
115 1.24225 5.84038 1.1600e-05 3.51285 0.04425 14.82488 1.1300e-05 8.0000e-06
116 1.20484 5.84459 1.1900e-05 3.45700 0.06250 14.85529 1.1200e-05 1.0400e-05
117 1.19444 5.85691 1.1800e-05 3.43863 0.07895 15.04007 1.1400e-05 1.0700e-05
118 1.34231 5.87308 1.2200e-05 3.48143 0.00862 15.24675 1.1600e-05 1.0500e-05
119 1.32797 5.85145 8.4000e-06 3.43242 0.00885 14.92533 1.1300e-05 1.4100e-05
120 1.23673 5.85639 9.5000e-06 3.44604 0.05405 14.76873 1.1100e-05 1.1200e-05
121 1.22608 5.88119 1.1200e-05 3.47960 0.06140 15.12346 1.1400e-05 7.9000e-06
122 1.33611 5.87955 1.1500e-05 3.50703 0.00870 15.24638 1.1500e-05 1.0600e-05
123 1.33854 5.86276 8.4000e-06 3.51727 0.00885 14.93723 1.1300e-05 1.4200e-05
124 1.33002 5.87126 9.7000e-06 3.47885 0.00000 14.82340 1.1100e-05 1.1100e-05
125 1.33751 5.86734 8.4000e-06 3.49174 0.00000 14.80314 1.1100e-05 1.1100e-05
126 1.18532 5.86109 8.0000e-06 3.49228 0.08108 14.67677 1.1100e-05 1.1100e-05
127 1.20201 5.89267 1.1600e-05 3.47573 0.08696 15.12673 1.1500e-05 7.6000e-06
128 1.35871 5.90267 1.2200e-05 3.51678 0.00000 15.46160 1.1700e-05 1.0600e-05
129 1.34664 5.88394 9.6000e-06 3.47380 0.00885 15.09836 1.1300e-05 1.4200e-05
130 1.28389 5.88605 8.8000e-06 3.52227 0.03540 14.91038 1.1300e-05 1.1300e-05
131 1.28830 5.90080 9.0000e-06 3.46928 0.03509 15.14995 1.1400e-05 1.1200e-05
132 1.34992 5.90419 9.0000e-06 3.51325 0.00000 15.24669 1.1400e-05 1.1000e-05
133 1.34887 5.89418 9.4000e-06 3.53456 0.00885 15.07019 1.1300e-05 1.1100e-05
134 1.22837 5.89291 9.5000e-06 3.48152 0.06250 14.91252 1.1200e-05 1.1200e-05
135 1.19302 5.91342 9.0000e-06 3.46847 0.09483 15.30948 1.1600e-05 7.9000e-06
136 1.36858 5.93401 1.2400e-05 3.52262 0.00000 15.66790 1.1800e-05 1.0500e-05
137 1.36036 5.90603 9.1000e-06 3.48889 0.00000 15.24855 1.1400e-05 1.4400e-05
138 1.31731 5.90230 9.0000e-06 3.48660 0.01786 14.95527 1.1200e-05 1.1300e-05
139 1.34119 5.89523 9.6000e-06 3.45878 0.00885 14.91796 1.1300e-05 1.1200e-05
140 1.34665 5.90502 8.9000e-06 3.49164 0.00885 14.95643 1.1300e-05 1.1100e-05
141 1.34300 5.91310 9.0000e-06 3.51640 0.00000 15.02930 1.1300e-05 1.1200e-05
142 1.34997 5.91388 9.3000e-06 3.46818 0.00885 15.10213 1.1300e-05 1.1300e-05
143 1.18879 5.90565 9.5000e-06 3.53388 0.08850 14.94852 1.1300e-05 1.1200e-05
144 1.18578 5.93130 1.2100e-05 3.48730 0.08621 15.36082 1.1600e-05 7.8000e-06
145 1.16475 6.15130 1.1800e-05 3.64862 0.10924 15.62843 1.1900e-05 1.0500e-05
146 1.35141 5.95818 5.9000e-06 3.53959 0.01681 15.77094 1.1900e-05 1.4200e-05

Table 11 continued on next page

70 Limongi et al.
Table 11 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
147 1.35952 5.92786 9.2000e-06 3.52704 0.00862 15.35787 1.1600e-05 1.0900e-05
148 1.18753 5.91765 9.8000e-06 3.50060 0.08850 14.94385 1.1300e-05 1.1400e-05
149 1.16630 5.95615 9.4000e-06 3.55329 0.11017 15.52020 1.1800e-05 7.5000e-06
150 1.16586 6.23459 9.7000e-06 3.69214 0.11667 15.88987 1.2000e-05 1.0500e-05
151 1.34254 6.38160 7.4000e-06 3.70121 0.02479 16.07344 1.2100e-05 1.4300e-05
152 1.35938 5.97606 8.0000e-06 3.50046 0.02500 16.02337 1.2000e-05 1.1200e-05
153 1.37635 5.95938 7.2000e-06 3.64292 0.00847 15.64585 1.1800e-05 1.1700e-05
154 1.37274 5.94680 9.6000e-06 3.52449 0.00862 15.40173 1.1600e-05 1.1400e-05
155 1.37223 5.94953 6.9000e-06 3.53384 0.00000 15.34309 1.1500e-05 1.1500e-05
156 1.24971 5.94522 7.2000e-06 3.56020 0.06957 15.33396 1.1500e-05 1.1400e-05
157 1.21088 6.06441 1.2000e-05 3.70462 0.10084 15.81353 1.1900e-05 8.1000e-06
158 1.39155 6.30740 7.3000e-06 3.72448 0.00826 16.10074 1.2100e-05 1.4300e-05
159 1.36829 6.01119 9.9000e-06 3.62839 0.00000 15.40407 1.1600e-05 1.1100e-05
Note—Same as Table 4
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 71

