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Copyright © 2022 Jalen Holmes

All Rights Reserved. This book is
copyright protected. No part of this
publication may be quoted from or
replicated in any form without prior
permission of the author.
Disclaimer Notice and Terms of Use:
The reader is advised that this book is
not to be a substitute for an
assessment by, and/or advice from, an
appropriate medical professional(s). I
am simply offering my opinions.
Nothing in this book should be
considered a qualified medical
opinion on how to diagnose, treat or
cure any illness. Please seek the
advice of a medical professional
before beginning any new regimen









I will always be able to reminisce the intensity of the

deeply distressing gut feelings of catastrophic disbelief
when I touched my scalp and felt areas of missing hair. The
immeasurable amounts of confusion I was experiencing
was haunting and sickening to my entire being. As a 20-
year-old high level athlete, abruptly losing patches of my
hair was one of the most dreadful realizations I could ever
live with. Especially because I have always had fast growing
very thick hair my entire life and every person in my family
has a healthy full head of hair well into their 70s. The loss of
so much hair in such a short period of time caused severe
cognitive dissonance behavior in my psyche. I was in
complete denial of what was happening to my hair and
scalp. I did my best to hide my patches of lost hair from my
family because I did not want to scare them and I was
obsessively hoping that I would wake up one day with no
more loss of hair.

Over time it got to the point where I began loosing so

much hair on a daily basis that it forced me to concede to
what was happening in my reality. At this time, the
strongest feelings of desperation took over me because I
downright hated how abnormal my hair looked. I had long
locs that took years of maintenance and loving care to
I thoroughly loved everything about my long hair until this
living nightmare came upon me. These were the absolute
worst feelings I’ve ever had about my physical appearance.

This crisis forced me to continue to acknowledge the

horrific appearance of my missing hair. These were the
most decisive moments for me as I lived to determine the
validity of time’s ability to heal emotional wounds. As time
passed I knew I had to begin to detach from all of the
destructive thoughts and emotions that took reign inside
my mind. In philosophy, this is often called a state of
'emotional detachment', or “living in the world, but not
being of the world”. I say I was ignited spiritually at this
time because I became skillful in my ability to not feed into
and resonate with self- inflicting thoughts in my mind. I
made the mental commitment to focus on emotions of self
love and potential solutions. I went from thinking about
how insanely unlucky I was to lose mass amounts of hair at
the age of 20 to developing an inner fire to research,
investigate and analyze everything I possibly could about
startling sudden patches of hair loss.

I put myself on a path to embark on a personal

researching endeavor because I was completely opposed
to living with my hair looking the way it did. In December
2013 I discovered that there was a term describing my type
of hair loss called alopecia areata; which is classified as an
autoimmune disease. Tragically, mostly every person
diagnosed with alopecia areata is told by their doctor that
their bald spots and hair loss is incurable.

Alopecia areata causes hair loss on the scalp, face, and
sometimes on other areas of the body. Approximately 24
million people in the United States and 400 million people
worldwide are living with an autoimmune disease. This was
the first time in my life I ever saw the words autoimmune
disease and alopecia.


I became entirely obsessed on researching the topics of
autoimmune disease and alopecia areata to maximum
capacity. All of my days consisted of studying online
articles, books, YouTube videos, podcasts, radio shows,
Facebook groups, and nutritional research websites. I
treasured highly effective knowledge from the most
beneficially impactful health researchers across the world.
The wisdom and knowledge that I integrated into my entire
being nurtured my soul and expanded my consciousness.
At the infancy of my research investigations I will never
forget how awakening it was for me to learn that human
diseases do not develop by coincidence. As a teenager I
believed that disease occurred randomly in the human
body. I am unimaginably grateful that I discovered the
invaluable truths of human diseases.

Experiencing symptoms of disease are to be perceived
as extraordinary miracles created to increase one’s
awareness. A symptom is a sign of communication to
inform a person that there is something causing
disharmony to one’s body. This is a genius mechanism
fueled by the body’s desire to function optimally. Disease
and disharmony are not the result of genetics and
symptoms do not develop by chance. Health ailments are
the direct result of engaging in toxic behavior and living in
a polluted environment. The causes of disease in humans
are physical, chemical, spiritual and emotional stressors. I
discovered that humans are not helpless victims to
randomly occurring disease.

Everyone in today’s world must fully realize the

unlimited healing capabilities of the human body and mind.
I will always be in love with my memories of reading and
hearing numerous lectures from the wisest doctors and
health researchers stating that the human body is capable
of healing from a variety of autoimmune and chronic health
diseases. I remember so vividly the supreme feeling of
relief when I acquired the understanding that it is possible
to naturally heal from autoimmunity and alopecia areata.
My body, mind, and spirit upgraded to a higher level of
healthfulness when I fully resonated with the stance that
human diseases do not develop at random and the direct
living environment is a factor that creates the state of
human health. My realizations put me on a mental high as I
experienced newly formed feelings of hopefulness.

One of the most pivotal revelations I have ever received
in life came from me diving deep into the science of
epigenetics. Epigenetics is the study of how your thoughts,
behaviors, inner feelings, emotions and external
environmental factors cause changes that affect the way
human genes function. This means that our genes are not
set in stone. Our genes are constantly adapting to our
environment. The science of epigenetics has the power to
dramatically improve the quality of life for millions and
millions of people. Understanding and knowing how to
utilize the power of epigenetics results in optimizing
happiness and healthiness, with an enhanced sense of
spiritual peace and fulfillment. Maximum quality of life,
bliss, and vitality becomes possible once a person awakens
to fully understand that their mind, body, soul, and living
environment are responsible for the state of their physical,
mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Humans are not
victims of predetermined genetics. My study of epigenetics
led me to identifying a multitude of causes for the
development of human diseases.

My researching escapades resulted in monumental

comprehensions of human existence and higher levels of
health benefitting awareness. As a result of my expansion
in health consciousness I developed the strongest levels of
determination to become aware of every possible lifestyle
factor that could have contributed to my development of
alopecia areata. There are moments I spend reliving the day
I initiated my personal mission of deep self recollection to
analyze all of my personal daily lifestyle habits and to
evaluate every single aspect of my various living
environments. -8-
My research guided me to pinpoint the negative and
health damaging components in all of my living
environments that I became convinced caused my
autoimmune hair loss. The data in my research showed me
why my body was experiencing symptoms of disease. My
personal development of autoimmune hair loss was caused
by exposure to numerous environmental toxins, various
nutritional deficiencies, and chronic levels of physical
stress. It will be revealed exactly how I came to this
conclusion of the specific causes of my development of
alopecia areata.

If prioritized we all will receive infinite everlasting

benefits from becoming skillful in examining every aspect
of our inner world and our external world. The time that I
invested in self recollection, environmental awareness, and
analysis were the most precious as I was able to identify
the health damaging contributors in all facets of my life.
There are no words to describe how driven I was to heal
myself and grow all of my hair back. I am convicted that
God my creator brought my attention to specific
knowledge that I needed in divine timing, in a very specific

I became a highly skillful researcher and my obtainment
of intelligence on the subject of inflammation had an
historic health benefitting affect on my life. Inflammation is
a natural bodily process of the immune system by which
the human body’s cells secrete cytokines in an area that
has been damaged, in order to repair the damaged area.
Inflammation is responsible for healing; therefore,
inflammation is a life preserving bodily process.
Inflammation is the body’s reaction to a threat (damaging
stimulus). If that threat is not removed, the inflammation
can cause the development of disease. Inflammation that
causes disease is the result of chronic inflammation. A vast
amount of health authorities are in agreement that this
type of chronic inflammation is the foundational cause of
suffering in millions of people worldwide. My research
exposed several specific reasons why my health was
damaged from extended periods of chronic levels of
inflammation in my body.

