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Experiential Learning Reflective Essay

Student A. Sample

College Name, Grand Canyon University

Course Number: Course Title

Instructor’s Name

Assignment Due Date


I just had the opportunity to complete the Experiential Learning Activity at University of

Miami Hospital, situated in Miami, Florida. This period of about three weeks covered from 16th

of March to 8th of April 2024. The University of Miami Hospital, as the major figure for the all-

round medical service, strives to help various community members by offering advanced medical

treatment. Its mission is quite consistent with my career goal, which is making remarkable

contributions to public health by providing compassionate and accessible healthcare. While I was

at the University of Miami Hospital, I took part in different activities that were used to achieve

my learning goals which aimed at upgrading my clinical skills and gaining more knowledge in

patient care in a high-volume urban hospital. One of my most memorable experiences was

working in the emergency unit where I worked alongside expert nurses and physicians. My duty

involved triaging patients and providing basic care to patients. This practical experience not only

permitted me to apply my theoretical knowledge in real life settings but also develop my skills to

communicate with patients during an emergency.

Essential Career Skills Developed

Problem Solving

The practice at my hospital was filled with numerous challenges that forced me to make

decisions based on the information I had. There was one episode that occurred in particular when

the number of emergency cases was unusually high. Triage area was very busy very fast and

there was a high chance that there could have been cases of delayed services to the patients. To

overcome this, I suggested a temporary relocation of employees from non-critical areas to work

with patient assessments. This tactic simultaneously alleviated the surge pressure and improved
the quality of care. Moreover, I made an instant guide for the standard emergency guidelines that

can be used to quicken the decision-making of all the team members, implying my ability of

being creative under pressure.

Interpersonal Skills

Being at University of Miami Hospital brought an improvement of my people skills.

Being part of the hectic emergency department has helped my communication skills and the

ability of being a great team player. For instance, since I worked with the same nurses and

doctors in stressful conditions it made me realize how to be a good leader when the situation is

critical and how cooperation can help people work effectively together. This environment

sharpened my management skills as I became a master at prioritizing things quickly and

efficiently. As for ethical leadership I aligned all my actions with compassion and integrity,

which are the core values of St. Thomas University and the evidence basis of its mission. I

assumed the responsibility of accomplish a satisfactory level of empathy and respect in all

patient interactions and strive to conform to the ethical standards for the healthcare providers.

Technical Skills

While working at the hospital, I gained a number of technical skills that will be useful for

my professional career as healthcare worker. I had to familiarize myself with the usage of

advanced medical equipment such as EKG machines and vital signs monitors which are

indispensable in determining a patient’s health status. I stepped up acquiring more about medical

software systems and so got a hand on their uses for documentation and patient data retrieval.

These technical skills are a must-have for my work in healthcare and will definitely help me with

my career development. Although I did not gain any specific certifications during this
experiential event, the practical exposure of the technology had armed me to progress towards

professional certification of the same in the near future.


Looking back at my Experiential Learning Activity that I engaged in at University of

Miami Hospital, I realize I have greatly changed and grew to be more into line with my academic

and professional goals of healthcare management. At the beginning, my objectives for this

internship were to polish up my clinical skills, expand my knowledge about patient care

especially in a high-volume urban hospital environment, and translate my theoretical knowledge

into practice. Not only was this goal accomplished but it was gone over and above because of the

comprehensive and hands-on nature of the work I engaged in.

During the three weeks at University of Miami Hospital, I had an awesome opportunity

to work at the emergency department, an area where I meet the challenges that allowed me to

think fast and make instantaneous decisions. This setting presented us with a chance to put

ourselves to the test in terms of problem-solving, especially when we were forced to address

situations such as additional quantity of patients due to external emergencies. That demonstrated

this was when there was a multi-car accident which a lot of people who suffered from very

serious injuries were carried our department. The situation required instant reaction, and I was

able to do what was needed by immediately evaluating patient's needs and prioritizing care

according to the level of severity which surely ensured timely and adequate treatment.

I learned how to challenge my preconceptions and creative think on the spot. Because of

these skills I have now, I believe that I can handle unfamiliar circumstances with confidence.

They trained me to deal with stress, to be able to decide fast, but informed enough and to work
smoothly under pressure – the skills that would have been invaluable in any high stakes

environment, and especially in healthcare. I realized that my interacting skill and team work

were proved to be equally beneficial at the end. Consequently, as a member of a team that was

composed of experienced nurses, physicians and other health care professionals, I realized the

significance of effective communication and a solid teamwork. Investing in the improvement of

these skills has enhanced my self-esteem and revealed more intricate details on the behavior of a

successful teamwork in emergency care facilities.

The acquired technical skills are particularly relevant to the field I majored in as well.

The abilities to master the complex medical machinery and the usage of the intricate medical

software systems surely will be invaluable in making me career-ready. Gaining knowledge about

these gadgets and technologies is fundamental for anyone striving towards achieving excellence

in healthcare management, which is now the basis for patient assessment and care.

Through this internship, my desire to build a career in healthcare has only strengthened as

I have developed a deeper understanding of what I want to contribute to the field. In addition, I

am eager to continue seeking aligned opportunities that will enable me to further progress and

develop myself. The practical nature of this experience was highly enriching and clearly

demonstrated the value of qualified healthcare providers in terms of patient treatment success.

Having seen the very first instance of proficient emergency care at this point, I was sure I wanted

to go on building that path. Through the diverse experiences, I expanded my skill set and can

refer to this acquired knowledge in multiple areas beyond healthcare. Being a good problem

solver and communicator are essential in different settings such as business and education where

prompt decision-making and good articulation are vital. Further, the technological skills I
mastered can be reapplied to roles that involve technical management, data analysis, and

training, where having a grasp of modern technology is crucial.

Although I benefited much during the internship, I acknowledge the need to work on

specific skills that were not thoroughly covered during the rotation, including patient care

techniques, specialized medical procedures. Moving forward, I aspire to gain extra training and

certifications to cater for my many interests, thus improving my chances of finding a suitable

job. This reflection doesn't only mark the experience of experiential learning but also shows the

way on which I will strive for my further professional development.


The most important outcome I will leave with is emergency healthcare administration

expertise, better problem-solving skills, and polished interpersonal skills. This experience not

only boosted my determination to have a health oriented career but also empowered me with the

technical skills required to render adequate care and administration. I believe that the real world

experience of working in a high pressure, fast-paced environment has helped me prepare for the

challenges and responsibilities of a healthcare professional, and strengthened my personal ability

to be a well-rounded medical practitioner who can adapt to different environments. This has,

therefore, been a decisive factor and a stepping stone for being sure about my career plan and

development towards the healthcare management field.

Types of clinical experience

Hands on patient, vaccinating, educating patients, consulting, system and documenting,

involving family members in process, illness prevention.

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