Table 12. Main properties of the TP phase of the 9.15 M⊙ model

max max max

TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
1 0.75097 4.80559 0.0000e+00 2.85912 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
2 0.75269 4.80162 0.0000e+00 2.86844 0.00000 7.90348 5.7000e-06 5.9000e-06
3 0.75519 4.82036 0.0000e+00 2.87524 0.00000 7.94354 5.7000e-06 6.0000e-06
4 0.78747 4.83328 0.0000e+00 2.89672 0.00000 8.01730 5.8000e-06 6.1000e-06
5 0.83944 4.85992 0.0000e+00 2.93044 0.00000 8.12756 5.8000e-06 6.0000e-06
6 0.82561 4.87533 0.0000e+00 2.93609 0.00000 8.07005 5.9000e-06 6.2000e-06
7 0.87714 4.90579 0.0000e+00 2.97745 0.00000 8.12719 5.9000e-06 6.1000e-06
8 0.88349 4.93938 0.0000e+00 2.99234 0.00000 8.18389 6.0000e-06 6.3000e-06
9 0.90000 4.95085 0.0000e+00 3.01202 0.00000 8.24536 6.1000e-06 6.3000e-06
10 0.90206 4.96603 0.0000e+00 3.01326 0.00000 8.28192 6.0000e-06 6.4000e-06
11 0.89687 4.97999 0.0000e+00 3.03196 0.00000 8.34949 6.2000e-06 6.3000e-06
12 0.88610 4.99120 0.0000e+00 3.03461 0.00000 8.38865 6.2000e-06 6.5000e-06
13 0.90561 5.01231 0.0000e+00 3.06816 0.00000 8.49092 6.2000e-06 6.5000e-06
14 0.90026 5.04336 0.0000e+00 3.09555 0.00000 8.55361 6.2000e-06 6.5000e-06
15 0.90142 5.05234 0.0000e+00 3.10481 0.00000 8.65322 6.4000e-06 6.5000e-06
16 0.90088 5.06600 0.0000e+00 3.08937 0.00000 8.67255 6.4000e-06 6.7000e-06
17 0.93861 5.10119 1.6000e-06 3.12934 0.00000 8.83689 6.5000e-06 6.5000e-06
18 0.94396 5.11161 0.0000e+00 3.12398 0.00000 8.83115 6.5000e-06 6.7000e-06
19 0.92268 5.10882 1.2000e-06 3.13220 0.00000 8.72673 6.4000e-06 6.8000e-06
20 0.94540 5.13257 2.8000e-06 3.12608 0.00000 8.85650 6.5000e-06 6.7000e-06
21 0.94537 5.14738 2.5000e-06 3.13843 0.00000 8.95523 6.6000e-06 6.9000e-06
22 0.92900 5.15669 0.0000e+00 3.13851 0.00000 8.99732 6.6000e-06 6.8000e-06
23 0.93288 5.17251 0.0000e+00 3.14100 0.00000 9.11162 6.7000e-06 6.8000e-06
24 0.93867 5.18415 0.0000e+00 3.16020 0.00000 9.16810 6.8000e-06 7.1000e-06
25 0.94043 5.19174 3.7000e-06 3.13443 0.00000 9.17829 6.8000e-06 7.0000e-06
26 0.94586 5.21283 4.7000e-06 3.17040 0.00000 9.27371 6.9000e-06 7.1000e-06
27 0.93372 5.21537 0.0000e+00 3.14294 0.00000 9.29127 7.0000e-06 7.2000e-06
28 0.94851 5.23431 3.5000e-06 3.02456 0.00000 9.44888 7.0000e-06 7.1000e-06
29 0.93544 5.24693 1.4000e-06 3.05613 0.00000 9.50102 7.0000e-06 7.3000e-06
30 0.96794 5.26274 5.7000e-06 3.06455 0.00000 9.59188 7.1000e-06 7.3000e-06
31 0.96480 5.27182 4.9000e-06 3.06628 0.00000 9.60209 7.2000e-06 7.3000e-06
32 0.96256 5.27623 4.8000e-06 3.10002 0.00000 9.60413 7.1000e-06 7.3000e-06
33 0.96464 5.28968 5.2000e-06 3.04670 0.00000 9.64158 7.2000e-06 7.4000e-06
34 0.95487 5.29598 5.0000e-06 3.12189 0.00000 9.66470 7.2000e-06 7.3000e-06
35 0.96568 5.31339 5.7000e-06 3.10720 0.00000 9.78909 7.2000e-06 7.4000e-06

