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-Garnet TVL

Social media is a tool that is becoming quite popular these days because of its
user-friendly Social media is a tool that is becoming quite popular these days
because of its user-friendly features. Social media platforms like Facebook,
Instagram, YouTube and more are giving people a chance to connect with each
other across distances. In other words, its like were holding the world thanks to
social media.
Social Media, we will see the advantages and disadvantages of social media.
Specially to the new generations, some teenagers is getting addicted using social
media, others use it in bad intentions like blackmailing. But social media has
advantage too such as can communicate to your realives international or local, some
people us it for source of income, students can use this to help them finish theit
school works.

Social Media can be harmful, everything is almost hightech. People can

prevent social media from being harmful to not by using it properly. If people
continues to abuse the social media doing not good things, it may affect people
whose using the social for their work.

Activity Sheet

How are the data results analyzed and interpreted in the research? What method or
instrument did the researcher use? Explain.

They used hypothesis testing to collect data between dependent and independent
variables. The type of investigation they used was the correlation method. The
researcher used the interval scale within a linear regression model. An interval scale
allows researcher to “perform certain arithmetic operations on the data collected
from the respondent”. Researcher use this interval scale to measure the distance
between two points on the scale.

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