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The utmost objective of this problem is to develop a design of a 200 bed geriatric hospital with an

exclusive wellness resort with the integration of a modern tropical architecture.

1. To determine the facilities of a geriatric hospital along with a wellness resort.

2. To provide functional layout and proper zoning of its amenities concerning the age bracket of the
3. To apply design principles of a modern tropical architecture to be developed in a geriatric
hospital with an exclusive wellness resort.


 Geriatric Hospital
 Rehabilitation Facility
 Therapeutic Facility
 Swimming Pools
 Spa
 Parking Spaces

Other facilities
 Generator room
OBJECTIVES  Mechanical room
 Electrical room
 Utility room
 Maintenance
 Water tank
 Storage room
 Employees lounge and locker
 Catch basin
 Garbage room

Landscaping area

In architecture, space is a special form of free space which the architect creates by giving it form,
shape and scale. “Space is prime material is the designer’s palette and an essential element in interior
design” (Ching D. K. 1943, page 10). The function of space is first defined in two dimensions, breadth
and width, but the influence of space bring out the third dimension, the height, giving the opportunity for
the inhabitants to develop yet further dimensions. In reality, architects don’t make or create a space, they
just cut off a part of the scale and design perceptible sub-spaces. Each space has special function and
represents a special unit expressing the relationship between humans and things besides creating
architectural boundaries. Space is a fundamental element in architecture, since architecture is about
spatial creation and depends on the disposition of space and form relating to human behavior.

Defining space considers the relationship between functional grouping and zoning, this affects the
required areas to be layout and even the internal and external spaces to be maximize. Given the design
problem of a Sports Complex and Athlete’s Village, spaces among the proposed structures such as the
Stadium, Gymnasium, Water Sports and also the Athlete’s village, it is vital to consider the proper layout
in order the defined the negative and positive spaces in which will help in the layout phase. Design
properties also provides control, connectivity and integration, as well as some spatial qualities like
hierarchy, symmetry and perspective.


Geometry lies at the core of the architectural solutions since the phase of planning and designing
begins here. Functional zoning lies in geometrical solutions along with architectural layouts. Geometry is
the fundamental science of forms and transformations build the material of architectural design. In the
history of architecture geometric rules based on the ideas of proportions and symmetries formed fixed
tools for architectural design. Proportions were analysed in nature and found as general aesthetic
categories across nature and art. Therefore proportions such as golden section were seen as the power to
create harmony in architecture as well as in art and music. Therefore proportions such as the golden
section were seen as the power to create harmony in architecture as well as in art and music. The
architectural design is based on geometric structures developed out of the idea of transformations. The
symmetry transformations are visible as design concepts through history of architecture.


Refers to the bigger background outside the physical and natural urban realm, this is part of identifying
the problems from the small details to bigger ones. Part of responding into the context is firstly
identifying the difficulties from the site itself to zoning spaces to circulations to accessibility and even to
the psychological behavior to the users and also later concerning the impact to economic growth.


Describes security, warmth, shelter and retreat, protection and privacy. The introduction of Transparent
Luminescent Solar Concentrator (TLSC) is applied and will be used as windows in the structure. This
modern day application helps in the reduction of energy consumption that the world needs especially
today. In addition, another contributor in sustainable design is the use of sun buffer, this method reduces
the excessive heat considering the location of the site in the tropical metropolis.

Systems used in the proposed Geriatric hospital teams up with the advancement of technology used and
set in today’s era. Internal systems through the advancement of technology gives an additional sense of
comfort, through this it enhances the availability of reaching out to manually driven errands. Moreover, it
lessens the work that needs to be done inside the building, as a counteract, it even improves it.

Sponsors are ultimately businesses and not philanthropic organizations. They want something in
return for funding the event. The key is to be an effective communicator and show in clear terms what
makes the event worth the sponsor’s marketing. Simply, SEA games is one of the largest multi-sports
event in Asia. It will be worth for an investment for large companies through sponsorship without giving
it more than a moment’s glance.

To further the design of the proposed project, an analysis of the site and its attributes, i.e. Strength,
weakness, opportunities, Threats (SWOT), is needed to formulate a proper solution. The determining of
these attributes would help point out the existing problems. These problems would then be eventually
evaluated and analysed to come up with an integrated solution.


 Surrounded by residential areas and industrial areas. This would offer proximity to users.
 There are two access road and path that surrounds the site and this would offer availability of


 Vegetation in the site is too sparse to block incoming harmful elements.

 .


 Promotion of Sustainability in the area

 Development of job opportunities
 A new class of invigorating green architecture as a healing environment especially for the elderly.


 Access road could be a threat due to the vehicular flow and could result to traffic congestion.
 The population density could eventually lead to overpopulation once the spaces is not maximized
and utilized well.

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