Table 12 continued on next page

72 Limongi et al.
Table 12 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
36 0.96171 5.30734 5.9000e-06 3.14408 0.00000 9.70667 7.2000e-06 7.5000e-06
37 0.97369 5.32906 5.2000e-06 3.10924 0.00000 9.83035 7.3000e-06 7.4000e-06
38 0.95871 5.32967 3.1000e-06 3.17376 0.00000 9.82686 7.3000e-06 7.6000e-06
39 0.96390 5.35055 6.1000e-06 3.16708 0.00000 9.91790 7.4000e-06 7.4000e-06
40 0.97224 5.35913 6.1000e-06 3.17518 0.00000 10.01827 7.4000e-06 7.6000e-06
41 0.97802 5.36841 6.2000e-06 3.17623 0.00000 10.01531 7.5000e-06 7.6000e-06
42 0.98043 5.38436 6.9000e-06 3.18907 0.00000 10.16103 7.5000e-06 7.6000e-06
43 0.95840 5.38151 4.4000e-06 3.18102 0.00000 10.11945 7.6000e-06 7.7000e-06
44 0.97593 5.39494 4.3000e-06 3.20099 0.00000 10.16534 7.6000e-06 7.7000e-06
45 0.98101 5.40379 4.7000e-06 3.16981 0.00000 10.27466 7.7000e-06 7.7000e-06
46 0.97112 5.39985 5.0000e-06 3.18605 0.00000 10.20310 7.7000e-06 7.7000e-06
47 0.98132 5.42925 6.7000e-06 3.18936 0.00000 10.34143 7.7000e-06 7.7000e-06
48 0.96329 5.42476 7.1000e-06 3.21684 0.00000 10.33529 7.7000e-06 7.9000e-06
49 0.97737 5.43578 6.1000e-06 3.19422 0.00000 10.35654 7.7000e-06 7.8000e-06
50 0.98821 5.44778 5.6000e-06 3.22036 0.00000 10.44705 7.8000e-06 7.8000e-06
51 0.97432 5.45843 6.0000e-06 3.25670 0.00000 10.50089 7.9000e-06 7.9000e-06
52 0.97828 5.46251 6.5000e-06 3.24899 0.00000 10.50480 7.9000e-06 7.9000e-06
53 0.98818 5.46870 7.5000e-06 3.26065 0.00000 10.52792 7.9000e-06 7.9000e-06
54 0.97767 5.47877 7.0000e-06 3.27733 0.00000 10.57233 7.9000e-06 8.0000e-06
55 0.97820 5.48665 5.8000e-06 3.29315 0.00000 10.63436 7.9000e-06 7.9000e-06
56 0.99815 5.49432 7.1000e-06 3.30721 0.00000 10.68464 8.0000e-06 8.0000e-06
57 0.99593 5.51008 7.8000e-06 3.24368 0.00000 10.81490 8.1000e-06 8.1000e-06
58 0.99390 5.51080 7.8000e-06 3.29958 0.00000 10.78909 8.0000e-06 8.1000e-06
59 0.99009 5.52167 7.8000e-06 3.29358 0.00000 10.81095 8.0000e-06 8.1000e-06
60 0.98809 5.52153 6.3000e-06 3.28529 0.00000 10.81984 8.1000e-06 8.1000e-06
61 0.96750 5.53090 7.7000e-06 3.26357 0.01235 10.86649 8.1000e-06 8.1000e-06
62 1.02134 5.54472 7.2000e-06 3.32136 0.00000 10.97222 8.2000e-06 8.2000e-06
63 1.01013 5.54526 7.5000e-06 3.34775 0.00000 10.96042 8.2000e-06 8.1000e-06
64 1.00797 5.55239 7.1000e-06 3.28011 0.00000 10.97635 8.2000e-06 8.2000e-06
65 1.01637 5.56081 6.6000e-06 3.29800 0.00000 11.01678 8.3000e-06 8.2000e-06
66 0.96881 5.56980 8.1000e-06 3.30272 0.01220 11.04959 8.2000e-06 8.3000e-06
67 1.02095 5.57798 2.3000e-06 3.30663 0.00000 11.11448 8.3000e-06 8.3000e-06
68 1.00852 5.58314 7.0000e-06 3.29850 0.01190 11.19936 8.4000e-06 8.2000e-06
69 1.02971 5.60401 7.8000e-06 3.35247 0.00000 11.29277 8.4000e-06 8.4000e-06
70 1.02022 5.59787 4.5000e-06 3.32355 0.01176 11.28464 8.5000e-06 8.4000e-06
71 1.03582 5.60761 7.9000e-06 3.39213 0.00000 11.30729 8.5000e-06 8.4000e-06
72 0.99366 5.61657 7.3000e-06 3.38272 0.02381 11.33571 8.4000e-06 8.4000e-06

