Smartphones Vs Smart People

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Smartphones vs smart people

Smart people are intelligent people, they are quite clever and
they have an answer to almost every question and what are
smartphones? Smartphones are electronic devices that have
made our lives a lot easier. Smartphone with internet facility
is like heaven on earth, it is great asset to many people as it
connects us to the rest of the world. Smartphone is like a mini
computer.Only smart people can use the smartphones
efficiently and effectively. Nowadays nobody carries a map
whenever they go to a new place, they just open the maps on
their phones. Earlier we used to go to taxi stand to book a taxi
but now we can just book a can by few clicks on the phone.
Hundreds and thousands of books are available on the
internet, we can just download and read them.What actually
matters the most is how we utilize these features for our own
benefits which you can do only if you are smart. For instance,
say that you are not smart and have zero knowledge about
these electronic devices then how will you use them properly.
Being smart is more than just being intelligent.One who is
self-aware, mentally fit and confident is smart. Smart people
can complete a task with reduced efforts in less time.We are a
lot engrossed in the virtual world of smart devices and this
can ruin our real-life relationships. Hence, we should be smart
about our usage and dependency on these gadgets.Perhaps I
would like to conclude by saying that there is no perfect
comparison between smartphone and smart people as both of
them are useful and important in their own places.
Searching answers on google
We live in a world that is fundamentally run by the internet. We use it every
day, multiple times in a variety of ways. We use it to keep up to date with
the latest news, to watch movies and shows, to listen to music, do research
for our latest assignment and even to simply search the latest topic our
mind is wandering off to.These were the basic
uses of the Google Search application. Google search hunts for texts that are
uploaded somewhere on the internet and other graphical contents such as
images or data contained in databases. Google search was created by two
people namely Larry Page and Sergey Brin.
Initially. Till now Google accustomed Google Voice Search by which users
can interact with the search by voicing over it instead of engaging into a
tiring writing style. More the possibility of the search term more is the
indication of the trends in economic, social and health perspective. While it
was impossible to come up with answers to questions without consulting a
book or scribbling down own thoughts in the past, search engines such as
Google are the preferred go-to places in the era of smartphones. Like no
other generation, today’s teenagers and students appreciate the
convenience of knowledge at their fingertips asking Google to provide
information on any kind of question.Google is undoubtedly today’s most
famous and interesting business in the globe. It’s the mission, according to
its corporate website, is to “organize the data of the world and make it
widely available and helpful”.I do think google is a great tool but it is
making us lazy, not stupid. The internet has many advantages, we now have
infinite information at our fingertips at any time of the day. People now can
share their ideas with others all around the world and gain a different
perspective. Anybody with internet access is able to have any question they
have answered by experts in that field immediately.As time progresses,
more and more advances in technology are coming about. These advances
are readily placing information at the hands of the consumer. People are
relying on the internet and technological advances for things that used to be
only completed manually. As a result many people argue that these
advances are adhering to society’s desire to be lazy but, researchers are
finding the exact opposite. Our minds are literally changing and the way we
think about information is becoming simpler.
Open book examinations
Open book exam is an assessment procedure formulated in such a way
that enables learners to pertain to textbooks, class notes, or any other
ratified equipment while replying to problems. It can also mean that
learners are provided with the question paper before writing the exam.
It inclines to ask students to analyze, synthesize, compare or evaluate
information. They test whether you comprehend the central aspect of
the course and how it works. It requires you to comprehend the
material properly and be prepared to pertain or analyze information
and content rather than just remember it. These exams provide
learners with a second learning opportunity to absorb and
comprehend the course equipment. While browsing through the
textbook for excuses, students will get more knowledge on the subject
and can be ready for prospective analyses and professional
improvement in a decent means. Exams with open books emphasize
“advanced level learning.” It signifies that students aren’t anxious
about memorization. The expectation of an open book exam is to
behold how well the learners grasp a subject. Fairly than just
recollecting news, they’ll be expected to compose, compare, analyze,
evaluate, or combine it. In a conclusion, even with several reference
books for their availability, open-book exams are normally more
absurd than other forms of examinations. Learners must entirely
prepare for open book tests because they can be harder than other
sectors of assessments. Learners should be ready for an open book
exam in the equivalent direction they would for any other
assessment.It can help decrease examination dishonesty and copying
because learners have sufficient study substance to evaluate their
responses.If pupils are not taught well to give open-book exams, they may
just duplicate what is in the textbook. And it will not fulfill the intention for
which the exams are held.
Advantages Disadvantages

