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Headline Wild Cricket Match


Introductory (Location): On the 18th of March 2021, A cricket tournament was organized in Omega
Paragraph School, Chennai. The tournament was organized by the school authorities as part of
their annual sports event. There were four teams: Red, blue, yellow and green. The blue
team won the match defeating the yellow team in the finals.

The first match was between red and blue teams. Team blue quickly eliminated team red
Further Details in an hour. In the second round, it was team yellow against green. Team yellow
eliminated team green also in about an hour. In the final round, team blue versus team
yellow. After two hours, team blue eliminated team yellow and won the tournament. After
the tournament, team blue's captain said, "It was a tough match against the yellow team,
but we won. I can't express how I feel. Thank you all for supporting us.“

The winners of team blue received a cash prize of 1000 rupees. The authorities informed
the next tournament will be conducted on the same date next year. In the next
Highlights tournament, there will be an addition of three teams: Orange, pink and purple. "The
Future Course stadium will be much bigger than this, for the next tournament," informed the authorities.
on Monday morning the streets were bustling with cars rushing everywhere all the cars were trying
to get ahead ahead of each other suddenly while doing that a few cars collided . Luckily no one was
injured badly and there were only minor injuries however everyone had to pay a fine for not
following the speedlimi and awareness of wearing seat belts had been raised . Later it had been found
out that all the cars were heading for a wedding and were trying to reach first so a lo of the
cars had collided "however this doesn't mean they should cross the the spread limit" said the chief
police offer . The awareness of road safety has been raised

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