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Unit 1 : Key concepts of travel and tourism

Key terms in chapter 1 :

 Domestic tourism : Type of tourism where tourist travel within country of residence
 Inbound tourism : Type of tourism where tourist travel to a country
 Outbound tourism : Type of tourism where tourist travel out of country of residency
 International tourism : Tourists traveling internationally inbound or outbound
 Day trip : When a tourist travels for less than 24 hours
 Short break :A trip that lasts 4 nights or less
 Long - haul flights : A flight lasting longer than 6 hours
 leisure travel : Travel for the purpose of enjoyment
 Leisure tourists : People who travel for purpose of enjoyment
 Source market : The country that inbound tourist has travelled from
 Tourist arrivals : Number of tourists who travel internationally during a certain time, used in tourism
 Business travel : Travel for the purpose of work to attend a meeting, take an incentive trip, attend a
conference of an exhibition
 MICE : meeting, incentives, conference, exhibition
 Visting friends & family (VFR) : Travel for the purpose of visiting people, such as friends / family
 Sustainability : Our ability of sustain or conserve the environment and peoples ways of life into the
 Sustainable travel & tourism : going to places in ways that help sustain or conserve the environment
or how people live ‘
 Eco friendly : describes products and behaviours that do little or no harm to the natural environment
 Eco tourism : Visting a destination to enjoy the natural environment without causing and harm
 Responsible tourism : Behaving respectfully towards the environment and local people
 Tour guide : A person who shows tourists around a destination
 Tourist Information centre ( TIC ) : An office where useful information is made available to tourists
 Intangible : Something you cannot touch, it has no physical presence
 Perishable : Something that cannot be stored, if the service is not sold it expires
 Seasonality : The way tourism demand fluctuates throughout the year
 Peak season : The time where tourism products have highest demand
 Price sensitive : someone whose decisions are greatly influenced by price. A price sensitive tourist is
unlikely to buy a product is they think its too expensive.
 Time sensitive : Someone whose decisions are greatly influenced by time.
 Beach and coastal destinations : A destination that has a beach and is on a coastline.
 Eco – resort : An environmentally sustainable, ecotourism resort.
 Integrated resort : A single- site complex of hotel accommodation and facilities such as restaurants,
entertainment venues, casinos and conference facilities.
 Creative workshop : A tourist attraction where tourists can see or share in activities such as pottery,
painting or weaving.
 Grey market : The category of tourists who are older, seniors.


what is tourism ?
* Tourism is social cultural and economic phenomenon which entails the movement of people to countries
or places outside their usual environment for personal or business purposes.

Domestic tourism
No language barriers
No currency differences, no need to pay currency exchange costs
Culture is similar, no culture shocks
Travel documents aren’t required
Tourists are able to use their own transport
Environmental impacts are less
Domestic tourism is less affected by global shocks, tourists would feel safer
Domestic tourism increases understanding of heritage and culture

Inbound tourism
- Inbound tourism is when a tourist form one country travels to another which isn’t their normal country
of residence. The tourism industry is a country will closely monitor which countries their inbound
tourists are from : they’re known as the country’s source market for tourism

Outbound tourism
- Outbound tourism is when a tourist leaves the country where they normally live and travel to another

International tourism
- Tourists who travel internationally are called international tourists. International tourism takes more
preparation than domestic tourism, depending on the country the tourists are traveling to, from where
and how.
- Preparation includes :
 Currency exchange
 Transport, eg: flights need to be booked before travel
 Passport documents need to be valid
 Visas must be obtained
 Prepare for new culture

Day trip
- A day trip is where the tourist returns home the same day: they travel for less than 24 hours. Reasons
why people may take day trips is : visiting the beach, city, attending a meeting and or visiting friends
and family.

Short break
- Short break is a type of tourism where a tourist stays away for 4 nights or less, which could be a
weekend trip or a mid week trip. People may take short breaks as they cant stay away from home for as
long due to health reasons, work and other commitments .
- Short breaks are popular as more and easier access to different transport methods, increases wealth in
some countries and increasing demand for tourism


- There are 3 main reasons why people travel
 Leisure
 Business ( MICE )
 Visting friends and family ( VFR )

- Most common type of holiday are sun, seas and sand holidays: however there are other types of
holidays such as sightseeing shopping and pilgrimages.
- Lesisure tourists are only able to travel for the time they have available from commitments such as
school, work and or family, Leisure travel varies in length from short breaks or longer. Few leisure
tourists are willing to travel long distances for a break lasting three of four days as the journey itself
can take up to a day of their available time.

Business travel
- Business travel is when the tourist travels for the purpose of work, they may travel alone or with a
colleague. Business travel is paid by the company the tourist works for. In many of the cases the
business would organize and chose a place for the tourist to stay during the tip, although in some cases
the company may provide a budget for the tourist to decide at their own comfort where they would
want to stay.
- Business tourists have to travel when their company tells them to, or when there is work related need
to go.

Visting friends and relatives

- VFR is when tourists travel for the purpose of visiting other people, such as friends or family to spend
time with. Most VFR tourists would stay with their friends or family making it cheaper for the tourist.
However it is less beneficial for the travel and tourism industry because the tourists aren’t spending
money on hotels and or other forms of accommodation.
- Increased global migration and opportunities to work or study abroad have resulted in more VFR and
tourism as people visit their friends and family around the world.

Special interest travel

- Tourists may travel for a special purpose or special interest which isn’t VFR, business nor leisure. An
example of special interest tourism is medical reasons, could be necessary or unnecessary reasons such
as surgery for cosmetic reasons or health reasons, treatment may be cheaper in another country or is
unavailable in country of residence

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