Table 12 continued on next page

Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 73
Table 12 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
73 1.01027 5.61641 7.7000e-06 3.40010 0.01176 11.35501 8.5000e-06 8.5000e-06
74 1.02425 5.62270 5.7000e-06 3.34852 0.00000 11.37298 8.5000e-06 8.3000e-06
75 1.01692 5.62044 8.0000e-06 3.37498 0.01176 11.27401 8.5000e-06 8.4000e-06
76 1.03738 5.63613 4.6000e-06 3.35059 0.00000 11.39658 8.5000e-06 8.5000e-06
77 1.02032 5.63259 7.3000e-06 3.34658 0.00000 11.34166 8.5000e-06 8.5000e-06
78 1.01651 5.63156 7.6000e-06 3.33713 0.01176 11.32728 8.5000e-06 8.4000e-06
79 1.03568 5.65622 8.1000e-06 3.36868 0.00000 11.50058 8.6000e-06 8.5000e-06
80 1.03338 5.65610 7.4000e-06 3.39756 0.00000 11.50761 8.6000e-06 8.6000e-06
81 1.03931 5.66324 7.7000e-06 3.41849 0.01163 11.53564 8.6000e-06 8.6000e-06
82 1.02232 5.57862 0.0000e+00 3.11324 0.00000 11.62575 8.7000e-06 8.5000e-06
83 1.07243 5.66068 0.0000e+00 3.39371 0.00000 11.57119 8.7000e-06 9.2000e-06
84 1.07603 5.66133 0.0000e+00 3.39943 0.00000 11.61717 8.7000e-06 8.6000e-06
85 1.09401 5.66052 0.0000e+00 3.29348 0.00000 11.63127 8.7000e-06 8.9000e-06
86 1.03801 5.66217 0.0000e+00 3.42087 0.00000 11.54123 8.6000e-06 8.5000e-06
87 1.05092 5.64129 0.0000e+00 3.47579 0.00000 11.42508 8.7000e-06 8.6000e-06
88 1.08306 5.63831 0.0000e+00 3.48105 0.00000 11.48345 8.6000e-06 8.6000e-06
89 1.07889 5.66767 0.0000e+00 3.47363 0.00000 11.51386 8.7000e-06 8.4000e-06
90 1.09331 5.66320 0.0000e+00 3.25321 0.00000 11.60176 8.7000e-06 9.5000e-06
91 1.07078 5.65491 7.5000e-06 3.46605 0.00000 11.45462 8.7000e-06 8.1000e-06
92 1.04428 5.67744 7.2000e-06 3.43851 0.00000 11.44091 8.6000e-06 8.7000e-06
93 1.07337 5.69041 0.0000e+00 3.40448 0.00000 11.64232 8.8000e-06 8.8000e-06
94 1.08184 5.67216 0.0000e+00 3.22574 0.00000 11.73517 8.8000e-06 9.2000e-06
95 1.09305 5.68606 0.0000e+00 3.26925 0.00000 11.79249 8.8000e-06 8.6000e-06
96 1.10510 5.71624 3.4000e-06 3.36281 0.01124 11.79851 8.9000e-06 8.3000e-06
97 1.08804 5.68721 0.0000e+00 3.24642 0.00000 11.80960 8.9000e-06 8.9000e-06
98 1.10402 5.70789 0.0000e+00 3.33402 0.00000 11.81755 8.9000e-06 9.3000e-06
99 1.11132 5.72280 0.0000e+00 3.36861 0.00000 11.87614 8.9000e-06 8.8000e-06
100 1.06219 5.71886 0.0000e+00 3.45534 0.01124 11.78511 8.9000e-06 8.7000e-06
101 1.12722 5.75150 8.6000e-06 3.46170 0.00000 11.86660 8.9000e-06 8.6000e-06
102 1.06953 5.71941 0.0000e+00 3.51634 0.01111 11.85212 9.0000e-06 9.0000e-06
103 1.09076 5.73880 0.0000e+00 3.35863 0.00000 11.96385 9.0000e-06 9.3000e-06
104 1.09509 5.71740 0.0000e+00 3.31371 0.01111 11.91255 9.0000e-06 9.1000e-06
105 1.10078 5.68927 6.9000e-06 3.58535 0.00000 11.95084 9.0000e-06 8.4000e-06
106 1.08256 5.71422 0.0000e+00 3.56120 0.00000 11.92669 9.0000e-06 8.9000e-06
107 1.07201 5.74038 0.0000e+00 3.37633 0.00000 11.92768 8.9000e-06 9.4000e-06
108 1.11382 5.72191 0.0000e+00 3.53667 0.00000 11.83584 8.9000e-06 8.5000e-06
109 1.07965 5.71148 0.0000e+00 3.22825 0.00000 11.88796 9.0000e-06 8.9000e-06