One of the most crucial topics of study that I became

engulfed in is the study of environmental toxins and its
relation to the development of recent human diseases that
did not exist 100 years ago. Hundreds of thousands of
chemicals have been produced in the world in the past 100
years. Deadly chemicals, pesticides, insecticides,
fungicides, heavy metals, toxic plastics, endocrine
disruptors, and other poisons have polluted our air, food,
water supplies and living environments worldwide. A
definitively imperative threat to human, plant and animal
life on earth comes from the affects of all of these toxic
Toxic chemicals contribute to every possible type of
physical and mental health disease imaginable. These
poisonous toxins enter the body through the skin, mouth,
eyes, nose, ears, etc. Toxicology is the study of poisons and
poisonings. I studied the properties of many toxic
chemicals and it became completely evident to me that my
exposure to thousands and thousands of these chemicals
from my birth to the age of 20 contributed to my
autoimmunity symptoms. I gained so much momentum
when I learned that there are life promoting strategies to
eliminate the exposure to these health damaging toxic
substances. I executed determined investigative detective
work to identify the sources of all the toxic substances I
educated myself on. I utilized chemical and toxicity
awareness to critique my daily habits and all of my various
living areas. I inspected every single space in and outside
my house, my personal care products, and my entire


January 6th 2014 was the day I made several lifelong

permanent specific adjustments that dramatically reduced
my daily exposure to chemical toxins. The main source of
chemical toxins in my household came from poisonous
chemical based cleaning products, air fresheners, toxic
personal care products, toxic dish soap, bug spray, lawn
pesticides, toxic laundry detergent and toxic dryer sheets.
All of these materials contain the severe health and fertility
damaging toxic chemicals known as endocrine disruptors.
Endocrine disruptors are poisons that destroy the hormonal
systems of plants, animals, and human beings.

Every function of health is dangerously suffering if

endocrine disrupting chemicals are present. Due to a lack
of awareness the overwhelming majority of people living
today have these deadly chemicals inside their body, and
many humans are born with these chemicals from
acquiring them from their mother in the womb.
Immediately when I found these critical facts I threw out all
of these toxic chemical containing products straight in the
garbage. As soon as I could I upgraded to the exclusive use
of all natural non- toxic products. My health instantly
increased every single time I replaced a poisonous product
with an all natural non-toxic product. It is an immediate
lifelong health upgrade when you locate toxins, dispose
and eliminate that toxin so you are never exposed to it ever
again for the rest of your life.

I replaced my toxic household cleaning products with an all
natural non-toxic homemade all-purpose cleaner. My
homemade cleaner is a 100% non-toxic hydrogen peroxide
solution. Hydrogen peroxide is a phenomenal cleaner that
cleans and deodorizes bathroom surfaces, toilets, mirrors,
kitchens, stoves, countertops, tables and all other surfaces
in the house. Hydrogen peroxide is also anti-mold, anti-
fungal, and anti-mildew. This solution is so amazing
because it is highly effective and void of health damaging
toxic chemicals. Hydrogen peroxide is non-toxic; therefore,
it is completely safe to use around humans including
children, pets, plants, and all living organisms. You can
easily make your own all- purpose cleaner using 2 readily
available ingredients. Simply mix 2 cups of distilled water,
and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide into a glass spray bottle.
Always store your hydrogen peroxide mixtures in a cool
location away from exposure to light. The reason why
hydrogen peroxide always comes in those dark brown
containers is that if it gets heated by the sun (or anything
else) it’ll destroy its composition. I also utilize distilled white
vinegar which is another non-toxic household cleaner that
has a long history of use. It is likely that your grandmother
washed windows with a mixture of white vinegar and
water. A distilled white vinegar and water mixture makes a
phenomenal all-purpose countertop cleaner as well, but for
stone counters use vodka with water or rubbing alcohol
instead because the acidity of the vinegar can harm
surfaces like granite and marble.

Miraculously a freshly prepared solution of at least 50
percent distilled white vinegar also has disinfectant
capabilities, with research studies showing white vinegar is
useful for disinfection against a variety of harmful
organisms including Escherichia coli (E. coli).

My early studies of toxicology revealed to me one of the

most prevalent and problematic attacks on human and
environmental health in the United States comes from the
skin care industry, cosmetic industry, body care and
personal care products. The overwhelming majority of
cosmetics, body care and skin care products contain toxic
heavy metals, toxic chemicals and carcinogens.
Deodorants, toothpastes, soaps, cleansers, sunscreens,
lotions, shampoos, conditioners, cosmetics, makeup,
mouth washes, perfumes, colognes, creams, aftershaves,
nail polish, hair spray, hair dye, tampons, condoms and
others are all horrifically health damaging poisonous

It is the upmost level of insanity that millions of

Americans are poisoning themselves every day and greatly
shortening their lifespan from the products they are
putting on and around their skin. The skin is more precious
than anything and is the largest organ of the human body.
Our skin is a highly absorbent layer that absorbs any and
everything that we put on or around our skin.

I will always remember when I discovered that everything
that comes in contact with the skin is absorbed directly
into the bloodstream where it has an affect on every bodily
system in the human body. It was brought to light that the
toxins in my body care products were having disastrous
health damaging affects in my body.

I became aware of my necessity to make lifelong

changes to my daily personal care products. I felt this
would encourage my body to grow healthy hair again
because I was focused on optimally minimizing the amount
of toxic chemicals in my body. Prior to gaining this
chemical awareness knowledge I used toxic antiperspirant
deodorant for many years. I was not aware of the fact that
antiperspirants contain the highly toxic element aluminum.
Aluminum is associated with brain damage, memory loss,
Alzheimer’s and dementia. Antiperspirants are also severely
health damaging because they block the armpits ability to
cleanse itself via sweating. I completely eliminated the use
of all antiperspirant deodorants and replaced it with a far
superior solution.

Personally I will always use coconut oil combined with

lime juice as my all natural non-toxic daily deodorant for
the rest of my life. Almost all deodorants, even those from
health food stores contain toxic chemical scents and
preservatives. It is far superior to exclusively use a
homemade deodorant with only all natural ingredients.

I also completely abandoned the habit of putting lotion
on my skin. Most lotions contain harmful synthetic
ingredients that clog all the pores in the skin. This is
atrocious and contributes to many human health diseases.
The cosmetic and skin care industry spend billions of
dollars every year trying to convince everyone to put many
products on their skin. I will never use lotion ever again as I
replaced it with coconut oil. I use coconut oil all over my
body to wonderfully moisturize all of my skin. I also love to
use pure aloe vera gel on my skin. Coconut oil and aloe vera
gel completely hydrate my skin. Also the nutrients,
vitamins and minerals in coconut oil and aloe vera gel get
absorbed into my bloodstream through my skin. This is
absolutely amazing as this benefits the inside and outside
of my body.

I critiqued every single product that I ever put on or

around myself. I refused to ever touch or inhale a negative
health damaging substance ever again. It was absolutely
pivotal when I found out that perfumes, colognes, and body
sprays contain highly poisonous toxic chemicals. Over 4000
chemicals are used to scent products. The chemicals used
in fragrances have been classified as carcinogens,
allergens, hormone disruptors, asthma triggers, and
neurotoxins. The use of perfumes, colognes, and fragrance
sprays have been linked to reproductive issues, organ
toxicity, birth defects, cancer, endocrine disorders, and
respiratory problems. Even products labeled fragrance free
or unscented often contain poisonous fragrances along
with masking agents that wreak havoc on the human body.

The average person in the United States uses 12-16 products
a day, exposing themselves to thousands of chemicals
daily. I completely eliminated my use of all toxic personal
care products in my life which immediately detoxified my
bloodstream and enhanced the purity of my blood.

