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Wood Channel Beam

Gharbia STEM school – Grade 10– Semester1 – (2021/2022) – Group 19118

Sama Ayman- Sara Salama - Shahd Mohamed - Yomna Taha
Keywords: Channel beam - Swedish wood - Deflection - Puzzle - populations

Abstract Analysis Conclusion

 First prototype: As it is known that arid areas and urban congestion are considered two of the most important grand After finishing the prototype, it is concluded from the first and second attempts
Solving the challenges of arid areas and urban congestion is the purpose of this
The dimensions of the prototype were: challenge that Egypt faces. According to the increase of arid areas in Egypt (deserts that represent that the length of thickness effect on the amount of loads the beam will bear and
capstone project, as they have a significant impact on Egypt’s environment. Beams are
- 50 cm length - 4.4 cm width - 3 cm height. 96% of Egypt’s area) and their deficiency of resources and services, the populations increase in the deflection it will do. Secondly, it was concluded that the puzzle-shaped units
used as a solution for these challenges since they’re the fundamental building units.
The dimensions of one unit were: urban cities like Cairo making a problem of urban congestion which leads to the increase of are the main reason for making the beam more coherent and bearing much weight
A bridge made of wood channel beams would be a solution for the problems of arid
- 3 cm length - 3 cm width - 0.7 cm thickness. pollution. (Bank, 2013)Alternative building materials are used in solving the problem of urban as the loads will be concentrated on the units and the glue together. Since the
areas and urban congestion, where it would be used as a way of transportation between
First, the wood was cut into puzzle pieces using congestion and arid areas. Swedish wood was chosen to construct this beam because it doesn’t reason for breaking the beam is due to the breaking down of the wood not
the places of high population into the arid areas that have been reconstructed. This
the laser cutter. affect the environment, where the pine trees from which it is made grow rapidly, resistant to because of glue. Unlike if the used units were cubes not puzzle, the beam will be
channel beam confirmed its capacity to achieve design requirements by carrying more
Secondly, the puzzles were glued together using shrinkage and swelling caused by heat and humidity, Suitability for fabrication as it is a light broken because of glue, since the load in this case will be concentrated on glue,
than the required and making a deflection at 5 kg load, only by using small amount of
white glue to form 3 equal bars ( Web and 2 flanges ), material, High elasticity, Straightforward to work within the manufacturing process and Low price, not units. Also, when putting the loads on the flange as it was tested, it will bear
glue. Eventually, it can be concluded that the thing that leads to the best result is the
where each bar consists of 24 puzzle units. After the White glue was chosen to glue the units of the beam, because it is the most suitable glue for the more weights than if it was loaded on the web.
thickness of the beam and its units. Ultimately, the lesser the thickness, the greater the
deflection is. glue was dried, 3 bars are constructed, 0.5 cm were wood because it has high flexibility, insoluble in organic solvents, has high tensile strength and
cut from each terminal of each bar to make the length hardness, and sandpaper is used to smooth the surface of the wood. The chosen shape of the
of each bar equal 50 cm, not 51 cm. constructed beam was the structural channel (C- channel of parallel flange channel (PFC)) as, it
After that, the flat bar was glued between the 2 flanges provides stability, while the wide flat surface is ideal for affixing items and providing support. The
Introduction bars and was fixed by a pressure pistol.
Figure (1)
first construction with the channel beam was in North Carolina in Nash County Bridge, it helped in Recommendation
Then this prototype was tested by putting 3 cm of each terminal of the beam on 2 meeting its need for quickly erected, economical, short-span bridges on secondary roads. Channel
A challenge may be a gap between a present state and the desired state. In Egypt, there separated tables as in fig (2), and the loads were put at the center of the beam and the beam can be used for many structures, such as railings, and bridge trusses. It is a versatile product
are many challenges that affect Egypt’s economy, social life, and the environment. They Some information is given to the people who will complete or modify the project
deflection was calculated by measuring the distance between the prototype and the that is strong, light, and relatively maintenance-free. in the following recommendations:
prevent Egypt from achieving its development. These challenges should be overcome to be floor before putting the loads and measuring the distance between the floor and the In order to construct a successful prototype, some design requirements are taken into consideration.
a developed country. -EPOXY can be used as a perfect glue material, but it is a bit expensive.
