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Time: 139 min.

Marks: 256 marks


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Candidate's Role

Your teacher will play the part of the receptionist and will speak first.

You should address the receptionist as vous.

When you see this – ! – you will have to respond to something you have not prepared.

When you see this – ? – you will have to ask a question.

Vous parlez avec un(e) réceptionniste dans un centre sportif en Belgique.

• Réservation – nom et sport.

• Dernière visite – (deux détails)
• Devenir membre – une raison.
• !
• ? Horaire des cours.


Candidate’s Photo card

• Look at the photo during the preparation period.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.
• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and about topics related to
jobs, career choices and ambitions.

Your teacher will ask you the following three questions and then two more questions
which you have not prepared.

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• Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ?
• Parle-moi d’un petit job que tu as fait.
• Est-ce qu’il est facile de trouver un emploi dans ta région ? ... Pourquoi / pourquoi
pas ?

Page 3 of 29
Les jeunes et le sport

Lisez les résultats d’un sondage dans un magazine canadien.

Quelle est l’attitude de la majorité des jeunes au sujet des sports suivants ?

Pour une opinion négative, écrivez N

Pour une opinion positive, écrivez P
Pour une opinion positive et négative, écrivez P+N

1 le basket


2 la natation


3 l’athlétisme


4 le tennis

(Total 4 marks)

Vous envoyez une photo Whatsapp à votre ami(e) français(e).

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Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ? Ecrivez quatre phrases en français.




(Total 8 marks)

Translate the following passage into French.

Last Saturday I did my homework and some recycling. Then I

spent the afternoon in the countryside with my grandmother.
We ate in a small cafe. I forgot my mobile, so it was a bit
boring in my opinion. Next weekend I would like to go to the
sports centre as I want to stay fit.
(Total 12 marks)


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Exchange activities

You listen to a teacher from your Belgian exchange partner school going through the
programme of activities for the day.

A Attending lessons

B Food tasting

C Playing sport

D Shopping

E Sightseeing

F Swimming

G Watching a film

What activity is mentioned?

Write the correct letter in each box.




(Total 4 marks)


Candidate’s Photo card

• Look at the photo during the preparation period.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.
• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and about topics related to
free time activities.

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Your teacher will ask you the following three questions and then two more questions
which you have not prepared.

• Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ?

• Quel est ton sport préféré ? Pourquoi ?
• Quel(s) sport(s) as-tu fait(s) la semaine dernière ?

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Candidate’s Photo card

• Look at the photo during the preparation period.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.
• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and about topics related to
free time activities.

Your teacher will ask you the following three questions and then two more questions
which you have not prepared.

• Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ?

• Comment sont les installations sportives dans ta ville ?
• Parle-moi d’un sport que tu voudrais essayer à l’avenir.

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Candidate’s Photo card

• Look at the photo during the preparation period.

• Make any notes you wish to on an Additional Answer Sheet.
• Your teacher will then ask you questions about the photo and about topics related to
healthy / unhealthy living.

Your teacher will ask you the following three questions and then two more questions
which you have not prepared.

• Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ?

• Tu aimes faire de l’exercice ? Pourquoi / pourquoi pas ?
• A part l’exercice, qu’est-ce que tu vas faire pour être en meilleure forme ?

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Translate the following sentences into French.

My brother is very nice.



I eat toast for my breakfast.



There are lots of shops near my house.



I play tennis often at the weekend.



Last Monday I went to school by bus.


(Total 10 marks)

Vous décrivez votre santé pour votre blog.

Décrivez :

• votre régime alimentaire

• les aspects stressants de votre vie

• une activité sportive récente

• votre santé à l’avenir.

Ecrivez environ 90 mots en français. Répondez à chaque aspect de la question.

(Total 16 marks)


Un jeune footballeur

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Ecoutez ce reportage sur France Inter au sujet d’un jeune footballeur, Armand.

Choisissez deux phrases qui sont vraies et écrivez les bonnes lettres dans les cases.

1 A Armand n’est pas Français.

B Le journaliste joue bien au foot.

C Armand est fils unique.

D Le journaliste veut devenir footballeur.

E Armand est capable de devenir footballeur professionnel.


2 A Armand n’a pas quitté le Congo.

B Armand n’est pas devenu footballeur professionnel.