While researching I discovered the existence of an

urgent and worsening human poisoning problem in many
nations on earth. Most if not all of the laundry detergent
sold across the world consists of extremely toxic health
damaging chemicals. Chemicals found in laundry detergent
include surfactants, stabilizers, foaming agents, fragrances,
phosphates, and carcinogens. To add to this insanity, even
more deadly chemicals found in detergents are not even
listed on detergent labels. All of the toxic chemicals in
laundry detergent leach into the air and linger in clothing.
These poisons are inhaled and absorbed into the skin
where they poison the bloodstream and all internal organs.
The level of toxicity in all laundry detergents is absolutely
colossal. Detergent toxicity causes inflammation in the
entire body, liver toxicity and contributes to the body
attacking itself(autoimmunity).

As soon as I possibly could I eradicated all of the laundry

detergents in my home entirely because I knew this
lifestyle adjustment would instantly benefit my health. I
swiftly implemented the use of an all natural completely
non-toxic homemade laundry concoction

There are numerous life promoting do it yourself non-toxic
laundry detergent recipes on the internet. Personally I am
thoroughly aware of the life or death impact the choice of
ingredients has. Nobody on earth can empathize enough
the affects specific ingredients has on the human body and
all living organisms. It is optimal for every person on earth
to create for themselves a non-toxic homemade laundry
detergent recipe that caters to their personal preferences.
Baking soda, castile soap, hydrogen peroxide, white
vinegar, and washing soda are all marvelous options for
non-toxic ingredients found in homemade DIY non-toxic all
natural laundry detergent recipes online.

It is in everyone’s best health interest to do everything

in their power to limit their exposure to all environmental
toxins. Another monstrous attack on our population comes
from the use of dryer sheets, also called fabric softener
sheets and liquid fabric softener. Dryer sheets and fabric
softener are made of hundreds of deadly chemicals that
attach to clothes, leach into the air, and absorb directly into
your skin. The use of dryer sheets is associated with the
development of chronic health conditions including
pancreatic cancer, central nervous system disorders,
impotence, and upper respiratory tract infections. To
expose this lunacy even more fabric softeners are designed
to stay in your clothes for extended periods of time.

These disastrously health damaging chemicals seep out
gradually and cause immense damage over extended
periods of time. Becoming aware of the smallest fraction of
the deadly human health damage caused by dryer sheets
would make any self loving human instantly and
completely abandon the use of all dryer sheets and liquid
fabric softener. The heavenly solution to this attack on
humanity is to take advantage of the use of wool dryer
balls. Wool dryer balls are 100% natural and completely
non-toxic. Wool dryer balls greatly promote circulating air
in the dryer, allowing the laundry to dry much more quickly
while softening your clothing and reducing static. It is
stunning the fact that wool dryer balls perform so much
better than dryer sheets without exposing yourself to
deadly chemicals. Three to five wool dryer balls allow you
to reap these immense benefits. They are reusable and will
last 6-12 months.

The environmental toxin burden on my body was

constantly lessening due to these specific lifestyle
adjustments I permanently made. I was incredibly affected
when my research revealed to me vital human health
information regarding the clothing industries in the United
States. The companies that produce clothing in the United
States are extremely unregulated which causes severe
human health damage and environmental pollution. I was
oblivious to the deadly toxins created by the American
clothing industries. The clothing industry relies heavily on
the use of severely poisonous pesticides.

The vast majority of clothes are made out of neurotoxic
coatings and health damaging synthetic materials
including polyester, nylon, rayon, acrylic, and poisonous
plastic chemicals. Clothing made in the past 60 years and
the clothes being made today are highly weaponized which
means they damage human health and earth’s

I became so incredibly conscious and aware of

everything in my life that came in contact with my skin.
Our skin has thousands and thousands of pores which
absorb into every single organ in the body. The toxic
chemicals and synthetic fibers contained in clothes are
directly absorbed into every part of the wearers body. This
chemical exposure via contact with the skin contributes to
many health ailments including autoimmune diseases,
chronic diseases and infertility. Precisely when I analyzed
the poisonous truths of the clothing industries in the
United States I made immediate and permanent changes
to my entire wardrobe.

Following my determined redundant goal of reducing

all of my exposure to environmental toxins I made the
lifelong decision to utilize 100% organically grown natural
fabrics clothing. All of my shirts, undershirts,
undergarments are made out of 100% Organic cotton,
hemp or wool.

I became insistent on eliminating my absorption of toxins
from pesticide laden synthetic clothing materials and
began to treasure clothing made out of organic cotton, silk,
linen, hemp, wool, and cashmere. Make certain that you
wash all of your newly purchased non-toxic clothes with an
all natural non-toxic laundry detergent. It is superior to
leave newly purchased and washed organic clothing out in
the sun for 2 days before wearing it. Sun drying clothes
cleanses clothing of contaminants.

Everything that touches your skin impacts your health

directly and immediately. Knowing the immeasurable value
of every millimeter of my skin I also addressed my bedding
materials that my skin is in contact with 8 to 9 hours
everyday. The despicably high levels of toxic chemicals
found in clothing is also found in bedding materials and
fabrics. I estimate that toxic bedding materials are
poisoning over 90% of Americans. The sinister poisoning of
Americans is why we see diseases today that we have
never seen before. This is also why young people in their
20s have developed diseases that were only seen in the
elderly in past generations. It was such a rewarding
transition to dispose of all my bedding and replace it with
100% organic cotton bedding sheets. I was so thrilled to
sleep in health promoting materials and that’s how it will
be for my entire life. I also made the imperative upgrade of
only using a pillow case made out of organically grown silk.
Silk pillow cases do wonders for hair health as the silk
pillowcase helps to retain hair moisture.

I was immediately convicted that my permanent changes
to my wardrobe and all of my bedding materials would
optimize my physical health from head to toe. The
confidence that I had in my healthier body being able to
grow healthy hair gave me more and more momentum
towards gaining as much knowledge as possible.

During my study of toxic metals, endocrine disruptors,

toxic chemicals, and more I also discovered the fact that
bleach is an extremely health damaging chemical that
must be completely avoided. Unfortunately, many
household cleaning products contain bleach and people
are using bleach without knowing the harmful effects it
has on anyone exposed. More and more scientists are
demonstrating the health damage caused by bleach.
Inhaling bleach causes severe damage to the lungs and all
of the internal organs. If bleach gets on your skin it
instantly kills the beneficial bacteria on your skin. Over
time the presence of bleach on the skin can lighten skin
pigment and permanently damage skin tissue. If bleach
gets in your eye you can suffer permanent tissue and vision
damage if its not completely rinsed out. The use of bleach
is also extremely harmful to cats, dogs, and other pets. Pets
can become seriously sick from inhaling only a small
amount of bleach fumes.Bleach poisoning in pets can
result in vomiting, convulsions, and death. Bleach is also
extremely damaging to the environment because it lingers
in the atmosphere. Environmental toxins created by bleach
have lowered the populations of several species of animals
including birds and fish.

My tremendously expanded wisdom of health promoting
activities added even more fuel to my mission to improve
the health of every environmental system on planet earth,
so I was thrilled to never use bleach ever again for the rest
of my life.


I became an exceptional health researcher because it is

impossible to have a desire stronger than the desire I had
to grow all of my hair back. Among the most critical
researching encounters I will ever have is when I examined
the true wonders of water. I truly was never fully aware of
how magnificently invaluable water is. The magnificence of
water is revealed when there is a necessity to utilize only
pure and uncontaminated water. Water is the most
essential substance next to oxygen for human life. It is
absolutely traumatic that over 80% of the population in the
United States bathes in and drinks highly contaminated
health damaging water. It is an unconscious form of self-
sabotage for so many people worldwide. One of the most
violently disturbing facts I have ever discovered is that
millions and millions of Americans are severely poisoning
themselves every day from the water that they shower
with. Harmful chemicals in the bathing water are absorbed
into the body through the skin. Additionally, these toxic
chemicals evaporate and are breathed in. The inhalation
and chemical absorption through the skin damage every
organ and function in the entire body by contaminating the
bloodstream and lymph nodes.

