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The steps to conduct a job analysis and methods for data collection are described below:

Step One: The first step in conducting a job analysis is to identify the positions that need to be
analyzed. In this case, the positions that need to be analyzed include the restaurant head, assistant
manager, kitchen staff, servers, and dishwashers.

Step Two: Once the positions have been identified, the next step is to collect information about
the positions. The methods for collecting data about the positions can include interviews,
questionnaires, observation, and review of existing job descriptions.

i. Interviews: Interviews are likely the most appropriate method of data collection for most of the
positions in the restaurant. Interviews allow for the collection of detailed information about the
roles and responsibilities of each position, as well as the qualifications and skills that are required
to be successful in each position. For Manager level like, “General manager”, “Assistant
manager” and “Bar Manager” we can use the method of interview.

ii. Questionnaires: Questionnaires are also an effective method of data collection that can be used
in this case. Questionnaires can be used to collect information about the duties and
responsibilities associated with each position, as well as the qualifications and skills that are
necessary to be successful in each position. For, “Head chef”, “Server”, “Host”, “Bar Back” and
“Cocktail Waitress” we can use the questionnaires method.

iii. Observation: Observation is another method of data collection that can be used in this case.
Observation allows for an in-depth understanding of the tasks that each position entails, as well
as the level of skill and expertise required for each position. And finally, “Sous Chef”, “Line
Cook” and “Dishwasher” can be managed by observation method.

iv. Review of Existing Job Descriptions: Reviewing existing job descriptions is another effective
way to collect data about the positions. By reviewing existing job descriptions, it is possible to
gain an understanding of the duties and responsibilities associated with each position, as well as
the qualifications and skills required to be successful in each position.
Step Three: Once the data has been collected, the next step is to analyze the data. This step
involves looking at the data collected and determining what duties and responsibilities are
associated with each position, as well as the qualifications and skills that are necessary to be
successful in each position.

4. Step Four: The final step in conducting a job analysis is to develop job descriptions. Job
descriptions provide a detailed overview of the duties and responsibilities associated with each
position, as well as the qualifications and skills that are necessary to be successful in each

The future benefits of conducting a proper job analysis in this case include having a clear
understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each position, as well as the qualifications and
skills that are required to be successful in each position. This will help the restaurant to better
manage its staffing and ensure that the right people are hired for each position. It will also help to
ensure that employee performance is measured properly and accurately. Furthermore, it will also
help to ensure that the organization is in compliance with applicable labor laws and regulations.

I chose the video from Google.

Google uses a comprehensive selection process to select its new employees. The first step is to
complete an online application which includes a resume, cover letter, and a range of other
questions related to the applicant's skills, experiences, and interests. The selection process also
includes preliminary Screening, interviews with hiring managers, general cognitive abilities and
a series of aptitude tests. The aptitude tests consist of coding and logical reasoning challenges.
Google also uses peer-to-peer interviews and video interviews.

The selection process at Google is a comprehensive approach that is designed to assess the
applicant's skills, experiences, and interests in addition to their technical skills. This approach is
beneficial in that it allows Google to select employees that are not only technically proficient, but
also have the right personality and attitude for the job. Additionally, the aptitude tests and peer-
to-peer interviews allow Google to assess the applicant's problem-solving skills and their ability
to work well with others.

The benefits are:

Interview: Through interview the employer assess whether an applicant would likely fit in with
the organization.

General cognitive abilities: It identify high performers. High scores on a cognitive test can
indicate a candidate's ability to set and achieve ambitious goals in the workplace and improve
overall team performance.

Collaboration: Through collaboration in an organization work turns out good as employees have
mutual bonding so they do well in work.

Mentioning the problems:

Bias to action - Sometimes taking big actions might just workout, but its not wise to take action
without proper rationale. Because it may not work and also the action can bring horrible
scenarios. So, this feature is questionable in my opinion.

Ambiguity - Sometimes ambiguity can be a good thing in cases where the person intends to learn
something. But in an organization its not wise at all. There shouldn't be any margin of error.
Ambiguous employees may lack the confidence, which can impact decisions as well as
full participation.

Interview - Interview is very crucial in my opinion for recruitment. But there are things employer
should be aware of. Such as biasness, judging too quickly, creating stereotypes etc. These facts
may come between good candidates.

Overall, the selection process at Google is a comprehensive approach that is designed to assess
an applicant's skills, experiences, and interests. This approach is beneficial as it allows Google to
select employees that are not only technically proficient, but also have the right personality and
attitude for the job. However, there are some potential drawbacks to the selection process that
should be taken into consideration.

This interview is being administered in a one-on-one format, with the interviewer and the
interviewee sitting face to face.
The structure of the questions is mostly informal, with the interviewer asking open-ended
questions that allow the interviewee to express their views and ideas. The interviewer mostly
listens and encourages the interviewee to elaborate their answers.

Interviewees are required to think critically and provide in-depth responses in response to the
interviewer's open-ended questions. The interviewer's style of questioning is mostly focused on
getting the subject to articulate her beliefs and opinions. The interviewer requests that the
applicant discuss her previous employment experiences, what she took away from them, and her
opinions on certain topics.
The errors are:
1. The interviewer's body language was a bit awkward at times, with her arms crossed and her
head slightly tilted away from the interviewee.
2. The interviewer asked the same question twice, without allowing the interviewee to answer the
first time.
3. The interviewee seemed to be fidgeting and looking away at points in the interview.
4. The interviewer interrupted the interviewee several times while they were talking.
5. The interviewer asks leading questions that are too open ended.
6. The interviewee does not answer some of the questions directly.
7. The interviewer does not give the interviewee any feedback.
8. The interviewee does not provide any examples or stories to back up their answers.

To make this interview better, the interviewer should ask more specific questions about the topic
rather than open-ended questions. They should also allow the interviewee to provide more
detailed and in-depth answers. The interviewer can also provide additional context for the topic
to help the viewer understand the topic better. Additionally, the interviewer should focus on
allowing the interviewee to provide their own opinion, rather than steering the conversation.
Also, the interviewer should also be mindful of the interviewee’s answers and be able to probe
further and ask additional questions to get a better understanding of their views and opinions.

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