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Group members:

1. A36586 - Nguyễn Huyền Trang

2. A40724 - Lưu Thị Thùy Dương
3. A40750 - Lương Quang Minh
4. A40949 - Đào Duy Hưng

I. Achievement Writing Test Specifications

− Time: 60 minutes
− Test structure: 2 tasks; Task 1 and Task 2.
− Medium: Paper and pen.
− Number of items:
o Task 1: 10 items - rewrite sentences with the same meaning.
o Task 2: 1 items - email writing.
− Scored reporting plan: in a 10-point scale
− Descriptions of each task:
Task demands and Time Intended operations Task types Instruction
response format

Task 1 Input: 25 - Can recall different - Paraphrasing - Test takers are

- Sentences which have minutes vocabularies and grammar sentences in response asked to paraphrase
contents related to what structures which had been to given sentences. sentences in
the students had learnt taught response to given
Expected output:
- Sentences which are
rewritten without
changing their meaning

Task 2 Input: 35 - Can convey information - An email in response - Test takers are
- A recruiting article minutes in a clear and persuasive to a given article asked to write an
posted online/ way; check information email in response to
newspaper and ask about or explain a given article
ideas or problems with
Expected output:
precision and in a
- An email for a job reasonable way
application (at least 120
Number Content Level

Knowledge Comprehensive Application

1 Adverbial clause: condition result manner x

2 Adverbial clause: condition result manner x

3 Passive voice x

4 Condition sentence x

5 Reported speech x

6 Sentence structure with take, spend x

7 Tense: past simple x

8 Double comparative x

9 Relative clause x

10 Equal comparison x
II. Tasks designed
Task 1 (4 points)
Rewrite the following sentences without changing their meanings:
1. Although she missed the bus, she went to work on time.
→ In spite of______________________________________________________
2. Anne couldn’t go to the meeting because she was sick.
→ Because of_____________________________________________________
3. Employees should have sent their complaints to the head office.
4. I can't understand why John didn't apply for that job, what a shame!
→ If I____________________________________________________________
5. “I am planning a business trip next month.” David said
→ David__________________________________________________________
6. They spend 15 minutes driving to work everyday.
→ It takes_________________________________________________________
7. I have been working for this factory for 15 years.
→ I started________________________________________________________
8. I’ve got many job offers. It’s difficult for me to choose from.
→ The more______________________________________________________
9. Most of the colleagues couldn't come. She invited them to the wedding
anniversary. (Relative clause)
→ ______________________________________________________________
10. Co-workers at the new company are more sociable than the old ones.
→ Co-workers_____________________________________________________
Task 2 (6 points)
You have seen an advertisement for the Content Marketing Intern position
posted on Ybox. You decide to apply for the job. Write an email to Crossian
Technology Company.

Your email should mention:

● Self-introduction
● Why do you want to apply for this job
● Your skills, certificates, and experience related to the job
● Your contact information

III. Scoring guide

o Task 1 assessing criteria:
▪ Task achievement
▪ Grammatical Accuracy
o Task 2 assessing criteria:
▪ Task Response
▪ Coherence and Cohesion
▪ Lexical Resources
▪ Grammatical Range and Accuracy
IV. Assessment scale
Task 1 (4 points - 0.4/each)

Marking points Content Language

0.4 - Respond correctly to the task, which is using the - Uses the given vocabulary correctly in general.
given word to create a new but having the same
meaning sentence. - Have the correct grammatical forms and

0 - The content is completely irrelevant to the Any false performance

task’s requirement

Key Answers:

Number Answer Score

1. In spite of missing the bus, she went to work on time. 0.4

In spite of the fact that she missed the bus, she went to work on time.

