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1st Misa de Gallo

P — Let us pray to the heavenly Father that, reflecting the light of the Lord
Jesus, we may also become like lighted lamps for men and women, as
John the Baptist was. With confidence, we pray:


1. That as a Church, we may celebrate the Misa de Gallo with praise and
thanksgiving to God for the gift of faith and pure love and devotion to the
Blessed Virgin Mary. We pray: R/

2. That government and Church Leaders work together in helping our country
rise above the evils of corruption, division and violence. We pray: R/

3. That families, communities, and the whole nation work for goodwill and
reconciliation as we all prepare for the Lord’s coming with peaceful and
joyful hearts. We pray:R/

4. That every Misa de Gallo in which we participate fill us with joy and peace
and that we may share them with every person – the desperate, the lonely and
the unforgiven – that all people may experience the joy of Christmas. We
pray: R/

5. That the faithful departed, especially those who died during this pandemic,
including bishops, priests, religious, doctors, nurses and other frontliners, may
find pardon and peace and be numbered among the saints in heaven.
We pray: R/

P — Lord, fill our hearts with your love. As we prepare for the coming of your
Son as a man, lift our minds in watchful hope and in fervent prayer. We
ask this through Christ our Lord.

R. Amen.

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