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TEST I. Combine the ideas suggested by each sentence series of numbered items into a good sentence.


1. excitement- barrio- stranger

2. distant mountains- early morning

3. good nature- people- early morning

4. bad habits- correct- good- immediately

5. sunny day- class exursion- around the city

6. neglect- mistake- little things

7. accident- reckless driver- child

8. typhoon- crops- hunger

9. full moon- lovely- people walking

10. our team- championship- hardwork

TEST II. Identify each underline word or group of words in the paragraph by writing one of these labels:
simple subject, complete subject, simple predicate, complete predicate.

I can see the backyards on my block from my upstairs window. behind them are the garages. A clean,
wide alley runs behind the garages. My neighbors walk there from their cars to their apartments. Across
the alley, I see the backs of building one street over. They all have porches and stairways. Some of the
porches are empty. Some are crowded with pots of flowers. Someday I will paint this view. I will paint it
in the pink light and purple shadows of sunset.

TEST III. Write each simple subject and predicate.

1. The sixteenth president of the united states was Abraham Lincoln.

Simple subject:

Simple predicate:

2. Oklahoma became a state in 1907

simple subject:

simple predicate:

3. The shot red-haired girl with the bright blue shirt gave the visiting dignitary a bouquet of flowers.

simple subject:
simple predicate:

4. Jennifer, the best athlete in the school, scored twenty points in one basketball game.

simple subject:

simple predicate:

5. Not a soul stirred in the night.

simple subject:

simple predicate:

6. According to this book, cranberry juice contains a number of important nutrients.

simple subject:

simple predicate:

7. The largest mammal in the world is the blue whale.

simple subject:

simple predicate:

8. Styrofoam cups can sit in landfills for millions of year.

simple subject:

simple predicate:

9. Tennis player Venus Williams won the wimbledon ladies' singles title in the year 2000.

simple subject:

simple predicate:

10. The sign on top of the bookshelf reads Large Print.

simple subject:

simple predicate:

TEST IV. Identify each underlined complete subject or complete predicate by writing CS (complete
subject) or CP (complete predicate).

1. The kremlin is an ancient fortress in Russia.

2. One particularly ferocious animal is the tiger.

3. Zack and Drew played baseball at the park all afternoon and into the evening.

4. Two of the girls from my class are completing in the city science fair tomorrow.

5. The television with a thirty-five inch screen is my favorite.

6. Wise gardeners do not plant too early in the spring.

7. A queen termite can give birth to half a billion new termites during her lifetime.

8. The Beatles were arguable the best rock and roll band in the 1960s.

9. The world's oldest passenger train line connected Manchester and Liverpool, England.

10. I need to do the dishes and fold the laundry.

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