beam after putting every 0.5 kg. In the first constructed Prototype the wood has cut into puzzles with dimensions: 3*3*0.7 cm as -(VARATHANE SPAR UREWTHANE OIL-BASED EXTERIOR) can be used as
Urban congestion and arid areas are two big problems that Egypt faces many years ago;  Second prototype: (figure 2) shown in fig.(1), these dimensions were chosen to make a deflection at 5 kg load, So, it is thought
their solution will have a great effect on Egypt and can solve lots of other problems as a protection material for wood from the weather elements, it wasn’t used in the
The mass of beam was: 245 grams. that these dimensions would achieve the design requirements prototype as it’s highly overpriced, costed 5oo pounds, it’s also not available in
pollution. Urban congestion is the concentration of many people in a definite place as Giza. The dimensions of the prototype: -50cm length -5 cm width -3 cm height. Figure (2) and glued with white glue to make 2 flanges and a flat
In contrast, the arid areas have a very small number of populations due to lack of resources. many places in Egypt.
The dimensions of the puzzle units: - 3cm length - 3cm width - 1cm thickness as it between them. During testing as in fig(3) these loads -A fire retardant coating can be used to make wood heat resistant, like
They are two consecutive problems as the arid areas in countries increase, the percent of shown in figure(1). are hung in this shape, because in the vertical direction
population in civilian cities increases, leading to urban congestion. Many buildings like (IGNIWOOD FINTURA), it wasn’t used as it’s not available in Egypt.
The wood was cut into puzzles using router cutter and glued by white glue. it is also known that the stiffness and strength of
huts, houses made by mud, bamboo buildings, and cannabis buildings are built by Each bar with dimension 51*3*1. a C- channel in the y-direction (web direction) is bigger
alternative building materials instead of traditional ones like steel. Huts and mud houses Then 0.5 cm was cut from the terminals of each bar to make the length of the beam than x-direction, so the y-direction will bear more loads
don’t cost much money, so it is available for the poor. However, they are temporary houses
that stand for a short time but if they were built efficiently, they would be more solid.
50 cm. than x-direction, to determine which point of the beam Literature cited
Finally, the two bars (flanges) were glued beside the Web, so the dimensions of the will the loads be hung; the center of mass is used.
Buildings made from cannabis plant are waterproof, resistant, and insulated. Cannabis whole beam are 50*5*3. It was tested as in fig (2), and the deflection is determined As the beam is symmetric, So, the weight is concentrated
plant can grow in almost any soil which is not too fertile or arid, so it highly benefits Figure (3) Bank, W. (2013). Cairo Traffic Congestion Study : Final Report. Washington, DC:
when putting every 0.5 kg.. at the center of the beam which is the center of mass so, the weights were
agriculture from an ecological point of view, but on the other hand it is a narcotic substance. World Bank.
hung at this point, and it is also the point from which the deflection would occur as we studied in
Bamboo is a strong material that can be used in building, also it has lots of properties such
as modulus of rupture, tensile strength, and modulus of elasticity in flexure and tension that
Table 2
Results LO 5 in physics. And every 0.5 kg load, the deflection is determined to follow the increase in the
deflection’s length. This beam didn’t achieve the design requirements, because it made 11 mm
Halliday, D., Resnick, R., & Walker, J. (2010). Force and motion-|. In D. Halliday,
R. Resnick, & J. Walker, Fundamentals of Physics Halliday&Resnick (pp. 88-98).
give it its high performance, but when bamboo is exposed to the sun and rain for a time, the deflection at 4.5 kg load, and it broke immediately at 5 kg. this is because its thickness was quite
buildings will be damaged. This problem could be overcome by building it in places that Attempt First attempt (negative Second attempt Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
thin, and the amount of glue wasn’t enough to glue it, so it is decided to make another beam but the
have rare rains and have low temperature. (Janssen, 2000) result) (positive result)
thickness of it is increased. During testing this prototype, the deflection was 1 mm at 5 kg load, it
The other alternative building materials in beams is bitumen materials, which are Test results The beginning of The beginning of Janssen, J. J. (2000). Designing and building with bamboo. The Netherlands:
bears loads up to 22.5 kg loads, and 30 ml of glue is used, so it achieves the design requirement
employed in pave system and performing asphalt pavements system. Using bitumen deflection was 1 mm at 2 deflection was 1 mm at International Network for Bamboo and Rattan.
which is that the beam should be able to bear more than 5 kg, make a deflection at 5 kg, and the
materials have several different advantages, which are : its production is economical, its kg loads, it was 11 mm at 1 kg loads, at 5 kg load percent of glue volume relative to the volume of the beam is 4%. Where it is determined by