Assists in wielding common sense Learners go incapable and then run

and logic when practical problems out of duration.
are inquired.

Makes the understanding more It becomes time-consuming when one

outstanding. examines the explanations for a
particular problem.

No tension or fear of skipping Learners do not attend or pay

explanations. attention during class.

Assists normal learners to score It is destructive to improvement.


Learners can passingly examine Learners take the exam lightly and
the notes and books. become overconfident.

Advantages of an Open-book examination

There are many advantages of open-book examination-

● Open book experiments aid in the advancement of rational skills

and real-world learning. This is extremely vital in a promptly
expanding economy, where some kinds of businesses may go and
new varieties of jobs may happen, necessitating skilling and
re-skilling as part of one’s vocation.
● For those who have a crisis recollecting passages, an open book
exam is exceptionally effective as it is designed for civilizations
who have a decent remembrance.
● Open book exams allow learners to relate what they’ve learned in
class to real-life circumstances, whereas shut book exams force
learners to memorize all they’ve studied without entirely
understanding it.
● In an Open book exam, learners can scan the books. So, they
don’t have to plug in a lot of evidence.
● Learners get a second likelihood to obtain proficiency. Also, they
can collect acceptable learning substances rather than recall
● It helps in remembering aspects for a longer period. Also, students
find flexible ways to collect necessary information from different
● As they develop rational skills, learners will be encouraged to be
rational & productive.
● Open-book exams can reform the strategy of pedagogy and can
improve the mood of education.
● Many think that learners will just copy the content from the
textbook. But the topics in open-book exams are composed in
such a way that analyzing the content is expected.
● Without the fear of memory-based tests, students can peacefully
learn beliefs. At present, students are evaluating more on
preparing themselves for exams rather than on notional insight.

Disadvantages of an Open-book Examination

Open book examination has distinct disadvantages also-

● Learners no longer study for exams as they are no extra

concerned about declining in exams; this may decrease the
students’ memory conserving ability.
● Remembrance exercise is also significant, primarily for children.
Open-book exams may discourage learners from memorizing
even the fundamental aspects.
● As the experiment in open-book exams will be tough, it may put
even more anxiety on learners.
● Culture speculates that learners inscribe answers from textbooks
and therefore, these exams are very easy. But since problems are
framed in real-life scenarios, questions are framed in such a way
that students’ conceptions must be understood before they resolve
the problems.
● Suspicion of skipping the content will be abolished.
● It is impossible to judge whether all learners are equally equipped
for an exam or not.
● Also, some books are very important and the library also has an
insufficient amount of books.
● The books and notes take a lot of opening. Also, the desk requires
to be enormous to keep the books
● Sometimes learners take a lot of time uncovering some topics.
Also, they stare at books fairly rather than countering their
understanding and mastery.
● Another drawback of these inspections is that Open book exams
have more impossible evaluation norms than memory-based tests.
Weak learners may perform incorrectly or averagely on the exam
as an outcome of this. Because open-book inspections will be
difficult to grade, learners may feel even additional anxiety.