The shower water in the United States contains thousands
of poisonous substances including the highly toxic element
known as chlorine. The use of chlorine in shower water,
drinking water, pools and hot tubs are contributing to heart
disease, cancer, autoimmune diseases, hypothyroidism,
testicular atrophy, vaginal dryness and breast tissue
damage. Crazy enough chlorine is also attributed with a
leading cause of thinning hair and hair loss. Hardly any
Americans are aware of the fact that the amount of
contaminants absorbed by the human body in a ten-minute
shower can equal the consumption of two gallons of tap
water. The tap water in the United States is highly
contaminated with toxic pharmaceutical drugs, toxic
metals, radiation and toxic chemicals including chlorine.
The drinking and all uses of tap water in the United States
dominantly contributes to every mental & physical health
disease in existence.

I made permanent lifelong upgrades to my bathing and

drinking water that dramatically lowered my exposure to
chemical toxins instantly. One of the most beneficially
effective actions I ever did to heal myself from alopecia
areata was my purchase of the highest quality KDF shower
filter. A shower filter must contain KDF (Kinetic
Degradation Fluxion) for maximum elimination of chemical
toxins. The shower filter that I purchased in 2014 insanely
improved the health of every single organ and function in
my body by greatly reducing the chemicals, fluoride,
chlorine, heavy metals, chloramine, iron, lead and
carcinogens in my shower water. I tangibly felt the
immediate difference my shower filter made the very first
time I showered in filtered water.
Mentally it felt amazing knowing that I would never have
poisonous water on my body or breathe in the toxic fumes
ever again for the rest of my life. Every square inch of skin
of my body thoroughly enjoyed being bathed in filtered
water. Before the first time I ever showered in filtered
water I thought that itchy skin after a shower was normal.
There are no words to describe how inspired I was to not
have itchy and extremely dry skin after a shower. The fact
that my skin was not itching after I showered was
confirmation of the absolute necessity for everyone to
utilize a shower filter. At that point I knew more than
anything that showering in filtered water would also
dramatically benefit the health of my hair and scalp.
Showering in and appreciating filtered water is truly a
heavenly experience.

My early studies of water optimization resulted in my

immediate abandonment of all uses of tap water.
Fortunately, throughout my entire life I intuitively had a
negative perception of tap water. I rarely drank tap water
but I would periodically use tap water for cooking. In the
United States, a study revealed that all city water supplies
contain residues of medical drugs. The drugs include
hormones, birth control, hormone inhibitors, and many
other types of drugs. Americans ingest roughly half a dozen
medical drugs just by drinking a glass of tap water.
Immediately after I read about the health damage caused
by tap water I completely stopped drinking and using tap
water for cooking. I swiftly incorporated the exclusive use
of the highest quality filtered water.

I made the lifelong commitment to only drink filtered water
and only cook with the highest quality distilled water. I
made the decision to always store my water in glass. I
educated myself on the extensive health damage caused
by plastic. Phthalates is another toxic chemical that can
signal cells to die. It is found in plastics and in plastic food
containers. Drinking water out of glass tastes much better
and isn’t tainted with chemicals. I am always researching
methods of water optimization because I maximally value
my drinking, cooking water, and bathing water. Everyone
on earth must adamantly prioritize the cleanliness of their

I profoundly exterminated all of the toxic exposures in

all of my living environments. I health optimized every
component of every area that I spent time in. I lived a non-
toxic lifestyle everyday 24/7 to the best of my ability. I
know that my specific actions saved my life.

I will reiterate the fact that my research made it clear to
me that my body developed autoimmune disease not only
because of my exposure to environmental toxins, but also
because I had many nutritional deficiencies and chronic
levels of stress. Not too many people are aware of the
extreme physical demand of being an American football
player. The combination of many years of football practices,
training sessions, team workouts, conditioning, injuries,
football game day, and personal training sessions were
dangerously stressful to my body. The activities I
performed during my athletic career negatively impacted
my blood sugar level, my blood pressure level and the
levels of all the vitamins, minerals, hormones and nutrients
that operate my body; therefore, impairing my brain
function, diminishing thyroid production and taxing my
adrenal glands.

As an athlete I was not aware of the severe damage I

was doing to my body. I realized that the activities I
performed during my athletic career were chronically
stress-producing and caused deterioration of all of my
bodily functions when my research educated me on the
human autonomic nervous system.

The autonomic nervous system in the human body is part
of the nervous system that mainly controls bodily functions
that we have less or no conscious control over. It is a
control system that regulates bodily functions such as the
heart rate, digestion of food, respiratory rate, breathing,
maintaining blood pressure, and much more. The
autonomic nervous system has two branches; the
sympathetic branch and the parasympathetic branch. The
sympathetic branch activates the fight-or-flight response,
which activates the glands and organs that fuel the body
against an attack. The blood pressure, heart rate, and levels
of adrenaline increase to provide extra energy for fighting
or running away. The sympathetic branch uses up
nourishment and depletes the body. The sympathetic
system is catabolic which means it breaks the body down.
On the other hand, the parasympathetic branch governs
the body’s rest and digest response. The parasympathetic
nervous system allows healing, nourishing, regeneration,
digestion, and detoxification of the body. The nerves in the
parasympathetic system stimulate the immune system and
detoxification organs. The parasympathetic system is
anabolic, meaning it rebuilds the body. The sympathetic
branch and the parasympathetic branch antagonize each
other, only one of these systems can be active at a
particular time.

My activities I performed as an athlete put me in a state
of sympathetic dominance for many consecutive years. My
stress hormones were constantly elevated and my body
became depleted of nutrients. Chronically stressful and
physically depleting activities were a dominant cause of my
autoimmune hair loss. When I became fully aware of the
health damage caused by the over activation of the
sympathetic nervous system, I completely stopped
engaging in overly stressful activities. I am so happy for the
maximal levels of self discipline I developed as an athlete,
but knowing what I know now I would have never played
football. I began to prioritize the tremendous power of my
parasympathetic nervous system. Being in a
parasympathetic state allows cellular healing which assists
in healing a multitude of health conditions. I made the
conscious effort to meditate, think healthful thoughts, and
breathe properly through my diaphragm.

Simultaneously during the same time I executed the

most lifelong benefitting upgrades by minimizing my
exposure to toxic substances and optimizing my levels of
stress, my thoroughly extensive research on various
aspects of physical human health convicted me of my dire
need to also critique my daily eating habits to the upmost
degree. I needed to rectify my multitude of nutrient
deficiencies, so I became completely consumed with
obtaining literature involving autoimmune disease food
sourcing protocols, truly healthful cooking etiquette,
functions of specific nutrients, ancestral food culture,
anecdotal health reports, personal testimonies, personal
healing transformations, and vitamin mineral deficiency
rectification. -30-
I studied so much enlightening, highly effective and
health benefiting knowledge. This wisdom made it
overwhelmingly obvious to me that I was consuming foods
and liquids that were completely non compatible with the
human body soon after I stopped breast feeding in my
initial stage of life. I knew at this point beyond any doubt
that my 20 years of ingesting toxic health damaging foods
and liquids was a major contributing factor to my
autoimmune hair loss. Autoimmune disease is classified as
a disease in which the body’s immune system attacks
healthy cells. The consumption of toxic foods and liquids
cause immune system malfunction. My 20-year
consumption of injurious foods and liquids severely
damaged my intestinal organs and caused my immune
system to attack my hair follicles.