Table 12 continued on next page

74 Limongi et al.
Table 12 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
110 1.08381 5.74133 0.0000e+00 3.30186 0.01111 12.02782 9.0000e-06 9.6000e-06
111 1.10271 5.75638 0.0000e+00 3.41299 0.00000 11.97484 9.0000e-06 8.7000e-06
112 1.06538 5.74866 0.0000e+00 3.33525 0.00000 11.95258 9.0000e-06 9.1000e-06
113 1.11107 5.76796 0.0000e+00 3.43428 0.00000 12.01919 9.0000e-06 8.8000e-06
114 1.09049 5.75322 0.0000e+00 3.34367 0.00000 12.04819 9.0000e-06 9.2000e-06
115 1.09864 5.76196 5.2000e-06 3.54241 0.00000 11.99120 9.0000e-06 8.6000e-06
116 1.08689 5.78120 0.0000e+00 3.49428 0.00000 12.09744 9.1000e-06 9.2000e-06
117 1.10431 5.76878 0.0000e+00 3.32535 0.00000 12.15419 9.1000e-06 9.4000e-06
118 1.10789 5.77694 2.3000e-06 3.54600 0.00000 12.12933 9.1000e-06 8.6000e-06
119 1.10505 5.77655 4.1000e-06 3.54310 0.00000 12.05583 9.1000e-06 9.1000e-06
120 1.11346 5.78916 0.0000e+00 3.40221 0.00000 12.14396 9.1000e-06 9.4000e-06
121 1.13302 5.74559 0.0000e+00 3.24761 0.00000 12.14100 9.1000e-06 9.5000e-06
122 1.10638 5.79741 0.0000e+00 3.43758 0.01087 12.17443 9.2000e-06 8.7000e-06
123 1.10277 5.73578 0.0000e+00 3.60307 0.00000 12.07160 9.1000e-06 8.9000e-06
124 1.13348 5.74585 0.0000e+00 3.23606 0.00000 12.11602 9.2000e-06 9.0000e-06
125 1.12402 5.77982 8.0000e-06 3.56761 0.00000 12.11459 9.1000e-06 9.2000e-06
126 1.12641 5.77173 0.0000e+00 3.59751 0.01087 12.17399 9.2000e-06 9.1000e-06
127 1.12502 5.80816 0.0000e+00 3.56739 0.00000 12.24596 9.2000e-06 9.2000e-06
128 1.13924 5.75476 4.9000e-06 3.26351 0.00000 12.25126 9.3000e-06 9.2000e-06
129 1.10548 5.81066 0.0000e+00 3.46601 0.00000 12.14859 9.1000e-06 9.4000e-06
130 1.11406 5.78951 3.3000e-06 3.58888 0.00000 12.15624 9.2000e-06 8.9000e-06
131 1.09025 5.81919 0.0000e+00 3.53297 0.00000 12.30024 9.2000e-06 9.4000e-06
132 1.11242 5.77145 5.7000e-06 3.24375 0.01075 12.36685 9.3000e-06 9.6000e-06
133 1.10333 5.84125 0.0000e+00 3.48706 0.00000 12.37797 9.3000e-06 8.8000e-06
134 1.11547 5.77467 0.0000e+00 3.25743 0.01075 12.34687 9.3000e-06 9.8000e-06
135 1.11267 5.80775 5.3000e-06 3.36129 0.00000 12.26209 9.2000e-06 9.0000e-06
136 1.11037 5.82514 0.0000e+00 3.49980 0.00000 12.24551 9.2000e-06 8.9000e-06
137 1.11478 5.77080 0.0000e+00 3.27365 0.00000 12.21178 9.2000e-06 9.7000e-06
138 1.09023 5.83009 0.0000e+00 3.46150 0.00000 12.18478 9.2000e-06 8.8000e-06
139 1.10490 5.78363 5.1000e-06 3.64313 0.00000 12.26903 9.2000e-06 9.0000e-06
140 1.12298 5.84114 0.0000e+00 3.52692 0.00000 12.31760 9.2000e-06 9.3000e-06
141 1.10425 5.81679 7.7000e-06 3.34756 0.01075 12.34243 9.3000e-06 9.5000e-06
142 1.14495 5.82354 0.0000e+00 3.63258 0.00000 12.44851 9.4000e-06 8.9000e-06
143 1.11972 5.85863 7.3000e-06 3.48996 0.00000 12.53437 9.3000e-06 9.5000e-06
144 1.12827 5.81994 0.0000e+00 3.59285 0.00000 12.31213 9.3000e-06 9.1000e-06
145 1.11657 5.80786 8.2000e-06 3.65409 0.00000 12.33838 9.3000e-06 9.3000e-06
146 1.11365 5.85190 0.0000e+00 3.50012 0.01075 12.36223 9.3000e-06 9.4000e-06

Table 12 continued on next page

Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 75
Table 12 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
147 1.11134 5.85674 0.0000e+00 3.46917 0.00000 12.38919 9.3000e-06 9.3000e-06
148 1.13037 5.86022 3.0000e-06 3.59149 0.00000 12.45335 9.3000e-06 9.1000e-06
149 1.12556 5.85374 1.6000e-06 3.54622 0.00000 12.42360 9.3000e-06 9.4000e-06
150 1.13014 5.83069 0.0000e+00 3.61877 0.00000 12.37613 9.3000e-06 9.2000e-06
151 1.11948 5.85626 0.0000e+00 3.46280 0.01075 12.37644 9.3000e-06 9.5000e-06
152 1.11809 6.14081 0.0000e+00 3.63050 0.00000 12.38707 9.4000e-06 9.6000e-06
153 1.11662 5.79279 3.0000e-06 3.25892 0.01075 12.32691 9.3000e-06 9.5000e-06
154 1.11277 5.85419 3.3000e-06 3.56857 0.00000 12.29979 9.3000e-06 8.7000e-06
155 1.14094 5.85592 8.8000e-06 3.59524 0.00000 12.36326 9.3000e-06 9.1000e-06
156 1.13836 6.02648 0.0000e+00 3.60739 0.00000 12.48395 9.4000e-06 9.4000e-06
157 1.12854 6.18095 4.3000e-06 3.63195 0.00000 12.56588 9.4000e-06 9.8000e-06
158 1.11314 5.94593 0.0000e+00 3.64941 0.00000 12.48690 9.3000e-06 9.0000e-06
159 1.13051 5.96769 3.6000e-06 3.61735 0.01075 12.33949 9.3000e-06 9.9000e-06
160 1.11454 6.43416 0.0000e+00 3.66615 0.00000 12.41524 9.4000e-06 9.2000e-06
161 1.11781 5.86994 0.0000e+00 3.62028 0.00000 12.45415 9.4000e-06 9.0000e-06
162 1.10205 6.26387 0.0000e+00 3.66101 0.01075 12.40761 9.3000e-06 9.2000e-06
163 1.11917 6.42728 5.2000e-06 3.66617 0.00000 12.43461 9.4000e-06 9.3000e-06
164 1.15865 6.29381 1.9000e-06 3.69650 0.00000 12.45529 9.3000e-06 9.2000e-06
165 1.10873 6.10296 0.0000e+00 3.67560 0.00000 12.51358 9.4000e-06 9.5000e-06
166 1.11637 6.24728 3.4000e-06 3.66255 0.00000 12.47685 9.4000e-06 9.6000e-06
167 1.14636 5.93754 0.0000e+00 3.66658 0.01064 12.48634 9.4000e-06 9.3000e-06
168 1.13720 6.14439 8.0000e-06 3.67303 0.00000 12.43443 9.4000e-06 9.4000e-06
169 1.13016 6.27307 6.3000e-06 3.66932 0.00000 12.37620 9.4000e-06 9.1000e-06
170 1.13637 6.63250 0.0000e+00 3.68730 0.00000 12.42251 9.3000e-06 9.4000e-06
171 1.10398 6.20129 7.2000e-06 3.66709 0.00000 12.42883 9.4000e-06 9.4000e-06
172 1.14217 6.23604 4.2000e-06 3.68835 0.00000 12.54141 9.4000e-06 9.7000e-06
173 1.12748 6.11884 0.0000e+00 3.68794 0.00000 12.55069 9.4000e-06 9.2000e-06
174 1.14464 6.04957 0.0000e+00 3.69007 0.00000 12.63839 9.5000e-06 9.8000e-06
175 1.17187 6.00793 0.0000e+00 3.70697 0.00000 12.73887 9.5000e-06 8.9000e-06
176 1.13428 6.30060 0.0000e+00 3.73056 0.00000 12.68209 9.5000e-06 9.9000e-06
177 1.15869 6.34180 0.0000e+00 3.72530 0.00000 12.76190 9.5000e-06 9.5000e-06
178 1.15480 6.14973 3.2000e-06 3.71165 0.00000 12.83335 9.6000e-06 9.7000e-06
179 1.15677 6.54295 3.5000e-06 3.72635 0.00000 12.78057 9.5000e-06 9.0000e-06
180 1.14952 6.72765 5.3000e-06 3.74167 0.00000 12.65475 9.5000e-06 9.6000e-06
181 1.10524 6.49726 0.0000e+00 3.70981 0.01053 12.52021 9.5000e-06 9.8000e-06
182 1.11840 5.93588 6.0000e-06 3.69723 0.00000 12.43138 9.4000e-06 9.4000e-06
183 1.14793 6.65914 0.0000e+00 3.71843 0.00000 12.51123 9.4000e-06 9.1000e-06