Countries minimising the intake of foreign
In the majority of OECD countries, the numbers of foreigners or
immigrants and their proportions of the total population have risen
over the past ten years, both for endogenous and exogenous reasons.
The size and compositions of the immigrant communities continue to
vary considerably according to the host country however. While
admissions of new permanent foreign workers are currently very few
in number, especially in the European OECD countries, the temporary
employment of foreigners appears to becoming more widespread and
the majority of OECD Member countries have implemented measures
to facilitate the admission of skilled and highly skilled foreign workers.
The participation rates of foreigners are generally lower than those of
nationals and foreign labour is often concentrated in the certain
sectors. Its use is, however, becoming more widespread, most notably
in the tertiary sector. The greater vulnerability of foreign workers to
unemployment and their lower degree of employability show that they
face, in particular in Europe, difficulties in integrating into the labour
market. These difficulties are attributable in part to the need for a
period of adaptation, notably for newly arrived refugees, qualifications
and experience which do not always match the needs of the labour
market, weak grasp of the host country’s language as well as to the fact
they are often victim to employment discrimination. The upturn in
economic growth observed over the course of the last decade in the
majority of OECD Member countries has contributed to widening the
debate on immigration, the essential focus of which remains the
control of flows, to the contributions that immigration might play in
reducing sectoral labour shortages and moderating the effects of
population ageing. In this chapter, the emphasis is placed on the
impact of the employment of foreigners on the equilibrium and
dynamics of the labour market. The limits of a migration policy whose
chief aim is to respond to the short-term needs of the labour market
are underlined first of all. The analysis then turns to the way in which
the employment of foreigners responds to cyclical fluctuations.
Though foreign workers are in some Member countries more
vulnerable in recessions, they can not be considered responsible for
labour market disequilibria. The employment of foreigners could make
an active contribution during economic upturns even if, given the
relatively small numbers involved, their employment cannot by itself
constitute an alternative to the need for labour market adjustments.
The contribution of immigration to long-term growth is examined in
the final section. The emphasis is placed on the supply of skilled
labour and the measures recently implemented by many OECD
Member countries to facilitate the entry of foreign specialists, notably
in information and communications technologies. Increased reliance
on foreign workers is nevertheless subject to certain limits and notably
the fact that a massive intake of highly qualified immigrants could
have a negative impact on the development of emerging economies
through the “brain drain” effect.
Inflation and recession
Inflation is referred to as the situation when the price level of goods and services rise, which leads to
decline in the purchasing power in the economy or in other words decreases the buying power of the

Recession is said to be a period of negative growth. In this situation, there is an overall decline in the
economic levels of the economy. Recession is confirmed to happen when there is a fall in the Gross
Domestic Product (Real GDP) of the economy.

Recession is characterised by rising unemployment levels, fall in price of assets, decreasing price of
commodities that results in low consumer confidence in the economy.

Let us look at some of the points of difference between inflation and recession.

Inflation Recession


Inflation is defined as the increase in the Recession is said to be a period of

price levels of goods and services in an slowing down of the economy indicated
economy by negative growth

How it is measured

Inflation is measured by two indices, CPI Recession is measured by the reduction

(Consumer Price Index) and Wholesale in the Gross Domestic Product of a
Price Index (WPI) nation

Time Period

Inflation occurs on an ongoing basis in Recession occurs due to the presence

the economy of certain economic conditions
Possibility of world war III
After a huge raging between countries in the world War 1 and
world War 2, there seems like ly possibility of an upcoming world War
3. Several minor wars among nations have been taking places verbally
and with arms and ammunition. Each country is in the verge of
proving to be the mightiest amongst all. World War 2 being one of the
deadliest Wars in the history, due to the modern technology of
weapons and invention of Nuclear weapons in this era, which has
caused massive destruction to the economies and to the ecosystem,
making it very difficult to revive a countries economy and its natural
resources. As of today most of the developed and developing nations
have resorted to nuclear weapons for which huge sums of money is
floated to purchase such weapons. Many of countries are in process of
being most powerful nuclear weaponry hubs like Russia,
USA, China and India. Several billions of Rupees are spent in
purchasing the machinery and weapons, thereby leading to some
developing countries into foreign debt. Countries like USA, Russia and
China were already in the verge of disputes and Civil War with other
nations. The recent war between Russia and Ukraine its self looks to
be the beginning of a World War 3, as most of the nations are in favor
of Ukraine, while Russia continues to rage a war against them. This
has caused several loss of lives, destruction of economies not only of
Ukraine but of the other closer nations due to export import
restriction, travel restrictions and other political restrictions face by
the country. This war has caused heavy damage to the economies, lives
and eco-system. If this war continues very soon we can expect world
war 3 as other nations are also gearing themselves for the next war,
after seeing the devastation caused by the Russian Government on
Ukraine.Countries are already facing several inter country disputes
and other issues, for example cyber attacks is on of the major issues
being faced. Wherein Government websites are being hacked and very
sensitive information about the nations are been
stolen by the enemy countries. This information is being sold at a hefty
price to other
World War 3 could be possibly faced soon by the nations if such
internal disputes, imports and export issues, political issues border
issues, cyber attacks, and other economic issues are continued
between nations. This will cost lives and destroy natural
resources to a large extent. Several species will turn extent as well.