I will always remember the moment I fully gained

ultimate awareness that the foods and liquids humans
ingest cause an immediate and immeasurable reaction to
every cell and aspect of the human body. Like most people
I truly was not fully conscious of the fact of how impactful
every single thing is that is put in the human body. This
obtainment of crucial health knowledge aroused my desire
to make a lifetime commitment to optimize every single
morsel that I would put into my vessel. I earnestly would do
anything I could to restore my healthy full head of hair.
According to my studies I cultivated a list of foods that I
deemed as completely toxic and detrimental for humans to
ingest. I completely abandoned my consumption of
synthetic polyunsaturated fats, gluten, non-organically
grown foods, man-made processed genetically modified
foods, and unnatural liquids.
Synthetic polyunsaturated fats consist of all vegetable
oils, seed oils, canola oil, corn oil, margarine, soybean oil,
cotton seed oil, peanut oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, and
grapeseed oil. Synthetic polyunsaturated (PUFAs) are not
found in nature as they are completely man-made and
derived from genetically modified crops sprayed with
poisonous pesticides. Synthetic PUFAs are highly unstable
fats, which means these fats become rancid easily when
exposed to heat, light or air. PUFAs are almost always
stored in plastic and sit on shelves for very extended time
periods. It is completely irrelevant even if these PUFAs
were stored in the most preserving conditions because
once ingested into a human’s hot 98.6 degrees’ body the oil
immediately becomes rancid due to being exposed to heat
of the human body. These oils greatly damage every bodily
system in the human body immediately upon ingestion.
The ingestion of synthetic PUFAs greatly suppress thyroid
function, severely irritate the human intestinal tract, slow
metabolism, poison the bloodstream and completely
disrupt hormonal secretions. It is an absolute catastrophe
that most Americans use these toxic oils as a cooking oil
and tragically these poisonous oils are used in just about
every restaurant in the United States. I immediately
eliminated my consumption of synthetic polyunsaturated
fats when I discovered the multitude of extreme health
consequences resulting in its ingestion. This means that I
also completely quit eating and ordering food from
restaurants. I wanted to know exactly what I was eating as
much as I could possibly control so I established the most
beneficial daily cooking habits for myself. I began to only
eat foods prepared by myself.
Gluten is a pro-inflammatory protein found in wheat,
barley, rye and oats. Scientific studies demonstrate that
eating foods that contain gluten damages the villi in the
intestines. The villi in the small intestine are velvety
projections that are responsible for the absorption of
nutrients. Eating gluten destroys the villi resulting in
severely impaired absorption of vitamins, minerals,
enzymes and amino acids. A lack of villi causes extreme
overeating, food cravings and major nutritional
deficiencies. Eating gluten severely irritates every element
in humans; the cells, DNA, organs, glands, bone marrow,
tissue etc. The consumption of gluten gravely deteriorates
the digestive system; therefore, gluten destroys the body,
mind, and spirit. The damage caused by gluten
consumption are associated with developing cataracts,
glaucoma, sleep apnea, lung illness, fatigue, brain fog and
digestive upsets such as bloating, colon diseases and
stomach pain. More and more Americans are adopting a
gluten-free eating lifestyle. I made the decision to always
be gluten-free for the rest of my life. Once I knew how
gluten handicaps human life it was easy to avoid all foods
containing gluten. The most beautiful thing is that there
are healthy, better tasting, and more enjoyable upgrades to
the disease causing gluten foods.

I became fiercely adamant against the use of all
pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides as these
are amongst the most deadly chemicals on planet earth.
Foods grown with these chemicals are causing chronic
health diseases in hundreds of millions of individuals
globally. The American population frequently ingest
complex combinations of pesticides on a daily basis.
Several hundred pesticides are permitted to be in or on the
American food supply. Our population is witnessing the
most daunting rates of human disease in the history of
mankind. These painful, debilitating, lethal diseases are
being developed in younger and younger age groups.
Babies and adolescents born in the last 20 years have
autoimmune and chronic diseases that only elderly
individuals would develop in past generations. The
consumption of food grown with pesticides and many
other chemical residues are a primary cause of today’s
human health crisis. Anyone who investigates will
immediately realize that toxic farming agricultural is
absolutely destroying the human population and
environment. Pesticides are also killing the world’s soil.
Pesticides damage the healthy soil bacteria, cause soil
erosion, and contaminate the water supplies. The use of
pesticides causes significant harm to fish, wildlife,
earthworms, beetles, ground-nesting bees and thousands
of other vital subterranean species. We as a human
population must spread awareness and notify as many
people as possible, the severe health consequences caused
by the use of pesticides.

The use of artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides,
fungicides, insecticides and glyphosate will be completely
abolished if everyone in our population only demands for
100% organically grown food. In addition to my complete
abandonment of using pesticides in my lawn I also made
the genius decision to exclusively consume organically
grown foods. I completely abolished my use of any and
everything that was not organically grown. I will only
support regenerative farming practices that strictly oppose
the use of all pesticides and anything related to pesticides.

Another group of foods that became common sense for

me to completely avoid were all man made processed
foods. Processed foods do not exist in nature but you will
see them encompass the majority of aisles in grocery stores
and have a predominant presence in restaurants in the
United States. These so called food products have been
heavily processed, refined, canned and boxed. Processed
foods also contain residues of pesticides, food additives
and artificial fertilizers. Refined, processed and prepared
food items contain hundreds of different food additives.
These include sodium benzoate, nitrites, nitrates, mold
inhibitors, aluminum, sulfites, artificial colors, gums, soy,
artificial flavors, anti-caking agents, and preservatives like
BHT and BHA. All of these substances are profoundly
detrimental to human health. All health conscious
individuals strategically and purposely avoid these specific

I became highly educated about all of these health
disease culprits because I knew that the avoidance of these
materials would dramatically improve my physical, mental
and spiritual wellbeing. January 6, 2014 was an immaculate
day for me because I decided that I was only going to eat
the highest quality natural foods found in nature for the
rest of my life. Realizing the necessity to alter my selection
of foods and my daily eating lifestyle birthed emotions of
eagerness inside of me because I developed strong feelings
of confidence that implementing the nutritional knowledge
from my in depth studies would have an eternal impact on
my physical body. My positive emotions kept gaining
momentum. I began living with the faith that I would heal
the insides of my body and grow all of my hair back. I
frequently thanked God that every strand of my hair would
be healthy and that I would have a full head of healthy hair
for the rest of my life.

To the best of my abilities I intently prioritized sourcing

only the highest quality specific food ingredients found in
nature and grown in the most heavenly environments
possible. I cultivated what I truly believed to be the most
health benefiting daily eating habits. My selection of foods
to utilize was developed through the hundreds of hours I
invested in searching for a multitude of sources revolving
around holistic health and ancestral history. I gained an
unfathomable profit of knowledge about the healthiest and
longest living civilizations in the history of human

There was an extensive period of time in human
existence where humans only ate raw uncooked foods. The
strongest, most robust, intelligent, fertile and most resilient
humans in history utilized specific foods that contained live
enzymes, beneficial bacteria and life force energy. Fresh
fruits, raw dairy, raw honey, raw eggs, raw meat and non
poisonous vegetables were the foods that our ancestors
cherished and thrived off of for millennia. Raw foods have
unique nutrients that were responsible for the ancestral
civilizations that had prominent muscle density, perfect
bone structure, perfect teeth, large brains, vitality and
chronic disease was non existent in these populations. I
adopted an eating lifestyle that mimicked my ancestors in
the Paleolithic era of human evolution. I knew to make raw
foods with active enzymes the focal point and majority
foundation of my daily eating agenda. Foods that contain
live enzymes are the easiest for humans to digest;
therefore, they bless the body with the most nutritive
power. Foods with enzymatic activity also deliver beneficial
bacteria that establishes the human immune system. The
beneficial bacterial diversity in the intestines and the
fortitude of the human immune system are amongst the
most vital bodily systems responsible for killing all foreign
substances on or around the body. Weakness in these
systems are responsible for the development of chronic
and autoimmune diseases. I loved knowing that prioritizing
easy to digest, enzyme rich and immunity stimulating
foods would permanently upgrade every aspect of my
health, longevity and ability to live free of disease.