Table 12 continued on next page

76 Limongi et al.
Table 12 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
184 1.12411 6.33734 0.0000e+00 3.71206 0.00000 12.54353 9.4000e-06 9.8000e-06
185 1.16723 6.74571 0.0000e+00 3.72251 0.00000 12.58768 9.5000e-06 8.9000e-06
186 1.12107 6.51358 3.8000e-06 3.73614 0.00000 12.52484 9.4000e-06 9.5000e-06
187 1.13536 6.34457 5.0000e-07 3.74264 0.00000 12.58917 9.4000e-06 9.4000e-06
188 1.11934 6.15449 0.0000e+00 3.70362 0.00000 12.60308 9.5000e-06 9.9000e-06
189 1.11609 6.46033 0.0000e+00 3.73181 0.00000 12.54232 9.4000e-06 9.3000e-06
190 1.12808 6.15230 0.0000e+00 3.68850 0.00000 12.62686 9.4000e-06 9.1000e-06
191 1.15337 6.28107 0.0000e+00 3.72860 0.00000 12.65665 9.5000e-06 9.4000e-06
192 1.15338 6.68833 6.8000e-06 3.76592 0.00000 12.73560 9.5000e-06 9.9000e-06
193 1.14855 6.83295 2.7000e-06 3.74935 0.00000 12.67975 9.5000e-06 9.6000e-06
Note—Same as Table 4
Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 77

Table 13. Main properties of the TP phase of the 9.20 M⊙ model

max max max

TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
1 0.49000 4.79053 0.0000e+00 2.96686 0.00000 0.00000 0.0000e+00 0.0000e+00
2 0.51123 4.81073 0.0000e+00 2.97870 0.00000 6.31323 4.6000e-06 4.7000e-06
3 0.54396 4.84059 0.0000e+00 3.01213 0.00000 6.35516 4.5000e-06 4.7000e-06
4 0.55834 4.85717 0.0000e+00 3.01421 0.00000 6.48414 4.7000e-06 4.8000e-06
5 0.62452 4.94737 0.0000e+00 3.08615 0.00000 6.76557 4.9000e-06 4.8000e-06
6 0.62582 4.94290 0.0000e+00 3.07472 0.00000 6.72019 4.9000e-06 5.0000e-06
7 0.62390 4.95652 0.0000e+00 3.09052 0.00000 6.71941 4.9000e-06 5.1000e-06
8 0.63878 4.97361 0.0000e+00 3.08619 0.00000 6.80544 4.9000e-06 5.1000e-06
9 0.65186 4.99085 0.0000e+00 3.09406 0.00000 6.82195 4.9000e-06 5.1000e-06
10 0.64463 5.01153 0.0000e+00 3.11240 0.00000 6.82188 5.0000e-06 5.1000e-06
11 0.63821 5.01356 0.0000e+00 3.14404 0.00000 6.79379 5.1000e-06 5.3000e-06
12 0.66245 5.03797 0.0000e+00 3.13266 0.00000 6.89151 5.1000e-06 5.1000e-06
13 0.66342 5.04510 0.0000e+00 3.13106 0.00000 6.89998 5.1000e-06 5.3000e-06
14 0.66259 5.05858 0.0000e+00 3.13947 0.00000 6.90664 5.1000e-06 5.2000e-06
15 0.66777 5.07429 0.0000e+00 3.16086 0.00000 6.96276 5.1000e-06 5.3000e-06
16 0.67474 5.09005 2.0000e-07 3.16060 0.00000 7.02302 5.2000e-06 5.3000e-06
17 0.68038 5.09999 0.0000e+00 3.16685 0.00000 7.02454 5.2000e-06 5.2000e-06
18 0.67993 5.11270 0.0000e+00 3.20596 0.00000 7.04984 5.2000e-06 5.3000e-06
19 0.68636 5.12394 1.9000e-06 3.15633 0.00000 7.12086 5.2000e-06 5.5000e-06
20 0.70130 5.15627 2.7000e-06 3.16093 0.00000 7.21352 5.2000e-06 5.4000e-06
21 0.68402 5.15410 2.3000e-06 3.18177 0.00000 7.24193 5.3000e-06 5.4000e-06
22 0.70762 5.16728 3.0000e-06 3.19985 0.00000 7.25306 5.3000e-06 5.5000e-06
23 0.71819 5.17542 2.8000e-06 3.19971 0.00000 7.27117 5.3000e-06 5.4000e-06
24 0.71221 5.18353 2.7000e-06 3.19861 0.00000 7.23995 5.4000e-06 5.5000e-06
25 0.70611 5.19966 1.9000e-06 3.19143 0.00000 7.24938 5.4000e-06 5.6000e-06
26 0.71571 5.19683 1.7000e-06 3.22330 0.00000 7.31202 5.4000e-06 5.4000e-06
27 0.73359 5.21946 3.5000e-06 3.15674 0.00000 7.38261 5.5000e-06 5.6000e-06
28 0.71574 5.21530 0.0000e+00 3.24303 0.00000 7.38711 5.5000e-06 5.5000e-06
29 0.72892 5.23556 3.8000e-06 3.09435 0.00000 7.42749 5.5000e-06 5.7000e-06
30 0.72205 5.23252 0.0000e+00 3.22239 0.00000 7.47488 5.5000e-06 5.7000e-06
31 0.72603 5.25729 3.4000e-06 2.97796 0.00000 7.45672 5.5000e-06 5.5000e-06
32 0.73972 5.26178 4.1000e-06 2.94613 0.00000 7.61031 5.6000e-06 6.1000e-06
33 0.73241 5.27432 4.3000e-06 3.11589 0.00000 7.56953 5.6000e-06 5.5000e-06
34 0.73502 5.27675 4.4000e-06 3.11880 0.00000 7.60781 5.7000e-06 6.0000e-06
35 0.73935 5.28373 4.3000e-06 3.32164 0.00000 7.67299 5.7000e-06 5.7000e-06