2. Because of Anne’s sickness, she couldn’t go to the meeting. 0.4

3 Complaints should have been sent to the head office (by the employees). 0.4

4 If I were John, I would have applied for that job. 0.4

5 David said/ told somebody/ (that) he was planning a business trip the next month. 0.4
6 It takes them 15 minutes to drive to work everyday. 0.4

7 I started working for this factory 15 years ago. 0.4

8 The more job offers I’ve got, the more difficult it is for me to choose from. 0.4

9 Most of the colleagues that she invited to the wedding anniversary couldn't come. 0.4

10 Co-workers at the old company are not as sociable as the new ones. 0.4

Task 2 (6 points)

Mark Content Communicative Organization Language

(Maximum: 2) Achievement (Maximum: 1) (Maximum: 2)
(Maximum: 1)

5-6 All the content is Uses communicative The text is well-organized - Appropriately use a wide range of
relevant to the task, task structures to and coherent in general, common speech, with occasional
and it must include maintain the target with a number of linking incorrect usage of less common
all the task reader's attention and words and cohesive lexis.
requirements. deliver simple devices used. - Uses a variety of simple and some
information. difficult grammatical forms with
good control.
- Mistakes do not obstruct

3-4 There may be some Uses the conventions of Text is linked and - Uses common vocabulary
minor inconsistencies the communicative coherent through the use correctly in general, although
and/or an omission task in generally of simple connecting occasionally overusing specific
of 1 task appropriate ways to words and a small number lexis.
requirements. communicate of cohesive devices. - Uses simple grammatical forms
straightforward ideas. with good control.
- When errors are obvious, the
meaning can still be determined.

2 - There may be Text that Simple, high-frequency - Uses basic vocabulary correctly.
irrelevant communicates basic connecting words are used - Controlled use of basic
information, or concepts in simple to connect the text. grammatical forms.
misunderstanding of ways is developed. - Mistakes can sometimes obstruct
the assignment or meaning.
neglecting 2 task

0-1 - The content is

completely irrelevant Performance below band 2
or missing out 3 task
V. Sample
1. Successful

Subject: Content Marketing Intern - John Doe

Dear Human Resource Manager,

My name is Luu Bi.
Having read about your job advertisement for a Content Marketing Intern on
YBOX, I think that the description for the position is suitable for my set of skills
and abilities. In addition, the workplace environment and overall requirements
for the role also seem to match my preference. Therefore, I’m writing this email
to apply for the posted position.
About myself, I’m a freshly graduated student with an overall IELTS score of 7.5,
who majors in Marketing and I’m currently able to commit to all types of
schedule needed. I consider myself to be a diligent, quick-thinking employee
and I could potentially be a valuable asset to our company. For my previous
experience, I’ve worked as an Online Marketing Advertiser for a Facebook
website with more than 153.000 followers. As a result, I’m familiar with online
marketing tools and computer skills required for the role.

My resume along with my contacts is attached in this email. Please kindly

inform me if any other background information or qualifications are needed.

A prompt response is very much appreciated.

Best regards
Luu Bi.
- 188 words -

-> Examiner comment:

Criterion Mark Comments

Content 2 Crucials parts and structures are well-provided. All

the required information is presented to the
examiner in a clear and persuasive way.
Communicative 1 Basic structures and connection between sentences
are easily seen in the text, the sentences are linked
together quite well.

Organization 0.5 Languages and cohesive devices are used effectively

even though the last sentences from the body text are
quite short and end abruptly.

Language 1.5 Vocabulary range is sufficient and there are no

spelling mistakes. A mix between simple and
complex sentences are used accurately.

→ Score: 5/6

2. Do not meet the requirement

Hi, I am very interested in this job.

I was just graduated 5 years ago. I have an IELTS Certification , very proficiency
in English. I really good at using computer. Many people said that I’ve good
logical and critical thinking, and I think so too.
I promise that I’ll working hard and passionate. Because I’m unemployed now,
so I commit to a full-time schedule.
Please hiring me, or you gonna be regret!
Mong Dinh.
- 73 words -

-> Examiner comment:

Criterion Mark Comment

Content 1 The content does not meet the criteria of an

application. The title and contact information are
important parts but are not mentioned.
Communicativ 1 Text that communicates basic concepts in simple
e achievement ways is developed.

Organization 0,25 Almost no linking words. The last sentence makes

the application become a threatening letter.

Language 0,25 Poor vocabulary, mainly taken from the main topic.
There are still some basic grammatical errors.

→ Score: 2,5/6
Deadline: At midnight on Friday

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