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A cause and effect write up looks at the

reasons for an action or an event, then

the results. For this reason, cause and
effect selections are sometimes
referred to as reason and result essays.
They are one of the most common
forms of organization in writing.
The paragraph above uses the cause and
effect pattern of idea development. The
effects of regular exercise are explained in
the paragraph. To present these effects,
grammatical signals are used such as
‘because of these’, ‘as a result’, and ‘as an
effect.’ Also, you will notice that the
paragraph makes use of transitional devices
for enumeration such as ‘first’, and ‘also’.
These are used because the paragraph
enumerates the effects of regular exercise.
Aside from that, the connector ‘and’ is used
to connect ideas within the sentence. Lastly
the phrase ‘regular exercise’ is repeated for
In writing statements showing cause
and effect relationships, the
following grammatical signals can be
Problem and solution is a pattern of
organization where information in a
write up is expressed as a dilemma or
concerning issue (a problem) and
something that was, can be, or should
be done to remedy this issue (solution
or attempted solution).
Employees from various sectors
were laid off from their jobs; as a
response, the government provided
cash assistance.
The paragraph above uses problem-solution
pattern of idea development. It presents the
problem ‘drug abuse’ followed by the
suggested solutions to this problem. In
presenting these solutions, grammatical
signals and expressions are used such as
‘one way to solve this’, ‘another solution’, and
‘this problem.’
In writing statements showing
problem and solution, the following
grammatical signals can be used:
Directions: Analyze the following
sentences and identify whether each
statement demonstrates a cause-effect
(CE) or problem-solution (PS) relationship.
Write the grammatical signal used.
1. The clouds turned black so
we decided to go back inside.
2. Other students have no
access to the internet.
Primarily, modular-based
learning is an option for them.
3. I was very tired due to
staying up late last night.
4.Emily knew she had to get to
school on time, but her mother
said she couldn’t drive her. So,
Emily decided to leave early
and walk to school.
5. Many people want to return
to their home province; hence,
they avail the Balik Probinsya
program of the government.
Directions: Read each item carefully
and fill in the blanks by choosing the
appropriate grammatical signal
provided inside the box. Write CE if the
statement presents a cause-effect
pattern of idea development, and PS if
it presents a problem-solution pattern.
so as a result
due to unless
1. Summer in the Philippines
can be very hot . ___________, many
people experience heat stroke.
2. The remote control wasn't
working, __________ I replaced the
3. ___________ the lack of sleep, she
felt tired all day.
4.The student submitted his
essay late. ___________, he failed.
5. Air pollution will get worse,
__________the government officials
will strictly enforce the Clean Air

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