Table 13 continued on next page

78 Limongi et al.
Table 13 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
36 0.73359 5.31317 0.0000e+00 3.03829 0.00000 7.72030 5.7000e-06 6.0000e-06
37 0.75936 5.30621 0.0000e+00 3.30379 0.00000 7.81400 5.8000e-06 6.0000e-06
38 0.73997 5.31267 0.0000e+00 3.16829 0.00000 7.75522 5.7000e-06 5.8000e-06
39 0.74542 5.32500 4.6000e-06 3.14154 0.00000 7.83217 5.8000e-06 5.8000e-06
40 0.75306 5.33977 3.0000e-06 3.14948 0.00000 7.91754 5.8000e-06 5.8000e-06
41 0.76073 5.37843 3.1000e-06 3.12870 0.00000 7.88048 5.8000e-06 6.1000e-06
42 0.75255 5.33799 3.9000e-06 3.24195 0.00000 7.91888 5.9000e-06 6.1000e-06
43 0.75700 5.36591 5.0000e-06 3.23431 0.00000 7.97762 5.9000e-06 5.7000e-06
44 0.73470 5.37084 3.8000e-06 3.05345 0.00000 7.97567 5.9000e-06 6.1000e-06
45 0.74300 5.36699 4.4000e-06 3.17863 0.00000 7.94603 5.9000e-06 6.0000e-06
46 0.74265 5.38304 6.9000e-06 3.23565 0.00000 8.00790 5.9000e-06 5.9000e-06
47 0.75147 5.39365 5.2000e-06 3.20040 0.00000 8.11488 6.0000e-06 6.0000e-06
48 0.73782 5.39126 4.7000e-06 3.23361 0.00000 8.01168 6.0000e-06 6.1000e-06
49 0.74310 5.39956 4.9000e-06 3.27510 0.00000 8.09960 6.0000e-06 6.1000e-06
50 0.76087 5.38978 5.1000e-06 3.29059 0.00000 8.06523 6.0000e-06 6.0000e-06
51 0.75639 5.41988 5.3000e-06 3.21146 0.00000 8.16935 6.0000e-06 6.1000e-06
52 0.74390 5.41197 2.0000e-06 3.17372 0.00000 8.16142 6.0000e-06 6.2000e-06
53 0.74608 5.42565 0.0000e+00 3.24693 0.00000 8.17861 6.0000e-06 6.1000e-06
54 0.75501 5.42770 4.9000e-06 3.13555 0.00000 8.25436 6.1000e-06 6.1000e-06
55 0.77299 5.43951 5.4000e-06 3.27869 0.00000 8.26689 6.2000e-06 6.2000e-06
56 0.76360 5.45893 5.7000e-06 3.28179 0.00000 8.32823 6.2000e-06 6.2000e-06
57 0.78042 5.45956 5.3000e-06 3.25374 0.00000 8.36827 6.2000e-06 6.2000e-06
58 0.76043 5.46931 5.7000e-06 3.31664 0.00000 8.31238 6.1000e-06 6.3000e-06
59 0.75617 5.46803 5.6000e-06 3.32745 0.00000 8.38954 6.3000e-06 6.2000e-06
60 0.75223 5.47251 5.5000e-06 3.27413 0.00000 8.38971 6.2000e-06 6.3000e-06
61 0.77134 5.48964 4.2000e-06 3.21274 0.00000 8.48142 6.3000e-06 6.2000e-06
62 0.74407 5.47823 2.3000e-06 3.26447 0.00000 8.42355 6.3000e-06 6.4000e-06
63 0.76840 5.49170 0.0000e+00 3.28949 0.00000 8.41915 6.2000e-06 6.2000e-06
64 0.76719 5.50468 0.0000e+00 3.36787 0.00000 8.55716 6.3000e-06 6.4000e-06
65 0.78386 5.50918 5.6000e-06 3.28086 0.00000 8.60259 6.3000e-06 6.3000e-06
66 0.75086 5.49167 5.8000e-06 3.27848 0.00000 8.38992 6.2000e-06 6.4000e-06
67 0.75364 5.52555 6.0000e-06 3.35612 0.00000 8.47547 6.3000e-06 6.2000e-06
68 0.75209 5.53009 5.8000e-06 3.28454 0.01563 8.61322 6.4000e-06 6.4000e-06
69 0.77532 5.53623 6.0000e-06 3.34085 0.00000 8.63987 6.4000e-06 6.4000e-06
70 0.76714 5.54298 6.0000e-06 3.32229 0.01538 8.76549 6.5000e-06 6.3000e-06
71 0.76150 5.54282 5.8000e-06 3.32944 0.01538 8.66868 6.5000e-06 6.4000e-06
72 0.77310 5.54987 4.8000e-06 3.38892 0.01538 8.73198 6.5000e-06 6.4000e-06

