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Linking Words – Result

Function: To provide the result of what has been stated or has occurred

 As a result
 For this reason
 That’s why
Connecting Words – Emphasis
Function: To put forward a point or idea more forcefully

 Clearly
 Definitely
 Especially
 Even
 In truth
 Naturally
 Obviously
 Of course
 Undoubtedly
Linking Words – Addition
Function: To add to what has been previously stated

 Additionally/in addition
 Also
 Apart from this
 As well as that
 Besides
 Firstly, Secondly, Finally
 Furthermore
 Moreover
Linking Words – Reason
Function: To provide reasons for what has been stated or has occurred

 Because of
 Given that
 In fact
 In order to
 So that
Connecting Words – Illustration
Function: To provide examples
 For example/ For instance
 In this case
 In this situation
 Such as
 To clarify
 To simplify
Linking Words – Contrast
Function: To show how things are different

 Contrary to
 Despite/in spite of
 However
 Nevertheless
 Nonetheless
 On the other hand
 Though
 Unlike
 Whereas
 While
 Yet
Linking Words – Comparison
Function: To show how things are similar

 Both
 compared to (with)
 Either…or; neither…nor
 Equally
 In the same way
 Just like
 Same as
 Similar to
 Similarly
Connecting Words – Order
1. Function: To indicate the order of what is being said

 First/ firstly
 Second/ secondly
 Third/ thirdly
 Finally
2. Function: To mark the end of an ascending order

 Above all
 Lastly and most importantly
 Last but not least
3. Definition: To mark the beginning of a descending order

 First and foremost…

Connecting Words – Summary
Function: To sum up what has been previously stated

 All things considered

 Briefly
 Generally speaking
 Given these points
 In brief/ In short/in a nutshell
 In conclusion
 In summary
 Overall
 Therefore
 To sum up
Linking Words – Condition
Function: To provide a condition to what has been stated

 Although this may be true

 As
 Because of
 Even if
 Given that
 In that case
 On the condition that
 Only if
 Since
 Whenever/wherever/whatever
 While
Connecting Words – Generalisation
Function: To make a general statement

 As a rule
 Commonly
 Generally speaking
 In general/ Generally
 In most cases
 Mostly
 Normally
 Typically
Connecting Words – Restatement
Function: To express an alternative to what has been previously stated

 In a nutshell
 In other words
 In simple terms
 Put in another way
 Simply put
Connecting Words – Reference
Function: To a relationship between continuing ideas presented in your essay.

 Concerning
 Considering
 In connection to
 In terms of
 Regarding
 Talking about
 The fact that

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