I became so appreciative towards organically grown
fruits. Mangoes, coconuts, oranges, watermelons, kiwis,
blueberries and pineapple became apart of my optimized
food selection lifestyle. Prior to 2014, I rarely ate fruits. I was
unaware of the massive properties of nutrient density in
specific fruits. I began to completely enjoy the sweetness,
texture and hydration qualities of high quality fresh fruit
grown without the use of pesticides. These fruits became
candy from heaven to me as I only sourced fruits that were
not overly manipulated by man. This means that I
completely avoided all genetically modified fruits and
seedless fruits. I strictly avoided seedless grapes, seedless
watermelons, bananas and genetically modified papayas.
My consumption of the best fruits I could get my hands on
provided me with extreme mouth pleasure, satiety,
systemically healthful enzymes and therapeutic nutrients.

“And that you may live long in the land that the Lord
swore to your fathers to give to them and to their offspring,
a land flowing with milk and honey.” (Deuteronomy 11:9) I
identified life or death data revealing the human history of
dairy consumption. I fully understood the desperate need
to only consume dairy from animals raised in the most
pristine environments. Buffalos, goats, sheep, cows,
camels, and all ruminant animals must have eaten an all
natural non toxic diet for the duration of their entire life
from birth. Livestock must be the most happy animals with
access to sunlight and plenty of land to roam(exercise).

Our ancestors exclusively consumed dairy from only the
healthiest of animals. It is absolutely necessary to strictly
consume dairy from animals that are free of disease. Eating
dairy from diseased animals has killed many people
throughout history; its consumption guarantees sickness.
The majority of the cows in the United States are raised
eating toxic pesticide laden foods and they are confined in
constricting feedlots. American cattle have no access to
exercise with limited to no sunlight exposure. These
despicable farmers raise diseased animals as a result of
their deadly inhumane farming practices. Humans develop
severe health destroying allergic reactions from eating
dairy from the diseased animals that are so prevalent on
farms in the United States.

The distinct difference between beneficial bacteria and

deadly bacteria must be noted. Our ancestors were able to
thrive off raw dairy because of the beneficial bacteria
content due to the animal being raised in a loving
environment eating healthful foods void of toxic exposures.
The ingestion of deadly bacteria in dairy foods have caused
a slow form of self-destruction in many Americans since
the 1900s. Everyone must know the life or death difference
between dairy produced by healthy animals and dairy
produced by diseased animals. I became skillful in the
ability to distinguish between health promoting dairy foods
and disease causing dairy foods.

Incorporating the greatest quality dairy foods into my
daily eating regime had a massive uplifting impact on all of
my internal organs because of the beneficial bacteria
content present in organically raised dairy. The key for me
was to only consume organic grass-fed dairy. The specific
dairy foods that I utilized for healing and deep nourishment
were organic grass-fed butter, raw cheese and organic
grass-fed plain yogurt with absolutely zero added
ingredients. The highest quality butter, cheese and yogurt
flooded my gut with billions of beneficial bacteria on a daily
basis. I know that this implementation saved my life by
regulating my immune system.

Unheated honey deserves the highest praise for being

responsible for the evolution and progression of human
beings. Raw honey that has never been heated has been an
energy supplying medicinal food source for the history of
mankind. Unheated honey is a potent source of minerals
and life promoting enzymes. I made certain to always buy
my organic local unheated honey stored only in glass jars.
Almost on a daily basis I developed the healthful habit of
eating a combination of organic local unheated honey with
organic grass-fed plain yogurt. This is an extremely
powerful remedy to annihilate unwanted cravings for toxic
foods. The more I ate this combination the more I craved it.
The beneficial bacteria began to colonize in my colon which
stimulated a robust immune response in my body.

Perhaps the largest component to the nourishment of
our ancestors was there feasting on freshly killed raw meat
and fermented meat. Aajonus Vonderplanitz was an
American nutritionist and food-rights activist that brought
awareness to the role raw meat consumption played in the
lives of our ancestors. It is a fact that hunter gatherer tribes
and civilizations hunted and ate freshly killed raw meat,
organs, glands, etc. There are many highly educated and
extremely successful health researchers and nutritionists in
the United States that attribute raw animal consumption
with high level health, vitality and very long life spans.

Our ancestors were able to thrive off raw meat

consumption because the animals that they ate were truly
healthy animals. In today’s world you will die if you eat raw
meat from unhealthy animals. There is another frame of
thought also from the most knowledgeable health
researchers and nutritionists in the United States that
cooking and man’s use of fire was responsible for the
growth of consciousness in the human brain. Humans have
evolved eating both raw meat and cooked meat. I believe
that raw meat can be beneficial because of the live
enzymes and beneficial bacteria content.

Personally I would only eat raw meat if I could
absolutely guarantee that the animal was truly healthy and
completely free of disease. I believe that cooked meat
provides more caloric energy, satiety and it eliminates the
risk of ingesting deadly bacteria. The upgrade for me that
completely changed my life was when I completely quit
eating meat raised by ignorant farmers. I committed to
only eat healthy and happy animals. I started eating
organic grass-fed beef, lamb, bison, chicken and turkey. In
regards to seafood in the United States it is factually vital to
know the distinct difference between wild caught fish and
farm raised fish. Wild caught fish are in their natural
habitat eating their natural diet. Farm raised fish are in a
controlled and confined environment fed a suboptimal diet.
Wild caught fish is far superior in taste, cleanliness and

It is undeniably impossible to over emphasize the

importance of upgrading from diseased meat to clean
meat. I dramatically lowered my body’s toxic burden by
becoming conscious of regenerative healthful farming. This
same rule applies to egg consumption. I raised my own
chickens, so I had complete confidence in their immaculate
state of health. I had maximum confidence in eating my
chickens’ eggs raw. Straight out of her butt, they were
warm and I always consumed the eggs raw. This was a
heavenly experience as I was ingesting alive life-force
straight from my chickens. I only advise this if you have
your own chickens or if you have a direct relationship with
a farmer that lets their chickens run around in the sunlight
and fed a feed void of soy and flax. Our ancestors
thoroughly took advantage of wild egg consumption.
Choosing to buy organic pasture raised eggs can also be a
beneficial option.

In regards to vegetable consumption our ancestors had

to rely on intuition and self experimentation to be able to
determine poisonous vegetables from edible vegetables.
All vegetables that grow above ground contain cellulose.
More and more people have complaints about raw
vegetables because of their cellulose content, which can
irritate the gut and cause digestive ailments especially in
individuals with impaired digestive organs. Cellulose is the
tough plant fiber. Cellulase is the enzyme that breaks down
cellulose. Since humans do not produce cellulase, humans
can only partially break down cellulose through
fermentation by the flora in the intestines, which greatly
reduces the amount of nutrients humans can utilize from
raw vegetable consumption.

It is a fact that humans do not absorb substantial

nutrients from raw vegetable consumption. In addition, all
above ground vegetables produce endogenous pesticides
to deter animals from eating them. Here I am not talking
about the poisonous synthetic and highly toxic man made
pesticides. I am talking about the naturally produced
internal pesticides that all above ground vegetables
generate inside themselves. Naturally produced internal
pesticides are deadly as they are plants’ way to defend
themselves and stay alive. Humans and animals have died
and always become noticeably sick from eating poisonous

Anti-nutrients are another term to describe the
poisonous chemicals created by above ground vegetables.
The presence of anti-nutrients is extremely health
debilitating itself but in combination with the fact that
above ground vegetables in the United States are grown in
mineral toxic soils is an absolute catastrophe. Becoming
aware of the facts that cellulose can’t be digested by
humans and all of the above ground vegetables grown in
my country contain harmful poisons I immediately
eliminated all above ground vegetables from my diet.

