Groups Application Form 2019 Matthew Gouldesbrough

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Intro Groups application form (3 pages)

NAME Matthew Gouldesbrough

ADDRESS (including postcode) 19 Dart Road, Brickhill, Bedford, MK417BT



DATE OF BIRTH 30/03/1996

I would love to participate in these groups, as an opportunity to network and gain insight
from other emerging writers - start to bring together my writing skills and work on making a
toolbox I can use in the future to produce better, more dynamic work. Right now I’m just
writing on instinct and I know I need to delve deeper into the craft to realise my potential.

I want to write for live performance because it’s immediate and visceral unlike any other art-
form. There’s a relationship between proximity and empathy; and the intimacy provided by
live theatre is an unmatched way of tackling issues and themes that gives an audience a way
to tangibly grasp huge sprawling ideas.

I’m excited to generate discussion around fundamental human things - love, loss, longing
etc; making work that is relevant forever, not just for a few years. Work like this can have an
impact beyond its immediate cultural context and be a lasting talking point for positive
human change. The plays I love are the ones that re-affirm our humanity and when the
audience are in the bar afterwards, I want them to give each other a hug, support each other.
Drink some wine, eat some good food. That’s what excites me about writing for live
performance - the potential for simple human connection and to fill the audience with
greater empathy.

After all, it’s a lonely world out there.

The next part of the form is for statistical purposes only and does not
constitute part of your application
1. How would you describe your gender identity?

Male X
Prefer not to say

2. Is your gender identity different to the sex you were assigned at birth?

No X
Prefer not to say

3. Which area are you applying from?

England (South East) X

England (South West)
North of England
Northern Ireland

4. What is your age?

0 – 19 20 – 34 X 35 – 49 50 – 64 65+ Prefer not to say

5. How would you describe your sexual orientation?

Gay Man
Gay Woman/Lesbian
Heterosexual/Straight X
Prefer not to say

1. How would you describe your ethnic origin?

White British X
White Irish
Gypsy or Irish Traveller
Any other White background
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other Mixed background
Any other Asian background
Any other Black background
Any other ethnic group
Not known
Prefer not to say

2. Do you consider yourself to have a disability or impairment?

Identify as a deaf or disabled person, or have long-term health condition

Non-disabled X
Prefer not to say

3. Do you have any access requirements?

No. X

4. Socio-economic Status (This is often defined as working class, middle class,

upper class but please don’t feel limited by these definitions.)

Please indicate to which socio-economic group you perceive you belong?

Lower middle class

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