C La sœur d’Armand est restée au Congo.

D Sa sœur va devenir étudiante.

E Sa mère n’habite plus au Congo.

(Total 4 marks)


Activités sportives

Une mère parle de son fils sur son blog.

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1 Choisissez dans la liste un aspect positif et un aspect négatif du basket
mentionnés par la mère.

A l'aspect social

B la forme

C les matchs

D le prix

E les vêtements

Ecrivez les bonnes lettres dans les cases

Positif Négatif


2 Mentionnez l'aspect positif du club de foot. Répondez en français.

(Total 3 marks)

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Mark schemes


For general marking of this question please refer to the [Marking Guidance].


For general marking of this question please refer to the [Marking Guidance].


Accept Mark

1 P 1

2 P+N 1

3 N 1

4 P 1

For this question, students are required to write four sentences. Each sentence is marked
according to the following criteria. The maximum mark is 8.

Mark Communication

2 The relevant message is clearly communicated.

The message is relevant but has some ambiguity and causes

a delay in communication.

0 The message is irrelevant or cannot be understood.

Statements must refer to what is in the photo and cannot refer to what is not in it. ‘I like
the photo’ and similar opinions about the photo, without mentioning what is in it, will score
0. However, if the sentence reads, for example, ‘I like the photo because it is sunny’, it will
score 2 marks.

If the sentence could possibly be true or is very broadly relevant, accept it. For instance, it
is acceptable if the candidate writes ‘The tent is green’, even though the photo is in black
and white. However, if the sentence is definitely false, it receives a mark of 0. For
example, ‘There is an elephant’, when there clearly isn’t one.

It is acceptable to write a figure (e.g. ‘There are 2 people’) rather than a word. This is true
of all questions.

The aim of this question is for candidates to write in the present tense, but other tenses
are also acceptable.

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For 2 marks
• The response must be in the form of a sentence, using an appropriate conjugated
verb. The only exception to this is in French, where voici / voilà may be used in
place of a verb. The same verb / grammatical structure may be repeated in more
than one sentence, e.g. il y a / es gibt / hay plus different nouns.
• Any sentence that is broadly relevant to the photo is given 2 marks. For example,
imagine that the photo is of a man in a café. The student writes, in the target
language: ‘It’s a man. He’s old (even if to your eyes he may not be – ‘old’ to a 16-
year-old may be different from your perception of ‘old’). He’s a father (even if this is
not apparent from the photo, it would potentially be true). He’s a teacher (he could
be, for all we know).
• The first person of the verb is acceptable, for example: ‘I am / we are playing tennis’.
• There may be linguistic errors, but the message must be communicated without

For 1 mark
• There is no verb and a minimum of two words, for example: ‘good weather’ (NB in
Spanish and Italian, because the subject of the verb is not required, one word is
sufficient for 2 marks if it is an appropriate conjugated verb, for example: comen /
• The use of an infinitive in an otherwise appropriate response.
• Language error(s) causing ambiguity or a delay in communication, for example:
‘They are eating lemonade’.
• A delay in communication because the response is too long, where one part
communicates well but another part does not, for example: ‘There is a family and
they are a field’.

For 0 marks
• The message makes no sense.
• A second person of the verb is used, for example: ‘You are wearing a t-shirt’.
• A single word, unless it is a conjugated verb in Spanish or Italian (comen /

The following are examples of responses that students may give to this question. This is
by no means a definitive list.

2 marks 1 mark 0 marks

C’est/il y a un
verb + un parc
parc Un parc [2 marks]
(eg Je suis/il a)
Accept : park
Park t.c.

Il faire beau
Il fait beau Beau temps (il a) beau [2 marks]
Il faut ...

Un garçon fait du
Garçon faire (du)
vélo. Vélo
vélo. [2 marks]
Je fais / j’ai fait garçon
Garçon vélo.
du vélo.

Il porte un short Il porter un short. Short [2 marks]

La photo est

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noire et blanche
Use of negative

N.B. The whole sentence should be considered when awarding marks.


The translation is assessed for Conveying key messages (6 marks) and Application of
grammatical knowledge of language and structures (6 marks) as specified in the criteria
below. The maximum mark is 12. When awarding the marks the student’s response
across the passage should be considered as a whole.

