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of action
It contains progesterone hormone so it works by
1. Delay ovum transport by relaxation of all muscle
especially smooth muscle which transports ovum to
ampulla and fertilized
2. Inhibit ovulation (inhibit ovulation and rely mainly
on the progestogenic effect of thickening the
cervical mucus and there by reducing sperm ability
to penetrate cervical mucous.
3. Alert development of endometrium (glands, stroma).


Definition Women who want a reliable
long-term contraceptive.
Women who decided not to have more children.
Small plastic/ shaped device with a hormone called
Women who are breast feeding.
levonorgestrel init
Women who had heavy periods.
it's placed inside the uterus to prevent a woman to
.becoming pregnant

Advantages Side effect

•Effective •Breast soreness
•Protect you against pregnancy for •Breast tenderness
up to 5 years •Headaches
• Makes bleeding much lighter
•It can reduce period pain
•Decrease menorrhagia •Mood change
•Decrease uterine fibroid size •Weight gain
•Treat endometrium hyperplasia •Acne
•Vaginal discharge
Disadvantages •Pain during sex.
•Doesn't protect against sexually transmitted infection.
•It requires a procedure to be put it in and to remove it.
•There is a small chance to damage the wall of uterus
or infection
Preparation of third-
year students, faculty Under the supervision of
of Nursing - Maternal A.Prof. Dr /Samah Abdel- Aleem
and Neonatal Health A.Prof. Dr / Eman Saif
Nursing Department A.L. Dr / Basma Reda

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