I was so happy to read about the historical value of

vegetables that grow below the ground. These foods are
known as root vegetables. Root vegetables have been a
staple food to the major majority of populations across the
world throughout the evolution of our species. Root
vegetables soak up large amounts of minerals deep under
the soil. Root vegetables do not produce any internal
pesticides or anti-nutrients. Root vegetables are also not
sprayed with toxic man made pesticides and being under
the soil they are protected from all harmful elements. I
loved my decision to take advantage of organically grown
root vegetables like carrots, beets, onions, turnips,
potatoes, parsnips, rutabagas, sweet potatoes, radishes,
scallions, yams, and cassava root. Root vegetables are a
nutrient dense food meaning they are a potent source of
vitamins and minerals. I love everything about root
vegetables as they are very satisfying and are unlikely to
cause an allergic response in the human body.

Foods created by God are far superior to foods
chemically created by man. Foods created by God grown in
Godly environments that I became in love with because of
their taste, texture, satiation, digestibility, enzymatic
activity, nutrient content and immune health benefitting
components include organically grown fruits, unheated
honey (bee products), root vegetables and herbs. Also
organically raised livestock for fresh meat, seafood, eggs
and raw dairy. My specific selection of foods to eat on a
daily basis rectified my intense vitamin and mineral
deficiencies. My daily eating habits healed the insides of my
body and deeply revitalized every single of the billions of
cells within my body.

I also improved my healthful cooking etiquette. I

completely eliminated my use of the microwave. I threw
out my microwave when I reviewed the fact that
microwaves severely alter and damage the constituents of
food. The microwave negatively alters food molecules and
dramatically lowers the value of the nutritional elements in
food. Numerous medical studies indicate danger from
foods exposed to microwave radiation. I also made the life
changing decision to implement the exclusive use of non-
toxic cookware. I utilize stainless steel, ceramic, glass, and
all natural materials for cooking and food storage.


The distinct and prodigious adjustments I made to my

daily eating lifestyle had an exponential everlasting impact
on the functionality of all of my bodily processes, DNA
integrity, glands, organs, etc. My obsessive research on
autoimmune diseases and alopecia areata blessed me with
so many experiences of enlightenment and unforgettable
epiphanies. I brought awareness to the multitude of
specific and in depth daily health habits that I implemented
into my life to naturally heal myself from autoimmune
disease and experience an indescribable transformation in
all aspects of my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual
health. About 3 months after my diagnosis of alopecia
areata I began to notice that there was no more
progression of my state of disease and during this time I
felt like a completely new man because I saw physical signs
of improvement of my scalp. I began to develop new hair
growth in my areas of balding.

I believe that I made over 100 specific adjustments,
changes, and upgrades to my day to day actions and the
various conditions of my direct living environments. You
reap what you sow and I began to fall in love with the fruits
of my decisions. I witnessed very noticeable hair growth on
a weekly basis. During the winter of 2014 all of my patches
of lost hair healed completely and I manifested completely
healthy hair follicles on all areas of my scalp. At the end of
2014 my desire came to fruition. I completely healed myself
from autoimmune alopecia areata. The deeply rooted
feelings of uncertainty vanished when all of my hair grew
back. It was a feeling like none other to develop conviction
in knowing that my physical body was truly healthy. The
wisdom and knowledge bestowed upon me through my
highest levels of research and self experimentation will
prove to be just as precious as living through a complete
healing process. My physical, spiritual, and mental
metamorphosis expanded my yearning to fulfill my
maximum level of consciousness. I know without a shadow
of a doubt that I will continue to research and obtain the
most infinitely beneficial knowledge every day for the rest
of my life. After I completely healed from alopecia areata
my research revealed to me further revelations on anti
aging and disease prevention. At this point I knew I was
just getting started.


I blessed myself with wisdom on the definitive impact

the air quality has in our indoor living environments. The
average person in the United States spends approximately
90% of their time indoors. Not only does indoor air become
highly polluted from poisonous chemical based cleaning
products, air fresheners, toxic personal care products, toxic
dish soap, bug spray, toxic laundry detergent and toxic
dryer sheets, but also due to poor ventilation and toxic
compounds that are released from building materials,
adhesives, furniture, rugs, carpets, and other household
chemicals. Other indoor pollutants include combustion
byproducts from particles released from space heaters, gas
stoves, and central heating and cooling systems. Indoor air
can be up to 10 times more polluted than outdoor air. Living
in and breathing in polluted air has been associated with a
wide variety of injurious health affects, including
headaches, lethargy, dizziness, memory lapses, respiratory
problems, chronic cough, frequent colds, sore throats, skin
rashes and eye ailments. While long-term affects may
include an increased risk of cancer.

Once I became aware of the health damage caused by
polluted air I consciously made the decision to spend more
and more of my time outdoors in nature breathing in fresh
air. I also implemented several life changing strategies that
substantially reduced my exposure to indoor air pollutants.
By implementing these specific strategies you will greatly
reduce you and your family’s toxic burden. Initiate the
optimization of your indoor air quality by exclusively
selecting non-toxic products and non-toxic building
materials. Avoid flame retardants and avoid plastic
furniture. Completely abandon the use of all air fresheners
and scented candles, which outgas thousands of toxic
chemicals into your breathing space. Additionally, take
your shoes off as soon as you enter the house and leave
them by the door to prevent tracking in of toxic particles.
Increase ventilation by opening all of your windows in the
house every day. Purchase an indoor air purifier for your
home. Indoor air purification systems help to remove
multiple pollutants from the air such as dust, mold, viruses,
bacteria and other harmful chemicals. Utilizing an indoor
air purifier is a genius move to help clean the air and to
increase the oxygen content of the air.

I accentuate the need to bring as many houseplants as

possible into your indoor living spaces. Putting house
plants into my indoor living areas was one of the most
enjoyable and health benefitting actions I’ve done for the
betterment of the quality of my life. Plants are incredible at
absorbing and neutralizing toxins in the air. My favorite
indoor plants include the snake plant, aloe vera, cactus,
peace lily, ivy, rubber plant and spider plant.
These indoor plants have been scientifically proven to
markedly improve the air and also increase the oxygen
content in the air. A University of Agriculture in Norway
study found indoor plants can reduce fatigue, coughs, sore
throats and other respiratory related illnesses. The
Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA)
conducted a landmark study on the benefits of plants on
indoor air and they reported that houseplants were able to
remove up to 87 percent of air toxins in 24 hours. The ALCA
recommends using 15 to 18 "good-sized" houseplants in 6 to
8-inch diameter containers for an 1,800 square-foot house.
A study by researchers from the Agricultural University of
Norway found potted plants reduced stress in office
workers and lowered the number of sick days taken.
Employees also reported feeling more productive with
plants nearby. Research carried out at The Royal College of
Agriculture in Circencester found students were more
attentive and more likely to return to class if there were
plants in the lecture hall. Research from TNO Quality of Life
found plants in the workplace lessened fatigue and stress,
and employees noted a reduction in flu-like symptoms. The
health benefitting properties of living with indoor
houseplants are almost to good to be true and I will take
advantage of nature for the rest of my life.

It is also in your best interest to ensure that your
combustion appliances are properly vented. These include
propane stoves, gas stoves, and barbeque units. It is the
most preferable to not have carpeting or rugs in your
home. Carpets and rugs trap a multitude of particles such
as dust, mold, pet dander, and more. Instead, use
hardwood, engineered wood, linoleum, or tile. With
linoleum and tile, never use glue to hold it down. Some tile
comes pre-glued which allows the toxins in glue to off-gas.
Every time a person walks across the floor, a whirlwind of
irritants is stirred up into the air. Buy a steam mop for hard
floors as this is an excellent way to clean floors without
using chemicals. When you’re remodeling or building, opt
for non-toxic eco-friendly materials. For instance, use
paints and primers that contain no toxic ingredients or
solvents. Use plywood instead of oriented strand board
(OSB) for floors, siding, and roofs. Avoid toxic cements and
glues. Avoid storing paints, adhesives, solvents, and other
harsh chemicals in your house. Consciously taking actions
to purify the quality of indoor air in your living
environments results in an immediate and inexpressible
enhancement of all possible dynamics of human health.