Conveying key messages

Level Marks Response

6 6 All key messages are conveyed.

5 5 Nearly all key messages are conveyed.

4 4 Most key messages are conveyed.

3 3 Some key messages are conveyed.

2 2 Few key messages are conveyed.

1 1 Very few key messages are conveyed.

The content does not meet the standard required for Level 1 at
0 0
this tier.

Application of grammatical knowledge of language and structures

Level Marks Response

Excellent knowledge of vocabulary and structures; virtually

6 6

Very good knowledge of vocabulary and structures; highly

5 5

Good knowledge of vocabulary and structures; generally

4 4

Reasonable knowledge of vocabulary and structures; more

3 3
accurate than inaccurate.

Limited knowledge of vocabulary and structures; generally

2 2

Very limited knowledge of vocabulary and structures; highly

1 1

The language produced does not meet the standard required for
0 0
Level 1 at this tier.

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Once you have decided on the mark for Conveying key messages, you should read
through the translation once more and decide on the mark for Application of grammatical
knowledge of language and structures.

• A mark of zero for Conveying key messages automatically results in a mark of zero
for Application of grammatical knowledge of language and structures, but apart from
that, the Conveying key messages mark does not limit the mark for Application of
grammatical knowledge of language and structures.

• There is no direct correlation between the two marks, but your first thought should
be to see if the same mark is appropriate. For example, a candidate may have been
given 7 ticks and you have awarded a mark of 4 for Conveying key messages. You
may have had to hesitate when deciding on one of the ticks but just decided against
it. This may then encourage you to give a mark of 5, rather than 4, for Application of
grammatical knowledge of language and structures.

• If a candidate leaves gaps, you must assume that any attempt would have been
highly inaccurate and award a mark accordingly. Not to do so will penalise unfairly
those candidates who make an attempt but commit serious errors in so doing.

• Perfection is not required for full marks. For example, occasional missing accents
and minor spelling errors do not preclude a top band mark. However, if there are
numerous minor errors and incorrect use of accents which change the meaning of a
word, this is likely to have an impact on the mark for Application of grammatical
knowledge of language and structures.

Key messages
The translation is divided into 13 key messages (see below). As general rule, the wrong
person or wrong tense of a verb will not receive a tick. Minor inaccuracies, such as
incorrect gender or adjectival agreement, will not on their own prevent the award of a tick.

1 Last Saturday Samedi dernier

2 I did my homework J’ai fait mes devoirs

Et (j’ai fait) du recyclage

3 And some recycling
Et recyclé

Puis, ensuite, j’ai passé l’après-

4 Then I spent the afternoon

In the countryside with my à la campagne avec ma

grandmother grand’mère

On a / nous avons mangé /

6 We ate

7 In a small cafe Dans un / au petit café

J’ai oublié mon (téléphone)

8 I forgot my mobile

Alors / donc / par conséquent

9 So it was c’était / cela a été / je l’ai trouvé /
j’ai trouvé cela / ça

10 a bit boring in my opinion Un peu ennuyeux / barbant à

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mon avis / selon moi

11 Next weekend Le week-end prochain

I would like to go to the sports Je voudrais / j’aimerais aller au

centre centre sportif / centre de sports

Puisque / parce que / car je veux

13 As I want to stay fit. / voudrais / j’aimerais rester en
(pleine) forme / garder la forme

Other reasonable alternative translations will also be accepted.

A tick will be awarded for each key message that is communicated, despite any minor
inaccuracies. The total number of ticks awarded equates to a mark according to this table.

Total ticks Mark

13 6

11/12 5

8/9/10 4

5/6/7 3

3/4 2

1/2 1

0 0

When deciding on whether a key message is conveyed, you should ask yourself the
question: ‘Would a native speaker understand the target language version without
reference to the original English?’ If the answer is ‘yes’, award a tick.


Accept Mark

1 A 1

2 C 1

3 E 1

4 B 1


For general marking of this question please refer to the Marking Guidance.


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For general marking of this question please refer to the Marking Guidance.


For general marking of this question please refer to the Marking Guidance.