Augmented reality vs virtual reality

AR and VR differ from each other in key aspects. However, this stark difference does not
mean that one of the two technologies is better than the other. Instead, both
technologies stand out in different application spheres:

● VR creates an immersive virtual environment, while AR

augments a real-world scene.
● VR is 75 percent virtual, while AR is only 25 percent virtual.
● VR requires a headset device, while AR does not.
● VR users move in a completely fictional world, while AR users
are in contact with the real world.
● AR requires higher bandwidth than VR.
● AR is intended to enhance the virtual world and the real world.
VR replaces the real world with a fictional reality, which is
primarily intended to enhance games.
AR and VR: A successful symbiosis

The combination of AR and VR results in a symbiosis of excellent systems. While they

also work separately, when combined they offer users an enhanced and more engaging
experience. The basis for this is to create a fictional world that still allows interaction
with the real world. TeamViewer offers you great software solutions to implement both
augmented and virtual reality.

Mixed Reality: A perfect Mixture

The perfect cross between AR and VR is the so-called mixed reality. This technology is
expected to become mainstream for consumers and businesses soon. It’s based on
enabling instinctive interaction with data, while eliminating screen-based work. Instead,
handheld devices can take over these stationary device tasks. The clear advantage is that
it will be easier to target centralized data anywhere and anytime.

Positive effects of gaming

Playing allows people to explore new and diverse settings. where they can
grow in a variety of different environments, all while discovering incredible
worlds. Playing video games helps develop interpersonal skills, boosts a
sense of accomplishment and develops the ability to perform under
pressure.Video games can deliver immersive experiences that inspire a wide
range of emotions, from joy to fear, surprise and pride.Playing stimulates the
brain and can help to develop memory, concentration skills, and attention to
detail.Video games can help to expand players knowledge across a variety of
subjects, from history, geography and science to foreign languages.Playing
Games allows players to strengthen bonds with other people by encouraging
cooperation and competition together.Some games can have a positive
impact on a players health by helping them get active or exercise a specific
part of their body or mind.Games give players the opportunity to create,
experiment, and let their imagination run wild, from track building and avatar
customisation to fanart, cosplay and streaming.
India of my dreams
The India of my dreams would be a country that is entirely
self-sufficient in all areas. I want India to be technologically advanced,
agriculturally advanced as well as scientifically better. Every barren
land in the country, which has not witnessed crop in ages, would be
cultivated for achieving food grains. I am proud of my country, where
agriculture is the backbone and pushes the GDP ahead. I am proud
that I live in a country with so rich soil containing suitable minerals
that help in agriculture and promote farming. Different states of India
have different varieties of soil, such as Gujarat has black soil that is
suitable for growing cotton, Kerala has soil that is suitable for rice
cultivation, and so on. One of the best things that happened in the
country was the Green Revolution, offering intensive agricultural
programs for farmers.
Women Empowerment
Empowering Poor
Employment Opportunity
No More Caste Discrimination
Good Infrastructure and Sanitation
India of my dream should be an ideal country, which I can be proud of
and live with confidence. I want the coming generation to have a
better life and get everything they deserve for living in this country. I
want my country to be politically sound and unbiased, the democracy
of my country to be the strongest and successful. Corruption should be
eliminated from every aspect of our lives. Taxes should be practically
and judicially imposed, the difference between rich and poor should be
eliminated, and there should not be any kind of inequalities. This
dream nation should be the dream of every citizen living here, and
then only the desired result will be seen. Every citizen should work
and act accordingly so that our future generation will be proud of the
nation they are born in, and the other countries of the world will take
inspiration from India.