I am conscientiously impassioned about this next
component of the health of human evolution and planet
earth. Our entire population must do everything possible to
avoid exposure to radiation as radiation poisoning causes
some of the most gruesome health ailments imaginable.
The exposure to radiation I am specifically referencing is
known as electromagnetic fields. Electrosmog radiation is
another term to describe these deeply destructive man
made frequencies. Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are
emitted by cell phones, portable phones, wireless devices,
smart meters, Wi-Fi units, wireless modems, wireless
routers, laptops, tablets, baby monitors, Bluetooth
radiation, cell phone towers and all electronic devices.
Since 2015 I have been doing my absolute best to bring life
saving attention and solutions to as many people as
possible to the human health damage caused by exposure
to electromagnetic fields abbreviated as EMFs. There is an
absolute need for informing masses of people, as well as
our governmental and health authorities, of the health
damage caused by electromagnetic radiation because the
future of the human race is at stake. Exposure to EMF
radiation has very negative health affects on humans,
animals, plants, our environment, and every living organism
on planet earth. The effects are linked to infertility, autism,
cancer, ADHD, tinnitus, sleep disorders, headaches,
depression, skin rashes, mental diseases like Alzheimer’s
and dementia, and mental dysfunction related to memory,
irritability, and alertness.

A magnitude of scientific studies has revealed an
association between the use of these technological devices
and a variety of chronic disease states. EMF studies have
repeatedly shown that EMF radiation causes harmful gene
mutations and damage to the DNA (DNA fragmentation).
Exposure to EMF radiation tragically interrupts cellular
communication which can cause cell mutations. The living
cells in all living organisms react defensively and start to
generate stress proteins when exposed to harmful stimuli.
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) are among the numerous
adverse environmental stimuli that initiate the
manufacturing of cellular stress proteins.

Cancer is impaired cellular function which results in an

abnormal growth of cells and stress proteins within the
body. No human on earth wants to ever experience these
painful symptoms. The United States National Institute of
Health (NIH) has found clear evidence in animal studies
that EMF radiation contributes to the development of
cellular dysfunction. A pinnacle National Toxicology
Program (NTA) study under the NIH concluded in 2018 that
high exposure to EMF radiation was associated with
evidence of tumors in the hearts, brains, and adrenal
glands of male rats. The American Academy of
Environmental Medicine (AAEM) have documented genetic
damage, reproductive defects, cancer, neurological
degeneration, nervous system dysfunction, immune
system dysfunction, and many visible body symptoms. This
is obviously a paramount health crisis that everybody
worldwide needs to be aware of.

It is of the most extreme significance that every single
person on our planet become highly educated on EMFs and
strategies that can nullify the health damage caused by
exposure to EMFs. The strength, fertility, longevity and
quality of life of the human species are in danger. I strongly
believe that future generations will only be healthy if they
take specific actions to protect themselves from
electromagnetic radiation. The positive truth is that there
are easy ways to protect yourself from EMFs and limit your
exposure to EMFs.

It is completely necessary to use your cellphone very

cautiously. Keep your cellphone as far as possible away
from the body. EMF radiation is exponentially more
damaging the closer it is to the body. Many cell phone
manufacturers recommend keeping your cell phone at
least a few inches away from your body at all times.
Scientific studies show that if electronic devices are kept
one foot away it reduces radiation exposure by 80 percent,
if kept four feet away it eliminates exposure by 98 percent.
If using a cellphone is truly needed, then using
speakerphone for phone calls is a definite must. Use the
speakerphone feature to avoid putting the phone up to
your head and radiating your sensitive brain. Keep the time
of your cell or cordless phone calls to less than 15 minutes if
possible, to limit your radiation exposure. Remember to
keep the device as far away from your body, especially
when you are speaking on it. Completely avoid speaking on
the phone in the car where the cell phone has to emit more
radiation to keep a decent signal, thus profoundly
increasing EMF exposure.
It is most superior to put your cellphone in airplane mode
as much as possible. Airplane mode eliminates cellphone
EMF exposure by turning off the transmitting cell signal,
Wi-Fi radiation, and Bluetooth radiation Also, completely
turn off the phone when not needed.

Getting rid of EMF sources will get rid of exposure to

EMF radiation; therefore, increasing your life span and
dramatically improving every aspect of your physical,
mental, emotional, and spiritual health. The highest levels
of health and heavenly living are attainable by completely
abandoning the use of Wi-Fi and not having a Wi-Fi router
in living areas. When using a computer or laptop, use an
Ethernet cable for internet access instead of Wi-Fi and put
the computer and laptop in airplane mode. In fact, all
wireless devices including tablets, printers, computers,
laptops, gaming consoles, TVs and more can be connected
to the internet with a wired Ethernet cable. This allows you
to disable the Wi-Fi function on all of your devices. The
internet connection via Ethernet cable cords allows
internet access to pass directly from your modem or an
access point to all devices. Wired internet connections
have the immeasurable benefits of a more secure and
consistent connection, faster speeds, as well as no
exposure to EMF radiation. The combination of a faster
internet connection with the fact that you are protecting
your health by eliminating exposure to EMF makes it
impossible for me to put into words just how extraordinary
it is to utilize a wired internet connection.

You will need a grounded Ethernet cable for all of the
devices that you want to connect to the internet. Until you
purchase your Ethernet cables, I strongly advise that you
unplug your Wi-Fi router when you are not using it and to
make certain to unplug you Wi-Fi router every night before
sleep. Locate your Wi-Fi router in a place that is the most
distance away from where people occupy the most time.
Prioritize your sleeping areas because your life depends on

Remove all electronic devices, Wi-Fi, modems, cell

phones etc. from your bedroom. All of your living spaces
should be free of these toxins, but especially your bedroom
as exposure to EMFs during sleep severely damage sleep
quality, ability to remember dreams, circadian rhythm,
bodily repair, hormone secretions, cellular communication
and more. Make certain to charge your phones in a
different room. It is a necessity to keep distance from
cellphones when they are charging, as cell phones emit
even more radiation when they are plugged into electricity.
Electromagnetic radiation is a harmful frequency that has a
profound negative effect on human, animal, and plant cells;
therefore, negatively impacting the entire ecosystem on
planet earth. All high level health conscious individuals in
the United States are determined to protect themselves
and their environment from exposure to EMF radiation. I
will always do everything in my power to provide the most
valuable knowledge on sustainable practices that protect
against and eliminate the exposure to EMF radiation.

I have brought the most needed illumination to several
cultural practices in the United States that are
generationally destructing humans, animals, plants, the
earth’s ecosystems and all life forms. I have also provided
health benefitting and life saving solutions for these
specific attacks on humanity. I envision the absolute
urgency for a mass global awakening for all of humanity to
become fully conscious of the numerous health and
environmental crises of our world. Nutritional depletion
and environmental chemical toxicity must cease to exist. It
is my prayer that all of the 7.9 billion humans on earth
become cognizant of their God given self-healing
capabilities. It is a call of action from the heavens for all
humans that occupy earth to truly love their earthly home
and to fulfill your maximum DNA genetic potential.


After I manifested my Healing Transformation I
became a Certified Health Consultant to dedicate
my life to helping people reach the fulfillment of
their full health potential. If you want one-on-one
guidance with me to implement everything you
learned from my book into your life as fast as
possible I encourage you to book a Free 15 Min
Call with me to learn more about my Health
Consulting Package.

Book Your Session

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