The translation is assessed for Conveying key messages (5 marks) and Application of
grammatical knowledge of language and structures (5 marks), as specified in the criteria
below. The maximum mark is 10. When awarding the marks, the student’s response
across all five sentences should be considered as a whole.

Conveying key messages

Level Marks Response

5 5 All key messages are conveyed.

4 4 Nearly all key messages are conveyed.

3 3 Most key messages are conveyed.

2 2 Some key messages are conveyed.

1 1 Few key messages are conveyed.

0 0 No key messages are conveyed.

Application of grammatical knowledge of language and structures

Level Marks Response

Very good knowledge of vocabulary and structures; highly

5 5

Good knowledge of vocabulary and structures; generally

4 4

Reasonable knowledge of vocabulary and structures; more

3 3
accurate than inaccurate.

Limited knowledge of vocabulary and structures; generally

2 2

Very limited knowledge of vocabulary and structures; highly

1 1

The language produced does not meet the standard

0 0
required for Level 1 at this tier.

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A mark of zero for Conveying key messages automatically results in a mark of zero for
Application of grammatical knowledge of language and structures, but apart from that, the
Conveying key messages mark does not limit the mark for Application of grammatical
knowledge of language and structures.

Indicative content

The following indicative content is an example of a response which would be awarded full

1 My brother is very nice. Mon frère est très sympa / gentil.

Je mange / prends du / le toast /

2 I eat toast for my breakfast. pain grillé pour le / au petit

Il y a / on trouve / on voit beaucoup

There are a lot of shops near my / plein / pas mal de magasins /
house. boutiques près de / pas loin de ma
maison / chez moi / nous.

Je joue au / je fais du tennis

4 I play tennis often at the weekend. souvent le week-end / le samedi et
le dimanche.

Lundi dernier / passé je suis allé(e)

Last Monday I went to school by
5 / j’ai voyagé au collège / à l’école
en bus / autobus / car.

Other reasonable alternative translations will also be accepted.



For this question, there are four compulsory bullet points which are assessed for Content
(10 marks) and Quality of language (6 marks), as specified in the criteria below. The
maximum mark is 16. The student is expected to produce approximately 90 words for this
task. The number of words is approximate and you must mark all work produced by the


Level Marks Response

A very good response covering all aspects of the task.

5 9–10 Communication is clear and a lot of information is
conveyed. Opinions are expressed.

A good response covering all aspects of the task.

Communication is mostly clear but perhaps with occasional
4 7–8
lapses. Quite a lot of information is conveyed. Opinions are

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A reasonable response covering almost all aspects of the
task. Communication is generally clear but there are likely
3 5–6
to be lapses. Some information is conveyed. An opinion is

A basic response covering some aspects of the task.

Communication is sometimes clear but there are instances
2 3–4
where messages break down. Little information is
conveyed. An opinion is expressed.

A limited response covering some aspects of the task.

Communication is often not clear and there may be frequent
1 1–2 instances where messages break down. Very little
information is conveyed. There may be no opinions

The content does not meet the standard required for Level
0 0
1 at this tier.


There may be some imbalance in the coverage of the four compulsory bullet points but,
provided at least some coverage of all bullet points is evident, students will have access to
full marks where the other criteria are met.

Quality of language

Level Marks Response

A variety of appropriate vocabulary is used. Complex

structures and sentences are attempted. There are
references to three time frames, which are largely
3 5–6 successful. Errors are mainly minor. Some more serious
errors may occur, particularly in complex structures and
sentences, but the intended meaning is nearly always clear.
The style and register are appropriate.

Some variety of appropriate vocabulary is used. There may

be some attempt at complex structures and sentences.
There are references to at least two different time frames,
although these may not always be successful. There may
2 3–4
be some major errors, and more frequent minor errors, but
overall the response is more accurate than inaccurate and
the intended meaning is usually clear. The style and register
may not always be appropriate.

The range of vocabulary may be narrow, repetitive and/or

inappropriate to the needs of the task. Sentences are
1 1–2 mainly short and simple or may not be properly constructed.
There may be frequent major and minor errors. Little or no
awareness of style and register.

The language produced does not meet the standard

0 0
required for Level 1 at this tier.

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(a) A major error is one which seriously affects communication.