melting point is low so it can be melted during laying the pavement but at the same time it 4.5 kg and at 5 kg load, it was 1 mm, and the Mishra, G. (2012). Alternate Building Materials Used in Construction Industry.
calculating the volume of the shape of a cuboid, so the used law is Length × width × height as it is
doesn’t make the already casted road to melt and deform under high temperature. It can be the beam broke. deflection was 10mm at Retrieved from The Constructor:
found in LO 1.05 in Math. The volume of the beam would be = 50×5×3 = 750 𝑐𝑚 . So, to
recycled as well as it has color variety. (Mishra, 2012) 22.5 kg load. The beam building-materials/420/?amp=1
determine the ratio between the volume of beam and that of the glue: 100%
Glass fiber reinforced panels are made of polyester resin reinforced added to fiberglass. broke at 23 kg load.
They are used in covering wall surfaces. They have many properties to make them suitable 100% 4% , All these dimensions are measured accurately by repeating the S K, N. (2021, 7 23). Fiberglass reinforced panels: Feutures, applications, and
for building such as light weighing, flexibility, strength, and scratch resistance (S K, 2021) installation. Retrieved from The constructer:
Table (4) results for the second measurements and taking their average as in LO 1.01 in physics and chemistry. The deflection was
To construct a successful beam that would be used in bridges as a solution for the two Table (3): results for the attempt (positive result)
calculated by measuring the difference between the distance between the floor and the beam before
problems mentioned before, some requirements must be achieved such as low weight, high first attempt (negative
putting the loads and after putting every 0.5 kg load. It is concluded
efficiency, and low cost. Making the beam more coherent with less glue is a required result. result). Load Deflectio 10.5 3 mm 17 kg 7 mm that when the loads increase, the deflection increase, but not
The chosen unit of prototype is in a shape of puzzles’ pieces to be more coherent, and Load Deflectio (kg) n (mm) kg by a definite ratio. As shown in fig. (4) the comparison between
dimensions for one puzzle unit are 3*3*0.7 cm, which were measured by vernier caliper to (kg) n (mm) 0.5 kg 0 mm 11 kg 3 mm
17.5kg 7 mm
the 2 beams; one was a negative result, but when it was Acknowledgement
achieve the accuracy. 1 kg 1 mm 11.5 3 mm modified by increasing its thickness, it became a positive
18 kg 7 mm Finally, all the teachers who supported and helped in the capstone project are
0.5 kg 0 mm 1.5 kg 1 mm kg result and achieve the design requirements. It is learnt to collect
12 kg 3.5 18.5 7 mm data and make a graph in LO1.02 in Math. The beam’s volume greatly thanked and appreciated by us,
1 kg 0 mm 2 kg mm1
mm kg is determined by the summation of the volume of each bar in Mr Ahmed El-Awny: school principal. -Mr Emad Ghaly: school deputy
2.5 kg 1 mm
Materials & Methods 1.5 kg 0 mm
3 kg 1 mm 12.5 4 mm 19 kg 7.5 it to determine the amount of used glue, where there are 3 bars Figure (4) Mr Ismail Shawky: capstone Leader who guided us to reach the best results.
Mrs Shaimaa Ramadan: capstone co-leader.
Table (1)
2 kg 1 mm kg mm in it, each bar was dimensions of 50*3*1 cm which its units is drawn
3.5 kg 1 mm Mrs Nardine Fayek; explained steps and methods of the project.
13 kg 4.5 19.5 8 mm using SketchUp program as it is shown in fig (1) as we studied in LO 1.01 in computer science. The
item price amount usage picture 2.5 kg 1.5 mm 4 kg 1 mm (maximum load) 22.5 kg Mr Ahmed khairy; fab lab teacher.
mm kg load to weight ratio of the beam = = = 91.8.
Swedish 60 L.E. 450 cm^3 Construction of 4.5 kg 1 mm (beam weight 0.245 kg Mrs Faika; art teacher, helped in poster design.
3 kg 2 mm 13.5 5 mm 20 kg 8 mm max load (N)
wood the beam as it is 5 kg 1 mm 22.5 ×9.8
The max. stress = = 14700 N/𝑚 as in LO 1.06 in physics. When the
the main 3.5 kg 5 mm 5.5 kg 1.5 mm
14 kg 6 mm
20.5 8 mm area face ( ) (0.5 × 0.03)
prototype was stable on the 2 separated tables during the test before putting the loads, the net force
For further information
component of it 4 kg 9 mm 6 kg 2 mm kg
14.5 6 mm acting on it = zero according to Newton’s first law, ∑f = 0, as we studied in LO1.03 in physics, so Team member Code E-mail
White glue 15 L.E 30ml Gluing the units 6.5 kg 2 mm 21 kg 8 mm
4.5 kg 11 mm kg the force at the 2 ends of the beam was equal to that at the middle of the beam (they have the same Table (5) Sama Ayman Gadallah 1921528
of the beam 7 kg 2 mm 21.5 9 mm normal force and weight force that make them stable), but when the loads (the action) were put at
15 kg 6 mm
together. 7.5 kg 2 mm kg the middle, the normal force increases at the terminal on beam (reaction), but not with the same
Sara Salama Elhossary 1921518
16 kg 6.5 eg
Sanding 1 paper sheet For smoothing 22 kg 10 mm ratio of weight. Because the action is more than the reaction, the deflection occurs in the direction
---- 8 kg 2.5 mm mm Shahd Mohammed Ezzat 1921530
paper (From fab the prototype of action. According to Newton’s third law in LO1.03 in physics. ( Halliday, Resnick, & Walker,
9 kg 2.5 mm 16.5 6.5
lab) surface. 22.5 kg 10 mm 2010) 1921546
10 kg 2.5 mm kg mm
Yomna Taha Mokhtar
The total cost = 75 L.E

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