Table 13 continued on next page

Evolution of stars in the range 7-15 M⊙ 79
Table 13 (continued)
max max max
TP ∆tpulse Log (LHe /L⊙ ) ∆Mpulse THe λ ∆tinter ∆MHe ∆MCO
(yr) (M⊙ ) (108 K) (yr) (M⊙ ) (M⊙ )
73 0.77891 5.54633 5.9000e-06 3.38806 0.00000 8.67263 6.5000e-06 6.5000e-06
74 0.79907 5.56231 6.2000e-06 3.36315 0.00000 8.70741 6.4000e-06 6.3000e-06
75 0.79720 5.56380 6.2000e-06 3.37203 0.00000 8.68951 6.5000e-06 6.5000e-06
76 0.75862 5.55804 5.5000e-06 3.40167 0.01538 8.66542 6.5000e-06 6.4000e-06
77 0.82071 5.57561 6.0000e-06 3.32396 0.00000 8.85081 6.6000e-06 6.7000e-06
78 0.80442 5.57249 6.1000e-06 3.39941 0.00000 8.63533 6.4000e-06 6.4000e-06
79 0.76708 5.52226 2.3000e-06 3.42066 0.00000 8.29954 6.1000e-06 6.5000e-06
80 0.74476 5.51423 1.5000e-06 3.28388 0.00000 8.32500 6.1000e-06 6.0000e-06
81 0.79507 5.56931 6.0000e-06 3.41298 0.00000 8.38454 6.2000e-06 6.2000e-06
82 0.76360 5.57030 5.7000e-06 3.36612 0.00000 8.51548 6.3000e-06 6.4000e-06
83 0.76549 5.56119 4.6000e-06 3.27300 0.00000 8.49274 6.2000e-06 6.3000e-06
84 0.76076 5.56612 5.2000e-06 3.37519 0.00000 8.41739 6.2000e-06 6.3000e-06
85 0.77493 5.57773 2.0000e-06 3.40392 0.00000 8.47057 6.3000e-06 6.3000e-06
86 0.76726 5.56986 6.0000e-06 3.43395 0.00000 8.44780 6.3000e-06 6.3000e-06
87 0.75678 5.55309 5.8000e-06 3.43189 0.00000 8.37361 6.3000e-06 6.3000e-06
88 0.75904 5.56839 5.2000e-06 3.31906 0.00000 8.33807 6.2000e-06 6.2000e-06
89 0.76809 5.58979 5.9000e-06 3.34942 0.00000 8.46564 6.3000e-06 6.3000e-06
90 0.76907 5.59058 4.2000e-06 3.43485 0.00000 8.53924 6.3000e-06 6.4000e-06
91 0.75858 5.60198 5.5000e-06 3.35313 0.00000 8.49453 6.3000e-06 6.3000e-06
92 0.77625 5.60657 4.1000e-06 3.39232 0.00000 8.62813 6.4000e-06 6.4000e-06
93 0.78432 5.62272 0.0000e+00 3.40507 0.00000 8.57593 6.3000e-06 6.4000e-06
94 0.77664 5.60117 3.5000e-06 3.31107 0.00000 8.62534 6.3000e-06 6.4000e-06
95 0.76480 5.59467 5.1000e-06 3.33876 0.00000 8.43960 6.3000e-06 6.3000e-06
96 0.76120 5.61473 6.1000e-06 3.33831 0.00000 8.49318 6.3000e-06 6.3000e-06
97 0.77110 5.59581 4.3000e-06 3.28869 0.00000 8.59170 6.4000e-06 6.4000e-06
98 0.76044 5.63286 6.1000e-06 3.38220 0.00000 8.61649 6.4000e-06 6.3000e-06
99 0.78135 5.62955 5.1000e-06 3.33984 0.00000 8.68602 6.4000e-06 6.5000e-06
100 0.78359 5.62960 6.2000e-06 3.47987 0.00000 8.70935 6.5000e-06 6.5000e-06
101 0.75922 5.63279 3.2000e-06 3.43615 0.01563 8.57408 6.4000e-06 6.3000e-06
102 0.78200 5.64549 5.4000e-06 3.39793 0.00000 8.56651 6.4000e-06 6.5000e-06
Note—Same as Table 4

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