(b) A mark of zero for Content automatically results in a mark of zero for Quality of
language. Apart from that, the Content mark does not limit the mark for Quality of

The following indicative content is an example of the response that students may give to
this question. It demonstrates a balanced coverage of the compulsory bullet points.

This is a possible response (indicative content):

Je mange assez sainement, par exemple j’aime les fruits et les légumes. Cependant, je
ne mange pas de salade et j’aime le chocolat et le fast-food, mais ce n’est pas bon pour la
santé. Je n’aime pas le stress des examens et j’ai trop de devoirs. Mes parents sont très
stricts aussi. Je sors seulement le week-end avec mes amis. Récemment je suis allé au
match de rugby. C’était super parce que mon équipe a gagné. A l’avenir, je voudrais faire
plus d’exercice et je vais manger moins de sucreries. (90 words)


Accept Mark

1 A E (in any order) 2

2 D E (in any order) 2


Key idea Accept Reject Mark

1 A D (must be in this order) 2

2 On visite (beaucoup) Il visite

d'autres villes

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Examiner reports

Task a
Inexplicably, a number of students failed to give a name and so were limited to one mark.

Task c
Devenir was often unknown so some students spoke of being a member and why this was
a good thing. In such cases, the second piece of information earned a mark.

Task d
Some students struggled with the unprepared questions but their responses were marked
discretely so, if they had interpreted the two questions as referring to this particular visit to
the sports centre rather than a membership, their responses were credited. For example,
Maintenant and Deux heures earned two marks.


For general marking of this question please refer to the Examiners Report.

Pleasingly, all parts of this section were answered very well.

Teachers are reminded that students are required to write four sentences about what is in
the photo. Each sentence is marked separately and is worth a maximum of two marks.
The best responses included successful use of phrases such as ‘il y a’ or ‘je vois’. There
were very few instances of students not attempting to write full sentences. Where students
failed to score marks, it was mainly for the following reasons:

• information being repeated, for example «il y a des personnes, il y a un parc, il y a

des personnes dans un parc »; the latter sentence was not credited;

• the use of ‘il n’y a pas’ or ‘la photo est noire et blanche’ as the rubric requires
students to refer to what is in the photo;

• inaccuracy causing a delay in communication. The main issue here was when
students wrote longer sentences than they needed to and often created errors as a
result. Another common error was when students inaccurately described the
weather with language such as ‘il faut’ rather than ‘il fait’.

For this question, there are 6 marks for Conveying key messages and 6 marks for
Application of grammatical knowledge of language and structures. Given that the level of
demand of the messages was aimed at covering grades 4 to 9, the question differentiated
well, with all students able to score some marks.

Conveying key messages

Key message Main issues

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L’année samedi
Last Saturday

J’ai fais
I did my homework Je faisais
Je faire

Du recycle
And some recycling Du recyclement
Du recyclé

Depuis, après for puis / ensuite

Then I spent the afternoon je suis allé, je suis passé, j’ai

In the countryside with my A la campange

grandmother au / dans le paysage

We ate Nous mangé

In a small cafe

J’ai perdu
I forgot my mobile
je n’ai / avais pas.

‘so’ was widely unknown

So it was
‘a bit’ was widely unknown

Next weekend

centre de / les loisirs

I would like to go to the sports
sports centre
au gymnase

‘as’ not well accomplished. Frequent

use of ‘comme’ Idea of ‘stay’ not
As I want to stay fit.
always accomplished. ‘Rester sain’
rather than ‘en forme’

Application of grammatical knowledge of language and structures

Minor errors did not prevent award of marks for conveying key messages provided they
were communicated. Because of this, when awarding marks for application of
grammatical knowledge of language and structures, inaccurate language was considered.
For example, language such as ‘j’ai fait, du recyclage, puis / ensuite, grand’mère, nous
avons mangé, dans un petit café, donc c’était’ were often either incorrect, omitted or
wrongly spelled, and this influenced marks awarded for application of grammatical
knowledge and structures.

Advice to students
• Practise high frequency words and phrases, especially connectives and

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• Check carefully that all aspects of the translation have been addressed accurately,
particularly the little words.

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• You begin the role-play.
• You should address the candidate as vous.
• You may change the target language phrases given below only if the candidate’s
response makes them inappropriate.
• Remember that if you supply key vocabulary, candidates cannot be rewarded for it.

