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We hereby recommend that the thesis entitled “INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN

fulfilling this part of the requirement for the degree of Master of International Relation.



Supervisor: _________________________

Dr. Khurshaid Ahmad

Department of International Relations
University of Peshawar

Prof. Dr. Hussain Shaheed Soherwardi
Department of International Relations
University of Peshawar

External Examiner: ________________________

Dedicated to my Parents family whose love and
affection has been inspirational throughout my life.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and the Most Merciful, praise to Him for

blessing me with the strength and ability required to complete this research. Special appreciation

goes to my supervisor Dr. Khurshaid Ahmad, for their supervision and constant support. Their

help of constructive comments and suggestions throughout the thesis works have contributed to

this research. They have given me invaluable guidance, suggestions and inspiration in my quest

for knowledge. He has given me all the freedom to pursue my research, while silently and non-

obtrusively ensuring that I stay on course and do not deviate from the core of my research. I am

grateful for his assistance.

Tooba Hayat

International Humanitarian Law (IHL) plays a crucial role in regulating armed conflict, ensuring
the protection of civilians, prisoners of war, and other non-combatants. This research examines
the application of IHL within the context of the War on Terror, focusing on the case study of
Afghanistan. The War on Terror, initiated by the United States and its allies following the
September 11, 2001 attacks, has led to prolonged military operations in Afghanistan against
various armed groups, including the Taliban and Al-Qaeda. This study aims to analyze the extent
to which IHL has been upheld or violated during the conflict in Afghanistan. It explores the legal
framework provided by treaties such as the Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols,
as well as customary international law, in addressing issues such as the treatment of detainees,
protection of civilians, and the conduct of hostilities. Moreover, it examines the challenges and
complexities in applying IHL in a non-conventional conflict characterized by asymmetric
warfare and counterterrorism operations. The research methodology involves a comprehensive
review of relevant literature, including international treaties, legal opinions, reports from
international organizations, and academic studies. Additionally, it includes an analysis of case
studies and empirical data to assess the practical implementation of IHL principles in
Afghanistan. The findings of this research contributes to a better understanding of the role of
IHL in contemporary conflicts, particularly in the context of counterterrorism operations. It will
also provide insights into the challenges faced in upholding humanitarian norms amidst complex
and dynamic security environments. Ultimately, the research aims to inform policy discussions
and promote adherence to international legal standards in the conduct of armed conflict.

Keywords: International Humanitarian Law, War on Terror, Afghanistan,

Geneva Conventions, Counterterrorism Operations, Civilian Protection,

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