Issue of fake news and misinformation on

social media
There’s no denying that misinformation exists. Unscrupulous businesses will publish
deceitful reports to attract advertising income – to a lesser degree, this is also a
preoccupation for certain media outlets that rely on sensationalist headlines. Others
might publish lies to influence audiences in the pursuit of other political or economic
objectives. In certain circumstances, however, the publication of deceitful information
can cause serious harm. It could damage an individual’s reputation, violate their privacy
or trigger disastrous collective reactions.

Nonetheless, restrictions on “fake news” are not the appropriate way to deal with these
consequences. Existing laws on defamation, legal provisions that protect the right to
privacy, and laws on public order that allow police forces to control the possible
consequences of public outrage already provide some protection from negative impacts.
All of these laws, of course, must respect the requirements of international standards on
freedom of expression: in short, they need to be written with clarity to allow individuals
to foresee the consequences of their actions, and they must be proportionate to the ill
that they seek to counter. Even less restrictive of freedom of expression, the detailed
prescriptions of professional ethics and mechanisms of self-regulation such as press
councils also serve to encourage media and journalists to publish reliable and accurate

By contrast with finely-tailored legislation, any legal prohibition of “fake” news would
inevitably create a chilling effect upon the media and anyone that contributes to public
debate. Facts are by their nature complex and intricate, to the point that it is truly
impossible to avoid slight inaccuracies in reporting. Demanding that journalists only
publish reports that are absolutely true would simply be impractical. International case
law has indeed recognised that journalists contributing to public debates on topics of
general interest have the right to a certain degree of exaggeration or even provocation.

Enacting a legal duty of truth would provide public authorities with a powerful
instrument to control journalistic activities: allowing public officials to decide what
counts as truth is tantamount to accepting that the forces in power have a right to
silence critical voices. Journalists or human rights defenders could be sent to prison on
accusations of disseminating untrue statements about alleged wrongdoings by the
government. Activists that use purposely misleading information to raise awareness
through provocative stunts, such as the Yes Men, or satirical publications, such as The
Onion or The New Yorker’s Borowitz Report, would be destined to a similar fate.

Like ‘hate speech’ or ‘terrorism’, the notion of “fake news” is too vague to prevent
subjective and arbitrary interpretation. It would not be much reassurance to have
private entities like Facebook making these assessments instead of public authorities –
not to mention that these businesses may be subject to the influence of non-democratic
governments in certain countries where they operate.

Social media and the news

Even if self-regulation and proportionate legislation might be sufficient to deal with

cases of false information in the media, isn’t it true that social media platforms create
echo chambers that can amplify the noise of fake news to unprecedented volumes?
People who use online platforms as their main sources of news are surrounded by
stories and rumours disseminated by others who share similar views to them. They lose
contact with the vast diversity of opinions and ideas that exist in our complex societies,
and they may even lose touch with good old-fashioned, factual reality.
One might first observe that the traditional media sphere has in itself always served as
an echo chamber, as mainstream media companies routinely focus on the same few
stories of the day. One might also note that the digital age has rendered the verification
of facts easier than it ever was: manipulation of digital material can be investigated, and
the Internet provides the infrastructure for checking sources and facts. Websites like
Snopes or Hoaxbuster even specialise in debunking rumours. One must also
acknowledge that social media platforms are incredibly efficient enablers of the
individual right to freedom of expression.

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