You must begin the role-play by using the introductory text below.

Introductory text: Vous parlez avec un(e)réceptionniste dans un centre sportif en

Belgique. Moi, je suis le / la réceptionniste.

1 Greet the candidate.

Bonjour Monsieur / Mademoiselle. Je peux vous aider ?

2 Allow the candidate to give his / her name and to say for which sport he / she has a

Ask the candidate if he / she comes to the centre often.

Vous venez souvent ici ?

3 Allow the candidate to give two details about his / her last visit.

Ask if he / she is a member.

Ah bon. Vous ȇtes membre ici ?

4 Allow the candidate to say why he / she would like to become a member.

! Ask the candidate when he / she would like the membership to start and for how

Vous voulez commencer quand ? ... Et pour combien de temps ?

5 Allow the candidate to say when he / she would like the membership to start and
how long it should be for.


? Allow the candidate to ask you a question about the schedule of classes.

Give an appropriate answer.

Teacher’s Notes

Theme: Current and future study and employment

Topic: Jobs, career choices and ambitions

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The maximum time for this part of the test is three minutes but may well be less than that
for some candidates.

Candidates may use any notes they have made during the preparation time.

You begin the conversation by asking the candidate the first question ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il y a
sur la photo ?’ You then ask the remaining four questions in order. No supplementary
questions must be asked. You may paraphrase the questions provided the same meaning
is maintained, and you may repeat or paraphrase a question that the candidate does not
understand. You should allow the candidates to develop their responses as well as they
are able. However, do not go over the maximum time of three minutes for the questions
and answers on the Photo card.

• Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ?

• Parle-moi d’un petit job que tu as fait.
• Est-ce qu’il est facile de trouver un emploi dans ta région ? ... Pourquoi / pourquoi
pas ?
• A l’avenir, est-ce que tu voudrais travailler en France ? … Pourquoi / pourquoi pas ?
• Pour toi, quelle est la profession idéale ? ... Pourquoi ?

General Conversation
The questions on the Photo card are followed by a General Conversation. The first part of
this conversation should be on the candidate’s nominated Theme and the second part on
the remaining Theme from the ones listed below. The total time of the General
Conversation should be between five and seven minutes and a similar amount of time
should be spent on each Theme.

Themes for the General Conversation

• Identity and culture

• Local, national, international and global areas of interest

It is a requirement for the candidate to ask you at least one question during the General
Conversation; this can happen at any time during this section of the test. If, towards the
end of the General Conversation, the candidate has not asked you a question, you must
prompt this by asking the candidate in French, ‘Is there anything you want to ask me?’.


1 F2 D’abord, ce matin, vous restez ici. Vous allez en cours avec votre partenaire.

2 F2 Après la récré, direction le stade. Les Anglais contre les Français. Qui va
gagner ?

3 F2 Cet après-midi, on fait une visite guidée de la vieille ville. N’oubliez pas de
prendre des photos !

4 F2 Ce soir, dégustation de plats typiquement français : escargots, fromage...

Theme: Identity and culture
Topic: Free time activities

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The maximum time for this part of the test is two minutes but may well be less than that
for some candidates.

Candidates may use any notes they have made during the preparation time.

You begin the conversation by asking the candidate the first question ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il y a
sur la photo ?’ You then ask the remaining four questions in order. You may paraphrase
the questions provided the same meaning is maintained, and you may repeat or
paraphrase a question that the candidate does not understand. You should allow the
candidates to develop their responses as well as they are able. However, do not go over
the maximum time of two minutes for the questions and answers on the Photo card.

• Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ?

• Quel est ton sport préféré ? Pourquoi ?

• Quel(s) sport(s) as-tu fait(s) la semaine dernière ?

• Qu’est-ce qu’il y a pour les jeunes dans ta ville ?

• A part le sport, qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire le week-end ?

General Conversation
The questions on the Photo card are followed by a General Conversation. The first part of
this conversation should be on the candidate’s nominated Theme and the second part on
the remaining Theme from the ones listed below. The total time of the General
Conversation should be between three and five minutes and a similar amount of time
should be spent on each Theme.

