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The rules, regulations, instructions, manuals and records, held by it or under its control or

used by its employees for discharging its functions.

Rules & Regulation

The rules 7 regulations, instructions manuals and records held by it or under the controlor used
by its employees for discharging its functions.

Status: This Ministry has following instructions manuals and records, held by it or under its
control or used by its employees for discharging its functions:

 Mines and Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act,1957.

 Mineral concession Rules,1960
 Mineral Conservation and Development Rules,1988.
 Mining leases (Modification of Terms) Rules,1956
 Cess and Other Taxes on Minerals (Validation) Act,1992.
 The National Mineral Policy,1993.
 Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules,1964.
 Central Civil Services (CCA) Rules,1965.
 General Financial Rules,2017,
 Delegation of Financial Power Rules, 1978. (and amendments thereof)
 Official Languages Act,1963.
 Official Languages Act, 1963 as amended1967.
 Official Languages (use for official purposes of the Union) rules, 1976.
 Manual regarding the use of official Language Hindi.
 Manual of Hindi Teaching Scheme.
 GPF(Rules),1960
 Central Civil Services (LTC) Rules,1988.
 HBARules.
 Medical attendance Rules, 1944.
 Staff Car Rules
 Central Civil Services (leave) Rules,1972.
 Central Civil Services (Pension) Rules,1972.
 Fundamental Rules and Supplementary Rules.
 Manual of office Procedure of Central Secretariat.
 The Coal Mines (nationalization) Act,1973.
 Laws, Acts, Rules and Regulations applicable to coal mining industry in India.
 The Colliery Control Rules.
 The Coal Bearing Areas (Acquisition and Development) Act, 1957.
 New Coal Distribution Policy (NCDP),18.10.2007 and subsequent amendments
dated 26.07.2013,04.09.2013, 27.09.2016, 11.04.2022
 The methodology for Linkage Rationalization for Central / State PSUs dated
 02.02.2015 and for IPPs dated 15.05.2018.
 Standard Operating Procedure / Guidelines on Third Party Sampling at the loading
 as well as unloading end
 Policyguidelines for grant of Bridge Linkage to specified end-use plants of
 Central and State Public Sector Undertakings Auction of linkages of Non-Regulated
 Policyon automatic transfer of coal linkage /Letter of Assurance granted to the
 old plants while scrapping and replacing them with new plants
 Coal allocation Policy for Power Sector, 2017 –SHAKTI (Scheme for Harnessing
 andAllocation Koyala (Coal) transparently in India).
 The Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015.
 The Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Rules, 2014
 The Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Amendment Rules, 2015
 Methodology for fixing Floor/Reserve Price for Auction and Allotment of Coal
 Mines/Blocks for Specified end uses. (dated 26.12.14).
 Methodology for fixing Upfront Payment and Reserve Price for Allotment of Coal
 Mines /Blocks for sale of coal to PSU’s (dated 08.01.16).
 Methodologyto provide the coal block allottee PSUs of Power Sector with some
 flexibility in utilization of coal extracted from the coal mines allotted for optimum
 utilization of coal mine for the same end uses in the public interest and to achieve
 cost efficiencies. (dated 22.09.17)
 Methodology for Auction of Coal Mines/Blocks for sale of coal under the Coal
 Mines (Special Provisions) Act, 2015 and the Mines and Minerals (Development
 and Regulation) Act, 1957. (dated 27.02.18)
 The Coal Mines Provident Fund and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1948.
 The Coal Mines Family Pension Scheme, 1971.
 The Coal Mines Pension Scheme, 1998.
 The Coal Mines Provident Fund Scheme, 1948.
 The Coal Mines Deposit Linked Insurance scheme, 1976
 The Coal Block Allocation Rules 2017.
 The Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Amendment Rules, 2020.
 The Coal Mines (Special Provisions) Amendment Rules, 2023.
 The Coal Block Allocation (Amendment) Rules, 2023.
 SHAKTI Policy Amendment, 2019
 Amendment for Tenure of Coking Coal Linkage, 2020
 Standard Operating Procedures for proportionate reduction of linkage to coal block
allocates on the basis of requirement of coal being met from allocated coal mines/ blocks
dated 14.02.2020
 Methodology (dated 28.05.2020) for auction of coal and lignite mines/blocks for sale of
coal / lignite on revenue sharing basis and tenure of coking coal linkage and subsequent
 Methodology (dated 07.03.2019) for allowing allocatees of coal mines for specified end
use or own consumption to sell up to 25% of actual production in open market (ROM
basis) with payment of additional premium.

Officials in Ministry of Coal are posted as per extant transfer policy of DoP&T and all the transfer
policies are available in the website of DoP&T. There is no separate transfer policy in MoC. The
same is linked in Ministry of Coal's website.

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