Themes for the General Conversation

• Local, national, international and global areas of interest

• Current and future study and employment

It is a requirement for the candidate to ask you at least one question during the General
Conversation; this can happen at any time during this section of the test. If, towards the
end of the General Conversation, the candidate has not asked you a question, you must
prompt this by asking the candidate in French, ‘Is there anything you want to ask me?’

Theme: Identity and culture
Topic: Free time activities

The maximum time for this part of the test is three minutes but may well be less than that
for some candidates.

Candidates may use any notes they have made during the preparation time.

You begin the conversation by asking the candidate the first question ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il y a
sur la photo ?’ You then ask the remaining four questions in order. You may paraphrase
the questions provided the same meaning is maintained, and you may repeat or
paraphrase a question that the candidate does not understand. You should allow the
candidates to develop their responses as well as they are able. However, do not go over
the maximum time of three minutes for the questions and answers on the Photo card.

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• Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ?

• Comment sont les installations sportives dans ta ville ?

• Parle-moi d’un sport que tu voudrais essayer à l’avenir.

• Est-ce qu’il est préférable de faire du sport ou de regarder du sport ? Pourquoi ?

• Comment était le dernier concert que tu as vu ?

General Conversation
The questions on the Photo card are followed by a General Conversation. The first part of
this conversation should be on the candidate’s nominated Theme and the second part on
the remaining Theme from the ones listed below. The total time of the General
Conversation should be between five and seven minutes and a similar amount of time
should be spent on each Theme.

Themes for the General Conversation

• Local, national, international and global areas of interest

• Current and future study and employment

It is a requirement for the candidate to ask you at least one question during the General
Conversation; this can happen at any time during this section of the test. If, towards the
end of the General Conversation, the candidate has not asked you a question, you must
prompt this by asking the candidate in French, ‘Is there anything you want to ask me?’

Theme: Local, national, international and global areas of interest
Topic: Social issues

The maximum time for this part of the test is three minutes but may well be less than that
for some candidates.

Candidates may use any notes they have made during the preparation time.

You begin the conversation by asking the candidate the first question ‘Qu’est-ce qu’il y a
sur la photo ?’ You then ask the remaining four questions in order. You may paraphrase
the questions provided the same meaning is maintained, and you may repeat or
paraphrase a question that the candidate does not understand. You should allow the
candidates to develop their responses as well as they are able. However, do not go over
the maximum time of three minutes for the questions and answers on the Photo card.

• Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur la photo ?

• Tu aimes faire de l’exercice ? Pourquoi / pourquoi pas ?

• A part l’exercice, qu’est-ce que tu vas faire pour être en meilleure forme ?

• Qu’est-ce que tu as fait comme activités sportives récemment ?

• Il faut faire attention à ce qu’on mange ? Pourquoi / pourquoi pas ?

General Conversation

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The questions on the Photo card are followed by a General Conversation. The first part of
this conversation should be on the candidate’s nominated Theme and the second part on
the remaining Theme from the ones listed below. The total time of the General
Conversation should be between five and seven minutes and a similar amount of time
should be spent on each Theme.

Themes for the General Conversation

• Identity and culture

• Current and future study and employment

It is a requirement for the candidate to ask you at least one question during the General
Conversation; this can happen at any time during this section of the test. If, towards the
end of the General Conversation, the candidate has not asked you a question, you must
prompt this by asking the candidate in French, ‘Is there anything you want to ask me?'


1 F2 Il y a deux ans, un journaliste français, en visite au Congo, voit un groupe de

jeunes qui jouent au foot. Il remarque un garçon, Armand, qui a un talent
extraordinaire. Armand, qui est né au Congo, habite dans une petite maison
au centre-ville avec sa mère et sa soeur. Le journaliste propose à Armand de
quitter l’Afrique pour essayer de devenir footballeur professionnel en France.

2 F2 Aujourd’hui, Armand Sakho a joué un total de 34 matchs pour l’équipe B du

Paris Saint-Germain et, selon son entraîneur, le jeune joueur a un bel avenir
prometteur. Il y a deux mois, sa mère et sa soeur ont quitté le Congo pour
rejoindre Armand dans sa nouvelle maison près de Paris. Sa soeur, qui a
presque 18 ans, va aller à l’université l’année prochaine.

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